Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 12, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixty tiiihi vbah ok publication saorbatown wsadaeadaer ewemlng- sept 12th 1928 180 per amoura in advance 100 to dh hie georgetown herald jt m moore wakmsaar aaa rrrllr afatwr iwuuh waaly mw- pas ahtmtlirt uuilaa nbumui ekdrfc allwayi yareata awraeis mellwav karthounu wrhtiiound unlly ully yvattf rrelu n 80 015 iill nol- 788 elri a- 710 tfm b- uan itu 4 u67 nin luj7ani h 157 ii in 82 2 57 p hi- 10 8ji7iiin 84 457 p in 61 1118 a in 7- 1 86 11111 0 hbfi plw 11 885 pnl 41- 0 ifi pm 18 785 pm 16 086 pin so in i5 p in i7iao0aiin la- bh7 iiiu 60 1187 i ill 14 767 phl 8b h67 pllf 10 087 pm ihllsdpui nil m will run flail exi iil su jay no 62 84 ml ami 1h iluily june lotli tusept rl nu 41 daily from sept 4ili lo sept jutli to aclon only no 611 dully from june lotli to sept 3rd to arton only cmsl tim tele uoimu eaht passengar passenger 0 am pasacwtor jvii mail 100 pbi aaeeniior 400pm mail 08 p- aaeonger 828 pm paisengor sunday 791 pm ooino wll mail 1 atn paeaeuger vsou tb1 passenger 10 j8 am passenger 31a pni mall 480pw passenger m p passenger 70b pm passenger bundnv 10sj4 am ooino nobtu mail 886 am mail 48b pm 001 nu doom mail m moil 710 pm the bootery j nxt door to poll office ladies and gents footwear latest style beat quality most reasonable prices if will vkt vou to miv vout frmrlweab ieic itepaiuinli piiouprrv done will f smith iw 117 bwb strtt gcartetawu erwingoldhams meat market fresh laughl lake trout every thursday and friday watch our window for special pric on saturday get th best phon 1 r fn mafa h it i lw i ifa w directory ue roy da1e flarvuur aaul felialur georsotown ontario ofllnbkinff bide mill st oalarettoe h wiggins btrruur euliallw natary piuu offlaontill blook cmantmawb hour 9 am to 5 pm oiun waklntuday and saturday evening afartaaaa lnvtmnta- telata neucraome i dr r v paul pnyilalan and ureao madlcaj offlcar ut health in euiuablhtf township oae dour to and 1 to i p a pkam u ottes and raaldanea ualn btrau buutta opimmlta fraabyurtan church dr c r w rom physician and surgeon mill slfl tiaoiiflovv pbou 32 lloui surffnuit grac hatpiul toronto vfor sale 8 acres in kxiuasimj townsbip s8o0o tplandid houw gooii oil 16 urren in knuimunjtownlih 4184jo good harden noir oridiard 5 urree in euiuotnnff towualiip slboo house and fttable a b aurfh in kmiumiiis township 9b00 hue hpme ffuod stulllf and vxtru iiuum f 4 lou meorifetown tasty hoiui all convedltfntva extra lots uet out in bprnea u inouey maker 0 roomed frame dwelling 33000 eholre location on hltiuay j l conairjenng buying a aim imall holdinb i town j home conaull walter tevans uiu sired cmnctowi 4 m o v wiuuiavh phyaidan aiul surffeon mullcol offloor of health liihirsulown ollliie and resiuuneequeon st south rkaulms office hoursuloa tn larulopm atoo by appolntmedt r a wataoa du a oa1 oefvtsrm ofttaa uaaiwt t 5 esapl yhoeeial aftavmaaa l miath loa 00 b ooftslai oasa in laae bleok eaa doer aartb at vnallla calttooa vouort a 10 to b os dr a svbasjf omtb veterinary surgeon ue ataualsrith ouumn ojbibopbaotio me heileue osceey osteeaevshp r kuautaltr 18 tit otoraiaraaua i senke o data udt attxbdajrr maw tba most complato and uplo offica cbsropractically io oaurti arklialkh tb ohlmaputar ralmav ora4at uh yra yvaatta oac nasi to oneills garajra wadnaaday a saturday 2lo 57 lovpm olbar day and hours by appointsaaat ibooalsow raildanca 1i0 at mtltaaruoaa 215 tuasday tad friday 2- to v nm dr f r bemnctto uya ear noae and threat speciauat anivmincaa tha tho removal of his oltwa to ait auitf rr bast bumiltom oat kye slaiaaa flttadooiuulution by ap polntmantphona garflatd 79b cunvanlont parkins fur automobilaa have your ey euiuacd by lr ot wtlkw msx rkeaa mb- 1 seutpua ulasaeaframlsikiup thebeitleuae and f ramea supplied a desto ib a knookea kelly aiken oolueotobb veielelsust aes ortkee orancevllle owen sound j and guelpb fcalabllslied ihw taff- in iperformance and appearance tnodavs poatlec su is the most imprcslive eluunpu x of vslueglvlng in the whole history of the lowpriced obi substan gains tn motoring pleasure and economy result from important mechanical advancements such es e new msrvel carburetor ruwmenif aiding etc more intriguing beauty and the much desired air of rugged ce have been achieved by the use of smaller smarter wheels and larger tlree and beneath all its brilliance of beauty and perfor mance pontine six is a supremely derjendable cor a car that sails throtigh a wearing tearing daylong gwe and finishes with the same spirited freshness with i it started tha trip come in and investigate this g car general moeoro lowestpriced six rsstu su raw aaee- sef aw ojijt c i pi a aarias sv king georgelown pcimtiac six hboukt op onnial svumss of caj4ada esquesing agr society annual fall exhibition at georgetown smx september 21 22 1928 thqsrcookrvpirea w a wilson sy special prizes hot sea 1 single high stepper lit by k mulurler and by f turner 88 00 s 3 00 2 bingle turnout road lu proviueial paper mills 00 4 00 i best punnevu turnuut mugle by ii k i anderson mp 0 00 4 00 4 best delivery home by it ii tboiupiuiii stcu n oti 5 best lady driver by georgetown coating mills 0 00 4 00 0 best road horso uoiinrination 00 per cent speed 40 per cent by v c ileniiey 8 00 7 best team of ltoad homeh rule 6 not to apply by the pwhident t 11 cook 10 ml 8 best gentleman driver by i hnll co hat valued 8 no 9 bent mite duih nadillehome t yru and under 2 in 3 lieati 6 per cent of pume to enur 6000 8i8 oo 18 00 10 00 olll best half mile dash saildlihnnm open 3 in l beats 8 per cent of puntu to euter gioooo flo oo i oo 20 00 1 1 best tienernl purpose ilorue in kein by l h wraggette 8 00 lj beet agrionltunil horse in kein by bank of novusoolia 6 60 11 best uuly rider 1st by john irviu 2nd by h barnes 8 00 2 60 14 best herd of horse not leas than three 1000 off any artiile purchased from masiey harris co 10 00 cattle 1 best dairy cow by ii it minimi 8 00 2 best itvgirttered bhurthorli female under y years by cjl ti o brown 6 00 i best iteglstend hliiirtborn cuw bj w t evuue 6 00 4 beat holsteiu cow by i i leslie s 00 6 beat calf uot uereskarily registered shown by boy or girl tins prlle gtveu 1st by dr paul 5 00 1 00 6 best jersey cow by john d kelly 5 00 7 eatons special trophy and 91000 for the beat dairy herd consisting of one mule and three females to be exhibited by in uividuals living in the district covered by our society trophy and 10 hi h best ifnlsteiu herd 1 male i females 16 00 10 00 6 00 0 best bhorthom herd 1 mule t females 10 00 6 00 3 00 10 bern jersey herd 1 male f females 10 00 8 00 3 00 sheep and pifle 1 best pen of bacon hogs not leas than 3 by c j buck 6 00 2 luwt pen ur tine uool uheep out les than 4 sheep 1 mule 3 fouiale by j beaumont a 00 2 00 3 best pen of luug wool sheep uot less tnan 4 sheep 1 male 3 females by k v barraclougb 3 00 2 00 fancy woilc 1 best collection of ruuciy work by mrs f a harley 3 00 2 co oner step enough ah though guest tdop by ntep i will open the way before thee pmverlsi 4 12 lleb trallu child of my love fear not the un known morrow dread not the uew demand life makes ol thee thy ignorance doth hold uo oause tor sorrow since what thou itnoweu not is known to me thou cauuot see today the biddeu louaimig of my command liut thou the light hull gain wulk on in fuitb upon my promise leaning and as thou guest ull sliall be maile plaiu one etep tliou tieest then go forwaid boldly one ntep is tar enough for faith to see tuko that and thy next duty shall be told thee for step by step thy lord is lead ing thee stand uot in fear thy adversanea uounting dure every peril save to disobey thou shalt march on all obstacles surmounting for 1 the- strang will open up the way wherefore go gladly to the uwk as signed thee llaviug my promise neediugnoth ing mora thun just to know wliereer the future tind thee lu all thy journeying i gu before illleeii iiiuhiuim included in the in duhtriul accident prevention ah hociatiouu has shown u steady de create year by year being 77 84 62 uud 46 the pay roll ol the as sociutioiis is slightly more tluiu half ol the total pay roll under eompeii nation 46 death uases in the olassee included 111 that organization out of a total of um for all industries is indicative of improved nouditloua particularly when it 111 reiuembered that the death cases represent ap proximately one fourth of the total cost of oouipeusallon year by year the iuduitrial accident preven- tiou associations have a raoinuerehlp of more thin 8700 industrial phwta and the total payroll in the fifteen classes constituting such member ship oh estimated for last year was overtbree hundred million dollars children at thm door general news imts sr ftlauosiaulaets kwitlll speaking contest silveiycup contestants given teu uuuutea subject hon to make our fall pair a greater benefit to the commuulty open to boys aud girls atteodiog a publiu or high school in the t iwosbip of esquealng and tho towns of georgetowu ani acton or boys and girls nnder 20 years of age musical contest silver cup contestants to give two sell boys or girls seuior pupils m the towusbip of the towns o georgetowu aud acton boys ot y ears of age silver cup same rules as seuior pupils for junior pupils horse shoe contest opened to the township ol enqueuing aud the towns uf georgetown and autou aud the old toronto buys 1st silver medalr 2nd bronze medals miacellaneoua xl beat 6 lbs butter by j n oneil wheel barrow 7 00 x2 best 3 lbs butter iu j b prints by it d warren 3 00 x3 best pair or dressed chtukuu by a far- uell 6 00 x4 best pair of dressed chicken by e e voulig 6 00 5 best pair of dressed chicken by erwiu uoldham 6 00 xo best pair dressed chicken by a norriug lou 8 00 t 7 bast display in hall by merchant or manu facturer 1st by bank of moutreal 2ud by john bingham 10 00 6 00 8 beat collection or pastry by mrs p w neville 8 00 0 best collection or home made baking by w b brown co 24 lb bag or nar va paltry flour 10 beat sample of wheat by w ii browne co norval 24 j lb bag national pas try hour 11 heat collodion or cut flowers by a k wright bam valued 2 00 12 best display of 24 gladioli by mayor le- roy dale 3 00 2 00 13 beat 1 bushel or atsike seed by morley pewit 2 80 14 best i bushel of sweet clover seed by morfey petlit 2 60 qiogvll isl isaj is ils i iiqbjei n c uredit 1 lintt class honors 2 second class honjrs s third otaas houora middle school baily norman comp 2 liter 3 r his 1 alg 1 geom 3 phy2 uhem 1 lat au 2 lat com barth lloyd liter e a hut 11 alg 2 client c bessey peter phys c chem 3 let au ct bird john alg c geom 2 lat auc fr au e fr comp c llolger joseph comp 3 liter geom 1 phys 3 chem 1 criohton ray comp 2 liter 1 b hist- 2 ueom j phys 2 lat au 2 lat comp 3 pr au 3 vt comp c deans constance comp 2 liter 3 b hist 3 geom 3 ut comp c lat au 2 pr au e fr comp c denison charles comp 3 liter e lat au e lat comp pr au o pr comp 0 dilly john comp 2 geom e phys- 2 chem c evans john a hist o alg c geom 3 phys 1 lat au 1 lat comp 3 evans ruth comp o liter c gaudier margaret camp 3 liter 3 b hist 2 alg 2 chem 0 lat au 3 lat comp 0 fr an 3 fr comp c gault marjorie comp 0 liter 3 b hist 3 geom 2 lat au 3 lat comp 0 pr au e fr comp c graham lulu b hist c hauoock nellie liter c keunedy margaret c liter 1 b hist c kirke charles liter c a hist phys c lane helen comp 0 liter c bhlst c alg 1 pr au 0 pr comp c lawson harry comp c liter 3 leslie alice liter 3 a hist c lindsay hugh alg 3 lat auth i lunan edna b hist e pr au c pr comp u mccamber errna coniu c liter o b hist 3 geom v pr au 2 pr comp a mcdormid john a hist 3 lot au c mclaughlin florence a hist e geom 1 phys c chem o lat au 2 lat comp 3 fr comp 1 payne eva liter e b hist o alg c pr auth u pr comp sargent george liter c b hist a alg 2 lat au o lat comp c fr comp 0 saxe pearl a hist o geom 1 phys 2 8bortill fred liter 0 phya 0 sliver sydney liter e ii hist 0 alg 1 lat au 2 lat comp 2 fr comp o stock- ford charlee comp 3 liter 2 alg 1 geom c lat au 2 lat comp 3 fr au o pr comp c stoekford evelyn a hi it o phys 2 chem c lat auth 2 sutherland gordon a hist 1 geom 1 phys 1 thompson eva comp 0 lite- o b hist 1 wallace jessie geom 3 chem campbell rosa lat comp back john lat comp o a uew ceinaut bridge is belug 0011 atracted a short distant from the s hill lowvllle 8 g south of appuby has sold his farm to mr goodwin of toronto who will take possession in the near future a ladles sweepstakes was held at the milton golf and country clubs course east of milton for the oup donated by mrs donald 8 robert son it was won by mrs p w cooke the new publlo school at zimmer man a fine aud uptodate building was completed thu week trusteee are being congratulated it is a handsome and commodious itruoture and one of the finest rural achoou in the province with iu water scoop the mcr mail train tore up the cattle guards and crossing planks at west lome after taking water west of the vil lage the engineer was unable to raise the scoop under the engine the output of gold from mines in the province of ontario for the first six months of this year had a total value or 18077080 an increase of 224368 in value aver the corres ponding nix months in 1027 alfred bishop formerly of acton ran in the 1000 yard race at the c k e in the past week on satur day iu a field ol 32 at this distance he took fourth place and on mon day out of a group of 41 confer ante he came in in ninth position rev w k allen of lowvllle re turned home on friday last from hamilton general hospital where be underwent an operation mr allen is now ateadily regaining hia health we are pleased to say the halton county orange lodges will hold their annual parade to trinity united church barling ton on sept 16th it is expected the turnout will be the largest in the history of the county lodges a burning straw stack on a larm in esquesing township gave such an illuminating conflagration sunday night that it could be seen for miles and as a result many motorists driv ing along the provincial highway between brampton and georgetown turned their care dowu the aide rood fearing that there was a serious fire and that they might be of assistance 1 have uo tree before my house to cost their pleasant shade about my wiudows never twine the bloeeoms god hoe made but there ore roses sweeter for that on the psvemenu bloom the children of the city streebi whose laughter lights ms room no hedges like 11 honeyed wall adorn my dwelling place no fountains weave upon my uwn a web of twinkling loos for me no robins greet the sun a fan of rainbow glaazaa but children play before my hoase who keep me young with dreams what loneliness the streets would know if children were fiat here their joyoua voices bring a smile or wiug away ii tear the country bouse is rich indeed with blossom bird and tree hut happy children at my door are wealth enough for me i- morris abel beer in street lamps notes british youths between 21 and 28 years of age who have lived ave years in ontario onanlred a know ledge of forming and aaved 400 will be able to go on farms oi their own with a financial hacking of 3000 under au agreement reached by the provincial government with lord lovat and pom in inn ofnclalt the overseas settlement board will contribute 1280 and the frderil government a similar amount ettts service 1 ttw tattellu heslesl utiaiua promi8e yoorselt to be oo strong that nothing will diskfrb your peace of mind to talk health happiness and prosperity to every person you meet to make all yoeur friends feel that they have great possibilities to look on the sunny side of everything and make yonr optimism come true to think only the best to work only for the best to he just aa enthttahutio about the success of others aa yon are about your own success to forget the mistake of the peat and ree on to greater achievements in the future to wear a eheerful countenance at all times and to have a smile for every living creature yon meet to give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you will have no timef to criticise others to be too large for worry too noble for anger too strong for fear and too happy to permit the pressure of trouble to think well of yourself and to pro claim the fact to the world not in words bat in deeds to live in the faith that the world u on your aid aa long at yoa ue true to the best that is in yon huy ketiiuh production records have been broken frequently by canadian workers iu the last several years and tlie reports to the workmen com pousatlon board show that the aooi- dent record reahed a high point in august of this year when 8022 oooi- denta were reported to the board including 41 ratalities this is over 1000 aoeidauta more than reported in augunt ol last year and ia tlui highest point renewed alnco tho oom- menocment ol the aot- the benefits in august 1028 were approximately 88000 higher than in the same month las year it will be remembered that the workmens compensation act of thin provinoe contains a clause authorizing industries in the various classes to set up accident preveutiou associations and the statement has been made by those iu authority that the experience or the classes taking advantage ol this section or the act luts been belter than that of the classes uot organized for acci- dent prevention work dealing with this phase ul the situation tt b morley general manager of lite industrial accident prevention associations states that about 76 per cent of the death oases reported to the workmens compen sation board involved some money payment in the last four years on which complete figures are uvariable the uumber ol death cases lu the the mokhai basy the numlar of requests for infor mation prompts the writing of this article on the normal haby the following are the general chararterihtics or the normal healthy baby a good appetite abaonoe of vomiting or regurgita- tion bowel movements una or two in twentyfour hours a steady guin in weight a constant growth in stature and intelligence clear skin bright wideopen eyes alert spriugy muscles a nuntented expression very little crying juiet unbroken sleep ltb eyes and mouth closed no evidenoe of pain or dlsoorafort the development occurs in the fol lowing order for the average normal baby the soft spot at the back of the head closes at about the end of the second month the one on top of the head between the 14th and 22nd months the eyes usually blue at birth assume their permanent color in the first three woeks at sis weeks the baby begins to distinguish different objects and by six months definitely reoognues ob jects hearing and knowiug the direction of sound develops about the neoond month with the baby supported the head is held up at four moothe the bahy laughs aloud at from the third to the fifth month he reaches for toys at from the fifth to the seveuth month he aita erect and creepi at from the seventh to the eighth month he attemptetoatand at the ninth or tenth month and can with nasittanoe usually stand at the tenth or the eleventh tnonth he begins to walk at the twelfth or ihirteeuth month aud usually eon walk alone by the fourteenth or fifteenth month he can usually speak a few words at one year and abort sentenoes ut the end of the second year questione uouoerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical aa sociatlon 184 college street toronto will la anawered by letter jueationi as to dlaguosis aud treatment wui oat be answered thoughtful citizens regard less of political affiliations are be ginning to sense the menace preseat- ed by the growth of government de partments bureau boarda aenwh- iiona and other agencies for the regulation of every detail of oar duly uvea this menace le twofold it menaces our liberties and it men- ones our material welfare through forcing us to support an army of useless omelals every new law which ia suggested by the rjrrfmlnn al reformer and busybody udaetgaad to add to this array of political jb uollera the burden u aeg intolerable this la partleularly true in business and industrial life in which the harassment of reput able citizens at the whims of poli ticians has about reached the limit or endurance speaking to the am erican bar association on this aub- ject some time ago justice suther land said never before have the business activities of the peoale been so beset and bedevilled with vexatious statutes and prying ooea- mlsiions and governmental inter meddling judge johnson observes that the appetite for m other peoples butineea growa by what it reed on and the result is a awaem of agents inspectors detectives end noeey meddling matties going about the country harassing annoying worrying and balldordng the people still the busybodlee are clamoring for more laws more bureaus and mote iavettlgitiona because these mean more political jobholdera at the expense of the taxpayers ex mutab mr j m derives public school inspector for halton who left oo monday for winnipeg to attend the third general council of the united church of canada has been granted leave of absence by the f education this is thi in fifteen years that mrl oeuiyi iu asked for leave of absence george e bock milton danaty game warden for halton hat been appointed a highway motorcycle con stable and baa assumed his duties tuesday afternoon oo main street just opposite mr if arkey s a bad motor smashup waa staged it ap pears that p lougbeed driver for a l chambers and another ear were approaching from opposite directions on the same aide of the street and each tamed out at the ssme time to avoid striking each other with the result that they collid ed both cars being badly amiahed reformer on sunday night a oar with an intoxicated occupant who elalated be waa not the driver of the vehicle collided with another oar on the highway about 3 miles west of acton none of the occupejua waae seriously injured

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