Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1928, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday november 14th 1928 page 3 i pure food store i i 1 i i 1 1 i 1 1 i m i l i i 5 lb pail new clover honeycmlv 55c california aaparagua per i lb tin 2sc hcinlz cream of tomato soup i lb tin only ibc snider tomato catnip large bottle only ibc snidero tomato catnip med bottle 2 for 2fic kelloggn com flakes per pkge 10c 2 lb thompson seedleea raising for 21c oxydol for laundry and kitchen clean ev erything x 10c a 2sc time to buy your fruits etc tin xmaa we have frh stock choice quality at right price a e farnell prompt delivery s phone 7s 1 i 1 1 i 1 i 1 i i i l j 1 i i prompt service and firetclaea workmanship on all make of can batteriea recharged gal oil etc digtri butor for usl battery j m doyle prop hwu mu1 si cmrfetewa ksbaahzaffi cyje works with magic this man is putting up telephone poles early in the morning he is out making a way for the wire that is to come at night when the gang gets back to camp he is tired but he likes it there is zest in the work he is doing for he is in new countryjthere have never been telephones here before he is biasing the trial after him will come families and homeo and stores and factories to make another city over the wires on thepoes he plants there will be voices and laughter busine will hum all the world will draw closer he worki with magic the wire transforms time and distance today you can lift the telephone at your elbow and within seven min utes hear the voice of your friend in england ay are you there this magic in the telephone has not come in a day it lias come with year after year of experiment and improvement the telephone of today is no more like the first telephone than a machine gun is like a bow- and arrow and the telephone of tomorrow will surpass the telephone of today tomorrow perhaps this telephone at your elbow will bring you the face of the person you talk with will hold new magic we now do not dream of this is the urge to improve to seek and to find something always better which has been the definite policy of the telephone business since the first crude instrument re produced the voice of its inventor fiftyodd years ago by no other policy could the telephone have kept pace with this country or contributed to its progress as it has di tne in reducing canadas wide distances and differences of geography and1y no other policy can the telephone now meet the responsibility of serving canadas future canadas future h at least twenty years of unprecedented growth and pros perity all the signs and barometers of bu ti neas point to it all the shrewdest prophets of business predict it the signs and the prophets are so sure and the future is so unmistakable that within the next five years more money will be needed for extension of the telephone system in ontario and quebec than was spent by the business in all its first forty years the man pushing poles and wire into new country and the foresight which now is planning over one hundred million dollars of new plant to meet the neccn of the next five years come from the same policy and the same purpose to give canadians facilities of communication worthy of their country and its future local news fuwnwrt hall dee 31st eaquralnc township council meet on monday next nov loth 4many a motorut know that the roughest way around 1 often tlie urtet way home tlw boy of the legion appreciat ed live liberal patronage extended by chueitn on poppy day tli lout regular meeting of coutr ell before nomination will be held on thursday bveiiltitf lath dont forget tlttf euchre and old- tint dance hi the parish 1111 norval on friday evening nov lath dont mb uhd fowl supper served by the ladle at union- arebyterlan church on prlday noymstli tile big annual event in george town u the plremenu bull it will be iteld tlil year on new years eve dee aim lite rasehud ululon band will hold a tea and ule of baking in the united church georgetown on nov 34ui 3t it doeant always pay to be kind aik charitable try wrapping your scarf about a poor naked knee you aee on 111 street a good time is assiired all who at tend uuj euchre anddknee under the ample or holy cross church in ute arena on friday nov 33rd our clllsens are becoming quite proud f our town band which is making tpleudld progreu under the able leadertthlp of mr roy king the hockey club win hold a tag day on saturday next the boys will appreciate your assistance in their preparation for the coming season womens auxlmary of st pauls church norval will itold their annual baioor on thursday afternoon nov 32nd at 3 pm in the parlth lull norval the rebekah degree will be exem plified by peerleu rebekah lodge brampton on tuesday evening nov 30th all member of verdun lodge ure urged to be present you are invited and everybody is going to liave a good time at ute euclire and oldtime dance to be held in ute parish hall norval next prlday evening nov lath dont miss it look in my window x am going to keep it filled with womens and childrens boots at bargain prices all kinds and slots price 1100 only j roney ute cheapest shoe store tn on tario ute annual fixed event for a tur key between certain golfers was played on ute local course here but saturday the prize went to the same winner as lost year and he wasnt an irishman either ute november meeting of the local council of women wul be held in the rest room of the public lib rary on friday afternoon nov 16th at 3 oclock you are invited to at tend mr lawrence sinclair or george town returned last week from the btterrltaordan mine cold lake manitoba where he has spent the past ten months hi the employ of the sudbury diamond drilling company the sergeants of oakville com pany or ute halton rifles gave a dlnf ner in ute armories on wednesday evi enlng in honor of the new command of ute regiment col brock clilsholm wlto took over command a couple of weeks ago announcement was made last wednesday by george waller gen eral manager of transportation for ute dominion power and transmission company that ute burlington and beach radial service would be re placed by a regular bus service aerou ute sandsliip to burlington personal items mr alfred mccannell of guelph pent sunday in town mrs k ostrander of toronto was a weekend visitor in town mine jessie quarrte of gall spent sunday with friends in town mrs jf j allen and mies jean allen are vulung relatives in toronto mus mildred win fie id was home from toronto over thanksgiving miss l thornton of toronto spent the holiday at mr john mcoouo miss fcrma ryan spent the holiday with her sister miss beats ryan at ottawa mrs r b poull and sort hoy vis ited with rrlends at buduury over the holiday mr and mrs alfred watson are spending utls week with relative in toronto mr joseph watson and miss watson spunt ute lioliday with friends at clifford mr and mrs j g kennedy- of tor onto were guests ot ute misses ken nedy on monday ut charles denlson of ridley col lege 81 catharine spent ute holiday at his home here miss jean adams ot ute nursing suuy of buffalo city hospital spent monday at iter home here miss alice meclure and mus jean ueolure of brampton visited with mr and mrs w c anllpay tost week ut m b rlxen of napanae and mr d j oault of toronto spent sun day at mrs robe oauua miss ethel hlnwulr or ute herald staff spent ute thankagivinc weekend with her sister at bteoa on amhurst island mr and mrs j o murray attended ute reunion of ute 1mb bait of ute ttth highlanders at toronto on fri day saturday and sunday mr and mrs j raiser mr and mrs verudeln dr and mrs mcclure mus nancy of toronto were guests at ute home of mrs j m buck over ute week end mr j b mstketttje of oxbow bask- who conducted a bucksmluilng business on mill st next to mecol lume livery 31 years ago u in town thu week renewing old acquaintance he aees many chants tn town since he resided here ruby tennant daughter of mr and mrs tennant stewaruown who has been undergoing treatment far the past two years at the sick childrens hospital toronto under went a further operation but wednes day and u progressing favorably helttag dadr v the minister raised ills eyes from the notes of hu sermon just tn una to see hu young son tn the gallery pelt hi congregation with chestnuts the good man was preparing a frown of disapproval when ute young hope ful cried out you mmd to your preaching pop 111 keep em awake a haceetef aj baste the dance in ute town hall last friday evening under ute auspices of ute canadian legion was well attend ed splendid music was supplied by claude wades orchestra and dainty refreshment were served by ute la dles auxuuary of ute legion it was delightful evening and everybody present tiad a good unte atex theatre wednesday nov 14th wild geese adapted from ute prise story by mar tha ostenso no 4 tarsan ute migh ty comedy just ute type friday nov 16 the farmers daughter starring marjorle beebe in a rural comedy drama story 4 of srd collegians fox news saturday november 17 the first kiss a story of oystermen and old families through which runs a power ful love theme and fraternal pride starring gary cooper and fay wray comedy making wltoopee rabbit cartoon coming- the enemy with lillian auh te retu fl mom house with garage well lo cated very worm apply 87 herald t rtst house to rent on john st n guelph st newly decorated all con venience apply to ho dayfoot georgetown tf to stent house on king sl opposite green house all convenience possess nov will apply to mr john trean- or victoria st georgetown tip eroeltre and dastee a euchre and dance under ute aus pices of ute ladles of holy cross church will be held in ute arena georgetown on friday evening nov 23rd cards at s15 dancing at 1030 wadecash orchestra refreshments admission 47c plus 3c tax heiid it in early so for as possible an cony intend ed for the columns of this paper mtould be in our luinds on monday in order to make sure or insertion in ute current issue do not forget that ute itut forms for ute paper close wed nriulay morning dance at acton acton loyal true blue lodge will itold their annual ball in ute town hall acton on friday nov 23rd a real programme has been planned with dancing for old and young the musts being provided by ute j blacks and pranks orchestra six piece mr bert davidson floor manager dancing at 830 sharp admission 47c plus tax extra lady 60c fewl sapper at uauu on friday nov leth a fowl supper followed by a good program will be held at union presbyterian church tlte program will be given by mus florence mcdowell elocutionist mrs e mcdonald readings mrs pent stringer aopraon soloist mus ms mcklnney soprano soloist mus alva kaufman vlolinut georgetown 13- piece orchestra also home talent ad mission adults bos children 33c tterssane aspneatd the hornby correspondent in the milton champion of lost week says the anniversary service at omagh presbyterian church was a day of in spiration last sunday wnen rev k maelean of georgetown conducted ute services hu sermons were of a high order and his delivery was per fect and ute large crowds present at both ute services were amply re paid with ute most thrilling messages which they heard from turn ceaeeh la ksu cbartta a concert under ute auspices of the golden sheaf mission bond wul be held in ute basement of knox pre- bytartan church on tues evg- nov 20th at 8 pjn a good programme has been arranged oansuung of choruses instrumenuus a pageant by ute bond a short ploy enutled missionary arithmetic recitation by wllle price and mrs rev e mcdonslrt l- m montgomery solos by mus margaret russell norval voluntary offering at ute door everybody welcome mutea oroage ledge offlesr lol no 23ss elected ute following officers wit bro m j carton de puty u bra w e mocready chap lain bro e thompson recording- secretary bro o e elliott financial secretary bra t mcjannelt treasur er broi f joyce marshal bra o kerr first letter lecturer bro a pat- tenon second lecturer bro j new ell committeemen bra a pryde bro j robertson bra b thompson bra o stout bra o chlshaim auditors bra r mcdowell and a patterson oeoaealag nerval vauej chow norval united church will be re opened on sunday nov sftth services fful be conducted at ii ojn and 7j0 iiju by rev r n poweu of toronta on tuesday nov ui a hot fowl supper will be served tallowed by a ttood programme ladles quartette of toronto mr r wilson baritone of toronto mus jennie aoldthrap so prano mus minnie mcdonald con tralto admission adults fioc child ren sfle ashcrove the october meeting or ute w held at ute home of mr r ruddeu was largely attended roll call was answered by ute name of a county and county town of ontaria mrs e wilson miss lulu graham and mus bertha barnes were appoint ed to represent our branch at ute toronto convention utu month the historical research port of ute pro gram was particularly mleresung when mrs norman wrlgglesworut gave us ute history or georgetown rrow its beginning this was followed by a talk by mrs clayton dick on its place in ute industry of our country she spoke on each industry carried on there and made us all sure feel proud of our town and it place commercially mr arthur ruddeu sang sweetly the last rose of sum mer the social hear followed and ute national anthem closed thu help ful meeting baiijnafad prom oonrmpoadmt to crln adva cu ol nov mh mr and mn r uoihn- and tern of toronta ipnt sunday with ur and mr bui smith and family of tha nuuthllna mr and mn win kirk and family of toronto mad a vult with mr and mra john mekachnl on sunday mr t mootur inwt a day lait wk in toronto mr and mn earl smith and uttla daughter nliuthllna tpmt a day in toronto thl weak on a butlnau trip mr robert shoruii of toronto ttwnt sunday with friend and ao qualntanom hwv mr d ii moolura of toronto li apendlni a week or two vultlng friend and neighbor tn this com munlty mra r eniuih or toronto la tpend in a few day with liar uiler mrs dert hum and other rrlends hen quite a number from mis commun ity attended the entertainment of the womens instltuta held in uta fourth- llna school house caledon tsst friday nlaht and report a good time tw imlaht bab beautiful home in umf hnm kdlth street seven roomed stucco house with sun room all convenienc es double lot ttarace owner wishes a larger home apply walter t kvans debentures lor sale ii4m worth of debenture of uuf town of omraetown debentures from one to thirty years equal annual payments of principal and interest apply to clerk or treasurer on or be fore 6 pm nov hul ims v l heath clerk at hbzfifi bigger 4nd better itttlrttmetat fee role drum and trap genuine ludwig only used a few time perfect eondl- lion waterproof carrying canvasses worth i30 sacrifice at frra write ror particular to box e herald george town atp weed far kale very choice hardwood beech and maple moo per single cord choice hardwood slab 1375 per single cord mixed rails 300 per single eardi mixed wood 3x0 per single cord thu u all good sound dry wood and at these prices u cood buying satisfac tion guaranteed j brandford box 4m phone i3ftr4 georgetown wood ralls jm slncla cord delivered mixed wood um hardwood 4oo tin- la cord j h smith phone mrm georgetown tf slut twenty ftaaj lyra on saturday night a lynx measuring four fast four inches from note to tall and weighing twenty pounds was out by lewis galley on the charles u mcoallum farm first line west chlnguacousy near brampton it is yean since a lynx was traced or killed so far south in the county the ani mal had done considerable damage to poultry in the district galleys dog tint treed the animal and then galley climbed the tree expecting it was a coon his only weapon was a elub however when he recognised the lynx he changed his tacuca secured a rifle and brought it down with the first shot- ossrfalewa pastor nanaeved in its report of the dedication of the new sunday school ball and chimes of the vlrat presbyterian church chatham on prlday nov 3nd the chatham dally news says the president of the gordon class mrs bourne than p the church with a large picture of rev dr dickie who for eleven yean was the pastor of mrst church doing an excellent work atnong the congrega tion the gordon olass reeervee ita name from gordon didde dr diddea eldest son who lost his life while serv ing hie oountry in the flying oorps in prance rev oapt marshall in ac cepting the picture paid a flowing tribute to rev dr dickies work both as a man and a minister peel v r o at a well attended meeting of the uj0 and upwo of peel county held in brampton last week the fol lowing ofnoere were elected peel oounty upo president john herd caledon heat i vicepresident james duncan woodnll secretarytreasurer roy lyons cheltenham directors chlnguacousy hugh mnnonild ingle- wdbd cslodon wilfred mckinley adon albion bert mellow bolton toronto oore ghee london bolton toronto township bert mcbrlde mal- ei peel county nywo president mrs oeo love cheltenham vice- president mra r p leslie terra ootta secretstytreasnrer mrs r p leslie terra ootta directors albion miss oladwyn mellow bolton cela don ohlngiiacanaymn melville ack- royd woodhlll toronto gore mrs george julian malton toronto town ship mrs pred wilson sheridan diaries heat battra a valued employee of the town of burlington the late charles hunt was 1 to rest in greenwood cemetery following a funeral aervloa at st luke church last week he was bom in dromley kent kng flj yean ago and came to canada lg yean ago he served the town for 10 yean latterly as street commissioner he is survived by his widow three sons george and ernest of southend kng and alfred were brought to acton and temporary at home and one daughter mrs treatment given their injuries by dr ayras of toronto one son edwanllnelson and they were then conveyed was allied la the great war by aaihuunw to torotuopree press settsas aaie aeelaeat two toronto young people mr henderson of b bedford road miss dorothy grant of 173 avenue had a aertous motor accident on the highway east of acton last last prlday evening when they crash- into the rear end of mrjeaehern bros threshing outfit the young people were motoring west from toronto to a party at the ojco in guelph when about m feet west of the fourth line they caught up to the threshing outfit of hreaebern brat going in the same direction vlslbllty was very poor on prlday evening owing to a heavy fog and the car crashed into the water tank of the thrashing outfit and was thrown into the ditch it la said that the threshing outfit carried the requir ed llghta and had taken all rieoessary precautions to guard against accident the ear which was a lth mclaugh- ilnbulek was driven by miss arent it was almost totally wrecked the to escape serious injary but mr henderson was badly cut by the glass and otherwise injured they had rom oranga pake ha aarnad tita patronage and good will of mora taa drink ra than any ethar hlh- sualltjr taa in ca udfaa of good taa gladly glva mora for red roaa oranga pakoa baeauaa they know that the value they re ceive la worth many tlmee thfewtrceut new emvltisements help wanted girls and boys wanted at once smith stone ltd georgetown rr rule jersey cow for sole apply to george munn guelph bl georgetown it taralpe fee sole ebout 10 tons of turnips for si apply at georgetown floral com panys greenhouse tf teisat 7 roomed house and good stable town water and electric light two lots centrally located apply at ute her ald office stp girl waal capable girl for general housework apply to ur c v williams quaes 8u georgetown it twtust 6 roomed house on uurdock btreet electric light water inside newly re novated fymittt to h t arnold possession apply niase to beat t roomed frame house on george bt modern convenlnece electric light hard and soft water inside large lot possession immediately rent reason able for further particulars write to lfrs e oatrander 14 andrews ave toronto 3 ont itp fum reward to anyone giving information lead ing to ute arrest and conviction of ute person or persons who broke into school house no 16 esquesing on or about nov 15th the trustees will pay gmoo reward k c lindsay sec no jfl georgetown b r- 1 oetm good road hone black 7 years old wnd and in flrstcuo condition would make good delivery horse also rubbertired buggy good as new and hand made set of harness the whole outfit will be sold reasonable apply to j ii smith iul 3 george town phone ttris at herbs to heal those sore sick bronchial tubes cejiegrwandeut lung seinecly eomee rtglif tvena fru lear of wathtre dcateirassrableauwlbler ifwre aubjeet to broochlus orelmlur iiw- apt to nick up a nasty clinging eold or eough he esnable start now taking clejibgbera laduui luna remedy ii is eoumssd solely l healing herbs a natural remedy perfect or killing off a nasty eougb or cold or bronehjal ailment a genuine blood enricber and body buutler this ami oilier reliable oausghw herbal llousehuu remedies aowiursaleuy gg w r walton foorffttawt auction sale or pamm stock imrlkmbnts the undersigned has been instructed by i r aleenekv to sell by public auction at lot 20 con 8 at georgetown on friday novstmbcb ura lea at one oclock the following houses chestnut mare oatttjt ayrshire cow due feb 18 ayrshire cow due apr 38 4 hellers rising 3 years old alr deering mower nearly new team horse rake spring- tooth cultivator u tooth due har row henry mow no 91 scumer hand seed drill bet weigh scales 3000 lbs root pulper wanning mill top buggy milk wagon market wa gon lumber wagon gutter pair light sleighs hay rack two ladders quan tity or lumber quantity of cedar potts quantity ox mixed hay bet heavy harness 3 aets3ight harness 34 plymouth rock hens hay rope mo ft fork and carriage forks shovels and other articles terms hay fowl and sums of 83000 and under cash over that a- mount o months credit on approved joint notes six per cent per annum off for cash everything will be sold without re serve as the f erm hes twen sold ben pbtoh auctioneer w a wilson clerk weekend specials groceries old cheese per lb 1 26c highlander tomatoea larne aixe 2 for 23c tiger brand catsup large size ibc pcarline3 for lftc stur ammonia 3 for lflc handy ammonia 3 for 19c libbya apple butler large size 16v snap 2 for 27c libbya pork and beane 2 for 23c clarka pork and beane large gfze 19c quick quaker oata 27c poata bran 2 for 23c kellogga pep 2 for 23c horee shoe salmon je 24c poliflor floor polish i lb tin 38c taylora peanut butter 21c try vi lb of our black tea for 28c mcbeanco georgetown jl 8ffmsw8bbabm8smaw auction sale of high grade jkrsev tlattle purs bud and ottaukm also iiobthsoi sheet rras etc the undersigned has been instructed by obaham menair to sell by public auction at lot 1 oon 8 esquesing base line on haiinaauak nuvaatiseu si wxa at i pm sharp the followlna cows reg jersey cow bred- tn mar 3 jersey cows fresh calved jer sey cow bred pred 13 jersey cow bred feb 16 jersey cow bred apr 6 jersey heifer bred apr 9 jersey heif er bred apr 6 jersey cow bred apr 7 jersey cow bred may 13 3 jersey heifers bred may 38 spotted m bred stay 33 jersey cow bred june 4 jersey eow bred june 18 jersey cow bred june 34 jersey eow bred june 38 jersey cow bred aug 11 jersey eow bred sept 13 jersey heirer bred oct 4 jersey heifer bred oct 11 reg jersey heifer 1 yr 3 jersey heifers 1 yr 3 spring calves reg jersey bull houses orey hone 10 yrs 1800 lbs dark grey 4 yrs im roe dark grey 8 yrs 1800 iba grey percheron colt 1 yr pxob brood sow with 10 pigs brood sow with 0 pig 30 pigs 8 mos sheep 8 oxford breeding ewee i ewe lambs 3 wether lambs reg ox ford rem fowl 3 geese one gander implements international disc drill good as new blsaell disc buggy 13 white ash and hickory wagon ton guee no reserve as the proprietor la go ing out the dairy business it weather is unfavorable the sale will be held un- or cov terms all sums of 838 and under cash over that amount ii months credit on hanks me paper ben pitch auctioneer pred rob clerk unreserved auction sale or 38 head rtjrrrred holstcins farm stock and implements the undersigned has been instructed by e d kelly to sell by public auction at lot 13 8th line on friday november setk 1838 at 13 oclock sharp the following cattlejo head purebred itol- stelns this herd consists of 18 milk cows 4 heifers rising 3 years due to freshen shortly and several real typey calves one junior calf being winner at cnx one 3yearold bull which has been shown all through maritime pro vinces and toronto with nothing but 4 dams for four generations entire herd bred to this sire also one bull calf out of 4 dam and one good year ling bull ready for service herd un der accreditation implements 1 tractor mccor mick- deering 1030 new 1 tractor plow 3 furrow mocdeerlng new 1 tractor disc 18 plate mcodeerlng new i tractor binder t ft mec- deerlng new 1 slower 8 ft mco- deerlng new 1 hay rake 10 ft uco- deering new 1 hay tedder 1 cutte packer 8 ft meodeerlng new set spring tooth cultivator 8 ft mco- deerlng new bet diamond tooth harrows 4 sections mcodeerlng new set light harrows 3 sections old 1 sillier plow 1 wagon and box and slock rack also hay rack and grav el box 1 oood ditcher 1 set scales moo lbs also stock ran i fertiliser disc drill 13 hole meodeerlng new i manure spreader stoodeerlng new 1 cream separator anker- holth 180 lbs new i bet horse dip pers 1 set brass mounted breaching harness new terms 83000 and undereaah over that amount 10 months credit on ap proved joint notes no reserve aa farm has been sold catalogues furnished upon request u a franklin ben fetch aueuoneera w a wilson clerk homemade baking all made in our own home hlmkeys bread fresh every day delivered to your door groceries quality first thmn pticm 8unnintd rainiiib 2 pugs 29o beedlejut raisins 2 lbs 2j5o rtminonr nu 1 com hiamli 2 pktfh 2jo choice wank tea 1 lb fiso quaker com plakiw u pka 27c oxydol boap powder loo soap special old home rug 54 x 27 wi h lo bar of comfort soap all or 912b u than the value of the rug alone mark clark phone 220w- georgetown illr im iic1e3c3 farms for sale in erin township and vicinity no crop fsiurrs no bankrupt sales in this vicinity in the past 30 years no heavy clay soil to bake in mwsummer or be impassable lnsprlng and fall priced from 15000 to s 10000 per 100 acres in cluding good bank barns brick houses uood outbuildings fences etc w f gray leshue avhjeer and seal estate dealer sslltsbsvsr plume 38rl3 erin your patronage solicited for farm stock sales sales of household streets etc terms moder ate asp wanted now ctflfrtwiajr in luiton oounty during fall and winter months to sell tmlt trees flowering shrubs etc oood pay exclusive territory whole or part time arrangement a easaere nvsery we own and operate a modern wellequipped nursery and supply our customers with the best in quality ami variety sell hardy canadiangrown nursery stock and you will be suc cessful our agency is available established sa years ptuiasb nwasry c toronto 9 ont ckale fans far sale 100 acres oounty wellington con lot 10 township eramosa adjoining everton 9 miles north or rockwood 9 room brick house hard and soft wa ter furnace oak floors cement walks large bank barn nig pen hen house driving shed garage good stabling cement floors 3 acres good orchard about 13 acres bush balance under cultivation well fenced and well wa tered robert wanlsss r r 4 rock- wood phone csrsl rockwood at smart dresswell clothing hand tailored to moauure mid guaranteed clothes that arc built at luxt tuxedo suith 2860 and up ovorcoath lino woltons cliiueliilliin whitneys and blanket clotlw 17 to 44 a complete rrtngo of uuitings in all fabrics drenswoll garments are made in the new styles and tailored to perfection with the exchwivo hervo finish mid the price cunnot be coin- pared elsewhere watch for special sale ot overcoats to lie ndvertined in the herald next week a l thurston mala si tattrettatis fi norringtons 4 saturday treat butterscotch buttons a real good treat made fiom use best cresmery butter end pure cane sugar this is always a favourite satunuy trat 25e week end chocolates chocolates such aa these are wonderful value and good to eat they come in assorted flavors also bard centrss and jellies week end cwobtee 35c molasses mints the reel old fashioned enaish mint nothing just es good on the market molaggea mint per lb 40c hot drinks etc we can make you thu bent cup r hot chorolaleyou ever drank conw tn and try us also hot aialuid slllk tta coffee ttovrl and tomato houp sola agent for tliese ttne chocolates in george- awcjte aaae8ee4eaa4eee arthur norrlngton ama 57 phone 89

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