Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 5, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald uxty third vrmt ok publication trafatown wadnaadaiy ewmulaac fetopi lath 1998 160 par annum in advance gg00 to ub the georgetown herald j m moome r a r uaaalui natlwul eledric allwaya trl uurku tllw kthtdoiinii wkhtiiound hailv dully yihlu train nii all ii 1 u in no 1 7 mb aru a- 710 iiio 181 am u 57 h 111 0 mwsajll 0 llr7nm 7 lhs piii 8 167 pill 0- llb8puj sa a or in ii- r ne pnr 10 iib7 iiiii 41 pi m 4 f7 ii hi ill 7 115 pm id- 867 iim 16- obupiu all li 17 ii iii ml 111 ib p in h 767 in 17- lmi0m h k 57 p in 10 067 pm 1h 11 bhpm no till will tun dillj im iit sun- day no 52 54 ml mill 5h ilmly june kith tn sept inl mil 41 dull from sept 4 ill to sept lolli lo acton mil no fill dull irom 1 n nf 10th to hcpt 3rd tn acton only jmtt ylaaa tabla going kiflt passenger jjg passenger i passenger vj mail 1mw pm pnlnwr 4- mail 8m pro passenger 8ab b poisenger sunday 7m p- 1 ooino weffi u 74 ara pruwngor isos 1s passenger injuani puanemier a mali 410 na passenger ssh passenger pasasuger sunday 1011 ooino noarn mall n- uul 465 pm ooino aodtd man i- mail 71 pm directory lb boy a1e rirwilu ul allauer georgetown ontario obicmklng bldg illll st olabemce h wiooih1 luflitu aaluitar viiut vaklla ohtuaoaieili block omwim hours 9 am lo s pm oin wednesday and salurda evening taataaaly tajaatp telaea tklkthoab iu 014 t paul pbyslslsa ana aurfaea medical owcar of health in lqueslrtff township oba usursl to 4 aa v t s a pkaaau one aa residence ifaln ntram aula oppeall preabytertan churah ob o r w ion pbyalnan add surgeon uill slrem leorgetown pboiit 72 ealloos surueoo grace hospital toronlo ob o v william pbysieisn and surgeon ladlcal odtoar or health qeorgetown qui and rtesiderieoq fit south oibce hourshhi m l3andohpni slao by appointment r b wataoh d u a h b a wataww of uaruif b ta eaaapt r u htath uo oob ooaa in laa bleak aaa dear aartb af ffuaina carlaa natarr baara 1 1 a u i c a or b lcabuomtu valarinary surgaao rbaaaaas mataauaanb oboliabtovn lodit onmopraotio ha maalaua araaar oataapatky r elaauuilr auaiabt oatreyraaiia i sjjk jwnce fcapt tttoirt naw tba moat complala and uplo ofie cblropractlcally la onuno tf hbjliaur taa oklrayraaur ralaora4aata rxpraatlaa qirca nam 10 onalll qeraifa wadnaadty a saturday 3lo sj to 9 pm ulnar dayi and hour by appoinlnieai tbooa isoor raiidenca lull at eatltaa rbona 111 tuaaday and priday jto pm ob w b iuhiito bya ear naaa and throat speclalut announraa tha the removal of hie offlre to l ilaia it basr banntoa obt tyaglaabaaflltadeoniullation by ap polnlmenl- phone aarfleld 7ik convenient parkinff for autorodbllaa hive yaw eyes eiiiiimd hykvt walker mac vkaaa 64jo- 1 baaaapua ouiaeefrommlmup the baet leaaw and framae luppliad vukms9ueumlummmjmjmx the bootery nmxt door to pott offici ladies and gents footwear latest styles best quality most reasonable prices it hiix f7w volt to m1v youfe 1001 wear ule kkpaiuinu pltumptia llojk will fsmith rbav 147 mala slrecl ccwfttowa jrfv i f agricultural soc1etvl erwingoldtiams meat market fresh lunflhl lake trout every thursday and friday watch our window for special priest on saturday get thai rest phono 1 agaabtt for sale jk -jk-j-aa- a a aa at a aa a bbv vbap bprabvabb bbt btvaabpv w bbbrvbrabrv bbvberbbv vbfvbbr tt acrth in tuqutming towqship ssooo splfiidid hou gootl soil 15 opwb in ettqupirjgtowdamp 91900 8 garden oil orchard 5 acres in euiubng townaliip 91koo lioutt and stalit- 8 acres in enquptmik townntiip 9as00 hne home good a ttuble and uxtra uouw 4 lots cledrgetowu taaty home all oouvenleuces extra lots iut out in bprries a money maker 6 roorufd frame dwelling s300o choice location on high nay if considering buying a farm mall holding or town home conault walter t evans hill street cearfttowa jfe with new ref inementsa and enhanced in style and beauty using in thirty montlu befor tha a bbbtob a knochetf kelly aiken couibotoba aaalataat iaaaaaafal offlmi uranfavilla owen sound and gualpb eaubllahad ium ry public tha pontlae six hu canud a world wide reputation for combining aix cylinder tmoothncu and hijhjpwfl endur ance lika no other car in iti field now becaiue of recent engineering advancement todiy pontjac six offer even greater itnoothntm and mora auklying performance than aver before to ponnaca thsroughly proved d to it lovejoy shock abaovben hi 186 cu to engine and generoiuly overelud vital unite- to tea numerotu engaieiirlng advancement audi a the gmb cylinder head pontlae hat added new marvel carburetor improved manifold and new dbtrihutor now thb lowem priced general motor sis provide a combination of quality feature never before offered in a car of comparable price in addition tha ouutanduig beauty of pontile body by putter ha been enhanced by new entailer wheel and larger tire newly refined and improved today pontlae six fa more dearly than ever the value leader of it field drive it and dhcover thl truth for yourself i n s v king georgetown ponybac six taoouct op qbnbbal motors ot canada limited annual fall exhibition at georgetown ssc september 21 22 1928 f hos cook pre w a wilson sv ft special prizes hour 1 hiiiuln hirii hupprr lil ijj k miwiurler llidhyc rutufr a no a no 2 biuiilt turnout treiil by itoviiiiial paper miiu boo 4 00 l haht pannnrh turnout oiiuuu li u k amlorwii mp 0 00 4 00 4 haul iviiver horiu by k ii tlioiupkoii a co r oo 5 keht lady llrlvor l3 uiorgiuiwii coating miiu 6 00 4 00 0 tout hoad llonu noiillrniatiiin 00 per cant npead 40 par wiit by w c bmwy fi 00 7 tout taam of road horuii ruin 5 not to apply by llw pnnidrnl t ii cook 10 00 8 lfat gdiitlimimn drlvrr lij i drill co lutt valued 8 00 0 kent i milp hanli miiliuilionv i yru ami under 2 in 3 beuu 5 ier rent of purta to eutar 016000 425 0 jb 00 10 00 10 bant half mile ifculi wnldlehiinu- open j in ii beiitii 5 per ieut of punu tqxutfr aiiooo 50 no an un ao oo it khtganeral purposn home m rain liy l h wraggelte 5 hi 1 usui agricultural hone in rein by hank of nova hootla 6 00 13 beet ijtdy ruler lt by dolui irvm jud byhbarneji 6 00 2 0 14 beat herd of llortw not lean than tbree s1000 uu any article purobaned itoiu masiey hutrin ca 10 00 cattle 1 lteht llain caw by 11 r minimi 5 00 j beat hegiurl shorthorn female under 3 jean by col o o brown 8 00 3 beet regiiteird shorthorn cnw by v t evens 8 00 4 beat holstaln cow by t i italia fi 00 5 beatcalf not nimauiirily rvgtstereu ahow n liy boy or girl thin prize- given 1st by dr paul 8 00 8 00 6 heitloraey cow by john 1 kelly 6 00 7 katoueapeoialtniphynddaiooofarthe beat dairy herd oonsinting of ono mule uud thre fumaleu to be exhibited bj m uividualh living tn the district oovered by oarsorteto trophy and 10 00 b heat hohitelii henl 1 nmlo 1 female gl5 00 10 iii 8 00 0 bent dhorthoru herd 1 mate i female glo 00 8 00 3 00 10 beat jentey herd 1 male 3 female 810 00 8 00 3 00 sheep and pig 1 beat pen of boron hoga not lea than 3 by c j buck 8 00 2 best pen of hue wool sheep not lea than 4 flheep 1 initio 3 feinalet by j beaumont 3 00 3 00 3 beet pen of long wool sheep not leas tnan 4 aheep 1 mule 3 temalea by e v barraelougb 3 00 3 00 fancy woik 1 beit collection of fancy work by mrs v a horley 3 00 3 00 speaking contest silver cup conteaiauta given ten minute subjert how to make our pall fails tlreaur benebt to the coinmunity apeu to lioy and gill attending a public or high school in the towaahip of eaqueaing nod the towns of georgetown and aotoo or boys and girl under 30 years of age musical contest silver cup cunteatauta to give two aelaotloiui open to boya or girls senior pupil in the townahip of eaque alng and the towns of georgetown and aoton bays or girla under 80 years of age silver cup same rule as senior pupils for junior pupil horse shoe contest opened to the township of esquoiiug and the towus of jeorgetowu and actou ami the old toronto boys 1st silver medal 2nd bronie medals miscellaneous xl beat 5 lbs mutter by 1 n uneil wheel barrow 7 00 x2 best 3 lbs butter in i b prints by it i wurrrn 3 00 x3 best pair or dressed ublukeu by a par- nell 0 00 k4 best pair of dressail chicken by k bl voung 8 00 x8 best pair of dressed chicken by lerwllt d uotdhatn 0 ik xfl bent pair drimaed chicken by a norring ton 8 00 7 beat dispuj in hall by merobaiit or mauu- facturer lit by bank of montreal 2nd liy john bingham 10 00 shi h beat collection or pailry by mrs p w neville 8 00 0 best collection of home mode baking by v u brown co 241 lb bag or nor- vol paltry flour 10 beat sample ot whell by w ii browne it ca norval 84 j lb hag national pas try flour 11 beat collection of cut plnwera by a i wright liam valued 2 no 12 best dlaplay of 24 uludioli by mayor 1st- roy dale h 00 2 00 13 beat 1 bushel or alalku seed by mnrluy peltll a so 14 beat 4 bushel or swuit clover seed by moifey pettit 2 60 l4 i n jtm n down on the farm bout half past four 1 alio on my piilith and hiieakout the dooi out in the yard i run liknthadickeiih to milk all the cows uud rehl ull the ohiiikeiih cleun nut the bnrtiyard curry khoda uud jiggs ftupiirate the rnisni and alnp all the pigs huiitlo two hours then cat like u turk by heck i am ready for a full days work then i grease the wagon uud put oil r till tuuk throw a jug of wuter in the old grain sank hitch up the horaea slip down the iuue must get the hay iu inokn like rain look over y under sure as i uni horin cdws on the ruinpage hogs in the conn start across the meadow run a mile ortwo heaviug like i am wind broken get wet oleau through buck with tlie horsee then lor re aompense khoda gels actraddle the hardwire fence joints all aching muscles in a jerk whoop fit as a llddlr for a full days work work ull the summer till winter is nigh then figure at the bank and heave a big sigh worked all l be year didnt raako n tliiug less caah now than 1 hod last spring some folks say there aint uu hell shucks 1 they never farmed how can they tell whan spring rolls round i take another chance aa fun growa longer on my old gra panta give uiy galluie u uitoh belt another jerk by gosh 1 am reaiiy for a fullyeara work 4qi down on thm farm obituary john sharp an octogenatiati resident of nor val passed away aug 80th in the persou of john sliarp who was ham eighty four years ago in the county or wellington england mr bliarp was a son of the late william sharp and the family luvnetochinguacousy eighty years ago he farmed prac tically all hi life in politics be was a liberal he was a member or norval united church widely known and highly esteemed his wife who was miss ellxa mclean previous to her marnnge pradeoeased him five yean ago five sons william brampton james inglewoodi george norval neil of buffalo ky and robert toronto seven daughter mrs william hitchcock balltnafadi mrs andrew mofheiaon toronto mrs john romtay rockwood mrs george deer toronto mrs m brown toronto mrs william foster aoton and mrs prank postilt burford and one brother william sharp glenwil liams survive the funeral took place saturday afternoon to norval cemetery seukel a nrtaai la mlhaa mattel fire of unknown origin completely destroyed tint hri li home on r r auderaouh farm wait of milton early lout thursday morning mlu margret andenon who hod occupied the houw was vuiung her ulster mrs harry cart w right in nelson at the time ot the fire milton fin bri gule responded qulukly to a tele phone call for auistano but as the haines had gained suob headway it was impoialble to save anything the lots iiioludiug nontenta is jwh liartly covered by insurance as was the nose when chas hills hue hank barn a short diiunct away won uompletely destroyed by fire a week ago at the name hour inceudiar- urn is supertax it is learned that a man was seen leaviug mr hillh bam shortly lurore the fire was ills- covered sinall boy they cull a loans wire un better hair dont they dad yes my boy well then if a man gel married twice there isnt much left of him iu t lie re dad nursr uaid an aiuoroum patient im iu lovnwltb jou i dont want to get well clieer up you wont ulie aas ed him the doctors in love with me too and be aaw you kiin rat this morning da you let j our husband curry a h key yes i humor him that way he to show it to hi friends tit let hou how independent he in it doevnt fit the door latob i likes them but oimb tsa her bsilu the department of uaiue and fisheries has lwn inundateil with letter of inquiry regarding the opeu season for duoka in that part of ontario lying south of tlie french and mattawa rivers hut not inuluding the georgetown hay a raiunde i standing haa arisen from the fact that whereas for many yea in tlie sea son extended from sept- 1 to det lfith this year tlui season runs from bept lbth to deo 15th the regu lation also appliea to geese braut aud lails in uua uitltoiy progress chabfl a fihy tears frm isis to itu arc oadsaed what alike neil fitly in acaiiiiiiig iiewapapers printed tlfteeu years ugo aud one publtalied to day many interesting nhaugea are iiouni aud for those whose memory canuot wander liook to newspaper reading of forty fifty or sixty years ago a comparison of prices habits styles customs anil general mnuuer of living tlmu and uow is worth read lug going tuck to the market pages of uawspupers prluted in 1878 we find turkey 7o a pound chicken 8 to in ii lb butter lie it lb eggs is to 17n u doz milk he a pint or 6c u quart uo staff of chemista to see as to cream content in 1878 the butcher gave away liver treated the children to bolognj cut the boue out of the aleak liefore be weighed it and eoutributed euougb scrape to feed all tlie household pets the grocer with his scoop usually shook a few extra crackers into the sock and the good old lady at tlie bakeahop knew that a baker dozen consisted nf thirteen at home tlie can opener was not known rather the sealing wax was tapped off the con with a knife luw die aud there was usually enough homemade stuff iu the cellar to give everybody three square meals a day aud the kids grew husky mother did not faint at the unex pected news af company for the noon day meal among mothers and daughters the wont needle meant something besides part of a phono graph long skirta swept the dualy side walk and street crossings and long hair was still a womans crowning glory cosmetics- wore privately applied and vanities were unheard of no ladies did not vote not did they smoke drink cocktails play bridge shoot craps or do the charles ton if the young ohap was hush on sunday afternoons he hired a spright ly nag and a rubber tired buggy that was a tight squeeie for two and took hii best girl out riding if there obanoed to be snow they rode in a sleigh and the jingle of hells timed the trot of tbe steed there were no stop and go signs apd a fellow became an expert at onehand driving the jjiung sport wore a twoinch choker collar starched like cast iron the shiek of 1878 did not know the feel of silk nooks and his shin did not matter much for it was us ually eclipsed with a ranoy double- breasted vest and an ascot tie the typical man of middle age wore whiskers or creeping sideburni and had his hair out once every two or three months down at tlie veterin ary ahop he usually worked sixteen hours and never heard of the word vacation he played no golf bat when a lad may have played shinny before breakfast he eurried the family horse and after supper may have played seven up he knew a good horsehair watch chain when he saw it on sundays be may have smoked a good 6eent olgar aud for the some price could get a goudiiied can of suds in those das five miles seemed a long way from home a fiftymile journey won a nevertobe forgotten experience ioe cream was a midsummer lnx ury and an eighth of a page a whale of an advertisement for even the big geiiuuarcbant in present day 1038 fifty years later we have radio airplanes automobiles movies golf bridge cafeterias mae bines canned meals bouedry laws bootleggers boy bandits homelike prisons income tax surtax estate tax traflio signals paved roods aban doned farms feminiam divorce bobb ed hair lieaoty parlors face paint jan ahieka sbebas silk socks oxford hsga saxophones hat checks chain stores coal strikes moss production installment sales sanitation hygiene health service modernism serums safety raion daily shaves rubber heels electric waabes sweepers tee machines hot and cold sir fans mass age violet rays x rays radium real ism sophistication psychoanalysis insanity root garden bullion with out the bull condensed milk which never saw a now inllueuxa appendi citis bay fever happen lipsticks chiffon hose satin slippers sleeveless and neokleas dresses weighing an ounce aud worn iu the dead of win ter furs iu august wabash blues bvds government control cads with bell bottom trousers dragging in tbe mud long lopkuote slicked back with vaseline inoipient mustaches rakish caps on irresponsible heads outlandish ties cooties dagouta cakeesters jaa babies community chests tilling sutlons garbage trucks traffic oops steeplejacks sonphouses ooucrete mixers cinder blocks ideal homes oil burners dopeesters lino types crossing wrecks elevated rail roads subways midways motor buss es flat dwellers woiuem voters she bosses gss meters newer tappers corner loafers and jay walkers and reckless drivers who can foretell what we will have in lothj father this u going to hurt me more than it does you hon then dont be too severe rith youneir dad employer during the interval what did you say your uge was ti pist applicant smartly ive just reached tweutyona is that so what detained yon a hero ilia uoat is unadorned with gold he wear no sword no medals bright ills overall ore patched aud old yet 1 lieheld hliu iu the night surpassing crimson cloth and braid too grand for betioet shield or spur with isuteru bending down to aid aiiiaiigy our and all unsung he spend his days content to bear a simple usme too great hi heart to covet praise too high his soul to stoop for fame uncouth and rough behold lie stauds with duaty cap and tousled hair then kneels to soothe with under hands a dying mare methlnks how startled be will be wlieu voice sweat this hero laudi with dusty oap 1 teem to see him shy before the throu of god surprised that anyone should lroow the anguish of bis hidden sigh when lielplis creatures suffered so with patlsut eyes o m devalois brad eamfe service al ike caaamaa rarnai f4 aajaubs aew itsss awa from time to urn w may read in the press or bear someone express surprise that a second esse of some communicshle disease baa occurred in a private borne school or iustitu tion in spite of the foot that dlsln reotion and fumigation of tbe pile has been carried out such surprise la evidence of a faith in a procedure ooooernuig which modern knowledge has taught us tbe mistake cotmminioable duanse are spread by dischargee from tbe body which carry disease germs ondahli spread practically always occur in a direct manner it ia the fresh moist drop lets from the nose and moose that are sprayed directly on others by i careless cougber sneears and pit- ters which are the teal danger it is tbe saliva left on tbe eommon driiiktngonp that is a menace to the next user it ia tbe warm moist unds soiled with body excretions thst carry disease germs to tbe month either directly or by soiling 1 food that i going into tha mouth disease genus die comparatively quickly outside tbe human body tbe person carrying the hie to germ must be discovered and isolat ed if the spread la to be stopped in school sod institntiona this mean a medical and nnrsing eervio organised for fhis purpose washing of furniture and fumiga tion of room 1 not tbe correct way to fight tbe oommnouanl dlisaim tbe correct way i to find tbe source some human being and than to isolate this person it i persons not thing who an dsiigerons question concerning health ad dressed to tbe canadian medical a tocistion 184 college street will b answered by letter quesuoeussto diagnosis and treatment will not be answered kircral news premier ferguson announces that tlie new history of canada for the publia schools of ontario hy w stewart wallace will be ready in a week or so and will lis available for use iu tbe fall term five parties of motorista were wrecked in a rainstorm which reach ed the proportion of a cloodburst around london tuesday liuunoon of last week following a period of extraordinary warm weather tbe thermometer jumping to so dsgrtee just before the storm broke a move is said to be on foot to form a shelburueonuigevill golf club with a course loetd on a farm on tbe provincial highway part way between the two place a story is in cirjulatlon to tha effect thst a trout weighing over twelve pounds was hauled out of mulmur lake a few day ago it would oonstltute the record trout fox tlds country being a pound and a half heavier than tbe largest of tbe ones oanght in tlie same lake a number of year ago by tbe late o b richardson and dr sloan now of leamington tbe cost of constructing lb on tario government bnildlng at tbe canadian national exhibition was approximately 700000 canadas motor show at the canadian national exhibition tor onto occupies 60000 square feet in the automotive building cmureai am satiety bap eat far asgae applications for children 1 children involved during the month 30 complaints received 8 investigations made 0 mall received 40 mall sent out 83 mileage approximately 479 offloe interviews 6 court attendance v 3 wards heard from 1 wards planed 9 ward returned 3 ward visited 10 warnings given 9 wards released from supsrvision 1 a ward age 18 for placement w h stewart milton ont

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