the georgetown herald sixtythird year at publication george wednesday evening january 30th 1929 1 50 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald j m mooke fblkw aua rnrm mrmbr fattaaua wkly nnsabm ammisum caaaeuaa nauaaal hedrk all ways tanala babarfcau kuumy sabtbound dally trato no 3 1 10 am 4 0a1 a m t 11jw am ijw pm 10 357 pra m 4i7 pm 13 til pm 14 757 pm i 0a7 nm 10 hi pm no 1 tt 3 will run dally except bun day westbound bally trmu no 1 7js sj s 031 ajn 61135 lud 1 131 pjn m 0 331 1m 11 131 pjit 13 731 pjn h 11 031 pjtt 17 13 m bj11 cnu time table otlbk eau petaenser 733 paaaancar 031 paeaeoser 1010 mail 13 00 pemenevr 400 uall 033 peieeuser 835 petaenser sunday 731 oabw wait uall 740 paiaanser oil peaamiser 1030 peaeeasw 313 ilall 430 paeaetiser 0 03 paeaenaar 701 petaetucer bunday 1034 gala naria stall all mall 435 galax b uall 1lm uau 710 sjm pjn pm tua tun pjn sjm pjn pa pja pjn aju pm speights garage machine shop the pioneer garage of georgetown repair to all make of car acetylene welding and cutting storage battery repairing and charging worn fly wheel fitted with hardened steel ring gear magneto recharged and repaired ignition and generator work i have installed new gasoline pumps and now offer five brand of gasoline viz premier ethyl white rose red seal and shell oils grease tires and accessories your patronage solicited all work guaranteed t j speight phone 279 georgetown braqntf breakfast for bitter weather directory le bov dale barrister an saikuar aaoratetovo ontario ooeaaklns bid mill 8 john a thompson arrieler seueusr natarr pauta oheee 110 street- phono 333 it 300 clabenci h wiooins banlttar eelfcuer natarr paute hours 0 ajn too pjn opan wednesday and saturday evanlns mahsasw laveetaieats ilaaay t lata telethons us de sl t fact payefclea aaa s medical obutr of health in r township ofnee hours 3 to 4 and 7 to s pin passe ss office and residence main street south opposite preabytarlib church de c v williams phyalelsn and buifaon usdleal officer of health oeorastmrn ofbos and residence quean at south pfcene t oses houra s3 and sf pjn alao by appointment p b watson eumj hjdj9 oeof ofnes ham- te t bxeeat tasrais afteraeeaa p l heala tvd8 djml danual office tn lane block one door north of otfeute camas pactory hours 0 am to i pjn dsl b leaemonth veterinary surgeon phone 340 ualn st n geerrefewn ohtropbaotio netubn- the cajrearsster psjaeer graaaau is tears pisetlee ns ssssmaa ssrrary sr bleetrielty xray service office oyer israeli stars office hourswadbaaday at saturday a to and 7 to s pm other days and hours by appointment pfcea us bialltan u at lflhiapseas tu tuesday and friday a to a pjn dsl p b esnnitto ys bar koae sad throat spsdsjust annwmose the renorsl of hie ofboe to 431 wain btbeet east haiolton ontajuo eye aiaah fitted -j- oonsultatlon by anpolrhrnant phone oarflald 70s ooavenlent parkins for automohuaa j sanf0rd stowarttown plnabiog alntwiudiig esstula otmmj phone mr 12 georfetown flrno2 w h willson itaulavtjalmr suad uosaumd atabatbauta autoatobue or lleraedramlleeie psoas algal or day 34w or ii a dbsrxom ma motookem tcdlyaaikcn oollbotoma psralataat assssaafal offlsea orantevllla owen hound j sodouelnb eaubuabad ibm fw hceiumumi tttuthmrtom jdeyond all expectations the otitsrstvfmg chevrolet of chevrolet hlafoay has now been seen and inapecud by itiilltotti el peeplt and everywhere k has been hailed as enceedtng all expectations a tbccyitadtr vajvethhesd cngiiu which de velops 32 more power than ks famous pre decewor higher speed and faster sweeieratiott such quality car features as full baitbearing steering meduniem with lateat fisttype wheel foot rr hesalainpa and newlydesigned quiet easyacting fourwheel brakes such outstanding comfort features as adjust abla drivers seat in all closed models fully ni seat bscks and larger roomier bodies and tn the new fisher bodies a of beauty luxury and safety worthy of direct cetnparissu with the finest and costliest auto- mobiles the beautiful new models are now en display tn our showroom an you are cordially in vited to cau oqve j utstandmg chevrolet of chevrolet history a six in ike price range of the jour j j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown product of general motors of canada limited serve with piping hot milk doesni overload your stomach makes you alert and active fine for youngsters mad try the smmtttari stirsdded vttaurt company ltd i livingstones bakery cream puffs per dozen special for saturday fruit buns per dozen 16c all kinds of soft pies and a full line of cookies brown bread 9c white bread 9c d livingstone georgetown i 4saspamasv ffswi maaua coaw iwsjst vulur cocojojojt as i tohmtokm uaa 3 z u h i klawbamluytwls m good lelrvared any placa in town at 10 am and 3 phone 66 georr the bell telephone company and its financial policy if tva authority by pahuuhmt tha bill ttt- ph6m csunpany will lusu saw tharw of ittmk ovar a pariod of yaa at totairali and in ameuata asptndlng e tba axpavuulw ntjturcd to atrva pobll rkmaiul v tit nv aham will ba ofarad far pareliam by amlutltwrs and tha priea will fupand em tba rajui- tiantanti judgmant of eondltlou nils inatltod u tba tsaef proeadora by wbleb tba company baa built tba prtaant uupbotv tyttaro ia ontario and qtuboe in fortyalffbt yara tba ultapbaaa company baa nal thar miffffttttad nor raetltod fovarnmant lubiidy in fortyalcht yaara it baa narar aplit ita ttoefe nor lutiod tharu that wtra not folly paid for at par or more in fortyafftht yr it baa navar bn axololtod for the benefit of itbar individual or roups althouth it is now on of tha lorfast institutions in the country has met double obligation i n chooaina and followlna this financial policy the managamant of the company has hod con stunlly in mind tha doobla ebligatton of uiom who cprote a public utility there ir first tbo obligation to tba aura of tba tslephona hyvtom to givo them proper service at low est potuiible cost and sattntuy there ij tba obliga tion to tha owners to protaet their property and pay them a fair return on the money they advance to build tbo system these two obligations have bean acnipaloasly fcl filled service baa been given by steadily extending tba ryitom from a few hundred telephones in 1b80 to ever 700000 now in use tha company is spending over 27000000 this year to extend and improve the system further and baa made plana to spend over 120000000 in the next five yean and this service bo been given at low cost the rates paid by telephone eubseribere in ontario and qutbec era tba lowest in the world for compsrabls service the beard of railway commissioners has officially acstnowledfed that they are more reason able than other rates in canada the 15300 owners oftbe system receive fair re- torn but not more than a fair retain the com panys policy has banded out no melons nor eitra dividends a tost of this is tha actual experience of a iharo- belder who bought dell telephone atoek on the mar ket fifteen years ago at 149 and has since taken advantage of every opportunity to buy new iharce as they have been offered sis annul retort today on the woney ha has paid for bis shares la tees than seven per cent to be exact it is per cent in the national interest v management does not favor any elianft in ite policy because 1 the record of tba companys policy in efficiently fulfilling tba obligations to both users and own ers jusiiflee its eaelinuane 2 if however the financial policy of public utility companies la to be fixed by parliament it should be made applicable to all such companies rather than to single out one company which does not deserve special reatrietiona 8 a change in policy is not in the national intsreitj it means that canadian investors will be altraetod to put their money into numerous american utility companies with which tha telephone company is now compotlfur for new capital and where it la the reeognlted practice to offer new sliarea to stockholders tba present policy of tba company safeguards fu ture expansion of the telephone eystem by retaining support of reli able investors and promotes tha national interest of canadlarui in camdltn development an incidartrr i was in overalls as they went riding by my pounds today and looking up i smw them pass within their utnoutoiw of rw and waved to them a friendly hand they were too proud to understand they fancied me a workman there they fancied it were shame to be ott friendly terms with men like me as if it mattered u x were and ttude it plain they wished no calls prom men who dress fnoveteils and yet i ehuckled at the pride with which my greeting was denied ptor just a week or so before when fashions evening tlrees x wore this selfsame pair to flatter me had asked me to their house for te poor fools to think a friend worth while uutt always wear the garb of style poor fools to think that any dress can make a mans value more or leu poor fools who overalls cant see vet ask an evening dress for teat by edgar a quest in halton rifles by col ballantyne di o continued from last week reveille in 1m1 there are many insututlotts camp life but none so colourful reveille in civil life one sometimes hears the expression come day go day ood send bunday a phrase that re the last word in colourless ienoe a tedious sequence of to morrow and tomorrow and tomorrows to the last syllable of recorded time with no punctuation marks and utile interest the soldiers day in camp however is not permitted to degenerate into a monotonous series of revolving duties for even if one day was a duplicate of the day previous there is sufficient variety due to the emphasis placed on tha so called bution calls revllle retreat and pint and last post rep resenting in order dawn sunset and nlshtfau each regiment in turn takes over the camp duties provides the slain guard at camp nteadqusrters supplies the duty band and the camp pioquet as well as a field officer under whose supervision these duties function in short takes over the retponsiblllty as guardian of the good order of the camp as well as custodian of the many tndltlons so dear to the heart or the soldier and which add so much spirit to ullltary camp life the regiments vie with each other tn their efforts to make their tour of duty a record of smartnau of ualn guard and pioquet and duty band and this competition and these punc tuations add their touch or colour no matter how gray the day uany memories linger of that oe tobar camp in ih1 bit none so vivid ly as that first reveille following i sound sleep on the hard surface of mother earth with a iharpornered box called a knspeack for a pillow the word from the french verb to awaken has as many recollections as it has corrupted pronuncutlons and to some it means nothing but gun fire at or about sunrise aa devoid of poetry or romance as the sound of an alarm clock or the factory whistle that summons to work six days out of to some it recalls a kick in the ribs from the tent oceporal in response to the raucous voice of the orderly ser geant aa he summoned the sections to roll call in the wet grass of the par ade oround to others the wwutlnn of snoring and the beginning of yawn ing as the occupants of the tent dug into the cwigtomeration of equipment and boots about the tent pole for a pair that would fit to the horses in the transport lines it probably meant nothing more than water hay oats but reveille means something more than all this if one possesses a spark of the divine fire that is called imag ination and most of us do under its spell x have known two officers tent mates who spent a round hour preparing for breakfast before the slightest word or gesture was given that indicated a knowledge of the others existence it is a greet institu tion a ceremony that is performed with all the dignity and solemnity of a religious rite and as its high priest it has the sergeant of the ualn guard and to assist him there are many acolytes including the duty band a gunner from the artillery the buglers of the regimental or quarter guards as well as the guards them selves all of whom make their eontri button to the reosptlon that greets the arrival of another day ttjeoretlcally it means sunrise but in reality an arbitrary hour about sun rise set by the divisional staff and this year the hour was early and the regiment stood in its greencoata shivering at roll call long before the first rays of the sun had gilded the the roof of old port ulsslssaugua as the poet has it we helped hyperion to his horse but the stage is set for reveille the duty band has been euoinuned and has moved to the edge of the camp the sergeant of the ualn guard is studying the operations of the sec ond hand of his wrist watch the gun ner from the artillery is loading the r and all the buglers are standing front of their respective guards tipping their oold mouth pieces and emitting those premonitory sounds whereby buglers have revealed their position and intention since the days when joshua and his host encompas sed the city of jericho pirel barks tha sergeant the gun ner twists tils body to the left and so pulls tha lanyard boom l goes the gun guard turn out yells the sen try of the main guard t ouard turn out yell all the sentries and the bug lers raise their instruments to their lips and send the echoes flying with the notes of the long reveille the guards scramble from their blanlmts and line up in front of their respective tents as if to fsce the tn- epection of the god of day in whose honour the flourish of bugles is being given before the reverberations of the gunfire had died away there another sound the six bests of tha drummer of the duty band who launched his band on the long inarch that traversed the whole front of tha camp a march that crossed the par ade ground of each of the twelve reg iments in turn and ended only at the gates of the compound that marked divisional headqusrters for a while tha notes of the music were lost in the ensemble of bugle sounds but aa that subsided the strains of the march became discern- able swelling louder and louder till they reached a glorious crescendo aa reeettod tad ware swejlowad in the misty distance on that cool oc tober mom in a little while holhlng waa heard but the regular up up of tha bass drum as regular as a metrotiome as the drummer beat out the cadence and regulated the time to one hundred and twenty paces to the minute they were pleylng the pride of the regi- itnent a march without a superior and which has since been adopted as the heglmenui march of the nth royal realment of hamilton aa the notes of the infantry reveille die away the trumpeters of the artill ery booted and spurred superior and aloof raise their insurumenta for why should the nightingale sing when every goose is eacklingf and send for their dulcet noteavtnelr contribution to the ceremony then floating back from across the niagara come the echo as the american trumpeters sal ute the new day and send out a mess age of welcome and greeting to their friends north or the river as the duty band crossed our parade ground a young soldier sat up with the ex- calmmation gee aint that wonder ful to which bit of enthusiasm an old timer replied not bad but wait till we are duty regiment and in that reply i caught my first glimpse of ks- plrit de corps the pride of a regi ment and learned that it is a native plant that springs up within a regi ment as naturally as the buttercups and golden rod that grace the mead ows in summer time under 1u impulse i have seen the population ok georgetown turn the key in the door and repair to the park to support 1u lacrosse team as it bat tled with its rivals and i have seen one half the spectators in a stadium rise with tumultuous cheering aa lu football team emerged through the archway to give battle to its tradition el college opponents then came the roll cell and after that the routine of meals duties and parades that trod upon one anothers heels so closely were they fitted into the short day between sunrise and sunset and all announced and ad vertised by the notes from the buglers any minutes that were available were dedicated to the work of polishing for thst was before the days of khaki and black belts and white helmeu had to be in order if they were to con form to the goregous appearance of the officers who turned out in full dress uniforms and the full dreu of a rifle regiment officer has no su perior and in the regiment during the nineties all the officers wore it and all the men wore cloth tunica of rifle green the regiment in those days i think hsd a very smart ap pearance and then there was colonel kerns about whom so much can be written and all his officers the sergeant ma jor and all his sergeants and in fact so many interesting personalities pass in review that i will have to fill my pen and postpone the review to other chapters continued next week greenwood cehetebv old section uany letters of appreciation have been received by the committee un dertaking the raising of funds and formulating plans for the immediate and perpetual upkeep and care of the cemetery the following are few excerpts from letters received from subscribers ex pressing their pleasure and congratu lations of the good work being under- dr george e mcgulre slmcoe out am glad to subscribe to the very worthy cause of improving and main taining greenwood cemetery and i am sure all plot owners and especially those living at a distance will apprec- liti the good work you and your com mittee are doing allen holmes publisher gait re porter i think the work you are planning is highly commendable the only way to handle the situation i am enclosing a cheque for iso in favor of mr mckay for immediate work and i liave subscribed 50 for endowment kindly have me advised when that money or more is required from me mrs thomas steele windsor ont x am sending you 34 for immediate expenses and hope to do better for the permanent work later on mrs ocorgc h dawson milton ont we are indeed pleased that the matter of perpetual care is being uken your stlmatcs show that a great deal of time and thought has already been spent on it by you people in georgetown we wish you the best of success in your undertaking o n rysn rio de janlero south america i was very glad to hear that the appearance of the cemetery was to be improved this year and that it was to be placed upon a basis of perpetual care i have often thought that would be the proper thing to do and am pleased that a committee have it in hand 1 gladly subscribe to the fund halton union insurance company the annual report of the helton union fanners mutual fire insurance co shows another year of successful operations for this company the loss es this year are a trifle lower than those of 1937 a gain is shown nearly every respect on the years op erations the amount of insurance in force at the close of ims was tiatjmjoom amount insured in ibm m407m500 policies usued in 192g 1164 policies in force december 31 103 3j7 total amount of reinsurance 134030000 net amount of insurance carried by this company siuiaoosoo the assets of the company given in this sutement are 43337147 and tha liabilities 103 0 the annual meeting of the company will be held in the town hall acton on monday february 4th the directors and offic ers are president duncan campbell moffat vicepresident c il turnen muton directors james klrkwood w a isuby n f lindsay acton wn hume muton benj fetch chelten- liam c e wood freeman john wilson erin secretarytreasurer thos moore campbellvule acton notes and comments the practice of allowing travelling photographers to visit school nud take pictures of puplu u under at tack in newmarket as it has breit in other towns where the obuw liar been permitted commenting on tills the barrle examiner say thru pictures are of a poor quality and the photographers visit nothing more or leu than a ruth touch on the pock- etbooks of teachers and scholars an offer of a percentage of the proceeds to one or other of the schools organiu- tions is usually made by the visitor and this more than anything else is the chief reason why this class of gen try gain entrance to the schools if it was brought before the board such re quests would probably be given short shrift we canadians need a jolt to awak en in us a real nations spirit to that we will appreciate the kind or coun try we live in read your morning papers you people who live in south ern onurio and if you dent uy you live in the finest country under the tun then you are not very observant how would you like to waken up with your bed floating near the roof top as they did along the mississippi or to have no roof to wake up under as happened when a cyclone visited kansas or not waken up at all ac counts of murder arson rape rob bery cyclones floods etc fill the daily preu while all the time life progresses smoothly in this district with only here and there a ripple of discontent we must see the disad- vantage under which the other fellow labors to appreciate the advantages which we possess ionorance of canada and 1u climate seem to be colossal in both great brluin and the united sutee a few years ago when the british med ical association met at toronto in july with the thermometer register ing high in the nineties a number of boxes were unloaded by the british delegates bearing labels on all sides of them with the injunction keep from frost the language of the oxpreu men is said to have been hot enough to melt the paste on the la bels recently a wellintentioned gentleman of the southern butes rrotested against a society of which e was a member convening in tor onto on the ground that it would nee- esslute many of their members pur chasing moccasins and snowihoes that in all probability they would not have another opportunity of using mllver- ton sun the old glass milk bottle a fea ture as characteristic of modern civil isation as the automobile and radio may be doomed new york dairies are discarding it altogether and have in troduced a new cardboard container in which the milk is delivered to the waiting housewife the new container a glased water and rnoutureproof coneshaped arrangement has the ap proval of the new york sute board of health is much cheaper than the close bottle and can be thrown into the wastepaper basket or the garbage can after the milk is used according to reports it seems to be giving com plete satisfaction both to customers and dairymen but lhv wont seem quite the same without the early morning clink clink or milk bottles to penetrate our dreams and warn us that it is almost time to get out or bed general news caufoeniabound canadians growing in numbers the famous resort cities the ocean beachea the mountains the fascinat ing desert resorts of caluomla com bine to make possible all the diversi fied sports and entertainment dear to the heart of a summerlover there are various routes two of tha moat popular are uuvugh chicago or by way of british columbia and the pacific coast uany arrange to travel to california by one of these routes and to return vu the other in this manner tha beauties of both canada and the united sutee are seen during the roundtrip complete information regarding cal ifornia fares acoommodatinn and literature may be obuined from any canadian national railways agent the number of inmates at present confined to the ontario reformatory is 031 which is a somewhat larger number than usual alex halbert has been appointed chief of police of orangevllle while robert clarkson received the appoint ment of night police beneath a thin sheet of ice on the horse trough at her fathers farm near mossboro the body of mrs roy leslie wellknown aberfoyle resident was round by relatives early last thursday the death took place at shelburne on january 14th or mr hans steven son wellknown auctioneer mr ste venson formerly lived at rlvervlew be fore taking up his residence in shel burne he is survived by a widow and one child the farm home of william mccar- row near hornby in trafalgar town ship was destroyed by fire early tues day and william and his brother prank escaped with little time to spare miss ora watson telephone operator sought aid from nearby towns at the session of county councils on monday for wellington county rob ert 8 bums of palmerston was elec ted as warden austin smuck of glassford the warden of wentworth county j j jamleson toronto town ship for the wardenshlp of peel county rev j ii mcbaln pastor of st johns united church oakvllle for more than three years will retire from the ministry during the coming june aooonllng to a recent announcement rev mr mcbaln who has been in the ministry for about forty years will continue to reside in oakvllle it is ita ted at the eightieth annual teuton of the grand dlvliilon or the sons or temperance of ontario s d jarvis of tansley was elected for the fifth term as grand worthy patriarch of the order this is the first time in tho history of this organisation that such an honour has been conferred upon any member wedgewood the beautiful oakvllle home of mr william stone expresi dent of the wellknown firm of rolph clark stone limited together with 33 acres of his 33acre esute has been sold for about 100000 by w a davis real estate broker of oakvllle to a client of w d wadsworth barrister bank of toronto building toronto whose name is not disclosed an unidentified man died in st marys hospital shortly before noon last friday and another is leriously hurt as a result of an accident near doon on the new sewer main being laid by the city of kitchener in which the scoop of a steam shovel fell upon the vktim the teeth of the scoop pierced one of the men from back to front but be lived for some time af ter the aceldent at the annual meeting of the nelson and burlington agricultural society held at burlington on monday a e harris editor of the burlington qas- ette was elected president thomas pothergui first vicepresident c o johnson second vicepresident and stanley dynes secretary- treasurer the date of the fall fair was not selected but will be chosen at the directors masting later