Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 28, 1928, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday november 28th 1928 red rose l good tea the orange pekoe is extra good n than bright aluminum 1 livingstones bakery the beat o rvriythmk baiting t mod ten tenable prut jryult osaka per lb jsf luce pia sack 3ad mo livingstones quality bread 9 d livingstone gorgiown qj notice to creditors in tmr mattkr ok till vhvatft tr lavii fill- munufv u ihc tmnltli f lqnliir in ihr 4 ttunly r iuiuh rartttrr ttwd notlct wiipumiytllvfrnthu lilt iwrwiioi havlmr any rlulmn ftil tiiuiulri huuliint hit til 1 1 diwlil 11 fr mrhitry wlui ilk i on nr ulmtiit llu flmfiihi iliiy nf nnvimlwr ad ifu ul tin mild iwnhhti if kwiu hliw mid iro- lure nf onliirld tin rtfiilrcl to mmiii by mtt iirriuilit or in iltlkir li hip mult rnihiwil kttliitlnr for david wfn mrtncr viirm r iliuumtl flu ir niiituh iiiid uililnwuh and full ivartirii lun in urllltm of itiilr iiuiiuh ami kiiilriiuiiih nr dm ir ummiiui mil the iiulnri of llu wtiirltkrt if nny lirlil by llu and takf ut1cv tliat nfirr the tumityitliitli luy nf prcember ad lfttfl the unlit david v mcencry will imtcoiml to tllktrlbnl ii w onset of the haui itwiuml nmwitr tha paraawi en titled lluwho liuvlna ruard only tn llu claims nf which lie shall then have notice niul that ui sold- davkl p mfkncry will not be liable for tin said onset or any part thereof to an iwion of whoso claim her shall not tltn leave received notice datfd at oeometown ontaklo utl twentyelaluh day of november ajd 1038 leroy dale solicitor for lite iald administrator wimmjmimmmmmtmm mmmmm electrical contracting batteryleu console model radio built by one of canadas leading radio manufacturer and guaranteed for one year complete 20000 radio repair and supplies h h darling kwrvmitwkhxeoimo m- mmcwmck 4 la memorial afiiuliilllhcrallarueawl setlcfe crude ukalmcwrar mb aid hirktn spaolal attention given to cenietry work artistic and aonuraui worlimnnaliip ouaranlee 1 wm c allan monument work brampton hoom photse 3issf queen st phanesgft r notice to creditors in the mattkm op the uktatk or david given ule of lh township f kmwmlng in the coun ty f italian fortuor d notice is hereby given uiat all penani having any claim or de mand against uie late david alven who died on or about the fifth day of november ad joss at the iald township of etquetins in the county of helton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for george ourrle the administrator of the estate of david given farmer deceased tlielr name and addreue and full partlculara in writing of thelr cialms and statement of their ac count and the nature of the securi ties if any lield by uiem and take notice that after the twentysecond day of december 10m the said george ourrle will proceed to distribute the assets of the wid de ceased among the persons entitled therto having regard only to the claims of which he ahall then have had notice and that the said decree ourrle will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per son of whose claim he shall not then have rece notice dated at georgetown ontario this twentyfirst day of november ad 1m8 leroy dale solicitor for the said administrator health service of the canadian medical assoc why ltmirl mnmunlrmblf l4r7 hun exm in nil iwrtm of cunnilu iuwh whlh rtfiulrt hint wlitn u tm- luuiilt tittle llwaw mtiirh ibt im urr- net hull imj iirmitntly rvimirtl lo thr ihuhii iitilhnrlllihi it h itnuwii that midi nmirllnit in nitt by uny lti uiii titiiililitt iih in ulwi tlte fuel thul luuny tuw ulildliiu llhu im ivudt tin lnw in hiih rhmtt winnie vi r iwumlbh llw rtiuirilnu of rutin iliwuwf in iiiliilred by luw for luverul rixikouu in tlu tirhl plucc the width uutlwul- iun win urt for the control of com municable ulhcaneit cannot u t the con trol muchlm ry to work until lltey know that dueane exltn the control does nut consult merely in placing a placard on the house and qutfnmlln- ing the in mutes that is part of the work but a more important plume hi that of tracing back and finding uie kource of hie case if this is done lhe source lit removed and other caseo i inn en ted if a case is not reported lho source u not removed and may ontlnue to be responsible for more loses it is the reporting or on unusual number of cases of typhoid fever which first directs the attention of the health authorities to tlie need for action to discover ute break in the nrotectlve machinery if uie first knowledge tliey have is of the deaths which occur needless delay in dcallna with the cause results many more ases and deaths follow because of this delay the control of communicable diseases is a community problem its lucceas will be largely measured by the extent to which all citizens jperate in the effort just as long as ases are hidden or not being report- hi in order to evade some personal in- convenience even if isolation in the home is properly carried out the health authorities are being hampered n their work which after all is for the protection of uie very people who vometlmes hinder their efforts questions concerning health ad- tressed to the canadian medical as sociation 1m college st toronto will jo answered by letter questions as to llagnosis and treatment will not be uuwered mcymomomkmmca wswomcmomcwkmimlumcjili tieeaiewgtfa hydroelectric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall eieirja1igigitl8 college view garage an uptodate auto repair hop prompt mrv w oilcmamhip guaranteed iuamlntaiiiislihroan a n ludl 4 c bul s j a a brunton cmeiweiv phone 336 g unberebved auction sale i a 3 head purebbed iiolbteinb t farm rtock and tmrtementh the undersigned hju ben lnstmctd by e d kelly to mil by public luetlon ot lot 13 bui x line on fl pbidav novembeb jul 1m vl at 13 o clock iharp the followlnj i cattle 30 heed purebred hoi cltteliu thie herd eonilsu ot ib milk loomn 4 heifer rising 3 yean due to v freshen shortly and several real typey calves one junior calf being winner at onus one 3yearold bull which has been shown all tljrough maritime pro vinces and toronto with nothing but dams for four generations entire herd bred to this sire also one bull calf out of 4 dam and one good year ling bull ready for service herd un der accreditation cattle terms months credit at 7 per cent impleuents1 tractor mcoor- mlckdeerlng 1030 new 1 tractor plow 3 furrow ucodeermg new 1 tractor disc is plate mecdeerlng new 1 traetor binder 7 rt ucc- deerlng new 1 mower b ft uco deerlng new i hay rake 10 ft- mco deertng new 1 hay tedder 1 outte packer 8 ft mec deerlng new set spring tooth cultivator a ft- ucc- deerlng new set diamond tooth harrows 4 sections mcc deerlng new set light harrows a sections old 1 miller plow 1 wagon and bos and stock rack also hay rack and grov el box 1 good ditcher 1 set scales moo lbs also stock rack 1 fertiliser disc drill 13 hole mcc deerlng new 1 manure spreader mcc deerlng new 1 cream separator anker- holul 7s0 lbs new 1 set horse clip pers 1 set brass mounted breaching harness new terms sj0o0 and tinder casn over that amount 10 months credit on ap proved joint notes no reserve as farm has been sold catalogues furnished upon request l e franklin ben peteh auctioneers w a wilson clerk acton express co announces the extension of their errltory from acton quelph klteh- ner new hamburg stratford lon- lon ingersoll woodstock paris orantford hamilton and toronto our tame daily run will continue from ae on oeorgetown brampton toronto pull loads taken anywhere and loods lully insured phones acton lag auelph 3733 oeorgetown 230w toronto rand 1301 london fairmont 310 3tp o is this- true of your town just as there are farmer wbo malw very mod money by intensively cultivating a few acres so there are mer chants la small town who do a wrprittucly larn busi ness of course they too cnhlvat their territory intensively they tlont wait for their customers to com to them they go to their customers with freqnent offers of what they know win tempt them and they seem ta sill every- body bo fnlly do they keep la teach with their customers that their offer ef merchan dise are eagerly awaited and are read as if they wart naw which they are thee merchants use long distance frequently ta order stood for prompt shipment or to fill in air and they find it good business ta call important customers by loner distance to advise them ef opportunities correspondence jlfl ttelyn ave romntn nowiiiim r j4th 0fl mr fulllor ffcluic u liotliv in ihr evening tole- 1 rain luhl t vtn sue lliut tittmlt iimii mill li rn in cliitri lnwn win v ry iilt imfiriilii tin in llu opinion i liuvi mini tor komi llnu lull llu ruliimyi m nf immi town himiiim wuht up nml mlvi mil 1i1i inwii ti ilium f vim imvi llii inratlon mill imiititllul hiirroiiiiilliiiih all ynil want 1 1 kimwi kiivi riitiirnt tn make tlif own 1111 nl thn tmiht ilulr- lllle within fusy rruul of till rlly uie rfiwirt iuivh lliut ciooiki town iiiih 1 verytliluu thnt n town rolllil vuli fur well iiiih in i have ijieii tiiulir the imiircuilnii fur 11 limit time uml it lacks tile moht imiiortnnl thlllu tlml n town of two tliomuinil inhabitant n riulrcs to miiko it a tleslralilc pliico to live in true you hovi a uood wuli r uiiply inrluilliut tiooil lire protection retired ot a modi rutn price tmil tlin levenuo from the system given nroiier management should have paid lie whole cast the town has had this ystem far about twintyflve yenrii less on additional supiily that has lieen added at a heavy proiiortlonate cost you should have liod sewers next to eompleto the system you uot imvementa inrtead which was like put ting on a good outer garment and leaving uie others not so good those of us who take an interest in the town and know uie need can nevor be made to feel uiat it is a desirable place to live in without sewers and nven stranger get a bad impression f was forcibly reminded of this when on returning from tho lost old boys meeting that x attended x met lientleman at the station who x took to be on old boy and spoke to him he idld lie had never lived in oeonretown and had only been here uiree or four limes on his way to visit a family in uie scotch black he said oeorge town had always struck him as a very wampy place think or iii he must have had a look up and down uie reek as he csme into uie town from the south and then along the ravlna npproachlng the electrical stsirbn what would he have uiought if he had known uiere were no sewers it is about twentyfive years now since i took an active part in georgetown municipal government and if i do say it i dont think you have had any thing like a progressive economical government since during my time you secured wster works including fire protection you secured a fine nark and an exhibition building all at very moderate prices even at that time llsd we continued you would likely have had sewers and you would never have had a level crossing on your main street what a black eye that gives the town i you might as well put up a no danger sign say ing there are so few people on this street there is no danger of anybody being killed w p moore ltcol 7ampson fkkrt in hlcmy recom mended tin a winter feet r sm hogs and nheep to lo fed uloni wit or in place of liomestrown feed it is rellfihcd by htocfc produced quick gains in weight and keeps them in good condition it will fatten hofi 30 to 4b days carl ler sampson teed is hlh in protein and low in fibre content itwcost isitmsiz- initly low yet it compares equally with other feeds costlnft 500 per lori more wo will gladly quote you n price on any quantity sampum feed contain hominy tccil out chop bran barley chop uyc shorts and oilcake mtnl chtmcal a italy it protein 12 fat 3 flbroio farms for sale in erin township and vicinity no crop falures no bankrupt sales in this vicinity in uie past 30 years no heavy cury soil to bake in midsummer or be impassable inspring and fall priced from tsooo to 110000 per 100 acres in cluding good bsnk bams brick houses good outbuudlngs tenors etc w p obav llfsnefd aaeueaeer ad real estate dealer hltlsbarg phone 30vi3 erin your patronage solicited for farm stock sales sales of household effect etc term moder- mp saivflpson feed sold by w c bessey flour and feed mills phone 1 ob georgetown order your christmas greet ing cards at the herald office nana gtfwmfe rvp dominion stores diamonds in o good diamond the value i olway lure there fore when buyinti diamond make quality of tone your chief demand we only offer diamond which we fully nuarontee settin of newet deairxn to uit your fancy a mull depoit will hold anything for later delivery a b willson fecsrsdwin jwusvat worthy em m ramatar tjuty brood fa m mm esi i assure s sr wuv ass bsa asri n ava u lapses ea ear liwa tour i as we serf uul u mwwuu ssm e ins uua is 1 a isslssy tae ssess fsmliless tea a flea ee estr eey sse balshhjc riusi 1 aasiu bmussl tw akcs a nsvsre tba lei asssa cerlsa so tvsussws sa hkfta aura kas ttessaw wasur ami tv b lea enk uti m wllt bread coffkb wrmk td enf oiwsa uiyll utmdu u ai s 14 al stsw 0kcl1l blkhd trse wulitr as fumr iknam cesaqasutr peasl reluhzs baeon35 isveeusia si tsur hstyoasatalla 2 rns ar asters cocoa 1 21 ctotir bafsl halas tessste ktiauy tac 21 vbmamti 22 mmmufo u biliui i ku u 1 lnbnh cyrnusu is ruwl qofjily hiimiit i oa 10 i wslwu iuivw to irtuait s5iijt rj cu ues hsisuh dstss iskvlli i sk 1 is ess aa aleak hul liser a a oaaumai saar uiiim oi outstanding chevrolet of chevrolet history a six in the price range ofthejfburf thd owvrauc motor catopoay of 1 announcfm tlu oulttbjaajj chsvrattt of clfcsvtlt hlttoty o si in tftvs pttem raitas of dto fasvl spsrtsculsr as awvfolsts adtlsssasbbi kava twos ts ika psu tutsu at its oiialrissfnj irlussplis baw ptovstl tjimowivm la fcsuus wnnrltslils asm car dvarfs ovarf prsvlous osvkiim iccimptlihmmt not eajf daos b lacra- cluc into uw lowrlcs1 fiu an aetaiy bsw tinrrt of fmrfoimsiu twcmfori wsotty asul otyli tiui- it is otvu at ptic to lorn m fftt a obfimtiftn n tutnw csr vsiim ttu tisw iqthnaw lwlbliaail cnsinstisvsloiwd frooi asaro tjtssi a hutulrtxl tmmiv dstlinwl tpteuuf for tills aumutlonal car stsaa out a an mislnwrlii saaatsrstlaco wish a powtr iiwrvsm of aptifasjsasotjt 33 over tho prwloui otavrolsc asosor with stvustlobsli g spsstt and fatttr saxturmtow is ofsrs typs of ptrforasneo that b uurally imetutd- ins vt to umiw who havs ttsssi driving rt costiita husvilrsjs of dol isrsbom thfoutnotw tfaa awrira tpsotj nmjtfk rtfm kb wnnthnm and qnbtiissi of opsrati diat haw uw as- far hmm appretadttd la a lawptlcod lift at thai lavsr mptmi of dty traav k idlss along d wdmt al suiaco and aass on inalrrardi and comcty rt4t it trrrit- in nn m lint ft rn jilljjii it taltss tho longssc and stawttasi hbl wkk mn amimm wmmnm of ps that is a b ofpriaa to tho dvir and bs oeonoasjr ef osoratton amnam itstssr aon 20 asttss to tho spuaa of gsttlnsf ta beedater leal 7e paaesess ea ti caack 1770 tit cease trto 70 te f erl csmalst 4o tie cearemuts landau m uajtfdeueery chassis 310 iv tea ousels m 40 evliat m fstr oisaae ceiww ra gssm relet is ea easart e slyuia aad eae llanlnly saejaud tkel it stval lis cassllest nisftsss fiaslliiai la aew fuase avdle ae laaaara leaar sad re e wkk adjiiaills drivers seel la atj closed esnilili snj reveal ths asasctueas astsurr of fisher eastgaars ta are cuedlally tasted se ak asv s and r rsssglils aad detailed uutarsssuaa ea tkle eaaav leas aew csr meh wut he ready far delivery b jeaaary let eieuoa j n oneill son phone 14 uluuui georgetown pboduct of ci1nitbal motors op canada ltmrtoo betown

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