Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 7, 1928, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday november 7lh 1928 that piquant tea cannot ba try this efal tt la triad ants salada 3apak ra io0808kj08lporwiwwws sell your cream at home where yaa caa cd ibc highest grade and ibe best price fata evtry sjlana mtu i i georgetown creamery co mlssb itiwtjmjbk at tin naidoi biiiuhw an old num travelling m lone highway came at uwf evening cold and army to a chasm vast and deep and wide tha old nun crc ised in the twtlloht dim tha milieu stream had no faaf for htm but ha turned when safe on the other aide and built a brldee to apan the tide old nun said a rellow pilgrim near vou are waiting your strength with building here your journey will end with tha ending day vou never again will ds una wy vouve crossed the chalm deep and wide why build you thla bridge t evert tide the builder lifted til old gray head flood friend in the path i have come he uld there followeth after me today a youth whoie feet must nsi thli way thl chum that luu been u nught to me to ihu fairhatred youth may a pit- he too must eros in the twilight lood friend i am bulldlmf thl brldte for html manager rlr cau i la memorial 9 lan mac al hah crate uarvu aai soldi craalle 2 slv ic4ratrra aai marten x hpaetaa attention glva to cemetery work x rtiiun ami aiourato workmanship ounranteeil 1 wm c allan x monument works brampton x hmu 3i3u qvbkm st aissla muma sm w hydroeleetrie system xg orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall college view garage an uplodate auto repair ahop prompl aervice woikmnnship guaranteed aaalret all mali af oar oa oil or et hsills sail oar autlaeu a brunton calleview phone 33s ctavyejaira ishfimmhbb occasion mars is correct nrrtit ill tylr tan viry winnion vnrrcet in titiitktcpiiik ihhiiiihi of mitr luittiit uuxttitu fuaturu lit hikiiiiiiit which oxcliiilux iliist tli tltwtnivir wutlilp cikiiic nut- of tin- mulllv imillltiflll miirx tlixigtih fin- tylt vim ii iilo liiiw- it lifetime uminito wuteli mars ask to t lit iniiny lientitiftil mnrx tltwigiix ami tin iwiokltl what every woman hiuiiiiii know iiltotit ii wrixt watrli a b willson neil to lm meuttm ctarfetowa livingstones bakery the beat of everything in baking at moat tea- aonable piieea ordeia taken for lemon cream cuitaid banana and butterecotch piea watch our window for specials every satuiday uvtagslones quality breai 9c d livingstone phontss caorfaloicn praewlnnlng euaya following are the first and second pruowlnnlrx main to the llo county home garden contest of mm si prisejean booth oakvlil ok x ont aj i received ray cheque for four dollara today being llrat prlxe for home oarden for towiuhlp of ka- auesing and trafalgar i thought would write and tell you now pleased i wu to receive such a reward for pleatent and profitable work ihu uimmer in my wden the arrlcultural reprmenutlvea declilon telle you how good the garden wu and i wui try and un you lta profluble it wai to me my garden gained me over eight dolunior vegetable kid and pruw won for them at the fain at mlton and trafalgar the vegtablw were of a very fine quality and thoee who itnew i had won prue with them earn to me for dtrona iquaihea and tomatom jn the early nimmer i aold beam and a ut ile later my corn and cucumbera a fact worthy of mention wu that for all there wu com grown on the tana there wu none on mine aold two aoiea cob of it and kept the remainder for teed for next year the eob were formed to nicely i think a great deal of my aueceaa wu due to the nitrate of bod 2nd nriae florence xttlkereon a 8 i nebun for atvaral year i aiway had veg etable and rkwer aeeda from the uhool and thowed them at the fair and got prbre so true year i decided to have the hon garden i had my plot on aandy piece of ground which the year before had been irawberry patch and wu well fertll bud i did not receive my nitrate until after aom of my plant were up put the lint of b on the early part of june- a the ground wu quit mouu i aowed it along the aid of the row the plant were at a ttanditlll until i applied nitrate of soda and then you could fairly them growing in ten daya from the time the nitrate of sod wu applied the growth of tha top of the carrot nd paranlp could be aeen to be iquch taller than thoee that received no mitral mj the root had developed in a atmlkr way mother garden along aid of nun wu planted tha um time and ao we were ble to compare them lly vegetable war much larger and me lured earlier uun the other did all due to the nltrat of soda another good point i can add that my torn toe rip the beginning of july and didnt wight- mother tnmtom blighted today ray vme are uu green and ban are dud o it goe to how mtrgte of soda 1 good for hop ping blight u well u promoting growth and quality the um wu true with lb bali chard mother- blighted and mine did not a for cucumber they were ready til win july and are ulll green and glcaiy with lot of cucum ber i have on ellron weighing twentyon pound beat it if you can but not without th u of nil rate in fact th whole of my garden wu much superior in being much earlier having larger plant and bettor qual ity all du i am pouuve to nltrat the plot demonttnte what nltrat con do much btttar than any pam phlet or tectum oan and nitrate wol orrtalnly do much toward producing bettor crop heajtb service ol the canadian medkal ataoe luealtu habits a great deal ha been written and uld about health habit and aboui th importance of atartlng th child on ufe adventure with proper health habiu then i no doubt that it i just u may to tahuh right habit u wrong one habit ar act which we repaat without thinking about them t lb um w perform them we do not eat from our knlve becau it 1 our habit to put only fork and spoon into our mouth w do this without thinking becatu back in our child hood day our parent by rumple and correction mtabuihed thl u a habit with us those who have established that most important habit of washing th hnd before mtlng pruti thl ha bit and do not feel comfortable if they sit down to mt without washing th same i true u rgrd th cleaning of the toeth the person who cleans hi teeth regularly find that hi mouth feel dirty if he misses the reg- ulu flatnalng th and other lmpl regular habit can be atahllshd in th child by a consistent effort on the part of th parenta th effort will ba repaid many time in the bettor health or th child and by th happier and less troublesome exlstono for parent and child that will grow out of a life that 1 regular th child la not a small adult he i not to be looked upon u auch ill desire for play i natural and should be encouraged we do not want to make him a utile man proper health habit do not interfere with hi child uf they help to make him enjoy it more and to keep him well alao to prepare him for the adult year which ii ahead of him question concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical al locution 114 collage bt toronto wul be answered by utter question u to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered correspondence hohrttal roa hick ciiilurkm 7 college st- toronto 3 ont december ur2fl dear mr bdllor vat u year pw ule work tliat this hmplui hu been able to do or the children of ontario hu been aeriotuly cramped uirough lack of space a point wa reached wltere the truitee had to decide whether it aervice ilwuld be relrlcud to the utmost number of sick kids whom it could provide with cola or whether it should add to its ram there are many youngster suffering from affliction of the spine and lolnta whom only many long months can restore to health and strength medieai care wul helps but what they principally need i fresh air and sun nine hitherto the hospital for sick children hu looked after such children in an institution close by a city plyground where more fortunate boy and girl enjoy their sport inugute their pllht lying month after month listening to the shouts and laughter of other children in october but the hospital for sick children opened it country annex devoted to youngster whose one chine to have their limbs straightened or thtlr bodies built up must be in aom place where they have sunshine and fresh air plus nursing ear and medical attention on height of land nur weston away from th murk of th city children aw winning their way back to health in an environment of sun shine pure breew and quiet the country hospital at thistle- town i a oodaend for children whom it will toke a long time to cure it also liberate hundred cot in th parent institution for youngster who can be set right in short tune if quickly given con stant attention bo th hospital for sick children hu now two door to keep open day and night to every clua color and creed for more than half a century the hospital hu depended for its very existence upon the public response to ii annual appeal which being in behalf of children i appropriately nude at chrlstmu time for over fifty year tha iipbc hu been enabled to mike both ends meet by the donatons of it friends whether such be a dollar or an endowment but the end of ik finds it with many urge bills to pay for its new venture to its old friends th hospital for sick children one more appeals it is because so many of our reader re included in that evergrowing circle that i trespui upon your spo to remind them that it wu their generosity in th past thit em boldened the hospitals trustee to build for th futur with an extra effort stimulated by a new need cannot tha income of th sick kid be put one more abreut of it urgent needst faithfully yours ibvino e robertson chairman appeal committee aaaaaai a bearbb ta a uiockaa kelly aiken ooixbotoau pjtaat beuaasral oluma orangavlil owan hound indduelph ksubllshed ttoo farms for sale in krln township and vicinity no crop falures no bankrupt miles in this vicinity in umi pest m yrors no heavy tlay soil to bake in mlditummcr or be impassable insprinx and tall priced trom woo to to ooo urr loo ucrrs in cluding lood bank bsnu brick twuaes uottd outbulldlnas fences eto w f iuv mrenerel asvluaeer 4 bel estate desbr hufaswrg phone mrld erin your ptronan solicited for farm stock sales sates of household erfccu etc terms moiler- ale mi there wu no such word- ng and the department found itself uun liccnsks ibbued this year blipfost no shoot- no i signs omclll of th department of asm nnd pisherle have mad sure this year that the error which occurred in the printing of list years licenses u not going to b repeaud on the 11- xnse form now on ssl in those untl where m fee for guntotlng 1 charged it i distinctly stated thit irivlleges enjoyed by tha license-hold- t shall not apply to prohibited pro perty ist year and uv taee to foe wluy a situation where tuntar with license pld no atten- 4on to ho shooting sign and when xld to get off by farmer raised the argument that th license entitled them to shoot when and how they pleased such leeway wu never intended by the department and although they technically were up against it they managed to cheek the huntera from tunning wild by threatening to cin- cl u abused uotnse and refunding th money paid for them another situation which the de partment la guarding against thl year is guntotlng by unnaturallied cansdian th ta ticket is alo so worded thit hunter of this type are out in the cold arent rosy disks a sign of good hetlthr i should say they are well i uw a girl the other day who wu a lot hmilnlar on one side than on tha other cuarino auction sale r vara stock asul isbsaatl the undersigned hu been instructed by w k shoetfu to su by public auction at lot 31 ith una esqueilng 3 mile from highway on good gravel road on friday november mk ik at one oclock th following horses any hon gp i yr arey max gj is yra supposed to bo tn foal brown hon gp 8 yr chestnut driving mare aged supposed to b in foal cattut red durham cow due tn dee red durham oow due in jan grey durham oow due in jan red durham oow brad august 3 red durham oow bred august 34th milk ing weu any durham cow bred sept muking well rd durham oow in calf red durham heller bred july w red durham heifer bred oct 1 red durham luuer bred oct 2nd 4 hslfen rising 3 year old 3 btoer rising 3 year 3 spring calve pios york sow with s pigs s wks old york sow with s pig tweak old brood sow bred sept 3s 3 fat pig 4 pig 3 months old hens so hen rock and lea horn 3 oockar iupleuentsmsuyhsrrls bin der ft deering mower s ft frost as wood team rake frost ii wood ouluvator missayhirris seed drill 13 hose hay and stock rack combined wagon and box with spring seat in good repair gravel box buggy and good mclaughlin eultor harrow and harrow cart sloop sleighs fluery plough oliver riding plough chith- am fanning mul pulper 3 scuffler corn king manure spreader in good repair orlndstone stonabott hog orate neck yoke 3 et double tree 3tft udder hay fork 3 seu ol boles weighing 340 lbs mcloltc cream separator too lbi nearly new lawn mower fork shovels and chain sugar kettle bet of single harness bet of plough harness saw log bunk a quantity of ash and oak lumber 30 ton hay too bus oats 100 bus barley 400 bus turnips 40 bag potato furnlturut- a iron bed mattress id springs dresser sideboard dining chair kitchen chain rock ing chairs table cherry glass cup board 3 hanging lamps bracket and limps a quantity of dishes pictures sap bucketi brussels and tapestry rug other truebj too nu merous to mention terms hay grain root furni ture cash bums of b0 and under cash over that amount 11 months credit on approved joint not at x par annum i no reserve u tha firm la rented w a wilson ben pelch i clerk notice to creditors in tiu mattrk op tub tthtattl f mlnmle tuukarl mrnally ule f um tewn f lmwttewh l the cwnly of llallsm widow dremsed notice is hpilkilv oivfh pur- ilunt to section hi of the trtutw ait rbo 10m chap iu itutt all redltors and otlutra havliiu claims or demands against ule estate of the uld minnie hachisl menully widow ueomsnl who died on nr tlboul ulo mth day or november low at ttu- uid town of aearuvtown are quired on or bcrore uw 3ut day of november ibm to send by post pre paid or deliver to uie undersigned solicitor for frederick menally leu ucnally and bessie bunduh th cx- cutor of the last will nnd testa ment or the uld ueceued tlujlr chris tian nimes and surname adureshen and descriptions ut full partlcillara in writing of their culms and th nature of the security if any hld by ihem and take notice that after such last mentioned day uie uld ex teuton will proceed to distribute the assets of uto uld deceased among the lurtles entitled uiereto having regard inly to th culms of which uiey sliall lien have notice and uittt the uld xeeutor wul not be luule for 111 aid asset or any part thereof to any tterson or persons of wliose claims notice sliall not have been received by tltem at uio time of such dutributlon dated it ueartietown thu twenty- fourth day of october i03g john a thompson 3t solicitor for uie said executor notice to creditors in the matter or the chtatc i g4tf h ttmhthwh uu at lb towmhltt t chttmlug in tk ctxau- ly l haltam raimr lmai notice 18 hereby owen pur suant to smtlon ftl of tlie tnutm act its o 1037 chap iso that all creditor and ouwik hviiia claim r omanda agahut the ealata o the said oeofffe b tiumiipion wrmer de- ceaied wlio died on or about the 13th day of july 10m at uie aald town ship of eiqueainff aw required on or before the 34th day of november 102s to tend by put prepaid or de liver to the undernlffned solicitor for norman roy ttuunpumi and florence jean thompson the executor of the loit wul and tmtament of the cald deceased tlielr christian names and hurnamea addresses and descriptions hie full particulars in wrltlne of their iaims and the nature of tlie security if any held by them and take notice that after auch last mentioned day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of lie said deceased amonij the parties entitled thereto bavins record only o the elauns of which they sliall then uve notice and that the said execa- ors will not be liable for uie sold usets or any part thereor to any pcr- ton or persons of whose claim notice diall not have been received by them it uw time of such distribution dated at oeorcetown tlili twenty- fourui day ol october dm john a thompson 3t solicitor for the said executors auction sale the undersigned has received instruc tion from w j alexander to tell by public auction at ashsrove monday november lzul lttl u 1 oclcok uie followlna stock and implements cattle reff jersey bull res jersey cow fresh reff jersey heifer 3 years orode jersey o rado jersey fresh a rode jersey fresh grade jer sey prash orode jersey due in march oracle jersey due in peby orode jersey due in july 3 jersey bull calves hoos retx tamworth sow due in dee res tamworth bow bred in october bow 0 months eligible for reg boar s months eligible for reg reg yorkshire sow sheep m rood breed inst sheep poultry 10 choice barred rock cockerels 4 bredtolay white in born cockerels 4 rlvode island red cockerels a number of rliode island red hens and pullets a number of barred rock pullets implements moasey binder massey mower blssal disk disk drill new stone boat new harrows new scuffler wajon box nearly new grain rack louden hay car de laval separator 1 pump jack 1 bar ret churn 3 cutters 3 ploughs near ly new number of good carpenters tools l grass cutter 1 lawn mower 1 new extension ladder wheel bar row 4 seta whirrietrees and doube- trees new harness 3 seta heavy harness 1 new 1 bet of breachlngs l pair of rope tugs 9 collars 1 sot of plough harness terms fowl end all sums of to and under cash over uiat amount fl monuit credit on bankable paper 3t discount far cash ben pelch auctioneer w a wilson clerk he sttulag rvliwl standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes aotomallcally boroonod and loaded coal wood beteet lamp for uomestio and tlirouuldu purposoa hmlthino and cannot coal in foul i curry ovorythlnc to bo found in any up to date con i mul wood yard john mcdonald i piionisi georgetow n wshnghonse will get h the programme you want musical corned grand opra drama famous orchestral and band or the big events of the day- play by play report of your favorite sport con vention political speeches just as they happen a wesringhouie will give you your choice of this great variety of entertainment from near or far with truetoiife reproduction that will amaze you theres a model to suit every requirement at prices the lowest in radio history come in and hear these perfect receiving sets w will glajhl fie fou a ofemonsrofon authorized we3tinchouse dealers for battery batury and th full line of radiola model j n oneill son phone 1 main street georgetown tally ho for the royal york course this oldume atoge coach will run twleo dolly from the new royal york hotel toronto to the new royal york gulf course which is vndor ounstructlun in tlio beautiful huniuor valley area tbo coach originally belonged to majarg no ml sir henry poltau vo kjt i o and will be used far the con veyance or euoiits uf tbo oinadlun paclfle honudry who will coll oftor uie approved fashion of a bygone day at the old ulll for uie re fri aliment of mun and beast tbo route will ba via the lakesboro boultvardv stinayald and uio number boulevard spring valhy brand pumpkin 0le qntslry 1h tie s fi l if he tsrg 4s ihcial this week lo sweet potatoes pwtuu if sefaff atlmur wuu ortr corn ftuy qmmlily xtltux70 fmmty car cf cranberries 24c sftltll aylmmiitfi peas sttas3s jlif cf honey fc 55 fimsit u tmpfr grapes 21b2ic tmmty v smyrna table figs sseiaa ooitlen dates s sso jucit 3baaxse crvere cmimg m onions shwt3e lot rid mackintodt apples a a 35 cacwrcaf napsj finamn jhaboie isc flese- slosf pastry 14- ih bsg mt crop lb ii hliast 2 iks tl a nw crop pui stisii a ns au4l fiwlar car- roll pun i lb ll ms ntiiw ilulm flgibeiliwltk no i n tt fnsu i1l1i blclmoao casst it ma ftsmst dsl uoau sl4no i it m ca tts e bisch plllfd no 2 ii ms f ganmli cfcolr qoslliy no tie t mmmmmm a l fresa- milled list qalsli qjuv oa lrgt pscksg ms chintwsr pscksg csramssi vzt i m cur i i trf lisllpif 19c utez rd r fuebsg kiwtfwmi raisins fu w carrotf ohm butter finiat crssenry 9bi

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