Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 21, 1928, p. 4

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page the georgetown herald wednesday hlovember 21st 1928 i uvingstoncs bakery the beat of everything in baiting at moat veal hie prices si vralt casks par lb eaunoa plea each sao livingstones qualify bread 9c d livingstone phone ss georgetown deeirieal coniraettng tltiiiiitiitirltttt batteryuts console model radio built by one or canadas leading radio manufacturers and guaranteed or one year complete 20000 radio repairs and supplies h h darling rtttmm hwrdmltst awsaistmt wrmr 6crfelmm shsnsi sell your cream at home where ym can cfjuw highest grade and be best price yea every sitwtlay georgetown creamery co m sax k3alnktnkn managor uratevs call ibl sm l memorial i alauumtjuabcraaeuarueaaa semdi unite li itoduaimctnerrhlf ui marten bpaelasl attention given to cemetery work i aruatia and anaurato workmanship guaranteed wm c allan honnment works brampton heeee ekaae alsif queen st baalaeae pkeaasst v kfxsk4aay 4 mtv eks 3av4avaamal tetea hydrohedrie system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall college view garage an uptodate auto repair shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed bebauateauegakeeefcaaa ou oikonuuei slaala ami car baueaiee ataasaaajad a brunton cmstfevlew phone 336 rtieuw ccor3oocoo51o3ooooi3f fine leather goods a very appropiate gift lor lady or gent notice to creditors in tub matntr or tub khtatb of lavii flivkn ui at tha tawntilr of kamlw la the if llaliaa vtnmt dtnucd notice is iieredv oiveh ult all person having any ctaima or de mand against tha lata david given who died on or about uia tilth day or november at ibm al tha aald township of esqueslng in the county of malum and province of ontario are required to send by port prepaid or to deliver to tha undersigned solicitors for oeorse currla tlta admlnulralor of uia estate of david alven parmer deceased their names and addresses and full parllculsrs in writing of uialr claim and statements of uielr oc counta and tlw luture of the seeurl tlea if any iield by litem and take notice that after the twentysecond day of december 1d2s uia aald aeorge currle will proceed to dutrlbute the aueta or uia aald de ceased among uia penoha anuued ttierlo having retard only to the claim of which lie sliall tlnm have liad notice and that the aald accrue ourrle will not be liable for the said aueta or any part uuireot to any per- aon of whooe claim lie aliall not then have received notice dated at qeorsetown ontario uiu twentyfirst clay of november ad im lefloy dale solicitor for ule aald admlnlitrator notice to creditors in the matter op the khtatk or ihabtxla uuuhkll lata el uia town af oeetgslewil la to eewty at itallaa widow notice is hereby given that all having claims against uia estate of tha aald deoeaaed wno died on tha ijth day of september ad ims ore required on or before uia attth day of november ajd ims to tend to the undersigned solicitors for daniel hen derson executor full partlculara of uielr claims after sold last men tioned data the estate will be distri buted havirk regard only to the claims of which uia executor shall uten have notice dated at ouelpii this 1st day of november aj 1d3s dunbar dunbar 33 douglas street auelph jl solicitors for the executor notice to creditors in the mattem or the lutate or kobebt chaetulh mectllx- ouoh lata af the tewaaup ml fci ssaautg la uta caawty al rereaer notice is hereby oiven that all persons having any claims or de mands against the lata robert charles uccullough who died on or about the sixth day of october as ims at the olty of toronto in the county of york and province of ontario are re- julred to send by post prepaid or to silver to the underalgned solicitors for hugh allan uccullough and baron ann uccullough the executors of the last will and testament of robert charles uccullough farmer deceased their names and add and full partlculara in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the eighth day of december ism the sold hugh allan uocullough and sarah ann uccullouah will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the sold deceased among the parsons entitled thereto having regard only to the ealims of which thejpanall then nave had notice and thafthe aald hugh allan uccull ough and sarah ann uccullough will not be liable for the sou assets or any part therof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario uils sevenul day of november a4 1028 ijeroy dale solicitor for the sold executors notice to creditors in the matter ok the estate of fbedekick l rudde1x uu of uia township el enacting la the ccwaty af lultotie parmer deceased notice is hereby oiven that all peraon having any claims or de mand against the late frederick l ruddell who died on or about the alxteenth day ol june ad 1028 at the city of auelph in the county of welllnaton and province of ontario are required to aend by pott prepaid or to deliver to the undenigned eol- icltor for jennie rudder the execu trix of the last wu1 and teatament of frederick l ruddell farmer deoeaaed their names and addresses and full particulars in writing or their claims the statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the eighth day of december ims the aald jennie ruddell will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to ne claims of which aha shall then have had notice and that the aald jennie ruddell will not be liable for the aald assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim aha shall not then have received notic dated at georgetown ontario this seventh day of november a4x ims leroy dale solicitor for tha said jennie ruddell a boy and hit dog a boy and his dog make a glorious pair no txtturr friendhip is found any- wlicr for tltey talk and they walk and they run and tltey play and they have lhr deep secrets for many a day and that boy has a comrade who thinks and who feels who walks down the road with a dog at his lieel he may go where lie will and his dog will be there may vevel in hmd and his dog will not care faithful hell stay for the slightest command and bark with delight at the touch of his hand oh lie owns a treasure which nobody steals who walks down the rood with a dog ot his heels no other can lure him away from hu bide hes proof against riches and station and pride pine drew does not charm him and flatterys breath la lost on the dog or hes faithful to death he tees the greet soul which the body conceals oh its great to be young with 0 dog at your heels i edgar a duett in when days it oone week vou bvel hungftyt of course you have been hungry many times normally not unpleas antly hungry sometimes on o cold day after vigorous exercise in the open air it seemed you could scarcely wait until the regular dinner hour you visualised tha bountiful table and hoped that for dessert there would be kome favorite dainty and what an ussault you launched upon that meal rhl is one kind of hunger but there is another 1 the hunger which ocoom- lumles many homeless animals from the cradle to the grave the hunger vhlch list never been fully satisfied and probably never will be in this life and which could be so easily re lieved at any man- door but so rarely is have you ever been so hungry that you gave up the quest for food and laid indifferently down half hoping for death have you ever been kicked and stoned when you sought a morsel jf something in the form of food have you ever been so gaunt from tunger that your bonei stared upon vou have you ever while sintering the lormenls of starvation had a group of numans sit down in your presence and mt and est and eat and never of fer you a mouthful and when gorged jo nonchalantly upon their several ways with never a blush for their lack of humanity and were you so amiable by nature that you harbored no re- tentment simply regarding them in puztled wonder did you ever in the extremes of xtld and hunger on a utter winter day find your way to a large comfortable heated buuding known to humans as church and crouch near its walla in on effort to receive a little of its vvarmth possibly manage to get into ihe vestibule and when the services were over have some higher animal in a hurry to get home to dinner trample upon you and kick you out into the sleet and snow and did you aver pick yourself humbly and dumbly up and go in search of another warm tpot and another kick did you ever alt in hunger cold and thirst and watch tha race of men go by realising that every man woman and child wno passed you sat down to three square meals each day and that you for some unaccountable reason were not expected to eat so when you are hungry with a pleasant anticipatory hunger think for a moment of the other ltlnd think long and think deeply then arise and act i david lee wharton english and canadian made ladies hand bags in different colors writing casea change purses manicure cases key tainers military brush sets bill folds drinking cups bridge 500 cases call and inspect same aetbiue w44j a b willson next i hid hcubbm scwfctoava auction sale of valuable farm in halton county the undersigned has received instruc tions from walter m rrain to sell by public auction at lot 7 10th line esqueslng halton county on tukuoay november ztut lata at a oclock the following his farm of 146 acres more or leas be ing northeast half of lot no 6 and south half of lot no 7 tenth con esqueslng 3 miles from norval on no 7 highway this farm is a rich clay loam in a high state of cultivation and is one of the best farms in helton county the farm is well fenced and watered by a never failing well on which is erec ted a steel windmill schoolhouse u mile from farm on the farm la erec ted a comfortable frame house large bank barn cement alio hen house and large driving shed about 75 fruit trees apples pears and plums also a num ber of grape vines there is 75 acres of fall ploughing done 6 acres in wheat a acres in bush and balance in pasture possession given at once to do any work that pur chaser may desire to do and full pos session given on march 1st xd39 terms 10 per cent of purchase money at time of sale 13000 on march 1st and balance may remain in a mortgage at 0 per cent payable yearly farm will be sold subject to a reserve bid for further partlculara apply on the premises or to the auctioneer wm j mcklnney auctioneer r r 3 brampton look here smith said tha boss you and jones both started dlggln at live same time an hes now got a bigger pile of dirt than you have hea dlggln a bigger iwle aald smith uenebal huhinesb conditionb following is taken from the novem ber report of the canadian bank of commerce favorable reports as to business conditions continue to be re ceived from most of the country the outstanding features being practically fulltime employment in industry a ireater movement of canadian wheat mth to domestic storage points and and to foreign markets than in the autumn of 1037 and the largest vol ume of distributive trade in the his tory of canada the slackening in some industries is less than is usual at this season while manufacturers of staple com modities now in greatest demand are operating on production achedulea well above the level of those in force in any previous year this favourable sit uation has of course improved the position of those industries with over- oxpanded plants and has caused such activity in many other branches as to create keen competition for certain material and skilled labour it at present that canada is undergoing the greatest and soundest industrial expansion she has ever known one that is based mainly upon increasing production in two prtmarly industries agricultural and mining and upon s growing share of world trade in manu factured products an early harvest in all but a few districts has brought the crops to mar ket with the utmost dispatch thus en abling the farmers to purchase many of their requirements immediately this rapid movement baa been most pronounced in respect of wheat deliv eries at country and terminal elevators being exceptionally large while export have been nearly double those in the ilrst three months of the previous sea son offsetting a marked reduction in exports from the united states this abnormally large trade has been pos sible partly because of preparations made welt in advance by the banks railways grainbuying organisations nnd government officials and tha bene fits derived therefrom by the general public amply justify the banks in plac ing their resources at the disposal of those who have grown and are mar keting a commodity that affects more than any other tile welfare of canada weather conditions have generally been favourable to retail trade and aided as well by the increased pur chasing power held by the public merchants have so far had a satisfac tory volume of business early re ports as to the volume of wholessle trade transacted and the outlook for fall and winter orders are among the most encouraging we have evei oelved one box ended his sufferings serious bowel condition relieved by fraitatioea mb i- ags mr janvi pnpn f cnhnw pq was in a wry ilmiuurtmh vijiuim the conttipnimm fnin ulm it lm haii aurem fur fivn intw ui unilwinlniiik bis wlinlfl hmlmil if una nut inly hjininu in lirflmn niuliuibmiinu iiyi blood hut li id ulmi imiujlit m painful njs vnnmn iri ulnuutn laivd in p lilin null lo trutl iviilltvlivrt tnado of itiliitwlh il fnfit iuiriii ritijl lined wilti uf h nlilvi imulirfital ingrthll enls otvu imik of tlits woiulrftil medicine lw wrllm gave out complete wllif trill- w gives results an rutllilng eln docs end i sincerely rtvniunuhul it to every suf ferer try tlim great nwdwne ubc and 60o a ikw at dealers every where health service of the camiulisuimemlical auoc dirinfection so many enquiries have been made concerning tlte disinfection of a room or house after a case of communicable disease lias occurred tliat the matter is cliosen for uu subject of this article the objective or disinfection is to destroy the terms which cause disease disease germs grow only inside the human or animal body tltey leave the body of the sick in the discharges and secretions of the body once outside of the body the germs die off most of them very quickly drying and sunlight are natures methods of destroying these enemies dark damp corners delay natures action concurrent disinfection li the term used to mean the disinfection that is carried on during a disease it aims by prompt disinfection of the body discharges and secretions to destroy the disease germs they contain before there is any chance of their coming in contact with some wen person the eating utensils are dlsenfected to destroy the germs in the ullva thit is left on cups spoons etc by the dis eased person concurrent disinfection is most important and must be thoroughly carried out until tha patient has recovered terminal disinfection la the term used to mean the disinfection after recovery of the patient if concurr ent disinfection has been properly observed there is no need of termin al disinfection because sll the were- tions will have been looked after this is the point which needs to be clearly understood proper care during the disease prevents its spread to try and kill off a few germs that may have survived in a room after the recovery of a patient is a matter of practically no importance compared with tlte need for destruction of tlte millions of germs given off during uut course of the disease temunal disinfection luu been discontinued in many cities and all attention given to concurrent disin fection questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college st toronto will be answered by letter questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be ansuerod acton mr and mrs wm barber or george town and mr nnd mrs a m mac kensle of toronto spent thanksgiv ing with mr and mrs d o arnold mrs anthony of georgetown visit ed iter daughter mrs h b wilson this week mr samuel 8 warden of george town who has been at the home of his brother mr a a warden for several months recruiting after a severe ill nrsa has not been so well the lost week or so mr and mrs wilfred betsey and doris of georgetown visited at the home of mr and mrs h a wilson over the holiday mrs archldsld mctavlsh has sold uer shop and residence at the corner of mill and elgin streets to mr george benton jr and will sliortly remove to scaforth where ahe will reside with her sister mrs park mr and mrs peter a smith and miss smith were at bracebridge for the week end attending tha opening of the fine new cement pavement and tlie civic banquet which fallowed last friday they also attended the formal opening of the new bracebridge hos pital on sunday mrs il p wilson attended the dedicationceremonies of tlie baptismal font in memory of rev and mrs cameron lot georgetown presbyterian church db sunday free press tmjto odkhtfl at jasfbr from u countrieh people of twentyfive countries out side canada were among the total of more than 7ju guests registering at jasper park lodge in the heart of the canadian rockies during the past season and so great was the number of people unable to secure accommo dation during the season that the management has deckled to build nine more guests sleeping buildings which will provide iso more rooms this announcement was made by walter pratt genera manager of hotels sleeping and dining oars for the canadian national railways ui reviewing tlta seasons business at tlie tummer hotels of the national system on mr wilson who succeeds mr o ii stuart as manager or the milton branch of the canadian bank or com merce lias arrived here and taken up his duties at tlie bonk mrs bert woods was token to quelph general hospital yesterday to be operated upon for some internal trouble her friends will hope for a ineedy recovery georgetown people want a new postoffice and mayor dale reeve near councillor alex moclsrcn and w j l i lam iuli ire will go to ottawa to see the postmastergeneral about it we hope they get it mr and mrs o h stuart have taken up their residence in aldershot temporarily and while townspeople generally deeply regret their removal from their midst the best wishes of all will follow them to uielr new home reformer overloaded running board ih the caume of accident on monday two young ladles were travelling west on the highway near the fifth line when they pasted an other motorist from georgetown going in the same direction the cutt- lngln motor had the running board loaded with luggage and just after passing a large parcel dropped into the roadaay to the motorist following the bundle looked like a human being fallen from the car and in order to avoid striking the object tlie george town motorist took uie only other al ternative of going into tlie ditch ills car was overturned and considerably damaged although tie cscaiml wltliout serious injury acton free c mmmrm sttwhfatteiier rod cbnditkntr ini can buii high in protein and low in fibre stvtk have just received a tv hiprnent of sampson feed a general purpose feed for cattle hogs and sheep and recommend it highly for use this time of year give sampson feed a fair trial and tee for yourself how it fattens stock keeps them healthy and growingand how little it costs you sampson peed con tains just the proper mixture ofvaluablestock- feed ingredients its high protein content gives it the necessary fuel for growing animals while it contains as utile fibre as other feeds castini ssoo more pet ton it is excellent for feeding hogs just before flnlshlngoff lets you market them 30 to 45 days earlier let us quote you on sampson feed in any quantity sampion flud conform homl barley chop rye shorts hominy feed oat chop bran barley chop rye shorts and oilcake meal chtntlcal analytlt protein 12i fat 3i fibre is upson feed cold by w c bessey flour and feed mills phone 19b georgetown a first aider to the rescue i waa gains to work en my motorcycle esplalncd the victim el a serious addint aa ha lay en a snowy hosnltni cot when an auto came out of an altcy throw me to the pavement tvarlng my boot off and severing an artery fortunately a 1mi tulenhono man an passing ue stopped the bleeding made a tourniquet and had me in a line mlmiie whrn tho amlmlunce arrived r instruction classes in all rankaof telephone employee have turned out an army of skilled piret aldera who era continually happening along when omu victim of serious mishap is in tllra need of sulstance knowing what to da and junt how tu do it has saved many live seventy par cent of all lell plant workers are qualified plrat alders resettling small accounts shim ii 7yth m tha utllm of toraaii lany business house aa well as individuals use money orders obtained from tlie bank of montreal instead of cheques they are safe convenient and economical the charges arei ay and under 5c over foo00 to 3000 over jjo to jf 500 7c jo00 6000 j00 1000 10c 6000 8000 1000 3000 11c 8000 10000 18c ioc bank of montreaal established 8lt total assuts in b x c ii s s of 0 0 o 0 o o 0 o j d wallace monoter georgetown braneai

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