page 4 the ofoboktowt bkrard mnmb lihi iggr tfc wood box ii wiui luiif nit in ilu kit0imi und luut tmu uiul ilitp und wtili and llu iwikir hlinu uluivi it unil tl kliuvtil itmmid lu-slil- a ml tb lug blank cook slv grltuiln tlnmigli its urftu fronlurtoaar twiii to ifmik uu if it tuvtsl it lllti a timtliii prvu iifiir liluuitiil nili lotli tai lutl arvuiid it k fit li t miun und kutithiilts kill anil a udr nt lutliri liinnh itiutnsl nil lh liiuvv llil iul it imlnl iiii imtuim- ur nt lunjt it u4nuul tliut wil iiimi von hurrid in ut llll it irti tu imi intaiili unil plu hen ilirt iiutui- were lint unil luv itul tin leav ih hung dry unil silll and tin im iiht in the pear tree slurr tnl ii hi uliuuii mill nil tin rum iwiit ol tlii lirtiikpm wns ti sinnntliin tiinptin roll vinl ou knew tin guiir was wntiu by the liriiumln uwitmtiiiv hole louder than tlu locusts liomld louder tlini tlw breakers roar ynti iould hear tint woodbos boiler conic and till roe up ouoe mo and tlu nlil ilock ticked and ehiiik- iih uh wm lit enh armful drop like it 1111 anotlutr minium and your uowhoros near the top in the chilly winlet mornlus when the bed wan snug and warm tlid the i nuted winder tinkled neath the thigcrs of the storm anil jour breath rote oil tlu piller in a smoky loud of steam tlien that wnoilhox grlin und empty itame a danclu through your dream fame ami pounded ut your coasoienoe screamed in aggravatin glee would j ou like tn nleep this morn- ing vou set np and tend to me lund hovi plain it i this minute shed and bam and drifted snow nd the slabs nf oak awaitln piled rcotu in a row never wan a flshin frolle never was n gome of hall ltut that mean provokiu wood box had to come and spoil it all vou might study at your lessons and twas full and full to stay uut jest start an ingun story and twas empty right away steemed as if a spite was in it and although i might forgit all the other uliores that plagued dae j can hate tliat woodbox yiti and when i look baek at boyhood shauin off the caret of men- still it comes to spoil the picture nvnmiii pill me up again joseph 0 lincoln committees tisdiberatioae indicated that as far a ontario fruit products were oonoerbed the measure should tint im alloweil to affect their sale the oonnnlu voted unanimously that ontario frnlfc should not lie af fetted by any of lite measuie eon lsino1 in the bill hon tieo 8 henry mlnlur of lllghwnys has introduced in tlu isfglslatiite uioendments ti the highways traflki act which will prohimt the use af ton spotlight nn motor i uri when the law ueeomes operative for the safety of persons using t in publlo highways at night un ainenduent has been introduoed niopelllng operators of vehicles over ml inches in width to eorrj red ami gxvn lights on the front and rear of tlu truck the legislation also ooo tains a provision making it necessary for all oars to have two distinct sets nf brakes ou of whioh may be looked when the ear is parked chung has also been made in the 1ui1 which allows a police oinoer to force a driver of a traek to drive two miles to a scale if the truck is thought to be overloaded former ly the officer oould only direct the driver to scale within one mile of the offense of parileular interest to ratal loealiuee is the announcement of hon geo 8 henry minister of highways made daring the course of hln contribution to the budget de bate that the government la prepared to provide additional relief to the townships and eeunuea from taxation for provincial and other highways relief will be in proportion to the increase in traffic that if not of a local nature in making the an- ttoutaoeroent mr henry at the same time made it clear that the province was not prepared to assume full financial responsibility for the pro vincial highway mr henry pointed out that for the province to tueome the entire burden of ail provincial highways that it would mean in falrnes to all the taking over of to entire toad system of the province this would mean that the highways would have to be supported by direct tsvstlon a suggestion that did not meet the approval of the iwrensaaat weekly review 4 ike uhtwire following up the splendid pro gramme of social legislation that has been iatrodqeed by the government premier ferguson has brought down in the legislature a bill to protect widows and orphans from the action or the father and bnshsnd in failing to provide for them adequately tinder their wills introduoed under the title the wiilown and orphans maintenance ant of 1024 premier fergusonti niearure will give the right to the judge of the surrogate court to alter the hut will and testa ment of htuibauds who leave their families insufflrlftuly provided for power is given the surrogate court judge to moke provision for the family but such provision is not to exceed tlu amount that woold nor raally bo reoeued by the wife if the husband had died intestate introduung bis measure the premier stated that the principle of the bill was not unheard of as far ai the ontano legiflatum was con- oemed ft is pretty well recog nised he stated that modern methods nf business have changed in inch a way a to hang the eharar ir of a mans estate formerly an state insisted largely of real estate jtul under the law a widow wan pro tected by dower today the bulk nf the estate u in suroritiea in the cisp nt persons who die intestate the widow is protected hat the husband may make i will whu b deprives her of her rights the bill live premier espuunsd proides that the widow may mske application before the sorrogate court judge who would take all the evideuoe and determine whether or not the widow was entitled to a greater umount of the estate than had uoen left to her under the will the premier stated that the govern- uunt fully realized the importance of interfering with a mans will but he expressed the opinion that it was better to have the estate inaiataln the family rather than have them fall lmok as charges on the munlol polity hon william finlayson minister of lands und forests has introdtiord legislation providing that the minis tar miy have power to fix the sire and kind of trees and timber that may be eut on unpatented public lands and on patented lands where tuo timber remains the property of the crown the measure applies to all grants that have been made by the government in the past attacks that have lmn mode 3n the distribution of hydro by mem bers of the opposition groups of the legislature were more than met ami adofiuateb disposed of by hon j it cooke during the course of his contribution to the budget debate in the house he depreontad in no uuoertalti tones the critical and un reasonahlq attitude shown by some of the opposition members of the hydro enterprise the government he stated was monug as rapidly as was humanly possible toward supply ing power to the rural districts of the province as un itistasna of this ho pointed out that the nun of 30001 per day had been expended on rural installations and extensions during the past year and drew the hearty applause of the house when lie declared tliat tkn00 per ilay would ha the amount to be oxpended in the same direction tills year protection for ontario grown fruit liau baun promised by the prints bills committee or the legislature that is dealing with the hawkers and pedlars bui eirjrvseions of opiuion during the course of the sir work u the roval vara sew ketai of the caaaalsn paeine mall- way la toronto u us asiw axsaa of sekaiale and there is naw ever rehehllty tkst u wuj he eoasaleua r may 1 asm year it will tswer is lest stove the amewalk mat tlu tsllast buuhai la the brttisrs a auertes has ease sdselstss giairal asaaagsr ef hotels aaa taa- gals esavsa east af smrt wllllsa aseratw by tke caoaalaa raelhe kauway us h r ustbsws tn- eral esaaitsr of kettle aas maia- low etas trass purl william te the paeuls taa asaelatsssau were ssasifsint est the neath s c b e itssfcer late gass sssssarsr trsj- me taatuger ef the railway rails mule ityeereu key wits la trssaulxtg reuse tas world u if fays saeaet tkreaak meeureal taa the seat af ceaaaa rs- eeatly a his wsy te vabesuvar whesos as will sail ky caaaalab paewe altlas rant ts yekoaasis the exault u it laiimsrsllia af the kasvlraftk atstrrarsary of use birth af jules verms waste toe aerai the wsrm ta 14 otys kit always beta a rasermt with keys essetliy wrt wiuiaai wfli arskiblr total leajesjw tashili sf btj rreseu stsrsgs esfuttr sf las twls emlst u rsosrsui ss l basaala taa swwtss mmt sx4 u4mjm hatksls will he assee stssre tas 1st era it gartaaral trsssslea ts the fauowrag ttss mans will take shsat i0tmm taehele aas s tke itrcsst tsmhul kalmlas brojests srther tta tas klslatt sf ths lafcs- ksag sorts sr say ef tke stker eea- tras sf os ssalllist wanljaf gs auay tsstiealuas aasw ktea ivsurrm retrs btrtavars is sfsslfsks ts sagaas tke asrvteaa sf vastus whs are ktcag seat sat frees orsst brutla aastr tke bey lam esties sekisis tsat the fytrlkilal otwtraiatat taa rimsahi ta sa tkswitlsemlssraaastlusaaiksr frees hum has aiksrt lrtraatslaz ulalsier sf asrltahur tutas thai it fsrstsrs aasw us sgsueal farssykslg it is exsseus tail first kateh sf ymtkrul uuslirssts rarssykslg it is exsseus last tas keh af ytc will reach mnutst uu la liana tni rsitutlsas is sxarsu eksrgte sa saekaits a ts 1 iks la wtltkt srlglaatlsg la caress sa with si sattlattlea savs bssa saasuaes ky tas caassias paelfle aa caaallaa naueaal exsrtas ctfpsslss tasss euu rus as sigh ss tits sa for tke su rates af iks ehaags caaaaa has ktea eivlgs isto uree stats klarhhas prsrlaess sag qaskse oatarts sag pralris pro- vlaste aai brttlth csluuls wltk- ta trsttt ssass esarfss ars tas sams as suttsr bow wlttly staarttt stiau wltkl tasta may ke wtlasuatawstasklala suirtet kas tas glttlaeuea sf kslag taa kssts af a akortaera ot walek kslat iks rsesr isr sll csasis la tss aragae- tlts sf sulk sag aaltsrtst as i tkras- rssrslg aas is swaa ky 1 o harvey la tss aartawssrsrs gsrt sf tas slty sag a letter treat ouivt tlrlstt tkst ue sralscuta af tale esw kit asvsr stta saaautg la ctav aas ousys he mass srsitms 144 iks sr milk sag im iks sf aaltsr rat la a tttl tsttaalaa star is giye ha is sew tats ratios asr ttst ss a rsuryssr til sag is svertglag stout i iks tall a y steamship tkictacency gw csiatlta tvelale obuuuf4 ga pttlbl star sm bstlus aiuriw xlelttantat hutvumi alw stsulartvra booxnow to ad who are considering repairing or roofing natf is ike ttae 1 prepare 0rflr new pay juae ttl ktmp tlw uphuu r iiijh itut ilinm ilii um 1 tiul iiuhk iioimii iii hilt roll nmlliitf im iniiit iiinimimnl ill lliik letnl lmli itmliuiikh nil hu hvtiitlmik 111 ilitn 1 iihiii lor lunld uig ivritejil unil jrnvfil lilitiiin rrivtiiliuii iihum unii- or iit gilbert sinclair phone 103 r 3 georgetown v mmmmm redrose t89 iltmitm a lmt ltmtlma tht b dilm wh thm itnlnm wltl i nitj rrivr litl u4hf fm bsxqulhlfiit ralissi iwtvkiiasi ky imcammjihi tv4tt fsf the fgltuil ttttcium in b ujd far lit mm jfctsaf ill emwal m nuihr lullwsy utttftt th big flv th qulnutut ti trltudlu csudlahp- i wbduu from th eut of byutcbullia ttmltu d hi w to it oprul dfie rllay on cuifls ftud ciwm cblcftko thin mum miuttur ta th caut mak ulr taltui rutu ttiv tlrahiatii will b pmitfitttl daily of utui oylni arrou th i all eoavartlns o tbr wobdttrdlatrict of tho amtriran con- uttmit th cauadue rorktoa wbvtv mmw wnisj n woetttvda will hi vo wtmi tnltt docatttlmi and a ftpffd mountain paaitu and baautuul valuya and lakw le wltli r ib aitrartiafviiltori from all part of tba vniud stat and ummftteftlmwotld tka ky traltt of tha qunttt will ba taa trwukctnada which vui two uetwa tha impaial aai taa toroattvvanmtumir proi will imio tfiflr riinn ntliwly in ranadlan tcrritorj the lialanca of tlio five the mountatniwr ami the boouilflf will irava fwm chirafro r i hi can ad tan ftoeklei and thr iarhh- roat and will ronifiuctitly run nartly throncn th rnlttwl btatwi the tronw-cun- da and the mountninwr aro all htivpink ear train thi trgna-canadawunarpu- tution throughout the tvorld eftvra the2t85mlloslietoon montreal an anrouver in co hours and 16 mmut as iart of ita aqulpmftnt it carrir an open olturvatlon car hetweon colriry and kamtonrii this train it art on may 13 the imperial and the toronto- vancouver tiprtt otvrrutlntr from the coflii to montrtni mil toronto rmbmtlvriy are iroth yaar rouad train wrpt for modified mmdul finally there will ba th uet tulnoer and tha boivpebv nmnlriff out of chkaio for vaaeoo- ver b c tha former will atart ta dully run to vancouver ot j una 11 and tha train u ill com men ra otiafa tion from tha totuit to chleato eti june 15 in tit la run ten boura will be cut off lait yeara tlgurea tha jour ney taking 73 houra a anlaat 83 hours and fifteen minute uut yaar tlia poopachc 111 leavacnlcar co on june 28 until auatut 30 and from july 2 until august 90 in tha oppoaito direction doth the latter two train eonilif of all aleeplng care when having an auction sale it pays a man well isgoodtea tha orange pskot fa ttobaetiuiifr extra a special tea u in clen bright aluminum 1 oval dish pan oolort white bine or green 1 large chlpsoj 1 mediaai ivory soap 2 ooest ivory soap 4 hi re gold soap a ban p o while ntpths regular value 220 ft 0 alii s0 gt10 1 grained le line ret te shopping bag latest style 8se valuv and 8 bars couforr soap regular value 813js abjs all ro sunlight or surprise soap 10 bits vk hav yoa tried our bread cakes or health blsenitt if not do it now we deliver in addition to having the usual sale bills printed to have his whole sale list published in the her ald where those who have for any reason not been out where they would see a bill or who have not had time to stop and read the particu lars on the bills will see it read it carefully and maybe thereby be induced to attend the sale as a bidder and a good bidder is worth fishing for and spending a few dollars more to land for everyone knows one good bidder may add many dollars to the value of an auction sale dont lose any chances of making your sale a big success have your sale list published in the herald rfoaaag mark clark osvkuuiy aa4 aaaleay st erwingoldhams meat market chalce batmwllei bed veal pork and lamb frmh flah every friday gt the baat phone 1 new buildings for jasper park lodge waller t evaas dsrsust apprulsuigly 10000 o ptosis were aeeebubodatsd at jaaurtvklodgsdurtbgthtstaaon of 127 to ssy bothlag of anothtr uo or to who were u titbit to secure lecommodatlans at ths time they desired ts visit csnadaa largast tad goest nstlonsl ptrlr it his ihs- eorav nertaaary to ibcrsase ths sreonubodttlon at ths lodge and four nsw buildings will bs ronstnict- ad betwssb bow and the opening of tha 1kb sstsoa tha popultrity of jasper natieeal park has grown ttsrnandously since ths charms of this magnlnetnt aatursl plsyground hsve become uttttr known to provide accom- modatlob for those who desired to visit this wenderisnd ths csnsdlsn nstlensl rtllwsys built snd optrate jasinr park lodge on the shore of beautiful ltc btsuvert where ths visitor dads every eomlort of the modem city hottl awaiting mm is surroundings of natural grandeur with the additions being made this yesr to ths buildings of jasper park lodge there will be accommodation 1 accommodation or approximately uo guatta and at the aame time additions to out lying camps are being made wllllnerssts ths rsiuftlee lor jit tno haniv sirnv ma ylng camps are being made which will lnerssts ths rsrllltlee for earing for the everinrreaslng nambtr of people who stlie ht opnartnnitlts ugardsd of snjoylng trjul trips to distant beauty spots in the perk rannounrtmentle msdsby wahtr rati atnsral mtsigsr and a 8 mcltaa atnsral supsrlatsadtnt of liouu thst this yttr the lodge fas itlnilnl buildings will bs in erttstd by one ldroota esbln iding which wlu lgroom esbln one and by a sptdsl building care for partlet who go to tha lodge taking with thtm thalr stair el strvsnts snd desiring acconuaoda- tloa ol a sptdsl ctsss in addition to these a golf etab bouts is bslng eonstniettd which will provldt btessstry accommoda- tloa for the growing aumbsr ef people who pltv over this canada flbtttteeale golf course outlying aeeammodatloa which it being provided or increased la- dudts additional accommodation at iftllgns lake camp permanent buildings at mtdlelat lskt aad shoval fast camps on the llallgns lsks trail and a base earan on the mount itehionbtrg lake trail which will ba retehtd althtr from if ount ronton station on tha van vtr llneor emperor station epuver llneor emperor ttatloa on the prince rupert lint thtre will slso bs a permansnt camp at kinney s the berg lsks trail to that journeying in from the rail- berg lsks msy b there ii ibsy dtsli lake on partite way to joumty rail break their and othtr msttrlsl for these ngt are on the ground the hauled down from for that purpose resent winter antfthe btreadyfor occupation bolt logg having been htul the mountali dur bull whs us during ths buildings will bt resdy lor o whsbjiatper park lodge opens oa isysl the golf club house shown above whleh le to bs construrtsd sdlaeebt to ths gist tss ol ths splendid is- tpste hole golf courts st jtsp park lodge naa been found asctsaanr for the coflilort andonvenlenes el the thousinde ol golftn who pity ever this course during a season while bone of the cabins of jasper park lodge are very far removsdfiom the golf course it was coasldertd advit ahlt to havt a club house set aside lor the collars and equippsd with lorktrs showers and dressing rooms lounge and verandahs where the rolftrs could rasks thsmatlvee com- orttblt tlthtr wblle awaiting thalr turn to pity off or hstwtsn ihtlr rounds the new rlob boutt build ing which will be 100 a so leet in cludes ell el the fsetuuss aecsssary lor ths comfort and oosvenleaes of those who will make use of it rrem its wide verandahs thtre will bs s rlotr vltw ol ths drat snd alghtssath felrweys knterlng iron the veran dah the golfer will step into a hail in is this true of your townr just lis tlien tiij fiiiumirs ho muko vr ifasdnioii by intensively t ultivutluu ul fiw nrrrii so tliure ui 1mi hunts in smull towtin aiio ilu u mirprmniiflft nry buiil tllhii of rourke tlny fm cultivutt ihtlr territory ittttmiivoly rhuy ilont uult for tluli uitemsiiito come to thom ihoy go to their cuslomcra with frwiusnt efftrs of what they know will tempt ihem 1 ffl thty srtm to mil eviry- body so regularly do thoy keep in touch with their custowrs thnt their offers of msrhimi- dlse nn eagerly nwtlttil and are read us if they v em nru whleh they on these bwrehanu ut inig imstanet frtquently to order goodii fay prompt shipment or ta fill in aires and they find it good business to call important euttomsra by loner distant ta advise theme opportunities egolftr will step isto a whicn a door leads off to the lounge room with its open this room will be com- furnished with chairs tables aad sstttts in keeping with the purpose for which it le cmtlgnsd the nltns show a wtlwishttd com- lortahlo room which will ha vssvsry- thlng nteesssiy for ths comfort and eoavanlenre of men and women gotten during the stsson of 1mt sp- proxlmitely 0000 rounds of golf were plsysd over ths juper eaurse by 7u0pltyen whleh was sa in- crvass ol guo playart over ths ima total seedless raisin 21 rwtwtlr otsltrs tesahsd iht basasw pore lard 3lbpail bstjisrsls lifebuoy soap s cweich soekeye 8salitttloii irla is v cooking figs zibl9 ant aitaatti 15c u astr iswlas buelnvhcat flour 22c sis bskwa bmsusis iiuit 28c caneta 2uts23c dtato bucuita ikfc2k 28c i rssshlmiss ratted oat 5tu25c visury pickles uttebub smfiiu4 boo pomf aoe ouvea o jam 2sc dsiutlsw attorttd bucuita i ur- taaekaaa 38c shlrrlfrg tmajtbijarle t 19 rtdamelto citmtnaar 8 tin ludimello tea gem lye 2 25c coffee aasv btmsusa tuvtasoc i 7rih wb 1 l i rrf clearing auction sale of fafw slmk ana lasmcite tliu undersigned has been intnietetl by avohlts 8- awosibtww to toll bv public auction at lot 4 8b line erin township fridavyaumh sard 19s at onooclook tho following 1 horses clyde mare rising yre brown porelicron bone 0 yrs cows durham cow syr tkw tiroo of salt jorsoy cow 8 yr duo i time of sals aryshiro cow syr due april black jersey cow syr due april jersoy cow oyr brodjao 1 10th milking well holstoin cow 3 yrs bred jan 28th milking well llolatem cow syr duo april hoi stem cow fiyr due may holttetn cow 7 yr fresh with calf at side durham cow 7 yr fresh wltli calf at aide pure bred durham cow 3 yi- duomay pure bred durham buhv ii months old 2 holsteirj heifers riling 2 yrn 2 durham heifets ris ing 2yr 2 jersey heifers rising 1 yr 2 steers ruing 1 yr pigs pure bred yorkshire sow duo april iltli yorkshire sow due april 0th yorkshire sow dug april 11th 4 yorkshire pigs 3 months old 8 yorkshire pigs 8 weeks old is yorkshire pigs 0 weeks old implements- h mower 6 ft cutdcenng drill 13 diss ill ii 10 ft sulky rake m h 18 tooth i cultivator m h 2 row earn cul tivator sot of harrow roller aouffler- chathain fanning mill with bagger nearly now wagon with box set bobsleigh witb flat bottom beury walking plow no 21 set of ploar whoels set of team harness with breeching numerous other articlou quantity of nnect clover aoed no resorvc as arm is rented terms clovor seed anil sums of 15 and undsr cash over that amount 8 months credit on approv ed joint bnnknblo notes 6 per ct per annum off for cash m- campbell rj kem clerk aoctioooer auction sale of micltttal faramare the undersigned has been in- htructod by thomass wsrata to sell by public auction at us rcsi- donoe ltoaetta 8t behiad prov- coating mills georgetown on rriday xvarea sotb ims at 780 pm tho following 2 wooden beds steel bed 2 drraicrs pillows dining roomauito china cabinet kitchen table 2 small tables kitchen chairs kitchen cup board 2 beaten happy thought range 20 sq yds inlaid linoleum congoleum rugs wash tubs and hoilor 4 burner oil stovo curtain stretchers dinner act os pianos lawn mower and other article too numerous to mention termscsah ben petch auttionoor a w h willaon i tjgultrrtaktw amd tdotmuad eagaalatas- skla ts ossraslswa t automobllr or llriraedimwah sa4t pbnne night or day s4w ofu coal best d l w scranton coal in all giiea also smithing and stean coal mrs j watklas nfral htauou hhooswsat wood