Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1928, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday december 5th 1928 page 3 prcr uitcr itrrct prefer john d kelly wishes to tlinnk all those who supported liim in the recent election local news j jbjh ar aar jit l 1 ohrutmtu stgeorges church annual christmas bazaar and supper thurs december 6th home made baking fancy work useful articles of all kinds treasure chest toyland home made candy supper served 4 to 7 oclock chicken patties christmas salads bread and butter fancy cakes supper 35c tea and coffee come one come all j oil rmhjr t uifrtmiyiijlfrm0miiykjb sftj ohrwmas two werks from next timday hove you done klutpplntf yet hie salvation army will hold a bale or work on baturday dec 8th in the town hull how ubaiit the community chris tmas lrce7 rtiore are a lot or kiddle iutldnu fnrwitrd to it ash kim o united church sunday school mi icrtn lament will be lield on wedmdny evening dec 10th rrnm now until christmas we are uoliii to i ut prleei to a rinult look in our uliulou j iloney it hip imniluin leu inn are uelllna thilr dub rooiiui in hhnie tltey have miuml i he iirrmlwk uliove cnrrollv nuery the theory that ouiiia glaus in rvirtthpre l no lonifer a tlieory but u nuillty tlww diivf nuil until after ntfeiuher 35 i tend what our local merchant hip otrcrlnn you in their advnrtlse- m iitfi in the lleruld before you think u liuylmi out of town ulff prfinrntlonn are being made for live firemens annual ball and uuiur on december 3 int keep thu time ovru and le there the efimiehlnu women institute will hold their regular meeting in the council cluimber blewarttown on tueiidny tiec 11th at 230 pm 1u it doesnt deem to ttuttter who you more or4alk to tlvese days its the muw story that dunlneu u rood and the pnupectji are that it will bo even better egqueftliui township council will hold it last reunlar meet inn for the year on saturday dec 15th nomlna- uoiih will take place on monday dec ember 3 int ilunteni report bhr joekrabbiu on mcww -at- w 4a e4tf4b4te hand tailored dresswell clothes made to your measure and guaranteed dres swell is a name that stands for fit fashion workmanship and durability a high standard make of clothing for particular people and very popular among good dressers at prices that are not to be compared elsewhere a large and complete range of fabrics for suiting and overcoats at 2250 and up for the tuxedo select a dresswell in formaltejc brighton formality or yonkers 2850 to 5600 mens winter overcoats uncalled for cod a and models 1200 to 3500 they are real values look them over this week a l thurston cleaning and pressing next door to oneills show room personal items ur ft d warren of toronto in town on monday mr paul cwletlef u upending a week or two at hl home in aroona mr and mm p r harding of blrat ford were week end visitor in town mr of w kennedy of owen bound sitent several days in town during the past week mm walter uwlns who 1 taking treatment at weston sanatorium u slowly improving mr a metavlsh of acton l spend ing a few days at uie home of mrs john mcdermld mr john olodall of the rcka kingston is vultlng at uie home of hu mojier in town miss isobel mcdermld who has been spending ttie pant few week in oalt returned liome this week mr william helnmlller of clieslcy who was on a business trip to uie city lost week end called on his dauhter in georgetown mr and mrs j n oneill have been spendlnrr the past week visiting at the home or their daughter mrs eerie blieley detroit mr and mrs j ii cameron ami the misses cameron of auelph were in town last thursday and attended the hallon chapter dinner done miss maraaret kennedy of the nurs ing staff of auelph general hospital was home on sunday she was accom panied by har friend miss hardy rev mr wasa who has been eon- fined to his home for uie past two weeks is iwnrovlng nicely his many friends in town hope soon to see htm around as usual mrs c freure and mrs c have were delegates from georgetown to the aitti annual womens institute convention for central ontario held nunien mum urn mcn-muu- im totonlo arid were guu the vncreas tlx itsvji l sfis ten or twelvepounder u frefluenuyoy robert simpson co ltd banned as a delicacy live humble lit- 1 mrs l e pleck received the sad he cottontall still has the call news on saturday of the death of her while choppuib down trees in thlgl fj e cemetery last week wesley booth lk itf the misfortune to cut his left foot uo j ek vps merely with the axe the wound ligj j j f heallns nicely and he u netting j m- who had just re around again the bell telephone company canada is publishing a series of in terest inn advertisements giving the people on lnslaht into the business of hi in ureal company the ads are ap- piftrinc in this paper have youreyes examined by o turned home lost week from ouelph hospital was unable to go she bos 0i sympathy of many friends in her sad bereavement wen at winter pair browllness pet a bovine beauty owned by col mason georgetown won uie senior and grand champlon- j e y wp m uw jerssy clai w j alex- t walker eyeslaht specialist at guider of ashgrove is also uie posseu- vatjion drug store georgetown or of a winner in the jersey class tccond wednesday of every nionth i joltn campbell of georgetown won a phone 70 for appointment number of prises with his fine span of first in the list or canadian parm papers is the family herald and weekly star montreal its only ii a year or three years for 3 it is att- riictliki worldwide attention road horses blectok8 op gkoborrown kindly accept my sincere thanks for the support tendered me in the elee- tjsrtassi ss it v y an nnstabaweyo will sale of his entire herd of choice jer hey cows on wednesday december mh at 3 oclock r j kerr auctioneer- have every happiness in uie coming holiday aeason and your prosperity as well a uie prosperity of our town bc greater in the year to come sln- dufferln school s 8 no 10 es- cerely leroy date queiilnir will hold their christmas can- cert thursday evening december is at 8 pm talented artists of acton will take a lesdlng part in uie programme admission ac and 16c up if santa olaus takes on many to the ratepayers el osargitawn i wish to thank uie electorate of georgetown for the signal expression of confidence which you gave me on more rvsst oapp msny l 3 ii places at the same ume with different jh jlf olces this phenomenon i going to b m wterestx p mclntyre take some real abuily to furnish an thaii btt cnplonatlon that will pass i t eieetari the family herald and weekly sjjjs5 star of montreal u not only a money j uf maker but a money saver to the far- fpvlsul jsmsnwl men or canada while th inart family circle in uie accompanying wwcn taw tdw o maitozlnc sets what is admitted to be the best of all two more newspapers have been forced to amalgamate as uie result of the hiah cant of publishing a newspa per the amalaamatlon of uie two wceklv papers in tweed uie news and the advocate took place this week the newit absorbing its competitor thanks to 11 start to all those who supported me in uie election in ward one on monday last x convey my sincere thanks and shall endeavor to loox after the best interests of all in my office u coun cillor harold cleave irll and broke thigh mrs a t coo met with a painful accident on sunday night last when he fell and broke her left thigh mrs coo was just recovering from a severe ii incut and had boon sluing up for a hhort time in rising from a sitting position on tier bed to take a step she fell with the above result she has the sympathy of many friends in her affliction and all liope for her sjieedy restoration to itealui he theatre wednesday dec ft tlie docks of new york a gusty drama of water front life starring aeorge bancroft no 7 tartan tlie mighty comedy should married men oo home friday- dec 7 the smart set comedy companionate marriage fox news saturday dec 8 matinee at 3 o clock tlie patsy a picture for the whole family starring marlon davles comedy the gloom chaser rabbit cartoon the sky scrappers tlie fleet in with clara bow sprrorstorti aai ftstjasggaaaaaagaaaaaaaaasigaaaa aaagag get excelsior finest pasluerized creamery butter per lb 44c moore morrow at the home of uie bride on satur day miss marjorle morrow daughter of the late mr and mrs arthur mor row brampton was married to mr geo moore son of mr and tha late mrs joseph moore dram pton the ceremony being performed by rev mr lalng bellwood after a honey moon trip in western ontario they will reside in brampton the office staff of uie williams shoe co with which uie bride was connected gave them a handsome floor lamp and as sociates of uie shipping room at uie dale estate gave uie groom a mr tel clock i 1 i i 1 1 b 1 1 3 pkgs sugar crisp corn flakes 10 lbs granulated sugar 10 lbs yellow sugar good bulk tea black or mixed per lb 24 lb bag excelsior pastry flour 1 0 bars comfort soap 10 bars pearl white naphtha soap 3 pkgs star ammonia 3 pkgs lux 2 in i shoe polish per tin 25c 59c 59c 57c 90c 49c 39c 19c 29c 10c a e farnell prompt delivery phone 75 1 b b 1 b to electees ef oearfeuwn i sincerely thank uie electors of ward 3 far electing me by acclamation to uie position of councillor for the year 1029 i shall endeavor to perform my duties in uie best interests of all concerned geo w davis tr the eleetera ef word three i beg to extend to my friends and supporters at uie recent nominations and polls my hearty thanks that their support and votes were not en tirely misplaced is shown by uie very narrow majority of the winners to uie successful candidates i extend congratulations l p denlson the nnduysulker wedding on uie fiftieth anniversary of uie marriage of the late mr and mrs john stalker their daughter minnie was united in marriage with mr joseph flndlay of toronto at uie presbyterian manse acton on thurs day the 22nd inst after uie marriage ceremony which was performed by uie brides pastor rev a o stewart ma and which was witnessed by few inumate friends a reception w held at the stalker hotnstead where about forty relatives and friends of uie bride and groom mosuy from toron to where present to offer congratula tions to uie happy couple for fifty years tie stalker home has been noted for its hospitality and on this occas ion true to former tradition a very lavuh lunch was served the one thing that marred the pleasure of uie hour was uie absence of the only brother william stalker who as the result of an accident is lying in the oeneral hospital ouelph in his ab- ence as host mr hazen graham brouitrlniaw in a few wellchosen words welcomed the guests a won derful array of presents among which were several substantial cheques tesu- ried to uie high esteem in which uie bride is held congratulatory cable grams were received from relatives and friends of uie groom in uie old land the bride was charmingly downed in bleee georgette and wore a handhome furtrimmed travelling coot with hat shoes and hose to match after the reception uie bride ant broom motored to toronto where they look train for montreal leaving on the 8 b laurentlc tor uie grooms home in glasgow scotland where they will spend a few months before returning to lake up their residence in toronto free press bessey new advertisements help wanted girls wanted at once smith stone ltd georgetown for sale ar rent 0 roomed house an modern conven iences on charles street apply beat p herald 3t tw besu 4 room liouse on john st water and light apply to mrs j h david son oorfetowil 3t tendsrs wanted tenders will be received for wiring house and outbulldlngs for hydro lot 34 ith line john camposu ito 7 roomed liouse and good stable town water and electric light two lots centrally located apply at the har old office stp far sale 1039 ford coupe in good condition new battery 4 good urea 1 new spar a bargain f r pendley norval rr 3 it p car far sale overland touring car light 4 0133 model for sale in good running condi tion 40 00 cash or exchange for coupe apply herald office 3tp haase fee rent 5roomed house for rent in glen williams hard and soft water and electric lights indoors also garage apply fllr33 terra cotta 3t london business for sale billiard and pool rooms small grocery meat market tobacco can dy and trust rooming house sydney bmythe market lane london up meter rer sale half horsepower 33 volt robbms and meyer motor suitable for deloo or other farm lighting plants togeth er wiui starting rheostat bout in best condition for sola cheap also small grain grinder l f denlson charles street at haase to eel on george st 7 roomed frame house electric lights hard and water inside two sinks kitchen and pantry possession immediately will rent reasonable for winter months to careful tenant key at neighbors for further particulars write to mrs b ostrander 14 andrews ave toronto 3 christmas trees any person desiring to secure nice christmas tree balsam com municate with phone ati prompt de livery roy ward 3tn administrators auction sale farm htock and implkmknth of the underalcned has been liistruited by david p meenbhy administrator of uie mute of david p mcenery late of trie township of emjuealttg farmer deceased to sell by publle auction at east half of lot 33 con 0 ktoueslng on tuehdav december irth ikgg at one oclock uie following implements prostwood binder 8 ft cut hay rake mccormlck deer- ing prostwood mower 5 ft cut prostwood cultivator 13 tooth no tion seed drill 13 hoe wagon and box steeltire buifgy cutter pour- secuon harrows pinery plow no 31 plat hay rack small pig crate idievrolet touring car double hay pork melotte cream separator stock black mare 0 years old blatk colt rising 3 0 pat pigs a pigs 3 months old time or sale bow bred nov fllh 13 slieen 1 ram quantity of hay quantity of wlieat quantity or oats quanuty of barley quantity of roots about ift liens and 3 roosters quantity of potatoes about 2ft bags 1 bag clover seed red set team harness nearly new good set single harness 1 bushel timouiy seed cattle red cow 7 years due jan 18ui any cow years due april mil black cowi 5 years due april mui black cow 10 years due july uui white cow 0 years bred nov 20th milking well- s fat steers 4 calves 4 beef cattfe terms cash leroy dale robert j kerr solicitor for administrator auctioneer santa clans will arrive at r e a d ys 5e to 100 store georgetown ontario oh saturday dee 8lh at 3 oclock everybody welcome erwin oldhams meat market special price friday and saturday pure lard per u 18c shoulder roast of fresh pork per ibc legs of pork vi or whole per lb 23c choice breakfast bacon in piece per lb 30c oysters per jar 40c erwin goldhams phone no j george to wn nrrrrrrfc sell your cream at home where vm cu cel the highest grade and he best price ope every sjtahay njfbl georgetown creamery co strttrttcrtarwimtccr manager aamtrlll4ihcrm a airmra call and m ma crctrrrtxrrrtrrrrttrrt georgetown elevator flour bran oilcake hay at shorts rolled oats poultry foods straw and salt lowest prices all kinds of drain bought at best market prices alex l noble phone 145 georgetown showing of christmas gifts with christmas oaly twenty days away the ageold problem of of selection is with us again our sel ection is now complete we have eifta for every member of the family from the baby to the grand parents and what is more important we have made no advances in prices for the christmas trade yardley mens sets always popular 200 and 260 yanfleys ladies sets a pleasing 8ft 85c to 500 gay parse toilet sets in beautiful boxea 2510 renaud face powders in biu iatin siu container 250 ben hut perfume iiml fart powder iteif wrawea qqa yardley shaving bowls a favorite with men 100 bath salts cay paree and yardley 100 st denis bath salts always appreciated 25c to 125 perfumes in all popular odors 25c to 500 woodbury soap ttxm 69e childrens books picture and story 5c to 75c fiction new and reprints 50c to 200 chrlstmss cards beautiful designs 5c to 25c flashlights a useful gift 100 up parker fountain peru and sets 275 to 1 100 wraggettes drug store 5ttmmmmimzm v bigger 4nd better ladies dresses new arrivals for evening wenr a nice assortment of ladies evening drcwn colors pink peach blue sky blue roup old roy nile green maise and sand silk taftetn dreisen 1000 silk georgette dresses j sizes 16 18 and 20 1600 and 1600 crepe de cliinr dresses sixea 1 6 1 8 and 20 1250 1350 1500 1650 black georgette dresses sizes 40 42 44 1750 to 2100 sweaters a lovely range of misses pullover sweaters v and round neck fine wool and silk and wool at 375 each mcbean co georgetown w b browne co agents for wheat pool bring your wheat oats barley here take feed back we will truck if preferred norval mills s65e w b browne co norval ontario national norval for pastry kings choice canadian wonder for bread cash prices shorts middlings bran chopped wheat barley chicken feed at mill look for prizes in our flour isrse5alsrj homemade baking all made in our own home mackeys bread fresh every day delivered to your door groceries quality firit then priem maconochies uufd cut phi 1 lb sunmaid puffed and neetsr nalaltu 3 pnckasc panoy smyrna piob 1 lb for crown corn syrup 1 lbs crown corn syrup s lb for ammonia 2 liackonan ms zte ise lb me lit soap special old home rufl 54 x 27 wih lo bars of comfort soap all for 912b less than the value of the rug alone mark clark phone 229w georgetown youngs announce fresh shipment of all leading lines cigars in xmas boxes from 00c to 300 cigarettes in special gift boxes bachelor cigars i i fmh xmi slack 10 for ooc i 25 for s22s mcdonalds british consols 150 for soc t l00orsloo i tx new stock of case pipes tobacco pouches cigar and cigarette holders new stock of neilsons box chocolates from 25c to 150 special gift box 250 for the kiddies stockings we have an assortment of noveltieb and our special xmas mixture 25c lb e e young phone 161 main st

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