Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 12, 1928, p. 2

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w a i 1 tl tlie jeotpitlmi lttiml1 heul ian 1112ft- 1 i i i u ao is pedal attractions esquesing at agricultural annual society fall exhibition at georgetown saiix september 21 22 1928 georgetown old boys accompanied by the toronto police pipe band henew aequaiutauce with tlu old hoys of twenty years ogo speaking contest silver cup conunitaiita lven ten luluuua suljeet how to make our full fair a ormiter benoflt to the community open to boys and girl attenliit a public or high school in the township of eaqueslnir and tlw towns of georgetown and aatoo or boys and girla under 20 oars of age musical contest iaiaiti smi 1 pure food store silver cup contestants to give two selections open to boyt or girl senior pupila in the township of eaqiuulng and the towns of georgetown and acton boys or girls under 20 yaate of age biker cup same rules as senior popils for junior pupils baby show horse shoe contest opened to to the township of buiueslug aud the towns of georgetown and aotou and the old torouto boys 1st silver medals 2ntl bronze medals grand procession of old boys will leave the high sohool grounds at 130 oclock on satur day headed by the pipe baud and parade to the park i i extra special bars f a o white naptha soap for 28 m gold dost washing powler for 2fi h aoreaia olive soap 26 0 3 mannings wonder wash 2fl m 2 snider tomato boup 10 u gold medal concentrated uracil aud orangeade reg 2se for 19 pecial blended blank tea in bulk per lb 69 k i new honey now in stock 5 10 lb pail beeluat 126 q b lb pall beekist 08 m 2j lb tin beekut 3 i a e farnell r the nevilles j mt nnhcis uncus jutcmmn teas ssct minks janmes cmffcctmnebv lee creus iuaei ttnti la the dawietl wayi m l neville mala sted s births marrlaces and death are now charted or at the following rates i births soci nrrim soe deaths mel memorial cards soci loe per line extra for poetry cofpen at bt petura charlotte north carolina on a m l iiwn j i i sort nohtonun saturday sept let l2h to mr end mra allan norton georgetown a daughter pauline bessie hospital lillinoivt uaii uanniw w ffidaw auc sirnr 192r to ut and mrs h aui 9in i t 1 kcofun mi llrw euwrd old boys and girls ww vuu ccartefcwa la large nwabm fair say seal 21 all arrangements have been omn pleled for the visit or tieorgetuwn old hoys aud girls to the fair here on saturday sept 22ud and it in up to our citizens ueiierally to ox tend to them a most oordial woh oorae and make the day memorable in the history of the old town get out your hunting aud hags aud show them we uppreeiate their home coming a grand banquet will be held in the arena iu jim evening and ibo following toast mat bau lieen ar- ranged toast to the king presidents address songs tlimiuie hnid and jean simpson toast to old towu proposed by h o warren responded tu by mayor lehoy dale major u llrnnl and clisa a tubby song miss eleanor smith toast our agricultural interests proposed by w w hilu responded to by tho cook and jaa mndsay whistling solo charles whalley one of the oldest georgetown boye bong jlmmle held pianist- mias fcmltb a limited number of tickets for the banquet are available aud may be leoured from the old boys coin mittee or at tlw herald office obituary mrs ii u mler the sudden death of mr ii g mler at chatham last thursday is deeply regretted by her raanyfrienda in georgetown deceased had been in poor health for some time she waa a daughter of mr and mrs p helton of toronto and had been a resident of georgetown for some four years previous to her removal to chatham the remains worn taken to torouto whore the funeral took place from her futhera home on saturday last georgetown all r alrv trials of speed saturday sept 22 32500 inpurses sjw trot or pause- uttoo sjmltrot or paeafumm dominion rolee to govern mile heat il in 6 five to enter 4 to start money division 60 6 16 and 10 per cent of purse 6 par eeat to enter arid 6 additional from winners trolure allowed eeecondi ijonee eligible july uth xke eommluw reserve the right to declare off races thatch not nil or owing to weather conditions w a wilson secretary church news hl georges church sept lth harvest thanksgiving servioea 8 am holy communion 10 am childrens fruit and egg service with an address by the hector 11 am holy communion choral and sermon by the rev hamilton mook ridge ma rector of all hallows church toronto 7 pm choral evensong and sermon by the rev hamilton mpekridge ma ap propriate music hy the uhoir all welcome at albons chuiuh ulenwilliams harvest thanksgiving services friday evening sept lath at 8 pm choral evensong and sermon by the venerable archdeacon g f soovil ma rector of st georges church gnelph sunday sept 16th at i etn choral evensong and sermon y the rev hamilton mockridge m a rector of all hallows church toronto everyone welcome united church rev dr dickie will preach next sunday the 10th inst in the mom ing on the strait gate and in the evening on the imitation of christ the baptist church kev a n frith will preach on sunday morning sept 16th on exultant christians and iu tliu evening at 7 pra on the remission of 81ns esqoesing council ales slradi c laaka atf fcxaaat raises mberbaslani lflercand there bjllinafad kev j a kvana uud mrs evans cajttorvihe formarly of erin called on mr and mm e smith and mr and mra j h smith ninth line re cently mm j w hurt of coninssby viaited on sunday with mr and urn d j sinclair eighthline her many frienda are pleaaed to hear abe is able to be out agaiu mr and mra smith or toronto pent sunday with mr and mra p sinclair and ft rally ninth- line and other frienda here mra and mra george bel wood of montreal are visiting friends iu tbia cornm unity btuwutttowii ttttpt iu 1w2h tim kwiuetiinit towtilil council tnt thin ttvfliiliig at 7 pra mfttulwni all prettfmt ltiwve luhiio iu th chair tlw minuter of liut mralliig wr rnail atul nonhruwd coramutitatt- tlorm whi read from hoard of ituil- way coinmihionur re kudiul orow iitga at m and from mr stewart of ohildrena sheltr rj forboi nhihl ran tax ratei were atruott hi fol town townahip rate 0 wll iiounty rat 20 inillm awnerul obo6l rate 4h willi glbii atrmt lighu 24 crewwnl atrmt i iuh u flo also tnjbuon raum acuuiiu to iimounu renuired appelui cloavethat tieau fund to vw 0 rhomptton tux dotf aifawrutd in tiror in 1027 a2r0 iel tolopliono auuounu to datu jm ui 1 m moon priutiug jmi voleru uau uotima utationery and tax 200alfii alex uakuy colleutora salary 1027 4ft00 oxolianee pott aw etc 947fi tout 497ft hydro eluutrio hower cum utwt to spt iu 788 crriml currte curtonthat tnsm piiy hospital aiot for indigenu tut ril 1twn tloflpltal for 8lok chlldnui toronui van of ktihytninaiit duly 1st to slat fwsftt ant or kvtdyn jolmnum july lut to tint sfmjfl uuelph geimral hotipiuil luelpli iiaro of mrs- jiu hlntlry apr thlt to apr 27tli 2700 k v harm ulougli for support of aoltmydh tor aug and sopt jf00o carriml currip cloavetlwt treohiirur pay rood aiicwu an prewnted hy road supt t07ha7 carded curtort ippell4tliat tlw dona tion of 200 00 uivei by tht inter provincial brick co for ohhiutaneo given townahip in otoning given road between lou 1 and 4 iu lnt uon ite received and that tlu treail be and is hereby authirlad to place tlie said amount to tlu townahip credit and that the thank of thin loudoii bo extendml to tho uaid oom pauy lor tlieir liberal contribution carried cleave appelbethat leave be granted to introduce a hyltiw to aawum the townihip of ewiueaiug fur the year 1u28 and that aald hy law be now read a hrst time carried carton curriethat the bylaw to aasesa the townahip of etu for the year 1028 having been read a brat time be now reid a seaond and third time and poaoed and the seal of the corporation attached carried appelbe cleavethat leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to ataess the several sohool aeotionaand union sohool section of the town ahip for the yea- 102b and that aaid bylav be now read a lirat time carried currie carton that the bylaw to aeaa the several sohool sections and uniou auhool aeotionn liaving been read the firat timebe now read the second and third times and passed and the corporate seal attached carried appelbe curriethat leave be granted to introduce a bylau to dirt- tribute the interest of the railway bonus fund amongst the different school aeoti ana entitled thereto and that aaid bylaw be now read a first time carried carton cleavethat the bylaw to distribute the railway honun interest having been read the lirat time he now read the second and third times and passed and the corporate seal attached carried currie appelbethat thi council do now adjourn to meet again oct 8th at 130 pm carried norval iter thomas mclochlau of mt- hope will conduct servioea in mt pleasant and morval united churches next sunday rev mr mokinnou will lie absent conducting anniversary services at cose church mra webster is holding an auution sale of hoifbehold furniture on satur day sept lffth ooiu manning at 2 oclock itest itaby 12 months and under lhth 2nd 2a0 cash by n- inspector guthrie toronto best itaby 12 months and uuder 24 months 1st 000 2nd 200 nosh by inspector n guthrie torouto best twin babies 1st 200 2nd 200 cosh by inspector n guthrie toronto babies muxt lie bom iu holtou best old time fiddler 1st 11 ml 2nd 800 cosh by inspector george guthrie toronto winners to ploy at dauce at arena night of fair j h lot rn mil- fn tit mitli n nf lint liilrriikhiiiiuil limuu rull iiidttrm of lllt lllllllill hill llm nr ih bra- mifilti ur itumaay utuiltjuoltt fn hie r tirtiiilr if ctraat llrltiittt i licy imlf from ilia cbslfull ijilit- uinlxtf iii airiuh to qinilir nr iiiciiilii ruliih on id iiih nhin ruiiriifih of tlio coaildul ilhirlrl ih ut prmi nt la iii ciows nut va wliir tut ih run- bibk m ure lunu ut titifip on uuui- mr rsnsc iiiih ih itn drl yuir uimi tin lintf itdiiilriit ruiirlmr tins movsx uliftp in iliu iiioiintiliih for lti suniinpr nitl mm rviuthtipnl u blng wall lint ullli a konil ileal of tat ar ant the flrht ot a uw ssrles of saclnfsi hat led tti atisim ttbnjn of ths canaillun iaaflc itallwuy sad will shortly vntcr piiimuur urvlc btwufin monlrcul ubil to- tattto it u he larxkt patatutf locamotlvs in he urltlnh mmpr 7 ft in lenath wolrhlnk 2i- 000 imunds und linn t1f lit area i dtivlnx whsts fi fuel three inchm ih dlamsier ii in au cntlrsly osnsdhia rrihliitt jiulshiul hy cno- sdlsti pacific anslneurs h ft son fljlug otuhn hav iicaq faransd lu fsnndic ulnro m iy when ui ocvertinirinth plan to eiirour- ajte civil tivlatliin in put into frct wid atnilhultlijii tor two wore dulm are at prient being eesldtrsd by tlis air hoard over out hundred mnlli plnnir nr in um tbroukhout cutiadf air lukird offldoli stated half nt thaua or erlvateiy owneil mor than uua undrtxl mimilmrh of tho- oliisi ur solo rilsrs a rsroluttnn pnt it inning ih cana dian unlly nowmtujver aurinrlallim to hold iu 1020 convention in ths usrlum province wan passed ut fas mldaimmr mealing of hit ontario provincial unity nrwspuiur assoclstlon held no board tic can adian psrlflfl uhlp keowatlo n route from port mrnkiml to sault pis usrte f ii ihiio proaldont of the auorlstlnn rrfarrwl in hie speech to the nrdont wlub uf the membsrs far s matter scqualn tonee with the maritlmns the world wide ssrvlc proclolm- ed by ibt canadian paclric hallway will be further improved with the sstabllsbnaent of a new hotel by lbs company la londop engluod so ajrast a traffic of canadtun and american trsvelters between this continent and england has brim built up by canadian pacific hteum- ahlps that the construction of a new hotel in the heart of the em pire banaben considered for soma time and now that the 1200 room royal york la ell uiler way tba b reject has been taken into band pers t ion should rtart next year flecently it was derided hint mib are sensitive now 11 u dlicovered that they are pntrlntlc tome mon in new nrun wlclt who were cnusbt am carcfullv trampnriod sllve overlnnl to lha foot of a flh ladder leading into a river draining american territory refined utterly to leave tbclr native uaters as soon as they were reloaaed into the wate according to a report recelv ed hy the genera tourist depirt- ment of ttle canidlan pacific itnll- way they beat n baity retrnt down tba st john river to the point where they were caught end ascended another tributary rising 4n now brunswick buiu scsool fjubs following am the dutet o the halton county hum school fairs for this your brookvillc bcputmlier lith enqueriing supt 14th hornby sept 17th nelson sept 20th trafalgur sept 24th burlington sttpt 2th and uth palermo sept 27th milton chaiupioutihip sept 28 and 20 rupture expert here ashgrove the girls meeting of tlw wi held at the home ot mra j no ilarnes waa largely attended alias corena wriggv lesworth was in the ehalr and after the opening exercises anoounoed the program which was as follows miss margaret qiffen piano sola miss llerlha llaraea guitar miss p browu paper on leam your food miss i pisher paper on how to get rid of moths miss zeta tirahaia paper on rem edy for rats mils w wriggleswortb paper on examination time two contestants followed and were directed by misses louise ruddell aud uarthabainea at the olose of the program a dainty lunch was serred on the lawn hy the girls the ueit meeting will he held at home of mrs w wriggleaworui on sept 18th roll call answered hy a verse describing a bird baseball at autou hut saturday afternoon the georgetown hard ball team de feated acton by a score of 0 h georgetown will have a hall team equal to any team iu the count with a little more practise acton at georgetown saturday sept 10th in the park auction sale of mfctwu fviuire the undoraignod hoe been instruct ed by wslf cook to sell by public auction at hiuresi denoe ooorgo st georgetown on tttmday goptalbth 1938 mt 7 p m the following 2 white iron bedsteads with springs and mattrcse2drcafleraand wash stand 2 parlor tablet exten sion table several parlor cliaire bet of aix dinning room chain good happy thought range hall rack floor lamp chair upholstered 2 wal nut cliaire fall leaf table dresser and waahatand to match numerous other articles teumscaab ben fetch auctioneer f h seeloyot chicago ami phila delphia uutintiully famous expert will himself pcmoually lie utlhe wei llngtou hotel and will nmutiu iu uuelph this sunday and monday only sept 1017 from oain to 5 pru daily mr sue ley ham the spermatic shudd will nut only retain any ease of rupture per feotly butuontracu ttm opening in 10 daya ou tho average case ihtnig avastadvaueenieut over all former methods oxomplifimg umuuiiaotj ous elteots immediately uppreciublc and withstanding any awuiti or po sition no matter the size or location large or difficult cane or iiicihioual ruptures following operutiotiri hpcei ally solicited this instrument re celved the oply award in kugluud aud in spain producing rcmilu with out surgery injections medicul treat inentu or prescriptions with dinttu gmshed personal patrons or all mi tion ilis method has alwa h been most satisfactory late or kd wanl shippeu former medical direc tor u 8 navy this instrument ih the sauioaffup plied to surg gen la bureau u b naval hospiul peun r it etc etc he will lie glad tu demonstrate without charge or ot them if dehired buaainesh demands prevents u topping at any other place in this hoc t ion n b every statement in tin notice has iweu veriliinl lufore the federal aud state courts f ii twley caution all cases should be cautioned again hi tits useofuny elas tic or web truss with umlertttrups ut same rest where the lump is and uut where the opening ih ufum resulting iu strangulation home olllee 117 n jlearlwrn st chicago iii j a aasj sai afbsav w h willson undertsucer staid ueanssml embalmnr oeesvetesm afalats auluwoblle or tloredrswilll penne aiylil ur ilsy s4 surnnr i swillueues tl mw or m f i imwmwmwmmmtxixxmxx 1 00000 prizes sanibilt week contest sept 15 22 facts about sanibill furniture every canadian woman should know 1 riimihiiilf i- iiiiii mtlint iiiiiinl mt n jul no tin kihn tl iniiil il vli tl f u c iuk1 limr filir no rmiil vnliir miiiiii n- fp ilr iiilw m i r oithf lilling 2 siliiiliiiil i- tin- only livdii riiniiliic lrin i iv i- iinlliif uhlrli tin niiimifiirliirfi- in- hmv h kijiiruiiim in miiiw i riiiliic lliu tllli ii llaliliirfiiil i iy i tr r if a iuiiywi iiii riiim- iriill iiiiifitil w nil iud iriiit lilm1- iii imui mni liin smi u i- rlnilv iiilcr- woviii mill irmly iiiiilmriil in i1i1 11i- jtlilutik im w iimiiihim 111 iiny saniliill untc i only ni fiin mill iiiiiliiry inatiinl- ur n in nniiiilt ttu lilllngs tl tli tliii- ll ui tlii- 1- f gitiutniiiihirtunul to hi pinvliimi l1iiu- iiiliiii fiiiiiiiini iiij f fconl liuiil innteriiils mn pnm a niici to u iilt f in r yull f 44e prizes i lsl 300 in cash t 1 2nd 200 in cash f 1 3rd 100 in cash j i 4lh saaluu owls lounge value 100 j 7 n l jhi nio i4sriiiiburkumiatti uaysol allraclive prices f oulm cata values at 30 t total value ol prizes 1000 1 sanibill week sept 1522 i there are nu uulllllius im i not lime t t to iiuj a 8arii hilt huit- it h iijwii ii nil t t nullum wmieii y an altrachve suite ii being featured for sanibilt week only solid walnut frame mohair cover a genuine value a teal buy at ita low price 04 you are invifd tp fill out an official entry blank there are no condi tion you do not have to buy a sanibilt suite h c mcclure home furnishing store georgetown ontario advertise in the herald where are tm best alues in used cars has it ever occurred to you hat the best value in used cars arc to be found where the best value in new car are offered p as dealer or tho biffer and better chevrolet we are able to offer such exceptional new car value that many of our customers have traded in their cars lonf before they had intended the result is that we have a larfe mock of used cur in exceptionally food condition to make room or more chevrolet to meet the treat demand we aro offerina our used car at price dhenom enally low call around end aee them for your- self our reputation as chevrolet dealers backs up the statement that lliey represent barfaine in oostpar mile that cannot be surpassed ask about the ga1ac plan which affords the most convenient way of buylruj out of income a j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown authorized cheyrqbei beaker

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