the georgetown herald sixtythird year of publication georgetown wednesday ev ening march 13th 1929 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald j m moork tubllhr and frnprlrto mntxr varamxn weekly kmpih aumiammi tanajiail natloaal kleetrie hallway yarobu habwlmtt uuwy eab1 bound westbound daily ually tvalm train no 1111 am mo i 735 km 4- oil a m 3 0 js am siurt om iij a4 i- 111 put 7 1 m mi 10 357 pjn fri 3js pin m 411 pjn 11 5j p m 13 8j17 pm 13 733 pu 14 717 p m is 015 p 10 067 p m 17 7m mm 18 1113 pm hoi i 3 will run dally except bun day just right for this weather shredded deat onr t1mc table coin kasi passenger 739 faseenger 039 paaaenger 1018 mall 13 06 passenger 400 mall 633 passenger 835 passenger sunday 731 oalug west mail 740 fuhulw us passenger 10m passenger 313 mall jm pjmmat 003 passenger 7jm passenger sunday 1034 oebif neath uaii us mall isa gefaif teaifc mail 112s mall 710 pm pal pin pja pm pjm pm pjtt pa sun pja directory u mov dalb banktar aaj emfeltar georgetown ontario ocvee king bide uill st clautnctthtwiaains benstur balfeuer naury paule omouovtul block oeonetown telephone lia john a thompson netary rwmle ooees uu1 street phone u3 34 ob b t pacl rartldaa ul la uadleal new of health la ragiiwlni township ohm houra 3 to and 7 to a run rbaaa u ofee and reetdene uala street south opposite presbyterian church high in calorics and warming carbo- hydratesno fuss or botherjust warm in oven and serve with hot milk mad by the canadian shrwdded wtwat company ltd livingstones bakery f any child purchasing bread at our bakery will be jjsj preiented with 5 marblea and one alley b best quality bread brown bread white bread fundamental reasons tot the tremendous public acceptance of the outstanding chevrolet of chevrolet history u vashrai hi wa uttmr 9c 9c d livingstone phone bb george owe specialty 1 ontth milmg vart with aaiailai seeeeee mllmsf tmt asfatfaatam fail db e v wnxiaiu phyalelan and surfeon uadleal oooer of health oeorfetown 3flee and bwlrtanwi quaaa st south haai ul orbee hours 13 and pas alio by appointment r b wtnok dab mjjj oaargeuam wu baani ta s eiaaat laaralay p l haatk las djxb 30oa in lana block ona door oorth of cvnallla oaniaaa factory hours 0 am to 0 pm ob b lcakiionth vatarlnary surcaoa phooa 40 ualn at n the boyaimoter ohxbopbaotio ulujur tha cklntraatar u vaanr pnaiaa na aiilliihia barney o xray service ofasa over dominion store omoe houra uobday weunuday and saturday 1 to sand 7 to d pjn other diya and houra by appnlntmant maae lmw bimlma 1hi at wiieafaa tjj tuaaday and friday a to t pm j sanford stowarttown plumbing tiosmllhlno llubulct ukmttaat uveb phone 84 r 12 geortetown rrno2 getting keeping get your account paid keep your cuilomeia our aervice doea thin kelly aiken diplomatic collector onufeville gualph owen sound mark every grave notnlni la more latum or more amroprlau to eoaunamonu the memory of loved onae who have one before then beautiful ran- ite weu eamd with our preaent equipment and taeuulaa no plant la utter srwared to offer better nuuas or ibetter atoek to ehooea from than can be centred at our plant you owe u to youreelf to eee our atoek and nt ouotauona on uonumenta fiarkera or oom- er stonee before plumf an or der anywhere special ojaeutlaaa prena ea aarb u adm hmrnua works n1cbol pbok1 im aweuawimutv eiahiaw lim hiimm will mm mlfp taw xt te ikk to ue tire mileage wucaj wr when it might be aaved so cauly we low to tee wellcuedior tires we enjoy nuldng the mull repair ia a cut tread a bruued sldewall knowing full well that such repairs add moo- sands of miles to the life of tires thats- why we recommend a weekly outside examination of tires end a periodic overhauling inilde and out several times a year this enables us to find all injuries at their beginning to make the stitch in time you ottmvetfor away from o dominion tire depot georgetown the j speight minimi iiiiii urn i in niiiiin tn mm i i i ii sell your cream at home where tm cu ch the highest grade and ihe best price fca every sjtartay ntghl georgetown creamery co m saxe manaser atwata far ifalatte cfam 8aarauea can aad sea taaas iff n rin n iri mi iinitihiriirrrriin i rill iii iii iui vjmsimwrniimimkrrsis royal crown derby china tea cup and saucer colorinsa of royal blue and chineae red our price 876 mikado pattern in ahadei of blue cup and saucer 200 tea plate mikado 175 cake plate mikado 300 other good makes in english royal albert and aynily cupa and saucer from 80c to 100 each cake plate from 100 to 180 each also very special prices in fine cut glass tumblers a b willson georgetown thaaawtfca bv popularity of tha otttatatutaaa chevrolet in chevrolet history a six fat the price range of the fear btbaaaa xam waaajf alaa awuaaaal ceaaa al a m ino imiii icv yoottm j n oneill son gorgtown ontario pboooct op cunbftal hotoag op canada umitbd bluidbieredsoaeteaiaeuiart to obtain the fine flavor and fullbodied richness required y eara of expert- ence every package guaranteed redrose red rose orange pekoe irtrmgocd college view garage an uptodate auto repair ahop prompt aervice woikraanahip guaranteed maaalsateauhalmaetoan oea oua onuaa bta btaala aad ca asatteaiae atfaliatana a brunton college view phone 336 georgetown scanned goods week 3ebl aehui 1m ibmt tatuud aawa rafasmbfc ll mm aaf fate ml am auny t turn itmrlmm im asit w atatrtfu catttaft tr vaut ua 2sc was beana daaua bvij u 28c diced carrou aitere2u2bc sauerkraut uuy 2uaa28e golden corn db u 18c spinach dalaanu bnaa da 10c dc1jjohte bbano t pineapple hmalua cjuj it 25t hxmiiusiumi ua 28c f bayalde brand ctolnomlur peas corn tomatoes 2 tins 23 aaunjwick sardines ii5c baysue bread pears buekiinw 2 tins 25 peaches no2ttal9c h21c uase chicken haddieuir kipper snacka atuaitnai lxibtter paste iieiivn 2 tha 28c sewtubm riaillfanmeua2llaa2bc crab meat grpfruit flq 8pialili ii3bc 2iw28c ua28c u2bc rtdimeuo blend coffee 2c vh55 choietplnlt salmon i4b tin 15 vkrtkrdav touav to- mo how ytrdayl when i thmight u child and um fiui of m child i had when my hcrt win pu uid my kplrit cimui and neyr a thoucht vu bad whn all iha world ml bright and fair and all 1u poopto aood id blv my llfo for ywurtiay who would not if tlwy eouldf today t aj a man x m llfea faulti and loiitf tost yurday im ilek of llfea myuu and humbugji thams th joy of the earth to day with ywlerday ton today all wrontf tha morrow thall im tha birth of a llf that hianw nad noblr u a life to prove life a worth tbmorrowl the hop of thu earth bolow lets ttart our morrow to day think of other beeldea oureelve and ttnooth their trouble away today fatt kolna yeeterday vone the path of bur ufa near trod let etart our morrow today right now with yetterdayi faith in ood robert h venning bled and the puo of jmbly wa notes and comments limply large to aoconwnodate them ell it took a full month to bring mot of uietri acrote the meveii wah and some alx weeka had the lubmartne been in vogue in thoee day and a baee had been convenient to urn line of travel halton rutles by got bayantyne djeto lltavsovtu anuca okttkaautltts continued from latt weak ue that ave wauhad arf a world atave up all ehlny with dew kopje on kop to tha fcun aa aa aoon aa tha mlat let em through our alio bllnkln like fun- three tide of a thirty mile equare over valley aa big aa a thin are you there are you there are you there aa then the blind drum of our fire an im rolun 1 lawns for tha equire ue l the above extract from kipling chant pagan gtvea a very fair pic ture of the vast area that formed the theatre of the operation during the boer war and at the same time the disgust of the discharged soldier who had seen all this grandeur with the cramped and colourless civil life he was forced to live ou leaving the aer vice and returning home in many reapecu the boer war was unique and ona of these was the vast area which the operation covered and another the unusual political sit uation which made tha command and administration of tha unitary forces ona of extreme delicacy it waa a war of long inarches of six thousand raw miles on tha boor a war in which the greatest acourte was lnterie fever and where the death rata from this scourge and dyaentery far exceeded that from tha enemy weapons the arrow that flieth by day accounted for many csinaules but the pestilence that valketh to dark ness under the name of lnterie fever waa tha great fear that decimated the ranks of the regiments and filled the cemeteries that marked the march of the armies across tha veldt inade quately watered for so many men and horses there are tunes in africa when the dongas are filled with rag ing torrents but there are more times they had little to offer to an army on the march with the thermometer be tween ninety and a hundred degree it waa a war against one of tha clev erest guerilla warriors that ever moun ted a none an enemy that knew every landmark in the country and tha pos ition and use of every donga every kopje and every ant hill of which then wen many and on the other hand in which then wen few maps and none reliable in which a compass was as useless as a brass button owing to the iron stone in ine soil and in which direction had to be entrusted with local guides many of whom wen ntrustworuiy in the light of the tact that the line of trenches in franch hardly moved during four years it is interesting to note that the rate of movement in africa covered the whole orange free state in a few weeks and infantry columns wen known to march twenty six miles in ona day it waa a war of bivouac when tents wen unknown save in the convales cent camps and hospitals and on the unas of communication and that same line of communlcauona was the longest ever known in the history of war for it reached from cape town to tha portugese border a distance of about thirteen hundred miles as far as from toronto to winnipeg bridge culvert and mileof railway on that line had its garrison of troops a fact that explains the great numbers that wen required before the war could be ended it was a war in which tha helio graph and flag and night signalling lamp wen about the only means of intefmvwnmiiniffatlpni and to theei methods of visual signalling tha sun- shlney days and the clear bright nights and the unusual hill forma tions called kbpies lent themselves it waa a war of poor rations and never too much of that of biscuits and bully beef the same kind of bully beef tins with which the men in some of the trenches in france were wont to pave the floor tha horses suffered terribly and the olanaers and mange and teetse fly all contributed to make the life of those faithful creatures one of extreme misery 60 different waa it tti from the areat war in kurope that one is forced to the condusion that no two wan an alike and that the topo graphy and physical geography and the distance from tha use an the elements that determine the character of war and to which all such ele ments as weapons an quite subor dinate oas would have been out of the question in africa aa well as tanks and mechanical transport and would be in any war when the rate of movement is so fast and when the roads an not adapted for mechanical transport all the troops in christendom and it seems that most of the troops an in ohrlstendom could not have estab lished a defensive line that waa long enough and atrong enough to prevent the turning movements so impossible in the areat war in france when one flank rested securely against neutral country and the other against the north baa and it was this factor in france that turned the war into the war of position and stalemate and gave rise to so many weapons auch as gas which according to some an now standard equipment in war no mat- tar whan it may take place again i say that tha physical geography will always oetermlne tha character of war and also determine the character of the weapons and z make thla state ment not in any spirit of controversy but in a spirit of enligntenment it waa a war of ambuih of attacks on isolated peats of cutting unea of communication of capturing oonvoya of supplies it was a war whan the deadliest of weapons was used by tha boers and that weapon la burprtee it waa the greatest muster of the british unpin that had eve place in tact it was tha first time the iroopa of the empire had ever the port of misting bhlpe would have lied many interesting caller more over it was a war of bitter dlsappolnt- ttunu and many shattered military reputation quite as great a that of live german who spoke of the oreat war in anticipation as a hussar ride into paris and if von cluck failed in hi run to first base jn 1014 so did sir dedver buller in his race to the relief of the garrison at uutyunlth in 1800 though duller was not put out on first a waa von cluck war is full of sur prising disappointments and a glance tlirough the pagea of history dealing with the war or the past century will reveal many proofs that the- race 1 not to the swift nor the battle to the strong and that time and chance hap- peneth to them all africa has been called the graveyard or military reputation and brother boer has been the grave digger in most cases for like other colonials or pioneers he did not learn his military ion from the pages of books but in the hard school of experience in hi struggle with the aborigine such as the zulas and basutas and other war like kaffir tribes ills horse was part of him and a wonderful little traveller he was his ususer rifle a tool in constant use in peace as in war and his eye trained to see across wide spaces and hi aim cultivated in hi hunt for the flying spring bok and hi great whltkera affected by the elder boers aa fine a camouflage as the screen of boughs from biraum wood carried by the soldien of malcolm as they marched to try concltulons with the usurper uebeth his ancestry was either pioneer dutch or french huguenot and in either case he was a warrior with background of fighting tradition that made him a warrior worthy of any steel and a formidable and crafty foe his library waa hi blblethe old testament in particular and be lived in it away back in the camp of uoees and joshua and jephtha and the numerous deliveries in the book of judges were to him as prototypes and patterns for his own leader to emulate in their own war with am- alelc mean or rather the cssnanlte whom they could neither assimilate nor tolerate his bible waa to him his field ser vice regulations and i suspect his many night marches his hawklike swoops at the lines of communica tions ami his constant use of the weapon w surprise had their inspira tion in the operations of the old bib lical generals such as joshua old- eon barak and jonathan and ail the rest and in this connection it is in teresting to note that the road from jerusalem to jericho was cleared of turks by allenbysforccs who wen thanksoivinfo day and armis tice day will continue to be celebrated in canada aa two distinct feature of national life the on in acknowledge ment for the bounties of provldencet and the other in homage to ut mem ory of canada son and daughter who gave their lives i11 the oreat war this was affirmed last week when tha house of commons rejected a resolu tion by p w oershaw the purpose of which was to combine both thanks giving and armistice day into one holiday on november nth annually oershaw declared that hi resolution had the indorsement of the canadian legion many branches of which had approved the suggestion allenbys guided by a staff officer who adopted the stratagem of tha loyal and soldier ly jonathan aa recorded in the book of surnutli but the world do move and the march of civilisation led by cecil rhodes could not be stopped and the persecution of the outlsnders and the taxation without representation ap plied by the boers to the caananttes who outnumbered uiem and to those efforts and labours the wealth of the republics was due wen sufficient cause for the trouble which is known to history as the great boer war he had many sympathisers in eur ope whose attitude was not because they hated the boer less but because they hated britain more and this feeling found tangible expression in the many soldien of fortune who fared forth from many lands under the banner of liberty no called to help aa they put it the boer against the invader but he was ail wrong though it took the proverbial surgical operation to oonvtlice him anil in the end the brigades of mercenaries that served under the fiereolour as the flag was called went back home with a bad taste in their mouths and with a conviction that if a man or a nation takes can ol his own affairs tie will have nther a large contract to fulfill the war saw few nouses fiestroyed as the boers defended no villages as in prance and left these with the en emy who did everything for them but correspondence bv motob to georgia the following letter from wit pettlt now wintering in the south will be read with interest by our sub scribers valdosta oi march 17 1030 dear mr editor we found valdosta looking very much the same as it did when we left hen last may although then have been a number of fine residences and apartment houses erected also a new men college called aunory college a branch j emory university atlanta georgia waa opened last f3eptember for the first the trip down was very pleasant with perfect weather all the way and no detours leaving the king edward hotel toronto at 730 on saturday morning february nine we breakfasted in hamilton the highways but the countryside with its blanket ofrhow was a sight to be remetnhered saturday night we spent in toledo then sunday morn- d south euros tha state of e icy fresh paint them and keep them in repair a in all wan the british army care fully considered the political element and atrocities that besmirched the banner of some of the armies in the oreat war wen unheard of in africa he had several generals who show ed marked ability and of these botha and smuts an the best known 1 h their reputation rests as much heir statesmanship as on their generalship the picturesque leader was of course the elusive cliristlan dewet whose exploit against the lines of communication in the free state place him in the front rank of guer illa leaden we mignt have thought of him if in the great war he had not raised the standard of re bellion in south africa but even this subtraction is little more than a spot on the sun when one ponders the re spect he inspired during thoee years when every pass ana ford had it garrison of enemy troops and every trail was patrolled by mounted in fantry the iron had entered his soul and i suspect that his cup of sorrow and bitterness overflowed when he was run to earth by his sometime colleague and friend oen- eral louis botha all of which is very general and ab stract and i write it as an introduc tion to the story of the men from the helton regiment who served out then and whose exploits will be the subject of the next chapter continued next week uuihuktown ruhlh ubbamv circulation of booka for 1031 adults juvenl enaral works is m philosophy 17 ullaion 4 s borloloay s7 10 fnllology natural science u ats oatful arte 31 ia pine arts 9 so literature 2m ia history in 16s travel as no biography im 7 fiction 107u 3400 total home use i1ms 4111 orand total 15m3 a wellknown former resident of trafalgar samuel u kenney passed away in hamilton on thursday last aged eightytwo years he had been living with hi daughter mr bain hudson since the death of his wife some six yean ago the province the municipality and the people themselves should share eq ually the expense of founding and maintaining deserted cemeteries ln which rest so many of the pioneers of ontario is the opinion of dr t e ing turned ohio found the highways still covered with ice with hen and then a car or truck that had slithered into the ditch one place on a nther steep huislde a large ear and a wee ford of rather ancient vintage had appar ently tried conclusions coming out i would say with about equal honours tlie large car was in the ditch on one side while the ford had jumped the bank and landed some fifteen or twenty feet below right side up and to all appearances unhurt tha wrecker had arrived and was preparing to do the rescue act the state of ohio or some one in the state of ohio erects a wooden cross when ever a fatal accident ha occured on the highway some places where there is a sham turn and sometimes beside a long straight stretch of highway then will be a number of crosses close together ra ther a grim reminder cincinnati is easy to drive through being very much bettt posted than the first time we motored that way we came over a bit of new high way in kentucky which eliminates some of the hairpin and hair rais ing mountain turns but it also misses the best views of or kentuck the country estates the large stock bams antes arranged to be opened from horseback etc- etc after climbing an turning and climbing again until one begins to aonder what next comes tha chunber- land gap an opening in the moun tains when three states meet ken tucky tennessee and virginia last year then was no snow below cincinnati this year there was a little snow as far south as lexington kentucky but the winter hen has been much warmer than last through tennessee the highway follows the old boone trail named for daniel boom who was i believe a pioneer explorer r something of that sort the tennessee river is crossed try ferry a large platform propelled by a water wheel driven by a gasoline engine there is also a cable attachment over head to prevent the ferry floating down stream just now on account of the flooded condition of the river it is not in use i understand i know i should not en- joy trying to cross under and abnor mal conditions it is interesting enough when conditions are normal a number of the rivers in georgia are on the rampage just now caus ing much loss and inconveniences so far thla part of the state has escaped our river here the wlthleooocha is behaving very nicely coloured people are much more in evidence hen than in plordla of course they have their own schools also their own churehe when they sther for meeting they come on it on bicycles in buggies carta or fuwere in democrats or wagons with chain for seats and an iron kettle for heat if the day is cool they may be driving horses mules or oxen but they come young and old bring their lunch and spend the day but their real interest is a funer- aj when a darkey dies then are three ceremonies the settln up the bur ial and the funenu the utter a sunday aervice probably held a month later a friend told me the other day of her coloured cook aunt uandjr had received word of the death of a friend and of course must go to the settln up of the death of a t settuv up mrs b releaved her of the evening dish washing and away went aunt mendy the next morning mrs b asked well aunt uandy how did the settln up got oh ml b ise so mad ise jest so mad i didn know what to do why when i got then that nlggar wain dead tall i there la one thing about the dark eys there is no difficulty in provid ing for coloured orphan children they are just naturally absorbed by the other families they do not seem to mind in the least an extra child in the house no matter how many they may have themselves peach trees have been in bloom for some time pear trees are past bloom and in full leaf japanese magnolia japonlca jasemlne daffodil troses etc are blooming but this morning then was a touch or frost in the air sincerely either pettlt only a comma but a pupil was having trouble with punctuation and was being called down by the teacher never mind sonny said the vis iting school board chairman consal- inaly its foolish to bother about tommaa tliey dont amount to much anyway dont they replied the teacher turning to the chairman then call ing one of the pupils site ordered uv boy to write on the board this sen tence the chairman of thr board say the teacher is a fool now aha continued put a comma after board and another after teacher- exchange alf holborne of tottenham started out on monday afternoon for boston tiding m pony and in order to shorten the distance lie followed the cnr track when crossing a culvert at the 7th line the pony stepped between the killer of oshawa chairtrian of a and ifhadto be kuiasuesss