Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 7, 1928, p. 3

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a the georgetown herald wednesday november 7th 1928 page 3 jw4u1smkjgs 4f k a beany eleclrie washer will solve one big problem and thai is a xmasuift lor 1928 its leu than 2 month to that grent day and there is rlothing that enri compare to an electric waher in any home the beatty washer i compact and eay to move it will go through a door 22 inche wide and with he wringer lifted off will go under a shelf 38 inche high it driving mechanism is simple and strong with only four moving part all double strength gear are machine cut with wide frffces and mounted on a solid iron bed plate all driving gears run in oil bearing ae large and the direct drive eliminates a belt beatty washers are sold with or without pre mium for cash or on payment plan and we are al- way glad to give a demonstration together with service after you have purchased ohio vacuum sweeper and attachment for rent by the day local news be thankful poppy day saturday armistice day sunday thankastvlnff day monday dont forget the tea in the lib rary on saturday from 4 to u tint attend uie armistice day services at tlie memorial at 1030 on sunday cordinglevs hardware phone 25 and 18 georgetown i m j mn i h ai ii ssy sssit electrical contracting batteryleu console model radio built by one of canada leading radio manufacturer and guaranteed for one year complete 20000 radio repair and supplies h h darling m itanlkk st 6ttrtuwm fur coat time is here tin wintry winilnof the lout few ilryx lirinaxthu iioimi for wiimurrlinh tiiivoryniiem mind and iintiinillv tliiv tliiuk i if a liilintuini tniit w liuii tlifv mint tilt- ihhi in furx lafonlaines fur store practical mfg furriers 95 quebec st east est 1898 puonel22giielh on iwl it u rumored tlwnrw wilt be n run for uur iimvemlil in kaueclntf next month liuy a lotpy on baturday and help uie boys wlio fought for us in live clival war hi w a of hi aeoraes church will isold thh annual tusaar thuw- day d fltli its freulittf near twilot lima wltetl you notice jut council mending utelr ways repalrum walk aeorfptown mimlcliuil nohiltia- lloun will be lie id on holiday nov ad mm lion dmmbrjrtf dont ml uu row supper nrrvrd by the lad lea at union irresbyurlaii church on friday nov ifttn tlie qoldeti bivftaf mission band of knox presbyterian church will lioul a concert on friday evening nov htlli ur james nanny u recovering from a severe fall lie received some leu days ao wlien he sprained hu knee owing to nov 13 lii being thnnlu- alvlir day esqueslng township council will meet on monday nov 10th at 1 m pm municipal matter in town are very quiet but nomination day may start something you can never tell what a day will bring forth the womena society of baptist oliurch will hold a tea and tale of baking in the public library on sat urday afternoon nov 10th from 4 to e e yatea of ulllon has been sworn in aa deputystierln for the county of ilalton a position which he held under the late sheriff webster for eight yeara sec roseuarle at the rev tlicatre on uonday matinee and nlnhu a romance or the canadian wild that everybody ahould tee dont mlai it thankntlvlna day tlie oponlng meeting or uie bible society will be held in the anglican church on thursday nov bin at 8 pin tlie speaker will be rev j 8 harrington lth a sped attendance is hoped for the family herald and weekly star of montreal with ita wonderful improvement u recognised aa the greatest money maker for farmers tn canada while it magaaine lection la a gem unrivalled we have in our full atock of rub bers look in our window for dollar bargain our ovettiead expense la light and enable u to underaell tor onto store j roney the only factory ithoa atore in uie county ltp mr rott comeron or knox coll ege toronto preached two splendid sermon in knox presbyterian church georgetown on sunday test rev k maclean wa absent at omagh preaching anniversary sermon more reading matter in a week than any other canadian farm paper in a month the family herald and weekly star montreal only a dol lar a year or three yeara for 3 now making wonderful improvement in renewing his subscription to tlie herald mr joseph arthur of nlnga man writes under date of nov 2nd we have had and are stui having a beautiful foil no rain or snow and bright sunshine every day but it la fraaen now so we cant plow frank day lot 3 seventh line er- amosa will hold an extensive clearing sale on tuesday nov 30th at 1x30 oclock horse 43 lieod of cattle 4s pigs 1000 bus oat 50 ton hay imp lements in best of condition and up to date including chevrolet car and ford truck terms 11 months credit on all sums over 2000 6 off for cosh r j kerr auctioneer it its all right to have a little fun on halloween but when it comes to de stroying property putting obstructions in the streets and throwing bricks on verandahs it la going a utile too far a number of our citlsens have good reasons for complaint and those guilty of destroying property ahould be made replace same vowl rapper at ualen on friday nov loth a fowl supper followed by a good program will be held at union presbyterian church admission adults soc children 25c at personal items mr and mrs wilfred dickie of de trait wvn visltora at dr dickies dur ing the week mr l e fleck who u taking treat ment at ouelph general hospital is improving nicely mrs kvertotl jones of markham wms lite guest of mrs will tyndall during the week mr keith nixon of barnla spent lite wek end with his parents mr and mrs tl c nixon mrs h m thornton of toronto spent uie week end at the home of her brottver reeve leslie or kequesulg mr harvey wilson who has been will the crucible steel co of new york has been transferred to their toronto office mr ft ii partridge kuperfaumdent or the old fyoples home brampton made the herakl a pleasant call bti saturday last mr charles burnslde left on satur day morning with dr marcellus and a number of men from hamilton for a deer hunt bi the north mr alexander mckay mh line who tell when picking apple a few weeks ago and broke three ribs la convales cing ills many friends hope soon to see him around aa usual miss eleanor beaumont was the hostess at a charmlngry arranged tea and shower given at her home in glen williams in honor or josephine wlllson before her marriage mrs w a haley left on tuesday for vancouver bc where she will spend the winter with her sister mrs b a clancey mrs baileys many friends in town wish her a pleasant visit and a safe return to georgetown next spring rev dr dickie and mrs dayfoot were the delegate from the united church georgetown to a presbytery leathering of sunday school workers in trinity church ouelph on tues day the th inst the ladle of the orious sunday schools in ouelph provided an excellent supper and the leading speaker at the meeting be fore and after the supper was rev c a meyers ma toronto out of town guests at the mfileary bealmear wedding included mrs r c mcleay miss mcleay misses oeor- itlna and eleanor mcleay mr and mrs lang mis vale mr and mrs uontelth mr frank gore mr bruce nutledge mr robe souley of mlmlco mr harvey wlllson mr and mrs ii a williams mrs holdroyd mrs copp mr and mrs blake of toronto and mrs mason of bowmanvule church notices the besrttt cfcrrh thanksgiving hymns anthems readings prayer and sermons sunday next at 11 am and 7 pm bible school at 10 am peace and good wilt ke frwltytehaia ckawvh the members and adherents of knox church are invited and expected to attend the memorial service at the cenotaph on sunday morning at tlie service in knox church on sunday morning mr ross k camer on will present to the congregation a bairtlsmal font in memory of his fa ther and mother who jointly served the master through tlie church here for 30 years after the unveiling and dedication of the font tlie sacrament of baptism will be offered to alt who in harmony with the taws of the church present tltemieive or their children for baptism uttliej cfaaret next sunday being armistice day the sunday school will meet as usual at 10 am and at 102s adjourn to the monument to take part in the service there from 1030 to 11 oclock at 1106 on armistice memorial service in the united church will be conducted by the minuter rem dr dickie at t pm tlvo veterans will attend in a body when rev dr williams of ryer- au united church hamilton will tflve the addreas hl aega chwreh services next sunday ojn holy communion matins and sermon by the rector immediately after memor ial service at the war memorial 1 pjw evensong and sermon by uie rector sunday school christmas otttcert december itth almost frantic wi head kidney troame and weakness reficred by frnitatire j m fry mtik lieemlue ot kidney ttouljo uul wltenul with rrlhfc huwbm sy una lunauhu tjejw bt jmb tie mtthi iq i mi mid for s ton time and ni vfijpv ll wkeit i leaned of rrulthltlvee improvement ome m uo wkl in el month tb kidney trouble wetlumea and bejuhubm were gone fvulwkiw tctillmi the ikmmu udneys and ekln purlhm the blood sad win uurnl vlcouroda health tot ims woaderful hedlelne maile el rnllt lulms eonliuied with the fliuet wsdwiisi inthullents 2v and ib box at dealehi everywheie new advertisements oes ibaalie wednesday nov 1 wsimlnt op with rlehard duui bawball player ho 3 tanan the kithty comedy do deiitlemeti bnore friday nov h cm divine wo man with the famous swedish film itar greta osrno comedy call your jhota fox newa saturday nov 10 matinee at 3 oclock the freedom of the press melodramatic story starring lswu hone uareelllne day ana haydan stveiuon comedy rubber neck felix cartoon puturltay thanksstvlns day monday nov 13 matinee at 3 oclock raesuark adapted from the musics comedy thst nui for two yesrs on broadway a romance of the untamed canadian wllda with an all star can can comedy arowln pains prices matinee 15c and 2s nlsht 33c and 35c softball news aimh played on november 1st 103t teama innings rhi 010031 0 13 a laooiii o o innings rhb 403000 x 1 10 t 00011336 0 4 asmes played on november eth 1033 teams innings r h e 0 3137 x it 34 3 1011130 ii innings rhk 0310330 1 3 100033 1 7 10 7 a h b umehouse teams a i a a a k c a at a olen teams dt albans k o k o league btandino faaadbui lrglea oaaee the first annual armistice dance under the ausplcea of georgetown post of the canadian legion will be held in the town lull oeorgetown on friday evening nov 0th claude wades orchestra dancing at j0 refresh menta tickets 60c potatoes o 119 our kmr v jul tslynsj frk f ummi ttlaatl are as kss a himisj ike vy tout ihtoi ttosrt frsaa ike au laiaett the ulkr sf ear mists aslem uylsf rw wutsre taanf- wka mwue issm piulm uka aaie las are li tt frsa say tsassr sf ivstl i arwyir dominion stores ltd sytm qeellte ewxr theyre here prince bbwad tslaho ne aillib ef fee 4esl r geen oee toe u thanksgtvmg specials- kugb qsuavy s mlimcfmcet bacon 2 mnsklahd tmtasi butter maesjde brand flaail utlw tmilnis wtwam stse hirueubtssdstlgfos rti cuawamm is datxa 2- 21 quax1tv peas a2 mcittllo coffee iamfsi itnuniin zr lhnssst ba comromt oa 10 49 uvkbuot oaf nracaki cnwi csm ayrua w b hkemurs aaellea hale will be held on friday nov 0th see sdvl in this issue uie terms of which should read 0 per cent per sn num off for cash and not inter est on notes be at the sale he u offering a lot of choice stock ksekre and dsaea a suehse and dance under the aus pices nr tbe ladles of holy cross cliurth wllsjie held in the anns oeorgetown on friday evaning nov 33rd cards at g15 dancing at 1030 wadecash orchestra refreshments admission 47c plus 3c tax anniversary baelal at umekease tlie anniversary snclsl of llmehoute presbyterian church which was post- lioned on sccount of bsd weather wui be held on friday november 0th at b lint in the church among tlioae con tributing to the programme are mrs jones of csmnbsllvllle rev and mrs baxter and ii us nlckell acton mrs mcdonald norvsl sir mllhousen mus lomon oeorgetown winners sf trig ta bays fair following are the wtnnera of the trip to the roys winter fair for hal- ton county in the live stock judging competition held in milton but week siewsrt miller rr l oeorgetown w prosier rr 1 muton albert o hunter froemsn lloyd cttillnolm norvol harvey alton rr 1 free man joseph ross rr 3 oeorge town alex mcnlven rr 3 csntn- bellvule phulp bell r r i man ruueil csmpbellvllle colling r r s csmmkwlsaers vkdt tswasklss judge justin peel county judge el liott snd registrar ohuholm of hal- ton oounty the three commissioner appointed to hear the appeal of tra falgar township against the eouallsa- tlon assessment have been conduct- big the investigation for four weeks and will not complete their work for severs days lsst week the commis sioners snd the legal representatives of the different municipalities have been visiting the township of trs- fslgsr nelson esqusstn and nasss- sweya in an endeavor by personal ipectlon to determine the relative value of the fsrm lands in three townships j p warwick bolton has resigned as treasurer of the bolton vuuge council a position he had held lor msny years at a special meeting us reslgnstlon wss soeeptsd and a sue ooasor to the omoe will be spnolnied at the nest meeting of council team 3 dt a ic c k o llmehouse o h a olen at albans won lost avge 7 a 4 s 3 780 4 s 3 3h 3 s steve wsnted good aecondhsnd cook apply at herald ooce stove it girl waal capable girl for general housework apply to mrs c v wuusms queen bl oeorgetown 11 debetilores tor sale 11400 worth of 5 debentures of tbe town of oeorgetown debentures from on to thirty years equal annual payments of principal and interest apply to clerk or treasurer on or bs- for pra nov 18th 1st f l heath clerk jt proclamation tentn annivebsamy of armistice day sunday novkmbbst lltk its tws mbsaus buenee in sneordsnos with the osslr of his majesty the king i do hereby request that two minutes suenos be observed throughout the town t the hour of eleven oclock sm so that in perfect stillness the prayer and thoughts pi everyone msy be ooacentratsd on reverent remembrance of the glorious dead and of the victory by oods graos vouchsafed to the empire and lit de voted allies a special commemorative service will be held in front of our war mem orial at ths hour of 1030 ajn to give the dussns sn opportunity of perpet- ustlng the memory of those who lost their lives in the oreat war this service will be in charge of the canadian legion oeorgetown post leroy dale msyor ckslee fans far sale 100 sores oounty wellington con 7 lot 10 township eramosa adjoining everton 3 miles north of rockwood room brick house hard and soft wa- terfumaee oak floors cement walks urge bank bam pig pen hen house driving shed garage good stsbung cement floors 1 acres good orchsrd sbout 13 acres bush bsianos under cultivation well fenced and well wa tered robert wsnlsss r r 4 rock- wood phone tlrtl rockwood st wanted now nswmss in ftirn oounty during fall and winter montha to sell fruit uvea flowertnf shnitaa etc oood pay kxelusltw urrltory whole or part lime ajranfatnant a meaare harssry we own and oaerata a modern wellequipped nuraary andaupply ou- eiutoniera with the bast in quality ami variety ball hamyr oanajtiantrowi nuraery block and you will be suc cessful our ageney ta available fmamtohrml u yeara lalaaai nitraary oa toronto k out notice to creditors in tut mattch or the k9yayat or ihabkixa nuaurjul lau use twm af oaargelaw la ue j4taty a hajtan wmw notioe xh hereby given that all having claims against the estate of the said deoeased who died on the 13th day of september aa 16m are required on or before the 38th day of buted having regard only to the undersigned solicitors for daniel hen derson executor full partlmilars of their claims after said last men tioned date the estate will be distri buted having regarding ony to the claims of which the executor hail then have notice dated at ouelph this 1st day of november ad uttft dunbar dunbar s3 douglas street ouelph st solicitor for the executor notice to creditors in the matter of the ehtatb or robert char1es heouix- ouohg lata af the tewmmlf et ks- ajmmlag the ceanty af varaer daesaaed notioe is hereby owen that all persons having any claims or de mand against the late robert charles uooiulougn who died on or about the sixth day of october ad 103 at the olty of toronto in the county of york and province of ontario are re- 3 ulred to send by post prepaid or to silver to the undersigned solicitors for hugh allan uooullough and sarah ann uooullough the executors of the last wui and testament of robert charles uooullough farmer 6oased their name and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claim and atatemenu of their accounts and the nature of the securities it any held by them and take notice that after the eighth day of december 1038 the said hugh allan uooullough and sarah ann uooullough will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the asid deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the eallms of which they shall then have had notice and that the said jennie ituddeu will not be liable for the eua assets or any part therof to any person of whose claim she aliall not then have received notic dated at oeorgetown ontario this seventh day of november a43 ibm leftoy dale solicitor for the said exeeutora notice to creditors in the matter oe the estate or rredbrick l ruddeix bue el the tawnahlti af eaaaiilng in the ceaaly af llejtetm varaaar di notice ib hereby given that all person having any claims or de mands against the late frederick i ruddell who died on or about the sixteenth day of june ad ibm at the city of ouelph in the oounty of wellington and province or ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned sol icitor for jennie ruddell the execu trix of the last will and testament of frederick i ruddell farmer deceased their names and addressee and full particulars in writing or tnetr claim the statementa of their accounts and the nature of the securities u any held by them and take notice that after the eighth day of december lms the said jennie ruddell will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the said deceased amons the persons entitled thereto havlns regard only to me claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said jennie ruddell will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario thla seventh day of november ad iftst laroy dale solicitor for the said jennie ruddell auction sale or valuable farm in helton county the urideralgned has received instruc tions from walter me brain to sell by public auction at lot t 10th line esqueslng helton oounty on tukmday november mth 1m his farm of 148 acres more or leas be ing northeast half of lot no 6 and south half of lot no 7 tenth con eaquealng 3 mile from norval on no 7 highway thla farm 1 a rich clay loam in a high state of cultivation and is one of the best farms in halton county the farm is weu fenced and watered by a never falling well on which la erec ted a steel windmill schoolhouse u mile from farm on the farm is erec ted a oomfortable frame house large bank bam cement alio hen house and large driving shed about 7ft fruit trees apples pears and plums also a num ber of grape vine there la to acres of fall ploughing done 6 acres in wheat fl acres in bush and balance in pasture possession given at one to do any work that pur chaser may desire to do and full pos- seaslon given on march 1st 1ub terus 10 per cent of purchase money at time of sale 19000 on march 1st and balance may remain in a mortgage at 6 per cent payable yearly farm will be sold subject to a reserve bid for further particulars apply on the premises or to the auctioneer wm j mcklnney auctioneer r r a itfampton help wanted girls snd boy wanted at once smith stone ltd georgetown ye rt 6 room house with garage well lo cated very warm apply 07 herald strayed r slejen a hornless brown goat anyone hav ing information please phone esrls ltp uardera wanted three or four good respectable boar ders wanted apply at the herald office it far sale pedigreed jersey bull six months old apply john w bewley r r 1 campbeuvule ont 3tp hl wanted a number of operator male and fe male at the knitting factory j t wood oeorgetown at te rent roomed house on uurdoek bireet electric light water inside newly re novated immediate possession apply toht arnold te rant house to rent on john st neej ouelph st newly decorated all con veniences apply to h o dayfoot oeorgetown tf te rent home on kins st opposite green houses all convenience possession nov ibth apply to ura john trean- or victoria st oeorgetown ttp rr bale spring chickens for sale dressed or alive 5 and 6 lbs each all orders delivered send your order to scott mclean phone oarfl oeorgetown it lost out of my buggy hi oeorgetown on wednesday night oct 31st a par cels of laundry finder please return to l devriea phone 62r3 oeorgetown up pealllew wanted lady middle aged desired position as clerk in a small store or testaurant experienced chamber maid also good cook clerking preferred apply mrs catherine clarke georgetown stp far beautiful home in ut emnee edith street seven roomed stucco house with sun room all convenlenc- e double lot garage owner wishes a larger home apply walter t evans far bale drums and trans genuine ludwig only used a few time perfect condi tion waterproof carrying canvasses worth gin sacrifice at 7o write for particulars to box e herald oeorge town stp per ftale chatham incubator 3o0egg with electrical attachment glomm buckeye brooder stove soorhlck slse 9ao0 s galvanised feed hoppers 75c each oat sprouter s trays 1000 so yards sft poultry netting glft0 cedar fence posts 33c each phone 314 george town weed far sale very choice hardwood beech and uaple 400 per single cord choice hardwood slabs 379 per single cord mixed rails 300 per single cord mixed wood 3410 per single cord this is all good aound dry wood and at these prices is good buying satisfac tion guaranteed j brandford box 400 phone issrt oeorgetown wood nail s300 slmls oord delivered mixed wood 3m hsrdwood hm sm ile oord j ii smith phone trl3 georgetown u smart dresswell clothing huntl tnilnrvtl to muiixtire and guiiniiittuil jlotlu unit tiru liuilt at liixt tuxedo stiith 2850 ami up ovtiviiath tint wiiltonx cliiutliilliim wliitnovh anil niunket clotlix 17 to- a viiniplitt ningu i miitingh in all kalirich ilexhwull garment urn miulu in tliu mv xtyltm ami tiiilmvil to ihtfiitiiiii with tin- tcliixivi llurtii kiiiixli ami tlu price cannot lie oom- parcil ulxowhuru bpaelal for vow dtsya suits or 200 ami extra pautx free a l thurston next iloor tiiokuillhuiiruijt st rtrttia bigger and better weekend specials groceries old cheese per lb 26c highlander tomatoes large size 2 for tiger brand catsup large size pearline 3 for star ammonia 3 for handy ammonia 3 for libbya apple butter large size snap 2 for libbya pork and bean 2 for clark pork and beans large size quick quaker oata post bran 2 for kellogg pep 2 for horse shoe salmon z poliflor floor polish i lb tin taylor peanut butter try vz lb of our black tea for mcbean co georgetown eco jj to the public we are now located in our new premise on main street recently purchased from the jackson estate the entire prermsea have been remodelled and redecorated and we now have one of the most uptolate barber shop and billiard parlor in the province a full line of the choicest cigar cigarette and to baccos also all kinds of soft drink we cordially invite the public to visit u in our new premises a e r maglonghlen macs barber shop and billiard parlors main street georgetown homemade baking all our layer cake pie imperial ginger oat meal cookie drop cake metropolitan etc etc are made in our own home try them and you will want more and the price are reasonable pie 26c layer cake 25c scsoe metropolitan 30c cookie 20c dox have you tried mackevs bread 7 fresh every day delivered to your door special in jelly powder 3 pkg and choice of knife fork or spoon guaranteed roger nickle silver for 25c mark clark phone 229w georgetown krrjkj9j9trrkkk norringtons p vvy w sow wwvwaaw sw w saturday treat nut crunch s dellchsis esndy with s peanut ere im centre rolled j ilk in eocosnut s reel delight keg ilie saturday treat 25c week end chocolates a real line or assorted chocolates always fresh and they come in aiaorted flavors of cream also jelllts and nard centrea week end otocoutee 35c thanksgiving special psttsrcrisp wonderful confection reffulsriy sold st 60c special 39c hot drinks etc if you have not tried our hot chocolate you surety have mlssid a treat also hut ualtud uuk hut uuvril tumilu boup tea o colfee bute a ant for tliew tine chocolates in jeortfe town arthur norrington maik st phone 89

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