Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 10, 1928, p. 2

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page 2 the georsetown herald wednesday october i oth 1928 1 mm h unite cfjurcfi gnmucraarp ftunbap october i4tf preacher rev george a little ba toronto stirring messages good music a special anniversary offering ihonbap at 6 pm followed by ptragnmmn of music by the orchestra vocal solos duets and quartettes front member of the choir instrumental solos and duets from other admission t adult 3fe children 28c all are cordially invited fflfthhfti announcement i our store will be closed for the purpose of renovating from wednesday oct 3rd until friday oct 12th on saturday october 13 we will reopen when we shall be pleased to have the public call and inspect our various line in the new store your patronage solicited jacksons phone too main st gtorgitovfn fresh reurr peach jam nntamiina 3l potatoes 18ci vanish onions 4m23 sua hckav white beans new crop 215 avuuaea asrssm ouws peas corn 7 tomatoes tasty ba ac raisins 2 peaches 19 r 2s nm urn mb us hp sauce 23 ss dres swell saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasv smart hand tailored to measure suit 99 sal and overcoat flflw u a few specials in wool chinchilla from 2150 to 2800 i have one of the beat line of tusedo and full dreaa suit on the market price range irom 28 so to 5500 a veiy unart style among good dressers and in constantly increasing demand a l thurston lleiiawwmrneur carafe birth laytu in auelph an friday octob er mil to ruttl wue of rowland bryee laird a daughter riaoi audrry death uooulxouoh at toronto on sat urday october ui isis robert o afccullough aged 73 years a but 34 days bouskiix in ouelph oeneral ho- nltal on tuesday oct sth isis florence may botuklll beloved wife of raymond thompson ased funeral irom her late residence deorsetown thursday at 330 pm kasoaoaaacbttaaaa teachers institute melat milton maltom and wkntwoeml in arvctoimts had a uor oatiikaima or tkaoiouui a lull attendance of the teachers of hilton and wentworth bubuo school inspectorate marked the openlns of their two days institute in the lush school st hilton but thursday under the ehalrmaruhlp of president a q areen df aurllnston the features of the tnorttin were the presidential ad dress on rearsuccess in teaching and a practical address by ii a lock- ml ma of hamilton normal school on the rural teachers problems and opportunities in the afternoon lbs p o nussell toronto teacher of uuslo demon strated with different classes actual methods in teechlni including piano class work and tnusle appreciation with uie vlctrola ur lockaru dem onstrated a lesson in literature with a senior form four elate travelogues on panada and europe were given by misses mary e ireton mary hansom mrs p r meoaskul and ulss anna be macleod prom five to seven the members of the institute and some of their friends were entertained by in spector and mrs denys at their borne here the concluding day was occupied by group conferences on form work lad by j a lockhart mrs u r moore miss o young and miss n o pea cock reports of the oxa were given by misses elsie stewart and r l mo- lellan the last address was given by inspector j m denyee the election of offlcera resulted as follows hon president inspector denyes muton president ulss norma o peacock ksqueslng township vice- president e w bayley nelson town ship secretary miss m 2 bennett acton treasurer mrs n m moor acton executive oommlttee miss nellie k hall miss m e tttoushton miss beatrice boutefleld hugh o oleghorn and r i ueleuan cdnwiujams mr and mrs o black and daughter verna of toronto spent the weeksod at the horn of mr and mrs wb evereon mr sm mrs r o campbell and son bobby of toronto spent bunday with mr and mrs jos mgrchment maun prank and stanley logan left on saturday for a motor trip to mealord miss anns cooper of brampton spent sunday at her horns here mr james hepburn of toronto spent uie weekend with his parents mr and mrs john hepburn mr and mrs rider of toronto spent sunday with miss 8 push mr t bachelor of toronto spent sunday st the home of mrs cameron an old and reapmad elmsen mr james benson passed away on mon day last deceased was born la eng land and came to canada in ims his wife predeceased him in imc he was employed in logans quarries for a number of years afterwards taking up business he leaves to mourn his loss two sons edward of toronto and james of kitchen the remains were interred hers on wednesday last the pall bearers were messrs prank lo gan wm ingles edward martin jas mcnauy harry barrett wm sharps mr k v bamulougb whs has been quite ul is improving nicely snd we hope soon to see him around as usual it wont be long till halloween boysl prayer meeting will be held in the united church on thursday evening followed by a lupper everyone wel come obituary jokkfll merrctt in the sudden death of jowpll mer- rett wlio died suddenly at hts home last week muton lias lost hlahly esteemed cltlsen deceased wlio was in his sftth year was bom in wiltshire england and with ills family came to c and settled in muton about 17 years ago he was a member of bt psuls united church he is survived by his widow seven sons am uirre daughters via waller merrett wilt shire england bert merrill of the hamilton police force arthur percy of alllston victor robert er nest of muton mrs e brlggs vic toria bx7 mrs j long georgetown and mrs d hepburn toronto the funeral took plaoe from his late rest dence on bunday at ix pm when the remains were interred in ever green cemetery muton thou maltflv thomas mallby passed away tues day or last week at aberfoyle follow ing a long illness in lus 7th yearjde- eeased was the son of hie late will iam mallby was born in yorkshire and went v peel when one year of age he lived with his parents in var llous parts of peel removing finally to laberfoyle where he spent the remain der of his life last year he celebrated uie mh anniversary or his marriage to pltoebe watson narva wlio sur vivea him he also leaves three sons everett gall leonard aberfoyle sidney ouelph road and one dau ghter mrs william shore ouelpli or his own family utera survive five brothers aarbuu olilnguacousy william and richard brampton da vid aberroylc charles rockwood snd one sister mrs george cunning- ion mayllekl mr maltby was a member of the aberfoyle united church and a liberal in politics bobebt c mecullovoll after an illness of some months ro bert o mccullough a luelone resi dent of georgetown and one or our most highly respected cltltens passed away on saturday october oih de ceased was a son of the late dr rob ert mcouuough and was bom in georgetown he was in his 73rd year when four years of age his parents moved to underwood perm adjoining uie town and he has resided there continuously ever since the late mr mccullough was s luelong member of knox presbyterian church of which ho was an elder for many years he a past matter of credit lodge ajam and a former director and honorary director of esqueslng agri cultural society in polities he was a reformer by the death of mr mo- gullough the community has suffered a distinct low and a good man has been called to his reward he la survived by three brothers mr patrick mccullough banister mark- dr j a mcouuough walters palls dr h d mcouuough toronto 1 sister miss sarah mooullougb of t6m the funeral monday after noon was largely attended when the service was conducted by his pastor rev kenneth maelean of knox church the paubearera were three brothers patrick dr ja and dr h a and three nephews dr robert mcouuough bethlehem penn dr j 8 meouuoutb and dr j o mcouu ough of new lukeard the remains were interred in the family plot in greenwood cemetery among those from s distance who attended the funeral were dr thomas moouuough ohataworth mrs patrick mcouuough markdale mrs john moouuough and mr harry mcouu outfc walters falls mrs henry me cuuougb misses margaret and agnes moouuough toronto miss charlotte meouuough ottawa miss janet me oullough brampton mr duncan campbell moffat mr james main tosh mr wm muuln acton mr and mrs perry mr nodweu ji11u- burg mr and mrs robert leslie nor- vsl mr b d warren mr john warren dr cameron miss wright redman mrs woodrow mr harvey mcouuough toronto softball news following in the rtnlllt of die mifl- ball uumch m or 4lh ami nth gabies on orlouor 4lh team ii limlmtn it ii v hah 0 1 n 3 0 4 0 7 u 0 k o fc c ooououti n u s tram hy iiinlhuu u ii 1 umeltouwt 1 3 u u 3 3 i n ii 17 ail n uo301137 die games played on oi tolwr lull teahl ilv innluiis it ii v glen 10 0 10 4 x 0 7 n s h 1 iii 1 j 11 ii- 1 7 u team lly innlnim ll h k k c k a e ii u r n k m 13 3 norvul 001001101 7 33 lka1k htaniking teem won lnt avne llmehoum 3 u 1000 alen 3 1 run a it h j j m k o k c 3 3 jifto o 11 h a i xa nerval u 3 wio lkaitlnfl hattrra player team itainoi nil h i 0 ueaumont lltn 3 7 0 h7 utaplelon una 3 11 n 037 rah 3 13 7 ml uurkhoulcr rluhle a bah 3 10 rt ma aleolt cum 4 iii 4m tram hattind avfuaflk team gntncfl at illlt lilts pc a at a 3 m 33 313 glen 3 04 30 713 llmchourc 3 71 33 310 g ii s 4 iai 30 uu k c k o 3 77 111 103 norval 1 an 4 100 not the same person at all fruitatives stopped pain and terrible dtutbes mm tea la always rinprica falllncoffl olr ttn mixed rmirxnnw itlven ity tlw udlofi at tlic 00h unvui liut batimlfly afternoon provml a mott rnjnynblc affair alter ricfratlnr uirlr mirtu llu mm tlwy pntrrtninnl tlirtn to tea at tlve club itonw anil proeontwl mch am willi a beautiful prlxr tlin men am loud in their raur af uie ladles or their kind iwwpliallty ami nenermui oilu norval the uinum hallofmen ctilcken supper under the ilinlee of th laul- lea auoelation of the norvtl pntby- terun church will be held on thurs day october asth tet will be urved from tl90 to u0 followed by first cum pratranune tlven by the uom- lnttdale ijulles quartette of toronto aumliilon fifty cents if in catherine ucpheraon who un derwent an operation at wehesley hospital toronto is progressing favorably attentive improvement of the cem etery hill is under way but not before time we are pleased to see our merchant mr robe watson able to sit on his verandah asaln un w noble bt thomas and ut bertram noble and son lyle of tor- onto visited over the week end with the ucpheraon family harvest thanksgiving bervloes in connection with st pauls church were conducted by rev arlffln thompson of hamilton on sunday last ut and lira charles uclauthlln and family spent some days of this week in toronto the guests of cot and lira noble the annual thankoffehng meet ing of the wjf a of the presbyterian church will be held on thursday of this week ulss bessie ueuurehy of toronto will drtress the meeting mr r 0 hamilton who has been under the doctors care for some time is slowly reooverlng ur donald russel and ulss uar- garet spent bunday at their home an entrance to the yjlojt camp from no 7 highway is rapidly neartng completion ura webster ulss prairie uagulre id ura van buatcan are vlslung with friends at windsor many school tcacnuts unabxe to ttucii uuhic at the closing session last friday of the peel teachers association con ventlon at brampton the fact was brought out by a t crimen that 73 per cent of the ontario teachers do not teach music he stated that they had not the necessary training the new officers are honorary president u r pydell president ulss onm ucklnley alton vice- president ur j n proctor caledon cast seretarytreenirer uajor a ptrth brampton committee uessrs hensell boyer ulss b wood librar ian ulss agnes taylor assistant ulss o ouuridfe strathoona com mittee uajor plrth d t appleton r langmald banquet committee uajor plrui ulss p walker kbin faix fair was bio ruccbuh af cesrgstsvwn carttei off heaers la raee under ideal weather conditions on estimated crowd of tooo attended erin pair which was the best in many years the exhibits in the hall were very fine competition being strong in the poultry and pet stock was also a big- attraction there belnn a very large exhibit the toronto hunt club exhibit of lady riders hunters jumpers etc was an outstanding feature in the field sports the poutorace was also a thrill j b devereaux of george town carried off the honors with s uartln brampton and mrs griffin toronto making the winner in doubt all the way intcbhigii hciiooi fffxir lav tli haltnn county intcruigh bchool track and plcld meet was held at acton on monday afternoon tin weather conditions were ideal and the track was in rood shone in ite of the fact that the officials apparently made little attempt to follow the rules noma good performance want teun boy and slrla were present fnun burlington oakvllle milton ocoroe- town and acton tlte events were keenly contested since adequate prejtfiratlomi had not been mails befnrrluni both comvet- tors and spectatorn were rather in the dark as to the ordor of tint events ylut jumpers took off from a piece of rib bon instead of from uie board men tioned in uie rule book the jump was measured from uie place last tourlied by the jumpers footwear inntead of from the front of the board the stop board in uie shot put circle was con splcuous by its ajkencc causlna at undue number of disqualified puts instead of uie prescribed steel tape acloth subsutute was used in khott the whole meet larked an official at mosphere students were given a bad example of how a meet should be hold those reiponslble for it uhawed a glaring disregard for the rules which were to govern uie events it is hoped that the students present will not im itate them in this uwunhtlcso altitude towards regulations only a few of tlte georgetown high school boys won ribbon awards among theur were clarence relth who won second place in the senior shot put jack duncan who won 2nd in the junior 100 yards dash lawson placed 3rd in the intermediate hop step and jump lock of condition and training placed the locul boys at n serious dis advantage tills being the first time in some years that uie local boys took part in uils county event miss buth erlond got 3rd place in intermediate 75 yards dash sarah standlsli won 2nd place in uie senior roccboll throw elisabeth bonathan won and in uie intermediate baseball throw com ashgrove the september meeting or the w l ss held st the hams or ura w wtlgglesworth with about twentylive ladles present after the openi exerelam by the president the roll call wsa sniwered by a verse describing a bird altar all had responded in thla way llles louie ruddell gave a snlendkt paper or birds of ontario mies helen hal then entertained us with asms bsautl hjl musical selections on lbs plana after the current events were taken dl i -r- l eo judged mrs livingstone snd alias cole of i abb- by oeargetown the winners wars first mrs james barnes saeand ura w o wuson third ulss berths bsraea community singing snd the social hour followed and the meeting was closed by singing the national an- them the october meeting will be held st the mass of ura robert ruddell on tuesday the 1mb inst guelfh weekly mbbcubv hah ckahkd publication in the september 37th issue of the auelph weekly uercury the an- nounoement appeared that atter an existence of 74 yeara it would oease publication with that issue it is with a feeling of regret that we learn of the passing of the weekly uercury but it is just another re minder that tha newspapers and es- peelally the weeklies are having an uphill fight in an endeavor to keep space with the everrising cost of production auelph af course will not suffer the loss af the dally uercury which has so to speak swallowed the weekly but if it remains for the publishers them selves to say so let the weekly news ier in any rural community pass and that community has suffered it aernw nlinmt a mnwlrtuie way fyililatlw ltriieliln woiiuhi sulter ingattlwifhsiiftimirlirii i wnsomieed to go tn imni imviiiuki of tlir lurruile tllixitwm willi ami wnjtiii u rilee mm ottfthlfvi liulnifm riuiuelvillo nil llhlrlllk tills irylng time jrilltntvw limvil n ipwltwl to me ami now 1 nm in wmim i liralllu every wornflit slwiulil rollrtiv my ex- amist ami fake initt niiviw and tlwy uoiim nilrily iit tlx wotumful rein r hint i ilul trvil vtmnleavv linn llus wonilirfiil irmt iiimlklne ilir anil tilv n luix wood ralls t3tto inale cord delivered mtxinl wood 3jul liardwond 4 00 nln- ule conl j ii smith phone wrls ieonretown tr par rale ur nent 7 rnomed frame house on oeorrte st moilem convenlenres electric unlit hard and soft water wrtlile lame lot ivwuicmlon nov 1st par furtlier par ticular of rentlna or wllinn prlcrs write to urn k ofttrandcr h an- irewfi ave toronto 3 up tte erflgflt rfitof chwuptrtifm cannot ntlow tom ms vmtfwtumtwnutx cnotcsb sa1ada tim vsastmt f anvlfm tkm the canadian legion will hold its regular mooting on thursday october lllh st 745 pm in ike council chamber georgetown the irraidcnt rrqueala nil members to be present na llicrc is imporlnnt business to transact on m rmtmnm thin cvcnitir ciiubcii noticrfl the baatlst cbhmii in view of the united church ann vorsary there will lie no service in the baptist church at 11 ojii sunday bchool will meet as usual at 10 am rev a n frith will preach at 7 pm on tlte plncsl piece of workmanjitp in geonretown on sunday oct 28 the ucslaster quartette will conduct uie services at 11 tutu 3 iijn and at 7 pm bt geertes charrh services neut sunday 8 am italy communion 11 atn uatlns and her man by the rector 7 pm kverikoni and sermon by the rector corporate communion of the 1mb confirmation class and the 8 s teacliers october 31st 78th anniversary ser- vloes 0th anniversary of uie build ing of the present church preaclier at 11 and 7 uie itm perclval uaycn of all saints church niagara paiu bt auktmb chswh fltenwlulams services next sunday 0j0 am italy communion 3 ptn evrnsonrj and tjt man by the rector october 3 1 it 3 pjn unvelllnir and ded lea ting of new memorial window united charrn anniversary services next sunday the 14th inst conducted by rev oca a lltte da toronto everybody wet come anniversary tea and entertain ment on monday evening ualtnl chare gimwuiuitm rev w a matthewi or itosonby will be the preacher at aienwllllanu on sunday nest service at 7 pm iudmlatori fumym find drink off hot u of fraat bnafit fur a strenuous nut in ufsdlny badmin ton club of canada rod raw tm is m grsst fsvorlts no other tss offers such brlslcff lostful fleivor and rich quality put up only in bright clsan alumlnuin corressepondenra btewarttown oct s 1m8 to tha lutepayera of koqiieslng owing to the appointment of col brown as sheriff of the county our council will soon be looking elsewhere for a new clerk i am asking ratepay ers to use their tafluenoe with their respective ia4wibera tn choosing his successor to nonilder my application x am a nturaed man with years asnrtee twice wounded and dls- fftarted at the end of hostilities as m unfit i have had consider able wperlenoe as regards the work with your former clerk the late j a tracy yours truly j a suticiwy bright c naelrtgsgta iimv iu5rotftltteyeatwilh ribroll tha permanent roottas for bsxna houms shstfi lowialsitjaeaeeeoasela big sheets aasy sod quick to lay permanent- leesproof hsjwuwns la sppesrsnes pes veals int increases value or property mads of feauoa vonacllbtabdardavaiilssd ahaetaalve else of roof for free ssusuis writs toi easteniu tun s8s8fr mi1stohont weed for hale very choice hardwood tteecli and maple moo per slnglo cord cluilee hardwood mabs s3 7i per rlngle cord mlxinl rails s3 00 per rtlngle cord mixed wood 30 per sltirlo cord tttln is all good sound dry wood and at uietc prices is good buying satisfac tion niiaranteod j drandlord box 400 phone 13sr4 ofmhffctown wanted now rulesinnn in ifalton county during pa and winter months to sell rrtill trees ptoweruig shrubs etr oood iuy inclusive territory whole or ivart time arrangement a easaere hfty we own and operate a modern wel i equipped hunery and supply our riutomcr with the best in quality and variety sell hardy canadian grown nursery stock and you will bo nur- ccksful our agency is available rctabuihed 3a years tvlbsiu narsery c toronto 3 ont insurance sss hi i iirn kire aoiicliiil wind 1 nnd storm btrldims and auto- 3 niomle iiiiiiiih iuiuriil ami i mild money to umid on lint j mnrlii 3 f kersey j i hrm hi s m hiu 81 4hr 3 s cwerazrcrzfitzfcizrzraierafe g l specials for weekend russian mineral oil g 16 o g 53c 2 for 100 tineliire ol iodine i reg 25c 2 for 25c i crawroms rnnt and butler smacks 39c lb sfdiirs tooth paste 39c egyptian talcum s roar violet or bouquet i reg 25c 1 2 for 25c 1 autontrop shave cvtviin lltta 1 autontnp otility knife fih n both for 49c 1 oreo hoi water bottles rr8 150 1 913c powder puffs 1 all sizes and shades e 15c 1 k st ienis i bath salts jjj five odors 6 oz size 25c vinnlii snap h for ai ailn wash clotlim 1 for site win tnnth llronliei llto frcnitli llrinr ipm 2bc j wraggettes drug store f sfjsd xqrwtsumsffomliltlesavings grtnfx ralritsg the standard of living lmas hi tevrufe ii u je at tw asajahrf- bf sua af the fowls bmaaweese arhrlss a cawl usl a es llie arejlaary aaaana tills prices as as the class el laaerles ass heamaha lace the seals ef prices at which see ere esahleal te eaiovej eej hy the wealthy are is cwsp frith van campt light mtat tuna he ties bakr ma rup rrmtn pt lb seas f fig bars 13 libbyt spanlth qtwcn aws g olives a 13 4 korfft finut datch tin m cocoa x9 lor bette baking vajlencia baisins satimald i riew crap i lee raisins pafftjsdl andsdtl 2pkg29c seedless baisins bast balk s iha seeded baisins chaise baev t iks new cubrants asssmllasi per ba shelled walnuts pastkv ploub sw stan mta has jse baking powder canejrs pare ijfc us he special house- cleaning offers 4 bars pels naphtha soap 1 pek soa clsjiejaw ibuimrvajtw42e ejc 3 ivclaatss ho aumonia 1 tfa csnols ctssuslesrsss 5 bars comfort soap lcalt ffsaeh castss ofi- soap raw valtw etv hc aant dinah molasses 3 tine 24c 22c oaneffe cu av baoon cottetsob aoua ewket potatolte e ploe new smrm larars as as s4 sm for sapmrlar pantry crisco lib tin jtnny wrmn flour stlfrung ill 19c tell the people what you have to sell through the herald

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