Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 19, 1928, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday december 19th 1928 page 3 m ittmmmtwaa uitma hui ma llamas hsci uih w g pure food store 1 i e e 1 e e we wist alt m h ivi slappy and twspepous few year baal j a a j a mmimjmt jm immmnil mh b a e farnell prompt delivery phone 76 wabf3mw 1 ed 1 1 i i 1 first mortgage bonds 2 to 7 yew 6 denomination 60 100 600 1000 legal investment for life a fire insurance computset united bond company windsor and toronto h r mimms representative box 672 georgetown without obligation please forward to me information regarding united uortgage bonds us name address four more shopping days and then christina day with all it pleasure and it joy in giving will be with us once more we still have a goodly selection of gift to fill your need for the occasion nymfaun compact set powder rouge perfume 60c eclipse pen and pencil sets 200 bridge cards in gift case and set 100 to 250 bath dnslinn powders lilxa 100 lavender perfumes in christmas gift boxes 26c to 500 st denis bath salt acceptable gifts 26c to 126 st denis set bath salt and powder 100 to 226 cigarette lighters s 50e to 450 stationery christmas papetrie 36c to 500 yardley sets bathsalts and soap 160 compacts a gift that is always appreciated 60c to 800 childrens records 2se and 125 book form pocket comb in leather case 26c to 60c brush and comb set in case 360 and 500 wraggettes drug store choice fruits for christmas oranges choice sunkist seedless orange per dozen 25c 30c 40c and 60c big size 60c per dozen lemons 30c per dozen apples 38c a basket best grapes 2 lb for 26c mixed nuts walnut almond filbert and brazils 2 lb 43c virginia jumbo peanut per lb 19c dates bulk 2 lbs 23c cranberries 22c lb celery lettuce cabbage a restivo georgetowns leading fruit store main street local news marry christmas to all tim now gregory theatre open tonight community christmas tree nest monday nlaht kaqlleslna township nomlnatlone monday dee lt btewsrttown concert haa been postponed until priday deo gain try wadea kluile blow or bar gains in musical instruments it we are all delighted with the ood news uiat kins oeorse la recovering wiement ball new year kve dec slut dinger and better than ever the safest way is to tell the wile overytlilng uiat you think the is liable to find out the alon united ohureh sunday bcluol entertainment will be held tl friday evening of uiu week oood pro gram kvtrybody invlled mr w a nellien of ifornby fin ished a successful utrethtntf season losl thursday and reports a fair yield or itruln ihrougltoul hla district dr a ii wilson aon of mr w aeorge wluan of ashgrove 1 the polls at the board of education election in woodstock lost week mr ralph ross save a very inter esting lecture on his european trip to tlie members of the league at uie un ited church last monday evening knox presbyterian sunday school christmas entertainment will be pott- poned until a later date alio the sun day school will be cloned for the net two sundays notice to high school pupils pup ils of form ii whd nave not handed in tlielr zoology and laboratory nolo please tend them to e pennon is can ada st hamilton the epidemic of eolds prevailing at present u gold lo be responsible for a heavy demand for rum and honey a popular remedy many thrifty suf- fcrera dispense with the honey mayor dale reporte that the de putation that vlilted ottawa lait week were welt received and the prospects far a new poet office in georgetown in the near future are very bright built on the confidence of 1u sub scribers the family herald and weekly bur montreal standi supreme today among farm pspers while iu magarlne section u eailly at the head of the hit a report of st albana sunday school entertainment held in glen- williams on monday and the annual meeting of st johni little helper of stewarttown will appear in our nut liiue the bell telephone company of canada li publishing a eerie of inler- mllng advertisements giving the peo ple on insight into the business of thli great company read them in the herald any peraon nothing to make s contribution lo the ohrutmai cheer dutrlbuted by the women intutdte of georgetown will kindly leave their donation with lira d livingstone not later than noon friday dee 31st this item from the fylu of fifteen yeora ago taya the slmcoe raformer almott e in the light of preeentday tendencies mils ad- amton aged m of newark nj wai aenteneed to so days in jail for wear ing a tilt aklrt which waa slashed to the knee and no petticoat hid her illk hoae have your eyts eramlnert by o walker eyesight bpsdaust at waltons drug sure oeorgetown the wednesday of every month 78 tor appointment tf bodm to christmas oomlng on tues day the herald will not be issued until thursday neat week fjwserieal te cutters a meeting of the curling club will be held at the arena on thursday deo 3d at s pm for the purpoee of electing skips all interested pleakbe present j d kelly secretary chlanme chrieuaaa skew oeorgetown butlnece men assoela- tlon requegt all public school children in town to call at the town hall on friday afternoon of thu week between 3 and 4j0 p-m- when they will be ore- tented with ticket for the gregory theatre on thuraday dee aith personal items mr jim mcbean of chicago la home for the holiday sals dorothy trotter of afanltowan- ing is visiting llllrll hack mr and mr r harrunn of toron to apent sunday at mro k plnley mba mary frith haa gone to ottawa to apend chrbtma with her brother raruey c frith mr and mro duncan campbell of moffatt were guaete of mr and mra j b maekenue on sunday laat uua alleen moore attended the an nual dinner of the atklnaon btudlo club at the academy of muak at tor onto on saturday evening but rev a n frith left for mahvuie on monday to attend he funeral of hli brother mr enutua r frith who imuaed away following a lingering ul- neee on monday morning aw xwmu urate give a utile live a utile try hall mirth ting a utile bring a little hap- plneu to earth pray a utile play a little be a little glad rect b little jett a little if the heart la tad spend a little uve a little love s little more meateatker the mall courier pleaie remember the rural null carrier on chhitmat day the men who come to your farm gate eotumu a year they have to itiake the trip on chrbtmu day the tame ai other dayi and wouldnt a remembrance from the box holden brighten the day for themt we think to halvstlen amy ceaeert the date of the above concert hsi been changed from deo land to deo toth the annual prlxeglvlng and oon- cort of the salvation army wlu be held in the town hall georgetown on thurtdoy evening thu week chair man mr j godfrey tableau rus logue carol and olumlnated club twinging and the vblt of bants claua raerybody weloome arimlttlon 18c jsdge beea le ketlee judge elliott of muton who expteti to retire from hli potltlon ai county judge for halton county at an early date tendered a dinner but week to the membera of the bar with whom he has been auoclsud throughout the county bpeeenea were mode eulogis ing tui honor for hli fair and impar tial treatment to au during his term an uie bench and regret was express ed he was aoon to retire choice chrletatsa beef our dtuen are assured of some very choice christmas beef tnla year the nrue ateer weighing 70 lbs dressed from the royal winter pair has been purchased by erwln ex ooldhom georgetowns enterprising butchera who always endeavor to procure the best possible for their many customers this prise beef added to their other dis play of choice meats fowl eta makes a very sttracuve place to do your chrut nuu shopping gregory tlusira wedneadsy december loth grand opening of the new theatre moron of the marines- with richard dbx ho t tonan the mighty comedy is everybody happy friday dec 31st the crowd drains of everyday life atarrlng elesnor boordmsn comedy come on borsoe fox news saturday dec 13 the hawks nest thrills chilli myitery in drams of big towns oriental lair tuning milton sim comedy hot luck rabbit oar- toon panicky pancakes coming when a man loves with john borrymore the big city with lon chancy chang hu millar on tuesday december nth st 430 oclock at the presbytery of st pat ricks cathedral the marriage was solemnised of doris irountest dsugh- ur of mrs frances millar hamilton to earls rexford hume only son of mr t d hume and the 1st mrs hume of muton ont the bride was most cnarmlng in s french frock of independent blue georgette with hat to match and car ried an arm bouquet of sweetheart rotea and babies breath tied with satin ribbons mist norms millar surseuvaly rocked in beige georgette and brown transparent velvet with hat of brown elt was her alitor at tendant mrs millar mother of the bride wot becomingly gowned in buck crepe trimmed with eesbroldety in white and hat of otmtrsstlng abodes only immediate relsuvea and rriendi witnessed the oirsmony a wadding dinner was served to a number of guesu in the bins room at the wentworth arms mr and mrs hume left by motor for new york city and on their return will reside in burlington cilia ten ceils hilt at a meeting of the wsrdeni of peel and halton messrs n b lindsay and t a blokeloek and the chairman of the good roads committee of both counties messrs w j wilson and h t foster tenders were received for the work to be done on the town line between peel and halton st terra colts nine tenders were opened the peel men favoring the tender of the king construction co oakvui or mm on approval of the committee from hsllon this will mean an ex penditure of about tajxx or each county the government paying so per cent of the cost oha schedule at mmtinf hald t ebnunpion on dee isui xmklml over by june ai1 convener the following ikhedule w adopted for ojfa btennedlaltf oroupr v contprlainjf hornby uemttav- ter of toronto oeor eild brmmpion dm at hornby at oe himmfciton at uemaater j1- 4 oeorgetown at brampton jan ii uemaiter at hornby jan 14 branplon at hornby jan ig wfcuaiter at oeotietown jan la hornby at branpton oeorgetown at mcuacter jan m xiratnptoti at oeorgetown jan 3s hornby at ucututer jan stt ueututer at hranptoti jan at oeorcetown at hornby hornby play their horn game at uuton rink sfirat and aeeond teant play off on 1vb wh and 7th the lean flnlihlng first having choice of date tught in t shou froitalives did slop his rheumatism the natural herbal gooduem of gallaulwra dean up eczema slops liuugulion taut mmrw aysreum ysafs 1h ao ultiaral drugs is cul lasbere tenia and system builder itlaentlrelykttlib katursl amtxlaav ly besting by purifying uw blood and sently etumikusg bowek iddaeys sod over this reusbb old refaedy olssre tmsklatroubus iweetforlndigtaiias rundown condi mrw oougbs oroalda seu you on your feet asdkaepa you there sold as other gallagher hetbal hnuetnnlil tliaiidluaw by at junior auovr sscnow section a of group t of the oka junior aerie have adopted the follow ing schedule james algle was con vener and the section romprless mu ton brampton georgetown and bol ton first and second teens play off the team finishing first having the choice of tames the winners meet section b winner on feb and ii jan 3 muton st bolton brampton at oeorgetown jan 1 bolton at brampton oeorgetown at muton jan in milton at brampton jan it oeorgetown st bolton jan 31 bolton at muton oeorge st brampton jon 34 brampton st bolton jan 38 muton st oeorgetown feb 1 brampton at muton bolton st george our local repreaenuulve of the mu tual life of canada mr h r mlmmt was busy lost week distributing cheq ues for a special cash dividend to pol icyholders in the above company thu it the second cash dividend they have paid thu year mx floyd frulkuwe soalbixl liis lildndye freed hie system of cm a uuil oml poleonoui wsili rrgulatiil ills nmtu purilk il iim blood uitd tins li wliv mr h hojil of nnhhlmu dc li not iwllicnhl with luummiiljain any not i eunvred with hluiuiiiitutn in my shoulders ami at inuil or my fncnif were taking rvultulivm i iltiilnl to try tlnm in n hlntri limn tin palu disspiuand ami i luil nlut far the first tuut i iimiil thw m 1- ielne really nuirvuuuu if you am hotlu nil with illioilnutiyiii lyinain tltcarnu littsorltolk ir willi neuralgia or llinlaclit git imit- atlvo 2jo uuil tuc a iws at assiere every whoro ibbmiibbbaa new advertisements per bate 1 livehole quebec range a refriger ator and washing mschlne snd wringer apply to box b heraldltp task for sole two bogal steel tanks one with pump price reaaonablejohn orw thaw phone atrll oeorgetown ltn strayed tram ms home nerval road last thuraday black and brown com named buster finder pleas mnu cate with a shsln phensmtat geor getown reward r m per bale floor model gramaphone 10 with records ttube braiuton radio m with immtpesver njdc both ma- chlnei in need of alight repairs alio coleman lamp floor lamp anode and s tenor banjo with ease snd resonator box k oeorgetown ltn erwiiu goldhams meat market prize steer beef 780 lbs dressed from royal winter fair turkeys geese ducks and chickens buy here and gel the best erwin gold hams phone no 1 georgetown christmas gifts worth while that will be used every day and the glf t remembered silverware bread tray sis cake trays u a tut cabinet of silver teaspoons un a mm cabinet of each btaln- len knives e forks ms set of each rogers knives forks mlawllanaou pearl handled pickle fbrks iu pearl handle sugar shell lh bums bread knlvea me a m electric tea keules st m pvrex ware nut crackers aeu of picks and cracker at ms for tha boy erector seta lis hand axes st iim snj iu tool kit st iis hand drui st u for uw kkuie table set stainless knife fork spoon at i enamelled colored plats and mug at deconlion color your house with belctrtc lamps a cood assortment of oolora tree set of colored llghu in 1 string at mis electric table lampsany color of light s u cast iron xmab tree stands lust the thing to put tha tree in and it will take s good urge tree st mm ask for on of our oslsndars we want you to hsve one a merry merry christmas corwngleys hardware phone 25 and 189 georgetown at oakvlll on tuesday fred graff of trafalgar was sentenced by police magistrate mcllveen to serve three yean in kingston penitentiary or auto theft and burglarising the homes of charles sheridan and victor law rence the prisoner pleaded guilty in 13 graff was sentenced to serve six months for burglary its christmas time buy your holiday gifts now a large assortment of useful gift to select from underwear wood lnventjer line vest bloomers night gowns and pyjamas in the latent color 17s to 600 ladies and misses rayon silk vests were 100 now 76c ladies heavy silk bloomers 100 and 128 scarfs a lovely range ot ladies and misses scarf geor gette crepedechine silk broadcloth 100 to 376 dresses ladies evening dresses in georgette crepe-de- chine taffeta and satin 1000 to 1660 gloves a great variety of ladies and misses glove in suede scotch knit wool glove and kid glove in the latest colors 225 and 260 hosiery our large stock of hosiery come from the beat manufacturer including supersilk orient hole proof corticelli and others in all the popular color price range from 100 to 200 a lovely assortment of rayon silk hose at 76c they were 100 misses silk and silk and wool hose at 76c a pair house slippers ladies house slipper color tan silver blue red and fancy 90c to 176 gents furnishings our atock i complete with a great assortment of men sweater underwear sox tie silk linen and mercer handkerchief dress shirt and glove shirts men white silk shirt a lovely quality at 600 men silk broadcloth shirt at 360 men english broadcloth shirts 225 260 300 360 mens tricotine shirt white blue cream 360 sox men cashmere silk silk and wool sox plain and fancy color 60c to 100 sweaters men sweater 360 to 660 men windbreakers heavy wool 376 boys windbreaker 2j0 gloves and ties mens woollined and silklined glove 200 225 20 men silk tie 76c and 100 mena bow tie 36c and 50c mcbean co georgetown wpppppww p n jj i ihi i v v ay- yfjf ay- fjh r h thompson co for dependable hardware gifts t n for everybody we have many useful gifts for every member of the family such as carving sets silverware pyrex ware electric toasters grills lamps and irons pocket knifes safety razors flash lights sleighs toboggans kiddy cars and waggons snow shoes hockey sticks ccm hockey skates tube skates for 200 and 260 per pair sea our stockof fancy and frosted lamps r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown iftialfwai ii aiai n iiiarw u fafyil ijai m iijfrq i ittv 4 more shopping days before xms

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