Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 12, 1928, p. 2

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j page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday december i2tb 1928 fs8t8k30fj868f norrinctons saturday treat banu otaua mixture a wnnavrful mlxtiirt of cliim jelllii crupa oreata bamnua and cltocfilata bmrul from now until ntw vmra hanta cladh upkcia1 31 lb week endchocolates be sure and liave at least one poimit or them lino citocolntefi fur xmas it just taken them to make it n tea day of uladiiciui weelt end chocolate 3sc fancy packages we havs the best assortment of parkagen anywhere nellsoiva ualr hunts smllcsn chuckles ami llio price is rial it lo null any puraf alio a fine collection t novelties block in ft rimkcru nuu and oranges come in ami look out mock over we have christmas thtddlngs and rnkeu whlrh rn mint he henten -fxoli- agent for these fine oordonat 131 ninth bt sttka- limt bank on nov hftthtt mr and mrs o a go dull it daughter ag ue miirinrct chorolatra in georgetown arthur norrington phone s9 practical christmas gifts makbmuiui nomjcbwlnduciioiurr oil bol dm mil iks it bt pauln matue guaidii by the llev oeo atktmon mary allio youwtrat dauuliuir of mr mhi tlu- lain mr j ii bwliullo- hunit llullliinfiul to nouttrt uaruluu unly urn of mr and tin uu mr o b nulilr do ittiytrr new york ukatiih coo in georgetown on deo 11th ellzulicth marian collin beloved wife of ci t ooo in tier 7sth year funrrul on thuni dee 1311k at 330 in to greenwood cemetery ciroritetown in mkmouiam townsrnd in lovlnn memory of mr john toiennend who died dee lotli ims bweet in tile word remember an tliete few line will tliow vou will nlwnyn be remembered dear patlter in the years that come and so ilia daiiahter urn emma strlnrer and family toola of all kind saw wrenchea planea vise electric heater cincinnata ot 375 grate heater at 850 heater with fireplace ef fect glowing body of coal at 1800 a beatty electric washer will work every day for a good many year cash or time payment electric iron at 300 tcuuter 6se up to 400 hot plate 2 element at 676 carving set at 300 360 425 476 and 600 skate we are agent for the ccm skates the standard for all good hockey player of canada pocket knives dada beat friend from 25c to 160 flashlight everybody want complete 86c to one 276 rocking horses kiddy kara hand sleigh snow shoe hockey sticks bob skates coleman radiant heater produce a clean fresh invigorating heat very economical a gallon of gasoline will burn about 25 hour regular price i 3750 our price 2500 cordingleys hardware phone 25 and 189 georgetown iooaavaoay4aav x 9i leave your order at hamiltons bakery for- choice xma cakes and doughnut and fried coke we alio have pure almond paste ready prepared for jf your own cake h g hamilton 1 phone 202 georgetown 55viaxavavflaviaar aav savsyaaxa ejayajy tgwssu the new long loaf 10 mautactaatirrllabul4kau ma gjacaclarvia m cli leaaaa ar oraaaa peal curaapeel cutmluapaal mlaea nums braau nato sauna flo 1dw be tfeua tartaaaaa al ihm ilefuaah 1 flu ue uaatwiaa walaau ik ise sheila alaiaaii caoau blaacwtn itos marmalade ffi 23c 1 tasty breadift 9 i sugar 3 u 25 butter coffee 1 tu tte wktb sla 4 ik m i laeur lie sejar tb ik me ik s7e ha sfe ik tr ik xte ik t ik he ik ise ijlv 30c bomrtmamt tke rlaaal la 4k awuthiaar che8t8 a f aia al c haaiflavan saa 9aa flavallaa dteej camta icaaaa lakta vara ha i ckrlallee water lea wafara kj i tu lie aieaeari wlaaa ran skarrr sakutsal onmt awl glafcr iii iuuui caaaaba uarakaaallawa ilea ima k ikla ckatelau ban kara isa f ik ue i taakaalati wlka ik ja ft- faaari crapa aaauaihaaar lirlaaa waleka crape jalea 1k isa twsti olasuaaav ktl ha ihtnooocma salads japan green teab35 sftcial cotlbimation dial 71b ba fin rsaaa ftaor rat 1ib tlacoekvfrtaajbalilmjtpowdar 71c mi cimibtuas u crverywhr or the radio in the kuh window in the ftettkpflttcr and unroualiout uie land tlie gplril of santa clau u ramikmnu prom now until december as the hani olaiu spirit of planning and ftivina joy to ouicn will be uppei mott in uf mlndi of all people what doei it matter if long hours and much money is spent in cltrlstmas planning santa glaus as a live individual may be only such in uie childs mind but the santa glaus spirit is real in uie life of all from now until after christ masthe provision for uu itapplness of others is uie santa glaus spirit correspondence an echo or 4 veabh ago editor georgetown herald i dear sir i found amonefct my books and pap ers of less what to me was vary inter- estlng and i trust it may be so to some of your numerous renders so x am tending you what i found it was a sunday school class in the presbyter- ian sunday school at christmas 1bs8 t follows pastor rev a h drumm at pres ent mnihtcr in old niagara superintendent l grant still at the old stand teacnerrmlm tena young now in erin township scholars joseph little went to edmonton in real estate business will ucbeth went to edmonton in insurance business john re id in aeorgetown in hard ware buslnecs will itddln chicago in banking business orant somervllle in winnipeg in i charge ot t eatons cash dept c e mcclure in georgetown far er thos mcwhlrter in toronto in in surance business david hume n california paper manufacturer e messier to alberta in farming david tost lost letter leaving den ver going to san francisco believed to have perished in earthquake r johnston to uba as mechan ical engineer david mcolure in ti of rln far mer died within the last year each of the 13 boys represented wagonmaker blacksmith cobbler butcher baker farmer merchant mil ler doctor builder lawyer and dentist as eocji one told how lie would do his chosen profession they all sang to the tune of walt for the wagon the fol lowing verse and when wc grow to monliood well all be working then the true wealth of a nation is in her labouring men- work work my comrades work now with a will work work my comrades and ell your places fill these boys have all been a credit to uie town and carried out in spirit the sentiment in the song in the same connection the rev a ii drumm was inducted into this charge when the following took part rev dr mctavlsh rev w- patterson rev a ouvray rev w o wallace of toronto j w milne notion rev j m rae of acton rev b had- dow milton rev jos alexander and rev i argo norval rev walter reld of weston l orant superintendent business mln met thkatmk av mk tvttt hctlool childrkn on fet ittu community chrihtmah tu tltere was a good attendance at the itegular meeting of uie business mens association held in the waterworks building 6it tuesday evening presl- dent j b mackerule was in the cliab und the minutes of previous meeung were read by secretary it h wpigj gette atvd approved arrangements were completed for the big theatre day for the public sclvool children of uie town and sur rounding community a splendid picture has been secured and the chil dren will be entertained by ute associi la t ion free of charge in tlw luuidsortiv new aregary ttieatre on dee 31th ticket will be issued tfl the children next week for morning and afternoon itiows the evening show will be fof udulls arrangements are being completed for the annual community christmas tree particulars of which will appear next issue officer for 1620 were nominated land uve election will take place at ute next regular meeting on tuesday jan 10th fiwl grain to nerval w b hrown a co received artrbt car fllhppcd from tokontxya new elevator the first shipment of grain by rail from ute new ijwtjom busltel elevator at toronto was made last week to norval it will be followed by other shipments throughout the winter as tlio grain in uie elevator is shipped out to millers and farmer fresh sup plies will be drawn from uie boats which are wintering in uie harbor here the elevatoris now about half full high school expenses apportionment dispute i rftur ml tnmmulrr fif trimttw utml rtrpym aimarulloii kd aunew cnmiibellvlherrteve of hal ton county uat rnelckht prvs- ideht atttue auuitnl mertlnu of the ifalton kdltratloiial animclntan of rnuteeri und rotfewywit held in the irfal hcluutt milton repreneiiuttlven from many bfthe itrhonl uertloiih wt- tendlitg an imiiortant dlscumlorl took playe on ute question of npimirtionment of die high school eypenw ftelweeii tlu urban aivd rural district vl carton of ksquestnu- upheld the rural anivect nf uie case clnlmlulf tliat the amior- i tloument was too hlh ed lfoltly oil uurllnftton in erplv endeavored to uvw that llw rohth were divided fairly a cjommlttee wnn forrned to un into the question very thnrouuhly be tween now and the first tuesday in march to uhlch date the meeting wan adtoumed a discussion on trie value of teach- 1 lng household science and manual training in the- public sclmol followed nn able addrcw on the former subject by miss peacock who tcaclien it in a rural school the subject of vocal training in the rural schools was dls- iliased also 7 marshall a campbell of zlmmer- mnn was reelected sretary-truiiir- r he is a memlter of the genestil ex ecutive of the ontario trtiuteea and ratepayers association and ex-prex- drnt of the rural section obituary mru b bailey on thursday last mrs benjamin bailey passed away at her home here in her hand year deceased was born in newmarket and was twice married she is survived by her second husband and two children miss viola and george philip bailey georgetown al so by three children to her first hus band mrs gordon davy alloa mrs john huus norval and john wilson momann the funeral took place on sunday last to brlttanla cemetery the service being conducted by rev dr dickie that terrible hydro mortgage farmers advocate throughout the length and breadth of rural ontario there is a demand for hydro but seldom is new district taken into the system without a desperate struggle to get three subscribers to uie mile in some cases sparslty of rural popu lation makes uie regulation a dif ficult one to meet and uie situation is aggravated by uie reluctance of many to mortgage their farms they express it to the ontario hy dro electric power commission tlve contract binding for a period of 30 years is msgnlned by some into a mountain of injustice and oppression it has been likened lo a mortgage hanging over the farms an encumbrance that would lessen uie value of the property and per haps prevent m sale after a rural system is once in- rlslled the property owners who re fuse to subscribe eventually come in and uie mortgage or encum brance idea evaporates into thin air it is realised that instead of an en cumbrance uie contract and installa tion constitute an asset that in creases uie value or the farm and will promote rauier than hinder sale when hydro wos installed at weldwood the parmers advo cate farm during february 1033 uie service charge was tea per year two years later a rebate of iso was received and the service charge was gradually revised downward until now it is only t38 per year what happened additional subscribers and extensions hsve helped to light en uie burden far the established users of power but under uve equit able system of cooperative owner ship and service at cost uie ute comers do not derive any advantage from their delay those who come on uie line after a system- is installed and has been in operation for any period of time whatever pay their share of uie original cost and main tenance to date if a property owner does not wish to use hydro and feels that he just cannot afford the cost of installa tion ranging from i1m to tsoo it is certainly his right to refrain now adays however when farmers ev- erywhere an clamoring for this power uie argument against the so- called mortgage or incumbrance is without weight and substance hy dro is installed and operated on community basis individualism is no part of the system in fact individ ualism retards uie progress of hydro and inrreasea uve difficulties en countered in every district individ ualism is th great retarding force in agriculture today pvhlic rciiool board the public bclvool board met on dec s the rolloulng accounts were passed p reld t 4 53 canadumpalrbanks morse 40 70 p r harrison 5 00 hydroelectric g m o n muckart 18 57 w t evans 40 00 the board expressed to messrs criehlon and edwards its appreciation of uie services they had rendered dur ing their term of office mrs preure made her report she had found a considerable amount of sickness in uie homes members present were 8 harrison chairman mrs cleave r b foulls d p criehton p d menally k r edward glenwflxiams sl albans sunday school will hold their annual entertainment on mon day december 17th the annual election and installation of officers for lta no 380 was hold at the regular meeting on mon- dsy dec 3rd in uie town hall glen- wllliams dd oil sister gamble- presided in the chair assisted by sis ter thelma gamble bister lappln and sister wilds all of acton ltb the officers for uie year 1030 are as fol lows past mistress mrs b addy wor mistress mrs k preston de puty mistress mrs e mersden rec- sec mrs m allen flnsc mrs d norton tress mrs e smith chaplin mrs l hill director or cer emonies miss e barlow conductor miss e clarke xnstlde tyler mrs e nsriow outside tyler mrs l led- wldge lunch wss served at the close or uie meeting the annual election and installation of officers for l o l no sifl held last monday evening when uie following officers were elected wor master bra n barlow depu master bro bert marchmeat chaplin bro clarke rcbc r blyuie fin- bec h hale tress o davis mar- khall john cane 1st john cove 2nd rred norton commute 1 james faxe 2 committee a dewhurst 9 commit tee j mcdonald 4 committee wm oiilman the lee on the river is hardly safe unough for skating yet be careful a number are on uie sick list al present the united church entertainment wui be held on friday dec 31st pro gram consists of choruses dialogues drills recitations and musical num bers admission 35c and ise come und spend an enjoyable evening with the children stewarttown the stewarttown public and sunday schools are holding a christmas en tertainment on tuesday evening dec 18th at 8 oclock the seniors are put ting on uie play my wifes relations and uie juniors a fantasy half an hour in story book land admission adults 35c ohlldren 10c card el thanks mr ben bailey and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bora especially mrs john armstrong and mrs hunter for their sympathy and idndnees shown them in their re cent bereavement by uve death of loving wife and a devoted mouvsr and also for the beautiful floral received mr ben bailey address and preaenulion a pleasant event took plaee at uve irmitiiig of the womens missionary rnclnty title afternoon in knok pres byterian church when uie mission uattd of uie church prowiled mrs david prnser with tt llfn memberahlp uno address the presentation was made by klus jean hill while mlas marjory mackenxle read ute following i itdtviuui iwur mrs praser ever sltww any of us have been at tending mission band or bunday itoliool wt knox church you liave been iter doing something far uie comfort and impplne of every one doing it m capably and thoroughly and xlaliig it wlui a smile your lire luvs been un example for us to be de- ifendabl fultliful and loyal in kindly appreciation pf all your icrvlcc it affords ute members of the ode sheaf mission band much pleasure present to you this life membership certificate in the wut or the presbyterian church atoned oh behalf or tlte golden sheaf muudon band mrs v kersey murjorle mackerule jessie hill helen mcdonald v church notices s kl ceerges chareb third sunday in advent flam holy communion ii am holy communion choral and sermon by ute rector 7 im htcnttong and serhvon by the rector ualtej chref 0 rev dr dickie will preach next sunday morning ute lath inst on a parable of eternal truth and in the evening on the one universal language kuev ftesatyteriaia cttareb mr o tower fergusson will visit uie congregation of knott church on sunday morning next and will give an address on uie work and progress of the presbyterian church in canada the bapust church on bunday morning rev a n frith will review a cheery letter from a roman prison the evening subject will be what u uie greatest bvent of history sjrjrvjrlwwmjetlbonjiljs 1 choicest flour and all kinds ol feed al reasonable prices try us with your next order itrtn georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey georgetown w b browne co agents for wheat pool bring your i wheat oat barley here take feed back we will truck if preferred norval mills kst for pastry kings choice canadian wonder for bread cash prices short middling bran chopped wheat barley chicken feed at mill look for prizea in our flour vv b browne co norval ontario norval the annual concert will be held in norval school on thursday evening december 30ui norval presbyterian sunday sclvool will hold its annual christmas enter tainment on friday evening dec 14th first class program by uve sunday school admission 35c children 15c 3t norval united church will hold their annual concert and christmas tree on tuesday dec lrth a play will be put on by uie huttonvllle young people come and enjoy the evening ad mission 35c ashgrove the november meeting of the wl was held at the home of mrs james names with a good attendance the roll call wus answered by my pet proverb mrs walter wrlgglesworui gave pletvdld paper on managing a hus band tills was interesting and con tained many good things mrs wright and mrs c dick contributed an in strumental duette current events were given by mrs a ruddell com munity singing and uie social hour was then in order after which all joined heartily and prayerfully in singing uie national anthem terracotta the contract was let for cutting itownsends hill last week mr king was awarded uie contract the new road has been surveyed through mr william hunters farm which will straighten uve townlumhul mr king intends to commence operations here as soon as the contract is finished on stlrratfs hill there are a number of our cltisens laid up with uie flu at present we are glad to know that all are recover ing nicely mr edward simpklns is now on the sick list we hope soon to hear of his complete recovery remember uie box social to be iteld in uie terra gotta united church on monday evening dec 17th a good program will be given by uve children no admission fee will be charged all the ladles as ususl are cordially invited to bring their boxes and thus help uve good work along all are cordially invited to attend the greatest event of the season mr and mrs p ferris of george town spent uve week end with the 1st tars parents mr and mrs john me nally mrs fern stringer of toronto our vocalist and teacher has a large class here and is making splendid progress with her pupils our teacher miss sanrord of uie 10th line school purposes holding concert in the school for uie children on friday afternoon dec 31st we are sorry to learn that mr j mcdonald is quite ill at present with tributes uve flu all hope soon to hear of his recovery i i i iii i i i i i i i i tii i i ii i i i i make furniture your gift this season throughout our store there is a general appearance of christmas there are numerous attractive gift suggestions only few of which are enumerated here they range in price from intfividual gifts to charming home gifts where family members join together at xmas and present their home with some gift of home furnishing red cedar chests there is colorful beauty in one of these chests they are fitted with locks keys and metal gliders xmas prices 1250 and 1478 heirloom walnut chests tennessee red cedar lined and they have solid walnut ends top and front highly polished and fitted with queen anne legs xmas price s2300 up walnut spinnet desks a very useful and popular style of desk carefully made suitable for living room or bedroom use fitted with fullsized drawer xmas price 2760 occasional sc windsor chair these delightful chair are made in many style they are ideal wherever extra chair are required xros price 550 to 2750 smokers stands in many deaign make a practical and suitable gift for the men xmas price 125 to 1025 telephone sets something that is useful in your home consisting of stand and cane seated bench done in birch walnut finish xmas price 1495 magazine racks these little racks are done in lacquer enamel with painted design and are very useful in a home xmas price 105 imported italian rugs many oriental weavea are represented in this collection of persian and chin ese design rugs as a gift one could hardly choose anything more distinc tive sizes average 4 2x6 10 xmas price ia00 and 2000 downfilled comforters the glorious warmth and luxurious softness of these downfilled comforters make them a very appropriate gift xmas price a5 to 4000 silk cushions in many beautiful shapes and color de signs kapok filled covers of rayons taffetas and silk tapestries xmas price 300 to 500 bridge ft junior floor lamps what nicer gift could one give than one of these lamps some stand are of anitque hammered iron other of poly chrome and walnut the shades are spanish vellum silk georgette and parchment wired stand and shade complete xmas price 305 up bed lamps daintily trimmed silk georgette shade wired complete xmas price 340 fibre and reed doll carriages they are outstanding value in doll buggies are well constructed and are done in many popular enamel finishes xmas prices 105 to 905 ferneries in fine woven fibre reed and reed de signs several color combination length 32 inches height 28 inches xmas prices 800 to 700 you are invited to visit our store h c mcclure the home furnishing store phone 54 georgetown open evfery evening until chrtetmsa f

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