Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 12, 1928, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday december 12th 1928 i have been half in love with ease ful death keata 1 have eeen houses lone and desolate regret seemed still to linger at the door windows were eyeless all ashstrewn grate while trackless ghosts met on the dusty hoot i but i have seen faces that death left smooth prom wrinkle dug by care where did he find the twenty years time lost some where since youth bo that forgotten features came to mlndr and i have uioujhl if thus the body fare death to the soul of man a good must be all stains removed what bmuty must it wear what shadowless peace enjoy wllell it u freel and st a door where doubt stood with a chill i found death left a smile upon the silt alexander louis prater comeutlno the cobn bokeb there an many ways- in which the farmer can assist in uu fight against ove com borer not the least of these la the selection and storage of the seed for not years planting it la tbs practice of farmers inter ested in the production of good corn to go into the corn field in the fall and select their used ears from the beat type of plants only good sturdy upright plants bearing a well matured ear of good type these ears are then taken in and stored in a dry wall ventilated cellar or other suitable place so that the drying out of the com la completed under favorable in following this practice the far- men an helping in the fight against the com borer their seed will ger- mlnata high and produce strong vig orous seedlings these will finally produce plants that an strong and sturdy in the stem and abls on this account to withstand a moderately heavy infestation of the borer and atlll produce a good crop of corn ikperimenu have demonstrated that other things being equal the assail weak stemmed com plants an the first to break down under the at tacks of the borer while the strong vigorous plants with good sturdy stems will continue to stand and pro duce reasonably good ears even though the infestation u a fairly heavy one mod seed also results in a good stand which la essential for high pro duction poor seed results in a nigh proportion of poor plants musing hills and plants missing from the hills add to this the corn borer and the farmers chances for a crop of corn im exceedingly poor p dim- mock forage crop division central asrperlmental farm ottawa ont ouelph merchants have declared war on shoplifters and cooperative action toward apprehending the thieves will likely result as conditions have become a positive menace dur ing the last few weeks then has been a decided increase in the number of articles pilfered from stores hon rodolphe uonty kc solid- toroenaral in the reorganlsed mel- chen cabinet of 1031 died at st hyacinth que on dec 1st ur uonty was taken 111 with angina pec toris on nov 30th and succumbed at b o clock the next morning when john wild was driving home on the rear of the rig owned by ones porter of anelgrove a motor car ran into the buggy knocking the lad oft the rig and bruising him somewhat he suffered no serious injury snd wss able to proceed home little the worse for his shaking up- at the time the boy wss supposed to be using a flash light as a rear light herbs ore best for ailkg kidneys natural safe and wondsrfully ftmaling ifrrba finil i rrlsa nnk arewnl la gal- toglvra kid i v id umily whwll la on of tin 4 i iruvil lit rmi iiiuimphuul itimw lw 11 t lit nntru hirlttlut janus iiliukhir rornjdminilol him if in iro i iii r in xfl ami llirno rimmi liirl x n h hits uvo unfit itnjt lytvur 1 i ni ilo ki 1 v ntliinnln lite itlnutii itisiiii nm nlnvnl liy tinl lnjtltcrav iu i liru lit duiv irlu ml mtimir tin us awn atop try una tnwiwuflhy imtimii rtmrily it u irmaital jo ami aafi hold by i w r walton georgetown birthday or anniversary greetings by telephone whan a birthday or annlver- aary oofflu around and you want to congratulate a dis tant relative or friend what that you oguld buy would wan ao much to the recipi ent as tha cheerful aound of your vole over tha tele phone with tha first words of your gtvatftiff by long distance mamorlea of days ipant to father flaah before the mind and the momenta glow with theae aharad recollections of tha part one of the greatest uesslngi lbng dliiumco confer la the opportunity for renewing and ttrangthenlng tha ties of friendship and affection bo tween thoae who are separ- ted by dlatance try it here will yoo sit o at tonights kadiocbneert i kack nana wivm am duv of oaff sav 7 quojre up with a westingliouse batteryless radio are you deliberately taking a back scat at the radio concert tonight thousands of hurries are only half enjoyinj radio the old set that was good in its day may be doing its best but radio has ad vanced far beyond the coplpity of oldfashioned receiving sets it takes a modern westinghouse batteryless radio to get the full enjoyment from the splendid programs being broadcast today why be satisfied with less than perfect reception why not get the programs you want with natural tructolife realism that a westinghouse gives you let us put one of these new sets in your home for a demonstration and show you that radio has advanced j n oneill son phona 14 georgetown wa will be pleated to damontirata at your home cwhtavoubuvawtctingholmeyouowto wesrinchouss batteryless consols ofce 0 complete ajrusje u tubes weej far sals very choice hsrdwosd beech snd staple sim per slngls cord choice hardwood slabs t37s per single cord mixed rails 1300 per single cord mixed wood 1350 per single cord this is all good sound dry wood and at these prices is good buying satisfac tion guaranteed j brandford box tto phone issn georgetown aelod express co announce the extension of their territory from acton ouelph kitch ener new hamburg stratford lon don ingenou woodstock pari brentford hamilton and toronto our lame dally run will continue from ac ton georgetown brampton toronto pull loadi taken anywhere and good fully insured phones acton 18s ouelph 37s3 georgetown 329w toronto rand 3301 london fairmont 310 3tp fitchetts garage corner ol main and george streets repairing done on nil makes of care by firstdata mechanics gas oil tiiea rlc alemite greasing car washing high in protein low in fibre ew milled feeds have the amount ofproteinandthelowfibrocontent found in sampson feed few are so carefully milled and none so low in price quality considered sampson feed j a sp general purpose feed for bringing along young beef cattle for putting quick cheap gains on growing hogs and as a winter ration for sheep a shipment of sampson feed has just come in and we will be glad to quote you prices on quarterton halfton ton lots or more give us a call anytime sa faw m hominy feed oat cfsap bran p ftye shorts and oll- cjsesaica analysis protein mi fat ti fibre ims ajprery ft tvcpsom a long dintanet station u 1 ot wc bessy uhl 195 cmccnmfn health setrvke of uw cnsutian medical ervasoc hcattii hint kr wlntth kaeh year with the romine of cold weather we tuu utat crtalti duraitra rtttum in turc an it werw mid tut t tvtriud by their hummer vacation tlvey vlgorotuiy attack mankind many of theio dliuhlkm dluppear completely during the summer ojmn comnum colda pneumonia and iironrhltu nre premint all year but in such tlecrvamsl numbers that they sm compara tively kaklntf to dlsapiwar in the watmi weather it would seem rtaunabu to supiume uiat if we coiilil malnluln our bodies in tlie condition in which they ere in worm weatlicr tliey would be better able to combat thcue diseases the year round there is not as much sunshine in a inter therefore all the more reason for im to make hie most of uie sunshine that there is in summer we are either outside in lite fresh air ur inside with windows open we live and sit p in air utat 1 1 in motion to some extont in win ter we should remember that a most important factor la to work and sleep hi on atmosphere which has a certain amount of motion according to the weather windows and doors should be opened sufficiently to njlow of a gen tie circulation of air through the house and the oluce or workplace uany who cxercue regularly in summer by playlns semes swlmmlns welkin etc nlve it all up in the cold weather the result is that tliey sur fer from a lou of physical tone we need exercise and play all throush uie year living and working in overheated rooms are responsible we believe for much of lite inereai in colds pneu monia and bronchitis in uie winter the best temperature to maintain in uie home and the office u 6s degrees fahrenheit we would recommend keeping a tltermometer where it may be easily seen in order to maintain a elieck upon the temperature if people would exercise in uie winter live and work in ventilated rooms of proper temperature and dress according to the temperature more of them would escape the usual colds bronchitis and pneumonia that prey upon us in winter questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation im college st toronto will be answered by letter questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered new advertisements help wanted girl wanted at once smith stone ltd georgetown te buat 4 room house on john st water and light apply to mrs j h david son georgetownvt old ilerses wanted for fox meat blake vannalter ballinafad phone 05r31 3tp te bent offlc on wllloughby block apply to klmer c thompson phone lltw georgetown tf te vent house to rent on john at near ouelph st newly decorated all con veniences apply to ii c dayfoot georgetown tf te bent roomed house on murdock street electric light water inside newly re novated immediate possession apply tojh tarnold for sale fercheron mare 1700 ba clean leg ged t year old accredited jersey bull off high producing cow w a me- clure phone wrt georgetown 3t ter bent seven roomed brick liousa opposite presbyterian church on main st south all conveniences an ideal residence for the business man apply to b a benham cv son phqnejm tf car far sale overland touring car light 4 8133 modal for sale in good running condi tion m00 cash or exchange for coupe apply herald office stp htait far bent 5roomed house for rent in glen williams hard and soft water and electric lights indoors also garage apply qlr33 terra cotta 3t 93 stores carrolls flltfx special sale of christmas candies royal mlttsxl n utpular axutrimcnt trr- ftfaw tivndmi valm at mr hi llv american misoj a remarkably choice ffss ind ntiractut mixture lr hi m aiswmrlad cut rock 1 1 if christmas ttee favonie spi cial low irl lb stanley mlvd rich culnri snappy flavor iudc1 like 2k lb mi v graclters bilil racl luiigl the ul 1 1 r ttt itullil thf lhrt imsi trwlefi hi m ih tliri lru trtr ii ih mtfuitl frni if tin- i art tvrylhnly iroin urn lia ujiwii u rt uw itf il r tunny atr c i lit lur- lo iiuliiiu tlii un ut vi uf treat box candie cuim c tun wl nut fur tfitrr tm us tuhf u custulm nulir j- ui ujlii- nira tfwfui f ii to isulrsj fi i mi slrtlauwt h u for aim asmhsftj cm bvsih life u miny fp it whild have mnli tlwir own if lhy hsilnl irmf itii firil it hi thr iusly istie ofair ai ftriaab ox iby clhgrr ak laftpy pu ltm kfig tli itihibt in u uah tut ase cartmt spclalt tat chrhlmat baking mstntukhli urnon pl fir iii mmtniutchl otati ll tr hi lit jju flnestouauty auilraliait t iitrsnu rrlan i i ifcs m trfa ialrs urrantm rrrlrsnrh nw j sw st tiulh alrirn slinri uauin m j ifcs tt kawth suocis uatimi r iti its 3vmuaid seeded rai8d4s u2 sunntsu islltnl hi in lull 1 sa b im mnl tll- kslilm is in j saa xu thole hhelleo walnuli f iii ttjt psny skllnl almumlt ir li sit sfumlrmmllrutl witt lmlf molasagasf 14 lrnry crynsllnh puirapilr i u fincy vtttsch imvnrtrl lrtiri hi vtnty cr chtrrtca iter hi iliiwe alnwtwl irlng i ih tin jmesw jcantay flour un maltiiwt llatr pineal preserve ciincrr trr ih ileal white ring sutfar hew nats wmt mlaei mmu he laos basus m ifc i i ste bjmwdula- saaa sar h 4le ptumtagst wasilsir old vf lull itum 1ivulna lib in slsia liowl ser mt jtmhim ng camel brstwi thtrs nusliiy in y ik aaj i- lli ultc pr pvg usui smyrna uiyr pjg 4 cruwn ih oranges our slut will hsve hit ihitior fniit o uum for ih chritlms r s 0 th jukwtl iwcttnl ofsntf yutt rsa bu ir tloita hes4s ts lu saaaal crajjnikkiirljle ftul ur cbamii kkysalr l xt un xu aniuai iiistuitil psiiunn 1 sllaa ciikistuaa v inks aiumh imlll he paru datks flam usllly r ih lst yablp raising kstrs ctsilsf iaksjr mttpr smillsoon ciwaxy u t lt tailnl fmrsk uiullnltj ikii ciikhsf mich june msbe x ih iimt fiait uiullurril thni lb llltlapcsrrolli own wrsupnl wr ksl tl ahcsmji ouslily ik a ih jhhs s notice to creditors in tub matteb of the estatc ec david rm uexstfry uu el the tmmslils el kseaeslaf la tha ceasty ai ballsa ranssr d notice is rettebv oivbn uiat all persons having any claims or rlemanm acatnst the ute davin pue ucenery who died on or about the fifteenth day of november a-d- lft at the said township of esnueslnr and pro vince of ontario are required to asnd by post prepaid or to deliver to the underskiud solicitor for david fife ucenery parmer deceased their names and sivtressm and full particu lars in writing of their elsltns and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held and take notice that after the twentyninth day of december ad ibm the said david p ucenery will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons en titled thereto having regard only to uie claims ol which he shall then have notice and that tha said david p ucenery will not be liable for the sold assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this twentyeighth dsy of november ax ims leroy dsle solicitor for the said administrator electrical contracting battery console model radios built by one of canada leading radio manufacturer and guaranteed for one year complete 20000 radio repair and supplie h h darling pbone 109 miwdocfc st georgetown mmmwmmm mmmmmm f euaanitat tfntpitmtthm meier far sale half horsepower s3 volt robblns and ueyer motor suitable for oaloo ur other farm lighting plants togeth er with starting rheostat both in best condition for sale cheap also small brain grinder l p denlson charles street 3l christmas trees any person desiring to secure a nice christmas tree balsam com munlcata with phone 314 prompt de livery roy ward stp wood ralls moo slngls oord delivered mixed wood guo hardwood m00 sin sle cord j il smith phona gtrll isorgetown tf administrators auction sale i pabm stock and implements the undersigned has been instructed by david p meeneev administrator of the estate of david p ucenery late of the township of ksmimlng farmer deceased to sell by public auction at east hair of lot 33 con 0 esqueslng on tuesday decembeb ltlfc uti at one oclock the following iupleuents prostwood dlnder s ft cut hay rake atcoormlck dser- ing prostwood slower s ft cut prostwood cultivator u tooth no- xon seed drill 11 hoe wsgon and bos steeltire buggy cutter pour section harrows ptuery plow no 31 put hay rack small pig orate chevrolet touring car double hay pork uslotta cream separator stock blsck usre 0 years old black colt rising 3 a pat pigs pigs months old time of sale saw bred nov th 13 sheep 1 ram quantity of hay quantity of wheat quantity of oats quantity of barley quantity of roots about is nana and 3 roosters quantity of potatoes about 3s bags 1 bag olover seed red set team harness nearly new good set single harness 1 bushel timothy bed cattle red cow 7 years due jan lath gray caw a years due april 5th buck cow 5 yean due april lath black cow 10 years due july lltbv while cow years bred nov 30th muasngwell 3 pat steers calves 4 beer cattle teuaib cabi1 leroy dale robert j kerr solicitor for administrator auctioneer wanted now bslesmnn in helton county during pall and winter months to sell fruit trees flowering shrubs etc good pay exclusive territory whole or part time arrangement asmaere hsraary we own and operate a modem wellequipped nursery and supply ou customers with the best in quality am variety sell hardy ca nursery stock and you will be suc cessful our agency is available established 35 years feouua nansry ca toronto a ont- farms for sale in erin township and vicinity no crop falurea no bankrupt sales in this vicinity in the put 30 years no heavy clay soli to bake in midsummer or be impamme lnsprlng and fall prloed from moo to 110000 per 100 acres in cluding good bank barns brick houses good outbuildings fencea ate w f okay pl phone 3sru erin your na solicited for farm stock ssles sale of houuhold effects etc terms moder ate r- a aevelllaa beale standard anthracite scranton coal in all sism automatically boiwned and loaded coal wood balaoi lamp for domsatlo and tbreelilng pnrpoaaa smithing and cannal coal in ant ioarry everything to be found id any op to data coal and wood yard john mcdonald phonrii georgetown ace your order sinew tha announc of tha outstanding cfasras let of chevrolet history thoussnds of people kava already placed their orders for this great aaw cat i for this sensstlonsl aulomobll- has brought wtthla tha means of swetybody everywliera aa order of beauty style and performance that has hitherto been available only in cars costing hunded of dollars morel coma la learn tha full and significant story of this greatest of all chavroleta i we know that youll say what thousands of others hsve ssld in the last few weeks i want you to plant my order oa your preferred delivery list 1 tu ansa i sail rs samua ms te caus stw ts case sms fs un ssre tkt ism u tut re camau uasutesn llssldumnfcsuullimisl iwi tn otkimi azoj mtmt t trwm md lum iwfcm jaa tir mj tss sum i j tl cawb sw1 dl itun valsrrlu 1 rxj 0 c s is tte cjhe utstanding chevrolet of chevrolet history a six in the price range of the four i j n oneill son rtwaell ceartetwra hoouct of obnbaal uotobs op canada limitbd advertise it pays

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