Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 17, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtythird year of publication the georgetown herald wcdncadny october i7tlt 1928 t 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa thegeorgelown herald j m moobk ruuw and fnprlrtm mak aln wrrklr nrtnpaprf caullaa nauaul eledrk lallway tanmla kabwban hallway eabtbouno westbound dally dully tralxt train mo 3110 am no l rasa hi 4 oil am s 3s a u e hat am mia mi a law im 7- ui p 10 sjw p m b 335 run 54 4m pm ii h3i phi 13r sil pj 13 m pm ww pm it 03a pm w ojw pm 17 uooem iaujl3 pm noa iiu will run ilally except sun day cnjt time table mjw kasl passenger passenger passenger nutwr uau passenger passenger sunday mac um uau passenger passenger passenger mau passenger passenger passenger sunday colnr nmui 133 ul 0xt un 10 iv om 1300 pm 400 pm 0j3 vat 3n pm 731 pjn m 1 h alt 1 1 garage prompt service and firatclaaa workmanship on a i make of cara batteriea recharged gat oil he diatri- mt bulor for usl battery h jr m uo klr prop rimu mldsl cctmrtetowa aaakeiaaisiaisaahiabsiiabaaeeiffi 1 i ffii ilall uau galag santa a85 om 4ws pm directory us rov dale barrister and relklter georgetown ontario offices king bids mm st cijibence ii winoinfi banister seuelter notary reuir hours 0 em to 8 pm open wednesday and saturday evenlnga meetgage invwlmenls money ta loan telephone 151 dr b t paul physician and hawwi medical omeer oi health in esqucslng township offloa hour 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm phone u office and residence main street fiouth opposite presbyterian church dr c v williams physician and surgeon medical officer of health aeorgetown office and residence queen st south plume tes office houra 010 am 13 and 0s pm also by appointment choicest flour and all kinds ol feed al reasonable prices try u with your next order georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey georgetown a wathon nds mph gearaetawa a to i klrrpt taanaa afternoons f u healb ldh ddh deatlat otnee in lane block one door north of owelus carriage factory houra 0 nm to 0 pm dr r learmontii veterinary surgeon phonr 340 main st n tjs ohibopbaotxo neilben- tk cklrearectar pajasar anuusele ii veara praeuee ne mmblar bargary ostseaalky ar klktrletty xray service office over fameus store once houra wednealay saturday 3 to s and 7 to 0 pm othar daya and houra by appointment thaae ihar baalame is at mlllia faaae ill tuaaday and friday 3 too am luinnivuutiinnmiivvimiiimimuuinnmttnimiiniin 1928 taxes second instalment why should you always be having trouble other fellows uae the aame una run the aame distance cover the aame roads and have no trouble at all teat your tire preaaure every week dont gueaa it eauoe it run round to a dominion tire depot and have the preaaure checked and your tlrea inepected let an expert aearch for cute and brulaea a alight repair in tune may prevent a blowout and add a few thousand mllea to the life of your urea you are never far away from a i dominion tire depot t j speight georgetown notice the second instalment ol taxes lor the year 1928 lor the town ol george town is due and payable on oct 24tli 25th 261 at the bank ol montreal important to tax payer hy inw a wliii it is now in furto uivm thn cillfitor u oilinu in rniiiurtioi with prnalt il taxis urn not pud tin il iuh imliii iu1 in iifitno w g marshall collector nsinnnnnrimtasvvisinniimuvvinnsifvvvvutnnniin college view garage an uptodate auto repair nhop prompt aervice workmanship guaranteed fcuptilr m all ifmlta mt oat oau oil grmtm cla latil ami oar battaru l a brunton caucgevlew phone 336 geartttowi dr f r bennetro eye ear noaa and throat specuulit announoaa the removal of hla office to 411 main 8tbeet east hamilton ontario eye olaisea fitted consultation by appointment phone oarfleld 700 convenient paritlng for automobuaa m behembeb a debtob is a axmookbi kelly aiken ooixkotohs fanlataat baaatiiral oibcm oimrvlhe owun sound nil tiuolph cbubllahml lttdo js4w0rd stewarttown plonblng llnsffllthlng cajibuatj umcrtaa atvea rthmsirll ccarieiawa i ft k w h wilkob vadartaakar emd idoujml ewlmeitiinr aulaatawie or horaadcalfsuaataa ptinna nlant or day or ii fitchetts garage corner ol main and george streets repairing done on all maket of caie by firatclaaa mechanic gaa oile tiiea etc alemite creating car waahing w h fitchett phaae 317 0rftetowi the bootery next door to pott office ladies and gents footwear latest style best quality moat reasonable prices if will vk1 v0v to iuv v0ui footwear be1e itkiaiitlnc iltomltiv ikjnk will f smith rttowx 117 hila sired cerfuwi klli cakkrtt what vou hay in nuuklnu of mvolluirii foiilu pmy liuiit furtfel yoiir own itrtiu lier uuhur with liomcii ol ulna hlmultl twwr throw a utmt if wo iavn nothing tine to ilo i hit talk tii tluwo who on iwllor wo oommenm nt honu and from tliat ttolut bectti wo havft tw rluht ta judflfl a htan until lies fairly irk uliouul we not like hln iwmiminy we know the world in wide borne may have fwulu and wlio luu hot the old an well as yautur iv r i mm we may far ausht we know have futy to their one ill teiryoiior a betwr nlan anil rirul it worlu quite well to try nur dwn defectft to cure before the otheni tell and thoiifiti i itometlmeii ivone to be no worue uun nttftw i know my own filiorteamlnau bid tno let ttve faulth of olltvra no then let iu all when we commence to mlander friend or foe think of tlie harm one ward may do ta thom we little know remember curse utnetttiuw lllta our chicken roost nt home dont ineak of others fault until we liave none of our own c ym att late ati attvaetltc extra aaatii at law cart with oypmoc band for haadaome fraa book walla that keoect oood jodfmaat it ajvea valuable lafanaahaa on oyproe aad tbtarlor decoration ruda ovpautl and aublltike umitcb wjtofnnaniii4ii for sal by gaorcetown lumbar co ltd georgetown ont j b mckanaie georgetown ont il pays to advertise memorial araallukalllajibaaeliarueanl seek craajle i tlaek an carter patj hi markers spaoual attention given to oemetery work aruntin ami acotlrate worumnnnliip uuarantec 1 wm c allan monument worka brampton baiaapkaa3ism qveem 8t almaaa pkase30o h electrical contracting 44a4a batteryleaa contole model radio built by one of canadaa lending radio manufacture and guaranteed or one year complete 20000 radio repair and supplte h h darling rtwae im maraaek sl cearulaw watch livingstones bakery for specials on saturday ordera taken for lemon cieam banana and butteiacotch pies cuitaid uvlnoslones quality bread 9e d livingstone phone sb georgetown a soldiers dog alice m danlela- tlili ntue uory u dedicated to all lovcrn of doon enpeclally ui thoae who imvo knoun the joy of uielr faithful i oiniuiilonnlilp and who understand and appreciate their loyalty and iplen dui intelllacnce junt an ualy monarel thla doc ol my alary no mrmber of doadoma pour hundred waa lie and 1 doubt that the family tree of hla parenta was evon important enough to cast the tiniest of ahadowa this story waa told to me aa we were aeated on the ferry that piles dally between burllnaum vt and port douglas ny crossing beautiful lake champlaln with the usual idle curiosity of the summer vacationist i allowed my can to wander among the happy bustling crowd pert gaily dressed flapper they were cluttering away like mag- plea fond parenta with their tiny kid dles clinging to llieir hands aedau matrons men both young and old in fact all the hundred and one kinds ol humanity that is to typical of this brent country of ours plnally my attention waa drawn to my nearest traveling companions a dignified elderly couple were they moat carefully ond expensively groom ed obviously people of wealth and refinement at the gentlemans feet crouched the hero of my atnry rags his heavy jaws resting upon hla fore- paws so evidently a mongrel and iueh a decided contrast to that very pros perous couple did he seem that i must have stared impolitely th old gentleman returned my glance and as his eyes met mine 1 knew that my face had betrayed mv thoughu i beg your pardon he ven tured im afrad that my dos luuil made the best of mptxtans has he naturally embarrascd at having mj thoughts read so easily i stammered n bit incoherently that it waa hardly the dog that i should have associated with people of their type mags is old and homely i admit tlie nun continued but to us he is beyond price ills wife smiled and nodded hei head in agreement aa she leaned for ward and fondled the dogs ugly head with her soft white hand immediately i sensed a story and with a little encouragement my travel ing companion rewarded me with tale that i have never been able to forget although this happened some years ago rags la a soldiers dog the man began you see our son jim went over there with those countless other american lads to do his share in that horrible maelstrom of death and de struction that we knew aa the world war willie billeted in a small town just behind the lines jim came upon rags then a uny puppy trying in vain to find warmth and food by the dead body of his mother they adop ted each other immediately and were constant companions during two year of terror and bloodshed jim told us later that the feel of that shaggy little body and the rough carea wen the only bit of happiness that ha knew during that terrible siege later jim waa invalided home suffering from shell shock and minor wounds and with him came rags the dog remained with him at the army and navy hospital and had much to do in our opinion with the lads re turn to health and strength i did have to pull a few wires be fore uiey would allow the dog to re main he chuckled remutlscenuy but remain he did so you see when jim was released finally and did come home we were so overjoyed at hia return that we accepted nigs as sort of o necessary evil i confess that my wife did have to stand a bit good natured raillery about her thoroughbred from our mends and many a greasy bone left ita tell tale mark on the rug before the lib rary fire while the prints of his mud dy paws upon the stairs and in the hallways were a source of great an noyance to the housekeeper are you boredr he questioned at this juncture i assured him that i waa much in terested and begged him to continue and an he went on although our boy waa physically well again shell shack had left him in such a way that any loud report or sudden noise would leave him speech less paralysed in loci for a few se conds at a time rags with some super instinct sensed these attacks and at these times he would tug sharply at jims coat sleeve or irouser leg and never failed to bring him back to earth again and aa the attack patted a pat of the boya hand on the ahaggy head seemed to say that all waa well and the two would go on aa though noth ing had happened one day aa jim was crossing the square with rags at hla heels the shriek of the siren and clatter of fire trucks turned the boy to stone directly in front of tlie on coming wheels i have the story of an eye wlinets of what then happened continued the narrator rags with more than human intelligence ran between jims legged upsetting him neatly with hs then powerful jiwl mass- wwr and pulled his master to safety in less time than it lakes me to tell you the eyes of the soldiers mother be came a bit misty at this point and in thla episode waa ever fresh in her memory but to continue the boy was stun ned and bruised but hla ufa waa saved but rage here stui carrlea the scars of ids brnveryi as he spoke he lifted the dog a front leg and running across the ribs from front to back leg waa re vealed a ludeous star that the shaggy coat refused to hide rugs almost paid with hla life but we nursed him back to ufa and have nuulo pretty much ever since just then a tall seriousfaced young man made his way toward us and i knew by tlio do- evident delight that ii must be tlio jim of the atory hags row to greet his muter and the look that passed between them i can find no words fittingly to describe aa we were then ruwrlng our destin ation i thanked the kindly story tell er end joined tlie rest of the party at the rail a few momenta later x felt a touch on my arm and jlma mo ther addressed ma apologetically if father hasnt bored you too much id like to have you see for yourself how rags guards hla master the landing whistle will get jim aha declared it always does so if you are really inter ested just keep your ayes on them and sure enough the whistle blew long ond loud and tlie young man be came rigid utterly unconscious of the bustle and movement about hlra but lugs over loyal and watchful had not forgotten a few sharp tugs at his masters sleeve and tlie tense mus ics and nerves rela ui rigid hand oeeame normal and found ita atay to the falthlul creature a head again that look from thoae brown dog eyes straight into the kind blue mes or hla master somehow i waa not a bit ashamed of the tears that itemed to find their way into my own or of the lump that arose in my throat i doubt if any other person than myself had seen this drama but i have never been able to forget is there a dog heaven i wonder there must be for such animals aa this and i pray that it u not too far from rags beloved masters id like to think that when judgment day rolls around rags kindly tug at hla masters sleeve will receive the return ing pat of jims hand and knowing that alls well they will go through eternity side by side notes and comments nr rl r iil t stratford beaconjlerald oom- m a fool or mm mjnung uon the complaint of a hotel boarder that he had to go down the hall to get hot water recalla that in the early days near clinton lived a family that owned tho only mirror ror miles around and men from all over the district went to feet a peak at that mirror in order to shavo in time for church people of today do not know what hardship la no doubt it was such incidents aa thla that mode beards so popualr in times gona past general news with the exception of a mile a bretuu the kltehenerouelph hlh way ii now an unbroken itretcn of concrete pavement the turn of approximately vjjavf- 000 u upended each year by the dominion government for the pro motion of the mgrictuturau lnduitry hone and cattle thieve have been operating at bolton and some turreau have been made the cattle were recovered at the toronto stock yard town clerk leonard bykea has an nounced the vital statistic for the town of burluiffton for the month of september birth 3 death 3 mar riage 6 now that the treaty outlawing war is all signed and tucked away it is to be hoped every nation will have an army and navy big enough to make it binding the bronte home and school club is iponxorlng the formation of a troop of boy scouts in the village the pro- ioii in in the hands of a committee comimsed by sin m dawson mrs a e plekard leroy sargunt j hanno and w t johnston the oskvllle poultry association held a meeting in the fir hall oi tuesday evening to complete arrange ments for the annual poultry and pet stock show to be held in the oakvllle armories on friday and saturday october 10th and aoth there was a most success ul sole of excellent milk cows at oeo il kings on the dundas highway when high prices were obtained bidding was brisk from start to finish the first cow a heavy milking halstetn realised 3070 while forty head averaged around 15 each joseph duke a wellknown farmer and thresher of lot 34 con 4 am aranth township was instantly killed on monday morning of this week when he was drawn into the belt of his threthlng machine at the form of arthur mckec lot 33 7th line am aranth george mcclelland one of cooks- vines best known cltitens and a far mer treasurer of toronto township for thirtythree years has enured upon his eightyfourth year with many good wishes he has been a resident of cooksville and vicinity for the past fiftysix years two of the largest makers of plug chewing tobacco in virginia have agents in washington oontractlng for smaller sites of clark county prunes these are used to give moisture and flavor to the black plugs par many years molasses and peach juice were the binding articles used until the prune base was suggested voung peope so often find home life lrkhotne the quiet the peace tit routine becomes very tlivaome to them they long for change and x- cltemimt things that are different in the course of time they go forth into the world mpeetlnc to find love and uiutetijtandlng instead they find mostly indlfferenee oqrnetlmn un- klndneis and the adjusting of their young lives to this sort of change ta difficult indeed if they have strength of charactef they fight it through but during that fight there are eon- ilontly recurring desires to give it up and go back to honu and love usually they eorujuer what they con- tlder their weakrwss and ao become part of the great outside world sue- cess may come to them wealth and perhaps fame but always in their hearts they know that the real hap piness was the quiet and lovebound peace of the old home in practically all towns and com munities there ore now service clubs of various kinds which while perhaps devoting a great part of their ener gies to specific lines of endeavor nevertheleu hava one uridersundlng predominating characteristic common to ell that is the estaulshlng be tween man and man whether com petitor or not whether rich or poor whether of high or low degree in the community a spirit of cooperation good will and mutual hasldfulnets it is becoming dally more evident that much more con be accomplished and much better conditions established if men will work in harmony if they will help and support each other if tho will so conduct their affairs as to be reasonably fair to all with whom they may have iwslneas dealing the principal eon best be exemplified ao for as business and prof esslonal men are concerned by extending to each other in any community ouch business patronage as we may hava to hand out rather than to extend such fa vors to those from distant towns or cities give to your home business all the patronage you possibly can one of the deplorable features of the highway accident lists this year is round in the number of pedestrians who have been victims of reckless or speedy driving these people walk ing along the roods have found them selves struck by automobiles and either killed or serlousy injured although in most eases quite innocent of any contributory fault for the accident it is not lurpruing therefore to find mr justice latchford while hearing a case involving the running down of two people by a motor car taking the side of the pedestrians he said pedestrians do not aeem to be wruldered in road coristructloa they do not seem to have any right on tho highways wlhtf to practice there is a great deal of truth in justice latehfords assertion the highways seem by practice to be th exclusive property of the motorist and pedestrians who venture on them un der present conditions take their lives in their own hands they must at every moment be ready to skip out of the way of an oncoming car or to walk in the ditches and even then they ore not always safe dally the neces sity for footpaths along the highways is hecomlng apparent and the high ways offlclsls in punning new eon- itructlon work would be well advised to make provision for these even on highways already built it would save many lives if provision vert made for pedestrians off the paved tactions where the motorists hava full sway it may be an expensive matter to provide these footpaths along aide every highway but a start should be made in the more densely travelled sections and the work gradually ex tended to other points so that the pod- ettrlons in time would find that they hod a shore in the highways as well as the motorists circa la winter qoarterm harriett brothers motorized circus has laid up us trucks for the fall and winter and set up its menagerie ond equipment in the large wareluuse in tlie centre of grimsby village adults of the town as well as school children have made tlie building a rendesvous and have adopted the circus and ita animal as part of the life of the town ab expensive drive the night of orongevllle fall fair an erin township farmer took a fancy to drive his aulo over tlie newly laid cement pavement on first st just why he did so no person knows he would probably have difficulty fur nishing a satisfactory reason himself curran 6i briggs the contractors had him lulled before cadi falconer fri day morning the offender pleaded guilty and was fined 42500 and costs altogether tlie little drive cost him about 44350 mr and mrs fred thompson of glenwllluuns were sunday visitors with mr and mrs m thompson mrs h bescoby and mother mrs l lewis and son harold and mr h b catenla of toronto spent sunday with mrs w foster mrs lewi re mained to spend the winter with mrs poster messrs h a gear and p e walk er each brought home a lovely silver flower basket from the scotch doubles bowling tournament at orangevtua on thursday of last week having won second prise dr gear and mr a o mcmillan also played just out of the money mr and mrs tartwell and son mr and mrs r overland mrs j smith mr o overland all of hillsburg mr and mra r overland and daughter of orongevllle mr and- mm j hurren and son harry of erin mr and mrs dnmunond of buffalo ua mra j graham coppercllffe onu and mr p overland vancouver bc were sunday visitors of mr and mra isaac teeter advocate bits of humour farmer an ow be lawyer narnra doln doctor doctor poor fellow ilea lying at deatha door parmer therea grit for ee at deatha door and allll lylnl daya are getting ahorter nights are growing chill olothea are looking hopeless summer lost iu thrill a a willis drove on tlie railroad track ha dldnt hear the bell the engine went to hoards station and i know where you think willie went but he didnt because ha got across the loaves are commencing to take on all the colore of the rainbow autumn la the crowning glory of the year in the field of nature any person who wantonly 111 treats any animal or bird or permtta any animal or bird to be cruelly treat ed or abused in any way or falls to provide proper food and shelter u liable to a fine of im00 and three months uuprluwmenu erin milton at the last meeting of the town council too additional waa voted to ward improving the streets of the town the burlington branch of tho wo mens institute captured the first prise for the best exhibit at the coun ty fair at muton open to the 14 bran ches of the halton inslltuta miss eleanor clements daughter of mr and mra it m clements who re cently underwent an oparatloln in a hamilton hospital luu returned ham and is making good progress toward recovery at the caledonia fair last weak in tlie harness races dr llaalop with irene private won lint money in the 323 class and at the bolton fair a l chambera in the as trot or pace waa second with tony patera muton high school literary society elected the fallowing officers for the ensuing year aa fallows president d robertson vicepresident e bardoe secretary il london treasurer k dick committee a dewar l aal- bralth m oowumd d toletaka u carter and j shorey reformer drink canada dry reads an ad vertisement well any number of americans have been trying to do that very thing thla i

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