Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 8, 1928, p. 4

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pace- the llciirgetuwu llilull auk hth tlljh v 3j that is winning new thousands every week ach wecit that potitusc six forge ahead to a ma hb point bl sale each week thai lowerfpricadl motor stx tuipjmm it owu anuhmig record for it trrrdcttdoua popu- 1 ib nr37 iiui s4 137 pin 12 5ij7 pm fill u iii 14 707 in im r7 p in hi u 7 iiiii ih i1lilllll no 511 will run liil mpi im dll no fill 54 wl llllli in hpt nu ii dull irulii hi scplulli in atiu nub no nil ul irulii jiiiii hopl unl tu ailull ul iii lulw luni till iii lllll i unr tlase ryle uoinu baht lm am 0 am rnnsonuor pcuuwnbor ivutuinger i li ml i- pm lmiutiiicr iv mn1 2or poaoongur p- paeuengor sunday 7il pm uoino wksl mail l-i- piuiaagor inss jm pmseuger a iaswjuuor 8 mail is2 iunaongur b pm pasuangor p- pauuongcr sunday 1084 am uoino north mail m uull 46b prn uoino bodtu mail j m jmjmn directory lc hot dale barrister aa4 sellellar i georgetown ontario olllcoklng uldg mill st ofjebenoe h wiooimb arrutar sellaltaw ihutr vaule ohu0abiu block wtw lour 9 ubi to 3 pm open wednesday and salurday hvnui he dth willi iniurt- wv up uu fur iu tin ii m i drouin window tiutl tuvl tip lo tin fourlb lh lloyul voik i i it numtiir littil lit toimilii im wll tip hi nrliiunl adit i tkpcitd iu bv iiiiiplfi il h lint fur tlc iipmhik hkki jny ttulwlili tjliilluk ibi miort ulrlkt of ib led and to i id i tic trade w van vulkanliurv president of lb- iumimu ikinril of truile any ibul lil ell mn mvltici at- out to cupiur lojiulrlm that i ous ronton for uu walt lo montreal uuj lb iolru hiaun ii flaurti tbut lb mineral reiouro or lit nrovluoa iibould pro ida the basis tf a millibar of iddimlrl o 43 lr t4ui of tb prolnclul ar iua wltli in tit irltiubrlatt bltd inauftiratlon of tlihw now vorbvartuoutb novo botla it mhisr ftblp urvtc rcutly rir vtnlitd tb first dutranca of a v tl from saw york lulu vuruwutb barter for tb putt 20 yart tbu wu lb uu lvuiitllup of tbt eaitrn hatuibl jju carrylut lu tiusvri hti li of 6000 tqm uod bar iuiiihk coudmu wltb hut iouilnjou allautlo kullway and ao dobua tourlata to reach nova bcoua ia and bollduy rjiiorta erwingoldhaif tbu aututnar will wltnvia airrit of ac on iu yarl of tit hla ai wll am uti 0 o t ruction of 5ma in al- b lari tad an r juit ai- o autar on meat market fresh ldughl lake troul every tla1ikiafw trioay a und u iuiiii wale ouk tvinrfou- fo spca air forc brlulai younjr- iltarx banj libddrflnuy bo from canadian paule uontnalrn for a tour of can from coau to ooaat aa did f3 hand or uji cnldatraani ouarda a yar thu aafraratlna w4 mad la junt 1bs0 and atnea baa futflllad niafanuata all iba brttlih iiui tha baad 111 play la all tka nrlnelnal eaa- military oaolraa and rarrlasn it canada duriqi uialr tour get tha beat da a t paol phyalelan and uraaan tladinl ulrlrar of health in equilnil township oalm lloura s to a and t to p aa ulrica and haaldanc ualn straw ibutb oppoalta praabytarlan cbnnb db o w oi phykuian and survaoa mill slrri georiiatown pbona it kapui uuruaoajtirace llotpilal tornvno dp o v wmjana phyucian and burgem udical offltor of health aoorbptown offlvu end itealdenaiqueen st south uhl hourabloa m laandtmpm ulao by appointment r a watbon s it a u d a oaararatawai ohia beam- tjiept tkmraday attoraaaaa r l htath lda oo b oamlat ob a lan blaab ona dear nortl at yallla carrlaa raowra saan a a at to p aa or b lsabhokth velerinary sursaon us halaauaerui oaoaortowa to dale ohibopiiaotio ha hadlala tarajary oataaaatkf ar slaatrielly shritorlsmiee ladt atraaoairr haw the moat complete and urm offica chlropracllcally in ontario iiuiuii lava oklrapraatar ralaaar oeadaata ib f aa paaatta uihce neat to onalue qarara wedrtaaday ai saturday 2lo 5 7 to 9 pm other daya and houre by appointment phone i50w realdance loll at iflltaa phone 213 tueaday aaa friday j lo 8 pm db r 4u behmbtto hye ear noie and throat spocialial announces thu thu removal of hie office to all maim ar rani hahutoh out eyeglaaaesnitodconaullatlon by up polnlmentphono uartleld 0o convenient parui for automobiles have your eyes lusmta ky dr 0 t walker max peaaebbl braaaplaa ulaaaeafromuuuup tho bast lanaaa and frames supplied uimui a debfob ib a bm ookeat kelly aiken ooixkotobs parautaat laaaaaaflal offices oranratrllle owen sound and oualph kstabliaheil law atret call far dinner last for dlanerl tha old uoao- la wansuujr to iks hunary tra- la a uuw at tha paat oa tha canada lluuad c p h aaaoatuiantal eraea trala from oatraal to vaaeouver today a attuy attlrad waiter to white coat alad apron with a smart black bow file walke throuab tha oars rlaaiaa v oa a dulcimer aa appeal at once mora pleaaant to the ear and more likely to attract attention than tha former method la tints there is ao doubt the idea will be adopted on all dlnlni oar train of tha railway adrsrtiaad to make the trip from montreal to london in alaa daya tha canadian pacific frelsht ahlp avertrae actually completed the la aubt days and twenty hours c record tuns for a fralalil j aavtwaan the two porta this vv 1 b a ha five baarsr up tha asw fast ssrvle of tha 1 they have ro- and are of the aar- d len over all in all at all times with the aupetb caae of a thorouftkbrtd tluu take all in its atride the blggc iid bcitct cbevrout never faltera in the moat trying circtim- atenceaprovea ita mettle on the ateepeat gradea and in the face of the greateat ohataclea the rugeedneaa of chevrolet coostnictlon alone makea these thlnga poaalble there u no part of the engine of the chajsis of the body that was not designed primarily for rugged endurance put to tha teat again and again on the general motora proving ground aj a rawli tha m and battar chtwelm atunllly cilailm tnfhtmh a fitlt tlta up tlopai or tha bocltlam and ploughs tu way utroaah h daap mud and futtba of lialfaud prairi trallt in whatavar cendltlatu il nuy b ptacad tba iplndid nigadnaw af chavrolat raauuns layal ia tka mtvim of iu ewiur iu ions ufa has tractate piwvartialatk vaty aaaas qt it a ynonym far s dial anduras tfie bjtfar and banar cltavralat twautifol in form litaniatiatain apmlnunaara- aunraasaly nufad in ceminur- tumpo by tha famotu valvain4uad aiaafra wtlial mfurlng inimwarthy paafornunca tm uavrw ailtaaia cendeliona no matter what tha road o matter what tha wtith at all timaa tha biagar and btter chavralat ayt oa tha job ucii ita tkf c ujt c gwif atfdudtri mm dbfattw h plmu4 4 f av4t4m 7m cklm a baama j n oneill a son chevrolet pboduct of gbnbbal motobs of canada limitbu a few suggestions for your holiday trip aaaaaaa targuu tlumnuml luluml moulruul liutber si atuif haifuenio itur all kxprnuwri ijlltlftt toronto to munirvul lo httmiitr w ml toronto to quel tu hi uminer rifilm huriuu to lurt arthur return 704l own u soutitl to muiluimw lnluml return 45w montrviil to nowluiiiiiluiiil sh itiftulinil 1kmm itorgtttwii to lusjter lark wturii h ho iinornetowii to vutoriu huattlu reuirn lolioi inuruotowii to tlilortitii iteittru llo fi tutirthl tliinl return montre to iivitrhhil 11150 for full particulars nnd pamphlela walter 7 evans sicamkia puufln avrutl ky all han circle the globe salada i nttt hn wwtt wutm rmtattl twca now john htury llsars hss circled tba world in record lliuv on aocb occasion the cntv gdlan pacific llnar cmprass of husuhi trs anablad blm to bent ill fomisr rscordn twenty-lbm- daye iwfora his pi on j tho city of new york landed at ilirtlsa field m suutp and bis pilot h d collyar flaw too inhss out to aan and lundad aboard tba ship that oonvayad blm to pranca t arriv ed in europe ha flaw from cher bourg to yokohama and boarded th eiuprsia or ituasla at kobe wbare tha whit liner woltm ready to daah serosa tba pacific to vftnfnuvpr prnwr vancouver to now york whh invir4d b mfiins inoikiplnni wlilcli itt car ried with liliu on laonnl in iiim firm urtlch mtiiru prnilunttl mic- cnn for hluiholf urtd bin coiupiin- inn imieaiiht llu- iunnllan iuclflc llnttr niuprtht of itiiaulu lirnimht niel uclt ubiii i lirnui lh record in in 11 ami i limk on it an u ikwmi omen that ulic u to help m hrcitu tbo rtcnrd muln ho succeeded in bruklng thu rocortl vvn better ihun expected the km promt of nuustu brlnalui blm in u ilu ahead of nclmduli anabllng blni to bop ncromt iln- just as tke twig is bent cj the trees inclined eueving that the individual c thrift of our cirizeru is the back bone uf canadas prosperity the bank of montreal does all in its power to encourage systematic sav ing on the part of youth at all of our branches we welcome the savings accounts of children start such accounts for all the young people of your family and lee them eariy learn the earning power of money bank of montreal banana sin eatabliahed i8l7 uvlnitsl in bxcess of 11860000000 j b wallace manatee jt1 fifth georgetown branchi phonmss vc3 sraziwlfei the neville sot mnnebs lunches soft minks undies confectioned ice crtab alsacs servef la ike dalallesl ways mlneville mala street mme 15 cearaetowa our mparts soarch utrtmifh tttoisuenci of taa 2lfaplj r to iii salada bleimh ordinary tea will not je lenally fin teas only are used in this way salada maintains ita unrlvalm poshton someexptti advice aboiityourtrs atr costi riolliing c of it mevtrui irnlfs off the hfe of your tires more limn half your tire troubles ore eauaed by unilc rinfliition therea a correct preaaura for every nie tire according to ita load two or three pounds under tills will take miles off ita running life near enouuii wont do uu a reliable gauge and be sure or coll at this depot once a week and let u look over your tires well watch for bruises rim cuta and embedded hints at least twice a leaaon let tu remove each tire and look fur inside fabric breuka it will mean extra mileage and dollar off your tire bills a dominion tire will give marvelous mirtajfe if you trvut il right dominion tire depot t j speight sell your cream at home where von can gel ike highest grade and ihe best price opea every salaraay nitjal georgetown creamery co ma sao manaser nvatora call euiaraaa tha aftehnoon tr vebv mackeys bread fresh every day delivered to your door try oar homemade baking llum iucll layer cukeu uauh metropohtuiih wv ilo otmkte er il mark clark phone 22dw georfietown lj il 2 wanted and xyond to all point in manu teret ta rdmonton tannls imxmi tr camp kite us to dastlnatlon hull huh ueei tcavnollua to convert ground into a held and lo o trry mmmmmm ineuth tor mxtiear there was an uttav boys fjaith week from oamp nptjuefl uml upsrw hundred applied to go ubo o not hu uiuoinmodated tlie camp wiw m dharge or lonlou ganld itoitt work beuretary of the weht end hranrli halton garage tzzz7z usl battery h aea j m doyle prop ram 7 wu si eerteurva atszhmbsbbbaabbs college view garage gel your repairs done at a fair coat come lets give you a price on your next job kapalra to oil uakca efoan oaa oua qrenti ea llndlo and oar attrtm r4iliacad a brunton csuegevletv phone 336 cewel cmiiy caaatu che llultun county uouuull met iu milton on wednesday of last woek nnd tlieiv was quite a imigthy ami in ureiitinuj hebsiou of hpeoial inteitmt to oakville was tho uttvumimt that county money tulirlit lie lunt on the sixth line from thu fltutlon roat to tho town remu tery uml uti krrr atreet north of ktlmmtu mlrthu any moiuiy spent mi these atnmta will vurn government grant of fifty per ueitt it waa ugroeil by ouuilrll tlmt next far tint good roadaiiotninituw should coimiht or tlmh innmliera of uouuty iioum41 appointed at tinit nieetitig now then ure live lueinberh the appeal liy trafalgar tigiiiiiht the eiiuulizution bf uaiieaiiiuunt woa withdrawn for thia ear after heeve morden had explained that what he had in mind was an eiialinttion by a coiniuittk of three independent men where sueli an uksesaraont is made it htaiiilu for live yearn thia mitiuii will pmluibly follow early nrxt eur uud it la hoped aoiue iermuuent ugreemeul may be reauhed the canadian national kx- liibitlon ijiki voice oliorus will give four onnerta again this year dirt tnuk motor rueuig iiliam piiiimliii will tie auttled at this years cauudiuu nuuuuul xkibitiou tor onto made afternoon and lht eg served by the ladies ttnuuv foully the outing of these txjei tionm la ike dltek xjuia on eutunlay night lust one of thetu arrow buses coming from toronto ifd ran off the highway opposite mr r a n n ltiownn farm and into the ditoh it waa suuduy aftenioon before it was brought liuuk to the roadway aguiu only live paaaengers were on the bus at the time and do one was injured lieyond a bad shaking up a ford trunk also ran into the dilh near the wventh line comer on monday but wna hauled out by passing motorists it is also said that a local motorist in a speed con test on the highway west of anton took the ditoh at 01 miles an hour to avoid hitting his nonteatant wlien the brake i were suddonly applied ami lie oanie out again rightaide up tuutvsrlaasa bloot a i year livajlf4ltmir and strong and has a ao we have mar for their oomp the skiu a alear 1 aalta and pills gol for a bottle of f urifier and aw which i nlaim youratmly juk bptul uxhillts from vranoe cuba llermuda ueiieo india south amerioa and unlled 8tata will be promintnt at thu- years canadian national exhibition toronto olympic game uoutandera from several uatioua have antarad the canadtau national exhibition track and behl event

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