Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 24, 1928, p. 2

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61 pae 2 r -a- nn ii i p v i4 sales event out of the ordinary fen bkbp fc- i tpk 1 l 1 b wild every brantford kitchen cabinet 500 worth ol groceries free who pays for it every housewife haa heard of a premium tale you know the kind an electric toaster a clotheshorse a set of dishes free 1 a moments thought tells you that somebody pays for the pre- mium and it is equally evident that since the housewife gets it it is the housewife that pays for it here is the wonderful part about our prem ium sale we present you with 25 different pack ages of canadas finest grocery products the housewife that buys the cabinet doesnt pay for this premium we dont pay for it the- manufac turer of the kitchen cabinets does not pay for it- it is given to you as an advertisement of their products by the grocery manufacturers adver tising pays for it come in to our store see our windows ask us about the sale this is your golden opportun ity to obtain the kitchen cabinet that you are in need of the sole lasts for two week only the cash price of this cabinet is 3450 and the groceries are free d4v h c mcclure home furnishing store phone 54 georgetown i blrtha muriaxm ana daalha ar mow dwmd for at tha following rmtmi births wei marriage 50c aatha 50e immortal cards socj 10c par llna astra for pootry t bfuodetf at aahtrova on friday oct 10th to mr and mr bruoa brlcden a daughter viola florence cunningham at pmi mmiorlal ttoiiui brampton on wednmday oct 17th to mi and mr ft w ounnlnshatn norval onl a aoti barna waucrr at tha rstltfatum of a o btului iu high bt tondocu on tuenday october 13rd 1038 john a walker in hi ttfiui year funeral service from the funeral itome of w a hunt interment in greenwood cemetery georgetown on arrival of 036 km train prlday in mkmor1am robs in loving- memory of mr alice rom who died oct 34th 1b37 you were laid to real my mother on g beautiful autumn day when the burden of life had grown heavier than you could bear but god in hi infinite mercy 111 watching ever keep and to you my ttearett mother lie gave hi beloved aleep tier family ltane in loving memory of our dear husband and father robert lane wlio passed away oct s3 ims the year may wipe out many thing but thof theyll wipe out never the memory of thom happy day when we were altogether badly missed by wife and children announcement tin- tiikwixxl kiulin of toronto urc ilinpluying the new sparioa eojusaue anil atwater kent radios ut wraggettes drug stare for georgetown und district arranoe lor defflonstrallod in yoor borne wraggettes drug store m hatasl cctrfttoin 1 1 i i i i i 1 1 pure food store jj for good values and good ser- g vice deal at farnells i 1 i i 1 1 h 10 lb granulated sugar sflc full 15 lb peck potatoes lec peel creamery butter per lb 44c fresh shelled walnut halves lb 55c pure lard per lb 10c 24 lb bag excelsior pastry flour 95c choice mustard pickles per bottle 25c 2 lb fresh seedless raisins 25c 2 lard tins snidera tomato soup 10c kelloggs corn flakes per pica 10c 2 plcgs mullets 25c 3 pkgs lux 20c get your bulbs now while we have nice atsort- ment of hyacinths narcissus daffodils and tulips a e farnell prompt delivery phone 75 canl ef tfcet we wish to think our nienas and nelshbor for their sympathy shown to iu in our sad bereavement mr and lire cmora james aumress and presentation mb and mb k boy kdwakdh honomn by mohc op 8 georges ctlukcil a pleasant event took place on im day evenlnc at the anniversary sup- and reunlon in st aeortee ureh when mr and mra k roy awards were nreeented with a hand some arandfauwa clock prior to uielr leaving for their nw noma in toronto the presentation wee mada on be- halt of tha eiseere and membera of uie ohukh by tha raetor rev lar waaa who alio nad tha rouowlnc ad dress which apaaka for itaalf st oeortea church oaortauwn october jjnd ims mr k roy edwards dear mr rlwards we want you to know aa you leave ua for your new and important work elsewhere how sreetly your de voted work at be aeortee church la appreciated and how much we all will mlae you your work ai rector warden and now aa peoples warden haa been sle nally blessed vour aaalatanee in our sunday school aa a teacher haa been one of treat faithfulness combined with ability and tact then also your treat help aa a eholrlater in our choir your leadership of tha sunday school orchestra and your work with the sl georeea mayers haa ajwaya been characterlaad by a apuit of devotion to duty and with an eerneet dealre to forward tha worit of our church we would luce to couple with youra the name of un edward your sood wife who haa been auch a aplandld leader of the dauthtera of tha church and a moat faithful member of our sanctuary aulld your plane will in deed be bant to fill but we are all the richer for having known you will you accept thla cathedral chimed clock which earrlee from your many frlendi in sl oeortea their tush retard and aateem we want to eoneratulata you on your appointment and wuh you ooda rleheet hlanmti we trtut you will loni be apared and upheld in thla new aphere of labour fred 1l waaa rector a kirk j b wallace j daaumont levy deetataa to the synod following tha praaantatlon mr j b wallace apoke rerardlni tha faithful aervlcea of mr and mra kdwardi in connection with the work of the church and while deeply retretunt their removal the membera of st oeortea wlahad than and their fanv uy oodi bleating and all tha rood thlna of ufa in their new home the leelplenta were quits taken by urprtae and in hla reply mr edward very feelingly expreued hla apprecia tion of tha beautiful gift be regretted leaving georgetown and the happy aa- aoclauone he and mra edward had enjoyed but would alwayi eherleh fond reoouectlona of the pleaeant tlmaa pent with tha membera of st aeorgele gubnwilliams unvnuno and deoicatino nbw huluaial vvtnuuw in t albajts obubcn a very utereatlng event took place in st albana church on sunday but october aiat at 3 oclock in tha after noon whan s pair of new stained aieee window were unveiled and dedicated tha wlndowa are in lov ing memory of the lata mr john and mia martha bykaa and were given by mra clara alnley of toronto the daughter of mr and mra bykaa mr alnley in vary fitting word aikad the church to accept tha gift of tha wln dowa and then unvened them the rev perclval mayea on behalf of the church formally received them and with appropriate prayere dedica them to the a lory of ood and the beautifying and adorning of hla church liter in the aervlee mr mayea poke very highly of the work of mr and mra bykea in forwarding the work of the church in the early day of aienwllilama thaae new memorial wlndowa are the aeeond in the aanea which it 1 hoped will aome day enrich the beau tiful little church of bt albana the flnt pair of wlndowa given by mr joaepb beaumont in memory of tu father and mother but year depict the birth of our lord in the atahle at bethlehem and tha preerat window uluatrate the calling of the lint dlaclplea andrew and peter it waa a happy coincidence that both of thaae nabe of memorial win dow ahould be dedicated by the rev perclval mayaa late rector of the pariah tha church waa well filled and the service which waa fully choral waa aplendldly rendered by the choir the ledlee aid of the united church olen william will hold a boclal evening and ahower in tha baaament of the churen on friday october aalh the ahower wol be a donation to help radeoorata tha church lunch aafvad everybody welcome udlea kindly note that tha ahower la for tha baaaar the georgetown herald wednesday october 24th 1928 anniversary services si georges church sucv nacivuntvni a rotua- kb bkotow dkuvekkd hmkndtd hiwmonk hurreet and munion on sunday lal the member of st oeoraea church celebrated urn idtll annlvemry of the founding of the pariah and the both anlilvonuuy of the building of the urment beautiful church edifice the preacher of the day wo hev perclval mayea a former rector and ida monona both moniliuf and ovon- utg were very uuplrlng atul much a- llireclated by the larva eunoreuatlona lirenent rev mayea expreaaed hu apprecla- uon of the kind invitation to aulat in ute annlveraary aervlcea and luive uie nrlvllege of meeting aaaui with bin lormer parulilonera re waa glad to iee the aptendld work being uooatn- uluhed ui the cauee of ohrut by tlut ureaent rector rev mr wasu lie olao congratulated tlio cliureli on hav ing auch an efdclent chair and ute kpiendld retwlerlng of uie mtulcal eor- vloe in the evening mr mayea clioao o hla text the let verae of the imrul iaalm i wu glad when they aald unto me let ua go into the houao ol the lord iu aald ui part we am indebted to uie iplendkl contribution of the paat for uie privllegea we enjoy today and expreta grauluue to ood tor the way lie ha led ua ami aeck hu favor for the year to come ood intended hla church to be a plaeo of worship and for the teaching or llin holy word we mutt aerve lllm at all umo on week day aa well aa sunday in uie upbuilding of cliaracter or we ara not doing aa lie intended tlte church la a place of oleanalng the temputlona of the world today have a tendency to take ua from uie church and mar our character but we can come to uie llouee of ood for cleans ing leave the world worry and trouble behind and commence hie anew we can be cleanaed from all our alna by oonfeaalng our unworthlnou and tel hla meaaage of forglveneu wlul now inspiration and encouragement the church i a school to teach nods holy word where we come to learn of hu love and mercy and get from hi treasure store our ufea needs god led the church to carry on hla mission and we come to the church to learn ol ood by uie reading and aludylng ol hla word we get guidance and learn new leeeofu ol him that will stand uie teat in the stress of life and help us along the road to hla kingdom the church la a place of worship do we urasp what worship of ood means many today all over uie world are outside the church largely because they do not realise the meaning or the words of the pslamlsu i waa glad when ha aald unto me let ua go into uie house ol the lord it is difficult to visualise ood and realise hla rela tionship to us we must realise the presence of ood many say they are just aa good outside the church but people lose spiritual value by neglect ing aervlee we ahoud go to church aa recognition of all the prlvi leges we enjoy through ooda good nesa religion la communion with al mighty ood and we can worship best when we oome together in the house of ood when all have their minds concentrated on the same ideal above all never forget uiat the church la uie banouetlng house of king what a glorious privilege aathlnge of tha world press round us we value the quiet time in the house of ood on the sabbath day we alwaya get aome enrichment in our spiritual life unconsciously ood u enriching us and stimulating uie life of the aoul annlveraary u a time of joy for oods goodness to us and may it become dear to you aa time goes on and an inspiration for the journey through life to that day whan we shall realise uie peace of ood that passeui all un- derstandlng the special music by the choir un der the able leadership of mr jack fthompson and the organ voluntaries by mra bradley during the clay were much enjoyed the annlveraary supper and re union at st oeorgea chursch on monday evening waa largely attended and proved a moat enjoyable evening for the large number present supper waa aerved in uie sunday school room of uie church the tables were nicely arranged prettily decorated and laden with a bounteoue supply of good thing that were moat satisfying to the hearty appeutea of all gathered round the festive board and the olrl ouldes excelled themselves aa waiters at the conclusion of uie supper rev fred h waae rector of bt oeortee called uie gathering to order and an nounced the toast list of the evening which waa aa follows tha king naaponded to by singing the national anthem the church proposed by mr jos eph beaumont and responded to by archdeacon scovll of ouelph tha vlallora proposed by 8 kirk and responded to by j p bell of ha rev tebba rural dean of helton rev perclval mayea of hla gara major orant rev macnamara of toronto rev dr dickie canon naftel of milton rev c j lamb of hageravllle and rev boyd of norval violin solos by mr jack thompson and vocal selections by master doug las bhaw of ouelph during the even ing delighted the large gathering a feature of the occasion waa the presentation to mr and mra k roy edwards of a beautiful grandfathers clock an account of which u pub lished elsewhere in this issue a vote of thank proposed by mr s run waa tendered to uie ladles and men of the church who had so nicely arranged and carried out the pro gram of the evening the singing of auld lang byna and the national anthem brought to a close another happy and memorable event in the history of bt oeorgea church lettera of regret at not being able to be present and extending oongrat- ulatlona were received from the fol lowing rev dean broughall hamil ton rev canon russell smith oak villa rev a a hlgglnson burling ton rev canon woodcock toronto rev father mcreavey acton rev e a veaey toronto rev t o wallace n rev r allen brampton mra mattle mocauum ortllla j e k outta acton mra bulll bt cath arines mr and mra corke bt ilya- clnthe que mra jaa cameron coll- ingwood hockey news a ilockaty ornanlutlott mrtrtlna wnrt hld in uht oihml4wii arrnu nit orl laui for llw ihirium nf nlcrllntt onv- rrw for iow a junior tmri inlfrmwl- lat team will be nurl in lite oh a the offlrcm rlrclrd writ un fillirwri hon itrnfit is ill iv wllllimil liwulrtil h mrlntyrr- vuwpbmwltif ifltaul hocrouiry wollurti ttimniwjn trwuurcr w vnrt ttmccutvit cshiiinlluh h wnlkrr mwl if cl4avf tmiimkirinllm cimmlttgw ie inlay i uvhrnttattw munntifr nf inutnullulch i win lt tmtrti euaittur f jiitilsthta oimrmi church news ht asse ckarek- servloes on sunday g em holy communion it aon matlna and ser mon by the rector t pun evensong and sermon by uie rector corporate communion of the rela- uvea and friends of fallen soldiers the baptist ckenb tha evangelistic quartette of mc- master university will be associated with the pastor in conducting three special services next sunday at ii am 9 pin and 7 njn the meesagee and music of the quartette are very highly oommended dont fall to hear them vallee chare next sunday morning the mui hut rev dr dickie will apeak on the work of the church in the evening uie preacher will be rev j urc stewart ba of paisley memorial church ouelph curling club news ie allltiuil mohlltu of tin cawift liiwn curllnff cttii wuh lull in umlr clubrfwmih at tlw arena m mittulny voitimr otiuimt yjiui loan nw rt- irlntc rmttilnnt mr w v timi1 rr- italahl mr rtrnnt nvwfwl hm witrk if uw aunt yrar mul rxpivksanl uw totw that 1m hfpmlhih itivn urn mim iupivurt to tho inuhtilnit tvoflulmiit lint uvny icnvn to him onrlnit hi u rm it ofoeo much kittbifarilon wuh ru iivhjumi whrn um trnuturprh ilihrt tlunvinl uir ciuli flnnnrcn to tt in ft tratlhy nml ftouruhliifji mnilltum otttcom uiiu cammlttrort for ilu in- ioo of itwajo wore rlwictl a followh honorary lrtm major l cirnnt nul wm mckay rrmdtloih nrlkon tuck hut vlropri jolih jlfcnormlil and vlro-imi- llnmlil itnmilton tronmirorj l tihwiivjh scrtary john u kolly aiujiutrtr j j iiwmhui nml b o utomiuutn extmuttvo commutiv j ii wnllorr j u hatkenxle m i nrar j j llb- jaim r prwllt and allicrt tort f coinmlttht ii wullaro a ii poller ami ii huiitlltnn iloiina commltkn a ii poller ii uoldliam anil a tbiulrra boclal cammlilmo burnxuie v- x senium und wm nrown membership committee r erwln o uumjiulp and k mowhlrter special sale dresswell sampleroom oct 2s 26 27 wr liuvr iclrllrl a ihimlwr of inhrica for lliia smcil suir all ol wlilt li uir to hi- rlen ollrrinu extra pants fee with racli riiiidftnmrnnuir suit and we mnm free theres no if awdsj therefore to tinr ilr theyre free llialu all a limftfd alack look them over now price 2500 a jl thurston nxluonelug torn obituary lltkne caktix after an lllnriw or one yoar irene cahtle pouted away in uie slrk cliil irons hospital toronto on monday oct ltli ucrenncd wan a dnughtrr of mm aeo jamcit and wan bom in acoraetown on november lotlt dij me funeral took place from uie resi dence of mr accrue jamta john su on tliuntday october i8u1 uie urvlce doing conducted by rev mr wobo of jt aeoraea church or which do sttuted van a member the iallboar tt were hbt airl ouuion of which tie- ceaned wan a member mm a carter captain owenna edwardk minnie iantenu may tedder plorenca qmd- rord uhe francia the remalna were laterred in greenwood cemetery the floral tribute were from mr and mr f durtemhow crou mr and mm t llurteiuhaw jr wreath mr and mr w burtrntthaw star mr and mr d james anclior mr and mr p james crou family cromi mr and mr a norton and deuie npray st aeorge bjb spray airl ouldes apray caiuullan lealon fcproi mr and mrs ilarlcy and bruce and jean ipray mr and mrs ii tost and preddle spray mr and mrs i dunn pray teacher and school chums pray maraaret and jleta mckay wreath iialton bipler the offlcerx mess held anouier an nual dinner at cedar crest the ciotf links oeortzetown on saturday even- ins isst to celebrate the event of a new command inff offlcer ltcol jos ii pedley mc who has commanded for the last there years lias resinned his command liavlnu moved to ot tawa where lie is encased tn wrlttns und publlshlna major o b chu liom uxj and bar of oakvulels the new oc durlntt the next four years the tenure of his command ureal things are expected of the heotmcnt tho offlcern and their truest were out in force as there were many speakers present uie toast list was short being the klna tho heat pro posed by ltcol james ballantyne dbo vd responded to by ltcol james ii pedley mc and mujor chuholm mc a silent toast for uiote departed wlui two minutes all- jnee and last tlie mill t la proosed by ucol oonover vj commandtna the 35ui inf brlcade responded to by oeneral a h bell cm a dao etc and ltcol d w browne dso u c of dutrtct headquarters staff amons tho duunjpiuhed guests present were oen a r bill c4ia no 3 licol a w browne daa a quo capt beard oalc ucol jos baluntyne x3s o v j major l grant major wm pan ton major o cousens dri anderson mjv mr w irampshlre mr dtmcan campbell mr ii redshaw mr iliilchln one of uie original officer in bit mr j wluouahhy softball news the second same of uie evening be tween the airls and the pat men created considerable excitement by snappy playing and some heavy hitt ing uie a iris squeesed out a win helped by the umpires par the pat men pitcher mclntyre by his dossllng windup and superb curves held the opposing batters well in clieck while catcher duncans snappy throws to bases caught many stealing hodge and harold got a great hand from the crowd when they nude circus catches of fly balls walker would have played a better game if uiey hod used a football while wellington at second played a heady same so did ruck at third when he could find the base hamilton made some great plays at first and have a perfect bat una average while teddys dashes to uie far end of the rink brought forth rounds of applause a return game is expected soon st albans of acton is taking tho place of norval team in the league thursday night olen vs st al bona kc kc vs o iis prlday night oakvllle vs smith a stone georgetown olrls vs lime- house the league standing and averages etc were omitted owing to lack of space following is tho result of uie garnet played since lost issue games played october lbth teams innings ilh e o h 8 043003 01 10 13 norval 1000130 5 20 teams innings rug eirls 3 4 3 1 10 5 0 g30 pat men 110 0 0 3 0 s id games played october 33rd t teams innings 1t11 f 8 ft a 010133 x bbs a h a 0 0 0 0 1 0 x 3 7 14 teams innings itii k umehouse 13 0 0 4 4 x 11 13 13 kc k o 300340 00 ft ft a mmiutlon of ovmp thirty yar u at tab ovary tlnw a nukftm of luci rouortntt palcootmlasoid sohlfhly u this mpuutlon prlxad that tho sstatlttn haw uthorlxad your trocar to raplaco any pacltmia froa of chart that doaa not satisfy you u avary pajrtlcular aa redr0se is good tea red rose orange pekoe top quality in titan trlghl aluminum i douglas wark and his music of chicago bj 17 soliil wrfka nt trinnous bull room cliicnno m m georgetown on i thursday evefi october 25 couple 100 extra lady 25e waawjaaawj cl sermj fttm ltul 414 imtitui if you can use a little more money yon mentittnl to mir phrc anions the thouiandt uh isve ueekl by fthimii ut f irroir st ur a slice off our grocery bill each wenu uill hi to 1 ut li vint it ui re com fort tie taut and bring nearer luitkhi itojccii that b ivc exiaicd only in your dreams illl to t bay your groceries at carrolls bread riu it lilrful rlv r kiruil inif red orapss lae cew ry butter tty pound at clmrncd r urwl 43 hhvut j ual a otutickik ctvwf 4 a um 5m4 iauum pincy w iw pirwy jsinsms b nw prtnch lb 44 3mih oats origlml fail c1 oalmal la i uir m aaoncebfeai a haa jew crm avaw salmon fklra choir rk jlc tll tim 1 33 stlew sin clic mii lb ua cuiaae tuumi smlrj it ml vue cui i la aa sihimj claawr fnf ll as hm rvwilsml clir i av at for halloween atj w4msm ouisidropa axt efct nut9 x4 tfsfwsaca dates miy cheetb m h ate viw ittltinij tsvs13 aeuweeej taney setdlejlt t mkav ual pbth jeuanru k 40 oj jtr mat mawfjiauals- mir 40fs jf 38 hiaaiy fmtil cure cuvr il fkita jsl vaiae i 7jj9 ea avseaaled apples per w 45 oaecejl gratisberrlea sei liner aiiurttd pirt aae bsa aylnwr 2 puhuil i i ririr h cmmiiiuii uiattj 2 ljjh euaa calilufnis jtkaeie juaella ttlull sua tie lata lis rre table fig823 air cam crmjmtj sugar so his 59 ic st sreiul rn flour e u slml wmlsupnm s ajkaa ua breaaa tjuatily 4 slrina each he saea pala lrtiwti iu kg aes rlaae krw tiyl iiackag s fr is tttri comuri is tare l phe greatest jkactio value offierexl jfesthigjhotise esfliiflihnimw f batteryless console f vthtn you buy a wetdnghouie baneryleaa radio you own a beautiful aaatrumenc that embodies the latest improvements at a price that teprav sent more radio value than has ever been offered before itgivee you poll tftuba power using trie aew wesdagfaouje ac dadjowana selectivity finely balanced giving equal performance in the upper ana lower wave banda truetoute tone quality both high and low aoeea reproduced with equal fldauty economy of operation all the cur- real used in tha year coats only a fifth hair a vutinrliouu oemuraud and judti ut vakufor yourutf for betteryleea battery and tha pub una of ludiola modela of the erperue of new barreriee and battery charging oversise power supply unltjprovldea maaimum of power tor amplifier tube distant stations brought in with ease and clarity pilot lamp illuminates dial ahowa when aet is on or off new improved cone speaker de veloped by weatinghouae aad many other featurea which we will he glad toahow ti j n oneill son phone is main street georgetown when wu buy a wminghoustvou own thtwohlpa most advariadhadio 1s

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