Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 7, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtythird yenr of publication georgetown wednesday eveningr november 7th 1928 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa thegeorgelown herald j m mookk pttbluhrt and prpllor mmbrr iunailuh wrrkly htmvp s auocuthln uaaauu rtaluaudl cledrlc allwayt toronls ttubatbau hallway jabtiiound wkutiioumd dally dully train train no a 7 id a m no 1 736 a m 4 0j17 um 3 0m am oiu7 iwn 6 ii 35 om a ir7 pin 7 laspm 10 317 pm 0 335 l m- 4117 pill i 3p1m u 6117 p 111 13 731 pni 14 7417 p in 13 0 3 p4tl 10057 pill 17 13 m dili ib 11 r3 pm no 1 ti 2 will run dolly except sun day passenger passenger passenger mall pokitanger uall passenger pasiengrr mill passenger passenger passenger mall passenger passenger passenger mall uall man mall 7nk time tabu lela caul sunday aauv whi sunday going nehb going haulb 111 l 033 am in in am uoo pm 4 00 pm 033 p4n b25 pm ml pm 740 am 803 atn ims am 313 pm 4 jo pm 003 pjn 70s pttl 10414 urn 655 am 4b5 pjn 1153 am 710 pjn directory lk koy dale tuivbler and ku-m- georgetown ontario offitu king uidg mill st cijtrentl 1l wiouinh fcarruter kalteltae notary pabue hours 0 am lo 0 pm open wednesday and saturday evening mortgage invntwenls moaey l lean tllepiione 1u ur r t paul physician and hargaen medical officer of health in ecqiieslng township office hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm vhurw g office and residence main street south oppomlte presbyterian church dr c v williams physician and surgeon medical officer of healui oeortretown office and residence queen bt south phot us office hours fl10 aj 13 and 68 pjn also by appointment f ft wattton ddh moh cleergeuwt oom howii to ft except tharsday afternoons r l heath ldrl ddh dentist office in lane block one door north of oneills carriage factory hours 0 am to 0 pm dr r learmontii veterinary burgeon phone 340 main st cleonretowb chiropractic nejlmck the ckiropractor palater o radiate 1 years practw no mesllclae hargery osteopathy or etortrlelly xray service office over pamella store office tiours wednesday st satunloy 3 to ft and 7 to 0 pm other flays and hours by appointment mian lew rhiinu 1m al muun phaae 113 tuesday and friday 2 to 0 pm dr p r bcnnrtto eye ear nose ojul throat bpeclalut announces the removal of his office to ill main btrebt babt hamilton ontario eyo a lasses fitted consultation by appointment phone aarfleld 708 convenient parkins for automobiles j sanford stewarttown choicest flour and all kinds ol feed al reasonable prices try u with your next order georgetown flour feed mills w c bessev georgetown erwingoldhams meat market fresh caught lake troul every thursday and friday watch our window for sptcial price on saturday i- igjii av iqri eg lest we forget 1 get the beat phone 1 it costa no more to fireproof tour building jfhen you build a new houae or repair aa old one be tuw to um gyproc gyproe alio glvea utck eaaatruetiani fauulatloa againat cold and beat and fuel economy write for tn book walla tbat imbet good jtldfumteafitaifiuul intanmlac into matlaa on boma plimnlna wlut qyprae mao board aad laauuz caittoa crreuu and ujmaxwatvuno cot oord a rono ov thank mi i vi no come yo tluinkful peotue twme itauut the sontf of harvrstlfomel all u utcfly uatltered in kmt tin winter fculmut brtn ooit our maker doth ivrovlde for our wunu to bit supplied com to oods own ietniu tvwrte naue tluf kontf or harvmllfomel all hut world u cods own field prult unto ills praise to yield wlieat ami lares toeetlier sown unto joy or sorrow urown first the blade and tlten ute ear then huf full com shall aptteats lord or harvest urant tlut we wltolesoitte nraln and put may be i tor sale by georgetown lumber co ltd j b mckenzle georgetown ont georgetown ont the bootery next door to pott office ladies and gents footwear latest styles best quality most reasonable prices it will pai v0u to suv vow f001 we al sere itkialltind iltomitiv imi1jk will fsmith rsva 47 malsslkcl ccsrfttows plumbing itnsmllhlno ethaules ukcriblly uves nwaeurl ccsrsrtows i ii tie redr0se if you want the very best ask for red rose orange pekoe in clean bright aluminum to i w h willson ttadertavker aad lleanaad embaliuai afala ft oaaasat automoultormormdrawtillj i immne iiikhl nr day 54w or s4 i j iiro firo acouldiit wind and duirlil hiukiuw und auto inoliilo llmidh bouiilit and buiii minify tu luau on unit i moilumpnl tsersey irhmestmlua wm si i m 5hskabalc forsters grocery full line ol fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges al ihe right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks foroters termai oaah gaorcatowa phona 99 m ii advertise it pays georgetown memorial to our fallen heroes qiajti aa a aji itaj ii amimia lest we forget n airmtsticc 10tl jmtnicrsart an armisiif lurail anil sorvie will lw held in ienrffetown mibau koticmbcr xltl arwrnlkltf ut littrary hi am sitvlce at mitinriul 1d3u am all vutcranh anil cinzenrfofthisdutritt aiv invited to be present at thankhoivino for uoht all llfllit u beautiful aa i have basked in southern rays of sun and moan and stars i cannot choose the loveliest for each one stream with glories lt own each ray blnai out in sonns tltat radiant rain bows know i have not heard the whole the chorus ends with fervent sonas of tliankfulness to ood who alves enraptured view of beautys hoard tttere is a llfllit that shines in every dime which many people know that never wanes it is the brotlterlovo that stirs the lieart to noble deeds each time a kindly act is done there is a stow of loveliness that runs around the world trans- scetuung all that it lias known of sweet celestial rays shed forth by sun or moon or stars uartlifl hardy trimble an evenintr mtvum fur viifranh will be bold in th united riiimli ut i p m wlnn tul iltu itcv 11 ii wllllumii of hamilton will otvupy the pulpit aimmlile ut library at tiu pm tfttiijar ccouaina ire b jbarktr r tljf caiuaiau ctglan open meakon fixed to take muriiratu the ontario department of aame and psshertes had altered its decision rmardlnff the taking of muskrau qna lias now declared an open season march 16 tl to april 31 ror all part of the province representatives made before the pish and game committee at the last xsslon of the letzulature were such u tat the department approved of an open season for uu part of ontario lying north of tile french and matta- wa rivers but banned rat trapping far loao in the remainder of the province since that time however donald mc donald deputy minister of the de partment has interviewed through keveral of lus district glame wardens at least 1000 trapoersfl all of wham are emphatic that rata ore again plentiful and ore practically unani mous in an appeal for an open season ah the deportment is interested in stated mr mcdonald is to see that there is sufficient protection for the animals and we are quite willing to open the season in view of the favorable reports we have had the former marketed in ontario approximate in aggregate value one million dollars a year how one mother keeps young hew lndid hat aa ran away for a few aaya to vlalt your motbarl without loaf dlatanoe it would be of couru quite aut of the quea won but it la u caay to call up our bomea by loaf dla tanoe and mafco aure all la well that really there la bo axeuea far denying eneaalf i euppoae you aa station- tostatlon calla i do by aikinf for the number i get the eheaper rate and the evening rata after m0 la really auat raaaonabla the ratal to nearby tawna within a radiua of aay 15 allea are ao low that it la now pouible to keep up a wide circle of frlenda at very alight axpanaa itvery bto torpaem it long diitanet station a seal man a ml man never talka about what the world owes him the hnpplneu lie deiervea and the chanoea he ought by right to have and all that a real man u jual as honeet in the dark in lili own room aa he la in imbllc a real man does not want pulls and favon lie wants work and honest wanes a real man doea not want some- uiuuj for nollilluj so the setrich quick people can not use him a real nun docs more than he promises a real nun is loyal to his friends and guards their reputation as his own a real man minds his own busi ness lie does not judge oilier per sons beyond sure knowledge not presuming to search hearts a real man has excuses for othetm never for himself he is patient and charitable to outers to himself he la strict a real nun docs not hunt danger but never dodges it wlieil he ought to meet it a real man is glad to live and not afraid to die tuutiitcluno dorothy told me that the dog grab- bed her dress and tore it but x saw her climb the apple tree and snag it as she came down urs allen looked worried and resentful aa she related her trouble why do you think she told you that asked grandmother who ap peared placid and confident as if she might be able to analyse the situation from a more detached viewpoint than the mother eould oh i know why she told the lie for thats certainly what it was al though i regret to admit such a fault in my own daughter replied urs allen why was 1tt asker grandmother still more keenly interested in solving the problem well i told her if 1 ever found out that she climbed that seraggly old tree id punish her answered mrs allen what reason did she give for cllmb- uw it continued grandmother oh she had some excuse about putting a baby bird back in the nest or something of the sort replied urs allen grandmother was thoughtful for a few momenta so was dorothys mother there seemed to be several points here that should be considered before censuring dorothy too harshly or unfairly grandmother was the first to speak i do not believe dorothy would have told you this untruth if she had not felt the threat of punishment hanging over her while she might have expected your displeasure be cause of tearing her new dress she would only have had that offense to think about as it was the regret of tearing her dress was submerged in the fear of having to pay a penalty for climbing the tree i have never known any childproblem to be settled in a satisfactory way by threatening punishment arandmother had been firm and convincing mrs allen was rebuked after all thought the latter the desire to save that little bird waa a matter of greater concern than the childs dress and it la not strange that saving the bird seemed of more im portance to dorothy at that moment than minding her own mother per haps she was not ao much to blame as i x was cross about the damage to the dress and frightened her she did not tell a premeditated he nor d llberalely plan to deceive me she was afraid when i confronted her with the fact that she had broken a command this is only one instance of many that could be cited to bring out rea sons for untruthfulness in children sometimes overexcitement causes a child to tell impulsively something that is not true then pride forbids admitting the fault and the first state ment is stubbornly adhered to ex aggerallon u usually the result or i desire to tell a bigger story than l playmate many children crave notice and applause often a he is told to get out of a difficulty or to avoid per forming some duty and very often children have heard their parents use similar tactics to break engagemenui tlut were undesirable at least the truthtellutg habit should be cultivated in children this cannot be done by threats or punish ment or by means of the hard and last command to be truthful but only by establishing a respect for the spir it of truth norval tile olieniilr meeting of the arisll- cail and prciibyliiruili voung peoples auuwlufliiii was lleld in the bajumwnt ut tlu presbyterian church on moll- day evening oct hoth the omcr e cted were as follows president ur aarfleld meolure vice pres isturs k mcdonald ulldmr w 11 tiddler 3rd ur l y areenwood 4thmr wnt burns mhurs wm araham olhuiss edna ucolure 1th urs t hewson ithur o ucciure secretary ulss u e townsend treasurer mr albert hunter orsanlsturs o king asslsuno ulss b caseley press reporters ur if ueplure mui k j uccolman captains for membership drive miss e ueolure ur w ii fiddler refreshment committee ulss lu- 11a held ulss merle early ulss e dlgnell ura j graham- door keeper urs c early ur a hunter the frst meeting a social evening inder the direction of ura e ucdon- lid will be held in the basement of lie presbyterian church on tuesday jvenlng nov 13lh the regular meet ings of the young peoples assoelo- lon will be held on uonday evenings luring ute winter notes and comments one fetill meets a good many horne- drawn vehicles after dark without uie necessary lantern as required by statute a waggon or buggy wllltout a light is a grave menace both to ila occupants and all wlio ims it on uie highway in case of accident uie responsibility ilea with uie driver of tile unllghled vehicle voub childh beadino just now when ute children are gathering round the home ao much earlier now that their summer sports and interests are over is uie time for wise psrents to fill these spare minutes so full of interesting things land uie greatest of these is booksi that in stead of dissatisfied resuess boys and girls contented liappy ones will eon- erly curl uietnselves up in a comfort able chair with a book if you can instill into your children an early love of good books uiere is nothing in after life that will bring them such joy and comtort with many children it u a natural taste but it is one that can be form ed by almost any child with a little unnoticed supervision i say unnot iced advisedly dont force a child to read have good books books you want them to read books that will arouse uielr interest lying on uie table all attention to them casually read some aloud or let them see you reading that book tell them how nter- estlng it is and the average child will respond and want to investigate for himself dont have the books too simple no child wants to be talked down to in a book any more than in real life there are tew boys and girls that do not respond to historical tales and there is such a wealui of them if they are presented lo uicm in tlie proper way then there are countless tales of adventure discovery invention and achievement never have there been such wonderful juvenile books as there are now go to your library your bookseller send to any publisher for their graded list but do resolve that during uils coming winter your childs reading will receive intelligent care from you acton mr marlelte of toronto and mrs walters of georgetown spent a day last week with mrs w j hall mrs nellie jenner of kitchener pent a few days during the week with mrs o o speight and mus a ii speight j d mockenxle la building a new house on young btreel on that section if arthur street recently closed by by law of the municipal council mrs james l warren of toronto visited acton friends tuesday and at tended the halloween party of her irrandchildren dora and warren wood mr thoa morton and misses lois and clarice were called to london owing to the serious illness of mr charles morton friends here will be leased to know that some improve ment in his condition is now reported mr and mrs robert kerr and mr and mrs a o ctarrldge and family attended the anniversary services and fowl supper at claude presbyterian church but week bannockburn womens institute held a splendid halloween social on prlday evening at the itorae of mr and mrs a o currldge when about seventy of the members and their families attended mrs atkins the district president and mrs merry the district secretary were present and addressed the meeting an ex cellent programme was provided by loca ltaent followed by progressive euchre and all present report a good time vrt press considrmadlb tomplalnt i n heard of ute loss of busliunui to ped dlers wlio seem to be tierambulamnr our streets ami selling from door to door wltltout question this is a matter for rigid regulation and stem measures nanrthldent merchants bearing no part of the tax burden liavo no right to special privilege in any town ip you would increase your happi ness and prolong your life forget your neighbors faults porget the slander you have heard porget the fault- find inc and give little thought to the cause which provoked il porget the peculiarities of your rrlendiand only remember the gobd points which moke you fond or them ptorget all personal quarrels or histories you may liav itave heard by accident and which if regarded would seem a thousand times worse than they are blot out as far as possible all the disagree ments of lire they will come but they will grow larger if you nmember them and the constant thought of acta of meanness or worse still mal ice will only tend to make you more familiar with them from yesterday start out with a clean sheet today and write upon it for sweet memorys sake only those lovable things which are lovely and loveeble milton the county jail year ends sept 30th very year the number of prisoners confined during 103738 in the milton jail was 317 314 males and 3 females sentenced to reformatory 13 to pen tentlary 11 of the total number con fined there were lit canadians 38 english 16 irish fl scotch and 0 americans number who were mar ried 81 males and a females un married ibs males and 1 female 5 prisoners eould neither read nor write 13ft males and 1 female were report ed as being temperate dally cost of prisoners rations ai7j7 officers sal arles iiooo pood clothing fuel and repairs tomm total upkeep of gaol 394803 at the annual meeting of the milton curling club the following officers were elected for the coming season patron and patroness judge and mrs elliot president m p ponton vice president sandy patterson secretary- treasurer j 7 little chaplain rev j n mcpaul auditors james blaln and john irving representative mem bers w i dick and d a robertson executive committee a l macnobb j a rose dr p e bebcock j p robinson and d 8 robertson mem bership committee j leoocq a l chambers 0 kenney s adams and pred dewar tandard skips john maxted and j p little district cup skips c totetxka and chester earl champion erin on uonday last uie drennan paving co finished uie work on the road on erins main street and it is now open to traffic ur c k ovcrlands many friends re pleased to see him able to be back to business following an attack of ap pendicitis ur george sanders uie congenial null courier on r r 1 guelph hap pened with a painful accident when making his regular trip on the route on prlday last driving im ford se dan he ran into fresh gravel near everton which ditched uie machine when it rolled over on its side ur sanders suffered two broken ribs and was otherwise painfully bruised the car was very little damaged advo cate how buinta doeh protection for the business houses of elmlra was provided by uie town council at its last meeting when it passed a new bylaw regulating uie activities of hawkr and tieddurs in ute municipality the peddler nuis ance has been growing of late and uie council was a unit in believing uut it was decidedly unfair to allow non residents to ply their trade in town while escaping taxation the license fees should help line the civic treasury while providing a check on uie grow ing influence of itinerant peddlers ttie bylaw provides that no per sons shall come into town from outside and engage hi hawking peddling etc wluiout first procuring a license and a paying a fee to a police officer or uie treasurer for a person travelling on foot and selling from hand or pack uie fee was set at aao any person not a resident using a horse or motor vehicle shall bo rqttltvd to pay a lee or 40 a hawker of medicine only will be taxed u while a peddler of fish will only have to pay 300 agents for persons not residing in waterloo county selling tea coffee spices baking powder dry goods watches silverware furniture rugs carpets millinery spectacles etc or showing samples and later delivering goods to anyone not a wholesale or re tail dealer will be taxed us for a yeara license any non resident ped dling on foot and selling from hand or basket such articles as flowers upas laees thread pins needles combs matches and other such small articles no one article to exceed in value of la cents shall pay a fee of it per day elmlra signet a similar bylaw in georgetown would bo appreciated by the editors of newspapers are of ten blamed for partiality in their no tices of churches societies and fami lies when the fact is the parties mast interested are the ones to blame the newspaper doesnt posseu ji sufficient force of reporters to send to every church service in uie range of circula tion and it must needs depend on some person to send in the news many pastors or leaders of the con gregation do this and their items are gladly printed but the paper fa found fault with by other churches who ne glect to send in their notice and the charge or partiality is made the edi tor may belong to one or two or the societies in town and naturally hears all the news in reference to his partic ular organisations while uie other societies by keeping their items to uiemselves miss the little mentions they would gladly receive a question uut is going to demand very soon the attention of uie people of our dominion la whether or not we ore going to adopt uie american open sunday in this country new condi tions uut have been brought about largely through uie tremendous de velopment of motor traffic and through american tourist travel have created a strong tendency towards sweeping away all sabbath day re strictions it looks as if either this country will slip gradually into a wide open sunday or uut on the other lund uie clamps will have to be put on good and strong when we look about and see what a wide open sun day has done for many cities of uie united states and for continental europe we are confirmed in our be lief that uie loss or our open sunday as a day of rest and worship would mean to ute people of this province the forfeiture of one of our greatest heritages and in this day of enervat ing speed one of our finest assets phy sical intellectual and spiritual bt marys journalargus the public will never fall to be shocked by traffic accident statistics until such accidents become as rare as railroad wrecks resulting in loss of life but this does not nuke uie public in capable of appreciating reports show ing a decreasing death toll from the automobile especially when general satisfaction over recent satlsuea show ing uut fewer children an being bill ed under the wheels of motor vehicles analysed carefully uie steady de crease over the past five years becomes a remarkable achievement in the pro motion of safety because in uut time uie number of motor can has in creased faster than the increase in population during uie yean uie has- ards have multiplied tremendously but intelligent direction has safe guarded the lives of children of all panaceas suggested from time to time to diminish the toll taken by the auto mobile intelligent direction of chil dren is uie one most likely to work driven must be made to obey certain regulations of course and must be taught to drive with regard for the fundamental rules of safety but in the final analysis it is necessary uut uie indlvlndual learn how to take care of himself in traffic many commun ities are learning as the result of safety training in the public schools uut it is possible to diminish uie toll taken by uie automobile ny intelligent direction of children on the streets flltlll hchool boabd mcetino the meeting of the high school hoard was held on november 33rd all members were present the following accounts were passed murdock stationery u3 c kennedy iao l ii wraggette s40 a d hume aoo o n hendry co 1ju w r watson 173 w j gage iwlld plants of can ada i 40o united typewriter co 00 root simpson co ilaboratory blinds 6224 bits of humour salvation army uo old aber- danlai will you give a shilling for the lord lloo auld are ye lasslef eighteen past ah weel im sevenlynve ill be seeln him afore you so ill hand it to him mysel oolfe i to partner just look at tlut girl dressed like a nun wlut are her parents thinking or anyway i think its disgraceful partner that sir is my daugh ter galfer i bra pardon i didnt know you were her fauier partner im not im her mother teacher tommy where is the island of java tommy i dunno teacher dont you knoa where most of uw coffee you drink cornea from tommy ptre we got moat of ours from oui nextdoor neighbor

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