Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 11, 1928, p. 4

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ste tnk ocohuktowt bitiuui uly i tih ih2k l bscrtieeal ike camsva ncaval mmuhm daring the summer vacation whun school is elated there in a taiiiletiny to change the usual rontln of life that u followed during the school term the idee is a good one in it general way hecatu the nlmnue givee a sense of holiday freedom which is good for evetyom niuluil the oblldretl i holidays ate given with tlut idun that a teit for the body aud inlud in good thing tlie best work la done after periods of rit uud roloxalion in order that uhool t hildren way receive the greatest heuut from their summer vocation it in ueoeaaarj that parents realue that sufllcloni rest is essential it in not a kind uem to allow ublldren to stay up ut at uiulit sleeping late in tlin morning does not make up for blaj- lug up late iu the evening the necessary hours of sleep wltli windows open are age bed time bt of sleep ruing tune s6 630 19 710 frg 730 12 7 ml 810 800 hi thi 1013 8 30 11 7 111 12 le 000 10 730 116 930 10 7m children who have plenty of sleep who play out of doors who drink plenty of milk and who eat freuli yegetsbles ate the ones who jtow up strong and well children who ate not physically strong who are not gaining regularl in weight need extra net and they should lie down for one hoar at least after the noon meal questions ooneerning health ad dtmhil to the canadian medical assoeution 184 collage street tor onto will beanawered by letter question aa to dlagnoala and treat- went will not be anawered icrapleyart the tirop report for ontario issued under date of july nth hy the bank of montreal is an follows fall wheat 1h bending out with plenty of rtraw a good average nrop in ex pooled rlpting wheat barley and out urn making good growth tliey are well advanced and heavy oropa utti uulii ipuunl although tlunt in too iiimh ninluture ill some of tlio eu item uountiith corn la gabwiug uioely nut dry wanu weather la required hay hut improved wonderfully the past two weeks mid while the orop will not be heavy an average yeld u expi uumi itool urope took prouiia lug tobuot o li in good eondltiou but requires i ontiuued warm weather rllmwbitrrim aud raspberries are imiiiiw uvnrage apples pears peuiilies and hurries look promising pas ture is in good condition icsmrl tl 8 k eisjaetlh jr iv willie newton usa lorsns hiteoell 020 8r iii- elsie davis 618 olive lines 0e dona oowdy 602 harold johnson 480 edltli tyres 440 lloyd given 401 jr ill d hill 840 hobby siishftiy tarjwell 680 eva j7z5m2 harry 8metburst 643 earl scott 480 fr imargery johnson dorothy cleaves margaret brown harry deverenx wilfred johnson k prlmar helen devereux and peggy smsthurst equal george tartwell n le seellenr teaoher at kevaluasi tleath4 standard anthracite scranton coal in all toammjg automatically uoreenad and loaded coal wood select lump for oomeatlo and threshing purpose 8mitbog and flannel coal in faat ioarry everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone u gsmurgeto i a av j j as as a -m- j w h wulson undertadier and uoensed embsunier liaiati oss auloeiebus or lloraivawflllsiu punna night or day mw or si neptune in modern garb views quebec few that shakespearean produe- tioaa arc staged in plus fours l ejothas and kfcakl there it appear to be any solid ob- aguast father neptune bla tradluonal garb of ef aebsots and anadlan aya photegrapher itly found tb sop ef silura pb latui fully lounging u qaebee city as deputed above it win be noted thattk aid gestle- aaa retahu trldeat and haon but kaa adapfsil a madera stewing wheel in phua at horse aad dolpkla this particular elagy nay be found on alstmtela bill aad appears to replae one which up to 18b0 had phiee of honor over tea entrants to the old neptune inn then a noted coffee house la st pster street frequented by ssafariag nan tuna was when carved wooden figures frecmeatly marked bostelrlw and eeouaereuu eitabushmenta in qoebee aad montxeal but only a scant few have withstood the advancing yean tjssamakjcr aav rlilarj urreon rhbdesso stain at blorlh aconoirrown ohibopbaotio sarsstry 0topatly elmtrleltjr w can alwayt clv yon your sin r csoata money to cony a bla stock of balloon tires and tlura are eo many alze if a tire merchant tries to carry two or three brands of tires he cant carry all balloon sizes of each he cant ftlve service to all bla customers we special- it on goodyears we only need carry one brand that balds keep our prices down and we can always ftlve you your aze always give you goodyear quality and value goodyear prices are low right now j n oneill son oswnldmdtakleawsalh awl service georgetown milton and acton phone 14 if tire trouble cornea ita bandy to be cuitomar ofotm the wonder week of the western world i if w aw t flsvw 4 a malmlut t im milm tlin clry btamf4d an- otbi- itttroductloo to th public of kuutiu of tb htharw kloti of lb bjmwi qd hod rnmrwhuc for catttaulim und mortb ajiisrl- cau bkmiloiuhlp immiora in pfo- turauu romantlo and bumuicu- ur tfuti and conletta incl- daaua to thalr couutry liar calhar tb rodman of ba hlua and plain th cawtaya and cowrlrla from rio orand to ui paaoa hivr tha plonoar and the yuraua l uia orurinal royal ittta cvutirdliui a lb wtt coatitlruied ao much to tb ro- r of liinr waat oday hku4 aad braid will ootupala wltli aklll aud bralna whati ilia rnw uoya ollmb tha bucking bronclinu for tba utle of tb world biuk- iqst champ tbouaanda will u tb old cov- arad wfon rae ajraimt tbo rini abarabaefc indian rldani duiii u tha uoek buttta tba axblmllon atampedu ul ba bam july dlb to tliu mib m i la to ba lopvnad by bla iuicliioii i h a mmnfalia tar hvuk fir ty vlacbont wmiiuujoo who will rid jii lii liitnl of uiu rent stiiniik tie imntflt j5 ulll ba nt- aiiip titk j i i it r i xi ttllettcy i jd y mlllnrdiiii who lurmflx la to pnrilt ipnie in loiu1 ovonta iliirthjr tlit wnu i irr thu vav iu u jr u til tlu i in ill m vac- rtr linhi ii titnpnraunr in tin ixlitt of ifrlrij rtilucod rut i li niff h wiiipoir ui ui hi nt ll nif attora to he i i ti ti u inlf spring i ri i i a jirtb lour mil i lid tni luarv drive car tlhy walk or be dependent on yv public transportation facilities when you can drive your own oar go where you like wben you like aa you like there is no barrier oi prioe standing between you and the ownership oi a good used oar we have a finer aeleeiion of used ears than ever and the prioee are the lowest we have ever been able to quote tbeae core have been taken in exchange on new chevro lata checked over carefully and priced to interest shrewd buyers come in and learn bow easy it la fo own and drive your own oar eaay payment plan available cuisssa its easy with a good used car j ikiamvrslelcescb limosevralelcmk 1m chcvrslel tsurlag j n oneill son atk for coupons authorized jjqjffigpl dealer the truck driver abc always be careful u v h ere an dthet ere arcldnta wont happan if ail drivwv sra ruraful tha adc 0 alunyi ucarful ly tlrlars of ovr 600 uau urtd mra in ontario and quabee to thvio vehlclaa raraly occur i thotauphon truck driver whom yoaaa41ouatrmoi lnilbtiitruruonbook on of taamlaahowamauweww it railroad eroaalng and uo ball tlphtnifaltaaavr in fact any mlihapa of tha road a ao wm la p-fdifatlooaritudyliiand- tt3 qiib qua announcswnt from ottawa from r w ii ol- llrja dlrrlor of tli usmloitlcjil hue vny of cwimda promla kutvaral aur voy partui in qub provlnea tbbi yr nimpplna and lnvallgallua in to tha kmloiy and mineral rtf haut af tha prnvlnea hv hundrad dalta to uia wotld a uaptlala cohgr maatlntf in toranio j una 31 iu virtually eliarlarait canadian pahflo mnf uontrnyal and wr takn on from hip a alda to toronto by hpaclal r v tt train rollnwliik ifaa oon- grn uta daucatcu maua a trip mroai canada to iba iacirie loaaf aud rtrturn frimonlnrt attn rtaftallnif to i ru improvamant of wool prndund b tha lip ranchvra of eh pro i rlti a party of axrrta hna larlid out udrf tb direction of tb h- aareb council or canarli to walto a urvay of tbo mprauniatlva ahp ranch of tha tlira provlnoaa ilhuib columbia lw laeluilad la tba tour at jasper parip lodge win alp mauttoha irtia forma moh of n dairy pool la iuud aa a potftlhla ntaaina tft mtlnir tha oambbmlon of denmark in dairy prfldur- on ilia liliiah marhat by if tuniuia allan cntlr of tha eo e par at i v movmnt in qraat brit ain and aoafllal avoy of tha ttrriptr markatlnk board at tlia whaat tmol oafaratlfla in ttatlna indian ilaad 8mkatcliwan ooa hundrwl million tra hav bo dutrlbutad throuibout tha waat aru provlnraa from tba par- aatry form har and ila aubaldlary at buthrland and tha work la attlt protr4ni at an unabatad rata practicajly all o fra to famara and aa avarai or a ear a day la hlpoad th work waa atartod 1b 1w1 s th aimna club of cana4a wul bold lla 33rd annual camp july 17- ii at thi uua of tha han lit qu- olara tu th purcall ranar of tha rocklm banff will ba tha rall- baad for tha eamo whloh la ftva hour uolor journay fartbar oa elavas paaka all abova tan and sou oadlm alavas tbouiaad faat in halkht will ba at tha climb ing dlapoaal of th oamnar thar r lao many othara baiwn ntn and tan taouaand faat high kuat maka it annual bow to waat with th unlvrlty of yout- raal trio aoroaa canada to tha pad- he aad uaek starting from uoatraal july 7 uany o row to hi t fraoeh- caaadlaaa maka thla annual tri whteb la abonaorad by th unlvar- ilty and run on canadian ihoumo tralna motor facllltlaa andoraat lakaa taamahloa all tha major olilaa of tha waat and in baauty nota at tha ttoektaa are aovarad in thla popular tour yjupir viitluiul pitrk ulikh utll u s vwtttf tuu year b niutilura if tin canadian weofcy vcwiiura aiocu ti is noted at onr i f tha ureal altow i1arcsoltltnrld wltliitsorcaols 100 wuart mile nut cinly la it tlio brut- k line fcuncuuiry jn t u ui till lint it con tiiinu the ufuitiirt nuinlxr of n otinlinu jslaka tew of llitso un im tow h iwo fc t and muunt i ihth i trnll c maili m inuunuiln tnmiviri il tn tin i tifthiri oft fit untuh ul t ruiii uru- 1 1 1 njl i ft in iklght vt alnuht in the window of the infty hocky mount tin ot tku und ticuik laic tleauvart wlikh tilkrit lit iu ulutcnliu waltr tttu touerlnit tvuika in m litii it it iaiper park- ijhib iiml iiltunlnu riftir ungalowg althotittli aiuutcil uudl ienf noteil for tt wild nnit niuid tea uly tlio lodc ami oiljolmnix buncu lawi whlcli arc nrritcil1y tin uiu ii national uillaii offer ry cm vtnlenrt to tin tunt to thnw who love tlm bcaulict of njftun timl the gnat outdoom then it no lau in tlio unrli which can aurjuih- jomr nfllwml pnru traill anil roadu u indirtk amid njrm n ofld pine throunh viiicjk ilonorlvi rn i and takcj uud ahclmllni he mopiit oi niouiu iiiim within tlicuurlhaxvaiiaktra- lilu lniili of ajvtml hunijrthl rniua uml tli i re uinp ucuilily oxtenill sodh of tlitm utrc nlatctjover accniury imi liy liiihui fur iniikr jiiki eniloreri umtnivrml iti tlloiu3 vauv on tin ir 1 1 id i iron tlu pari lie thfafe in jin iibr in lii lorlfal almost urcu for iilia of tlir njiit wliu i rod ttuin in i irl ii mi r ilan halt ltd ihvir im i tint i ii anaili in luior tlut numt of thi truu mil yoni luic itcvn con blroctil liy tho uiimiiioi totirnmrnt in onir t i novnu luthway bv ixh tourihta iimv luivacrtiui uitli tfibifcifii mam of ilwi to mountain vjifeya taken thttn ami other uinu ol inlcrftal within the pirl lulii tiiriiioio kjnphirc emirafd ametlit urrortlnig to the lmrauer ol their environment und intnroring q jaut mountain pcaka on their iiucu surface arc watlinil liltc ccn a try- where tilaciera creat undtmall abound while tlte columbia id field just outtlda the park houndarlea out rival in vait neu ind in beauty tltoie found in any othrr part of the continent with tha postihte exception of die muunt ella ice heldloalitka yonngar railwayman tn tha em ploy of tha great canadian iran- portauon comnanlaa hald their ft rat annual eonfrnc at montraal re cently under y m c a auaptcea tha young mtn earn from all polnta in anada batwaan halifax and vancouver and quickly got ac- qualntad awonplng axprincea and torlaa in rrtandlleit fashion nfur tha flnt informal introduction it 1 boned to it pa j i tho eonfroc aarl auction sale or fana stack aad iasilmeab i he unilniignl hnx neuved in htruitionn from the exeontora of the eatsste 1 of the late david h heolnro to wll bj public nuoliiin ai lot 3 ninth lino erin on friday jiuy 13th 1998 at 1 oclock sharp tho following houses brown maro 0 yr old hoy utaru ti ri olil brown mure 12 yra old liroun loliling 2 rn old cattlnrrgibtored diirhmn cow calf at side rog durham cow luilkink well reg durham heifer 2yn uld durham bull 1 yr old part holatow cow milking well 2 llolstcin oowe milking well hoi uloin hoifcr calf utaido zfatatorru steer riling 2ra 2 lioiforn 1 yr old u cal von pios 4 brood sows 10 chunks lmplumnntsseed drill 12 diuc m h binder 6 ft cut m h mower 0 ft cut horse rake john deur liay loader manure sprcador cultivator due 2 set of harrows mux i roller scufllcr oliver riding plow walking plow 2 furrow walk ing plow atoneboat fanning mill stuck rack hay rack beam scale truck wagon lumber waggon with box 2 buggies set of boo sleighs cutlorfordtouring car grind stone i ream separator raotpulpnr net long aleigbs hay fork ana rope set long tug harness with breeching 4 now tugs with harness sot single harness set waggon springs fatten ing crate a quantity of lumber 25 hens cooking stove crosscut suns 20 single cords beech and maple stove wood 1 pair homu blankou 1 robo forks chains whiflletroca und numorous other urticleu quantity of household furniture chain 200 bus oats 75 bus barley 80 buamixod groin quantit of buckwheat 2 bags rod clover heed bua alfalfa bag truck bag holder 2 doi grain bags jug crate 6 bags potatoes about 6 tons of hay at the same tunt und place the farm containing 100 ucrt s more or leas will ba offered for sale subjii t to reserve bid on the premises ore said to bo erected a comfortable frame dwelling bank bam drive house and other out buildings the farm inn high tate of cultivation there is about t acres of ttod hardwood bush alto the crop whirh will bo sold by the arm providing tlio farm is not sold 25 aires sj crop 12 acres god alfalfa mixed bay terms of eaamtloxcaxli terms of farm mode know day of sale h a lindsay bvuhetcb clerk aucticotajr a hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall vt ebssfi ha 1 1 prompt service and ftratclaaa yvorkmanship on all make of cars bbattenea rechnreed gat oil etc distri butor or u s l battery j m do yle prop pkaat 7 hiu si trtaraeuwa h m watch livingstones bakery for specials on saturday orders taken for lemon cream custaid banana and butterscotch piea livingstones quality bread 9c d livingstone phone ss georgetown i jvmmiets domini qnj5jor es ffa v iswipv r asiffioss over 300000 leavmm of tistr bread mid uweftty it awar sw a itm ejimsmsy afsa mtuitlkbmlmltmbaiirui ua eusar uwaaawat ttr tmur sirareerlaa tatty froll bread m4tt cbmmals sturaclctsml whaat 1 2s pest bran lt4 pultaxl whaat lss cratm mala 17a butter asetarvne mvweuuje mlpowiler tar 5w25 certo fee buluaa keaiuae praaaevee 29 bellle canned peas good ovality 21 cutk a roltj mal 3 fa 3ak ltbbta mtfalxlak mal tu c4i pmt lla bll i au rt rati 3u ail tasky shrimps 3k ti fahlv qu4uiv canmtu santaojuu larseaisemaaty prunes 2 vj baaaule nusallii afo preserving raqulsltas cbown raurr ja sll isni4u ui o- 1 jd- me uxtsswillllll fbuit cake munaaf svatt vdurry larob jelxy roix8 is laasi rmmef siijrw onauaui sits a9ascvwaeavsm uiu a aasmjaar- 01 awga xw queen olives 4s m

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