the georgetown herald sixiy iiiihiv l ol puhmlaiion greoparatown wednesday evening july 2bth 1928 180 par annum id advance 100 to ob the georgetown herald lj m ulloul fuwiubi ami fruvrlalor mva r muiiimi wuiy unaun nalleatl llrdrle railway tarsal mulurlau uallwev vi y i imiisin duly 1 iuiiioiimi dm i v traill weill m till i 1 i i iii nil i 7- l i a 7 hi ii iii ii u i 4 41 1 h hi i as ii in u ii f7iiin 7 i hi pill h ti7 l ml ii i i 111 ifij ti7 i in 11 art pin 10 iim i in lf m i i7 i in til 7l6p m 12- r r7 iin k i 1b p iii 6li i in iil i mi i i 14 7 67 inn 17 1iiufulil ah tf 57 i in 11 0r7ini 1h tldhlilil nil jt will inn dull m sl dui nusjm imllh ilnk liim will to sipt inl no it dull from hiit it li to sept jillli to ai ton oiih no iii daily irom luin- will i sept inl toactun mil unr tim tefcl dolnii ka9t inssimlgor 7 m iluuuuigor ntn ilinwnuor mull umipirj pmmoniicr 4pm mail osipm paoimor hlifipm pucueuiiir sunday 7 21 pm uoltjo wkfli mml passenger jjjj vr likfliur 1128 am puueuuuur 8 p- mini 4 60 pm piwueniior o08pm lausoukor 7 oh pm caiaungor sundnv 1081 a m ooinu north moil abflani hi ai i 160pm ooino aoutu mail mall 710 par directory le etoy dale inliln sad salleller georgetown ontario olllcesking uldg uui ht clarence h widows ufuur sellelter heurv aula orih- olsxtli dloov- uswiwli hours 4 a m lo 5 p m onon vhlnd ly and sulunley kvnliit dm r t mbl physielsn jimi burflmr dlcal officer of ilualth in iaum uiiiu township oaoa iioum i to and imp pim 01 office and iteeleatiee ilaln titreet mouth oppnallo prmbylarun cnureb ntlctf w boss lliyriii4n end suiceon uill slrm ceorifutown iliona 21 ls llouft hurueon oraii llotpil il toront dr o v willi am physician and suravm mrdual offlctr of ilualth georgetown oule and utsuuncuquoon ht south faeaetml office llourauiue m l3andoup m also by appolntmont r r watson btu ii d a oeerteteera ofnee hssni- s te o esee tharsiar afteraeeae f l hiath l6s 00 a demlst oaaa la lmaa block on deer aortt ef ynalll carrlase wman bonn 4vm m to p am j br r iramiloiith vaterinary sorgaoo phosaau alalbaaanb oaoaobtowa ohibopaaotio a ifaalstaa baraaiy oataapatay ar uaatalaltr ttatht curoaraauo xaar hauroalaasatar 5w5kolblrle forsters grocery full line ol fresh rocerles al ways in stock bananas and oranges al ihe rlghl prices icecream in bulk cones or bricks ti hiii forsters termai oaah oeorkctown phone 99 new barber shop in ihe roney block mr t s wade wlio hits liud 35 yearn experience in ihia line will oin n firnl claws barber shop in connection willi tlic music slore of mr c wade on saturday july 14th we solicit your patronage 1 1 the boy who di pa oquesl adjourned un- noles and commenb t support the highway sasety movement wear thl atieker on your windshield aak far one at your filling utattan highway safety committee tkt iidn old s iii sr chaniuiu have you a little girl she should learn to play the piano aa pari of her education select a henry herbert it purity of lone will eneur llu proper training of ll ar- ao orcchary to llu makloh f a nituirlaa lu rlrb nru will tlam all vh brar it rkuugb mtmlrrala la urlrr service iadt attbmdast har ida moat complete and uplo office clilropracllcally in onlario hbilseit tka oklrrur plaa orlnta 1ft yvo yvaatia office mml to o nelll garaflt wedoaaday t saturday 2lo 5 7 to v pm olbar daya and houre by appoint meet phone i sow reildence luu amut ptiono 213 tuesday gad friday 3 to 9 p m hive your eyes enmined by tr ot walker mac pbana 500- 1 bfanyui gimboi from 3 15 up tho boitletuae and f rmmaa auppllod tlmbmiilt b a debtor ib a kno0keb b kelly aiken 5 collectors varalataal laaaa u ofiioiis oraniraville owin hound and quslph b established 1x00 b j sanford stewarttown pliimbaiifltliisiiuuilng wmmta ckmrmty uvea rhmkmrll fievfcltwa hi he it carrl iba full auaranlfv oflta laakara maaoa hlsrb urallnl seiul coupon for hlutlraled foldef showing the various designs jomlted 115 wyattm si cmlyli please send 1ikmiv iifrbekt 11128 ittluer to name a1idhess college view garage gel your repairs done at a fair coil come leis give you a price on your next job repair to all hakaaar can oaa oua urease eta raate aaa car rattarlee koiiaaaeil a brunton cauefevlew phone 336 otreeuwi erwingoidhams meat market fresh tanghl lake tronl every thursday and friday watch our window for special prices on saturday get tho best phone 1 emh9mwtmmmmmmmmmmii 1 sell your cream at home where ya cu set ibe highest grade and ihe best price opea every sjtertay wm georgetown creamery co m 8a o managt aatmtm far luuue oraajaila tmurt oflol nnd aaattaaea lots of balloon tires cliolce of prlcg fall range of slmcs all heaping value teve concentrated on goodyear tires w so we can carry a full rondo of balloon tiro sizes and give everybody service we can give you the price you want and we know the value is there every one built from supertwist cords j n oneill tfc son cbevrelcl uj okluul silts awl servlm phone 14 service that saves you time and money pilgrimage to martyrs shrine old fori sle marie jesuit martyrs graves under julruiiiu f iii 1 v nill do bishop of uiiinlltun canadian national railways special main hiyltt hflttiliiiiliilh sirveih iiowrate xouraion fares lv gfurgctimn w m htumiiutl lnur sunday july 29th holt inn hitfli ma will im mlthrnlml upon arriv il of truin at sliniiq sp mill ivtm kt turns tiiinilo kunmi seonra vonr tiobeta from cnr sufun tlckd ageat gmrgeiawa oat a sul itimitl lilthi fnllnw hlth illoiio in ilmp thnutuif jlnrun u liiiiipuritlii lu hln throat and tjin iitrhuiu iowii iiih turt hi wuixtnh 1 trnu lii plti matt lur ln ilim uut wmit tu liiur ilifir hiuiulj to imirry luuufitttr nluu tlu world iiuh imt itii tiller lit lias in pp d tint t up of riorrow lit luulraiihhl tin liltuu- fliihi and his luiirt ih fairlj liiikiuf liuu tlih my who didnt nuu iii t1hppl twit tlllf mill n uitigi u lifry littlu hiii ij hut lit uimtua flovm tolipur it hiiow itiff pluinly uuiuetlnnuri wrung com h hbi rutthftil littlt iipaiiitit for u romp ami hit or ptu hut the troutdiu littlt ndlow uuriilj hidrt liim uaawuy ami uiiiih tju hits in horrow with hm hmr u tunntad iuuhi and liiti eyn urn rwl with weopmjj liuu- tl uoi whotlidhtjwbr oh y oil who hooht a laughing mm and apeak of lim uu bright and you wliolovud a little girl who i oiutm tu you tonight uh hiuihug eyea and dancing ftmt with honor from her bthool ill r n to that lonuly ihi who thin kit he is u fool and take hini kindly by tlio liand the dullest in the claw lit in the one who taotit needai love 1 tlm boy who didnt puut mulligan chrifitiun advouaw charges with yimh uilliutu charlen howard aged 4fi 3turt ol nuuaugaweya town oh ip wirn urrested tuesdaj tuortihig und lodged in the county jail at milton hi provincial constable butler he ulwrged with tho theft of flvo liead of rattle the propertj of wallace luh of autop ataiitarl hour monday morning juhtibhieb and hu huh of knquev i kened by iii juiyjoih coroner ur ii a mocoll rou duutwl the ftttiiht kriduy into the death i ol ilinmy brown ugfiit 0 betty bniwii ugid 7 and jhylli brown uttd a htldien of mr and mm j brown nnrvul who met their death hint saturday noon when tliif ludiui of whiidi thii were twru panm wan ut riii it by un euniluiuud rudiauir ut norvul huip mr brown wau h idlj injured and in in juelph hobpital and ulio inquest wuh adjournfed nfur jieariiig eon uidemhht evident until monday july io or tu a later date pending the t audition or mr lirown whov eviiteure the jury winltna to have v i uitk crown attorney for hultou county nonduttml the ev amiiiatiuii 8 deftrey k c uuelphi appeared fur colonel brown brother or george brown j t pratt kegioiial co u mi i for cunulhtf nu tionul ruilwayn and alfred edge divntiou clairaa agent represented the canadian nation u hail way m thoraoh h caiuphell weotou luoioriuau in uharge of the radial that crashed into the sedan driven by george brown norval won firat called and wan urow examined at length he aaid that he had been employed with the c x k aa motor man for the guelph toronto radial line for the pant throe montha after two weeks training he won fa miliar with all nurven and grades on the lino from toronto to guelph questioned an to inakiug up time he hod been iimtuiuted by the buperin tendon t nut to vary the hpeed or audi up to uiliedule if late he hud changed over at george town and left there at 1 07 satur day morning the noliedule calli for six minute to norval etop and the distance wm mthwyjf at three chain ly mtimatad tiik home paper aupporu the town and rooia for it in and out of neawm what are you doing gentle reader to uupport the bom paper are yon patrooiiiug ita ad vertuiug uolumns and lta oommeroui printing department it a fair quentlon we take it the local pap er never ankn bonuhinortakxeup tioun nor free water it help to pay taxeit of manufacturing ootioerat and lh often rewarded by teeing tbe uoiineruh give what work they have to tiutnide plorefl nig towunhip were ojvakened loud noiuj in the aikemi barn op pooite the bluok fanu thu went over to the bam aud found live head of cattle which had been driven there from mr iduhya pasture held some dihtauou away while the block n were driving the cattle book to the pohturo held they ay they met how i ard and u young man najad stewurt j from morriitoii driving a truok i hen stewart aaw the uuoka he 1 legedly sped away vmterdavy mr stewart of murrihtou told provincial constable butler that howard had come to bis house the night before and made arrangements with hta sou to take three cattle and two horses toronto this morning it in naid that howard luu i uonfeaion mr aikensstates nothiug about the cattle being look ed in his barn tte woiltttltidttt watch livingstones bakery for specials on saturday orders taken for lemon cream custard banana and butterscotch pies livingstones qualify bread 9c q livingstone phone ss georgetown ru b i we heard a man singing the old oaken bucket the other day and the thought ran through our head that in thin prvneiit day of efllcienlj mitrobes ami othtr peubt this ttume old bucket w onl good far one thing to ming about ah u matter of foot it simply isnt if we an to believe u hipall frantioti of what the health expert toll us in untuning to tlie noug we actually got thirsty and our thoughts run back u few years to whan the old oaken uutket wua in souulj 1 his wait be bore the microbe hunters and the fel iowh who find mollygnibs in nearly everything we like had appeared on the s ene nowadays no one would think of enjoying a drink out of au thing no crude us the uld buoket that hung in the well or il he did would not tare tu admit it water nowadays has to im tumi gated chlorinated osphyxiatod und good n una only known how many other atedtt before it is ut to be fired dowu the neck of the thirsty toiler the prehcnt day tuueuthtts may be hrlectl juntiued in tlitir eltorts to hi are ihe public but ut thar we do uot remember of ever having heard of many epidemics in tho olden days that could he traced to tlie time honored bucket that hung by a rope tu the ntouo lined well fo miles per hour radial struck mr browns ear he liod sounded the whistle at the place of the accident two long and two short blasts also the foot gong at the place where the accl dent happened tlie down grade was fairlj beavj how far from the crossing were you when you decided jou could not keep from striking the automolviuv about 2b o30 feet he further mated that be hod ap plle4 full ottvioe applloatioo of air ifto feet and tlie emergeney bffftjtaa when 50 feet away io you consider that crossing a safe or dangerous one tho safest ronsiugs we the road i mr campbell estimated the speed he chcw ot the automobil at 20 miles the radial struck the oar near the hind wheel throwing it on the right hand side of the eosthound radial he had phoned headquarters after giving what assistance he could he had no reason lie said to stop at the station as there were no passengers to got on or got off kenneth i wilson accountant of the bank of montreal and neville jepsoti both uf georgetown passen gorn oti the radial gave evidence that the whistle had teen sounded und also the goug uk0au8k of the crowding of the paved highways ami tlie probhibuity of thou becoming more qrowded as the neasoti advances hundreds of motorists are patronizing the better country roads seeking there the pleasure and recreation not poible on the highways because of the lteavy traffla a new army of nature lovers lias mad ita appear ance and ever day these em en ling their way through beautifully shadad dells round winding roods to the edges of meandering streams not driving furiously like jehu of old but stopping here and there piaolek inpf or just resting to admire the georgeoaa loveliness of nature thaw are pleasure there impossible along the leading highways with the seemingly endless stream of traffic i jon sate or uanfl es to i one of i have on the -i- mr camp to be erttmualew armed with shotguus local police have instituted a night patrol of the roads of trafalgar township and are tdiootiug all stray dogs in an attempt tu reduce the number of sheep- killing epiwdes in the southern part of the inuiiii ipality chief of police kerr stated that lohnes experienced bj farmers have bstu exoeptionall heavy during the pott few months and more than 1000 was paid out in coin pen nation by the township coum il ut the lost meeting it d kbmiiug has lieen one of tlie beavhst lokers and secured kih 60 in com pennatiun notices bearing a warn ing to dog owners have lieeu spread throughout the hauthernpart ol tlie township by thj itolice a reward of 90 has lieeu olfurod bj tlie coun t il to uu man shooting a dog in tlie oct of uttai king sheep will euaelt fay decision of the general hospital boanl to pay the nurse at tlie insti tution the money withheld through an extension of their probation period as a penalty after the girls strike in february was announced by chair man j m taylor on the 11th lust cheques covering tlie amount owing was given some tweuty five nurses since the settlement of the strike everything has been runuiug smooth lyatthe hospital aud the boards action in settling up with tlie girls will nrobably be tlie last heard of the dispute occasionally one strikea oil no to speak receives large divi dends on his investment the value of his shews or stocks increases and the venture proves abundantly profit able but for everyone who strikea oil there are hundreds ahnoet who receive small returns and there are scores who lose the capital aa well almost any municipality will luhhcieut initajieeajsf j tala are told in court and out of it how a nioa appearing fallow promised thin and that without further idvestiattion a cheque was signed and the harcain made liter that nomea the tad story too wall known to require repetition slewarltown too late lor last issue the woraeh n institute held a very successful ten and sale of homemade baking on j ub tlth on mrs tracys lawn the ladles wish to thank all those who helped to make it a suoceas and to auturethem that the proceeds will be used for a good purpose the regular mouthl neetiug was held at mr hugh blacks on july 10th mr andrew the retiring district agtirul tural representative of milton very ably addressed the ladies mm hazen gmham won a beautiful plate as prize for making the liest button hole in the buttonhole on test a picnic will lie held on mr harry law sons hits uu august 1st and a qmltling will be held on tlie next regular meeting day august 14th at mrs 1 a tracys mrs harry lawsou and master douglas are holfdaiik at owen sound mr and mrs albert mcdowell of torouto spent a few dsys last week with mr and mrs harry lawson umehonse too lute for last issue mr mumuiory of toronto visited with mr and mrs doughty over the week end mr and mrs win ijiiib of erin spent bunda ut mr geo minos mr aud mrs air marshall and ualie miss winnie mrs bums and daughter mr win marshall and ralph of torouto spent sunday at mr kiuhard marshalls miss winnlfred i vims of toronto is visiting her sister mrs newton mr und mm vym ii ismond of grand codhtr hask visited friends here lust week mr ross cameron oouupied the presbyterian pulpit last buuday and gave a very instmntive and interest ing sermon mr and mrs llert modowell of acton visited their old home here on bunday aa avataa swlausar tar maratfcaa mr miller an employee of the anton tanning go is now using all his leisure time training for the wrigley marathon swim at the canadian national bihihition last week end he journed to toronto and did a fourteen mile swim in the hay each wrv iib does a training swim through the t in fairy if a man kills hit neighbor by raeltlewly stepping out and bring aj amlpwutie piatol iperianoe hat aaowu thatlit will be liable to a fifcaifc aaelwovullon of annalengh- tev mhd asbttaaual whim ten tenon bnt if the tune man tab twoton automobile drives iwueaaly and kills hit neighbor the eeqoel may be complete exoneration or a negligent homicide charge followed by a light fine why the dleerimlna- tion q the man who praotioea with a fit arm in hit backyard and pole hit neighbor through a window it ran and not much of a menace the reokless driver appears to be come more common every day and more of a hazard to 9nty man wo man and child in ererr community ir this habit considering man slaughter by reckless driven a minor offenoe to be condoned by uts courts tontinuee the gunman may as well put away bis traditional weapon lav in wait on hit enemys usual route to the office pick urn ap on his bumber at 40 miles an hoar and tell tlie authorities it wot an ac- lideut terra colts too late for hut issue a young lady from toronto who wot visiting in the village narrowly escaped drowning while bathing in the river bhe become erhtnttert and mr jock puckering won called who brought her out safely our blacksmith mr modowell re ports trade quite brisk at pneent mrs h ellwood and family of toronto apent a few days last week with mr and mra j maroheman the holton brick go ore running their plant to its fullest capacity in trying to keep up with their orders our young people were entertained ut a social dance at the noma of ott bros on saturday evening hut mr robert mocauley it on the sick list at present we hope for bis speedy recovery the new residence of mr danish is hearing completion why jews uyttuemhetm this it the true story of the hrtt jew who ever attempted to enter the city of aberdeen and lie only- got to the outskirts the jew had been working in dundee for scleral years but thought that he would try the keen strong commercial air of the oily farther north he had beard all about the stories of no jew having ever been able to pick up a living in abeldeen but be wot determined to have a eat at it 80 off be set on foot for the famous city at the end of three dajs he found himself approaching it at a wo aide boose perhaps two miles to the southward he taw a gronere van drawn up the driver got duwn took off hu bones note bag from a book in front of the vtii und hung it over the animals neck then without the lost of an instant more than be oould help he opened a little boa at the bock of the von lifted out a hen and planed it directly underneath the horses head the ben promptly started to pick up the grains falling from the note bag moaea shook hit bead sorrowfully turned round and raadarl ii the south again i sir ooulsndera from in the 8andoy cjgliavs entered the notional ethtbilloo uock over 11 events ultion