Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 19, 1928, p. 2

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the georgwtowii llurald hep lulit 192h dhd rubsella um oonvrml lloattltml guetph on thursday rpt 11th isabella handeraon widow of the liu christopher j kusmii in her hlt year in mmmoriam norton in lovlntf mtmoiy nt our deeir m and brother auxandar bertram norton who tmlsred into reatsspt i6u1 123 we moura the tos ttt unu so dear our hearts are aadl to day to think you could not my wood liy you ware ho quickly called away son and broth dear w think or you and think of how you died to thlnlcyou could hot uy iroou by before you clod your ejiuu til heavenly gates war opened widn a loving voice said com badly missed by rathr mother bitter and brothers scicc4faieekui4ijuralr fall fair and old boys and girls evtrytmafl la lcaumtsfr h aiibmi evert fruay aatl salviay be sure to see the baa li up auto initio electric range and cookery manufactured by the hradle kd ward electric co also tlie reevuit electric cleaners arid washing uuuth iues tli la display will lui in the brill hall and y on will he well re paid for a visit to this imoth ihe ktill fair uhd vult ol 1 nrge own old i toy a uud girls tuikt hatur i by will in tin hlugi ut event of the hi ihoi1 dime tn the fulr nud iw tin ph mltd exhibit mit t your frlendx uf former yittrh mid enjo the ox ullent progrum which will ih pro- uiled music und speaking content in the tn vii hull vriduy evening v grand profusion of um hoa and girls bended lij the pipe huitil will leave the 1 1 iuh btliihil grounds shara at ii o clonk up mounter banquet of old boa in peliu a ii i ii iirtlie evening a limited munlier of tickets for whiuh tiro yet avuilahli ut tlie herald or irom mr 1 h wnlluio and his committee goll i iht rn witr n wholit lot if i othual amu llpluid ul the golf link lajit haturduj af tun toon when a mat h iwtwteu the teams of pivatdmit j a wllloughhy unci cupt 1 h mae- kenxta took pluoe it wuh ii close uthl kl itillg gtttiu i and when tlte president liud two jhtrokum altesd ut tlie end of tlut 170i wltilu it lookttd pnttty durk for j h i and hu i oil iigut f hit wluui th inlu wtm hunk at llto ud of tlte thtli cupt mnknxit wan oue point up flu hwrt wilt now ptmt the wiuni m i in h with a 1 m ilf bull harvest thanksgiving u si erici cbarck utl united cliunh ivpatatory borvlnu in the united iciiurili on kridoi hept 21m ui 8 ptn iionduotpil by itev walter i i nil lial ha or taudon kaat on ttundu morning fctpt lidrtl liut itov dr dinkio will preach on the worldrt bin jloftnir und tlwreafur the iloby coniinanfnn will be olwuir vod vii bumliij iwuiiing the tiuli jent of dim nurw uill i ionmlng to do wa gmplne simmons 3plcec bed ouhii lor 1695 for one day only we tell for caih at cost coiikihtuik of all utoel licl us illiitnitl in unlniil iiiihii hoat fillurrianil wilnl jmnul coutre complutii with mm frunii xiilo8 link fuliru rijirmu und felt nnttrchx oulllt regular 21 satl itdav fecial at 91bob rcmcclure home furnishing store georgetown ontario meet us in the hall at georgetown fair v fan dft iwi0 m i i ai i fcrw ft w a t urvhwm of thuukhtflviutf uud pmiwf ut giul for a iwmntiful burvtwt were ludd in st eorph churoh lout hunday at b a to thw wuh a eltthniliou of the holy communion uud ut 10 am a oldldrkiitt frtilt and ktf berviiu when the bukidit ti hool ohlldruu brought their ulftu of fnmlt eu and priwerved fruit wlanh wuh mm it to bt lolmtf lloupituh toronto an uddrwui wai uiven li the hi itr and the tuiriptute omni rtad h mr prcd mil mull j btipertiiuiudeut mr jatht crii htoit treanurer prenidid ul the oran tlut bervue at 11 am wuh u choral celebration of tlie holy cotn muiiiou win u mauudarh matlutf wuh uwd the hpeoial ptvui her wuh the kov iluiiiiuon mikikriduo mju reotor of all llallown chureh ror onto who ffuvt a uplemliil h riuoii itomi on the fftt vorw of tlu uth ilulm 1 will ulway nl thunkn unto qui lord hi praiiut hiiuii evot be in my mouth mr moakridge hthwwl lu fai i that praifla and thankusiviuu urt etuenttul to tlie true ulrintiun life theohoir rang turnern hurvest atliem irniw the lonl o in soul there were nearly 104 torn muuiuuitj ut the two oeleutatfoui clioral kentong was tuing at 7 p m uud anothar exoellont hermoii preanhed by mr moukridfie who poke from 1 cor 13 iii now abideth faith hope oharity tluue three hut the greatest of theue in charity mr mookridge pointed out that it wuji right and neoesuary to bring our gift to uod and the greatest gift we can offer u the gift of ounelvea our life rauat be tuilt upon faith the iupentrtidtare roust be hope whieh u an anchor of the wml and the whole life permeated and mi prfgnated with olurity or love miu mcdonald of oakville uang very aeoeptubly the tolo conuider and hear mo o lord my god and the choir sang maunder while the earth remaineth reed time and liar vent si all not cease the fllnginu by the oholr at both servnteti wax splendid und great credit is due to mr jack thompson choir leader mrs w bradley presided at the organ with her usual taste and abili ty and was ably asmsted by mr jack thompson violin who also played violin solos as voluntaries the churoh had been profusely decorated with flowers and grain by a number or willing workers under the direction of mr b kirk and miss young targe i aggregations were present at all bervloes during the day especially the uvetdng uervii e it 7 pin nltr ctrlm a very pretty and fashionable wedding was solomnized at the home of mr and mrs m j carton eh queuing township op bept 16th when their daughter myrtle alma became the bride of mr albert hun ter norval at the appointed hour to the strains of a wedding march played by mhw joanna chne cousin of the bride the bride leaning on the arm of her father entered tlie room which nail been tastefully de oorated for the occasion and took her place beside that of the bride groom under an arch of flower where they were united in wedlock by the rev t k mcpaul of knox presbv terian church milton the bride looked charming in a dress of geor gette crepe trimmed with laoe and metalic wearing a rope of pearls the gift of the groom and carrying a bouquet of batter hy roses and lily of the valley tlie brides twin slstei margaret was bndeamaidand looked lovely in a dreai of rose georgette trimmed with laoe carrying a large bouquet of roses and wearing the gift of the groom a white gold brooch after the sign log of the register a dainty buffet luncheon was served by six girl friends of the bnde after which the young couple left by motor on their honeymoon the bride travel lug in a dress of navy bine and a coat of navy blue trimmed with far with hat to matoh the many beau tlful and costly presents the young couple received showed the populari ty of the bride and groom on the i thursday evening before the wedding atout 125 friends and neighbors of i the bride elect took possession of the parenu home and showered her with many very beautiful and useful pres entu wishing her many yean or happiness on their return mr and mrs han ter will reside on their farm near norval nearly seventy five guests were present tram burlington urompton uuelph koukwood to ronto milton terra cotta and btreetsvllle i when you come to the fair don fail to see our exhibit fcse sauuttit cmfhlu a quiet wedding took plaotf at ottawa united churoh walkurvllle out on wednesday sept 12th when iva 8 oougliuui daughter of the latomr and mn thoa couglilan of ottawa was united in marriage to mr albert ballantine son of mr and mnt j a liallaiitine georga town ontario the oereinony woe performed b rev keney the bride who woe given away in marriage by her brother mr j a coughian wore a dreat of orohid obiffon silk with hat to matoh she carried a bouquet of bridal roses and lily of the valley the marriage was witnessed by mr and mrs m coughian brother of the bride after the oeremauy a reception watt bol i at the borne of mr j a coughuiii brother of the bride mr and mrs bauaatine left for a motor trip to points kut and on their return they will reside in wiiidso it h manellns cleaner piesser aud dyer georgetown the things we oan do will surprise you and tlie oost will be equally pluuuiug t i mill hill if 11 full lilu of tin fuiiuui- ilu ilmg alltienl tin- wv ino imiuxim ill nil r- fin tlni i tm imin w iimu tin- wi want iiii to 11 tin in fi el tlie tni iflil i i tin tlmkii lnmmi i tiuul imiliilllit in tlm i imicli iil- mlht mm r tin nli wall- iirli ami iui lutx um t i liufi tin in i in n win ii miu hull tin in im priii mi iln iliutr miiimhi miii ill n 11i11 ulnit 1 woinliifiil liiiixiin llit an wi tan ul uwi miu iiiu k i ninti mi- ami itirn liiv i ui c m u- pan wuru uf all uimj- ii see urn flrmt save time and money fred sinclair georgetown headquarters for seidejalincj im ry vfvr v vi- ff iff v rry ifln rry- i i the canadian legion wineii auuury aifin augural meeting of tho wo mtnrt auxilmo of the georgetown hranch of the cunadinn legion wnu held on friday evening last tbeie was a large turn out of adieu all of whom became members uud wtro duly initiated major couaeux prehidoitt of the legion branch opened the proceed ings and introduced mrs h j giveaway the ontario provincial president who was asked to take the choir mrs ureuiwo very ably ex plained the aims and objects of a legion womens auxiliary and pro oeeded to initiate thone present mrs t grieve who was present said a few words of welcome to the now auxiliary the oflioers elonted to hold ollioe until 1st of january next are us follows president mn t v grieve 1st vloo- president mrs j honey 2nd vice president mnt w roney secretary mm g k voung treasurer- mn john pr executive commitu mrs g alcocb mrs k annntrong mrs field mm j 8 fry mr f knight mr j mccartney und mrs c btuoey he tore leaving to return to tor onto mm greeiiwu was lieartily thanked for coming to georgetown to help in the formation of the aux illary the womens auxihuvy have a great deal of work to do in tlie iui mediate future and it is hoped that as many ladles as pomtihle tiuiilifitd to join will do so at one tho initiation fee is si 03 and intending member should get iu tout h with mh e k oung the n rtury who will be glad to give any infor mation reiiuirud und kiippl tlm ap plication forms for iuemlruhip meetings will lui held ut h pro un the qrst thunuluy uf each mouth at a pluce to lie not tiled in thin paper later salvation army the salvation armj wishes to anu ounce through the heruld that a public meeting will tie held ever tuesday at the town hal gunwill iaiuh at h p m commanding from si pt 2fith we wish ti txtend all a hearty welioiue tome and bring another cupt g page lieut n willuma ohlierh in i barge wood rails saooflnglc cord delivered mixed wood j s0 bsrdwaod h 00 inula iord ii smllh phone 4rm qntelowi notice to creditors la tsa ifatur f tm estato f wl- limatea alhs auuay uu ef tk ttva at omfmuwi t ut ca- tyaf ualtaa harsia maka r da- ifatla la kasvlry ivam purtuant to smtton 61 of tho trusue act it 8 o 1027 chap iso that all creditors and others having claims or domands agslnst the estate ofthe said wellington albert bailey who died on or about the 27th day of august 192s at tho city of guelph in the county of well ngton are required on or before iho nineteenth day o october 102h to send by post prepaid or deliver io the uadorulgnod solicitor for eleanor forbra bailey the executrix of the last will and testa mentof the uld deceased their chris tian names and surnames address and descriptions the full particulars in writing of thoir claims m statement of thoir accounts duly verified by affidavit and the nature or the security if any hetd by them ami take matla that after such last mentioned date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets o the amid deceased among the parties en titled thereto having rtruard only t those claims uf which she shall thm have notice and that the suid xucutrix will not be hsbi for the wild uaaats or any part thereof to any p ryon or pr sons of whoae claim notiui ahull not havu born rocelved by her at tho lime of such distribution dated at oeorgetown th a nineteenth day or keptember 102u john a thompson solicitor for the haid executrix furnaces furnaces come in and get our climate on the new empire king hipower furnace empire ktoj quebec range and healers stovfiid furnace repairs 39ttwmonta grates bnclu and repairs for all itinclvot love and fumpcea sloce pipe chaicoal and slove cement f l mcgilvray step mm st phmm 17sw shrfctowi norringtons saturday treat i ii c irnnelrt u vcrj tine uirumol with nuts iu cumulate and null i ll ivor hi ulnrly nnhl ut 4tk saturday treat 29c weekend chocolates he mire anil have a nupplj of thete uhncoiatth fur jour imitors dimiik ihe luir this oiuing unk tud hani uud soft untr s week end chocolate 35c fair specials 111 lb pit it n risp i vfrjom kuowi how good this u the lin1 ul tin m tsun spfuu loi luir reg 60c fair sqecial 39c sole agent for thfu uuu cliomolutfh in george town arthur norrington mais st phone 80 redr0se is good ted red rose orange pekoe is aupreme u in dean bright ahxmiman b prompt service and fiiitclau woikmanihip on all make of cars b batteries rechaiged gat oil etc dutri butor foi u 3 l battery af do yle prop g nhk miu si ceorfelaui fil

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