Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 18, 1928, p. 2

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page 2 tub ukondktowh llknli lull ihll kih salada imi fsr th public navwboferahmsuehabwnd fmaqualt this tuvoajr fills unfailing cmmeusfsw b mess ing pkwsuf to mlulom memorial huiulii scales rasue is sleek aba terser rest sad marker bpmui attention divan to cemetery work artistic and aiiturau workniuiihhip guarantied wmlc allan monument work brampton 3i9m qveehav kiulhavkausu iiimiaiiigssibjfett8 ffo you i i whom we wish to serve i i r 8ervice can be given in imying and hell ing shnrou listed or tmlutud on the tor onto standard stock and mining ex change patronize your local broker and be in touch with the markets walter t evans insurance and real estate rmm is him sired cesrfetowi i norrfngtons saturday treat chocolate and vanilla fudge will be our special this week it is made by one oi the best makers and i of a very high quality saturday treat sse weekend chocolates a very good assortment of highclass chocolates hard and sod centres wfhend chbeolatt sse sole agent or hunts chuulatea tub better luml trj b lioi tu day arthur norrington mais st phone 89 pure food store i i b extra special i matches 3 pags 26c 0 blita s paga mo fn do lois jelly powders 8 pkgi 2so h 6 string broom each 3uo bj ft pearl white soap 0 oakea for 25o km b special b certo per bottle 32o h bpaiowax 2 pkgs 2o jar rubbue 8 pkgs 2so is metal rings per dot 20e h b snyders tomato boup reg 15 per tin llo j hsini baked beans per tin luo is and 25o h vanilla and lemon extraute s bottles 25c h bkellogga rioe kriipiei pot pug 16o h eihi com 2 tins 2bo comet pea 2 tins 2e h 8b a e farnell mmm muvety none 75 tlu piuttires above show tbe ruining a norvul 0 n k hintii wlieie tbe tutalitiei occurred and tbe wmohwl iintoiiuiliite rulow the photographs of the dead children from led to right the me phyllis aged 6 james aged 10 and llelty ugnt t births marriage and deaths are now charged or at the following ratea blrtha ua marriages me deaths soei memorial eamilc per line extra or noetry born hood july blh to at niagara falle lh to mr and i hood a son jamee lei ditd ny or lire john d lie ti10mp80nln eequealng on friday july lath ims george ht thompson in hia ord year qambleinrmtwncithuraday julylsh 128 william qamble in ida nth year browndud euddarjy at norval day july hth jle yean betty tiivday juyl4u jjwmu aad j ear and mu 6 years balovad chlldr of gaorge c ml haul brown in mtmovlam thoupsonln fond and loving namory of our darting raymond who want borne to b with j etui a july is 1927 an ftiurt took wy flower away but i will not rapine for jaaus in hia boaom wear tha flowr that one was mln sadly rabtatd by daddy llama and brothers obituary kkkir sell your cream at home where tss cm set ike highest grade and the best price flpea bverjr s4ar4ay htm georgetown creamery co m bit majuuur ieorge b thompitou after u brief illneas the death oe- ourred at hu renidenco oou 7 lot 10 kfqneeing township of george b thompson in hia 03rd year a son of tho late william l thompson and eliiabeth thompson hi wife annie ron predeceased him 14 yeara ago he was a descendant of an old pionoer family being bom and having lived all bis life on the home stead he was an anglican in re ligion conservative in politics and a member of lol 68 and canadian order or foreateis deceased was well known having been aooeasor of the township for many yoars giving it up three years ago uwlng to ill health he loaves to mourn his loa two sons and two daughters norman r thompson wn ross thompson jean thompson at home and mrs t hewson norval one brother w h thompson haileyhury and staters aba 1 appelbe misu k thompson and mn langdon the pall bearera were au nephews mesars johnson thompson albert thomp ron j alfred thompson thomas conlin frank conlin willard con lln there were many beautiful floral offerings and the burial service waa conduoted by rev mr boyd and brother orangemen from utewarl town georgetown hornby and milton william gamble another of georgetowns highly es teemed and respected residents pain ed away at hia home on thursday july 12th in tbe person of william gamble in hia 78th year mr gam ma waa bora in eaqueaing and in lbbhjwos united in marriage to mary howes daughter of mr and mrs win howetlbth line eaqueaing por some vexrlnair gamble resided in cliloago bat ttje greater part of his life was spent in georgetown where be carried on a suooesstal market garden and greenhouse business he waa deeply interested in the affaire of the town and served the rate payers on the oouniil and school board besides his widow he leaves to mourn the loss of a kind and af fectionate husband and father two children william of detroit and baaie at home the funeral which took plane from hia late residence on bat urday afternoon was largely attended tbe service being conduoted by hi pastor the rev kenneth maclean interment taking place in greenwood cemetery the pallbearers were janus mocertney wm harding chris sergeant wm hunter ale hawe and harry fryer three children dead and father in- jurcd jn motor crash jinny h ettysgh 7 as pitfuls tt 5 cblmres ol mr as mrs c c trsws nerval wetrjuilet and mr rests serttwly issred tubes rseui crashfctnrff ujo al crestlsi near nerval slallea last saluralay the town uud diutriot was pluuged a i wurivn im pnniilpnt of into gloom ut noon on saturday tho canadian nntinnul ki- tic hull ch ne bt georgea church seventh sunday after trinity 8 m holy communion 11 am ihortuned matiaa ltuny and sr mon tha rector 7 pm ahortanad eventond and bannon by the hector daring tha summer montlm aervloaa laii one hoar union banrloea rev c h bohntt of toronto wilt conduct the anion eervioea ou ban day july 23rd preaching at 11 am in the doited obarob and at 7 pm in the haptiat church thm ruling pagaion golfa a mighty fanny gome i never got it right yoa bay a ball for ninety oena then knock it oat of light yoa boat around in weada and thorns ad find it in ita dan and take a club anl try to kuook it out of aigbt again whn the nowj of the terrible tragedy 0 which two children of mr and mr george hrown norval worv al moat initantb killed and a third suf fered injuries which resulted in death several hours later when an automo bile in whiuh they were riding wan trunk by amdialuarof thecinitdian national railways near nurvat station the father is lying tu bt vaaeph hospital ouelpli in a very ritical coiiditfon oh tho renult of tho in juried he huatalned as driver of tbe automo bile littltl hope in held out for hia rwiovery the dead ure elizabeth ngttl 7 lames aged 10 phylllm aged nothing i left or tlie uutouiutulc except tlie front wheola half a chassis part of an onuiue nnd the gaiioliue tank under the front seat tbe father of the ohildren wan the driver of the car he set out from his home around noon hour of satur day to take hiu hired man tieoroo bignala working on hia farm about a mile and a half out from the vilfuge his lunch- according to several rtfli- dents of thu village the mdial electric oar abould have passed the crowing five minutotrlveforo brown got there the radial was five minutes late mr brown drove his car with lits three children in it np the road uwuj from the village and toward hi farm he was travelling at n fair speed wlien he approached the rout ing there is u clear view pf the track as far oh a bend in one din lion and quite n xtretcb of track can lw seen in the turonto dire lion there la a little station house and pint form at the crossing where the vat htopa there are two roads branching oil the main centre mad from norval that orofu the tracks within 10 yard h the auto it sedan did not stop for the radial it is thought mr ltrown was under the impression that tho radial would stop at the platform and station where the freight was packed whether the motorman ex pected the auto to stop or not both kept on going with the inevitable re- salt there was a tornfiu unpaut the auto waa thrown into the air und landed on the east hide of the tnuka down a alight embankment the ra dial was traveling so fast soy eye witnesses that it did not stop until it bad travelled about go yards help oame wishin a nunutu after the orosb whioh could be heard in the village the three chudreu had been crushed by tho impact of tho auto and radial coming together and cat by the flying glass glaae seem ed to be all over the children wen thrown out on to tbe soft grassy ground when the body of the car literally broke up into pieces as it hit the ground after the crash when willing handu removed suf ficient dobru and glass to lift out tho ohildren it waa found that jimmy and betty eldest boy and eldest girl were dead death was instantaneous little phyllis the youngest child was terribly injured and bleed ing profusely and was rush ed to the borne of g c- mclaughlin nextdoor neighbor of the brown fam ily in the village of norval mr brown himself was more fortunate besides deep lacerations he received fibxturea of arm and hip bones he wu taken k 8t josephs hospital gael ph four hour afte- the accideut little phyllis last of the three children of the browa family had passed away despite all medical srlonoe could do to help her neighbors apprised mru brown of the accident without tolling her that the children had been killed she immediately fainted ou learning the news and shu had to receive modi oal attention hia mother also resi dent in the village was told ami she became seriously ill it waa late sunday before mm brown was given more details of the accideut aa she wondered whern the family were col brown of georgetown took charge the bodiea of the three children were taken to acton where they were prepared for burial george brown was bom in the vil lage of norval he married there and all three ohildren had been born there they had attended norval school tha entire villase is in mourn ing for the brown family and show intense sympathy there hod never been a fatal accident at that crossing before wam ihriud tin following tuttiiuiit saturday afternoon at 12 lt p m truni no ii op rut iug betueeu xiielph und toronto travelling at u npeeil ol approximate ly lul i n i if h jp r hour collulm with an automohtl no lliktll ilmm g brown of norvul out i he in i dent m cured ut llighwi rousing mi the uoht miilo of nurvul hiiitiuii jlm 1inibihtj ut tin ioint in uond the regulation ormttng fsiili llrt were given iili prdiugti iiihtrin tinn and at the time ii the uiddimit there fore itotb the whistle lmri u sounded and tin iwli wnx ringing tho fuueml of the three luldrvn wan held from the home on mont i uftumooii uiiil wut ultendid b out two tlimnuiud perhonn from ouelpli toronto aion georgitowu hnnnp ton i took wood and fimehnuru w ho came to show n inp ith while meiu btrrtof the 1nitel uuudu m houl public hiihool ami the boh iaiup near norval attended in a hodj it won liupouhiitle for the turge gathenng to tiue part m orvii e in the house fnuheitnimitl ktv n d mckinnon pa h tor of the l church who nan in i burnt hpotn from the front ktepn ol the home ih- mntcd in the ut npture reiuliug ami prujerrt bj lte it hod anghe in and ltev k meionilil irertlitenun the lurge uruwd a upon tin- lawn and overllowe 1 out on the hidtwulkn and roailuaj i two hcanui kinvtul the liodn to the iemeter the sunday hi houl children following the hetrw iirr ing tlouen mri 1 n moplitmonv iiuhs lo whu li the little buim 1h lonmnl uuh iiiiinediiiel uliintl thf heinu uud 10 ho uud girln from the sundry nnd d t ut luxil urrixl spraj wreuthi uud basuelk wlnle two mouir art v en- rpfpurvd lo lake the other tnlmten to tint emeter three groups of lie trepi i trried the bodiex the lieareis for the little- boy weie mar wuumi c iluntti a mujd wey v bushier and m alexander for itetty the older girl- j kunkin t louth h mr donald it johnhtun x l m meekin and ii caiueron und for tho joungent child piijihh ii laird l lluhtler 11 hnmhill and t arnold at the grave uliuli remued the three caakeu hide by hide the tight won particularly touching the body of the buy uuti lowered lirst then that of the joungeht girl and lust that of betty tbe ulder girl the grave lined with null purple cloth and hurrounded by a mound of green on whiah the floral tribute went placed at the clone of tha twrv uc ltev f w wane he jeorue- church georgetown ltev n 1 mckinnon and ltev mr hiilianuon inutihtaut panior of shelloiiruu btnvt united church toronto inducted the committal nervn e the inbther of the luldrvn mrs tforgi ltrown uh plijsnill uu able to uttenil thekeniie mrulhers mid hirilerh of both mr ami v ltrown wore uuionji lln inoiiriier al the tunc ol innnu to pre r mr ltrown i niiilihon w t tijlill uli pioeil lacrosse ru saturday afterikhin lutt iiurge toj it defeated ferkuri ut tht pirk it mi intermediate t l a xchedule g b the wore of 4 to the goue which wns uitneised in a largo ml uber of nupportnni uiih a fust ix lilitinu or the national gtuie the i orgetown imh huve broken into tt e winning milium i ou and u ill g a u giuul an mint ol tltcuiut s n the teiikuning uhrdutfd gime card of thank iv hereby desire lu uxprvsu our sin ceretnttkgt the friends and niirhbom for tho tvuriailasjii in our font sad lteiavmunt bv the death of our bslovod hujbaruf and father mrs wm gamble and family card of thank the family of the lute geuruv 0 thompson hereby deuire to thank tbe many friends and nclahlwni for their kindness and sympathy ox ten dud m thini in their tuvt bereavemem by tho death of their beloved fat h it nollee le ike poblle kindl tiiko notice that unlttk tlti uhiiiihrh oihvrninil me tn tin- town of innruitiiivii un not htiijul ulti r tins ilatc hitioit ivill if fallen is pirtiim uru known lo nit w slokfh we have ihe ageaey ler hotpoint appliances in i c g e radiolas electrical apparatus la- sialleel aad repairer ikomim siu iii h h darung ffceae 199 hurdock st georgetown if you dosire a regular mi ome that you ntn depond on invest your money fn standard royalties it poy monthly dividondx and there is no nafer investment anywhere if you desire information sign and mail the coupon bolow kindly send me without obligation infor mation rtvardinu standantltoyulties name adruus h w dawson 1 ilox 18 brampton district representative mie canllaeat baal cerps choicest flour mawwirflklcij si and ill ki ids ol feed al reasonable prices try u with your neat orr geoigelovvn flour feed mills w c ihssev gcorflelowii a iwlbblet a imni odnht e asjly uiuiup uhal- snydttaf llidl itmfii tint from llrttf tru ivdl rob you of miluet asj ma yut mourin coaly evbn if tbe treat doest show it to your eye our experienced tire men will usually notice the first signs of trouble give us the chance to save you thepriceofa new tire wheels do ett out of alignment catch it before it gets really bad and you will lower your tire bills and get greater tire mileage let our service moo check up your tires every week lrmv pressure and ocm tqryiidtfl-hblbtlqw- rtibjr n halfhour on the roadside and knock dollars off your running costs dominion tire depot tj speight aytmrckaum wawsask sihbsssis ataaatmojutaa c si hmmvcfchtt hlnlwibu gtaiw au is hu uv flnp lolt h tat 34bla2e at lmasltssleajeeass r tu ji i ayam i sumclllii u m tabur inlnr usv inwibl iujimk ii tsf tu run h n tu i ut tta rial tisu v3 puim ri u knhcu4 savtlb nibs ljwefetmait ut tu ouutu kaz0rbla0c9 tfttti39 hon j 14 citfa nu ma akroxcn nv coils tee gliti touit soixb peaches rrwlnqjavt laaau tllsdm- udluassu9da lara sllgpea c sous mawiefcf ggcoit j3 lbptterm fl a25lbtois so h itsomleelauiu tta 29 ayliafltht manalsa maylaurcktvlw teamataaa s lie wsts ravy btat him mce s tta he m h bkaawmoiila4ta5etatrtciisajs5e shlnur xmta eattraar 1 wa bottls korasvi dcmabu ctwaa ctutard 1 m i httit i vfnnhtrwt ti n hmh free one 40c vial oi lov me periiane free with each purchase of lov me face powder 75c ice cream and soft drinks the constant demand in our store or ice cream and soft drinks ha persuaded ua finally to install them in our atore we have installed uptotheminute electric refrig erator and are equipped to give you the purest ol ice cream in the best and most appetizing condition phone us any time we will deliver renaude vanette reg 310 special 100 free one new style auto strop razor and one auto strop strop free with each purcnaae of auto strop blades 100 radiant toilet paper 6 rolls lor 25c picnic supplies paper cup 10c doz ijper plates 10c doz paper napkins 15c plcg fil in pmikiigi thermos bottles 100 up picnic package 25c gillette blades 40c and 75c free one loose powder compact value 75c free with each purchase of day dream pace powder soc free with each dollars worth of developing and printing done by this store one 5x7 enlargement free armand compacts reg 1 00 half price soc free one gold plated gil lette razor free with each purchase of hulmol- ive shaving cream 35c we deilver 3hght5 wraggettes drug store phone 327 areai tiegnfe

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