Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 24, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtythird yrnr of publication georgetown wednesday evening october 24th 1028 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa thegeorgetown herald j m moukk hiuumr nj tnpcm mmmbrt csttaalan wrrhly newspaper aamtlamimt uaaaiaa naukaal uedrfc railway toronto mbrhan hallway pabtllound wkhtiiound dally train nn 1 73ft am 3 dift am 5 ulftnm 7 us pm n 33 pm ii rm pm 13 7js run is 035 pm 17nno a m dally train no 3 7 id am 4 0m a m a 1ia7 am a is7 pm 10 3j17 p m s4 47 pm 13 fijiv pm 14 7a7 pm 10 0a7 inn ik ii s3 pm hon r a 3 will jus dally except bun- day cnu tiuf tabik geiltg eatf puwivr 73 am passenger 0 t3 a m passenger ll am mall 13 no phi passenger 400 pm mail 033 p m patwiser h3s pm pamencer sunday 731 pm loins west hail 7 40 ajn passenger 8ji3 am pasienger 1038 ajn passenger 313 pm moll 4 jo pm passenger 0 03 p m passenger 7 08 pm passenuer sundoy 1024 am oalai north uall 8j1s am uall 4j15 pm going south uall 1123 am mall 710 pm choicest flour and all kinds ol feed al reasonable prices try u with your next order ta iii fa mimmelafaafagaaaatll jf georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey georgetown directory le kov dale lurrfaur mnd rutltht gmanrelowiia ontario offlcet klntf bids mill st clakcncb h wiooinr tunuur kalkltar nftury mbur mount 0 ojn to fl vm open wedneulay and ratunlny evtmlnsa matuacb invhlmfttli mmwy to loan telephone 1s1 dr r t paul purilrbui and hurt mfdlcal officer of health in ewiumlnn toviuhlp office hour 3 to 4 and 7 to b pj phene u office and renldenee main street south opposite pnbyterian church dr c v wiixiamfl phynlcuin and sunreon medical officer of health georgetown office and renldenee queen st south rbmf ms office flour 010 anv 13 and 08 pm alio by appointment erwingoldhams meat market fresh caught lake troul every thursday and friday watch oar window for special pricet on saturday sjai ajajei ajfii i ay ii a hftd you may be considering ihe purchase ol an electric range t11k nomuf om kahtm whoeer get the best phone 1 v quality furs at manufacturers prices wliiii ymt liny kiiim trimi iji- kfiiitiiiiii you lire mil only iixut- ill llf till lillfxt mtm lint ynu iiiko hiivc the iiiiilfllimiuiiix prcillti ii nil ijilinilaiiiiv ciiiiim hip iiiaili in their nun work miiiiii lafontaines fur store practical mfg furriers 95 quebec st eait est ib98 pbode 122 guelpb ont ond when the time cornea for you to mnke your choice it ia eaaentinl that you select the range thnt will meet your requirements moat nntiafactorily dont be confused see the beach nnd compare its aturdy construction speedy burners heavily in sulated and highly enamelled senmlcss type oven with any other rnnge note the unuaunlly high fin ish and smnrt appearance it ia dependable nnd economical nnd will with stand the most critical examination or comparison and is absolutely guaranteed if installed according to directions priced from 7900 to 17000 cordingleys hardware phone 23 and 189 a art thaw and thone on y tltey may be or whatever utalloti or ttale or dure eiitioiiuh ijmuitli iu no iliw blood ar ptiirirnn lilrlli lleyaiul all duimte theyre the noble iif rnrth yei naturem nobility by rlahuul claim of heaven own patent well worthy the name tliate who by their nledaed promise bravely abide or wlmilutr or limine whatever be tide wlto like saeratet injured ul-lreat- ed forgive for ute nood they can do here un- miruaily live to- tlienucelveii tlnd to other jmt loyal and true with firm truat tn heaven thouli earthstnendji are few those wlto ttrtulffe not ute victor hla well earned prise nor with hlati hauahty frown humble merit deaplie above uie world favor a clear eon- ncleiice hold and frlendfthlpa nurenneed more than tllver or eold the hlah aoula up ufea high road will valiantly tio while low uoiilit will flllow the brtmd road below aye tliete are ihe mjle of riant iryal i wortli ttiu old world h ihet anchor thn mlt of uie earth tltey alone thall inherit thnt lair promued land and unquhtloned of creed on the holy hllu itand in that kingdom above thine molt- bright uian ute tun and liear uioie bleit wortli faltlifu lervant well done molorisl robbed rokmitit iilinmcu vnixim ih victim or muck hwindum mzmmimmfflmjsmmi u wathon linn mnh clmnthaam 4mbm hoara 9 ca b exrp4 thandar aftenaom f l llmlh unh llph oaalla offlcfl in lana block ona door norlli of oneiua carrlaita paclory houra 0 am to opjn ob b lkabmontii veterinary mnwon phona 3to ualn st n crarstaarb ohibopraotio neilhen- tbr chlfadnrlar falawr gradaalr is ytara praalw na haavlar rarfkt oalaaaalkr ar klmlrbllt xray service office over fomeua store office itoum wedneaday st satiutlay 3 to 6 and 7 to s pjn other daya and houra by appointment phone iso rumen re 1m at muleav pnane iu tueoday and prlday 3 to 0 pjn dr p r bknnetto eye ear note and throat specialist announce uie removal of hut office to 411 main htrebt bast hamilton ontario eye obuiea fitted coiuuluuon by appointment phone garfield 7m convenient parking for automobile j sanford stewarttown plumbing tfiism 1 1 hing cdibiiles umeriilly uvea hwae h r ii i crarfleuwa w h wulson vadartatker mnd iiteanabd embaimar mala it oaartatam autoainbllr or horudrawallaai i lfaonn nlulil or jay 54w or 54 ax 4 rtt insurance i biti vixv anniilnni wind f unil ainriii u111i111k11h nnd aulo- 1 t inoliiln itumlh iwuulit anil i hoiii monti to loan on lint r mortuainis f7kersey i mmh1msu mill si i the bootery i 444444 4444440 next door to poet office ladies and gents footwear latest styles best quauty most reasonable prliies n mu m vou to iuv youi fooiweai icie livingstones bakery the best of everything in baking at most rea sonable prices orders taken for lemon banana and butterscotch pies cream cuslaid watch our window for specials every satuiday livingstones quality bread 9e i d livingstone i phone ss georgetown bial unix a luua mora klndnms a little lau crnd a luua mora elvlns a lltua teas mad a llitla mora amlla a littla lau frown a littla lau klcklns a man whan haa down a ulue mora wa a littla lau i a littla mora lauah a llitla lau cry a ulue mora nowara on uia pathway of ufa and rawer on the graves at the and of the atrlfa value of pet in the home hnht itkialltink iltosiitiv lonk will fsmith 117 hals strut qtthwa sstsssibmmssssslwis3isissi ntchetts garage corner ol main and george streets repairing done on all makes ol care by firstclass mechanics gat oils tiies etc alemite greasing car washing whfitchett mmesh dtrtuwn radio repairing kmi1 riiniring work mi nil miikix nf itmlinx nt mod- irnto prifih arningr fur u iliiiiiiiiirliition on n lliiiuniimil it lclimiu- ntnr all uiyn piimmlnlilii price s34bo without tube wraggettes drug store pfemk m7 hill st ficmrfcmwb forsters grocery full line ol fresh groceries al- ways in slock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecreani in balk cones or bricks forsters georajotown ft nil fpftlfll lutiml llsmi termai cash phone 9fl electrical conlrackng 4444a4444vv44aa balleryless console model radios built by one of canadas leading radio manufacturers nnd guaranteed for one year complete 20000 radio repairs and supplies h h darling nwse ih hsrikk st cctvfttows special rates for reunion of families british subjects resident in canada who are not employed in farm work have now an opportunity to bring out their wives nnd families nt special ocean rates 1825 per adult to canadian port plus colonist rate to destination children under seventeen years of age free apply to walter t evans perhan the sweetmt reeouactlotu of childhood are uioae connected with a net rome fruky affectionate little animal or say littla bird loved and tended in the faraway golden daya peta are an endleu joy to children they lend thenuelvea readily to every kind of makebelieve and are alwayi avotlablo an playuilnsa and eoniolers or woe talklnb it over with a cat a clos or a bird hai a soothing dower not at all tlmea attainable throtujl i human ogenelee uy pony la ao sympathetic said a little girl and has such a tenia of humor the pure delight afforded by i these cherished friends in feathera and fur is sufficient reason for their pres ence in every household parents sometimes complain that they are such a trouble are in the way and re quire ao much care could they re allze thoroughly their value as i source of happlneu and s means of education these objections would for ever cease childhood without pets is bleak and barren and altogether in complete like a vine in the desert with tendrils blown in every direction because there is no object to twine around the child without soma dumb creature to love and protect finds his bubbling impulses and loving longings crushed to earth lie needs to lavish his growing and expansive affection upon some suitable object otherwise lie loses more than can be counted and welglied what uie child loves he wul most observe and study some knowledge comes concerning habits and ways of uie little creatures that share his ufa and personal affairs are insensibly ar ranged so that there will be tune for everything for play for stories for work children like most savages are fre- quently cruel animals that are de pendent have a civilising influence upon the child for the savagery of children is that of ignorance not of malice the many wants of pets their helpessness awaken a sense of moral responsibility a living creature can not be neglected without pain and suffering following very different is tho condition of the book or toy that is forgotten and left out in the rain it u spoiled and the loss is the childs own in a measure he la responsible only to himself for the welfare of in animate possessions but a sentient being who can repay love with love has a deeper claim things that feel hae rights even young children re- cognize this and learn through af fection for their fourfootad friends to recognise tills claim to health and happiness pets have also a hygienic value many of them requiring fresh air and escrctse at regular intervals this necessarily takes the child out of i doors in sunshine on dark days and i in all sorts of weather it gives an object of interest to what would other wise be a dull performance many a llstleu girl who would rebel at rub- bera and raincoat glides into them smilingly when it u a question of s walk wllh rover or fldo how wlllngly these burdens are borne for a dumb friend who gains most in the frolic ond romping perhaps the one who gives uie most julia wolfe in ttie ilpa journal mr prank iunrle of watkerton a former wellknown resident of clifford had a slick urlok played on hurt last week by a confidence man the story is told in the walkerton herald of last week as follows one of ute slickest confidence games evar worked on a walkerlonlan was put over on councillor prank rennle eupjby a smooth gent whom he befriended with s ride while reluming home from burfsloon mon day last and who repaid the locals kindness by stepping out of the ear at st catharines and posing as mr rennle wired to the locals wife that an accident had occurred and to tel egraph him at oneetyjo which mra rennle did without delay while the imposter waa busy cashing the check and later fleeing over the boarder the one and only prank rennle was mot oring serenely home which he event ually reached only to find his wife weeping copious tears over an accident that amused him when he heard of it and which staggered him when ha reulued what it had cost him in the bank the police were notified but an investigation showed that the thief had drawn the cash and had got out with the wad while the going waa good his whereabouts are at present and probably aver will be a mystery the trip that waa featured with the fake telegram call for cash was open ed the previous night with a phone call for help when mr jim rennle home from buffalo for over sunday became stranded on the return trpl to the bison city when his car broke down about 11 pjn on the sabbath at clifford and his father councillor prank rennle was rooted out of bed and summoned to his sons aid by phone on arriving at clifford and finding that jim was likely to be delayed for a lengthy period with his ear the sen ior rennle proceeded to motor his son onto buffalo in his own chariot a pord coupe of recent vintage al though a dense mist prevailed throughout ihe night they reached their destination safely and it was while councillor rennle was returning home from buffalo about ii oolock monday morning that he halted at a stop street sign in tonawanda new york when a neatly dressed stranger noticing an ontario license piste on his car advanced towards htm with raised hand and asked for a lift to niagara a favor which the accomo dating prank proceeded without heal tatlon to grant him en route the stranger who pur notes and comments complaint is heard of the loss of business to peddlers who seem to be perambulatlnc our streets and sell ing from door to door without ques tion this la a matter for rigid regulation and stem measures non resident merchants bearing no part of ihe tax burden have no rlghtto special prlvlledges in any town the most undesirable citlsen or em ployee i he who u all the time knock ing and sulking who is never satisfied and thinks that conditions in the world are topsyturvy and that the bottom has fallen out of ralstene such a being is not much use to him self to his associates or the centre in which he resides he should at least be discreet enough to keep silent if ha is not satisfied until he moves to some other place and do his fauimindtag and kicking sway from home travel is cheap the mode of locomotion is swift and the conveyance of such hu man barnacles as knockers and gtouehera twenty- tour hours away from their starting point would be a blessing in disguise to many munici palities oossip meaning sly onthequlet comments about people and things is one of the nuisances of our buslneaa and social life gossip is almost al ways more harmful in iu affect than in lu intent and is likewise always unnecessary if you wont sign a thing dont say it u a remark attri buted to bill jones who may or may not exist before we talk about per sons or things about which we have utile or no aeration to talk it would be well to ask ourselves if we would sign these statements we might re member further that people would us ually rather quota ua on these etatsv ments in passing them out on their own resrjonslbyity we never know when or how such things will and the safe and sane course u not to gossip ft pays to advertise erin mrs ailbert sinclair of aeorgetown spent last week wllh mr and mrs stuart smith of caledonu mr arorge burt of georgetown recently visited his sister mrs archl- bald campbell i messrs p e wrlgglesworth et san have sold their farm lot s con s west caledon to mr e spelre may- field mr speirs geu possession on november 1st i a ferocious ram attacked mrs john o mcdonald of the fifth line brln tlie other day while the was engaged in milking butting her fiercely in the back her spinal column u reported to bo seriously injured mr john homer one or erins old est business men has sold his butcher business to mr d aiassford mr ciaatford will get possession neat i monday mr homer has been in the butclicr business in erin for a years i previous to which time he nut in is years in uie buslneu in belfounlaln nnd during all these years lias never missed a day behind the block advocate ported to be a buslneu man in buf falo became ao friendly that he gave mr rennle his card and decided that he woud ride right on to st cath arines wllh him at the border he heard the wakerlonlan tell the cus toms officer a lot of details about hlm- seir and this added to what news he had picked up in the interchange of eonverution between them enabled him to pull his trick on the unsus petting axmjj without a hitch arriving at 8 kltu he invited the walkertonlan to lunch but the latter declined on the grounds that ha had a late breakfast and was anxious to make home for tea as the local breeaed away about two pjn his erstwhile seat mats hik ed away to the ona telegraph of fice and posing as prank rennle of walkerton wired tn the letters wife here in substance as fallows rve had an accident im alright not hurt wire 3oo i have to pay aamagee to other car prank rennle mrs rennle on getting the mess age as she supposed from her hus band hasuned to ihe bank of mont real and drawing out ttoo in cash carried it to the local telegraph of fice and the money was wired shout three oclock a printed clause in the paper aha signed waived identification which relieved the ulegraph company of having to identify the party be fore handing over the money as the 8l catharlnee office didnt have moo on hand in cash they gave the sup posed mr rennle who had aat in the telegraph once there awaiting the reply a draft on the royal bank for the amount but as the latter was closed for the day the gent took it to the province of ontario savings bank where it was cashed about four run as mr rennle didnt reach home unul sjo in the evening the stranger had over two hours start before the swindle waa discovered and aa he could reach the border in half an hour he was doubtlessly a oonslderable dis tance in the sutes before provincial officer nelson of walkerton who was for three years sutloned at st cath arlnea and knew the police force there could get in touch with the proper officers and start them on the case the officers at all border polnu were furnished with a description of the scamp aa well at police on both aides of the line but as nothing has yet materialised from the man hunt that is on the chances are remote of the rascal ever being caught and brought back to book for that affair the ordinance at least demon strates the risk that motorliu take in picking up and making themselves familiar to strangere on the road whether the cuuse waiving iden uflcalion which relieves the ulegraph company of all liability in the matter would likewise apply to the bank that cashed the draft is a matter that will have to be decided but we under stand that mr rennle has been ad vised by his solicitor that he has s possible chance of recovering from the bank tf other clrcumsuneea are favorable the opening at least sug- gesu a possible basis for a court fight as a result of obasrvatlona ha made during an extensive trip through the new england states o w klrkpat- riek commissioner of industries and publicity is convinced that municipal tourist camps are rapidly being dis continued only the very small and rather backward centres still cling to them but in mostly all the large cen tres they liave dlsappeamd mr klrk- patrick found the reason for this decline he said waa that such camps attracted an undesirable class of motoring gypsies tourists of the better elsas remse to patronise them with the result that even private tourist camps are also rjeoomlng ob solete private homes tourist cabins and houls are taking the puce of the camps he said mr itlrknatriek said he was also struck by the fact that the larger centres nut forth every effort to bring motor traffic tn their ahopptng and buslneu dlsuieu instead of u verting it on the outskirts new caler marksrs after a uries of tests the ontario department of highways naa decided to change the color of the motor mar kers for the year 1039 it was origin ally intended to use the tame combin ation of colon that waa use this year black letters and figures on a yellow background further expsrimema have convinced ihe department how ever that under traffic conditions a new color scheme would provide bet ter visibility as a result the markers for ikk will be composed of a bat tleship grey background with black letters and figures cattle baatlers heateaeed harry duma and frank beamish appeared before judge justin on friday last and pleaded guilty to stealing three head of cattle from mr alfred allan of albion a few weeks ago the cattle were taken from a pasture field on the indian una to the farm formerly occupied by beamish after evading the police and falling to get acrou the border to the sutea beamish and bums decided to give themselves up in this they were for- stailed by constable thomas roe of albion who arrested them and landed milton members of the milton golf and country club were entertained at the home of mr and mra d s robertson when the cups and prises for the sea sons contests were presented ladles club championship miu lisle camp bell ladles medal championship mra p w cooke mixed foursome mlu a blaln and mr lee servoa mens club championship t d hume menis medal championship ieatiii oow- land muton town council has voted an additional gooo towards improving the streeu of the town the money wui be well spent a serious accident occurred at the home of edgar adamson recently while eomcultlng was in rirogrees jack nunan son of mr and mra w nunarj ninth line trafalgar had his left hand badly mangled in the cut ting box the lad was rushed to the brampton hospital where an opera tion was performed with the hope of uvlng pan of ms hand streetsvule review o h stuart who has been ma of the milton branch of the bank of commerce for the past sixteen years haa received word from head oooa that after many years of falthfu ser vice he is to be retired with a pension at the end of november mr stuart will be succeeded by stanley wuaon for many years manager of the branch at mlnnedoaa man the many friends of mr and mrs stuart hope they will continue to reside hi mulon cham pion terracotta wa are sorry to learn that mr l rogers is on the sick list at present but hope soon to hear of bis complete re covery a number from this village attended a social dance at the home of mr and mra a mcdonald at dolly var- den recently and all report a good time mr j l oralne waa floor man ager we are also pleased to learn that mr j- mcdonald u now on the mend and hope soon tn hear of his complete recovery the halton brick co are now rush ed to their utmost capacity and expect to have to keep their plant in opera tion for the most of the winter in order to stock up for the spring rush mr j kldd is making good progress with hit new bridge over the river credit it takes about to tons of steel to complete the structure mr r j stringer spent the week end with mr and mrs o mekaown of acton mr david harbar of toronto called on terra ootto friends recently mr harbar informs us that it is 35 years sine he left terra ootta or salmon- vile aa it was then called and notes a great many changes sines then oome again dave mr and mrs 8 thompson and family have moved to oeorgetown the terra ootu brick co reporte trade very brisk at present mr chas hcnally who has been on the sick list we are pleased to learn u now sole to be sround sgaln as us ual a luser tkaagkl aa the tax season approaches brother let us glean what comfort wa can from the thought that the mun icipality which blows about uie low tax rate seldom haa anything else to blow about shelboume wmi oakvllle oh sails far lasts mlu marjorle whltaker daughter of william whltaker for several years s vslued member of the nubile school staff left home on tuesday night on her long journey to khatia wast khandeth india whither ana goes to take the position of tutor tn the ehll- them in brampton jail otto hard- dren of rev and mra harry oolwall wick who trucked the animals to the i both of whom are former cltlssna of stock yards without knowing that i oakvllle and have been in india for a uiey had been stolen u out two hun- 1 number of years where mr oolwsu died and sixteen rjousrs i labors as a medical missionary

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