Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 14, 1928, p. 4

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i pa4 ths georgetown herald wednesday november 14th 1 928 electrical contracting 444444 rtwuem batteryless consols model radio built by one of canadas leading radio manufacturers and guaranteed for one year complete 20000 radio repairs and supplies h h darling oargetewa si mow sell your cream at home where ymcaafel ik highest grade and he best price tata evtry sitanay ntgh georgetown creamery co ml sale manager aatmtui nt atatolte avatar call aa m memorial k la mm 1 ma martleaavi setfe craalle la rttdk aba ctnar fab aid markers bpaetail attention olveu to cemetery work artistio and accurate workmanship uuaranteh wm c allan momuttcnt works brampton ban rbu 9191 qtfekm mlulluca pbeiie w hydroelcctric system orders taken for ranges and- appliances of all kinds office town hall rfavwmtwawiama rjjrjbrasrbarbjts college view garage an uptodate auto repair shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed sal f all aulieo at caw oea oil orum ete mate aaul ca battarlae autkarcwl a brunton f tmfr vit- phone 336 cearfcutva apnniiimaibm fine leather goods a very approbate gilt or lady or gent english and canadian made ladies hand bags in different colors writing case change purses manicure cases key tainers military blush sets bill folds drinking cups bridge 500 cases call anrj inspect same a amall tapoaff villi aaenra yon for xmai need a b willson 8 heu to mel mtubtwa cearattewa tibrrrbbtrrbtbs5b livingstones bakery the best of everything in baking at most rea sonable prices orders taken for lemon cream custaid banana and butterscotch pies warth our window for specials every saturday livingstones qualify bread 9e d livingstone phomm sb gtorgttown kfflhmaa tiik iiarrv family tlwy do have such kikki lime to- uctlwrl llftlr mr tliriittii ryes fallowed wulfiilly llu iluiiwurliik riimirrs of the kliiiltiiuallm lnr iwlnlibnw aero the wuy lunch imd minora mtd nweuterltulcn with the dog bouildlng joyoutily brfore litem utey werw off rathe r mother and the three yotmir mucdauknll far a huturday tramp in the wood i uus uultlllg mrs mttcdauoll only yesterday little mm turner went on how it li that ohiiaiirii thry nil liove rimrclul friends ami hobble of their own they rill manage to work and play ami plan together mi many rood huns and do you know wliat ur macdouiiall answered blie laughed and uald well x really think more than anylhlna it- the vouthit com tuinunl in fact im no mire of it uiat i xlutiild like to order it rat a year a a 1 1 refill from our family to your sl month from now you can toll mo if i wasnt rutin the macdouaalls ore just one of thousands or houseliold wliere tito voi ill in com mi 11 urn u brlning not only entertainment in 1u fine book icuuth novels serials and short nlorlcs but fresh hitereftui now ambition and deeper understand ina through it feature ar tic leu and many special de- luirtnumt kvcry junto niters happl- new to younu and old alike dont n your family bo without uw treat of ihlf urcot monthly mnflasjnet jiinl utmi your htibhcrtiuion order to tlw aildrcks below and you wdl reeelv l ii10 vouthh companion 13 blu monthly numbera and a two extra numbers to new aulcriben orderinn within 30 dayn and 3 a copy of wr in u colon framluir sbeo ibx34 lncliea all for only w tlw voutlin comiwn ion am dept doaton mam keeper speaklna or a new arrival at okylmm whats me matter with this fellow superintendent he nays die air to free and noes around releaslnn it from iieoplnii automobile llir auction sale op valuable farm in halton counly tlw undemlimed haa received inlruo tloru from ivaltkk m brain to sell by public auction at lot 7 i oth line euuieiilna halton county on lukhuav november zthh w at 3 oclock tlw following ills farm or 140 acres more or leu be- ina northeast lml f or lot no 0 and couth half or lot no 7 tenth con kiquetiuin 3 mlw from nerval on no 7 highway tli la farm u a rich clay loam in a hlrjh htalc of cultivation and is one of tlw best farms in halton county tlw farm is well fenced and watered by a never fall ina well on which is erec ted a steel windmill schoolhouse i mile from farm on the farm is erec ted a comfortable frame tiouie larse bank bam cement silo lwn house and larae driving shed about 75 fruit trees apples pears and plums also a num ber offtrape vines tliere is 75 acres of fall plouthlne done 8 acres in wheat 0 acres in bush and balance in pasture possession olven at once to do any work that pur chaser may desire to do and full pos session olven on march 1st 1030 terms 10 per cent of purchase money at ttnw of sale tsooo on ttarch 1st and balance may remam in a mortbaiie at 0 per cent payable yearly farm will be sold subject co a reserve bid for further particulars apply an tlw premises or to the auctioneer win j mcklnney auctioneer b u 3 brampton the happy merchant nevor before in the history of tlio world hafl it been pos sible for a merchant in mod credit to do so much business with so little capital locked up in stock one important reason for th present proxnerity is that in- fctiud of having to buy a biff 1 tark nt tlw befflnnlns of each bcason he in now able to buy small stocks and re- tlmluli them promptly by one diutanee keep your customers for miles around comina to yea for whatever they need in vent ways of inducing them to visit your store or to or der from you by lona dis tance and they tell us you will not be seriously bothered by competition long distance is making happy merchants in soma towns dent overlook lta groat possibilities ma aawveulmsj autxalswtl standard aothrac1te scranton coal in all sise automatically bormoad and loaded coal wood saleot lump tor domeatlo and tbroubidb nnrpoom 8m i thing and gaanal coaj in fact ioarry evorytblng to bo found in any op- to- data ooai and wood yard john mcdonald i pdonb it georgetown the countrv cxktulvman nrar yoiulrr coc where one llu harden hmlll alul still wlwrt many n burden flower rtowh wild tlurrf wlwro tt few toni sliritbe tlw place dlmclose ttte vlllsue ireaclwrs modest mmuloil rone a man lw was to all the country dear and passlmi rich with rorly immiiuis a year i ilomote from town iw ran hu tiodly race nor eer luul channed nor wlslied to clianuo his place unskilful lw to fawn or seek for power uy doctrltwii fashioned to tlw vuryinct hour par oilier alms his iwart luul learned to prise more bent to raise tlw wretflwd man than to rise ills iwmuuj was known to all tlw vagrant train hed chide their wandering but re lieved their pain liw tana remembered heitrxnr wan hl uiwbt whostr board descending swept hln aueil imttst tlve ruiiwil upcndthrirc now no lontrer proud claimed kindred tlwre and luul his claims allowed the broken soldier kindly bade to stay bat by iris fire and talked tlw nlnhl way wept oer his wounds or tae or sor row done shouldered hu crutch and nhoweil how fields were won pleading with his buoau the nood man leariwd to ulow and quite forfiot tlwlr voices in their woe careless tlwlr merit or tlwlr faults to scan ills pity gave ere charily began thus to relieve tlw wretclwd was his pride and even his fallings leaned to vir tues side out in his duty prompt at every call he watclwd and wept iw prayed and felt for all and as a bird each fond endearment trie to tempt her newfledcetl offspring to u10 skies ho tried each art reproved each dull delay allured to brlfihter worlds and led tlw way beside tlw bed where parting life was laid and sorrow guilt and pain by turns dismayed tlw reverend champion stood at his control despair and anaulsh fled tlw strugg ling soul comfort canw down tlw trembling wretch to raise and his last faltering accents whis pered praise at church with meek and unaffected brace his looks adorned the venerable place truth from his lips prevailed with double sway and roots who came to scoff remained to pray the service post around tlw pious man with ready seal each honest rustic ran even chlldim followed with endearing wile and plucked his gown to share tlw good mans smile his ready smile a parents warmth ex pressed their welfare pleased him and their cares distressed to them his heart his love his griefs were given but all his serious thoughts hod rest in heaven as some tall cliff that lifts its awful form swells from the vale and midway leaves the storm ttiough round it breast the rolllnu clouds are spread eternal sunshine settles on its head oliver ooldsmlth prehentation at alloa tlw yps of home united church gathered at the home of mr and mr clinrlcs carney 4th line west one evening last week to extend their wishes to mr and mrs frank carney and to welcome mrs carney to tlw community the president mr gordon shorpe took the chair and called the gather ing to order the address was read by bob pawly and miss edna mc- culloch and miss jessie doles present ed the newly married couple with 0 beautiful wicker fernery and rem mr carney made a very fitting re ply and thanked them for the beauti ful gift speeches were made by rev payne mr hji clarice w j tay lor and john pawley solos rendered by miss ruth an derson and mlu wllma hunter of union and an instrumental by miss evelyn young were greatly enjoyed by all a humorous reading was given by mr jack cook and also by mlu ida clarke miss zela campbell conducted 1 very amusing contest lunch wbj then served and a very pieasant even ing brought to a close banner hmlwi service of the canadian medical aasoc iiabdenino op the abterieb the arteries are normally elastic control of blood pressure is exercised first or all by the heart or pump through the force and frequency of it beat and secondly by the arteries through their expansion or contrac tion which abilities they potieu as a result or their elasticity some of the arteries are very large such as those in the abdomen and if they relax they are capable of holding ail the blood in the body sometimes they do this with the result that the person faints because all the blood is drained away lrom the brain as we get older the elasticity of the arteries la gradually lost it is said with much truth that a man in as old as his arteries when the loss of elasticity u rapid premature old age result along with the loss of elasticity there 1 a thickening and hardening of the walla of the arteries they become more or less brittle and break comparatively easily the calibre become smaller on account of the thickening and this tends to raise uw blood pressure the result is a thick ened and weakened artery with blood pressure above normal wo do not know how hardening of the arteries can be completely con trolled we do know however what in many cases will check thadevetope- ment of the condition we know that the absorption of poisons from dis eased teeth totulle or other port of the body must be stopped we know that overstrain both physical and mental must be avoided we know that the condition of all systems of the body must be watched and remed ied when necessary because if otw lart of the body j diseased or is not unctlonlng properly a strain is thrown upon all the other part in- cutting the arterlea and other part of the arterial system questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 1m college st toronto will be answered by letter questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be notice to creditors in tiik mattkr of tll khtayfc of ikahexla hdhkmil l1 of the ttwn of irm uptown in thr county of llallon wldw notice m uvukuy givkn that all hiivlnif rluliuh uutiliinl the folate of tlw laid defeased wno diinl on the ulli day of uepumlmir a i ltttfl an rmiulred nn or itefttre the 30th day of novrnilter a v itfjfl to uud to tin luulenuunet boll horn tor oanlel lh n- deruon kxccutor full lwrtkularn of tlwlr claims after said last men tloned date tlw estate will be dlnlrl buled having reuard only to tlw lalnis or uhlch the kxecutm- tihall tlwn itave notice uatko at tl u elm i thot 1st day of novchllwr a o 12u dunbar dunbar 33 douula htreet ourlim 3t solicitor for tlw executor notice to creditors in tiik maytoit tiv tub wratu of woltlut lafuvm mrtuil- oiuill bile far tlw township of ajwuiitf in the cuuiity of llalluu karturr tteeaissl notice is milkllv oiven tliat all iienumin having any clulmn or de mamln aiiulnra tlu liiuf llolwrt clinrlen mcciilloimh who tiled 011 or about tlw nlxth day of oclnlter a d ltwa ut tlw city of toronto in the county of york and province of ontario an re- 3uired to send by post prepaid or to ellver to uw uiulernlanrtl solicitors for huflh allan mccullounh and sarah ann mcciillmitth the fcxecuioni of uw last will and ivhtamcnt or robert charles mcculloiiuh farmer deceaiied tlwlr namch and addrcsson and full itartlculars in writing of tlwlr claims and statement of tlwlr accounts and tlw nature of tlw aecurltws if any iwld by llwm and taku notice that after tlw eighth day ur december idufl the uald huuh allan mcculloiiuh and sarah ann mccullaurjii will proceed to dis tribute uw qjjjiu of the said deceased amontf tlw pcrtaiiui untitled thereto having reuard only to tlw callmu or which they nj lull then hnvo had notice and that uw wild huuh allan mecull- ouuli and sarah aim mcculloiiuh will not be liable for uw wit j mucin ur any part uwrof to any permin or wliose claim tlwy khali not then lutvo received notice hated at aeoractoun ontario uila hovcnui day or november ad iks leroy daw solicitor for the uald executor notice to creditors in the matter op hie ehiate op pruderick l ruddell ut or ute towusblp of faeslttg in the county of halton parmer oeasd notice is hereby oiven that all pertuut having any claims or de mands against uw late frederick i ruddell who died on or about uw sixteenth day or june ad 1038 at the city or ouelph in the county of wellington and province or ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned sol icitor for jennie ruddett uw execu trix of uw lost will and testament of frederick l ruddell farmer deceased their name and addresses and full particulars in writing or tlwlr claim the statement of their accounts and the nature of uw securities if any iwld by them and take notice that after uw oigltth day or december 1038 the said jennie ruddell will proceed to dis tribute uw asset of tlw said deceased among the nerhons entitled uwrcto liavlng regard only to me claim or which she shall uicn have had notice and that uw said jennie ruddell will uot be liable for he said asset or any part thereof to any iwraon of whose claim she aliall not uirn have received notice dated nt gcarantown ontario his seventh day of november aj 1038 leroy dale solicitor for the said jennie ruddell notice to creditors in the matter of the ehtate of minnie rachael mrnally ute of the town of georcetawn in the county b lultea wide dead notice is hereby oiven pur suant to section 61 of the trustee act r0 1037 clutp iso that all creditor and others having claim or demands against uw estate of the nald minnie racluul mcnally widow deceased who died on or about uw 10th day of noi ember 1030 at uw kld town of georgetown are quired on or before uw 34th day of november 1038 to send by post pre paid or deliver to uw undersigned solicitor for frederick mcnally lena mcnally and bessie blandish uw ex ecutors of the last will and testa ment of the said deceased their chris turn names and surnames addresses and descriptions uw full particulars in writing of their claims and uw saturn or uw security if any held by wm and take notice that after huch last mentioned day uw said ex ecutors will proceed to distribute uw iissets of uw said deceased among the parties enuued thereto having regard only to uw claims or which they shall then have notice and that uw said executors will not be liable for uw said assets or any part uwreof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by uiem at the time of such distribution dated at georgetown this twenty- fourth day of october 1038 john a thompson 3t solicitor for uw said executor notice to creditors in the matter op the khtate of george b tbompsw 1st ef the township of esatwslng in the caw ty of halton fanner deceased notice ib hereby oiven pur suant to section al of the trustee act rjbo 1037 chap iso that all creditor and others iwvlng claim or demands asmhut the estate or uw said george b thompson parmer de ceased who died on or about the lsui day or july 1038 at uw said town ship of esqucslng are required on or before the 34th day of november 1038 to send by post prepaid or de liver to uw undersigned solicitor for norman roy thompson and florence jean thompson uw executor of uw last will and testament of uw said deceased their christian name and surnames addresses and description uw full particular in writing of their claim and tlw nature or the security if any held by them and take notice that after such last mentioned day uw said executora will proceed to distribute the asset of uw sold deceased among uwpartle enuued thereto having regard only to uw claim of which tlwy shall then have notice and uiat uw sold execu tors will not bo liable for uw said asset or any part uwreof to any per son or persons of whoso claim notice shall not have been received by them at uw time of such distribution dated at georgetown this twenty- fourth iluy of october 103a john a thompson 1 3t solicitor for the said executors i mrs buylow makes a discovery rraaiiujatkuikvmmllnlilviju carroll store iw nlkla ik tkuj tank l my hot b w w tk dmial i ckl l kl abwlud ttou ifvou kamal j hi u ciiijt u mt al lui win ytw cot ddu am utlurt save money fry braying at carrolls i cmptu almorltd soups gny i data font qiuliln inn ma or tuwiui sjasrta clara ahaaai itujmtnjciuiu caofc bulk xlliua lit i til vim macaroni z5 fdhiji attmoso oea w quul ettta fane surprise deuitr 10b 4w2sc aylmmt branj tomatoes peas2 corn 225c ima ims durham brand gp faaafi bread cora starch 217 9c baoon fcui 34c no z tm clavaa maawy spkia ftmy wmt imjl egst as 11 molasses 46e june cheese ttx 27c 1 51 0w i ajalsaeat fiu 1 u4uj forney rapijtsoking tapioca uwiummou apricoto peachei ir2flc ft 19c iittsr ctvflft da ctt4mh v wat milia clw ul t psliiumt sttu qtstf qiiatkr oste ssiafc a mlalf atyfa ra kaae 9c 26c r no srs naaaiauam 1 u pu 1 sunuaid raisins blsallbvaabafbsbjbbs 2 21c tgm saolaal bumeuj sstfj virtimim peanuts k canadian pacific directors eastern financiers inspect aa watt ft 1 tw tt row 1 p w mouon dlrmtor sir ckarlaa osrdsa bnaldant bank el alontr bir hirbart holt dinrtor cpr and prwidbnt itoyal bank e w butty ekalrnabaad prmldnti k w tlllay kc director w a black prwiant ofiws lulffif t uddlravtm col ilory cockihutt pmldvnt cocluhutt plow co and dlractar w uw bttbdlnci mr baaudryuman inral mnnnjor banqna canadlann natlsaala d c f lrmin vie pnaklant canadian paclq wrtrn llnw ur w w chlpraan montiul jama a rlchardion d ractor wlnnlp roaa ii ucuutir iirenldnt canada staal and dlnctor w j blak woassl dlrtrtor vancouvar lion snuaton white pndnt qaiatta uontraal xum fnup was phsto trapbad at uanll sprlnm hotel ustentoa wsstliitpboiise radio druetojjfe gjone quality w4illntlmat bthtnl cwual ptia ulllmt lula hum every waalinahouaa sot will reproduce with fidelity ths txustoufa tone quality of uw muale and voice as created in ths studio you have only to llaten to the improved 1929 model to reallle the advance weetlnghouso hae made in the aeience of radio recaption one control alvui you accuracy and ease of electing ths station you want dktant atatione brought in with clarity and volume full aix tube power at all times selectivity finely balanced giving equal performance in the upper and lower wave banda new improved cone apesker developed by weatinghouee ic alll gladly lot ueu a dtmomlrollon authorized westincholhe dealers for banxryleu battery and the full line of badlo models j n oneill son j main street georgetown phone is wheh you buy a wtwimghousi vou own the wofildf moct advanad hadh 53

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