Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1928, p. 3

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the georgetown heram wednesday november 2 1 it 1928 page 5 5 lb pail new clover honey only5c j pure food store g 1 i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 cnlifomin asparagus per i lb tin 25c heintz crrnm of tomato soup i lb tin only 15c 9e 25c 10c 2lc snider tomato catsup large bottle only snidrvs tomato catsup med bottle 2 for kelloggg corn flakes per pkge 2 lb thompson scedlesrnising for oxydol for laundry and kitchen cleans ev- erything 10c a 25c timetobuy your fruiu etc for xmiu we have freih stock choice quality at right price- a e farnell prompt delivery phone 76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 redrose is good tea rod rote orange pekoe b the beat lea you can buy in dean bright aluminum sees new cities this man is a business prophet he docs not really look into a crystal ball but he reads the future nevertheless and he sees new cities yet unbuilt he is important in the tele phone business he judges the future from the facts of the present and it is his job to judge with accuracy he must judge with accuracy because in a telephone system plans must be made for years ahead and millions of dollars are involved with a railway there mutt be tracks and sta tions before trains can run with a telephone system there must be conduits and central exchanges before telephones can go in to wait until people are clamoring for tele phones is too late the business prophet does not wait he comes to the management with his charts and graphs and figures and says in 1930 the demand in ontario will be 80000 new telephones they will be wanted here and here and here or he says within the next five years the province of quebec will need at least forty per cent more exchange capacity and the management does not wait either they know it u up to them to prepare now if they dont they will be falling down on their job they will not be keeping pace with the country because the business prophet spoke in time and the management acted eromptly there are 139000 telephones being stalled in ontario and quebec this year without them there would be inconvenience and confusion now in thousands sf new homes and offices next year the business outlook calls for spend ing over twentyseven million dollars to extend and renew the system and plans have been made to do so for the next five years the telephone expan sion definitely known to be needed in the two provinces means over one hundred million dollars finding the money is a problem it is as great a problem as the complications of engineering and organization every year as the country grows there must be new money ready so that the telephone system may keep pace every year thus far the money has been ready because the policy of the telephone system has been fortunate in attracting the support of conservative and reliable investors who have not been subject to the influence of market fluctuations that is how the business prophet and his graphs have been made effective and that is why the telephone man agement has always met cana dian progress with confidence rttiarf to fee m fussaese c caaao tsfl see i el wlb l local news town nomination men nov how about the community chrl- itna tree stewarttown concert thunder december lbtlt st strike while uie iron u hot said brldset aa she left with the laundry only halt done come in and kee our hew line of christmas areetlng garde at ron able price a b wilson chief tuck of the fire briaade wui lest out hew siren fire alarm about b oclock thle evening the new spolllshl at uie memorial u a decided improvement thehk to wltoevcr i responsible for placing it there the llnsebud mlialon band will hold a tea and ale of baking in the united church aeorgetown on nov 3ui 31 llalton cliantcr itau will hold tlielr annual ladles nlirht and dinner dance in tlie arena on thursday nov mill dont forget uie euchre and dance in hie anna thu friday evening under the auspices of ladles or holy orou church dig preparation are under way for tlie firemen ball on new veara eve dec jlnu you and your friend arc invited the young people of waterloo school b b no- b esqueslng wul hold a concert and pie social on thurulay evening dec 20th it dont ml seeing the enemy at the ilex theatre nut saturday after noon and evening it is a great pic ture tliat everyone will enjoy seeing dont mlu it every branch of ram work farm machinery ttock etc has an sspert writer in the wittily herald and weekly star the recognised tint writer in canada a euchre and old time dance wul be laid in uie new pariah hau ner val on wednesday evening nov jlh tiouuu llannouy orchestra card at oh dancing at 1030 tile annual meeting of oeorge- town and esqueslng humane society will behold in tlie council chamber on thuraday nov asth all interested are requested to attend have your eye examined by o t walker eyeslaht speclaiut at watson drug store georgetown uie fecund wednesday or every month hume 7fl ror appointment ti ifalton educational association will meet in milton high school on saturday december lit seasloo at 10 ojo and 130 p m e agnew presi dent m a campbell treat it wesley pijgott auelph hoad nmuwtweya will hold a clearing hole of hi entire herd of choice jer- toy cow on wednesday december 6th at 2 oclock r j kerr auctlonet2t w r crlpp orewtone comers wul hold an extensive clearing sale of farm ttock and implement hay grain root and percheron horse on wednetdoy november mth at 1 oclock n j kerr auctioneer the following wa found pinned on the door of a deserted hnty to north ontario pour miles from nabuer twentyfltre mile from a pott office twentyfive miles from a rr a mile from water aod bleu our home but 1 m glad rm leavln peerlea rebekah lodge of bramp ton vlilted verdun lodge her last evening and exemplified the rebekah degree in a very creditable manner about 100 were present refresh ment wen served and a social hour pent following lodge every editor an expert the de partment of the family herald and weekly star montreal are all headed by men of practical experience and nationwide fame thata why if orst in public esteem the subscription price i only si a year or three yean for s3 the recent announcement or the family herald and weekly star to give a year tree with a two year sub scription appears to u a move in the right direction not that the family herald need to reduce it pries it is recognised that at one dollar per year it 1 the greatest value in canada today the year tree offer there fore mean this the subscription is still one dollar for one year but for two dollars you receive a subtertpuon for three yean instead of two years hundred will literally leap at thl big offer and weu they may when one coniidera that ror a two dollar bill you can have a paper of the calibre of the family herald snd weekly star coming to your home for three full yeanfclt goea without aaylng that it is a somewhat tempting offer personal items mr d l herbert i spending a few week with toronto friend mia nellie kennedy opens the week end with friends in toronto mr w j btull of bt catharines vulled at hi home here today mr and mr it m wetherald of windsor spent monday at the home of mr wetherald mr and mr nelson mclntjrre of lllsngat are pending a few days with mr and hit a b castell mrs duncan mekae of chicago ha been vulting at the home of her sister mr j a comer stewaruown mlu helen lane and mlu dorothy morri or grace hospital toronto spent friday at uie home of mr and mr v sinclair mr b kirk was in toronto monday attending the funeral of hi old friend the uie thorns mevutle one ot canadas leading horucultural- 11 meatr john mcdermld and oeorge dickie were delegates to the ontario boy work board st toronto last week mr mcdermld was eleeted one ol the officers mr and mrs w c anthony mr a anthony mr harold bingham son kyle and baby ivy returned on monday after visiting friends at woodstock aylmer and st thomas bam same a small bam belonging to mr w whltmee on the lot in the rear of mr e denhanvs house was totally de stroyed with contents on thursday night uit between 11 and 1 oclock the building was a man of flame be fore discovered and the rireman did good work in saving the surrounding buildings there was some insurance on the building hbew at llaraky a large number of relauves and friends gathered at the home of mr and mrs robert oalbrallh hornby last week end and showered their dau ghter marie who was married on hal loween a pleasant evening was en joyed with good music and a splendid lunch was served it was a real family reunion and all expressed good withes for mr and mrs vaughsn white oleve far jaig halton county assise opened at muton last tuesday mr justice kelly presiding there being no criminal cases sheriff brown present ed hi lordship with white kid gloves the civil case in which may read sued o k chltolm and r a jonas all of oakvule ror s50000 damage as the result ol an accident which oc curred on the brandtord rd near holland landing was settled out of court deat far fsnl vats parkhui ratepayer who fail to pay their taxes in full each year before november 14th will be disqualified as voten st the municipal election the tint monday in december according to a bylaw pasted by the oouneu re cently such a bylaw is now permls- tlble under the terms of the ontario municipal act and parkhui has bean one of the fust municipalities hi the province to enforce such leglslsuon forest standard knox chares aaarreraary anniversary services wul be held in knox presbyterisn church george town on sunday nov asth rev h e abraham ba of toronto will oon- duct services at 11 ajn and 7 pjn special muslo by the oholr assisted by mr madden and mr le brun on the following monday evening nov asth a chicken supper wu be served in the basement of uia church from iso to i pjn a splendid musical programme has been arranged ad mission 47c plus so tax latarestlag issia mssllag at the v ps league of the united church on monday evening mr j d godfrey gave an informing and hlgh- sr interesting talk on the paper in- uttry roy king gave the scripture lesson john mcdermld read a poem of edgar quests entiled -to-mor- r and mr archibald black rend ered two much s4inreclsled solos uiu maud mcdonald playing his ipanlment the president mrs har old cleave occupied the chair blartmg another safari burlington high school board has decided to make another request id the council for imimo to pay ror an ex tension to burlington high school an application was made snout two years ago for gmmo resulting to a bylaw being placed before the ratepayers it was lost by a small majority another application for saoooo was voted on but january and was again lost by a small majority it la likely that a by law will be again submitted to the people next january in the mean time a campaign to impress en the people the great handicap the high school is csrrylng because of lack of space overcrowding etc will be un dertaken by the board bex theatre wednesday november 31 forgot- ten faces starring cllve brook and mary brian ha s tartan the mighty gang comedy old grey hone friday november u the college hero a page of life on the campus starring bobby agnew snd pauline aaron comedy taking the count fox news saturday november 94 the en emy war as it is fought by the peo ple who are left behind starring lil lian dish comedy the quiet wor ker felix cartoon price matinee lie and ate night ate and ate coming universal t3000ooom su per picture uncle toms cabin a waramg is hesters a couple of our elusens in snd shout town secured from the ptah and gam department last spring aettlngs or sggs or the english ringnecked phsas- tnt and have raised quite a number it these beautiful birds this year the jbd are now full grown and rollowlng their wild nature ream at large in the thickets snd fields about town we can hardly understand any real sportmsn wanting to destroy one of t beau uful ereaturea but as there are always a few irresponsible indlvldusls carry ing guns such sre wsrned that the law provide s heavy penalty for any one shooting or dsatroying any of these birds and every effort will be made to bring to justice snyone guil ty of such an offence oslf etas aaaaal tha annual closing event of george town oolf club took place on friday evening last st the club house there wss a large attend nee and a pleasant sods evening was spent in cards and dancing refreshments wen served after which captain j b marten rle presented the olub prises to the wtn- nen as follow chszeplocuhlp shields lady mr ltroy dale oent ur charles frampton other winners were mrs hodgson mlu beaumont uiu hlekey mrs w r watson mrs shorey and mrs mcdermld in the bridge contest mrs dal won lady prise and mr nodwell genta a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to mr and mrs wuloughby for their most generous treatment of tha club to which the genial jack replied that it had been s pleasum to as the member enjoying themulve on the links buuf estate tstanapesta mr r graham of parts ont hi property in olen wuiiam to mr wm butcufte dr rosa hi residence on mill bt to dr paul formerly of sunderland mr i p meknery hi farm on main st north to dr paul mra w a bailey her property on church bt to mlu m langan aba idrl paul her block of six houses in stratford to mr i p mcen- ery dr paul his residence in sunder land to dr ross the above irerufert were made through e a benham tt son real estate agent usteeesafaj uaiasi fewl sjsqaser the presbyterian church held their annual fowl supper on friday night last although the weather conditions were not favourable then was a large attendance supper wa served rrom g to a after which a splendid program waa given by the following talent mr stringer toronto mlu florence mc dowell toronto mlu mctcinney mount pleasant mlu kaulfman in- glewood mra mcdoruudr norval mlu huth anderson terra ootta mlu wuma hunter terra cotta george town concert orcliestra under the leadership of mr roy king adon express co anttouwmsj th munkloti of their ttrhttwy from aeton otwlph kltch- tnlrfc nw lumburtf slrttord lon don inrojl woodurek purl bnntford hamilton uid toronto our urn tuuy run will eontlntm from ac ton ctoorcwtown brampton ibranta mil toad ukn mywiir- and good fully uuuuedi photitt acton 1m oiulph vtta ooarvotown asow toronto rand smi london rairmont 310 3tp new advertisements help wanted girla wanted at once isfnitl y stone ltd georgetown ts 0 room houw with watc wll lo cated very wana apply 67 herald may rat tuw afto hound fniml good on rabblla cheap apply henry thephard oeorge- lownlt himeatofiiew fee- bale m baned roc pulleu laying good bcott uolean mione w ocrgetown it tvjndpe re hale about 10 ton of turnip for aale apply at oorgetown floral com- panya areenhouee tf te kent 1 roomed houu and good table totm wtr and eleotrle light two lota centrally located apply at the her- old office 3lp t ttsml houto to rent on john st near ouelph bt newly dcorated all eon- vnurtve apply to 1l o doyfoot oeoielown if t beat a rooawd houu on uurdock btirmi lectrlo llftht water inalde newly re novated tmmedl bigger and betteri to h t arnold late poiwaion apply wanted now salesman la halton county during rail and jvinter months to sell fruit trees siowering bhrubs etc oood pay exclusive territory whole or part urns arrangement a b a hanery we own and operate a modem wellequipped nursery and supply our customers with the best la quality ami variety bell hardy canadiangrown nursery stock and you will be suo- oestful our agency u svsuabl established u years pethass naweery ca toronto x ont farms for sale in erla township and vicinity no wop faluree no bankrupt tales la this vicinity la the past 30 clay soil to bake la no heavy i ass m insuring and all priced from sj000 to 10mo per loo acres in cluding good bank bams brick housae good outbuildings fence etc r osuy trailer far sale twowheeled capacity 1350 lbs suitable for stock feed merchandlae or eamplng can be drawn behind any ear practically new l v denlson charles bi3tp rar sale dining room bulls pieces queen anne design boud walnut simmons bed wslnut finish spring snd mst- ires ivory dresser apply to mrs dr paul jr 3tp laasraassa fee bale drums and trap genuine ludwl only used a few times perfect eond tlon waterproof earrytng canvass worth sim ucrlfloe si sis write for particulars to box e herald oeorge town sip enemies aurgsln ims coach like new just nicely run in owner ha larger car thu 1 your chance to get an almost new ear and save first years depreelstlon terms to responsible party l p den lson charles ststp auttabawg phone mru erin your patronage solicited for farm stock sales sales of household effects eta term modar- mp softball news osmes for november lblh ims teams innings rhe st albans loooii 711 is a 0 h a 0011110 4 10 j teams a iris pat men rhe imloooss m 0 1 10 0 s i xm aames for november mth ins teams innings hem uraehouse 0 0 4 111 s 13 is 3 a a 0100110 s o a league standina team won lost arge- 9 at 8 3 j00 llmehoute 3 j00 k o b o s s j00 a h a 4 400 st albsna i 7 j00 olen 3 j00 good year- herd un- linatebebved auction sale or al head fuaebbed houwinb farm stock and saanjraunts the undersigned ha been instructed by k d kellt to sell by public auction at lot it tth rtudav novajoijt ssta utt at is oclock sharp tha fallowing cattle m head purebred hol- leina thu hard oonslsu of is bulk cow 4 half ers rising 3 years due to freshen shortly and several real typey calves one junior calf being winner at cub one 3yearold bull which has been shown all through maritime pro vince and toronto with nothing but 4 dam for four awnsratlons entire herd bred to this sire also one bull calf out of 4 dam and one good ling bull ready for service der accreditation cattle terms months endlt at 7 vt osnt ruplemxnts 1 tractor mooor- mlckdeerlng 1030 new 1 tractor plow 9 furrow mcodeermg new 1 tractor disc is dial moodeerlng new 1 tractor binder 7 ft mcc- deerlng new 1 mower s ft uoc- deerlng new i hay rake 10 ft moo- deerlng new 1 hay tedder 1 outte packer 3 ft mcodeerlng new set spring tooth cultivator i ft- meo- deerlng new sst diamond tooth harrows 4 section mccdeerlng new set light harrows 3 sections old 1 millar plow 1 wagon and box and stock rack also hay rack and grav el box 1 oood ditcher 1 set soalas 3000 lbs also stock rasa i fwrtlllaer due drill it hols mcodeerlng new i manure bpreader mccdeerlng new 1 cream separator anker- hollh 730 lbs new i set horse elln- psrs 1 set brass mounted breaching h nsw tcstlfs 430x0 and under oath over that amount 10 months credit on ap proved joint notes no rasarvs as farm has been sold catalogues fumlsheo n request l e pranklln ban patch auctioneers w a wuaon clark gold medal coffee suss atkwabd to anyone giving information lead ing to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who broke into school bouse no 18 tfaquealng on or about nov 13th th trustee will pay azmo reward k c undaty see s a no la georgetown r r 1 drtvmg oasfu oood road horse black 7 years old sound and in firstcuts condition would make good delivery hone also rubbertired buggy good as new snd hand made art of harneec the whole outfit will be sold reasonable apply to 3 h smith bjl 3 george town phone strls at ladies dresses new nrrivals or eveninp wear a nice assortment of ladies evening dresses colors pink peach blue sky blue rose old rose nile green mnise and sand silk taffeta dresses 1000 silk georgette dresses aizea 16 18 and 20 91800 and 1800 crepe de chine dresses aizea 1 6 1 8 and 20 1260 1350 1600 1650 block georgette dresses sizes 40 42 44 1760 to 2100 sweaters a lovely range of misses pullover sweaters v and round neck fine wool and silk and wool at 375 each mcbeanco georgetown j i a georgetown elevator flour bran oilcake hay at shorts rolled oats poultry foods straw and salt lowest prices all kinds of grain bought at best market prices alex l noble phone 14s georgetown weed far sal very choice luudwood beech and laanle gang per alngla cord choice hardwood slsbs sjt9 per single cord muted rails m0 per single cord mixed wood sjj0 per single cord tills 1 sll good sound dry wood snd at these prices 1 good buying buru tlon guaranteed j brandford box 400 phone issn georgetown auction sale t op pakii stock a lmlfent8 the undersigned hss been instructed by l p meenebv to sell by public auction at lot 30 con 8 at georgetown on peiday novehbu 33rg ists at one oclock the following horses chestnut mare cattle ayrshire cow due peb is ayrshire cow due apr 3t 4 heifer rising 3 yeara old ulpiimints deerlng alower nearly new team horse rake spring- tooth cultivator 1j tooth dtoe har row ptsury plow no 31 seuffler hand seed drill bet weigh scale 3000 lb root pulper panning null top buggy itllk wagon vfarket wa gon lumber wagon cutter pair light sleight hay rack two lsodsr qusn- ut of lumber qusnuty of eedsr post qusnuty of mixed hay set heavy hsrnees 3 ssts light hams 34 plymouth sock hans hay rope 340 ft fork and carriage porks shovels snd other srudes so ba of good potatoes terms nay fowl and sum of sm00 and under cash over that a- mount 0 month credit on approved lolnt note six per oent per annum off tor cash everythuig will be sold without re serve as the term hss men sold ben fetch auctioneer w a wuaon clerk wife- when we were married i thought you were a brave mart husband so did a good msny oth er people kansas city times getting ready for xnas much of our christmas goods are now in and more are arriving daily during the next few weeki is the time to buy while stocks are atill complete and we will be pleased to show you our gift a small deposit will hold goods for you until christmas hol water bodies good value at 1 50 98c otmfmin travel set compact powder rouge and perfume unusual value 50c swims t00tb paste 39c fruit jeiues 1 lb 35c playing cards teg 75c 39c homemade baking all made in our own home maekeys bread fieah every dsy delivered to your door groceries quality firtt than price bunraaiil lailn b pltgn 29a seedlm rslsuin h llm 28o bensons no 1coru 8laroli j puffh 23c chuioe muck tea 1 111 b80 quaker com flakes 3 pkffs 27o uxydol 8oap lowiler loo soap special old home rug 54 x 27 wiih uo bars of comfort soap all for 912s leas than the value of the rug alone mark clark phone 220vv gtwrgclown mm syiic afiar 0 pajs s saja ijt t s iss vcile iati dosltng powder in beautiful laige bowls an ideal gift 89c itauan bium 29c gillette blades 40c and 75c wraggettes drug store cosy warmth from this attractive stove this attractive stove built on a wonderful new plan employs a new principle in stove heat ing it keeps the whole room at an even heat more it keeps several additional rooms in cosy comfort why jewel home warmers heat by circulation instead of radiation air is drawn from the floor heated and then delivered from the grat ing at the top of stove this establishes a positive movement of air which equalizes the temperature throughout the rooms to be heated they ore both attractive and economical in fuel the large open ing at the top makes them suitable for either coal or wood reasonably priced at 3000 and 3500 cormngleys hardware phone sb and 1 89 staisisfj iitjajii

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