Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1928, p. 2

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patgo 2 the georsetown herald wednesday november 2ut 1928 jrnrii halton garage commencing dec lit under new management will be ot your service to look niter your auto motive electricnl bnltery ignition and all mechanical repair radio and car battery service brake reuning welding day and night road service molorade official service sfalion phone 7 r a walmsley manager m nttlnrrt a a w n or r inc tons saturday treat sotneutlng new and quite different delicious mint kluei nicely wrapped with a nice eliew to uiem ami a good flavor of mint saturday treat 2se week end chocolates kmyocie wlto luu trll thin auortment tpftk mwt highly of il th muon u iho hlnh quality or uiu line always frtuli hard and boft centre week end chocolate 35c hot drinks etc try our delicious hot chocolate it ut is wonderful hot malted uuk tomato soup dovrll t or coffee kindly leave your orders for cream pulls for saturday sol agents for these tine chocolates in georgetown arthur norrington mais st phone 89 i can help yon possibly even though winter may be creeping near you have in your mind a change of a home bring your perplexities to me possibly i con help you a large number of fine homes and farms for sale or exchange walter t evans mill street cemcetown choicest flour and all kinds of feed al reasonable prices try us with your next order assnsaisvifiswssssriirrrrnttrsmttrffnnnitrstnrf georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey georgetown tasty bread 9c a wrapped loaf ulna 2-21- business men meet hmknuin addbkhh by 1 st van blabicou rnuowim bv xurrkb ther u a good auendenoe of business men at u supper meeting held at nevilles tee rooms last even- in fretldenl j b ueckeiule was in the chair and after matters per taining to the business of the assocla- turn had been dealt wlui lie introduc ed mr a b van blarleom editor of the canadian uimberman who gave a splendid talk on your town and my town the nieaker emphasised ui fact tliet it was not numben that made a town but the character of 1u elllaena there miut be civic bride local loyally and public tplrlt all ahould lielp pro mote uie bent interests of uie town and not knock uune wlm are endeev- nrlns to build it un there are a lot of people tree with advice but will not do anything tliemtelvet local ln- slllutlons and business placw should be suptiorted buy in your own town merchanu complain about clttons buying out of town when aometlmea they no ao themselves you miut be cbntlstenl if you wont your town to prosper a man ahould not denounce the town in which he uvea ii breed discontent and uoea not tain the com munity oood local industries ahould be assisted and encouraged rather than tpendlng lime arid money looking for new one ooonetlow of town nnd rural community u absolutely et- lentlal for uie betterment of all con cerned and bualneu men ahould co operate aa weu u compete mutely per cent of the people are good citlwns and we ahould be broad enough to conalder othera views men who are at variance all the time are a detriment to the community you ahould give your aupport to every worth while cauie if you knock your town you are knocking yourself dont knock but do all uie good you can to all the people you can in all the waya you can a hearty vow of thjinke waa tender ed ur van blarleom for hli aplendld addreu which waa thoroughly enjoy ed and much appreciated by all proa ent a tatty aupper waa aerved and aoclal hour noiied after which all departed for uielrhomea feeling that the even ing had been well tpent local council of women the president mrs p a harley presided over uie november meeting of the local council of women in the rett room of uie library on friday afternoon an innovation which was very much nloyen waa the eervtag of s delicious cum ol tea in the midst of the routine by the hostesses for the day lira o o brown and mra elmer thompson a communication from mlaa o e carmlchael called attention to th re newal of aubierlptlona to world- wide a page of which la devoted to the work of uie national council of women further eit in the work ot uia league of nations was solicited in a letter from un meredith secretary of the league in canada ione of the most vital eoramunle tknu to be ducuaud in view of the coming municipal elections waa one emphaalilng uie neeeaalty for aroutlng uie intereat of every member of the societies ajdllated- with the council in the candidates for uie town coun cil and also in the prospective achool trustees every woman is urged to exercise her vols and aatltt in electing those whom the considers beat quali fied tor these important duties un il w kennedy reported thst the committee appointed for the pur pose were beginning their canvsta for fundi to put the old cemetery in pro per condition and estsbllih s perpet uity fund mra harley evoked greet enthus iasm when ana reported that the and her committee had been succetiful in collecting the sjoo aaked of george town ss hi mare of the hooxjoo foun datlon fund being raised by uie ns tlonal council of women mra kennedy read en interesting report of the national council of wo men held recently at smith falls mus h lswion read a very inter citing and thoughtprovoking report of the maternal mortality commlas- lon at manitoba the high death rste of mothers and young infants in can ada calls for a careful investigation the council will not meet again un ul january award foe flow1no fob juniob paemkkb the swsrdt of the halton county junior farmers plowing eompeutlon which was judged by clark young of mullken last week ere ss follows stubble- lloyd chuhoim neseaga weys ai aeorge dolby nelson 7t daniel allan esquealng tl russell colling nattagsweya 12 jsck auck- isnd nelton 04 jamea robertson emuetlng st sod james ron esqueilng bruce mckerr eaquealng s5 aeorge hall trsfslgsr 83 jack feather- ttone trafalgsr tl orval sinclair nelion 78 joseph rots etquetlng 75 cecil chuhoim etquetlng s3 jack turner ebquetlng fis umehouse mr and mrs swltwr norvml were visitors at uie horn of mr mlno over the weekend mus elda tarmu was home over the weekend mr arthur benton spent sunday with mends in cslmlnnla mr sam ouby spent sunday in caledonia when he sang in the pres byterian church we are ilad to know that the lime ulni and stone quarries are eontlnu- ins work so steadily tbli fall do not forcet the afternoon tea and tale of work being held at the home of mrs doughty on saturday nov 34th under the auspices of the a iris lookout olub mr and mrs davits and daughter of toronto spent the holiday with lix and mrs j meredith we are glad to hear that mr jas arant who has been quite ul is im proving mr ohas meredith who has had his tonsils removed is recovering nicely mr jos given is able to be around again after an attack of la orlppe every hour foxed with royal visitors hvi ii1indhkd faux bovh vltiu iiavk no lumt momenth nilblnd tosonto tstir if any of die nve hundred ontario farm boys who are to vult ute royal winter fair at toronto thu month have any time on uielr hand on which to be liomeilck it will not be uie fault of uioie who have arranged til jmwram for their vlall burtlng off with a bangup dinner at hart home uie famous aoclal centre of uie unlvertlty of toronto on the light of their arrival the boya will have three daye crowded with inter ett entertainment and instruction hon john b martin minister of ag riculture will be uie olulrnun uf the banquet and uie boya will- liear addreuea by premier howard fergu son and dr if j cody the olialr- nun of uie board of aovenora of uie unlvertlty on wednesday november all the boya will be taken for s tour of uie union stock yards ami uie packing flanta where they will tee the wliole proeeta of marketing livestock and uie ultimate manufacturing of the antmale into meat products in uie afternoon of the tame day they will be taken through the huge manu facturing plsnt of the mattey itsrrlt company limited and will see uie different factory processes in uie pro duction of farm implements they will be guests of the council of can adian meat packers at luncheon and uie msstey hsrrli company at sup per in the evening they will attend the royal winter fair horse dhow at guests of the fair on thursday they will visit large toronto ttorea but the greater part of uie day will be spent in inspection of exhibits and eluding the judging of livestock at the royal winter fair in uie evening they wui be guests of the t eaton co ltd at bsnpuet on friday uie last day the boya will be taken through the ontario parliament buildings and will be given s motor drive around uie capl lol city as guests of the city of tor ronta more time will be spent in inspecting exhibits st the fair and in uie evening those rjoyi thst hsve survived three dsyt of high living and sre not overcome by the pang of indigestion will be nested to another banquet by the robert simpson com uany limited they will leave for home the fol lowing morning coal 5 wood ministerial aisoeulioo the monthly meeting of the oeorge- jjwn and district ministerial axaoeia- lon took place on monday last nov imh in uie anglican sunday school room several items of business were illnimd and dealt with alter which dr dickie gave a ipundld paper on spiritualism and spiritism which was much appreciated by the mem- ben election of officers took plsee and resulted as follows president rev a n frith sectress rev f h waae esecuuve the revs kenneth msc- lean h caldwell and p a sawyer programme the revs m c can dler a n m and a c stew art the next meeting will be held dec imh at 1 run in the anglican sunday jaivkii room a hearty vote of thanks was tender od the retiring president rev ken neth maclean for his services during the past year obituary hftfl thomas bowmvilu one of ksquetlngs oldest and most highly respected residents in the per son of mrs thomas bomervule died at acton on saturday last she was in iter 03rd year lkonabo bowson news has been received in town that leonard howson formerly of esques ng died at his home in plumas men on nov 13th besides bis widow who was formerly miss maggie mcdermld ilster of postmaster mcdermld of georgetown ha leaves three sons david meenkbv the sudden death of david mcbnery at his home lot 33 con 0 erin on thursday morning last is deeply re- netted by a host of friends deceased vis m gsars of age and a son of mr and mrs david mcenery be was a young man of sterling chsracur es teemed and respected by all who knew him deceased was a member f bal- unafad united church and sang in the choir the funeral on sunday was one of the largest ever held in this district after a service in bal- tlnafad church conducted by rev mr dandier the remains were interred in fslrvlew cemetery acton the pall bearers were clayton sinclair bart 31neulr earl mckay eddie oldham oert mcmenemy henry hilts there were many beautiful floral tributes glenw1lxjam3 mus csthsrlne allen mus seuns purchase and mr chsrlea purchase of toronto tpent sunday st ths home of mrs oeo allen work commenced on our hill last monday and it is rumoured that are going to hsve the good roads through the village mr david maaales underwent lerauon in brampton lloapltal londay but and is improving nicely mrs joseph mcmenemy who had been confined to her bad for several weeks is rmprovlng our sundsy flrhnnlt have startad their ohrutmaa practises and upset to have a good attendance at every practise messrs stephen hatpin and william bell returned home from the west but monday ths alen company are quits busy canning apples and thetr product la much in church notices usjtej chena next sunday morning the 3sth inst lev dr dickie will preseh on the practical use of uie bible in the evening uie church will be losed that there rosy be an opportun ity of attending the annlverasry ser vice of knox church kasx rtotssyterisbi ckafek annlverasry aervlcee in knox pros byterlsn church georgetown on sun day nov uth services st the presby terian church limehoute sre with drawn for uie dsy tke aarratlaa aitay msta wrest services on sunday conducted by uie officers a hearty invitation is ex tended to sil meetings at it am and 7 pjn sunday school at s pjn pubuc meeting on wednesday at i pm st gsargws charefc sundsy next before advent ajn holy communion it ajn hauns lit- sny and sermon by the rector 7 pm evensong snd sermon by the rector tas tusltal casveli 10 am sundsy school it am the baptist congregation will attend the anniversary aervlce in knox pretby terlan church 7 pm song service and sermon by pastor a n frith fecial low pauto the boyal winteb pais toeonto via csasdlaa nstlsasl electric ewys during royal winter fair at toron to nov aiiatb cansdlsn national electric rsilwaya announce effecuve nov 90th ths fallowing reduced rstei to toronto and return from ojuelph 170 eden muu im acton gill georgetown ojc war tax eilrei regular twohourly aervlce in effect tickets on sale at all agencies fcotiilagi stsalr standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizea autonmlloally bturioneil loaded el select bump lor domostia a and vlirouhlnu iurhuu g bmilliliig unil cunwil cosl in tiuil luirry vhj tlilni tn be- found in uny up hi lute m coal nnd woml vuril m john s had rosa oran pako coma a naar toarfacttoa aa any tea can evarythlnt that tea supcrta can ejo to rnaks rej rosa orang pake auparlor in quality flavor and value udotta in tna treat rad rosa blandlnw roorru try it today put up in th btinhtt clean aluminum packages m mcdonald piionk 1 ii m gesortfetotvn m rheumatism no part of natures plan 3h nftmt hthtiurtg hrb to atop buffering whett arrtfv wiin wlllrnnifl iwllania jrvr isstlntf lurlw mnfiinl vnun the ilmlnvn tvi ynru bko juimt osuucbht litirtvhl iwrlml whrfla ana f3mimwiiivl cluliuditii 1i r i nil hfwinv holl reiunluil hm fiiimmih kuliwy heibjy km n1j tuiiny a mittettr from rhtruiiuiimm thiii fliw liiiuiaruvtvl rrnnhlj drawn from the tuart of nniure hfuu nd rinuum kldiiky- qulrkly alhtm ark wtha dlulnrm ntvtl tiu r iijmuinic kiilmy fckjuaiidfr bllnwnl try it for mis by w r wkuimi gwalown pop kmp noying hex n waiting for lilt khlp to come in but thats jtut a laylnr aint u mauif not now but it was bofotv prohlbl- uon my dear 1 savings 1 thrvnahont jronr wltol v l i o list ca smfvan- i tssfx lor yon to profit by q ml v tjujuu ful cm lkr bsuid tk uaknt tlaai sbsplr i sbwa u save money by baying at carrolls awsaarsstestzhsj f aaaawssjyf dates x31 post tosmtle sace ssww rmy fluid orapcfrssit canuffm sre xxe ifl 7e atbllkisixomaa gtajvj extras eggs qnlck qnaktjr oaf itx aoc ayltner aattott foas fcvhco aytetwpnmpktoaaaso cortl starch lie asssmeahiamagsiata cawmir f fig a le 44 kamialeaaggt sunmaid raisins qnml t tke kssss c ttsajsrj tkey uv wawwmalam sisoutd ltfrosa ar 7ara sodas lmk wasttas 14 jemesmawstaiaesssewsai batter 45 aui bau el7f rj uai tsi ataassaati 34 ciir wfj asroad ivf jam surprise oap losifo aaaaawss ty sfsssfsi pcarissievookl dust als r3r9 f cavf av kmmbj mowi ftacjuf x5 ewee cu iwiil peel 5usrw rloim prices eatkl ad watk 314 ssre rsfersaas latsorew wehssier sauce marttia1ad m 40- jsar zt qmst sums from uttt ssvntrs gwntf jfy crowning achievement v jhmouncing thenew oakland six olympic series with an array features unusual for cars in its price class another predestined champion enters the field keen cleancut cap able ready lo meet every challenge to eel a new high record ol performance oak land presents the new olympic seriea rvireehingly original brilliantly executed created by engineers famous or their con tributiona lo automotive design built to amazingly rigid atandards ol precision on m ll7inch wheelbaae daring in style superb examples ol pisher originality and automobile body genius in creation brilliant in beauty revoaling new liarmonioa ol color and lines seven new body styles triumphantly new different finer a new chromeplated radiator high narrow aurmount- ed by a large flat bayonet cap graced by a new iron ol exclus ive chevron deaign flanked by new seamleae lullcrown i end- are with a 71inch spread which completely shield the maaaiie now wheels a aweeping hood high and rakish distinguished by an effective new grouping ol louvres new chrumoplated headlights and oowlughta and such glorious performance aa youve never known before soaring topspeed plashing pickup 10 to 25 miles an hour in six aoconda such balance such smoothness such silence such poise the results of oak lands great new 22r cubicinch engine with exclusive rubbercushioned mounting hlib crankshaft harmoriio balancer larger improved carburetor gmr cylinderhuad such marvelous control steering ease from nowtype nioclmnitm braking ease from dse new oakland internalexpanding fourwheel brakes requiring minimum pressure for a aure alleni velvet smooth atop and only the highlighta have boon monlioned only a hint regarding die pultettirring per foraianco and atyle of oakland olympic series to get the full picture coma in end learn what oakland price will buy j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown product of general motors of canada limited

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