the georgetown herald simvtiiiltd vkait iuiimcation georitetown weilneaday evening aug 16th 1928 lco per annum in advance 9100 to db the georgetown herald j m moomx ciulkr rrrrllr umm ir nueiuu weekly new taper aveeaullon caaaalia iwislul eledrlf railways tereale ttefceeaen fetellvrnv kwtih1ukv wkhriloiinii dnily uy vvoui train n fin c 11 in no 1 7 us im a- 71u urn 8 3t am a 8 57uni b libonui 111 iw7 iiiii 71 b ii h 167 p ill 11 ii hfi pm tti ii tu i in 11 17 bb pm 10 1107 pm 11 il lf p i m 1wpm 18 7iis pm 1u 0fi7pni ib ii an pm ftt i ft i m rl 111 ib p 111 u7ll7pnl 17 iaillliim bh h b7 i in 11 1 b7 iin ih 11 blip in 511 mil iiili mi luj nofiu 54 mi mil ik 1 ill linn luill ki kil lid nil ii ililllj ironl ii llli n ikplwlli i adult mill jiu bll ililj itiini luiir ililli btpt irtl to ai tun ulil chr tlrae laku uoinu ka8t tatibonuor ivusongor innuonitor mini ilihsonucr mail pasecutjur ivuuonhur sunday 7 m am lolham 1209 pm fulpn 082 pm dm pm 7s1 pm ooino wkbl mail 741 am ilinfamfor 888 vm pissruger mat a in ilukoiilior 1 jjnil 4b0pm ivuwonucr 809 pm pommngor 70b pm pimaonticr hundnv 1024 am ooino nobtii mail sbm uul 4bb pm ooino bodtu mall jlw m 71u pm directory le boy dale arrtater eej bellelier i utorgotown ontanu olllrsa kins bids mill st olabenoe h wiooimb lurbur bellelier metaiy weallo omoa0heiix bxocb georseloarn hour q am to 3 pm oimu ivednueday and saturday kveniuu morteexe ineeetreeme honor tolonu nucraam iu dr r t paul phyelelsn am turseoe urdltul utllcer or hualth in iciuuiuinil towruhlp ohm iloure t t 4 and t to t a a rice ana kaakhnca ualn street duutb opposite praabytarlao chorea or o r w rom pliyaician and surgeon mill sir l ceoriiolown ihoiw 2 fc iiuuk nurueon grace lluapital toronto dr o v willuall phyiuctan and surgein medical ufllcor or health ueonrrtown omv and iteaidonco queen si south uhlr lluurudioa m 1uaium pm ulao by appointment i r watson s u h d a oeavaetawa omee hernial s te 6 caeeat thareeay evftaraaaaa f u miath ld4 dob demuvt qeso in len sleek oae doer aortl vmsllte carrtat veetsrf bean m to as nr r learhohtu veterinary surgeon rbesemo hatnaiertb oeobobtowm ohibopiiaotio me healalae aaraarr oeteeaatlif or cleetaieltr utralatol cfclroereeue i f she ijvmice ladt atttafdalit haw tka moil compul tuu up to otcm chlropracliceally in ontano iieiximi tt ounfimtor bftuam otrndbata layneynutltw ufflca naxt to onalut qttuff w4jfmjyslurdy2to 3 7 to 9 pm oihar dy und hour by ppolilmaat 1liona isow kldtnc lull at lflt ilmwa 313 tuttday and vtuimy a to 9 pm 10 oiaic dm r behkbtto lyo ear noio grul throstsnoclalut announces thu the removal of hit ultlcc to ul maim st bast uahjltow out kyiislauwoifittedconaultation by up polntmont- phono gar he id 7 convenient par king fur automobile have your eyes examined by dr 0 t walker b0ac peaaamol beaaeaua ilaoeee from i3ub up tho beit lenaea and framei uppliod iremeuber a debtor ib a khookem kelly aiken collector fonletaat baaeeeefal ulllraa urangeville owen hound and uuelph katlbllehlhl lulu 0ialss3llab w f0rsters grocery jaia a a wwwwwwwww weaeeaeeareafewvrbaerreb w full line ol fresh groceries al ways in slock bananas and oranges al lite right prices icecream in bulk eones or bricks a a a a 4 aatalavaya 1 ala4alt4ttt4ft4ta7atttlftt1iti7i iforsters tad cuuh aorittowu phono 39 nrr3 ajishslfe erwingoldhams meat market fresb lt4ighl lake trout every thursday and friday watch oar window for special pricmt on saturday get tho rest phone j over all roads in all weathers at all times with tlte aubctlt ease of a tjrouehbmd that ukcaall in us ttvde the h and better chevrolet never falter in the moft trying clrcum- uuiceprovef it mettle on the ttecpeat grades and in the face of the greatest obttadet the ruggedness of chevrolet construrtlon alone makee these things possible there is no part of die engine of the chsisi of the body that was not designed primarily for rugged enduranoeput to the test again and again on the general motors proving ground as a rsaob the bjur and batw otevrobi slurcuiy cubbtm waumhit a halt tl mip alooas of th rtwluaa anil elwijiu iti way uiroujth tit dp bmm and sjuauw of half maj pralri tralli in whauvar coniliticmu it may w placatj tha anlamclid iiujsiiiibm ef chavrelm fauitu loyal in tits mtvtca of its ovnf its long ufa has hatviina prnvattujtit wry nsajs chawlif la ynofiym for acntujtb that antjuna the bltiar and battsr cbavtout- wsiiilfol in form liijniffiiwstn appcintmtitnipmmly ratasd in ctwutruo tloapovfd by tka fanuhu valvlnltaao a aolld andorina tnurirortjiy psrtotmtnc avan twaw stalffsfh ctmuliliemu no saaltar what iha road no aaaltar what tlta wasthtr- at all tinwa jjw m and br chavtolat auya on tka job ucii aao j n oneui son chevrolet pboduct of gbnbbal motobs of canada limitbu a few suggestions for your holiday trip torgnui tikmiiuiiiii lulmuu muntruul vju iter sl anne sukuim kivur all kxpuiihes uomf toronto to miiitrmlli hifunicr torunui to tjutwr lij huuner hjriuu t port arthur rtturu owfii siiuihi to muiliiimw lihuitl rvluni ih m 70i0 4500 moiitrviil to nimloiuiilbnil ss umulnul 110h iiiorgftowu to iut lurk nitiini m 80 eornitowii to vn luriu utmittlu return 1w fifi iooruotiiwn tiicihlonim kciiirn 110 7fi tuurtsi tlnnl ritnni muiitrrul to livoruodl lllt all aa44r for full particulars otid piimphleli see walter 7 evans sicbbuiub puufm rrute4 ky u ui watllllaccetcribt like a shot from a gun due to greatly increased jiowcr and vital engineering advancement adingneutbrilliancytorvlauftliliri ftukks valveuvhead engine i a a r4rlll ihamaahlvnl t ae ih hii9 mrljiuuldlu- beeeat habere la a and unrivalled pourr of arirkrallun never uaa ihere au aubuueldle ao rnuinjve ao ueblla e eeavihlvely beallile nrr an uumiiiulillr wild wuh evvaa aaj apudl never en ouloatolul m ibrlluagly alive te every aaelre eaj ikwaml if ihi ilrlver bere eaj urelie iu ike wuvufawour valve in- heaj eau a ireeuiuloui inrrreae in pourr new and eerfcarellem mil preuurr a pump all e predare errelerellaa aklullea wflrli will be aae eatvy of eilier aeetoefeu rtekhm aetewar eej lop peed a areeler top lm avaa eeer kefere all err attained in ihe feueel poailble it l uve new 1929 mclauahllnlluleli if ye veal ike feella ef daeb powrr wlfineei lovl leea aal ever ike nil koiuli and ir you wni la ar trarae autiary jui preaa ike eeeeleralor ihrlve h and youll ray there never wee e ear like llile teal new meleudiuabulck il preue aeeeureilna bke a ekm fraee a caat h a rae cuac oeerrad perineal pea agm mam eeleeaufee e aaiyere e uctauamjavui h cm look to the leadetr leadership mciauq buick srt king georgetown vka better aenoaaobllee are bulll mcleakuabalrk will build there watch liviiijjstoncs bakery for specials on satirday orders token 01 lemon cieom cuslaid banana and bullcrsrolch 1ies livingstones quality bread 9c d livingstone georgetown the nevilles 1 1 sot binnebs lunches afternoon tea i i softdbinks candies conrectionebv lee creibj dlskes serve la ike ailnllesl ways ilf l neville mali slrert pkaae 5 cearietawa 1 1 mackevs bread fresh every day delivered to your door try our homemade baking ilua ittcli luyer cukes uuuh mitrupnltutth pr ilu toiki jwr ilu tth mark clark phone 229w georgetown h al ga 1 prompt service and firstclass woikmonahip on all make of can batteries recharged gat oil etc dillrie butoi or nk7 paucriea iccnaruca uit vu ric ullirie an usl battery b j m doyle prop cerarihahva r hess in shady dil iliiv nvf it it il tilnuly dell i anil uwt wmmiwi id in im ai oil urouiul tliroiiifh imtim- i itll i ml i ami iiijhhl im out vvilh nt limit irourlfml tliurouglirtr willi nuplf ill around hut wr wliitt 1 1 cu r nutiimi barm i in luiriiiuii um louml ilit lror it lalililnik to tin- lrf that ih kii iti wqut tlcar w lull luduhiu ol llitjoytjiih lii nil ivi tieri will liutir umlii our luiirth rvjoiuintr ioa an- lilliil wuj tiwwt u unlit ami ui iixjtnotk to lmivflilu wikmi uniil uuprnnmatiilr night iluro uip io many plintiurvh tlipi aim ihimri oli su hwita ihii uill mnii tutnluivil ull iirouml ami imitliutf ut iniir fu no womlur nutun iiiuiiiih tfruvi v itli tliiiir nweot liunuun ami in thu want ull urouiiil tin katliirn liuuil jv hm young girl drowns al milton sismihu ar vmahht dvbout twf ultlottk wuliuttulio ultcniluii auifuit ktli u drowning oiunhl in tlio slxuon milt crwli winch runii through thit woodn on tiiouiuh wciri luriu udjoiuitig the eaiurit itoundury llm or milton the iitiiii wuu muih kliealwtli mtwhi tl yuur old ihtukhtor of mr a i i mri krnuli ncwoll of ktiua pihh nwij with lur friund mirw mtiry ivumiii both waitnhiawt in tho milton inn went iu hatliiug and while minn nhwioi wuu standing on a largo ntofiu hh lipjiml into a hole whiuh uftorwarjii won tound to he nvr inn fact dmip minn veamoti uiiuln two luiroiu ottort to navfl bar frliiid uiul mfarl lott wv own life hlii gave tho atari u uud jrs cat her wood and hutlmrlnnd wor iooii on tho ftoum dr catherwood mloawwl tliu ltody whinli hail iweome uititnglml ui wtwn ami brought ir to land hut tin- vltoru or lotb don- turn laim to rahtotw lifu mian pcanum ih uullferiiig gratl from riluvck the fuiiprul of tlu lute ellzalwlb jano itetty newell took place notes and coameals il n u mi tin lit io loik upon ilinughti us being tutinething vorj agufuiidiiidfumto thoughts art pridy afturuooi aug 11th after things iv have wonderful power ut p 1 riwi do tlmiu in addition to lin township a public ihiugh thonghu aiartaid the nui fudpral l wah hold ln tirtm vtimj into miik thinu ou tricml iuu iii thin wonderful organ ihui we term the world have come intoexuteme or after itn coming into exihtenre have contitiuod in in mg uuichs then had first been thought and thought had lontinund sonit where hehiud all the myntery of life uml creation there in a mind u hone power ih in thought we arn hut part of the universal mind our though liken is in one ot the iqoril potent fimen perhaps tho most polent forco in life take the qucfltion of evil wbh it not wll liain uhukeiipearti who said iliero u nothing evil hut thinking maker it no v we refer to it here only to ilfiihtrate the power of thought not tu dilate upon evil and its nharauter und power if shakespnar wan right uml evil only has exihteuce beeauke men ami women have imposed uo evil character and onditlon upon home thing li their thinking thou thought must have a tremobdoun power after all the bard of avon must have hecu right lwcaum tlie very udinirairm of evil postulates the exiiiteueu of u power ooeual witb tiod whiuh im unthinkable w e nhould guanl our thinking and train our thinking maehiue the mind to think high thoughts useful thought helpful thought if we hut had u right coueeptiou of our minds and what they are if we could onlj realise that the individual mind ih definitely part of the unhor- sal mind that it can he brought into harmony wrk the divine and that ith wonderful powers ma lie devoted tu co operating with the creative pro- i ehhit of thu all father then would life have for us all a different and nobler meaning wo rihould not vi nste the power of mind which are ourn but would reconnecrate them to the kervice of the world the develop uieut of life uud the furtherance of humanitys highem ideal truly thought an things tu be used wine- ly i tiistrmtively herviivahl mill si summcr cum ohcs it scasm the new miiuituer camp for junior and senior 1hih whiuh the went end vmca ouuduuted thtu jear at norvul for the llntt tune ame to a lose on saturday after a most sue ceflsful hix weeks period quito a number of parents from the city went out for the dotting ceremonies which took the form of a emus in in strel show and camp lire gathering the hpleuilid property of 67 arrets was placed at the disposal of the ah hot hi hon l mordmi nellsou two or three months ago and through the zeal uud generosity of many people in tercnted in luiys work the farm has lieen transformed into a beautiful camp site a new large recreation hall has been built and it is planned to convert twelve ourus of the ground into u hrstulums athletic held and to cirry out other improve ineutm for next i ear there was an attendance of 160 boys each u eelt from thn time the camp opened und upwards of a hundred applied to go nh eould not be accommodated the camp wtvi in charge or j onion uanld bo work secretary of the went etui branch anglican church milton at 230 oclock both services were oon duotd b thejector rev canon naftel tifrhurwi was tilled and many wensunabh to gain odra tanre the funeral which was one of the largent ever seen in milton was at tended by the members of the even ing star itobekah lodge und miltou lodge ioof no 02 the pall- bearen were dr w l catherwood dr j l sutherland dr p e bab cock ii a cavell e portler and 8 adams the floral tributes were many and beautiful testifying to the high esteem in which the deceased was held in this community the lower- bearers were messrs a mo- cready r currio n cargill and e archer interment took place in evergreen cemetery milton the practice by some people of carrying doge on the running boards of automobiles should be discouraged abolished even when the animal are inside a luggage cattier there is constant danger that they will be thrown off the least utile bump the sudden swerve so frequently nmsesiiary on the road may sud the poor dog smashing on to the road and under the wheels 6f another machine it is inhumane and the prtuitloe should be discouraged mud stopped it soaroely inis that a real lover of dogs would ever treat oue that way it also u a practice that could easily cause a severe aooi- j dent acookdinq to a recent compila tion of figure dealing with the news paper mortality rate lu canada no less than 2a9 weekly and 51 daily publications have stupended during the past ten year the taejeaeed cost of paper ink and other material higher wagea paid and the expendi ture involved in the effort to ketp abreast of the tiraea by the introduc tion of modem machinery are said to be chiefly responsible for their dl i ppearanoe amsjgamatioos taking place in many towns and eitiee have likewise been a potent factor the majority of canadian towno and most cities now support one newspaper which maintains jan independent stand rxhticajlv and is well patron- ed by the btulneu men of its joeailty naumul ctutil tl whus cmily cmmu the hal ton county couuuil met iu milton on wednesday of last week nud them was quite a lengthy and in te renting hpsaiou of special interest tooukville was the agreeineut that couuty money might be spent on the sixth line from the station roat to the town eetue tery and on kerr street north of reticcra htnvl any money spent nn thene htreelh will earn government grant of fifty per cent it was agreed b comt il that next j ear the good roads coiumittet should cmihtht of three mumlieni of comity council appointed at first meeting now there are five member the a p pen i by trafalgar ugaiust the etualiiiition of aiwessmunt was withdrawn for this year after keeve morden had explained that what lie had iu mind was an equalization by a romimttie of three independent luen w here such un aasemtneut is made it htaiitln for five yearn this uctiun will pnibably follow early uext eur uud it iu hoped nuiuu permuueul ugreemeiit may be reauhed a naiion wide appeal for a founda tion fund of s20uooo will be con ducted by the national council of women of canada it is announced by mrs frederick etharington of kingston out convenor of the fund committee headquarters have been established in kingston and prepara tions are being made to begin tlie public effort in the latter part of september and early october the national council is a federa tion of local councils whhh are com posed of womens organizations of ever kind it is represented in every principal city of the dominion and has a membership which allow ing fur duplications u estimated to exceed 200000 women the foundation fund when invest ed by a board of directors to be named is expected to yield an annual incline of 91000j this will 1 us ed to pay part ol the expenses of delegates to national conventions of the urgunizutiomt and also to con tinue the work and publish tlie find ings of national standing committee it is uhio hoped that the i uud will make feasible the establishment of a national headquartera national olllcers are her excel lency viscountess wellington ot- tawu honorary president mrs j a wilson ottawa president mrs hor ace parsons toronto acting corres ponding secretary mrs 8 c tweed waterloo recording secretary and mm- w a quihell toronto treasurer the national vice presidents are- mrs etuemigton miss c e car michoel new glasgow mrs wu lougbhy cuuimliigs dcl toronto dr btorvo uullen toronto lady aikeus winnipeg mrs diaries h thorburu ottawa judge h c mc- gill vancouver the provincial president of ontario is mrs r o 8m the at chestnut park road toronto while mrs p a harley is president of the georgetown local tiounflil- oool weather has postponed the evil day but soon we shall he ex horted to swat swatting on doubtedly is positive bejolo and ef fective bat it is not scientific it is limited in its application and as a solution of the fly problem it is about one half of one per cent wainwright evtna in a ourreut magazine article says there is but one way to get rid of fll birth control if we have the good sense to leave no exposed garbage or sew age for the hies to lay egg in the generation of these peat breeders will be cut off potnre of our time may speak dbpaiagingly of our civilization recounting that we tolerated flies because we had not learned so simple and decent a method of eliminating them plealekaa at erls the congregation of limehouse and churchill united churches held a very enjoyable piunio at stanley park erin last wednesday after noon tlie puuiiu sport and games made a pleasant and interesting afternoon ami the picnic supper served by thu ladies finished oil per fectly tlie outing of these congrega- tloiih is tka dluk on baturdai night lust one of the arrow buses coming from toronto ran off the highway opposite mr r n biowns farm uud into the ditch it was sunday afternoon before it was brought back to the roadway again only live passengers were on thu bus at the time and no one was injured heond a bad shaking up a ford truck also ran into the ditch near the seventh line corner on monday but wan hauled out by passing motorists it is ulso said tliat u local motorist in a speed con test on the highway west of acton took the ditch at 6a miles uu hour to avoid hitting his contestant when the brake i were iuddoul applied and lie oame out again right side up the cuuadian national ex hibition 2m voice chorus will give four oucerth ugain this year dirllnuu mutur racing cham pionship will he settled ut this years cuuadian nauunal exhibition tor onto it makes quite a difference what kind of servloeyou get from the people who liund over goods to you in a retail store do they just hand them over naming the price and then tum away with a kind of indiffer ent look or are they ao anxiooa to sell to you that they do not atop to consider what your wishes and need are bat just try to put over on yoa whatever they think yon will buy and do it in the least possible time those kind of service yon frequently see in store when you go away fom home where the clerks never saw you before and never expect to aee you again when yon buy in george town you get personal attention be cause tlie home store people know yon or at least wish to do so they con sider not merely selling you this time bnt pleasing you so well that yoa will come again the stratford beaewhanld in au intimate chat with oanidlm fill says girl should be orooghtap to believe that the longer they can go without making up their faoea the better for their oomnlaxioti it ii because ao many of them start early that tltey have to oany on the prar- tioe for the rest of their live girl and young women ought not to med chemical compound from the drag store on their face at all if they lived right took plenty of openair exercise instead of taking ao much exercise in a hot stuffy dance hall until all hours of the night waking up in tlie morning ftrtlingand look ing washed out if they at the pro per food and used plenty of good soap and water they would not deve lop the kind of oomputiion that they think it better to hide under a covering of perfumed powders which do more harm than good in the long run sllstab to take or not to uka that is ik tumtlon almost eratjroo ku to lake soma kind of medioina in this age of high preeeare living and re fined foods tad it is most important the kind or nudieine we take you believe with me that herb uadleinr is the only safe kind for continual use all our internal remedies are guaranteed to be purely vegetable in composition usllsghers blood pari- oei a laxative that does not lose erteotivnness by continued nee i know a man who six years ago was a nervous wreck for six yean be luu taken two ounoea of gallaghers blood purifier per day and each year has steadily improved is well and strong today works every day and has a complexion uke a ehild we have many customer taking it for their oomplexion alone as it gives the akin a clear healthy oolor quit salts and pills go to w h watson for a bottle of gallaghers blood fnriber and see if it will not do that which i claim voura truly jack 8pul exhibits from pranoe ouba hermuds mexico india south america and united bute will be prominent at thir years canadian national exhibition toronto olympic games ooutandera from several uatious have entered the canadiau national exhibition track and field event