Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtythird year of publication georgetown wednesday evening november 14th 1928 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa thegeorgelown heram j m mooeuz miuw id rnrkur mntwr vaaaafaul weekly nnm a clu uutuaa tlauaaal dedrle railway tal uawkaa railway eabtbound westbound bly dally 1ralii tralm m6 j xl al wo 1 135 sim 4 am in j salara tul aw a uj5 a-m- a 1jw pm 1 p id ww urn 331 pw at 4jm pm ii ojs pjn- 13 bjvf p m w 1 j p- 14- m vn is 0j p is bw pm 11um am 11j13 pm nos ill will run dally except bun- day choicest flour and all kinds ol feed al reasonable prices try ua with your next order yfrrtfrttatititmirt i irrvfnrrrtfitimtvf rri ttrt georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey georgelouin kassenger passenger passenger uall passenger uau passenger passenger mall passenger peaeenser passenger uau passenger passenger passenger uau uau uau uau mm tiuk fabxe oata kaat 1m 10 ib 1308 4 00 b31 834 sunday 731 oalaut west 740 sju 1030 313 4m 03 701 sunday 1034 oslng nwib m 4s galas baatb 1133 710 am pm pjn pjn pin atn pjn em pjn directory le kov dale laitkto an seueuer georgetown ontario offlcesttlng bide uui st clarence u wioginb barrister uldur nelary reklle houra 0 am to 6 pm open wadnaaday and saturday evenings uahjtafa uveetaaeale uaaay 1 lean tclethone us erwingoldhams meat market fresh canghl lake troul every thursday and friday watch our window for special price on saturday get thai best phone 1 i db b t paul pfayeleua ana ss medical officer of llaaltb in r towmhlp office houra 3 to 4 and 7 to s pra piiaaa as office and residence ualn street south opposite presbyterian church db c v williams phyateun and surgeon umlcal offlw of health georgetown office and residence queen st- south miaae ms ofbce houra 010 am 13 and 01 run alao by appointment r b watson adj tuta aeargetewa oev ham ta s except tbanllay afteraeeiu p l heath uui dds deatlet office in lane block ona door north of cneula oarrlaca factory houra 0 uv to 0 pm db b leabmontb vatartnary surgaon phone 340 ualn st n t3eergelene ohihopraotio weilbev tew cufaaraatar palaver graseau ib vaara rraetlee he iteeslelae sargery otteagatky v electricity xray service office over parneua store office lioursi wednesday a saturday 3 to 8 and t to s an other daya and houra by appointment mutae imw inllnn 1m at hihsapksne ul tuesday and friday 3 to pm db f b bennbtto eye ear noae and throat specialist announoaa the ranoval of hla offlea to 411 main btbeet babt hamilton ontabio eye olaaiea fitted conmllatlnn by appolntmant phone darfleld 7m convenient uarklng for automobuea j sanf0rd stowarttown plumbing tinsmllhlng mamttt umeriamy uvea ihrt i ccarfrtawa 4eo444ae44 w h wulson j undsrtauier auid i ideaaumd embajmea- mala oaarajetawa i autaasabileorlloraebrawnlleua 1 pboaa algbl or day 54w or 51 i 4444444 wabmebobiii llff a debtoal a kmookek kelly aiken ooixeotobji paeautaat aaaaaantl offioea orangvllle owen bound andgualph eaubuahad ltfw 4l the bootery -44444- 44 next door to pott office ladies and gents footwear latest styles best quality moat reasonable prices if will faf voli to 1uy your f001weju ieie hbiaiitln jhomitiv iwmk will fsmith riw 17 maiastred cmraeuwa redr0se is good tea gold medal coffee a blend exceptional in taste flavour and national gdocrbs company uuittio vlioluu dtuflluum ih wrh fcr wtm book i at walla judcmciit 6flo tatoiiit latartttliiti lnfor nation oa noma fanning with roc rooajrtj oyprae mknai fuojuk evhum and alaauciutt umttts red rose orange pekoe is supreme u in clean bright aluminum m 3jcilcaltacifc forsters grocery full line ol fresh groceries al- q ways in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in balk cones or bricks forsters trnui oguh 0mretown pbone m t keep in mind youre riding on airl air luta the load oif the road the heavier the load the more air it talcea thata why tire maker have worked out the correct infla tion preaiure or every aire of tire or different loada know the cornet preaiure or your ttrea and stick to it dont guess it gauge it two or three pounds under pressure cuts miles off the life of a tire keep la mind yoere riding on air and u there uat alhclaat air yoarre riding traiiki into trouble pay weakly vleti to a dominion tin depot and have your tires aaandaad you cut never far away from a dominion tire depot j speight georgetown irepi tor sal dy georgetown lumber co ltd j b mckenzie georgetown ont georgetown ont kszhsskstlhkssbsy fitcheits garage corner ol main and george streets repairing done on all makes ol care by firstclass mechanics gas oils tiles etc alemite greasing car washing w h fitchett trnimnnm i fob uvkrv buchhino for all uut bleutf3dnu that contm prom hooltlirul work mid twit and uluy par low ami liotiw ami frlemltiilp itwwl we ottei tlwtiwk o lord toddy pot all tho marvou of the ute relet with womlera umt dollaht tii ye ami ear a rrumlc touch ami tlvey aw oura by day or nlshtl we thank thm for th lovcllnmu ttvit tauiy uiat around u um of flowering tleloa atul autumn wootu of roy dflwiim niul ilafllt kl and for tlvtf faith mill to behevo timt day will come when war thai craw and that the warda bruumi heart mill lona for lovr nml unlvertal peaw emlflto o poole general news i notes and comments tnchantlki ttwy looked at the nun in the olderf daya ceaur and pilate and paul holomon ttood in iu solden rayi so did david and bnul the iierume aun which we dally aee oltrut taw on the watera or galilee the moon ami the ttora and the birtlt and treea and the waving flel of tfraln tlie clover scent on the summer breese the sweetness after rain were die same back then as they are today and will be the same when weve pass ed away and i sometimes wander if men arent still much as they were of old prompted by puslons to good or 111 and pulled by the lure of sold are people better or worse than then when the nazarene died for his fell owment ltnshirnt from the tleuartment of highway toronto are looking over ute imposed route of the new hiehway throuuh milton w j lowe bltove has pur chased the one hundred and forty acre form of r j brent lirataiplon located near ueadowvllle prorh a tree brown from a peach- stone planted eleven years ago in the back of barrio jail yard governor j j banting picked three baskets of of peaches dr w spelrs fartoerly of chlng- uacousy who has ben a practicing veterinarian at wadena bask has been appointed a federal meat lnspec tor at winnipeg tlie british columbia ovtrniment will have an ektemwe exliiblt of fruit vegetables and seeds at the loyal winter fair this year tlie chief attraction being a display of apples urown in tlie otauiagan valley when the drum on which he was u or king slipped sir ernest hall of kitchener formerly of acton had the inufortune to luve the joint near the bu mortgaging the future most of us are mortgaging the fu ture in one way or another even- tually we say we will do thus and so or liave this and that some day we will begin tlu book or start the great lire task some indefinite day we will carry out the vision we will look for the uaster we will make others happy there will be a wealth or good in the things we will do some day naturally we believe that life will be more satlsfylns ten years hence than it is at present we etch no unaccountable houra in our vision of future days there u no poverty in the vuta of totnomws delights when the burden presses on weary brain and heart and our physical strength almost breaks under the tasks or today and we take heart with each new morn as we look past the blank wall of the present into the landscape of the future where the burdens will grow less nor is this wrong to plan to dream to have visions may be to achieve one of the saddest phases of our present amer ican life u the lock or perspective personal happiness is an the de cline says a writer in the atlantic monthly the writer affirms that the reason for this is because the amer ican mind is dropping the future from lis conuiousness they are becoming fow who add to the joy of the moment the prevision or joys to come who take the future to their hearts loving it in advance like an unborn child there have never been so many oven ues or human happiness as there are today tlvere has never been so much comfort and wealth distributed among the common people yet in spite of this affirms the writer the average intelligence but not least of these reasons is that we tend to stand pat on what we have and refuse to dream we find a glorious example in the lire levonj compared will any other life our lord jesus who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame that his dream of the future was vindicat ed is declorml in the next words uut now he is set down at the right hand of tho throne of clod there- fore if the future is to vindicate our dreams it must be bunt on todays of right living vesterday is but a dream tomorrow only a vision but today well lived mokes every yesterday a dream of happi ness and every tomorrow a vision or hope look well thererore to this day sunday school times lila too badly crushed although very jiauifu it la getting along as well as uut be expected ur victor johnston or shelbume lias purchased the streeuvllle hour ulll from ur robert mitchell and now has possession he will make considerable repairs to the plant and the power dam and will put tlie mill in first class running order damage of 7m partly covered by insurance was caused when an early morning fire destroyed the house and its contents of a j thomas ao green 8l burlington thomas was aroused by the coughing of his little girl the ause of the blase is unknown crushed by the wheel or a tractor with which he was working on his farm about three miles from bramp ton wilson henry aged 03 died on friday morning two houra after the accident he sustained frightful bodily injuries according to dr w d aharpe edgar allan ucdougall a well known former died at his home near amash on sunday rrom a paralytic stroke deceased who was in hla ttlnd year was a presbyterian and liberal he is survived by his widow and an only daughter ulss kathleen ucdougall james corson 70yearold farmer residing in ueloncthon towruhlpi was was almost instantly killed on monday night nov 5th as he was walking alona the side of the road toward his home after having visited the little country store at ueloncthon station he was struck by a motor cor ernest williams the 10yearold lad placed under arrest by constable rut- ledge on a charge of forgery appeared before magistrate crawford of bramp ton in the municipal chombera port credit today and was sentenced to four months in the ontario reforma tory when he pleaded guilty to the jiarge struck down by a motor car driven by harwood gosselui on the pro vincial highway at hockwood friday night harry peach aged resident of the village suffered such severe in juries that his recovery is doubtful blinded by the glare or headlights on an approaching car gosselln foiled to oberservo peach tlie streeuvllle skating rink was des troyed by fire tuesday of last week the blaze breaking out shortly after eight oclock a breakdown in the flre- flghtlng equipment liandicapped the brigade considerably although the winds abatement helped to prevent the spread of the blase defective wiring is believed to have been the cause details of a new tutto scholar ship to be known as the ouhdydoron scholarship in canadian history and to be open to all ontario people between the atjes of ib and 33 years have been announced by premier o howard kcrsiuvon this acholarahlp has been founded by 8 b gundy of the ox ford university pre and by george doran former canadians and how a wellknown new york publisher it will be on the history and growth of the dominion based on a knowledge of the makers pr canada polka listening in on the radio of ten wonder who pays lor the enter tainment which so tteely fills ute air one instance of who pays was given by a radio announcer after ute broad cast of services of the tenth presby terian church of philadelphia over the columbia chain of atationa serving 1i psr cent of the population of the un ited states this radio religious ser vice just costs the church 11110 each sunday so it con be seen that the radio broadcasts are based upon a sound business foundation not even the churches getting by wlthoui pay- ins the public donee hall has spelled ruin to soorea of young girls and boys according to a a wright secretary of saskatoon childrens aid society who delivered an address before the annual meeting of that ctrganttollon cor riding at night was in his opinion just as fruitful of troubles as the dance hall we have not given up hope he said in his report of try ing to have legislation enacted uut will restrict the hours of public donees and the ages of those admitted some youths carry liquor to these places he declared and they call it having a good time when they are intoxicated retina leader in looking over the list put out by a collection agency we rind there ore hundreds of people in this country who owe small amounts that they could pay and do not there are hun dreds of people in any country or large city who will sell their reputa tion which is the public eonotptlon or character for a five dollar bill or less it would surprise you now many there ore who would deny reflection on their honor and yet sell their repu tation for honesty for a few dollars money is not the yardstick by which men should be measured sometime it la the man who beau a bill who cheats for ute soke of a few dollars is the man who is too small to be trusted with anything beyond a few dollara dome people hove no respect for them selves youth is not a time of life it is a state of mind it is not a matter of fine complexion or supple limbs it is a temper of the will a quality of the imagination a vigor of the einotlons youth means a tempertnentai pre dominance of courage over timidity of the appetite of adventure over the love of ease this often exists in a man of sixty or more than in a boy of twenty nobody grows old by merely living a number of years people grow old merely when deserted by their ideals years wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul worry doubt distrust fear and des pair these ore the long long years uiat bow down the heart and turn the greening spirit back to dust whether sixty or sixteen there is in every hu man beings heart the lure of wonder uie undaunted challenge of events the unfailing childlike appetite for what next and the joy of the gome of living we are as young oa our faith as old as our doubt as young our self- confidence as old as our fear as young as our hope as old as our des- patrexeaange smtaawe pineapple 2 25 qttakat oats aaalar saa as wamcy sjahta claka jprunes tomatoes 2 21 itiur w4imi greea pea jloeke ilkut siuh4 la is ajuups cataur m17e reameiteserefamtc it sirlaw tim 111 fafator u tim tit her tim 111 btueonti ludid baisamo isafflusxfa maam teawe oubmiu sawlit ttolf ns3fwa rial aaaeralag faaeaei ik is iffaemieel tlaats feel os iauf treat- ftweas tsj ad ueava parraard nuotabd tim 0 leur war nil jimfm li jt tamty bread taalelke ma g tea siw u tail mmmtf tmmi dmi balktgcs hkbaulla rtulu coffee hrwblmsmeue feint ajgs mb matt butter ra rimul oeialufc aaaaujsfslb m4u 45 4iawlllm the old ouabd in any community that li rightly corutttuted there u a group of per sona eettled in life and aeeionml in judgment wlioie opinion really count and whole experience li valid no mat ter what contemporary tureelee eddy and fluctuate about them young peo ple may rail at them aa atupldly orthodox coniervatlve and unedlfylng tly may be damned and durniluad with the sweeping word victorian a term that really connout a great deal that la worth keeping vet they feel that even if they are misunderstood they must still proudly keep the faith with certain ideals that it once seemed worth while to set before thenuelve for the light of me like the old ouard of military chronicle in the words or the tlmelneruited adage they can die but not surrender the minds of the oncoming genera tion may be scornful and the hands and feet of youth be restless but there u always the patent and ineluctable fact that the veung guard must take hold when the old ouard leu go pre- aenuy the recruits whether they will ingly volunteered or not must step into the places of the fallen and as they go on in time they too will be regarded by their juror as the old guard tlie fair question is whether at an equal age they will show an equal wisdom will uiey too see life steadily and see it whole will they passionately care for anything in audible invisible will they serve ends removed from their own selfishness will they look up to crowns that ant higher ulan their heads aa bunyans muckraker forever refused to do what wu1 become of art and literature and science in their hands what wui they do with the trust of life itself tho old ouard beeaiua they ua- vailed and endured to conserve what the present enjoys and the future in herits luve a right to expect those who are coming upon the scene to take up tlie burden and carry it aa uiey did in their time emigrant agent harried or sin gle applicants uarrled where were you married i dont know dont you know where you wen married oh i thought you said whyl- the brampton hunting party com prising dr brydon r w lowry t uoorehead dr ileggle w h swin burne who were at laporest near the tlmagaml reserve returned last sat urday from a fortnight in the wilds obituary mru il c pbitht mrs ii c priest passed away at her late residence 40 indian troll toron to last week she was uu wife of rev h o priest general superintendent or the ontario aellglous education council mrs priest was the daughter of the ute william robb one of uie pioneers ot perth county pollowlng her marriage she spent eight years with her husband in uie muiian field in india under the canadian foreign mission board in addition to her host of friends throughout the country she leaves to mourn her loss her husband her dau ghter marlon two sisters mrs a cousens of toronto and mary robb of chicago and one brother george robb of clifford ont deceased was well known and highly esteemed in georgetown rev mr priest having been the pastor of uie baptist church here some years ago mbu a l babtlett the funeral took place to green wood cemetery georgetown lost fri day of mrs a l- bartlett whose death occurred ot her liome 6m college st toronto wednesday mrs bartlett was in her mth year and was previous to her marriage josephine woodhau of oorgetown her hiisband who survives is a son or mrs bartlett and the ute w h bortett of brampton she hod resided in toronto for the past uilrty years going there on her marriage three brouiers c wood- hall acton l waodhall calgary and spurgeon woodhau winnipeg and two sisters misses debar and marian woodhau toronto also survive faintebu union head dieh in ni mtu year after a long illness john ii neol died in his mth year at his residence 433 roaton rd nov fith mr neal was well known as a president of the pointers union of which he was a member ror twcntyuve years in his younger days he was a player on the old elm lacrasie team onetime champions of york township and also o member or uie old tecumseh lacrosse team champions or uie no tional lacrosse union when ucrosse was canadas most populsr port mr neal was bom in georgetown and came to toronto thirty- five years ogo for eight years he was with uie dominion government d 8 c r and after that took up a position with the canada paint co for another eight years until leaving two or three years ago to join j casey and co mr neal is survived by his mother mrs ruth e neal his widow flor ence a eon donald a daughter lorna three brothers albert b the safeguarding of industries has been mode a live topic by the press in uie post few months says r b mor- ley general manager industrial acci dent prevention axsoaottons but hardly enough attention naa been given to safeguordlns of employees in industry he states cnat october has ublished a new high for all time in total number of accidents reported to the workmens compensation board in any one month in october there were 8378 accidents reported to the board 51 of which were fatal this figure tops uie total for october 1037 by more than iw0 reports bene fits awarded lost month wnlch includ ed a number of heavy cost coses total led 170747131 of which ou4bm47 wos for medical aid death eases hove reached 48 in ten months ot 1038 against 4 in the whole of 1037 this years figures are of course swollen by the holllnger fire in uie spring and the recent manasoo disas ter on the other hand mr morley points out that there is every indica tion that the fatality esperlenoe of tne classes of industry in uie industrial accident prevention associations will show little if any enartge in ibm up to data the record of deaths in those classes which represent about twothirds of uie payroll in schedule is 43 cases in 1038 aioinst u in 1037 hiohway omclsls are drawing at tention to a serious menace to waffle which should be carefully considered by all motorists using- provincial high ways it refers to the attitude of many motorists with regard to the stop signs erected at all intersections on provin cial hlahwaya declaring the latter roods to be through streets it has been noted of ute that people ap proaching the highway from side roods do not always stop they disregard utterly the signs inforratng them uiat they must not enter a provincial highway without bringing their cars to a dead stop in some counties pros ecutions ore started to correct this evu end no doubt the people who re ceive notices to pay fines for such of fense may consider themselves ter ribly abused when persons who com mit more serious infractions of uie uw ore never caught but as a matter of fact uie act or ignoring a atop sign in these days at heavy timffic u a ser ious offense motortsu who know that provincial highways are through streets depend upon others obeying the uw and when they note a car ap proaching from a aide street they na turally expect uiat car to come to a stop and so uiey act accordingly when the car doesnt atop accidents are sometimes narrowly averted and in other instanoea they actually occur it is well to remember that all provin cial highways are through streets the person who enters such o highway does wo at hu own risk and if an ac cident u caused uiat person u entire ly to blame the only safe way to approach a provincial highway is to come to a full stop to be sure that there u a reoionoble opportunity to enter without causing danger to traf fic moreover this u the uw and it must be obeyed lower rates were decided upon at meeting of uie oakvllle water and i r- n mission but night after cecil b of toronto and arthur o of consideration of uie reuort which edmonton two sisters mrs oakley ot allowed uie flnancea of the commission 7sxjft and u romh of to be in ucellent condition warrant- leililvuafe alberta ing a reduction

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