Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 26, 1928, p. 4

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j tf ill iconeln lliriim sl 1 1 1 itljfl acton provincial truffle omiwyltniid ik btawiug- unite u wtlr uiunnifctm motor ltuwbo art iiirtliiiut uliiiut ilnrvini tltrf regulation nf t in lllgliwu tnlhij ant iluniient ihuull week or so 111 iullliolllllll llnlilhlllllll drivers sow lio u glvlliu tllcm n taste of tho lav tim iltatli occurred on ilic ivthi ol repleinlior or allun mimn ut 111 limite ucur tiadiile bjihu in ini elllhtytlilhl year mr mann wim u on of tlie lain lltlkli mnnn kwi a id a liroliier ol uir uuiinlil mnnn mr mumi wan iwiru on iiih rnllnr farm ut aotoii mm mnnn ulm vus miss bartli llnimt win sinter of sir wllllum hfjn she piede ceased her huhlmnd in illu mr ii o arnold iiliaiiiinugirnf tin tiutni olnvc co ntariihil luii vridayjtriuu iii irlp to tlin lrnirtc provinces anil tint coast- jiirstioiird i a to tlin outlook in the wuit mr i arnold uid tihawiiv of oilnniid of tlie western people i iml tnucn on 01 winnipeg scorn lo curry right through all tho prmdiices the prospect of a wheat drop itut- pjjuing till previous liluli record olllmslly esltiiulnl lr ottawa authorities at flbn4k2000 bushel but mode the business oulluok for tin went exeeedlnglj bright htee mlllon miu flora murray of sicwurt- town has siincaedihl miih miirjiirie maclean tin steiingruplier in tin orboeof a 1 manviiiinol iliatrint agricultural ropreneutntice here while iu milton mm mailiun whom liorae 1 at iunlinili uiadi many frisnd at the track meet lor school hoys aadgtrlsat tlie toronto kxlilliition park but saturday afternoon harold wriggleswortli of tlie milton high eohool wan second in the 1041 yards race for imyh uuder 21 yenrs und lirst in tbo 220 yards race for boy under 20 year well donrharnld it l stated that the kxcelsior iro- dnots co of pickering that wan tn have located liere has now derided to locale in oakville lire citizen of that town it i raid having offered to put up a building for them that sounds rattier strange ufter the linn publicly announcing that they had uada all arrangements for locating tiers giiing so far as tn state the tniia lion of the proposed faitmy re former wood ralls t0oinfticcfjdlivrihl mixed wood wmi hardwood 91 00 tins la curd j tl ttiniili plmiie fhrll georgetown oakt nattee flru pwllif i valers uti he erefan dti i ere tn mrs til f rn hand- lln thai ilia tmrl mnnlral haa aprlpnrm iii- h waa rla- tarf on anil slt wta tmi arlia wnl wtll nk ih 3 0w 0o0 biklil ranrk tor llif si tioilra ijd rlpla wr rroriil 1 niarlv iknnoaa hrihlnl n total hnnalma of i rtnl noil tdihilm for do- rlay voun im 1m haaulyalltr f 0 oeawtjr ef haltaa notice is hereby given that i tiate complied with aeetioun ii and 10 of the voters mat ait and unit i have posted up in myofllne at george town on the 24th day of beptemher 1928 the list of all person entitled to vote in the said municipality for members of parliament and at muni olptl election as appears to be tm titled to vote aeaoeding to tlie last re vised assessment roll and that snub list remaius there for inspection and 1 hereby nail upon all voters to uk immediate proceedings to bare any errors or oinissioim correct ed fuwotding to law appeals tn ho in within 21 days from the 24th day or september 1038 dated this 24th day of september 192h v l heath clerk otrti imiee 1 tint ntuag imfenual vetah list iw maulajlitt af oewnty ralleii notlee is henby given that i have compiled with seellolui s and it of the voters last art and that i have post ed up in my onlee at stewarttown on the loth day of september ims the list of all parsons entitled to vote in the uunldnalhy for llsmbsrs of parliament arjatalunldnsl elecllons aa appears to be entitled to vote according to the laat revised assessment roll and that aoeb hat tvjmalna there for inspseuon and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omlaslone urreeled aeeorlinat lo law appeals tn be in within 21 days from the 10 day of september hud dated this loth day of september 18sh o o brown township clerk the nlnintil fomplal abaance of forral flrn willi ihalr amolie rreena iruirrlnt annte rtfi ete the tirllllxnl flrmijol lh sir in this rrelon bia wsil lh praaaal tourist arnaon li hrsl on rororit in llrll- lili tolnr ms many innrina per- lies travelled over ilia ransdlan rneltle llriea some bresklns ihe journey lo motor ovsr the pletur- erone rtflnffwlnilsrrrtsrs hlstiwsy anions olher sroups mil be men tlmieil hie alpine club of rsnads wlileh lirlc lla esrflp at lbs tjike of the llsnslns olscters followed hy tlie trsll lllders of tlie canadian niieklss approslmslslv sso new alevatore hnve beeh const rueled tbrousboul altierta this vnr ft la eallmsted by loeal arsln msn the total csrwltyof thsse elsvators would be aliout himcooo buahels ii wsa alnted complete flsures for ele- vnlor eonstnirtlon in tbs province were not nvnllebto but aratn msn stated that eyleaalon of facilities had been prwrssatnif raplilly in all parts of alberts the capacity e tbe slevatsrs varied from 95000 buabsla in koflm bllabals tbs alhsrta wheal pool slons bss lie rjn slsvatar eompantee have hs- iut and practically all ihe public train alnsler eomnlee have in- cnessd thslr slnrsas capacity imr the flrsl season ba a iinnber 6f ysare ihe nlplaon iront way be aald to abound hydrodevelop ment wllh accompsnylna fluclns- llons la wsler isvela ibreslened etttlrlctlon or this eseeollonnlly came fbvh but ihe careful remits hon of lbs nasi three seasons bss apparently restored the worlds most fsmous trout stream to some- iblna of its old tannins bl aussu of lbs duualow camp hsre brousht in isr pounds of flah ysa tsrdar coiietlaa a fair number of four and flvsponnd trout eaiurlit mostly st the entrance to faike polly pike and pickerel aim atuvund in laras numbers so it la thouibt ibst lbs restorsllon of ths wstsr level ralbar than lbs deslmo- uon of natural enemies has brout bl back the nlptcoe trout entirely nsjr tnd important achemee involeus lane eipendl- tares on the part of tbs canadian pacific hallway in the placement or british colonials upon tbe isnd are lo be undertaken through tbe de parlmwt of calrmlsatlca and de velopment of lhat company work ing in cooperstlon with the oeer- sess selllnrierit committee of the british dovernmsnt tbs dstslls of thsse schemes hsve been nsso- tlsled during the prsssat visit to cansds of tord tovat under sec retary of fltate fnr dominion af fairs and chairman of ths orerseaa ftettlement committee one nn- dertaklag provides for the building of ons hnndrsd cottages by the csnsdlsn pacific for ths use of british rsmlllea they will be used to msks tsmlllss sceiistomed lo canadian eondlttona and farm life before being established on farms of their own 1at have yon christened your now baby jot mike we have an phwat did you call it mike haul pt sure bad cess to ye with 223 saints to name tbe kid after ye had to go and ivarae it after a ntil notice lo creditors notice to creditors la the hatter sitae zauuef wl uwtaw albert alley 1st use tewta at oaaunmtesns in use oemn- tystaklua uaraumwhaker av vetlamrwauumlrr btrasi pursuant to of the trustee act ii a o 81c 1ht chap iso that all creditors and others having claims or demands against ins estate of the said welllntften albert baley who died on or about the 27lh day of august 102 at the city of guelpo in the county of wellington are required on or before the nineteenth day of october 1828 to send by post piepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for eleanor forbes bailey the eieeutrl of the laat ww and testa ment of the said deceased their chris tian nemea and eumamsi addroaaea and deaerlptions the full particulars in writily of thslr claims a statement of tbelr eeeounla uuly verified by affidavit and the nature of ihe security if any held by them ajs4 vake metle lhat after such but mentioned date the aald executrix will proceed to distribute tlie ssssu o the aald deeaaaed among the parties en titled thereto bavins regard only to those claims of which she shall then hava notlee and that the aald executria will not be liable for the aald esse is or any part thereof lo any person or per sona of whose claim notice shall not bava bean received by her at tho time of such distribution dated at imorgetown this nineteenth day of september 1d2u john a thompson solicitor for the said gacutrii the hattsr af the estate af insane wehater late ef the village af morvej la the oematy ef haltas ksrlat dsssaasd notice is hereby given pursuant to statute in that behalf that all per sons having claims against tlie estate of samuel webster lata of the vill age of norval in tbe county ol hal- ton 8hericf deceased who died on or about tha 1st day of may 1028 at the said village of nonal are requir ed to eend by post or deliver to the bqdenilgned solicitor on or before the isth day or october 1028 their names addressee foil parttnulars of their olalms and the nature of tlie secuiity if any held by them all duly verified by statutory declaration after tlie said date the executors will proceed to distribute tlie assets of tbe deceased among the parties outltled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and they shall not lie liable for the assets or any part or them to any person of whose nluim notion shall not have been received by tbem at the time of such distribution dated at milton this 20th day or september 1028 thomas a hutchinson milton ontario it solicitor for the uxenutora e uamiiiaa aeelred standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically boronned and loadod coal wood balttt lamp for domaatio and tbraafalnn puroiiaa 8miuiioa and csannel goal in fact i carry ovorytbinff to ba found in any ur- to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald pbonblt george town composing room divulges secrets tbe eut above van reproduced from a collection of photojfrapbi nlm a little art work and it earaa ft efeui this way there wita a need for an ii in at ration tn b rich ten and balance tbo pnvo po we looked tnrouch fbefylua tip ptinrnnrnph of the new fnnndlnn paclflr olivine dime tollkhl fnf hut wit ii it ulumraur tbe lament iwaaeiimer enimiti in tlii uruuli cniplra our reader nlrundy unvw nil about it put it on one mlrie i then we uw the picture or ihe ox wblch la vnimiird tn htumflnx frolfht earn at trleate tbla we tltousht we could tie up o tltw enilne in wnme wuy hut when we anw tha plioto- aropb of tha olephunt at kandy we thought thtit it would be much better and onaler tn write a vnturo on aay power or world trnnaport tlin african zulu with the ii i ek aba woultl fmve helped a atory of thla nature hut when wt saw tin- bmutlful cunea of tho iunshwi pneodn und the graceful llnea of tbe moon arcb in tho an r den of the jnde tree studio at shanghai wo thomht that perhaps w could make an appeal of aorta to the culturiil ulde of our readers but tho office hoy wui very icmh on tbe locomotives tbe makeup man thouuht ho could dctdgn n better layout with tut tho anlmala afd our falrhpjred atenobrnphir coonldpnil th architecture more aruwtlc we comdroutltd by deildlng to make u hrpecolunm inatond of a twocolumn layout and natnsr tbam all what ujn reniuliud wau tn he ttnn ui in amue w no w mit out our hehtlonklnti plmto- arapb of tho knipreaa of runce and tht-n- you bavo n lutuplnte nhort utory one iccim aboard a canadian pacific train flrat and at sew yurk tmurda a canadian pacirin htrnnmhlp for the porta and algbts of the wttrld thir lmpreea of krnnri diieant really belong to the not beemme thla year aba will not tnako a orulae hut buro alio 1a laat year at itlo do janeiro the kmpreaa la replaced in erulao aervlc by a duehoaa not thit thla mnkot n grent drnl of dlffonnce to our editor but there re manr readera of thla page toouhn will upend rhrlatnian in the holy land and eheirj bloaaom tuno in japan they will tour the woet indira in comfort in january or febmnry they fl apend tho winter in luxury travelling round south america uml south afrlcn round tbe world or round tbe mediterranean they havo sbciun u their booklets and beforo spring la bore again thy wn be sbowlnjt ub ibelr tan and their oouvenlra bmhiihiabiziafajavh lock the door tliiii i a ligcml aliout a farinit vvlici wont to k iiliict ti fortify ami lock hin imin after a very tine blomleil linie linl lieen etuleu tlie leixciid lias etinie to lie a ineiiii- of llnwinu liow uinvie it if lo wait until tlie iioim- ha- lieen tnliil to loil tlie iloiu- ailvertiiiik i n form of protittion agiiintl lo- of liuiinw wliieli ii oeeaxioiially tleateil like the farmer inaleil the imin anil the liorie kroin a eeminily lnini premise that incc there i no luii- iie- or inee lnisiiie i not iiiite what it houlil he now the merchant jjrikeein lo the ileeixion tltat there i- no ueeil to ailveilie thin leiisoniniroverlookx n gleat finitlameiitiil fact ami dial i- thai nilverlisilig i- inlenihil haleriniaiinhiji that j 1 1 i lieeani a man luimit money with whiili to huy tnilay i- no reason he will not have it tomorrow that the man wlm gnu- after the liuines 11 insitiiil ly reaps euiiixteiit rewaiil- tliut mut foil fhop wheie they are inviteil to kiiui anil that an advertisement is an invitation ttffstifmnikiifii 1 the nevilles fii mackeys bread fresh every day delivered to your door try our homemade baking ii- i f full iiili u l unilii 111 ii ail in i i do lii mark clark phono 229w georgetown i fireproof faster construction cold proof j cannot warp or shrink reasons for flreproor valtboord for sale dy georgetown lumber co ltd georgetown ont j b mekenzie georgetown ont sell your cream at home where yea cm gtt llw highest grade and ihe best price ope every sjlurdiy nlghl georgetown creamery co m saae manager five braw highland lassiea forsters grocery full line ot fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters terms oateh georgetown phone 99 3fsg am m auciionsale tin uiiilti iihs nciivol in- hlriiilinrm friitu jt o msutby lo hill hy imliiie tiiiciioii ut iiih farm lot i mh knu cunt cliiiikiiuiouxy nn tneadmy oat 3nd lbah ut 1 nvlwlf ulinrp ilie fil iiwjiik 1 hnlstein mux calves ut nlile 2 durham cows nilvcs at side 1 ayrshire rim rulf ut side 2 jersey cons lniliiiii of mile illiulatciu cows iiiilkinii well 1 liiiiidle cow milkinu will fi i lolnliii npriiirem i hrindle cow npriiirini 1 jcmcv cow upriniitii 1 ful liuifnr 3 hoi- stem licifcru 2 yn old 4 uurlinm slecik 1 year old 5 ay rnliire lieifars 1 jenr old 2 jersey licifcru 1 yr old hi lolhiin licifcru 1 yr old 6 biirhinii heifers 1 vr old fl spnuu ciiivim 1 diirlinin bull 2yr oui 2 vorknliiru owh with litiers i yorkshire bow due oct jolli iruvel road to unte kuitivcly un reserve kning u of milkiug hieiiirxih ternis fnlvih nnd fat tfnltln cimli 12 montlis cndlf on uiirovcti joint noli h ti per rent oly fur cujv iiminitini w a iushil clerk aiieliaivsr erwingoldhams meat market fresh taught lake tront every thursday and friday watch our window for special prices on saturday get the best phone 1 ot dinnets lunches afternoon teas j i soft drinks candies confectionery i lee creaa mikes served la me dalallesl ways m l neville mala sired pfceue is ceargelawa taey earn from vancouver with number of others all pupil llatattaabubulfpamaatbarini they all had their fill wtfl to tha tuna of tha taper itall diavwtsntei its of ulsa jean gauld eaatra teaatar ni and their aeons trlubhas and avecd hydroeleelric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall 1ikakixa auction sale 01- isuw stock mis mlaeatla tin unilcrsiiiied liu liuu instruct ed v foltse xv bale liiwil liy public miclioii ut lot 14 run 11 lvuiiiiiiiir near sloivat station on friday oct 5th i baa nt 1 oclock the followiug hoiisios heuistcrcd cljdu mure u yr oil mirjpoiwi to ix m foul clyde mare fl yr old clyde mure 4 yr old clve mure 7yr old clyde mare 111 v old civile rtilt risink 2 yr old cat tlb holtticu co- bretl lel 3rd hbulciu miv hrcd mar hillr mulhteiu cow lircd muv 10th ilolslcin cow bred june 17tli hoi stein cow bred jun 3rd holstoiu cow bred july oth holstoiu nm brl tiept ath holntrin cow ait uuli ifolatein cow in full how of milk2 houtciu beifcm 2 yr old fresh calved 2 kg ilolstcin licifcru frctli calvod 4 holltcin licifcru ri inn 2 yrod bpringiniu 5 wrt jer sey heifcra 2yr old 5 holstein licifcra bred 5 holntcin licifcru ris inn 1 yr old 4 spring calves ree iloutcin bull rising 2 yr old- 10 of above cattle arc registered 2 jersey cows duo in november jersey cow bred april 12tb jersey cow bred april 16th jersey cow bred july 22nd jersey cow bred sept 12th jorwy cow in full flow of milk 4 jorucy heifers rising 1 jr jersey cow in full flow of milk cruiy cow in calf rcg jomoy bull rising 2 yean p1q8 brood sow due oct 8th 10 puts s months old implements- dcerina bin der 2 decring mowera g ft cut horao rake hay loader spring tooth cultivator 2 horse corn sctutlcr 2 set barrows 2 lumber waggons truck waggon set sloop sleighs set iwb alciglis steel roller 2 hay racks fanning mill set scales quantity ot ood lumber 2 silos small scuttler walking plows riding plow grind stone buggy 3 sot good heavy harness sctbrceching pair high top collars quantity of new grain bogs pair new bridles dairy utensils do lnval cream separator etc forks shovels and numerous other art icles- iltain 300 bus oats 250 blu barley 400 bun mixed grain tlkms hay grain and sums of 25 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit on ap proved joint notes w a wilson hen pktch clerk auctioneer olkarino auction sale ok rlk craie jerseys fara slaek the undersigned has lieen instructed by i ii bennett to uell by publln auoliou at lot utt 7th line euiupuintf adjoin utf iliffb way on tneadmy oct 9th 1098 at cine oclouk the following hokbks good farm team ugod artiaso mare 4 yr cattle- cow dun nov 23rd cow due nov 20tb cow doe jau imtli row duekeh 14th heifer duu nov 20tli heirer due deo 7tbltiter doe deu lotli heifer diu feb lit h heifer calve 10 mouth 2 mer uulvlm h mouths impleuentb- maauy hums binder 0 fl frost wood mower 0 ft deeting corn binder front wood iiay rake waggon sloop ileigh buggy cutter harrowa plow uued- dnll hoy rack gravel box cultivator 2 muftleni uoold ti hup ley muir engiue 14 bp new pump jack mauey harrih oream aeparator 7r lb emery stone grain bag some urates and berry buxei 5 uattle slati- iihtoim eompleu wlieelluirrow exten hiuii ladder att gtuoliue barrel fill gal coil oil bartvl 4 gal fork shovels chniiih 2 wt dnubletroen iiwk yoke etc iiaknessbet team bivct hiug humesit new set plow harnens j col- kirs single harness hone blankets 30 lu i in a luantily of olfaltu hay kuknituhe2 drfmsem wash- stand 2 large iron ikmik mattreu hrussell rug quebec lteoter uml pipes exteusion table fall leaf table wash ing machine dhurn imtter worker mils vaeuum cleaner j ire extiu- buislier itabnock milk and uroam teater tekmb 8 mouths credit on fur nishing approved joint notes 5 per cent disnount for cosh no reserve as tbe fann ts sold a w1lsox uen fetch clerk auuuooar

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