Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald surtythird year of publication georgetown wednesday evening november 211 1928 1 50 per annum in advance 200 to usa thegeorgetown herald j m mooius rbiuw ui rriuu mtmatr cauakui ylklt nmw aamcuttem caaaaua nailaaal dedrk allwayt imali ralmnbau kollmy kabtbound westbound dolly dally tnla train no 3 710 am ko 1 7js km 4 oil bui ojs cm ua7 om b 113s am 8 1j7 pm 7 13pjjl 10 3jw pm 8 33s 0m 54 47 pm 11 b3s pm 13 ui pin 13 7js p 14 7jw pm 1 3s pjw 18 ojlt pm 17 1308 m 18 hj13 pm noe i ti 3 will run dally eitmpt sun day vmm 1iiii ramlb goto eaftt pauenjcer pauenger pauentrer pauenaer mall pauenger pauenger bunday coin wmt uall pauenser pauenser pauenger mm pauenfer pauenter pauenger sunday gain north uau uall gala smlili 733 am 033 is 1018 jn 1300 pm 4 00 pja 033 pm 83s pju 731 ptt 740 mm hi aw 103 ajb 313 pjm 4jm pju 003 pm 70 pm 1034 ojm ba5 bju css pja 1133 am 710 pin directory le eov dale harrbter ohj selkftar aeorsetown ontario oouakin butt ulu bt eht ii m l f hfvil jf- avljfr jyv v sofor- attd yet so near i nutst eall john by lou distance and lut him know i get here nil right then neither of us will be worryt ititf itt wonderful to b able to visit you like this and yt keep n close touch with horn as if i wore there what must it have boon ilka in th old days before lhf distance nude it pouilbls ill place the call tor you while you are taking off your wrap that will be fine just ask for our number 124 so 111 get th cheaper station to- station rate in n couple of days iii call up brain in the evening so i ran linve a few words with the children too- tlie evening hate uflor buo la really very low twy bstt ttupftonr u m long dlituuee sittti6n clajtence h wiggins ssrrkoer selleuer netory peule noun 0 am to ft pm open wednesday and saturday evenings mortgage laveclautiu meats u lean telephone us dr b t paul physician ana bargsea medical officer of health in tsqneslng township office hours 3 to 4 and 7 to a pm hum 5s office and residence ualn street south opposite pretbyterlan onurch dr c v williams phytlclan and burgeon medical officer of health georgetown office and residence queen st south ftwuie us office hours p10 ajn 13 and 8t pjn also by appointment p b watson djjb mdj oeorgetawb ooee uevrsi to ft except tfaanday afternaeas f l heatli ld8 ddh deatlst office in line block one door north of oneills carriage factory hours 0 am to 9 pm dr b leakuontii veterinary burgeon phone 340 ualn st n oe ohiropraotio -neilsen- tlte cnileapraetar palmer oradaato is yean praetlee n ile4klw sargety osleeaatliy r elertrteuy xray service ojbm over parnsua stare ooee luun wedneaday saturday 3 to s and 7 to pm other day and houre by appointment nuae 1u miiiiw is at hluearkeae 1u tueedoy and friday a to 0 run dot r u unnhto eye ear noae and throat npiii announoee the removal at hla afaoe to 41 main htbebt east hamilton ontaeio eye aiaiau titled ooniullauon by appointment phone qarlleld 70s convenient parklrui for automobuea j sanford stawarttown plonblbg tfusmluiing ejtlaulci clkfritay uvea rtwacmr cmrttuwa i v w h willson tjbdartkkar and uoobmui embalmae- lieiai t fliiniuwe auloetoblleor lloreedrawflllemim pbnna nlghl or dey s4w or 91 44444 1 wumabamm h a debtom iva knoohem h kelly aiken oolxbotooui veemletaat flaaeeeefal offlne orangevllle owen bound and guetph isatabluhed iumi ken g lluci wood raue 1300 alrujle cord delivered mixed wood ms0 hardwood 84 00 aln- bto cord 3 il smith phone 4rl3 oeoreetown u 9 manufacturers overcoat sale friday and saturday november 23 24 by special arrangement the dreswell tailor of toronto have placed with ma 107 winter overcoats made in the new styles uncalled for cod and model aize range from 35 to 44 com- poud of blue chinchilla blue and grey melton whitney irith frieze and overcheck ityled in heavy uuter guard model and velvet collar coat they are outstanding value and priced far below factory coet and range in price a follow lot no 1 1295 lot no 2 1495 lot no 3 2295 dont miss these values at the dres4well sample room a l thurston next door to oneilps show room georgetown ffl ioaiii yiii y 1 m i ryri lji ry yii abwijgm youil nm0mt croaa its what you think that makes the world beent dull or bright to you your mind may color all thing tny or make them radiant hue be glad today be true and wise seek gold amid tlve dross wasu neither time nor thought about tlte bridge youll never cross ttteres useful work for you to do with hand and brain and heart theres urgent human service too in which to take your part maker every opportunity a gain and not a loss the best is yours so do not fear thebrldge youll nevet cross if life seems drab and difficult just fflce it with a will you do not have to work alone blnoe ood is with you tllll press on with courage toward goal with truth your shield emboss be strong look up and just ignore the bridge you ii never cross arenvllle klelser the founding of puuiaaent in 030 to be commemorsied fitci1etts garage corner ol main and george streets repairing done on all make of mechanic care by firatcla gat oil tiie etc alemite creating car waihing w h fitchett hee s7 cewtttotn aa-aaaw-e4aa- speights garage machine shop the pioneer garage ol georgetown repair to oil make of car acetylene welding and cutting storage battery repairing and v charging worn fly wheels fitted with hardened iteel ring gear magnetos recharged and repaired ignition and generator work 1 have installed new gotoline pump and now offer five brand of gasoline viz premier ethyl white rote red seal and shell oils create tire and accetsorie your patronage solicited all work guaranteed t j speight phone 270 georgetown i 4m444 erwingoldhams meat market fresh caught lake tronl every thursday and friday watch our window for sptcial priem on saturday get irut beat phone 1 i rulton garage 1 prompt service and firitcuti woikmamhip on all make of car balterie recharged gat oil etc diitru butor for usl battery 4aa a j m doyle prop ml hill si cnrffttowi i i bbss e4 eaaao4kt4 the bootery nmxt door to pont office ladies and gents footwear latest styles best quality most reasonable prices it win mi veil w suv vein fstiwui she rkraiiunc pkomitly uunk will fsmith rftmti 17 sulistfeel 6cardvb ceavert yr attto late an attrae batva be at law csat wit oypboc endrortuadiome free book watte tbat sebect good judcbmot hfivetvatuebtoleorauaiobonoyprooawl rdeeartuaa judcaieb etartoro gjuna ovrauu and auavurrwe ltumg rpmkiirwttlldoarij for bel by georgetown lumber co ltd georgetown ont j b mckerutle gtmrgotown ont aiaioi fo grocery full line oi fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges al the right prices icecream in balk cones or bricks forsters trmsi osula oeoreetown phone 99 in canada and vailed u attend mlfl4huoaj at beyjavtk visiters t caiu in ttats may take tree as tuetr guis several hundred canadian and ufl cltlaena of icelandic descent are ex- pected to begin laying plana soon to sail for iceland in ibm to participate in a celebration or the loooth anni versary of the founding of the icelan dic paruamant according to dr b j brandson of winnipeg ocsil chair man of the celebration committee in america who waa in boston recently this millennial celebration will com memorate the beginnings of what is said to be the oldest parliamentary govemtnent in the world which has had a continuous existence down to the present time antedating the eng llsh h of parliaments at west minister by mora than 300 years dr brandon pointed out the celebration will take the form of festivities em phasliing the national culture tastes and characteristics of the icelandic people with addresses by native and foreign dignitaries musical programs and athletic contests these events will be neld at the annual meeting plaoe of the original parliament or athling which first came together in the year ho this site la a spot about miles from neykjvik the present capital and is now a barren and deserted section of lakes cliffs and deep canyons the denuded nature of much of the icelandic country has given rise to recommendations from several ice landers in america that the delegation from canada and the da should take a cargo of young trees as its gift to the mother country on uu millennial tradition has it that iceland once had large areas of woodlands but with their disappearance the land has be in many cases almost bleak according to dr brandaon for the visitors to hold treeplant tng caremoniea would be to assist an active reforestation movement which the icelandic government has begun in the hope of broadlng its lndus- triea which at present are confined largely to fisheries and granny he said young trees from the hudson bay region of canada would be adapt able to the island climate it is be lieved it was in 874 that the first settle ments were made in iceland by peo ple from norway who left that coun try some time earlier to avoid the rule of king harold and who lived for a time in the orkney and shetland is lands before finding their way to lee- dr brandson said though they brought with them the common laws of norway they found them selves in need of an executive head and so called the athling together in too the athling was at first more of an aimlnlstratlve body than legisla tive and its chairman was the head of the government of the island the present athling has 3d memners and operates through a responsible cabinet on the british lines in the times of the earliest sessions the members of the parliament slept in tents about the meeting place and in keeping with this tradition the visitors at the festival two years hence will be shel tered in a large encampment the long rule of the parliamentary government illustrates the strong tra dition of respect and obedience to law in the icelandic people he continued and the absence oi any monarchical head in those formative times instill- a strong feeling of democracy and independence though the country again came under the rule of the king of norway in im3 the pioneer trend in leglslstlon was exemplified in icelands being the first to extend suffrage to women it is estimated that approximately 2s000 iealandere live in canada and the ua the greater part of them in this number is equivalent almost to onefourth the population of iceland thus dr brandson ex pects a considerable contribution from this continent to the program of the festival reports from ioeland indi cate that especial interest already la being taken in composition of spe cial musical numbers all with a clas sical trend for the festival with many composers seeking the honor of adop tion of their work the celebration will be held during the third week in june in 1m0 and probably will occu py three days ob advertise it pays bu8inbss summary onurio wholesale and retail trade la in advance of last year and some what above normal for this season building trades are enoylng record activity and industry in general is well employed while there has been a seasonal decline in motor car produc tion automobile accessory manufac turers with few xceptlous are oper ating to capacity agricultural tool and implement factories nave exper ienced a food year and are preparing for an active demand for their pro ducts- tire companies paint and varnish manufacturers and producers of rubber and felt goods report sales well maintained canning companies have completed a pack snghtly in ex cess of last season woollen and silk knitting mills are runnaig on full time basis and furniture manufacturers are well employed especially those en gaged in specialty lines such as office equipment and radio cabinets flour milling companies report a good dom estic demand with a alight improve ment in the export market a good crop lias been liarvesled the volume of tourist traffic this season lias passed all previous rocords fvemler ferguson writes to the school teachers in hi- capacity as minister of edu cation the prime minister of ontar io some time ago addressed a letter urging tliem to train tlte young people under their care not only in tlte prescribed school programme but in cliarocter the premiers letter follows to the teacher ip my official poclty as chief administrator of tlte scltool system i am continually being reminded of tlie difficulties and temp tations that beset the young people of tlte present day by reason of the cliangliig social and moral conditions that affect our duties our habits and even our amusements to the teach ing body the community looks and has never looked in vain for the faithful guardianship of tlte pupils during school life tlte school law as you are aware contains speciflo in junctions to inculcate by precept and example respect for religion and mor ality and the highest regard for truth layallty sobriety purity temperance and all other virtues it may not be amiss to remind you of the obligations thus definitely laid down in relation to temperance and sobriety the compulsory textbook for the course in hygiene contains full and explicit warnings of the consequences that follow irregular and intemperant liablts the public welfare de mands that this instruction should be diligently and systematically given in the class rooms of all tlte schools the training of character along this degree that emphasis is placed selfcontrol as tlte basis of moral and present themselves of bringing home to young people the need of meeting temptation with firm resolution you ore i am convinced mindful of your duties in this respect already and the purpose of this communication is to out you to presevere faithfully and seriously in carrying out the pre scribed course of study which devel ops the qualities of strength of will and the power to resist every form of impurity so impressively set forth in the text boollsigned a howard ferguson minister of education notes and comments the place to take the true measure or a man is not the rorum or the field not the market place or th ataen corner but at his own fireside there he lays aside his mask and you ntay judge whether he is imp or anal king or cur hero or humbug i care not wltat tlte world says of him if his children rush to the front gata to fcreet him and loves own sunshine il luminates the face of his wife when site hears his footfall you may take it for granted that he is true gold for his homes a heaven and the humbug never gels that near the great white throne of ood halton liberals meet the annual meeting of the liberal association of halton county was held at milton on thursday evening nov 6th dr h a mccoll of milton president of the association was chairman officers were elected as follows president paul fisher burlington vicepresident a a oalbralth palermo second vicepreaident mrs m e oowland milton secretary- treasurer j r peacock milton the speaker of the evening harry slfton of toronto said the ontario hydro electric commission had agreed to report 50000 horsepower to the american trust company at buffalo he also discussed the invasion of the american power interests in the bruce peninsula the speaker ans wered premier fergusons criticism of his speech on the power question in toronto the previous monday evening harglna premier ferguson and the conseratlve party with being dis loyal to the efforts and alms of the late sir adam beck mr slftonn address was practi cally a repetition of his speech in toronto recently he denied pre mier fergusons allegation that he mr slfton was seeking to all mr sinclairs shoes as leader of the liberal party in ontario he assur ed his audience that he had no such ambition and was ready at all times to support mr sinclair in every way hon nelson parliament liberal organizer for ottawa was also pre sent and addressed the meeting or organization a resolution was pas sed heartily endorsing the leadership of premier king and pledging loyal support to his policies and legislation a resolution of confidence in the lead ership of w e n sinclair was also passed abbange air trips on european bovteh canadians leaving this country for tours in europe during the coming winter months may arrange through canadian national railways agents air voyages by the principal air routes in the british isles and on the contin ent it was stated this morning by c w johnston assistant dencral pass enger trafllc managr of the national system the london and paris offices of the company mr johnston stated are in a position to arrange bookings for any canadians who desire to use any oi the most important air ser vices now operating it is necessary however at the present time to ob tain space in advance and the de mand for this form of service is so great utat canadian national agents in canada are using the cable to make reservatlona for their patrons who de sire to follow the air routes during their visits overseas childrens aid boabd for halton and peel t w duggan of brampton presided at the annual meeting of the joint haltonpeel childrens aid society board held at the gordon home at milton nov 1th o ii- stuart of mil ton chairman of the board since its inception is retiring as manager of the bank of commerce here on superan nuation he was elected first vice- president of the cab board and his ce as treasurer will be filled by e earl of milton an exwarden of halton county mr duggan and mrs t j brown were reelected chair man and secretary respectively public school boabd the public school board met on november 8th the following accounts were passed j brandford sl300 a e famell jo hydroelectric sa5 w r watson um r h thompson co 3x01 mrs a b parr was appointed the school nurse it was decided to pur- cttase new scales for the use of the nurse it was also decided to purchase two flags for the assembly room tlte board then adjourned monthly report of 8 no is kfuiukhqlnu r iv helen burt wilfred ulno helen bennett margaret burt harold bennett jr iv oeorge henderson br hi irene bennett jimmy ben nett prances forbes jr ill billy bennett harold scott stuart ulno lloyd burt larelna los br ii ruth lindsay janet henderson jr ii el mer burt vernon cole i lucille los phillip forbes pr margaret forbes helen mcaowan helen merediths h m akltt teacher why do they call bootleg whiskey moonshine its tlte way they teat it after drinking some if you can still see the moan shine its good if you cant an 11 ua bad a rather unusual reason has beeri given for the great increase in drink ing in oreat britain much of it la attributed to the fact that motor car driving has grown tretnendously in recent years arid an english naws- ttaper makes the explanation in this way time waa when the sober horse rambled safely home with the tipsy driver but the motor car does not know the road so well apparently the people of oreat britain seem to realise the truth of ihe saying that alcohol and tfm make a poor mixture when a man is driving a motor car he needs a clear head and steady hands and these things cannot be retained where titer is an overindulgence in liquor it bolls itself down to this that if a man wishes to continue enjoyment of his automobile driving he must kaep away from liquor and if ha would rather enjoy his liquor ha should leave his motor car in the garage he cannot enjoy both with perfect safety to himself and hla fellow- cltlzens advertisements are beginning to appear with decorations of holly and mistletoe and smiling faces of banta clause to hint observant these ad frescoes tell their own story give their own warning hint at the important business from which none is barred and in which sooner or later everybody will be engaged in other words rjhrlsmaa stopping the holi day is little more than a month ahead fewer shopping days than fifty by a good deal in no time these days will pass the natural procraatlnatora itocks picked out clerks weary cus tomers in a flutter clocks uckinc times rapid pace all because the rem inders of today have been neglected every year more sensible persons do their christmas shopping early they reap all the advantages in variety of selection and leisure of choice and when christmas eve comes they can proceed about their lastminute holi day tasks orderly while the others fume and sputter there are a great many people who do today what can be done tomor row the postmaster has urged early posting of christmas mail but the last days will probably be bigger than ever the train leaves at 6 is but the cara do not fill until 514 we get there even if we are a lastminute nation but it is at a tremendous coat of physical energy and mental upsets the christmas shopping season la merely one phrase of a national temp- eramept it is axiomatic that you cant have your cake and eat it too and it is just aa certain that the enormous amount of money that goes out from georgetown and country around for the purchase of goods from mall order houses in the cities cannot be used in the upbuilding of the community we have ah at one time or other read of the immense fortunes that have been accumulated by the families connect ed with the moil order houses and of the enormous amounts of money paid in dividends to stock holders in these city concerns once money la sent away for the purchase of merch andise it is lost to that town for ever if spent with the local merchant a portion of it at least remains in the community where it is kept in circula tion and adds definitely to the wealth and prosperity of it- the amount so saved to the community may seem small on each purchase but in the aggregate it is enormous and it is just these seemingly lnslgnlflcant sums that go to make up the tremendous profits of the mall order concerns and are draining the resources of the rural towns and villages if there were any real saving in the purchase of merchandise by mall the praetlee might be condoned but when every thing that enters into a satisfactory trade is taken into ooiulderation it la found its advantages are few it any while the loss to the community to real and tangible tt you are mtereatad to the growth and continued prostsrltv or georgetown and country around make your purchases from the local merchants general news mr joseph lewson agent for the manufacturers life at brampton has been transferred to coulngwood dis trict by his company and will move to that town a horse belonging to enuriiereon sinclair a farmer on the centre road above victoria broke out of its bounds and tot on to the high way the other night a aouthbound truck came along and hit it killing it almost instantly mr ohaa harper reeve of arthur township when tout into his bam had his hand oadly torn by a nail in the door that waa caught by the high wind and the servlcee of a doctor were required to fix up the nasty and painful wound there were no lees than forty- four entries for the horseshoe tourn ament held in the ocangevlue arena on monday night excellent pitch ing waa the order of the evening ana some exceedingly close contests were witnessed crown attorney evans in hla ad dress to the jury reviewed the main points of the evidence auto accid ents ite said were becoming alto gether too common and he pointed out that there was no law which said on which aide of the road a pedestrian should walk the woodland orchards at marlon in trafalgar township has received an order from the dominion depart- snent of agriculture to ahlp any boxes of spy apples to oommlsaloner larklns office in england these boxes are to arrive in england for christmas and will be given aa pre sents to people in the old country official life on thanksgiving day while on a hunting expedition on the farm of mr joel leslie jr john bprone a boy visitor from toronto had the misfor tune to accidentally shoot himself he was removed by ambulance to st michaels hospital toronto where an ettamlnotion allowed that the had lodged in uw wall of the

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