Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 27, 1928, p. 3

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rrtoi tuk oboboktowm haiulu june 27th 1938 p garden party of the norval presbyterian church will be held on friday eveg june 29 the brunswick trio jo london will provide t a firsiclass programme refreshment booth on grounds admission 3s6 a 20o all welcome hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall tea spoons special for this week 60c m dozen we guarantee thie tpoon to be made of high grade k nicme silver barrlkj no plat to wear off so with reakonble can it will pro- horve itu appearance for years the langer m me the whiter it will lieuoine if rami for properly arwiusoii natl i kiel metibhm cctrgctowa j i the nevilles sot mnnebs lunches artonoon teas soft minks cannes confectmneiv icjcreaaiglltbes served li tbmuiilleti way mlneville litis slretl fssse 5 cesrsttwevs spend dominion day at eldorado park something doing all day long boating bathing ball gaines merrygoronnd aerial swing live ponies lots of fun for everybody championship girls soft ball 2 pm pauamount8grauk 8t pauls op hhampton iaruk silvbr cup fob winners hnmmmrt aherstwbssi ftcslif stssutas ljincing brassy srekettrii new mali grand f fro work display at 030 pirn dont miss it canadian national electric railways 3jqahq v tsj our cream at home l cel ike higtaest grade ana the bcsl price sea every sjlsrssy ntsm georgetown creamery co m sam munftf local news items dig weld day momliiy ijujronan garni batmriuy 8t pauls ganlfii party l nor vl july oth dont rowel juuuday next july unit in jnortpitow iim liltf uuy aimoia imliy nhhikii for lutln apply c i cole phone 214 an intrentliif liutory ol tlu ehiiroh will appear in our iiext ttutue mtmihanu ami bufttnws men aw iviu4rtul ui put their hun up on hatimluy dont uilsj the larrwitw name at tlin pari on hituidiiy afternoon mill fucml at li dont m hii the hitf field day at seorgalowa iark next monday few tin program on page 4 of this is iui work on j n oneill st 8oir new gas tut ion at the corner of queen autl uuelph stu in progrthniiitf rapidly ueaervn the oveninjf of july 18 for tho canadian letflon ftardeii 1urty and ojd tyiue dreui 1araile popular priwifl plantu foj bale celery tomato cauliflower and all varletiei or cab hull plauta for dale at w ii uud fivyu krtute oueloh st all ladies iuteretited hi howling are invited to a tea aud opening kmtua with pris at the jrreeu on friday june 2tith at 230 pm wo arc pleated to sm thut the council are mending tlieir wayii a iiuuiher or holes in the pavement have been filled during the pant week wo congratulate mr roy king leader and the members of the band on the oplendld rauaio supplied at tlie oddfellows decoration service on sunday last a garden party under the aus pice of st pauls church norval will held at mr c w copelandu farm on july 9th splendid program see potters watch next weeks issue for par ticular of a tea and tale of home mode baking to lie held hy the eq- ueiag womens institute on mrs tracys lawn july tith a special meeting of the cana dian lfglou will be held on thursday july 8th at 745 p m in the council chamber all member plcuu at tend g cousins president get your bunting ready for dominion day put your flags up od saturday and let ub make the town as attractive as possible for our visitors over tlie holiday everything is in readiness for the big field bay in georgetown next monday keen competition is promised in tlie athletic oventa and the garden party in the evening will lie one of the best over held in town an olds tyme concert was once aa gaa hut oh how quaint this modern day come and see the old tyme dress revue at the canadian legion gar den party hats of distinguished smartness in all the fashionable fabrics styles and colors shapes range from wide brims to close fitting cloches also scarfs to match hat ready to wear hats from 1 00 up misses claridge herald block 2t j a 8impson has secured the building formerly occupied as massey harris implements rooms comer mill and market sta and will move his blaoksroithing business to these premise he will open up in bis new shop july 15th just look in our window on sat urday and you will aee 50 pairs of womens high grade oxfords and strap hboei all shades that will go at fan tory price 300 boys boots 250 and up mens of every description i am cutting 50c off all mens low shoes sue them 450 to 500 georgetown factory shoe store j roney ltp after two years charlie chaplin idol of masses and classes in every ulime has given hie public a smash ing comedy in this new united art ista picture of hla the circus ita the greatest entertainment pie tare the greatest comedian in the world lias ever made and that is strong language see charlie the circus at the rex theatre monday july 2nd personal mr a dobbin of toronto spent monday in town mrs rom and ton of montreal uw vmting at mr hugh clurkv mr and mih kertin dohhl of tor onto visited friend h in town during tlu wwik mr uud mm gardner of gall aie visiting with mr ami mm win whyte major couuenh major grunt t v grieve attended the fmifrul of the late col mutrie at hihikwood on thutnduy lout mr and mrs melville llalliday and daughter kuthleen of niagara fa in hpent sunday with mr and mrs w g x cooke capuin aud mm hilt itf the 9il vutiou army have been truiihferied to oakville during bis wmk in town the past yar capt hiltz bat made many friends who wish he uud mm hilu every success in tlieir new hi i or labor mr aud mmr kirk mr and mr k v liarrtfolough mr and mm 1 b wallace misn jewue wallace mid major grant attended the manonir pilgriuugetojbe tomb of the tint grand mohler the late win mercer wilriou at bhuuoe lunt uunday mr nnd mrs w t barnard mr and mrs a norringtou and huiis eric and walter attended the tcrvii in connection with the mohoiiki pji griniagt to tlie tomb of tlie pntt grand master of the 1 j rami lodge or canada the late williom mercer wiltson at simeon on sunday af ter tlie service all were served with tea on the lawn or tlu present grand master the hon j s martin at port dover among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late fred raddell on tuesday of last week were mr jas and mini laldlaw mr mogowan and mrs leith myth out mrs richard moore mr don aid moore and mrs wcise toronto mm wm j reid guelph mr win aud mm scott wm scott jr mr jno scott miss mar scott mrs jan peddie mr albert peddle mrs win moore mr jno moore mr wm moore mr and mrs harvey agnew mr and mrs wilbert ford all of milton mr wm dean and mr aud mrs burtlaud couover oak ville i church news f riu iuiui a piano icoiul by pupiu of miu may mohuler utitud by mtu wills prim reoiur and miu- may lomun and mr edgat uiubaumn vlollniiu will be given in the sun day 8ahool room of knoa pieabyter- ian church on friday july oih oataji it an organ recital undertbe leader hip ot mr obarlet kirk will be glrj en in the baputt churoh on than day evening jane 28th at 015 mr kirk will be aeaiited by ur claude wae triollnut georgetown and otben admiaaion 35c it nm wna t the sit strawberry lea of the aeaion will be held on mis traoyi lawn stewarttown on pnday june 20th from 3 pm a strawberry tea and aale of homenade laking under the auipioee of the womeus auilll arj of 8t johns church keep tbu date iu mind and come and bring your friend if rain will lie held in tlie council chamber ost dlfrh sf cfclvaltr the patriarch militant the high eat branch of the independent order of oddfellows at toronto on wed nesday jane 20th oonferred the de gree of ehivsiry on 60 women mem bers of the daughters of rebeksh at the palais royals bnnnyside onus ed in blue uniform glittering with gold braid and jewels wearing ooeked hats with large onrilng feathers and carrying unsheathed swords the purl- arehs made an imposing looking groop mrs a it gastell of verdun kebekab lodge ueorcetown was a recipient of the honor and the jewel of thedegnm- wavasb atlaksleek ijava tlioiuas blakeluck liuod of the ann of blakolouk kron cikvillc reovo of oakville mid warden of haltou cnunt had a mirniulou es cape from tlfath lat friday he wan pulling out a board from a pile or lunilier in a mill yard utlion a post fell a listauce of neveral feet and fltruck him on th ck of tho head an inch lower anil he would never have known what happened said the attending phymclan hu wuit conllii- ed to his hod for several days oak ville news kaxtkmtve wednesday june 27 in old kentucky racing melodrama chapter 2 of the haunted island comedy mooney manner friday june 2u bharpehooterh romance of deep seas strange porta a bailor boy and a dancing girl starring oeorgo obrien com edy fandango pox news saturday june 30 wife savers with the famous comedy team wal lace beery and raymond hatton comedy at it again hodge podge pictorial titbits monday july 2nd the circus the latest feature romody starring charlie chaplin comedy keeping iii trim kubhlt cartoon oil teacher prices lfiu uud 2ac coming ratnotia tuama fr the junior w a of st georges church held their tea in the sunday ohool room thursday afternoon jane 21st and every one enjoying them selves mr and miss wase were present mr wase spoke to the juniors and miss wase presented the prises given for the beat work dune class i elite carter brit bessie wal ker second class ii mary fellei and edna hurley equal class iii flora feller pearl carter and alice costigan equal the blue bird quilt which they made was on view have- ing been sold and was a splendid ex ample of what little girls can do the prcaident mrs n cooke was very ably assisted by mrs ueo adams mrs e k young nnd mrs behan the presldont thanks all those who so kindly lielped to make it auoh a suooeu cfcamlimrruls an interesting wedding took plane in st georges church wednesday jane 20th when ellen barbara daughter of mr and mrs henry franola became the bride of percy henry chaplin son ot mr and mrs willism chaplin rev mr wase officiated at the ceremony tl e bride who was given in marriage by her father looked very pretty in her gown of white georgette and veil of talle and coronette of orange blos soms anl she carried a large bouquet of ophelia roses and illy of the val ley her bridesmaid who wore rose biege georgette dress and mohair hat to match was her sister miss char lotui francis and she carried a lovely bouquet of piuk sweet peas mr albert simson cousin of the bride aoted as best man mrs william bradley played the weddiug music an the bridal party left tin uhurch the girl guides of whloh the bride was captain formed a guard of honor after the ceremony a re- oeption wa held at the home of the brides parents where a dainty lunch was served to about fifty guests in prettily decorated rooms the bnde received many beautiful gifts includ ing a wicker fern stand and sword fern from tlie girl guides mr and mrs chaplin left for a trip to the tbouund islands the bride travelling in a becoming bias flgnred canton orepe drees with hat to match and navy blue trinotine ooat trimmed with for honde shoes and stockings blonde bag and gloves to match on their return the young couple will reside at 24 woodsiile ave toronto jx any persons lisvlnfr chtlitii again lit tuu of iba lala qor nsar or psltl owinjf or work don by dusd plttssa citmniuiiiiala with j 11 davidson john fit tmrifsitowii united church nnxt sunday morning july 1st ltiv dr dickie will conduct a patriotic service prepared for the ocuahion entitled a laud of many wuuin nnd will hpuak on a good boll by great wuterv lu the evening tlie rtulnyut will tut cant thy bteud upon the water for tliuti hlialt hud it after niuuy dayx beginning juli kth the united church and llm buptlht churoh will hold union ner vices during the w luuiuder or july uud all august the rwrvicc every buuday luumiiig will uf in the united church niuf every sunday evening in the baptlnt hurch rhv mr frith uud ins boir will lw in charge luring july uud itev tir dicku aud bin choir during aijguhtt st georgt church fourth suiiiuy atur trinity j1 uui holy communion choral and sermon by the rectoi 7 pm kveu- no n if nm hcrniuii by the rector cor poratn cuimnuiiion of the wnniuuu aukiliuri uud the idllt couilmiuttun cjukh thure will not he a cetebra- tiou ol holy commiilnon ut 8 niu- uhut suudu the bupti it church at the morning uervice on sunday july itt itev a n frith will givi iniprewiioiih of the kaptlal rfbvgunwllitanontlm world alliance and in the evening to john mcdonum on ttut ta what do i it mean to be a chriu- tian tho salvation army the sunday meetings were con ducted by captain aud mm hiltz who have heeu appointed to take charge of the salvation army work in oakville the farewelllug uhitera will ho conducting the meeting on wednesday night and will leave for oakville on thursday captain pagu and lieutenant wil liams the two newly appointed lady oltleors to georgetown will urrivo no thursday june 28th and spcuial ser vices will lie conducted on sunda they uoiau from swansea dutrhit toronto where they have nulcessfully laboured for the pait year sunday 11am holinen meeting h pm company meeting 7 pm salvation meeting wednesday 8 pin midweek salvation meeting all are welcome rmisci larue aftlf do ukiur call mrs tl o llruwii pliona h2i6 atktfctluwn us for tuu a numbr ot young pigs 7 said b wsb old a lh old mcurgnr farm one mil 10 lb granulated sugar for 10 lb i brown sugiir for tiger brum i cntuup large mto leftrliuii for star anitnouin for uuick quakur oftts chumwurc wr pkg fi lb pait kurd tor comfort souji 1 tut toniatoen li eagle brand milk i si g floap u for snap 2 lor 20o kellnggn fep 2 for poiith bran i for lmc sfso teutrwf ineltaw wkmtoal about 25 pkkts july islh fcr ramp- brrit bliiog accommdatlan cau b and or 12 or ts wishing to tv on bemiies apply to r m allan phon ramplun i7s2l cm norval po tattle ater stela 5 tub radio wt with tub only w500 iou r vmsr lod tpaakar woo uiaiid- spsahsr 0600 50 or 10 llarofi leghorn chicks for tal t j eaton bo 535 afltlla st uaorgmowi ltp the london hunt and country club u wldoly known for th xcuenc of its aitrnoon teas for aw- ral yur this promulvt club has usod no othsr ts but red ross oruujo pekoe bland that leads all othara in flavor and full- bodied rtchnsu put up only in bright claan aluminum psckagas ltaw girl wasua for light house work and to assist in lunch room apply at smiths lunch rooms uaorgstown it rrgal tiur raujii ii inch calfskin head and nonbp pega wllll piclt ctpn istriiction hooka and cast 900 c frainpton cturtoasl it tdsiii furnltbad coltugo on lake muakoka fin bsihing beach good fishing us of row boat accttaibl ny muiur charming else tor holiday apply mrs ii nndy lip uaaar a sum of money owner may have same by proving ownership sihtpaying or advi apply at herald ofllce i holflmp lmt two year old while hetler strayed irnm lot 15 ron 11 essjuraiug about june 15th anono knowmii he whereaboula pleas lummunicala with e l grean sworj norval klailon ur phone br2 georgetown it aooeseoa w h wulson i ttndertajier and i liioonaod embsvlmor f llassi it qarc4wk t auloaobil or horsadrawnh x phone nigbl or day ubsvimer wc4awsi i drawnhsu x y 54w or i i 0eoeot rerlsla one 27 ford coach in flrtlclass condi lion also 1 refrlceralor 6s6 and meat block apply g w hernnglon george iuwu lip osmtsast waitt4 care laker or knoa lrmbyterlan church appllealliics to be tn the hands of the undersigned by june 304 h o t mckay georgetown 3t muyel tav sal lllcycl in good condition with psreel carrier also two eslra llies priced for quick sale at 1 1 600 apply to jusepli hancock norval station phon 62 4 ltp hasute t etaat 6 lloon house on main si ull convent euce and good garden immediate possession apply to mrs hmyih phone j59w georgetown tf taaumt smsh apartment with conveniences suitable lor two possession at once apply to dr gollap georgetown if rrsai iland6qitift baskets herrle boxes berrie crale- and buihel upple boxes john ford ihone j10 v o w 521 7lp tasust 6 roomed house on uurdock street electric light water inside newly renova ted immediate possession apply to ii t arnold mcbean co georgetown v the bootery t 4 next door to pott office ladies and gents footwear latest styles best quality most reasonable prices it will pav vol to buy yoiib fooiwear sue repairing phomitlv ijome will fsmith rtswtrt 147 maui street cewfttawa 680ft0 far gala r kaat garsg on highway corner of main and george streets rent 2500 per month apply to e a denbsm i son phone 164 georgetown bos 450 aysavfasarst ta staat good up todate appjniment on main st apply to e a benham a son e 1g4 pltone i georgetowt tasuat cement block bouse on uurdock si all conveniences and garage apply to john iuhanl in georiretown tf vary choice hardwood leech and maple s400 per elnjrl cordi chvict hardwood slab s3e75 per single cord mixed ra is mjw per single cordi mined wood 150 par single cord this is all ffood sound dry wnod and at tbrse prices is good buylnir satisfaction guaran tsed j urandford bos 490 phone 155 ft gtorgalnwn tcsstnwsste tender for digging trench four feet leep for 4 inch water main a distance of live hundred end fifty last from a point in llr mclarens orchard where main to paper mills cross same to a point opposite tannery property alsu dinlaff trench from coroerof john st and ninth lin mr barker property for further par ticulars apply to wm marshall water works supt tenders to be in by 6 pt july 3rd ii tire bargains galore npalk about tire values just look at what we have to offer the man who drives a light car every tire made by goodyear every tire made of super- twist cords see these j n oneill son csevrwidsilsaklibssactssw scrvler georgetown milton and aclon phone 14 for service lake buy at home smiths tea and lunch room besodelied and decorated now open or the aeaaon with an entirely ireeli stock of confectionery and soft drinlce ice cream of all flavors in bricks conea and lily cupa lunches at any time only the choicest food served freah tea coffee and oxo you are cordially invited to vitit theue roonu g rett room for ladie lwator btraet sens m uain red and white i look at these values ivory 8cui uutot sue i tor 1 bensons corn 8uui h 1 lavolino s for 2 tuldy large un swanuuown juko flour m heinz catsup small u sflrvus corn flauos tto hoblltiscliuntlfor 1 lobsur s 2o slniruiuitv illifipuitf tor iio cmnpliella aiorloil soups lor 25o extra special this week highlander peas 2 for fpsc gold soap 4 for i 9c low price and high quality are ever pretent in our ttore with eervice and cleanlinete a choice line of freth fruit and vegetable at low price- ji quality always higher than stain street eb gibbens manager phone 249 h electrical fair we are ptepaied to give prompt repair svorthard all household is held st2 nooo from the derereaui ua to rlrenlde oeme- irouh llialcm litovus toasl appunilus uoods uulle ing uud lust orsaks j hw into the jh and hare b to it was called mujrdoeks land la lawere i wonder if i couldnt get your husband to make a speech at our club john make a speech i why he cant even address an envelope with out getting all exalted orer it jaj tw mi hata ot distinguished utiuss in all the fashionable fabrics styles and oolorsj shapes range from wide brims to elose bttlng cloches also scarfs to match hata ready to weal hats from si ohuidaa ueeajd ty a v

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