Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1928, p. 4

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rage 4 the georgetown herald wednesday december 5th 1928 ag accepted everywhere you w mssmj i lie tried ffi avr tnsty bread a wrapped loal 9- special offer m iras voesssd bedusllon on 1u all tloailnlati morm ti dslbuuck sfe domino eiujelfrfsljuu hi rvss richmello a ruvr bidj ts kf ifc ik 5 golden tip a 0as se it 9s domino jafahowttm 4v mclarens invincible olives q 2 fctfl ite sbjkj ul be 14 uu ut dawi 19ft new christmas fruits m lk mu luilu ru4rtrl4wjciink41 lb tkmmmm si4 auw ruu ctuuj rt imm ovlaf cm i cal ujuj uu4 v1iuu awwi lb jl4 ll js t tli in uutuj wtjeuh hum rtu oomj uji simaler4tti ckm ckmvlw uiriullulujia tw r fi shnu uuss u4s fuk tk10 guu 11- wje ts lumiui 1 apply plume how lvimontif california peaches halves or sited tto vr somui villi yk wkdnl ftitm p sg soap 10 34 wif nnin r m ii sl t butt office on wlllotwliby uiock la elinor o tliompson georgetown lf bmt house to rent on jolm st near ouelplt bl newly decorated all eotl- veiilenms apply to h o imyloot aeorgeloun to uml 0 roomed house oil uurdock blroet electric llant water insldir newly re novated immediate praweukton apply to ii t arnold rritie perelieron maw 1100 lb clean leg ged 1 year old accredited jertey bull off high producing cow w a me- olure ptwne oerft georgetown 31 vtt sunt seven roamed brick tiouse opposite pmbylerlan oliurcli on main bl souul all convenienses an ideal residence for tlie business man apply to e a denliam at son phone 104 tf ilea te bern on aeorge bl 7 roomed frame home eleclrlo llalit hard and aolt water liulde two sinks kitchen and pantry possmilon immediately will rent reasonable for winter months to careful tenaul key st neighbors por further partlculsrs write to mrs e oetrander 14 andrew ave toronto s waal fer kate very choice hardwood beech and maple moo per alnil cord choice hardwood alaba ovs per alntle cord muted ralli woo per alngle cord mixed wood iu0 per alntle cord thli la all sood eound dry wood and st theee prleea la ood buyiiu satlafac- uon suaranlmd j brandford box th phone ittrt aeomtown u livtagsloncs bakery the best of everything in baking at most rea sonable price ivmit oak per lb mimm plea emeh uvtaflslones quality bread 9c d livingstone phona ss eleetrieal contraeting batteryleos console model radios built by one of canadas leading radio manufacturer and guaranteed for one year complete 20000 radio repair and supplies h h darling kwaeh st cearfclwa j speights garage machine shop the pioneer garage ol georgetown repair to all makes of cars acetylene welding and cutting storage battery repairing and charging worn fly wheels fitted with hardened steel ring gears magnetos recharged and repaired ignition and generator work i have installed new gasoline pumps and now offer five brands of gasoline viz premier ethyl white rose red seal and shell oils grease tires and accessories your patronage solicited all work guaranteed t j speight phone 270 georgetown new advertisements t bntt 0 room luiuie with llaraue well lo cated very warm apply en herald miun wbld for fox meat blake valmlalter balllrutfad phone mrji 3lp wood ralla uu ilnile eotd delivered mixed wood i3m hardwood sum atn- ble cord j h smith phone strll aeoreetown lf wanted now a in helton county during pall and winter rooauia to sell fruit trees flowering bhruba etc good pay exclualn territory whole or part time arrangement a msatee mattery we own and operate modem wellequipped nurtery and supply ou cuitomera with the beat in quality ant variety bell hardy oanadlangrowr nurtery stock and you will be sue- cetaful our agency la available eitablllhed 33 yean peuuua naraery co toronto 3 ont aelon express co annthuices the extwuion of their territory froov acton ouelph kitch ener new hamburff stntrord lon don ineerwu wootutock pud bruiuord uamuton and toronto our ume delay run will continue from ac- ton georgetown brunpton toronto pull load taken anywhere and boodi fully lniured phonee acton 118 ouelph 3733 georgetown aw toronto rand 3301 london fairmont 310 3tp farms for sale in erin township and vicinity no crop falurcs no bankrupt ulee in thli vicinity in the nut 30 year no heavy clay aoil to bake in mldjununer or he impawoble intnrlrig and fall priced from 15000 to 110000 per 100 acreo in cluding good bank bams brick home good outbuilding fenceo etc w p gray uceeuw awtlebeer nj real estate dealer uuletarg phone 30rl3 erin your patronage tollclted for farm itock lalea aalea of lioueehold effects etc term moder ate 36p- t1inuh that count not teliat wo liv buf wliat w iuw not what we mr but what we clmow t1um ant th thins that mr of blmut rlie hunt of imnutrt lmplrnu tim uilnsit nrmrby not thlnu utar not what wk mem but wliat w are tlme nr tlw thlna utat maktt or break that give the iteart u joy or ache not what heetnt fair but what u true not wliat we dream but wliat w do tttmtf are the thlnu llutt ivltlne like ttdnu like maw in fortune dladetna not wliat we take but what we glvo not on we pray but a we live mumu are tlie thing hint make for peace hot i now and after time uliall cratu till hiucnt toaht tliey ntand with reverent face aid ttwlr incrrlinent give oer an they drink tlie toaht to um tineeen llolit who have fotiaht ami gone beforo it u only a paulng niorjetit in tlie mldxt of uie fjujt and rjmu but it grip tlie breath a tlie wlnxl of death in a vulon weep along no more tliey see tlie banquet and the brilliant light around ilut tliey cliarge again on uie hldeou plain when the shell burnt rip the ground or tliey creep at night like panther through uie waste of no lions land ttieir hearts afire with a wild dtnlre and death on every liand and out of the roar and tumult or uie black night loud with rain some face comes back on the aery track and looks in their eyes again and the love that 1 passing woman and the bond that are forged by death now grip the soul with a strange control and speak what no man tolth the vision die off in uie tullne once more the table ship but the eye of all in the banquet hall are ut with a light divine archdeacon p a scott camcwtrate it um buuam far dairy the individual qualifications of the herd are important points to consider when feeding concentrates to dairy cows the feeding of expensive con- intrate to a mediocre producer is at beat a risky investment on the other hand certain cows in the herd often without the owner being aware of it would make profitable use of a dally allowance of concentrates especially when these can be largely grown on the farm nigh production cannot be obtained without the use of consider able concentrates but profit is not incompatible with such an expense und it 1 a mistake to believe that high records are always achieved with a loss of money by consulting uie report of uie ex perimental station of ste anne de la poeatiere for uie year 1037 it is seen that uie heavy milkers caused more expenses but ultimately yielded more profit por the benefit of uie reader the following table has been compiled from uie abovementioned report average production income feed cost and profit per cow no of cows 7 0 6 average milk production 13543 lb b7m lb mm lb income per cow 14773 11806 peed cost per cow 910027 7070 ao7s profit over feed per cow 913134 770p i54j0 diamond in a good diamond the value is always sure there fore when buying diamonds make quality of stone your chief demand we only offer diamond which we fully guarantee settings of newest design to uit your fancy a small deposit will hold anything for later delivery a b willson next i km hetikkm ctwtcttin notice to creditors in tub mattbe op the kstxtb of david pipe heenebv iota at the tawaehls of eeaomur la the coasty of boltea roraur deceased notice is hereby oiven that all persona having any claims or demanda asxlntt the late david fife uoenery who died on or ahout the fifteenth day of november aj 193s at the old township of g and pro vince of ontario are required to aend by post prepaid or to deliver to the undenltrned solicitor for david fife afcenery parmer deceased thelr namea and addresses and full particu lars in writing or their claims and statements of their oooounta and the nature of the leeuiitles if any held by them and take notice that after the twentyninth day of december ad 103 the sold david p ucenery wul rjroeeed to distribute the assets of the sold deceased among the persons en- utled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the aald david p ucenery will not be liable for the sold assets or any part tliereaf to any person of whose claim he shall not then have reoelved notice dated at georgetown ontario this twentyeighth day of november ad ims leroy dale solicitor for the aald administrator the column m ooat per cow re presents the value or the feed used butter was valued at so cents per pound and the sklmmllk at 90 cents per hundredweight the value of the alt was not included in the income a glance at the above table will how that the profit over feed of the tint lot was more than double the bra nt from the last one in other words it is more profitable to fed one good cow than two or average quality and the use of concentrates la more profit able in the first instance than in the second the first cost per soar column reveals that the feed cost in creases with the production there is nothing surprising in this for can we expect that the cow will manufacture milk from nothing after all it mat ten little that the feed ooat was greater if the cow returned more pro fit in any case the nineteen cows whose average production u recorded here were fed according to their in dividual qualification and each one tylelded a profit it la easily surmised that the feeding practices of the flrst lot applied to the second and vise versa might have caused a deficit in stead of s profit therefore the breeder must first know the qualulca lions of his cows and than feed them accordingly j b proulx dominion eaperlmental station steanne de la poeatiere p q notice to creditors in tub mattes of the estate op david oiven late ef the tewaaklb al eafoealag la the oesm- ty ef bohaa paressr deeaase notice is hereby oiven that all persons- having any claims or de mands against the late david given who died on or about the fifth day of november ajj ims st the sold township of rwiueilng in the county of hslton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors far aeorge ourrle the abmlnlstrator of the eslata of david olven parmer jessed their namee and addressee and full particulars in writing of thalr clalms and statements of their ac- oounts and the nature of the seeurl- tles u any held by them and take notice that after the twentysecond day of december ims uie aald george ourrle will proceed to distribute uie assets of the sold de led among the persons enutled therto having regard only to the slolms of which he shall then have had notice and that the sold oaorge ourrle will not bo liable for the sold assets or any port thereof to any per son of whose claim he shall not then haw rese nouoe dated st georgetown ontario this twentyfirst day of november ax ibs lkroy dala aollcltor for lbs said anrnlnlslrqlnr of intercbt to pabmebs clar pentag el bhsbarb to successfully force rhubarb in the cellar during the winter months is one of the easiest and simplest of un dertaklnga strong healthy roots that are at least two yean old from aeed or old crowns will give very satisfac tory results theee should be dug up late in the autumn or lust before the ground freeaee up for winter allow aa much earth to adhere to the roots as possible allowing them to remain on the surface of the ground until the sou and raodrhave been froaen through pressing is essential to good forcing as it has been found by experi ment that roots that were not frosen bsfora being placed in the cellar did not do aa well ss those that had been frosen a dark sellar where the temperature can be maintained around u degrees plays a pretty kni and fork since trauatitfet brought relief fro lndi estiod mrs wiiitc u looks olmoiil like biorln tlie way a wealth of liculiti lloutlri tli ihkiv under tlui lutiliiik niiliiiiticc iif lriiita llvui iiidtfeifitiiiii inn ami 1ala slur ijilittrt huiuliiilmhiiiid ooiuhimt uon umijv diipmiir an mr e wliiln of wifi tnronlo out atalifi i mifli from liidiftlnn for moiitliri ami fmld tint eat a square meal hnuo talcum lniilntlvi every irani uf htulmirli trotiltki ho dismiittcnivil i now cut anylliiuj and feel liba a ww penvm kniltndvca will quickly relievo iwlifetlcn and dyiitewin 2v niil ftv n imix iil iltmlrra uvnrywhern p to 61 denreii v will no quite sattt- factory ibc frarimi rooijt and aoll idiould be hruuiflit in mid placed on uie cellar floor adjacent to thr fur nace sand enrtli or cinder should bo piled around tin- rood to malntutn un even moimnre impply at inter- uls of a week or ten lnn it may be found neccuinry lo apply uater to uie null mulch it u nccetwary u apply fertiliser of any kind mnce tlie rieohy root stnlkii liave itufficlcnt plant food ktored up in them to produce at leant four good pulling under proper candltlunn the prat pulling should be ready in about four week from the time tliat the root liave been placed in the cellar to maintain uie supply throuuhout the winter a second lot of root hhould be brought in when thr first pulling hnn lieen remount irom uio previouri root plvn root pmperly bundled should produce about ntxty potind of a mar rentable product when the fourth pulling ha been removed it l a good ptun to place the root outofdoors again and allow them to freeze theiie root can lie planted out in the tiprtuu in uood wll to recuperate prise got to norval ifrrtj the milk and cream producer as sociation of ontario donated a prize at tlie royal winter pair for tlie best fl gallon can of milk and far the best 8 gallon can of cream shown this prise was keenly contested for ship ment being made from various parts of the province tlie first prise for the can of milk valued at 130 wot awarded to maimon hall at son whose dairy herd made 07 points out of a possible hundred tlie ract that this prise was won by a county man re fleets great credit and distinction upon the county of peel to our store managers t0 cuum m wts u il si i lli w nt m4 1sumi i u triil v mz lrls mky m area cewuiaaast laalst wibwiynj u l4wwldh u t t- u r r i u ik u 11 w luu lui is wuliiy u y u uifarv w bi piul wnzm cuatuj iimimm c ik imm uij fi ik ri u ik mml fi sue o lrk rl1 slm m i i rw ru1 ik ui cw m ru imii ik vto nw tu j utliy wid u i 1 1 uymh wjddr u mimj imlowa ycrfi iwl m wil umsi t c4wui4mm owurt fwy rull cueufc hu u sua tie l mm im m ill 1 i 4aoimti j yewrt w alesw w wot cajtvotx finett chifiatmat bvtteit baking fruits eggs jsatsftn nuoj aaw iimi 64 smunjwl llari macuiiuckiert im is nt t oka f lrli lmon or ocanff lb xu u mni srrrjlr uonochie- cil- is 01 x tvi 2u rn xr ll si ma nichit cut del monte- sfeilh utmni perl i5c x iu er mi u mmuaio wmouxnom tawyivs4m tkml rich a cu 45 as cheese rtdtjom ytilfiv aaa bacon mmo rmr siwa a w cohag kalu esa bread a us pliuy cfoli iatrat ptt a li awiiralum rttniril j hit u ftdstsd mum pbc hmllexj alavhjt mr ft- bkiu4 wtutrlt atklmi rmr ft st old liltah ianry rcnch itsvpswi p powatd 4aw ft nip cfmn imptnua pt imund m mnkappui pt lukaou itytial li1 liabl fletf tmw4 m slrtal gcsielm iftlfrw jiusa lettlce xc rolled oat nuu1 a- b flour aw h0c6sc75c specialuuyuutr la kraut 2 2 ejsjajsaaessay misnnnn miiiiiisnriinsaisnrmriratratrinji astmaj ispecialho unml i 23 i amntonia 5 i any county council expended about 1mm00 on roads and 170000 for education this year herbs that heal who longs and bronchial tabes seem all on lire fifty yeare ago a qtilehtolag aoul jame uailogher come to pete county lib was a marvelous akill eonpoutuluig herbal mediouie one of hie many preaeriptlana far folk suljtvt lo llronehiua or similar ill ami nasty euugbs oud coltl waa hi indian lung iteaedy full of the heaitb- giving power drawn from mother nature behf wonderfully healing to uflanvvl uaaiea a builder of good tad uood make the acquaintance of uua tried rebalile remedy keep well this winter together with the other fine oausgher ifrrlial llwiaelwld r obuinalaie from t w it wiimmi geortlowii 1 prtiilbjt i sfceweluat sveajaleed h 8a standard a1ntthracite scranton coal r in all size aolomatlcally bcrsonod and loailod coal wood t p t 5 john mcdonald belftot lump for domeatio and throuliinu ihirponoa smithinr and cnnnul coal in fiut i carry ovorj tliiui to bo found iu an up todnto coul und wood yard pbomb1b georgetown two weeks from the date of the burglarising of o 8 woods general store at palermo it second attempt wai made the glass in the front door was taken out but owing to the fact that iron ban had been placed immediately behind the glass the at tempt was frustrated the former attempt was successful when the thieves forced the front door and got away with a quantity of men under- elouilng canned goods tobacco etc no clue has been obtained bylaws granting gas franchises in burlington and oekvllle to the united puel investment co of hamilton will he voted upon on prlday dec 14th while similar bylaws wilt be before the trafalgar bronte and nel son voters on saturday dec 33nd james turner of oakvule whose two valuable hounds that wen ahlp- ped from the hunting grounds and smothered en route will seek to re cover their value these were two exceptionally fine dogs a cross be tween the foxhound and bloodhound j n robinson of albion wo emin ently successful in his exhibit of grain at the royal winter pair he secured second prise for fall wheat and third for barley when it 1 considered that there were forty entries in each class his success is all the more ouutandlng halton garage j now open under new management wc are now at your service for your automotive and tractor repairs at the most moderate price with the most skilled mechanics and the best equipped shop in town we specialize on carbratour ignition starting and lighting systems and batteries radio batteries called for and delivered no rental clmipes just phone us and try our prompt radio service oiling and greasing free brake bisjieetioii official motoradf service station day and night road service phone 7 m fflfiibtig fluta lowcbst whiter feed with others fmttaewtn j 5perumixuxre you will find with sampson feed that browing hogs make cheap gains in weight and keep thrifty that ewes winter well on this welibalanced ration that fattening cattle become leek and wellconditioned from the high protein content it is just the thing to feed between now and market time no other lowpriced general purpose feed contain so much valuable protein and so little fibre as does sampson peed in low fibre content it compare with f eed seulns s5w higher per ton let us quote you prices on any quantity saisumon fetsvj emiiaiii hominy feerl oat chop bran barter chop rye shorts aiidoifcake meal chtmleal anafytu protein l fat 3 fibre m sampson feed aoldbv iv 11 w c bessey 1 115 cemcetcwn ii eass

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