Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 2, 1929, p. 2

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pae2 jhe georgetown herald wednesday january 2nd 1929 your vote and influence are respectfully solicited or w g appelbe as councillor for the township of esquesing for the year 1 929 owing to a severe cold i am unsble to call on all the elector and hereby solicit your rapport w o appelbe election monday january 7th your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for george currie as councillor for the township of esqueaing for the year 1 929 election monday january 7th your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for alex joe as councillor for the township of esquesing for the year 1 929 election monday january 7th reelect t l leslie as reeve of the township of esqueaing for the year 1929 reeve leslie respectfully urges all the ratepayers of esqueaing to go to the polls monday 7th of january and vote for the candidates of their choice his own record is before you 5 years as coun cillor three years as county councillor and 40 years a resident farmer he stands for progress sound business and econ omy he respectfully solicits the honor of serving four years as county councillor as had his five predecessors your votei and influence are respectfully solicited for f jas l standish as councillor i for the township of esqueaing for the year 1929 5 election monday january 7tb i eossk l j 1 1 1 ill ii n 1 1 1 1 1 itttmaattrr 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 n pj your vote and influence ore respectfully solicited for wm a wilson as councillor for the township of esquesing for the year 1929 election monday january 7th r i i i tim l ill ll l ll l l flm rri i i i i hectors ol esquesing i hereby convey my sincere thanka to the rate payers of esquesing for the honor they have conferred on me by electing me deputyreeve of the township of esquesing for the year 1929 as in the past i shall endeavor to work for the best interests of the rate- payers of esquesing george cleave election en esquesing contkkt fob kkeve and coun- tlixokit ukorcik clkavr kiktki mtrutvrkkvr mv aclamation tlttttt wum n urge rati writ of rate payers ill the uatituulion meeting held nt atewttrtlown uu monday ami con siderable ilitrrenl was munlfeal in towiifthlii utfalm mr doors cleave won elated deitityltmv0 ity uodlum tlaii tlier will be run for lite keevrfthtp uiwl councillors ami uu el ection will uke iacc oil monday ilxt jiiiiiiury 7tli xtiotu nominated were foil ilekvr thou ah l lkflllk by u j jtrwwll and a w murray m j carton by tfclwln ilarroi and john w nlckell i dkputyrkkvk oix r cijavr by jvlpr mroimwli ultd juiiwtt ml dowel i ijameh i btanimbii by a a m- qmiuld niul o l hmtluh w o aweide by ijrnry may nml w ii hunter pqr counciuxmih w ci appeldk by jumi mrnoimld mul pur mcoiuikjii alexander joe by duncan mr- dotirhll and j n nuddill cieo o dkown bu hniry may ami waller m llrafn wm btark by w i eh1 orui w fl chuluilm okorob cumtie by w h ciiuiiolm and w ii robinson wm a wilson by john w nlckell and gilbert sinclair w j l ha ups i irk by wm clowdy and hugh black wm qowdv by thomas moffat and a a clarldge jaukfl l btandibii by j n ulld dell and john a nicked at tlie conclusion of uvp time set for receiving nominations col a o drown towiuhlp clerk on motion of w a appelbe and m j carton wm appointed chairman of tint meeting the colonel thanked the bothering for the honor in electing him chairman and tald it would probably be his but appearance in that capacity he had urved the towiuhlp ai councillor and clerk for the past elaht yean and had endeavored to do hi bcit for all eon cerned he had intended apeakint regarding road matten but refrained from doing to owing to the absence of the superintendent the chairman then called on the following nominee thomas iv leslie was pleased to see the large representation of ratepayers he reviewed the work of the county road committee and dealt with the expenditures on roads in tsquesing giving figures in the different divis ions the work had been done on a cooperative basis and esquesing had received its share and perhaps a little more the roads in this part of the county hud been much improved he explained the frontage tax on the highway and believed the county council were justified in granting cer tain relief to trafalgar taxpayers in the township the council had endea vored to divide the work as well as possible but owing to trouble with con tracts it had been necessary to bring in trucks for the work about 18 miles of road in the township had been stoned and gravelled he reviewed the financial statement and stated that the township had a surplus for the year he was sucking a third term reeve because proceeding reeves had had four years in county council he fell his services entitled him to enoth er term and solicited the support of the ratepayers m j carton appreciated the inter est shown in municipal affairs as in dicated by uu large audience he deeply regretted that many good eltl sens lutd been called away during the past year among whom were sheriff webster and john mcolbbon former reeves oearge d thompson a for mer assessor r o mooullougb aud itor and george a henderson he thanked the ratepayers for tlie splen did vote given him last year prckgreu liad been made by tlie council although things hod not run as smooth as they should have during the past year in reviewing the finances of the township he callmed that at the present time there was a deficit of wim10 which with accounts outstanding would bring it up to approximately il 473610 we are going the wrong way and it has been too much of a oneman affair in the township but owing to illness of some he could not say what he wanted to too much work had been done in u fall and it was time to call a halt he had introduced a resolution to have a change in the oaaimlsstonershlp but had been voted down the patrol system had been finally put through but was knocked in every way or it should have worked out good stone had been put on in the south quarter because it could be done cheaper than gravel he did not agree with the expenditure of money as it had been mostly spent in october november and december and a lot or work was wasted only repair work should be done in the fall if the ratepayers see fit to elect me i would favor change of commissioner two years ago there was a surplus and now we are going behind he reviewed expen dlture of county council and the equalisation he had fought against the county council assuming any por tion of trafalgars highway tax as there was no good in trying to save township money and then give it away the high schools were costing too much money and there should be some act or legislation to relieve the rate payer in this respect i am a can dldate for the reeveshlp and if you see fit to elect me i will not ask for a third term if elected i shall do all in my power far the best interests of the township as a whole and the county mr leslie in reply said the state ment was correct and there was a sur plus of gi700 the deputyreeve and rood superintendent were not on good terms and that caused friction in the council tliey had to do work when they could get help mr carton in reply sold that if his figures were not right he would be pleased to apologise he had taken them from the treasurers books mr leslie treasurer when asked replied that he had given mr carton correct figures mr george cleave said he was candidate for deputyreeve he r viewed the road work done in the township during the past year he believed in doing work early in season if possible but bad weather hod pre vented hut year between 13 and 14 thousand yards of gravel and stone had been put on the roads this year he hod served three years as coun cillor and had conscientiously tried to do what was right he was now candidate for deputyreeve and would appreciate the support of the rate payers mr j l standish when called slat ed tliat he was not a candidate fori deputyreeve w a appelbe stated he had no in tentlon of running for deputyreave he compared the last years expend lures with those of im he was not in favor of putting down roads in the mud but could not fight the weather savings had been made in some de partments while there were unavoid able increases in others he believed the truck for hauling gravel was bare to stay as they could do it for half price or teams and roads should be re paired as soon as possible when bro ken he suggested that the time of men cutting weeds should be kept and they be paid accordingly he had triad to do his best for the township and if worthy would appreciate the support of the ratepayers for councillor for 1120 george currie mid he was pleased to be present as a representative of 1k council and thanked those who hod supported him next years coun cil should bo easy to avoid a robe in tax he referred to the cost of weed cutting and spoke regarding gravel and stone for ue roads favoring stone for ui south end of the township there was still about 60 miles of clay roods to cover he hod been in council for two years and liad done his best if uie ratepayers thought him deserving lie would appreciate another term alexander joe when colled said it rcemed odd for him to again appeal for n seat at the council but after much ptirnuiuloii by ratepayers he hod tfcliled to be a candidate again and would abide by tit decision of the el ihtarx w a wlunn after ll tonkins his iwiut mul mhonder said he had been iiuiiiiiiuuhi uli former occasions but ihln yiftir lui luul decided to allow his num- in mo btiror tlie ratepayers if livied lie uould do his best in tlie in ti renih of the township w j l- hampshire was not a can didate lb luul been accused of using polltlcii i influence tin accusation wuii ubuolutely raise as lie hod never utrfd luilltlcs in municipal affairs he hiuke briefly regarding tlie toronto- hamilton highway and stated that tmmcttme in the future if the ratepay- rs leslml his services lie might be a iuiulldaut win uowdy said he liod received tlie verdict of the ratepayers tost year mid was willing to abide by it he criticized uw statement as not being authentic and advocated the em ployment of capable auditors in order that the ratepayer might know where lltey stand he referred to road work material and the quarry chips put on the roads at the dolly that did not oost the township a cent if you re turn me as councillor x shall give my best services to the township james l stahduh referring to the expenditure on roods bridges etc mid no one knew what some of the work oost he objected to certain pay ments made by council and was un able to see where there was any sur plus the council had exceeded the municipal act for the past two years by levying more than 9mi cents on the dollar he referred to the work of the trucks and the loose manner of keep ing an account of the work performed by them he congratulated col brown un his appointment u sheriff and re ferred to bis splendid work as clerk of the township he was sorry it was necessary for him to vacate that ottos he was in favor of a returned soldier ror the position mr standish strong ly urged the building of a memorial to ihe men of the township who had node the supreme sacrifice in the ireet war if the ratepayers seen fit to elect him he would do his best for ill coneerend colonel brown thanked mr standish for his congratulations and kind words he hod not sought the position of i sheriff and only accepted same when it had been offered to him he had done his best to serve the township faithfully during his term as clerk and in the equalisation proceedings hod been instrumento in saving the atepoyers of ksquesuig siljooo the financial statement was not an aubv iters report as that was impossible at his date the financial statement showed receipts of gsajoo and an ex penditure of 43450 leaving a deficit if over tftooo the colonel spoke feel- ngly regarding a war memorial and nked the ratepayers if they did not think it hightime that ksquesing we of the best muunlripaliuea in the province should erect a suitable mem- rial to her soldier sons who fell in the a real war he would contribute i100 toward some the clerks statement does not take into account any surplus there may be from county rate halton rifles election monday january george cleave is elected deputy reeve by acclamation those in the ileld for election are m j for reeve carton t l leslie for counctlloas w o appelbe george currie alex joe j l standish w a wilson gymiils si intutm stahment e mnlin fmrnhtlp jasaarr 1 daemdur utk ims bassists osnsral raoslnta including loans and taxas 1911m 73 uneoumtsd taxss imutt hospital rafund 1171 00 townllns rafund 157100 s1uu4s7 lsss surplus forward from m as par audit i131u m sltsmsm spsaduarsa is dae 1mb ims oood roads audltad s stall 00 salaries wto 00 printing t7 00 charity iis 00 board of health 10700 law oosta moo interest 417 00 loans moo oo stamps buildings 700 ms 00 sheep claims 1m00 panes 4m00 uisoeltaneoua 771 00 refunds 0 00 hydro 17 00 election 10 00 school mjh00 county rates provided for 171h00 dsbenturaa 111 00 sural oo credit balance sis 07 s1uoss07 t l iifsltf reeve production of motor cars in can ada for the first ten months of 1030 totalled sailll can valued at 9130 000870 as compared with 100331 ears valued at 0u0tmiaa produced in the corresponding period in 103t an in crease of 51457 or ai per oent in number and of 030171750 or 30 per cent in value henry ford has decided to abandon experiments with a light airplane which might be used aa commonly as automobile because he believes such a plan impraetleal at this time he predicta however that the air flivver will become a reality as soon as the public beoomee sufficiently airmind ed to insure its success again the schoolboy outgrows his clothes puhushlns circles reaart thh expenditure by the family herald aud weekly star of close upon a half million dollars for huge new printing presses to oooe with their fastgrow big subscription list at their nea low subscription rate of three yean for 03 on h prompted to ask how long before they outgrow this oner the early reclmknt toy ucol james llalluntliw djso continued from last week the first commending ontcer of uu haltoti reglmetlt wnti ltcol aeorfiff k cliuholm of oakvlllfl a nmtle- man whose name is written in bloek capitals in many of tlie activities of the county in ttte sixties and tw fceventle he was a man of many parts ami was dutlrtguulvthl in tltf arts of pfraee as in the arts of wnr he served un reeve of ttafalgnr mayor of oakvllle ami rerufaiu at arms in the lficutlallvft autombly he wait a inrnttwr of live parliament of ibm rcprrfuittlnu hnlunt hi rervfd un a snldkrr in the lmwillon of 1k17 ulsn in tlie st albanh nlfnlr und iw volunteered nun in in lftoo mi rutnmun tllng oil leer of the liulcitnilmt oak vllle company we find ills limuo an n mcm1rr or n court of iwiulry convent ri n invefitl- intle certain ktalln rnfmecttnl with tin bait of ltligiwuy hlu uknoclaleu mi that court being coloivl cltorge t omnium ami colonel j bhauly- both of whom were prominent in uu dcvrl- upnwnt uf the cunaillnn ullitla tlie ofnurti of tlie early fteulmcnl wcht elected by vote of uie rank and file but i tnfit thut when- the posltlon or officer command inu the newly in- mruoraied ititdment woa up for con- hlderallon there was no election and colonel ohlsliolm was acclajmcd wlui mt a dlbsentlug voice his antecedents hud a ktrong patrio tic and mil i lory quality and at least one chuhdlm liad taken part in all uie border troubles with uie canadian volunteers and iwt been present at uie batue of queetuiton heights if his antecedents were military ko were his decendenbi and in the great war one son and two grandsons served with the overseas forces and one the present oomnuuidlng officer of the fleglment added fresh lustre to on already illustrious name by winning lie military cross and bar uony of uie soldiers of that early iteglment were of u e loyalist un cage and major john kalung and r d albertson were in uiu category major kalung served the regiment an adjutant during the administration or uiree commanding officers ror more uian twenty yearn and estab lished a precedent ror efficiency and hard work that his successors in uiat interesting office had much trouble in living up to he saw uie command transfered to colonel murray from colonel chlsholra and to colonel allan from colonel murray and lie served uie regiment through it all as a fly wheel to the mechanism that carried uie adraini- jitrauons over uie dead centres be- ftween commands reading between the lines and the lines in this case an few and widely separated and knowing something of uie multifarious duties and respons ibilities of uus position of adjutant i infer that no officer in uie early regi ment did more for uie holon allies than uie adjutantmajor kalung promotion was slow in those days owing to uie ten year term or office of uie commanding officer and kalt- ing like many other well deserving soldlen was- forced to retire owing to age before he reached uie rank or commanding officer the period 18081800 was covered by uiree commanding officers had uie three year tenure of command applied in those days eight officers would have reached uie position of cocnniandlng officer instead of uiree kalung was a victim of a system that must have made for stagnation rather than efficiency for change and promotion is uie very breath of life in the nostrils of a regiment captain albertson was a charter member of uie regiment with uie rank of lieutenant and suceeded capt b chlsholm in uie command of the oakvllle company a few yean later he volunteered for service in 1870 and accompanied uie red river ex pedition that lord wolseley uielr colonel wolseley took to uie relief of port oarry now winnipeg on uie occasion of uie half breed rebellion under louis rlel on this expedition he was accompanied by john oillies of uie scotch block but captain albertson was as much of a musician as he was a wjldler and a few yean later like uie good king david he exchanged his sword for a lyre and became uie regimental chief musician in charge uf uie band what prompted this voluntary de motion i know not nor have x ever heard his reaction to uie bagpipes introduced into his department by colonel allan but i do know that as a bmndmoster he had few equals and no superiors and if he hitched his uslcal wagon to a star and essayed overtures and selections above the capacity of his band he did much to elevate the quality of band and chestrel music within uie county lt colonel john murray of stew- arttown suoceeded colonel chlsholm in uie oornmand of uie regiment and like his predecessor in office waa a penlan raid veteran and as active in uie affairs of esquesing township as colonel chlsholm was in the affahs of trafalgar colonel murray was bom in inland hence his ancestors took no part in canadian border wan but like colonel chlsholm his grandson and namesake served honorably in the canadian overseas force holding high the torch of duty thrown him by his distinguished grandfather the regiment under colonel murray was a rifle regiment without uie scotch flavor that characterised uie administration of his successor colonel allan during whose term of office uie tartan trews of campbell plaid and uie glengarry forage cap ware introduced and x hirer not with out opposition and many animated controversies between uie irish and scotch elements gathered around uie mats table of uie old regiment but i must not get ahead of my story many of these soldlen of uie early regiment carried uielr services over into my own time most of them as staff officers and one as commanding officer and we will wait ror better oc quatntanoe before turning uie spot light on these gentlemen in uie early regiment uie name of captain bastedo of uie milton com pany must be noted however for his grandson captain alfred bastedo one of uie ant of uie hal ton volunteers in uie cireat war and killed at st jullen oils a large place in uie hearts and memories of many of uie overseas men from the haiton regiment but mora of this in due time we have intimated that the adjut ant of uie early regiment major kaltlng held his office for many yean and in that connection uie ser vice of his trusty assistant sergt major walter mckay closely coin cidea so much hinges on uie work of this office uiat it is a safe inference from the long service rendered uiat sergt major walter mckay was as sealous and efficient as a soldier as he was as an aruehect and builder in civil life we can only infer uie one but tho many buildings he designed and built in georgetown and vicinity stand as monumenu to his skill and honest methods of construction lt colonel allan of acton pom- msntled jhe regiment during uie eighties and was succeeded in uie command by lt colonel kerns of burlington in 1bs0 nod we will have much to say of uiese two officera in later ehaptera about 1800 kipling was writing his barrack room ballads in india and drawing pen portraits of ounga din i danny deever and other types of military character as his tuiderstand- ing minds eye saw them at that time one hod utile trouble imognhdng these eliaraeters during the boer war but during the great war they were almost out of uie picture and only a few hard bolted grisly old sergeaht majors and instructors remained aa rear guard to cover the retreat of uur urmle of mai wand kandahar vd the nile oreat changes have been wrought in the british army since laoo and the changes liave been reflected in the canadian militia and in uwf haiton neglmriit but we will discuss uiese rhumieri in later chaiiterst continued next weki obituary horkrt milliflan mr robert mihiuai for many years a well known and resiiecuhl rmident of georgetown imssed away at brampton on dec mlh tho funeral took place from mcclurea undertaking parlon georgetown on dec 07th when uie remains were interred in greenwood ctmettry rev k maclean conducted ihe wrvlre arthur ii hkisy ahltur h skey brother of canon lawrence skey died in toronto lost week or pneumonia after an ulnes lasting about a week deceased en- tend uie bank of hamilton as a young nun and served at georgetown orangevllle hamilton after which he wiis sent to vancouver and from there as manager to fcamloops while there lie was elected to uie position of deputy grand master of the masonic order and waa elected grand master of british columbia but because of war work was unable to accept the honor prom kamloope he returned to toron to and was acting manager of uie head office on yonge st until uie amalga mation of uiat bank with uie bank of commerce he was then appointed to uie staff of uie merged bank as n- 1 celvlng manager he was not only well known in banking circles but also took a very keen interest in all church work he took an aouve part especial ly in work among young men and the j brotherhood of bl andrews he is survived by his wife his son james who is attending uie univer sity of toronto schools his daughter margaret attending havergal college uiree brothers in toronto alexander waldht a life full of yean and highly re- kpected in this community was closed with uie passing on prlday dec 31st of mr alexander waldle in his 03nd year born at kelso in rcaboroshuw scotland alexander waldle emigrated to this country as a young man just out of his teens in 10m and settled on uie rirst line in 10w he married mar garet mcgregor a daughter of uie late donald mcgregor who prede ceased him twenty yean ago of a family of nine children ihe following survive alexander and william at nlsbet man mrs wm robertson ac ton donald and robert j of esquea ing township duncan on the home stead and mrs henry severs of nas- sagaweya the late alexander waldle was a man uie influence of whose life was felt for good many quarters of uie community in which be lived he was an elder of knox presbyterian church and at uie time of his death was uie oldest elder of the church for over sixty yean he was a member of this congregation and when health permitted it was ranly uiat he was absent from his anistomed place mr waldle was a great supporter of ac ton fall fair and at the time of his death was a life member of uie fair board he waa one of uu nurocton in uie organisation at its inception and all through uie yean maintained his interest he attended uie fall pair ot last fall in his younger yean he was a breeder and exhibitor of sheep and his services wen much in demand as a judge of these animals at uie fall fairs and in many other ways mr waldle all through his life interested himself in uie affairs of his commun ity the funeral service on saturday afternoon was held in knox church when friends gathered to pay respect to his memory the service waa con ducted by his pastor rev a o stew art aiiuted by rev c x poole in terment was made in pahview ceme tery free press vote for carton for reeve for the- township of es quesing lor the year 1929 for these reasons hr will look after your interests at the county council in tlie sfime manner as ho has in the paat he voted against esqueainr assuming a share of the present frontage tax on the torontohamilton high way he was instrumental to a large extent in saving you many thousands pf dollars on the county rate during the post three years he is opposed to the present lack of supervision of the township road expenditures and will endeavor to secure a man for the position who will be responsible to the council and satisfactory to the ratepayers he is infavor of letting by contract all road expen ditures and putting a time limit on the completion of all road contracts he is in favor of all members of council being consulted in making large expenditures he is still in favor of the patrol system and will endeavor to put it on a better basis he is in favor of a twoyear term for reeve as has prevailed for many years he will endeavor to carry on a progressive road policy without an increase in taxation he has had fourteen years municipal experience rtatkmknt as kb tbausumcavs hooks dsmhtfcarlut itts rseslsta township levy t mills t 31ms so oovsmmsnt orant 1037 too0 w iflsmllansous ims 13 dues 1000 00 county share hospital 1100 00 eastsuulbrss heads and drldgss salary and allowances stationery law coats charity interest board of health hall ulsoellsneous sheep killed wire ence refund heetlon expenses stamps and excise deficit an years war pem far estimated expenditure of work done and not paid for sifter oravel and work lsw costs asmsi ii t 3145j 45 1310 40 sum us 80 its so u70 9070 30 3433 sms1 154 80 45 01 tn iss to 70 00 m04j1 31 1100 00 sou 1500 s14700 10 overdraft on years work this does not include small surplus on county rate or govern ment grant for 1b2b to be received in 1030 s vote for carton for reeve at this sign economize sptlmltuuh brmmi ate 2 siu tim corn 219 saeefaireseosle 3ftlmlatlm peachesn9 marmalade 27 tierf ttmjtr velmat mslees tfjrfre fmmt 40t jr spklmteutrm fancy tmrgs mttaimm lemons ss2 emtrmsmm walnuts 9 nmlmi spttiml lt oc tlie trslght ua to eceoatwy isade direct to tlie nearest carroll star shewing at carrolls earns for you the full wertn of your saeaey wkeaevsr you buy not em a few ehesea itasaa only but uirouilwut uta rsaf e ef our static you find low twicee tkat are evifuncs of our luterwsbutieii to i uralsli our custeaaers with the f reatest value smstue a trial order peovae that you save by showjng at carrolta imtut ptr cstm carroie feas ths rtrt tnftumiii in viikr a ratifying aritma ml s finer mtltim flavor ntikli i tittainrd w licit im hur lite wtcitiht cup nit mailer what grail uf carroll tea yiui pur- thaie tiiu ftl jfinnij ru qua lit and lhr frrnsth lint mate our tea rifliimicat wr etfejke taw cew fa ffreatttwti crrei7e cor hrramal mkilarwr null itefore tht frsf rant otluinit uumjt friitti the iuiimhib ifffctttatof irutn inxn ihr coffee kirden a far trovic null ami s isllafyiiia islerul la uur frmv tnnd citrtee ivr t mmese u jcmsi fmk fwetf cattail wrmpmtj bread doicnsi til fuloettr have luld si live asm i lil n carroll oh n vwaiiyd urrad rflaina tla erut under teatut anil ita an eel ireih llavof i u it a i lliau urdinar lireail lia all in ihe itv fredirnta and ihe wali ng 24u m rawied 14 f l ffswr try lll crab mrai wild rnrritd rice a ilrltcloua winter duh friar brand crab meal mall lint w large tina us eagle ulitr lia mtts stirbmmg flour 0 wi imjl uolasses f- ej jeaay wnm j faaaf tc noitlsplml3tin moc victory ceaee salmon oa seewe no f tin 4ifc sptcuip e g wkif napktkm soap 10 36 suttekcurjr crsaawy sv 4b acohmui cm sba ik jb cottage rolls laaiai k 17 eccscrajsflnuaaaia mt cheescrkk jsaa rail cmus kj us larorulr aasllly wk aab us pork and beans clailv nu 2 im its a1nnr q 2 un lis helm lift l4ei3 lleini ktdnry want tin lb it cereal foods 1inrl nttllrd tut j km 1u a il eli da intra i la lis wheal germ meal 4 su ha jmrti corn meal it us iol llailry isiu4 on wis fjiukcr oar iff lg 21c jminulr oat 1 lake pig ma mtmwmrwmvm santa clara prune j sva ht kvaikoratrd prarhra iti it fawy snjrru riff jsvalt hotualtold needs colli nrl soap rvu kaiottha kury medium liar iatmulive sni fairy uva iu toilet hoars iuei ivory suap ikano per tin ii o ammonia omulls own cleanier waihlnjr suds s alias ii kiittu tvoi package jua lis r it m

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