Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1928, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday november 14th 1928 now charged for at this following ratal birth boo marriagca 60c rfaatha koei memorial card 60c 10c per una extra for poetry dkatllfl bunc suddenly on monday novetn bar 13th ims john lyons bute be loved husband of annie bophla uenxlea of norval im memo ill am davis in loving memory of our dear husband and father otuu k davis wlto passed away on novemter 13ttt ims no one know the silent itettruclte only those who loved can tell th grief uwl u borne in alienee iter on we loved so well wife and pomlly obituary john l mjie death came suddenly to john l time en uatuuy last whu he u attending as alexanders ul al ashgrove he took a weak iill and ex pired in a few minute he had beell in poor hmllii for some time deceased wi a xxi or the lat jame bule and jennie lyons and wai bom in cole- don me ha lived at norval practic ally all hi ufa and was a successful farmer honored and pw by all who knew him in religion he wai a prttbyterlan lie la survived by his wife whoee maiden name was annie bophla metules the funeral taxes place uiu afternoon to norval ceme tery erin mr and mr m a zimmerman and little ion of mllverton were weekend visitor with mr and mr r w hull mis ethel marshall of georgetown pent the weekend with mu eva sinclair mr and mrs w bingham spent sunday willi mr and mr a kent- ner balunafad about twentyfive local young men were obliged to dig down to tlie ex tent of about 1100 each to settle for damage dona on halloween and they got off vtry easy edwin haniuhson who wai ser iously injured in an auto accident on purple hill near orangevtue 1 mak ing good progre toward recovery he 1 atlu in lord dufferln hospital mr and mr james wheeler of vuoount sask formerly of erin recently celebrated the fiftieth an niversary of their wedding their many erin friend with them many happy returns of the day advocate church news kate rreebyieriaa chareta anniversary services in connection with knox presbyterian cnurch geor getown will be held on sunday nov asth rev h e abraham ba of toronto will be the preacher usual anniversary tea will be new on mon day evening nov mut for particu lar see posters st georges cbtwcb services next sunday will be of i special character b am holy com munion 11 sun shortened matins holy communion ana sermon by the rev canon r h ferguson m-a- bjd 8ectreas diocese of nlsgara ham ilton ont 7 pjn ereniong and ser mon by the rev h w a brand ma of csmpbellvllle rt albans chare glen william 3 pm choral evensong and sermon ty the rev canon r h ferguson mab4x hamlltotl ah welcome the euatlst chareh rev a n frltns sermon subject for next sunday will be at lhun whatsoever at 7 pjn enriched in everything united chawb next sunday morning the 18th inst rev dr diakle will preach on christs picture of god and in the evening an lessons from the harvest field the rslvauon army sunday november 18 brigadier wl burrows toronto will conduct the services all day meetings at u ajn 3 pjn and 7 pjn everyone welcome georgetown honors her soldier dead mrbehhive hkhvicc at the memorial on th a- murnce anniviekarv on sunday but the cltlsen of georgetown and community paid rev erent homage to the memory of their soldier deed on the occulon of the tenth anniversary of the signing of tlie armistice on nov 11th loll over a thousand people gathered at uie memorial comer of main anavouelph streets at 1010 tun to witness the oolemn lervloe that wa the towns eloquent tribute to the deed of her lierd eon bhortly after 10 oclock a parade woe formed at tlte public lib rary and headed by georgetown out sail band marched to the memorial in the fallowing order membera of canadian lealon and other exservice men under command of major cousens iresldent of the legion membera of the womene auxiliary caiuullan lealon trumpet band of no i troop new toronto boy seoul boy seoul wolf cuba girl quldea at uievmenrorlal the service waa in charge of rev k 8 boyd ba of norval chaplain of tile aeorgetown branch canadian lotion and wai ai follows hymn oh ootl our help in age uost bcrluture reading by rev dr dickie prayer by rev a n hrllh placing of wreathi by major aranl ai follow j in loving memory of j bti jamea blair irod lower brother r sgt ii e nelle from motlier alio one from family pt jamea cowan from wife pte henry praneis from mother fa ttier brother and titter lieut john aubert han of shemekl england from mr and mr e a bellamy and family of toronto and mr and un prank allolt and family georgetown other wreath were from scout and cuba georgetown otrl guldej oeorgelown credit lodge afaah deorge- town the canadian legion oeorgelown mayor councillor and cltutem of georgetown verdun rebekali lodge georgetown at the condualon of the placing of the wreathi on the memorial all join ed in tinging rone or aget after which rev r 8 boyd read the name of our honoured dead ai they appear on the memorial sgt jame buir pit lt c barber pie j campbell pie j cowan pte h franeli pte b godfrey b w c grainger pie l oreen pte ii hlckey pte p king pm w king pte j e kennedy lieut e leoli pte w loud pte o maton sgt j moore lccorpl a 8 ulna sgt r nelle pte d mckenile pte w phllllpa pte a h aielghthaline pte o h spirt pllueut 0 somervllle pte 8 suwlcky prayer by rev k maelaan m fol lowed at ii oclock by two minute of merent alienee for the boya who had fought and died for home and country after the aoundlng of the lut pott and alnglng the national anthem the benediction wai pronounced by rev r b boyd norval dont forget the dance in the par ish hall on friday evening the 16th the women auxllllary of st pauls church norval will hold their annual bazaar on thursday afternoon nov 22nd at 3 pjn in the parish hall norval mr and mrs n ii brown and ml irene of hlghgate visited in norval and acton over the holiday i a eaai aa aiai a ai ami i speights garage machine shop hie pioneer garage ol georgetown repairs to all makei of can acetylene welding and cutting storage battery repairing and charging worn fly wheel fitted with hardened iteel ring gear magnetos recharged and repaired ignition and generator work i have installed new gasoline pumps and now offer five brands of gasoline viz premier ethyl white rose red seal and shell oils grease tires and accessories your pstronsge solicited all work gusraviteed t j speight phone 279 georgetown special rates for reunion of families british subjects resident in canada who are not employed in farm work have now an opportunity to bring out their wives and families at special ocean rates 1825 per adult id canadian port plus colonist rate to destination children under seventeen years of age free apply to canadian legion at the united church rev ukutcol 1 ii wiuuamk of hamilton preached hrlendid hk01mon to thk vetekank the membera of oeorgelown branch canadian legion war veteran and other exoervtee men paraded to the united church on holiday evening for divine ervlce there wero about aeventyflve veteran present hev dr dickie potior of the church tpoke word of welcome to uu men after which lie inlrodueed hev lleut- ool ci ii william uie tpeaker or u in rrpoum to hev dr dlckleli word introducing him to the congre gation wlui which wai auembled uie legion occupying the front portion of uie centre teat col uie rev dr a ii william of hamilton enpreated the pleature he had in being preaent and ill brulging tho mettage of uie even ing thu wa the third celebration he liad taken part in that day and in each cat the people were out in large lumber we owe an undying debt of grautude to the men wlio went to uie front and made uie tupreme taorlflee and it i fltung that uiey ahoukl not be forgotten by ui our debt to uie heroic dead however cannot be paid by merely remembering uiem oh ar- mlatloe day they believed they were lighting a war to end war and we can beat lionour tlielr memory by trying to fulfil tlielr hope uiat well a war thall never happen again dr william uien announced hi text which was taken from st johns goaptl the tenth chapter am the third verte he caueth 111 own ilieep by name and leadeui them out thl 1 a tent aald uie ueaer which take u back to primitive condition you have to think of a time when men were thepherd and herdunen picture an encloture in the form of uie letter o on uie tide of the gall- lean hill and a flock of alieep secure ly sheltered therein but he led tnet out again and again and what he did uien uie lord ha been doing ever llnce even to uie glorlou clvlllxauon and high achievement of our own day now who gre theep tlie jew of old thought uiey were god peculiar people and wherever you eoir upon them ttlll they have their own pnyiio- gnomy the tpuit of amultluveneu andabove au the firm belief that uiey belong to god some today eheruh the idea that the british people are the lost ten tribe and till account uiey think for uie high position they hold in uie world the german too came to regard themtehe ai a race of tupemien and that it wa tlielr duty to overrun the world with uielr cul ture and o wiui other people but the fact is god ha no favorite all men are his sheep he ha made of one blood all nation to dwell upon uie face of the earth wluiout a doubt jehovah wa uie god of uie jews and i still but he lt no less uie god of the british people and if time permit ted it could be shown that his hand ha been manifest in all our hutory as he led out abram of old and motet and all the ouiers of israelltlth his tory so did he lead out from among ouraelve cabot and drake and cook wyellffe and knox and weley and hundred of others three times in uie great war according to tlie high est authorities we were beaten but something beyond ourselves inter vened every time and saved us irom defeat and that something we can not define in any other way than by calling it the hand of gad ood is a god of adventure this is seen clearly in uie life or jesus christ in the life of paul and in many other lierole uvea juit a urely as we sur round ourselves wlui same enclosure shut ourselves out from ouiers and settle down in ease in some comfort able rest so surely will we begin to atrophy and to die he that would save his life said jesus shall lose it but he that loseui hit lire rar my sake tliall find it since then all men are oodt theep and his interest in them all knows no bounds as christs parables of uie lost sheep and tlie lost sou clearly show how dare we cherish racial anupallty and haired which leads to war and bloodshed no call is more urgent than uiat to use all our influence and power for uie itattenlng of uie day when war with all its hor ror shall be forever banished from gods fair earth and men shall live in peace as hrothers an anuiem by uie choir and solo there is no death by mr renaud of toronto was much appreciated by the large gathering past masters night at credit lodge war vktkstanh and part mah- tcrk nk3ht stnjoykd by a lasule oatireitino on friday evening november dth credit lodge a jaea m held its past mastera night which was attended by a large number of urn memuer who had assembled to witness the past master exemplify the pint decree after tlte rnatilar business of the lodge was disposed of w bro mlmms received u large deputation of war veterans wlto are member of live craft affiliated with this and outer lodge the veterans were received with that renmrct and admiration which uiey so justly merited because or tlie treat service utey had rendered to klnir and country during the recent greet war tltey decorated with wreath uie picture of our late lira edwin leslie one of uielr comrades wlio fell hi prance and bra are wood recited uiat famous poem in wander plaid after two minutes silence bod been observed by urn en tire lodge all joined in slnalntt uiat beautiful hymn abide willi u the past mastera with r w bro k t bairoclouith or womiiluful waster then took charge of uw lotiue ahu con erred a first deoree for which uiey were hucltly complimented by the brethren visitors from mreetsvnie milton campbell vllle acton toronto and clifford enjoyed the dellfihtful ban- 3 net after which the usual toasts to ne kins and crart and grand lodae wto mwmed and honored brouver greenwood delighted uve brethren with two recitations and bro block sana two selections which were enjoyed by all w bro cordintdy a past master of stiver pork lodge btreelsvltte was uien called on and he auve uie breuiren m very mterestlng and instructive lecture on his trip through various parts of the old land tlie junior wardens toast uven brought to a close one or the happiest events in tlie history of credit lodge cu j we expected correspondence flrrnpeix labkadok mihrion the foltowlna letter has been recelv ed oxknowledalna the receipt of uie barrel or preserved fruit sent to this mission by the oeortretown branch of uie arenretl association mutton bay canadian labrador october mth ims dear coworkers the lovely barrel of fruit arrived yesterday you cannot realise what a treat it was we could not resist the temptation so opened a jar for supper we cannot express in words to you on liaper how good it tasted ttiouah we set a few nauve berries tliey do not have uie same flavor and as we only receive one more steamer mall we were beginning to fear we uere not gains to receive any real pre serves or jam for the winter they certainly arrived in food condition though on a terribly sough sea and alndy day the steamer had to lay in liorbor all night at lurrlngton on account- of uie weather reaching us uiree days late everything was doubly u predated iu- it has been rather a hard fishing year as the white porpoise drove the fish away from the shores we are doping to have better seal fishing this winter to make up for it the weather is beginning to get quite cold have had a ittle snow with a small amount of ice thanking you iill again and wishing you every suc cess in your work sincerely yours bessie banfill umehouse mr and mrs arthur lane visited at the home of mrs it lane during uie week mr arthur patterson of oao ouelph visited at uie home of dr su therland over the weekend miss nellie hall of acton spent uie holiday with her grandmother mrs wm scott mr wm marshall and miss bdwena of toronto spent the holiday at the home of uielr father mr law and family of toronto spent monday at the home of mr ar thur hill the girls of the loottoul club are very busy preparing for uielr after noon tea and sale to ne held on sat urday nov 34th at uie home of mrs doughty gordon sutherland who is attending oac guelph was home for the holiday dr l sutherland of mil ton visits with his parents on sunday miss winnlfred ivens of toronto spent the week end with her sister mrs john newton mr and mrs black and family of arkell spent the holiday with mr and mra doughty mr and mrs hugh mcdowell of toronto visited with mrs le poidevln over the weekend mr and mrs r b storey of tor onto spent the week end with mr le poldovin lo the editor herald georgetown ont new toronto november 13th 108 hear sir on behalf of the 1st new toronto itoop boy scouts trumpet band i wish to extend to uie people of oeorge lown our utmost thanks and grautude far uielr kind hospitality during our lay hi georgetown for uie armistice elcbratlon and services on sunday nov 11th armuuc day especially wo wish to thank uiose ladies who so kindly catered to the uoys during the dinner and supper iierlods the boys all had a very en joyable time and all were well satis- fled with the fact that the citizens of georgetown know how to feed boy scouts and uiey did it right royally also thy scoutmaster wanes to ex tend hbrersonal thanks to mr uc wliirter superintendent of the pro vincial paper limited for his kino iersonal illustration of how paper iras made and for allowing the scouts to make a tour of the factory and to mr rodshaw for his kind per mission to inspect the smith a stone porcelain factory both or which visits were educational and instruc tive both from a boy scout point and a civilian standpoint the boy scouts of new toronto have returned to their home town taking with them the impression jvhleh will not leave them tn a hurry that they were promised a good wel come from uie eluxens of oeorge- own and that promise was fulfilled to the utmost to uie citlsens of oeorgetown maj- r cousens and uie post no 130 of uie canadian legion the ladles legion auxiliary the 1st oeorgetown wolf cub pack and 1st oeorgetown troop ooy scout as well as oeorgetown qirl guide we extend our best of wishes for future success in all your undertakings and a forward look to future cementing of the friendship be- twen us all yours very faithfully alfred b bowyer 8ooutmaster 1st new toronto troop boy scouts lannivbbhaby social at prcsbytcrian c11ukch the anniversary social in oonnec- jtlon with uie presbyterian church at lumehouse was held on friday even- ling last a urge number of the mem- ibers and friends of uie congregation i turned out to enjoy the evening in the absence of uie pastor mr hard- ling price acted as chairman for uie i early partvof uie programme until uie i pastor arrived among those who i took part were mr mllhauser violinist imrs rev ewan mcdonald of nor val reader miss cooke of ballnafad list mr and mrs baxter of acton sam a liny of llmehouse addresses i were given by local clergymen includ ling rev h caldwell rev mr frith land rev mr baxter at uie oonelus- lion of uve programme the ladies ser ived lunch and all enjoyed themselves in social mfrcourse oul fuwjauai ttxt jc4x iijwmendotucu iwjhilahfwejvavt jotd tona of 4t cjbuadu fkwc youijueci it salada 35 peri lb 3awhfzky frih rtvorvf the gardcnot 35 perlb sis mk and mrs cameron wimm memory t lit- ltttptiwitml kout wiih uvilirnttnl in kmix prehliytvriiuf church oeorgotnivn muvumlwr 11th 1028 roppv day softball news walter 7 evans mill st gmorgitotvn agent for csnsifisn national and all ocean steamship lines dome played nov sui ibm team innings rile it i 0000100 1 jo j 1st alban 001000001 1 1 team inning bhb umehouse dllln t 14 14 1 jdlen 3 0 3 i s i 013 10 t dames played nor 13th 19u team inning rilb ik o k o 0 3 0 3 3 14 s30 33 0 laien 4 4000 33013 t 3 oldtime uosqulto to young teams inning n ii b inuagulto and to think uiat when i i umehouse 3060003 s was your age i could bite girls only on m albans 0 0 i i i 0 ft is 111 tin so w oeorgetown nov 13 ims the editor oeorgetown herald oeorgetown ont sir your oompondent of hut week is in uie position to reply to his own let ter the gittsens of oeorgetown and dl trlct have not forgotten as i shown by the collections made last saturday vis 12343i except for the actual xnt of the popple the total rapsnse or uie day came to s3s0 ao uiat there i quite nloe balance on hand there appear to be a muunder- htandlng in some quarters as to what use will be made of this fund it it being held solely far the purposes as set out in my letter of last week for uie benefit of needy war veteran and uielr dependants and will be distrib uted in oeorgetown and neighbor hood no part of the fund 1 sent out side our own community except that in purchasing th popple from the velcraft shop we assist the disabled men at christie street hospital i would like to take thl opportun ity on behalf of the iglon of thank ing uie cltuun for uielr fine support uie olrl auldea for their wonderful help in tagging and the women auxiliary who were entirely reiponi- ible for making ao gnat m luoeeas of poppy day your truly o cousens preadent canadian legion oeortetown dnuuh camebon memorial font unveiled in knox ciiurvu at knox presbyterian church on sunday morning last a memorial font was presented to the congregation by mr ross k cameron because of uie memorial service at the cenotaph the regular church servloe was delayed a few minute but at 11 ib am a large congregation of member adherent and vullors were present for worship and witness the unveiling of the font it is evident that mr ttoss cameron lias given tome uwught to the quest- ion of a suitable memorial to uie hon our of his father ana mouier who through so many yeara faithfully serv ed this congregation in his cliolce of this font he provides uie church wlui an object of ecclesiastical furniture necessary for the work of the church handsome in design beauufu in work manship and representing the latest thought tn font construction after the presenlatkm or uie font by ur cameron it was unveiled by major l grant and dedicated by uie pastor rev kenneth staclean in uie wards inscribed upon th font to uie olory of ood and in loving memory or rev r p cameron honoured pastor of this congregation for twenty years who died august 30th 1mi and his beloved wife margaret a ketchen who laboured with him and who died august jilt ism immediately after dedication the sacrament of baptism was observed and the fallowing children baptised oeorge taylor pellowe walter rob ert lawson alexander thomas ed ward brunton douglas robinson mar shall the cliolr very acceptably rendered uie anthem watchmen what of the night and the pastor gave an appro priate address from the text these stones shall be a memorial unto uie children of israel forever joshua 47 milton mra white who has been confined to her room for uie past week or two with a severe attack of inflammation or the lung it on uie mend mr a r ooltrelle of toronto for merly of milton and one of the city leading financier i quite iii we re gret to say latest report however tay that he 1 on uie mend we understand uie department of highway lias stopped the proposed ale of the hydro building near the town hall to mr itigglns on the ground uiey may have to acquire it uiemselves in planning the mule of uie proposed highway through uie town the helton county womens insu- tute has assembled a bale of hospital supplies for the threebed hospital at larlng in uie parry hound district states mrs q c atkins bronte who is county president the hospital ser ves maternity eases and minor or other accident casts at a point which is 30 mile from the neamt doctor all of the 14 branches or uie county institute contributed to uie bale which oantaln 13 heet one pair woollen blanket one pair flannelette blanket 11 pair pillow cue s bath towel s linen towel 3 quill hot water bottle and cover absorbent ootton graduate glass and a number of article of clo uting for patient reformer bargains in radios wraogettes drag store lliirh 11 tn i it- riiiiiiiulc whli wry licut fiiiiimrnt 91 1400 a turtlci- kent itmlio 6000 dflatrvl gntliv toiwole mode 90000 2 liilin- vlulic v iniiltiti 9bboo riuliiihi 1 1 1 a with linillin ilalilwin xpeaker imuplhii hnlilwin ciniiil grand for ippukor rtg 40 imrgi itnli siiiikir ivij 31 vnlley ilmryii a mid b hut rtg 30 fur a mid bfhiinrtr n 11 ltiiltciv kliniiiiiitar for 2i for cory bent tog 00 94soo 92400 91800 91800 aiooo 92000 replace your b batteries with a hammond b eliminator complete with tube s30ro c a floyd wraggettes drug store georgetown ontario acton glenwhx1ams mr and mrs r o campbell and son hobby or toronto spent uie wettcend at tlia home or ur jos uarchnunt mr jamea ilcpburn spent sunday at his home here tlie united church sunday school will hold their annual chrtsunas en tertainment on pridoy dec aist par ticular later mr and mrs wm davidson and family have moved to their new home in llocltwood miss viola davidson of ouelph spent sunday with olen friends the united church held their tlianltsalvlni service on sunday last the attendance waa good and the scr- ivice was niuili enjoyed our hunuirn have returned home from the north dr and mrs ksnnswln and family of toronto and mr ilarold torrance of ouelph spent sunday at the home of mr and mra a kannawln ur and mra p a smith and ulis pearl motored to ilrambrldse tills week to attend the opening- ceremonies of the new hospital there on monday rev o l poole dd is now com fortably settled in the new paraonatre on bower avenue which was formerly the irsldence of mr and mrs o c henderson superintendent wilson is now able to set about aoaln with tlie use of a walking- stick following hi recent fall but his ankle la still hiving htm con siderable trouble mrs e ueswlck had the murortune to fall at her home on john street lost thursday and fracture hrr hip slie was removed to the luuiiltal at ouelph for treatment messrs norman mceachem john oralt d moputclieon w wster- house j m precious and 8 oribben compose a hunting party that ore spending a couple of weeks hunting at nlplsslng mr wuilam stalker wlto had been considered able to leave the hospital last week had to return ageln to uiat institution for treatment to the in jury or lib hip lit k now in iklng satis- factory progress toward recovery dance we are announcing the continuation of our dances old and new at the new terrace gardens rockwood hall every friday night commencing fri nov 16 and are inviting all out edgewood friends of past to be present the men soc ladies 25c elliott s orchestra rbothwick flaw muattr q vlll v slsjfqwl r jr0bs0n settftam u i n advertise it pays

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