Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 4, 1928, p. 4

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paget tnr quorumrows 0kar julj hh hk wm shall all know at lait i mu to think god mtftweth little prayer tb litue wmla we hrmitbe upon tb way tint we aw iel in tivarj little tap l1 all the lifelonu day i along the toatl bo many putbu tlinre km xowhtrd uoaiji wo will tit renih unci juwk to ii ml how could w nvtr oft truce them out aioua itlon unci lilnid though wo niiui lonuccl for tiimol roa not rein it 8ome liniul utuy uihh ttiat tourhml our owu und panned we can lie uuru then fa a ivatum whj that wf lihull knou nt inn we may 1 nuro our httlo prajpn ah heard although tlin aunwovfl dim our ejoi with team if lu hia handa our tlnnim in at rent there ia no phut for fram you home- loving people the 1m t few xrs lime hrouuht to toun tlutllit nuiny new comcnltncu ui l comfort b they ore maklntr town life particularly attractive to a largo number of homelov ing people to whom city life wjlth ha hiulier curt of imiiif rioee not make juiffleiutt ni peal homeloving people are na turally strong for the home tlei and for keeping up friend a long dlatanco i them to keep in touch j of friend tht hometown neighbours la alwaya ent and they look forward to talking with them from time to time by long dis tance ifcweuleg aualr4 standard anthracite scranton coal in all sheas automatically sorsansd and coal wood balaot lamp for danualta end thnabjng pnrpossi bmllhlng and canna coal ia tut ieany ferarythlna to ba found in my nptodata ooal nd wood turd john mcdonald fbonb ii x ftm ibe frtct imcy pmrteg kuc t ibe cay ititavni iweattw whether you etiioy a hwtful holl day at a quiet boarding house or all tlte gayety and upott of a fuhioaahlp hotel miiukoku lakes will eurpaee your fondest expeetauoiih of ah ideal miimurthtig plum muhkoka lakua art noted th cmi tintuil over ou oue of the dottiest moat iwmutiful healthrul and kappj turn nihr plajuroutidfl in the whole of canada dtiliglnful nmuknir houdh provide fiiiilitlhfl for tsvoty typo of hport hwimmiug halting tmmplng teutiia golf und bowling ait hut u few of the plptwuiwi thut make u 1ml n lay tpent in muykoku nevwr to be forgotten mil alt oka in the vuoatiou laud for iivu who have only a brief holiday it ih onlj u few hour train journey from toronto canadian national provided imoh excellent servioe that you luayonjpyiudelighuand return to work with froth trnergy and enioy iniml ull within the apace of u few day anycanmllairnational hail ways agent will gladly give you full iu lormttian including hotel rat and literature ou tlie yanoun resorts of alubkoba lakoa 2t cultrais jim sdhy the kapert far jiute application for children children involved during month 11 complaiuu received j investigations made 11 mail received 43 mail sent out 7 meetings addressed 1 mileage approximately 3a2 oftlee interviews 11 court attendance 2 wardx heard from 8 wordn placed out wanli visited h warniuga given 11 parents proawuted li legal adoption 1 released from supervision 1 a bo 13 years of age for pi n me ut w h stewart a ykriuikf stuuttf tmr twemgh 1jw lai aa vtrgu rrt vlikait onto algonquin park in the highlands of on tan o i the ideal spot for o roving holiday some 2000 feet above aea level iu cool pineaoented air and fresh invigorating hreeien bring new life and health to nerve worn people you may paddle or hike almost anywhere throughout the park with out a guide the fishing speckled trout salmon and small mouthed black bass nan hardly be bettered the park with its glorious pine woods rocky hills gleaming lakes and rivers is a veritable raecca for those who like a he nun holiday every milo of its three thousand square miles ia interesting and beautiful auk any cauodum national rail ways agent for full information and illustrated literature on algonquin park 2t h ere an dth ere in tb uuciim of dodford utwt addition to lb canadian paclfloa flaat of pauteaar llntra on lba at lantic la laa nrat or four cabin elaia vmsala blm constructed for toe canadian paclflo to ba added to lba companys aarvlea on tha 8l lawrence route and they will alas ha used for winter cruue nurpoaaa winnipeg according to atatla- tics recently collected from 348111 forms tbere aro i horsea to oacb farm in manitoba and a traetor to every 4 4 fanna in the province eacb saskatchewan farm baa 10j borses and ultra la one tractor to every 4 7 fame in alberta tbere tre 10 s boraea to each farm and joe tractor to every 7 o farma ottawa ontario employment- stood at a hliber level in canada in april isli than in any april aa far back aa records fo rsturna from 8191 employers of labor with work- ins forces aggregating 141940 per sons showed tbe employment indei standing at 101 1 aa compared with 94 j in april 1917 and st 1 la april ibm winnipeg homestead entries la lba four wsstsrn provinces for tha first quarter of the year totalled 1114 aa compared with 1 030 in the first quarter of 117 pilings la uanltoba were 107 aa oompared with 131 in saekatchewan 56 aa against 613 in albsrta 9ij as com pared with 317 and la dhuah col umbia 73 agalnat 13 fcarnlnga and expenses statement of the canadian pacific railway far lb month of april issued from headquarters of the company enow nst profits up 1130944 15 aa com pared with april of laat year nat proflta for tha four montha to and of april are shown incraaaed by 11407417 71 aa compared with lbs same period of 1937 the english rugby league foot ball team at tha present time tour ing australia and nsw zaaland la scheduled to arrive at vancouver on n jl b niagara september 14 and win play a game there nan day leaving on tbe transcaaada after- warda for uontraal wbare another game will ba played september w before sailing for england on tha dtwhaaa f atholl neat day prse scholarehlpe to o p r ap pranllcaa or amployaea nadar 31 or to minor anas of employes or tha company covering fin yeara tul- tloa la chemical or civil bagtaeer- tne at the eeole polytaehnlqua of tha university of alontreal aad four yeara tuition at tha uontraal school tor higher commercial atn- dlee are announced by circular over the signature or grant hall senior vlcepresloent or the railway the aoaolarahlpe are two la aumbar aae at each or tha laatllutloaa of learning specified aa are leeiaal ky algeem alaadlu la ecaapaul1v use model airplanes on trip to europe j i be itmlamtt citawtileyavul ulaalut will lie vltlajaahl tutl4m lualats afttavl 4multlu mi waft rwrvlha puupiuthu tpawuiiy 4 wlimuatl km imdfwtr irawio uvoiur botl ills m vemll fetllp over three hundred boys in canada and the united states are hoping that the dah strength and air capabilities of their modi 1 planes will carry them to kufope two of them mutt succeed the two will be the winners of the indoor and outdoor villous in tha national airplane model tournament to be held in detroit at the end of the month under the pusples of the airplane model juugilt qf america of which commander rhhard k ilyrd is honorary pretildont the tournainent conducted by the american roy magazine uill lie enter by illntrict champlotm supported by leading newspapers of the continent which are conducting local contests a trip to europe la the blffteit prise for v hlrh the boys are striving all the boya w ho go to detroit fir the tournamsnt will be prepared to leave on july 2 and the successful contestants will sail from mont- roul on the canadian pacific b b montcalm july 6 n route to the ship thoy willliecntertiiineilat nluuara rails toronto end ottawa by ofhrlnla of the federal ontario and civic governnunts in ottauu oiiy will fly their models for ills excellency the governor gensral and the prlmo mlnutor both of whom hove shown great interest in olrplune models in montreal the young champions will be tlio guests of the canadian paiitic huihoy london to london by air lawefisn ravhotr kip atvd cimttmns ossfui t si llubrt uptinfnd ib trmntfr frum plane to plan less than eevan days after leav ing the shipper in london eng land four packages of merchandise totalling forty two imjuiiu in weigltt were recently delivered to the consignee in london ontario thla achievement was effected by the canadian pacific express in the regular air express service maintained in connection with the transatlantic liners entering and leaving the st lawrence in the forenoon on saturday the paekabm left london and were placed aboard the empress of australia sailing from southamp ton at noon the following friday they ware transshipped from the vessel to a plane at rimouskl and speeded towards montreal less than tire hours afterwards at the tit hubert nirrtetd outside of montreal the express was trans ferred to another machine and carried on to toronto arriving here in the evening seven hours after savins rimouskl the pack- apes were picked up by another airplane at the leoslde field and taken to london the canadian pacific are pion eers in air cipress in canada having service undor a special tariff in connection with incoming and outgoing transatlantic unera in the st lawrence river not only ia oxprcsa to and from europe greatly expedited by this arrangement but domestic ei- prenb shipments make constant use of tho n- weekly service lictween ottawa and montreal toronto and montreal and down the st laurence to hlmouskl that thus servoa tvo purposes express movlns eaat or went iwtwecn them points may be greatly speeded in delivery in this manner and put eonaidorulily uhend of ordinary ex press mutter unaided by this auxiliary mr rob tints have mode use of tho cunadfun pacific ex press air berv ice to xhip art ties of every dirription from do wars to motion picture lilm h ere an dth ere it half a bi 1 11 ton aulotnolilus front the unut hiatat and thw pitwlnrwu of canada carrying million ami a half paraona will anler montreal tl urine lha coming tourut ueuicoti accurdlna to the htlniiitv of the moniroal tour 11 and onvsnllon ii urea il llie use of the coiuhlna is iwtled lo he more uimurul ihun ever in he 1928 harvesi in id jo there wore 176 combines in ibo prulrle irovttuos 14h being in siiulculctitmuu 30 in alborta uud 3 iii miiulloliii in 137 there wuu a loliil of 630 in huakutiliswsu 2 in alherlu uud lu manitoba 7v4 in ull there ts coniclerublw trao plant- inu ulllvliy ulonu the modlcino hut division of the anudlau ihli lie hull wuy at uhackliiion alone motyfh buinlles of mull truss were received the other diiy rrom the forestry urnni h m lijulan iload uiiskutcbewun aad air ure oow plunled cluny and other vll- luites ure comoetltig actively equallnr the apsed across the atluiitu ocean made by pussenser llnnrh of medluiu slxe tbe five loouo ton vessula or the heaver ciuki have been achieving records in ocunlc freight transportation for ibu fanudlun taxlflc flfeam- sbipi 1 he speedy quintette of freighters joined tiie company a fleet this yaur aud have been run ning on as frequent and rapid a ervlce batwean catiuda and europe as many passenger boats chicago smiling billy ho- gon veteran cpu conductor took the mountaineer canadian pacific flyer from chicago to van couver out in its initial run of the season this year the train la one of the dig five c pr trains ds leux operating from chicago and tbe east of canada across the con tlnent during tlie summer con ductor hogan joined tbe boo line in iflug as stoker on tbe old wis consin railway and la loday one of the v iter ana of the company montreal a new era in cana dian transatlantic passenger his tory has been inaugurated in kioatresl where the fine new liner duchess of bedford docked re rently the new 20000 ton vessel the largest to ascend tha st law rence to montreal is the first of four cabin class alster ships of the sew duchess type which will supplement the canadian pacific a transatlanlle and winter cruise services speakers at the banquet fetid on board on arrival in mont real after her maiden voyage eulo- glxsd the occasion aa an event of national algnlfieance the feast of 0t john the bap tist treatest of vench can sd la a religious spectacles will be cele brated throughout the province of quebec shortly the montreal baseball stadium which will ac commodate 25 000 persons will be crowded by a pacta tors of a frenth canadian oratorio to be followed by a apectacular fireworks display on the sunday afternoon thirty floats depleting french canadian aongs many bands and over 10 000 alngera and minstrels will corns together in a procession several miles long through the streets e lloatresj w4 far bale very hnlce hardwood iech and maple 94 00 per slnale cordt cliujci hardwood slab 9375 per sing in tord mixed ra is fj00 per simile cord mixed wood f 1 so par single cord this ia all food kuhind dry wooi and at ihrbat prices a rood buying satisfaction guaran iced j urarultord hox 190 pbone 135 r4 georgetown 125 around the world sw in pursuing its policy of consistent pro gress in its continual search for new idea jn its constant development of better cars general motors not only maintains its great international research laboratories and hundreds of skilled engineers but also operates the first largest and most completely equip ped automobile proving ground in the world here on the vast fourteen- hundred sere tract of the general motors international proving ground every type of road is duplicated every condition of driving is reproduced here oil makes of general motors curs are constantly being sub jected to the most searching tests here every principle developed by general motors engineers is put co proof every detail of each test cars perfor mance carefully and closely clucked hero years of normal use are crowded into a few months of continuous gruel ling operation a typical example is uflcrcd by chevroln since i ho opening of the general motors proving ground chevrolet cars alone have piled up over three million miles of leiilag a distant equal lo 12 times around the world in the countless millions of miles thai general motors care hsva covered on the general motors proving ground there has been one great purpose kept in view to improve by tronstsiu testing the quality and worth of every general m orore product fvery canadian buyer of s general motors car jets a car built in canada by canadians to meet canadian conditions of road aad climate a a better carsnd aareaier value because general motors uses so freely end unsparingly its un equalled fsellllles fur testing and research i spiih better general motors cars si the aad of the tourneys millions of miles is noi too far to go general motors w can ada r hiao of rict and ractoniesoshawaomtario cnivrolit pontiac oldttmouile oakland mlauoiilinouick lasalli otntual motuus 1uuik cadillac all ull f srivjaev you can tell a good driver by the mileage he gets front his tires some fellowa are sure rough on xt alam on the brake and slide a ynrd or two in stopping drop inthc clutch and spin the rear wheel id starting speed round corners and eltid it may save a cm minutes running time it may even look a little showy to the man on the side walk but the real driver knows thut it means miles oftfhe running life of the tires good tires will give unbelievable miles of serviceif you treat them right drive sanely come in and let us put the gauge on the valves once a week under inflation means certain trouble let us examine the casings regularly for embedded flints ond halls this service will save dollars on your years car expense dominion tire depot t j speight georgetown m halton garage eaeassssa aaaaaia1s4aasaaaaa414fr prompt service and firstclass workmanship on all make of care batteries re-charged- gas oil etc distri- bulor or u sl battery 4 j jut doyle prop ffcmt 7 hill si gcthietotva 1 1 i mlleepbme i8j resmesee plus 2k ticket agency canadian national railway ocean steamships cuavd anther dciuismb while sur bailie awerlcio cut4lu padfle walter t evans ohiee hill street cewoetows watch livingstones bakery for specials on saturday order taken for lemon cream cuilaid banana and butterscotch pica livingstones qualify bread 9c d livingstone phone ss georgetown 3gmyg dominion st

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