the georgetown herald sixtythird year of publication georgetown wednesday evening january 23rd 1029 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa thegeorgelown herald j m moose rauuwf and tnprlu mmbrr canadian wnkly nwpar a otullor tamuum naluaal eledrlc alltviyi tatmb rttbnrfaau kallway kastbound westbound ually train no i 13 ajn 3 035 cm 611s5 sbt 1 1js pjn 0 j3s pjm 11 3s pm 13 ms ttn id 035 pm 17 1m sm dally train no 3 110 am 4 087 ojn ll87 ajn ijw lm 10 3a7 p ml pin 13 bj7 pm i 7ji7 pro 10 ww pm 18 1101 pjn no 1 at 3 will run dally except sun day cnt time tabxe citing east passenger 73s am passenger 033 ba1 passenger 10ib um mall 1300 tun paaaenger c00 pjm mali ea pja passenger 135 pjn passenger suniuy gbig watt 7j1 pin iaii 740 un passenger sju um passenger lofl im pumhiw 113 tutt mall 450 pjtt passenger 803 pm passenger 74m pjm ptiaencf sunday tela neeih 10j4 4um- mali 4ft auu mall mall aaell going seatl cs5 pm 1122 am 710 pm disec10r1 lb mov dajle akurlater a4 batlifhw georgetown ontario oov kin bide mm bt umsoi ujesjijai ici georgetown elevator flour bran shorts rolled oats oilcake poultry foods hay straw and salt at lowest prices all kind of grain bought at beat market price alex l noble agents for grain pool phone 145 georgetown no doubt about this famous cereal just be the bkht clajuncc h wigotns atarrielar betlelier netary rakllo boura 0 am to 6 pjn open wednesday and saturday bvenlnss meetcaf lavaatawau bleney u laaa mletiiohe tst db b t miil payskfcui aaul g uedlcal officer of health in raqmnlng township office hours 3 to 4 and 7 to pm phase u offlm and residence ualn street south opposite presbyterian church db c v wlixums physician and surgaon medical offlmr of uaalut oeortetown office and raaldenoe quean st south rtuoa tat office hours 13 and a pal also by appointment the bootery ee a nasct door to pont off let ladies and gents footwear repairing promptly done will f smith phone 147 main street georgetown fitffiswawffiwmimtffiii p b watson rxd8 uda g osaee hearai ta s esses thursday arteraeeas p u beat ld ddu oaaual offtoe in lane block one door north of cvnauls canute factory hours 0 am to 6 pjn ob b ixabhontb veterinary surgeon phone 340 ualn st h gaargateem ohisopbaono wkfmsir the cunaiaeler palsur onaaste is vasrs praetlae mm lsallhaa sartary sr euatrlally xray service ohm over pameus stan offtoe hourswednesday es flaturdsy 3 to 6 and 7 to 0 pm other days and hours by appointment paaae user baellaarie im at afntea phaaa us tuesday and friday 3 to d pjn db p b bennexto ye bar now and throat specialist announeee the removsl of his ottos to ml main stbbbt east haihiton ontabio eye aiaues fitted consultation by appointment phone oerfleld im convenient perklm for sulnmohlles j sanford stewarttown plumbing ttnsnlllilng tmbula ckmhhs 6lv pfaooe84rl2 georgetown rr no 2 w i w he willlod tfailsrtavkar mad auloaiohlla or llortttvdrawnllaajei ptwtn nlgbt or day 34 w or si 1 a awaveok ma kmoorbat kelly aiken i ooixbotoaut i paralataat asaeaaral x olneea oranfevllle owen bound end guelph beuuiahad luw l the finest yet produced in alarm clocks big ben deluxe 500 baby ben deluxe 500 tiny tim 300 in rose blue and green a b w1llson next to hotel megibbon georgetown hiilh value at low cost a ideal for winter wiilj hot milk pravcd hy 34yejrsofrowin popularity haov try the conadlarl shredded wheat company ltd wzmmmm2sim2 in n 1 1 1 ii ii iiii 1 1 j run 1 1 1 iiji sell your cream at home where cu 6d ihe highest grade and the best price opea every sjltraay mtw georgetown creamery co m saxe manager areata far malalle fesm saaaratara call and see them 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 rrrrri 1 1 1 1 miirn rrnt rr baivaui cafuvaa soda wafers ckjo shopping h satufachon ji toddy lamma4t hhktial a meet htaasji i t i jwn zavaaavy fes14 flhatemlmaw currants l raisins aaha km as 1 l evwip taw 1 tm n co pics s aha if tt v mincemeat a bsa if xt i ivory jic2s sb ifm imii co corned beef soupsaikass xi tlaas rii ii ar chicken soup f unffr tipfiriiii peaches stiaslse lie as sox crisco 101 as fjahscamaj shrimps sie peasnslv barley mi 27 1 t 1 tl marmalade a eta v 3s window shopping t t it rtf ilrr tit ir i l mw f aajft tfjmlaf fata wutai a bjfclujl awaf i nr wax mm voir j smrirun 1 www livingstones bakery cream puff per dozen 60e special for saturday fruit bun per dozen 18c all kind of 10ft pie and a full line of cookie brown bread 9c white bread 9c d livingstone the bell telephone company and the american company tbs ralatlaaaua htwa th bu tauphow cawpaay af canada aad ttw airvarieaa ivrfa rbow aad iwiagrapb compaay eoealau f s l i u anuriean eanpaay own lhlhyaa ear eaat of ball tauphoae conpan iharaa ft watraet tka ball tituphana coupan- owbj a asabwrt by auefa tha aittatleaa eampaay top- pua w prodtieu aad alkar aarvlam aa a tluiflir aeala af payraatit ni atadt nutiihiamp kai axtatad ataea tba canadian aantpaay tokfaa in 18m owtwrd ef tna hmjn0 aiit to tfoiji uta enpany wan not avallabla tmtfl tba avmian company airaad to pvw it tnt eaatraet wai nada in 1929 ta pat daallnts ba- twata tht two eompaalaa oa a daflalta brulnau baala it may be tarmlnutad at tba and af 10tt ii tba cnnidlin eompany to daabai effect of stock relationship the talpkona ayttam in ontario and quabae today li ownad by ujum aharaholdan of tbata 05 par einfcajtve in canada and awn 62 par ent ef tba total aharai the larjwt individual holding la 1610 aharea which la one quarter ef one par cent of the total the avtrafe indlvldaal holdlna la 27 aharea which ylald an income of 216 a year tht bell talephene company le thaa a araat entar- prlie which haa become uioroutfaly demoerallsed and to thla the american nutloaahlp has contributed two definite advantafea flrat b haa bean a aouree ef new money for deral- pment the american company aa a ahaieheldar haa never failed to reapond la ffoad tlmea or bad when money waa needed to extend the ayatem ta meet public demandi upon it secondly it haa been a aafeguard aialnat aarploita- tlon attempta an the part ef promoter to aecure control of the telephone ayttam hava failed because the american holdlna of tba eompanye aharea hat been in the henda of man who are interested in tba telephone buainau for tba prostata ef tba laduttry and not for ita financial exploitation effect of the contract tmie bell talaphone company haa aecurad three chief advantafea by the contract af 1523 flrat it obtain all producte ef the bell laboratories which are the largest industrial raeearch laboratories in the world with a etaf f of fire thousand no single company could hope to support auch an organisation it la possible only by cooperation of many aseocleted companies one example of research work la tlie loadlna 6011 which haa eliminated the need for heavy win in- creasln in the with distance this haa saved mil lions of dollar similar discoveries have saved other million for the telephone user and given him a hotter telephone the research clause of the contract alone more than balances the contract fee secondlyt the canadian eompany hat right to the use of all inventions the american company now vvna more than 6000 patent essentia in every phase of telephone operation the contract gives the canadian company use of thee patent and place tlia american company under cutlen to tali out canadian patents an any new inventions the cana dian eompany wishes thirdly the contract gives the canadian eompany a steady supply of report and statistic regardln new operating method under trial by the aaaociatad companlea ef the american system dangerous experiments are thai avoided whan the ervlltn company makes a change in method it la to a well tailed method and the mrvieea of apeelalltta from the american eompany are available by con tract ta assist in making it an axampla of this it the change from manual to dial ayatem both in the stock holdlna and la the contract provisions canadian telephone user are protected and sallied by the reltuonthip with the american company i it you cant iw n pin on tlw top of n 1 hill ur a scrub in tlw valley but be i tim btwt lltllr nrriili at uic- sldo of tint rill d n until if you cant b a trw if you cant b a bumi he n bit of th brass some highway to liupler triake if you cant be a miwkii then just bo a bass i hut the liveliest uam in hi lake flowlntf and wlto octlvltl eonum lumdd evry thttut tliat made for our comfort end the sootl of lite comtany many lmprtwlotin of out october camp remain the unrndliut routine of iwrados roll calls wet tet aoveni- ment rations and molh balls which latter tlu aovmnment dealt out to tlie company store with a lavish hand and which the men found hi all their itockets tasukl in their tump smell in their tobacco and saw in their dreams the rations wro hood that year they are usually ttood in the army for there is tiouilna like route march inn and drill to put flavour to ones dinner we cant all be captains weve col to if nill rvy the company cook had be crew i neglmted to add the requisite amount ttwrcs sotnethlng for all of us here c seasanlnit which he never did since there big work to do and theres tliose days however the science of dietetics has invaded the realm ol and the task- we muit do u the near army use now the vlkr is given a if you cant be a sun be a star ssjs wheh it unby sixe that you win or youjssrs i5e iahh it on havt you had n kintlmvn hhnwn tatm it on twos not ulveii for you oloni pats it on lt ll travel down llur yearn let it wipe another tears till in heaven the deed apneam pai it nu jame j urn fall- be the best of whatever you are tent lite bulletin i can recall no dinner more enjoyable than the first dinner from a tin canteen on ar- 1 rival at camp that nleht in october nor any sleep more refreshing than that niflht in a tent with seven others arranged around the tent pole on which was suspended rifles equipment and all the utensils and elements nec essary for light housekeeping as a sure cure for insomnia commend me to route marching in marching order 1 the band that year was under the instruction of bandmaster forder from the military school in toronto and along with porder came his two sons and a repertoire of cockney music the like or which had never been heard before in the regimental department of music twiggy vous was one of them bogle man another old kent road another and so so but not a note from the bagpipers and the scotch music on which the curtain dropped aa colonel kerns settled him self into the saddle of the command ing officer one of those names bogle waa as familiar a a household word among the members of the band for many years after for it became the nick name of one of the comet players charlie valentine whose early death made a vacancy in the regimental band aa in the hearts or many friends that haa never been adequate ly fuled one of the first duties of bandmas ter porder was sad one sergeant dave mcoulre had died a day or so before the cempany was to bo to camp and the first march of the com pany waa in slow time past the home of sergeant mcoulre with arms re versed while the band played the strains of handels funeral march the retirement of col allan in mm i ol the atxlxhrtiniryaewn- 9ss five gave a atimulous to the regiment i jssst jtftis alstvjab pro- mesa and new names sppeered on the ms s photoersplu became decorations in l s th l corridors of memory and old s kn ft t0 archives at uiutla headauarters j fi sti in the scuffle that tcoic place many xjlfpl issft omcere vm um by retirement and d eevxftn prominent among these was the ull iis j ts si and aoldlerly captain of the aclon h 15 j j company oapuln davlc i schulta wha j- ilka james j hill found life and op portunity in the village of bockwood an fcxmteflhiov op thought to you if nobody smiled and nobody cheered and nobody helped us along if each every minute looked after him self and good things all went to the strong if nobody eared just little for you and nobody thought about me and we all stood alone in the battle of life what a dreary old world it would be life is sweet just because of the friends we have made and the things which in common we share we want to live on not because of ourselves but because of the people who care its giving and doing for somebody else on that all lifes splendor depends and the joy of this world wlven youve summed it all up is found in the making of friend c a ward halton rifles by col bailantlne dso continued from last week the tucoiment in the nineties notes and comments ip you wont to be miserable al- way think of yourself if you want to be happy think of others flrst how true u this quotation becaune if we are always thinking of our selves we will become selfish self- centered seeing and magnifying each other persons fault yet being blind to our own there is not one among us who is perfect we are all sin ners therefore it behooves us to speak kindly to our neighbors always remembering that if we ore kind and courteous to others they in turn will prove to be our friends how very often we come in contact with people who are always complaining always brumbllng refusing to see the good thlnbs of life not having a kind word for anyone these people make everybody near and connected with them miserable how much better it would be to be cheery and kind- hearted to bestow a smile upon those whom we meet a kind word and a smile meant a great deal to someone who is not so well favored with this worlds goods at you are we can all do something in our way according to our means to help others less for- tunate we can help with our sym pathy and kind words to shed joy around us to be really happy we must instead of being miserable do all we can to help others by our cheerfulness and kindness of heart and so win for ourselves a host of friends for a friend in need is a friend indeed public school board tt a roulib chairman fob ik school infirectorh kerostt the public school board met on jan 16th at b pjn members present were r b pouus p d mcntlly b harrison h redshaw a h duncan mrs p w cleave the following of ficers were appointed chairman r b poulls property committee harrison red shaw cleave supply committee mcnally dun can secretarytreasurerjp b harrison attendance officer mrs preure school nurse mrs parr to public library board ralph ross the following accounts were passed too cramped for a man of ten talents spurred by a vaulting ambition his resignation deprived the regiment of one of the finest officers it aver knew and the acton company of a comman der as courteous at he waa efficient the camp at this time seem to oc cur at three year period and the long gap in the training of the regiment a a unit were partly compensated for by the intensive program of company drill carried on at local headquarter also by target practice at the company range with which the various com panies were provided compared with tba war regiments the regiment was very small and the companies were considerably under the numerical strength of a platoon and the whole unit very little larger than one company in the kipedition- ary force during the administration of col onel allan successor lt col wm i kerns the regiment wo ta a rule up to strength for thla period of eight years which covered most of the nine ties mark the very nadir of business depression in canada the refex of in dustrial condition in the united state where armlet of unemployed poral holllnger both from the military school in toronto and these initruc- tors accomplished wonder in thr training of the non commissioned officers and men as an instructor butcher had few equals but his lnflu enee of the regiment was not con fined to drill instruction for like harry hotspur he was indeed the glass wherein the noble youth did dress themselves there were no legs that practised not his gait and speaking thick which nature made his blemish became the accent of the valiant many a man in the halton regiment learned to walk by 1m luting him and learned to dress by studying the im maculate appearance of the two in structors who turned up dally on the directing flank fully conscious no doubt of their attractive uniforms though perhaps unaware of the tre mendous eye strain of jhe young sold iers in the ranks as they kept their heads to the front and rolled their eye in the direction of these paragons of soldierly smartness they were both bood fellows and quite human and butcher uvough never a member of the regiment wax always persona zzzziuzuiim it- jikr 1 brata at the sergeants and later the were m while the gears of m- rmv ii u dustry were rusting for lack of orders many of the loose ends of industry were gathered into the service during that year with the result that the regiment was full for though there 1 always a nuoleou of men to form the skeleton of a regiment it 1 some time extremely difficult to bring the companies to full strength when in dustry is working over time x joined the georgetown company in the pall of 1801 and served during the eight year of colonel kerns adminis tration a a nc commissioned officer and i shall avaluta the personalities event conditions and institution of the service a i saw them from under the helmet visor of a young soldier who crossed the dead line into the of- 1 fleers quarter only when on duty and who taw the silverware and tro phies on the mess table from outside that sanctum sanctorum the oarers mess marquee if at tlmea it appears caustic please remember that it is the privilege of the enlisted man to grouch also to start rumors and in the exercise of this prerogative he while away much te- dium without seriously effecting the efficiency of the service i waa over two years under age and captain moore by way of compensa tion gave me two stripes chevrons i mean which were to be worn on the right arm just nine inches below the shoulder those stripes made ma a oorporai and while they exempted me from certain orderly duties they made ma eligible for others a thought that gave ma much anxiety which was somewhat diminished when i learned that there were other corporals and even sergeant whoa abysmal ignor ance was almost as deep as my own there were many men in the com pany who knew the drill better than the non commissioned officers but who preferred to remain as privates probably to alt in the aeat of the scorn ful aa the sergeant stammered his in structions but more likely because they feared the return and reports that might involve the freedom of tome friend and place a strain on their social relations during the re maining fifty week of the year how ever aa lincoln said ood must love line private soldiers he make to many of them i can recall but few of the non oominlssioned officers of that year but many of the men who in structed me a corporal in many of the details of the service at that oc tober camp in laoi the colour sergeant of the com pany herb allan carried all the de tails of camp duties on his back with very little assistance from the rut of us and if ever a man filled the un forgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run it wa that indefatigable colour sergeant whoa measure of service waa always over- officers mess for lie climbed through all the grades to the rank of lieuten ant colonel and on retiring settled hi the historic little village of niagara- on- the lake close to the activities of earlier years in 1801 the adjutant of the regi ment was captain o 8 ooodwlllie major kaltlng having gone out with his old commanding officer colonel allan major appelbe was second in command and major pox third in command major pox who hailed from oensgh was a charming personality and would haw made a good commanding offic er but like major kaltlng he could not arrest the passage of the year and on the retirement of colonel kerns he too was obliged to retire owing to the age limit having been passed captain culllngworth was in com mend of the oakvuie company and the stewarttown company was under captain john tracy who had as his subaltern lieut a l noble captain tracy retained his connection with the regiment for many years after but principally in the band the list of officers who were assoc iated with colonel allan and who assisted in the training at the camp of 1181 these are as follows lt col wm allan commanding major wm kerns second in command major wm phillip appelbe the oakvllle company was com manded by captain thos pox and hi only lieutenant was joseph e cull ingworth the stewarttown company waaj commanded by captain w p moore and hi lieutenant was john halner whose appointment was however pro visional aa he had not qualified the georgetown company was com manded by captain oeorge stewart ooodwlllie and his assistant was lieut oeorge walter tubby the canbbellvlue company wa commanded by captain arthur clark jones and associated with him was lieut william arthur cromwell the burlington company was under captain john breckon and with him waa lieut peter graham whose ap pointment wa also provisional the acton company wa command ed by captain david schulu and he had no assistant the milton company wo under captain wm panton and with him were lieut joseph walker and walter m johnston the last named being a provisional appointment the paymaster was captain john roaf barber the adjutant major kaltlng the quartermaster captain latchlan grant uie medical officer dr preeman of milton and the assis tant medical officer was dr m mc- orlmmon also of milton or there about continued next week a b castelle 83 00 hydro electric 6 08 bank of montreal s 00 georgetown lumber co 89 mark clark 00 tlie treasurer presented the finan cial statement for 1028 the inspectors report for lost term was read the board will meet the first wed nesday of each month following is the inspector report the chairman and members public school board georgetown ont ladles and gentlemen having completed my official visita tion of your school for the current term i have pleasure in presenting a brief report in doing so i have first to say that in the pall term i have not been able owing to pressure of time and my absence on leave from the minuter for three weeks in september to spend quite the usual time in the school this i feel ha been no detri ment to tlie school your staff has re mained again intact they are indi vidually teachers of tried experience capable and judicious and need utile or no assistance from me in the way of supervision i was able however to visit all classes and to assure myself that the usual high standard of pro ficiency and progress are being main tained and the organisation working smoothly under miss ryans able man agement the enrollment stands at 3 ib a decrease of five a very gratifying feature of the school premises and equipment u the marked attention being given to mural decoration the value of picture in leading to the appreciation of thing beautiful in themselves is being in creasingly recognized by all educators the educative value of a suitable selec tion of pictures can hardly be over em phasised most beneficial results must undoubtedly follow the gradual in crease being made in your school in excellent pictures both for the assem bly room and the individual class rooms you lead the county in this respect the redecoratlon of two classrooms at midsummer also effected a marked improvement i note also the provision of two fine flags on behalf of the county council i have presen ted the school with a new uptodate map of halton i am glad to find the school nursing system continued in the school and be lieve it is bains successfully carried on under the direction of mrs parr there appears to be no need for further comment in conclusion i have only to express on behalf of the de partment of education my thank to you as a board for your careful atten tion to all the needs of your school and to wish the board elect for 1b30 every success in tliclr work faithfully yours j m denyes general news milton town council has appointed james mackrldae and o stuart hate- ly auditors of the town accounts of 1038 and has also reappolnted rich ard white a member of the board of health there will be three former wardens in this years halton county council namely exwarden w ii morden of trafalgar exwarden d mclntyre of gcorsetown and exwarden jos w blalu of milton major j ii chambers has been ap pointed clerk of the second division court or halton at oakvllle to succeed w 8 savage who has passed his 83rd birthday and who asked to be relieved of the responsibility at the annual meeting of the milton horticultural society on tuesday the fallowing officers were elected for 1030 president e syer 1st vice canon naftel 3nd vice p d siiorcy 8rd vice t mcjannrtt ficctrras jos mockridge during december twenty patients were admitted to peel memorial hos pital there acre four births and nine operations donations were re- celved from tlie chosen priendt of 839 i ode brampton 8100 loblawt ltd tu and robert blmpsoo co ltd to