kb page 4 i h i aksi- j ii i i jt tke georgetown herald wednesday march 13th 1929 a teen steppingltp motor car quality in the low- prieed field the poutiae big six la a low- priced car yet fat performance- in beauty and bsyle in luxury it offer all the advantages of a truly fine big car its big new ulead engine de velop the speed power and acceleration of n big ear it new atolaeleaa internal fourwheel bravea provide big ear aafcty and control it offer the big car aytnv tnetry and beauty of atunning new flatter bodies flaring fender high narrow radiator and fine ear proportion and line learn by invert igallow what a de cidedly advantageous buy it repreaettla mk s v king gmorgrtown ontario pont bio momjct op obnbkal motocs op canada umhsd wtwj hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall ti j b browne co norval mills eoxf for paltry tub iikabt of a hohit the only way to treat a boss la like n ward an friend lei love and klndiuns be the baee and youll win in tlte ond a hots he luu heap o pride an feellns line an true lies uot lieart beneath hu hide tlte lame an me an youl te wants lo step with liead lleld high an courauo ul hit bait an unlit an freedom in hu eye ulicowed by uutll olisv lie wanu to reel hu blood run swift an let 111 noatrlui flare an know lien kot the precious dirt o breolliln dads free air he may bow down to spur an quirt llbi fleth can inn the bitter hurt but what about hi heart he crave to feel a human touch hea neither dumb nor blind an hell respond to it heap ntuch- the love o human kind a hou cant apeak and tell folk what hea thlnkuv in hu head lie hat to keep hta mouth light aliut till he rolla over oead ha cant explain a cockle burr ladruun in hl hide or oay in word that quirt on apur a klllln him imlde if tliey could apeak ilka you in me theyd prone to make u plain that theyve got feellna we cant see who hold uie bridle rein so handle them with gentle hand an in the very aurt theyll try to make you understand the love lhata in their heart h c hamilton in humana pleader hold banquet the halton holsteln breeders ass- oclatlon held the aeeond annual ban quet recently in the community 1111 palermo when one hundred and forty at down to a bountifully ipread and tastefully decorated tablei the work of member of the women institute th tables were done in color scheme of blue and old with blue and old crepe paper blue candles and olden daffodils walter dennis the president of the association wss a very capable master of ceremonies toasts to the kins and to the country wen re sponded to by the suiting of the na tional anthem and we mapl leaf with ulss jessie deartag presldnc at the piano in his short introductory address sir dennis spoke of the poss ibility of the local aito secur ing field man whose duties would include the advertising of stock hand ling surplus cattle and otherwise as sisting the members rhe district rep resentative of the agricultural depart ment a p uaevannel waa the first speaker introduced and he assured the association that it had the back ing of the deportment he touched on the advisability of the added activity of promoting the health of the herd as be claimed that there was a direct relationship between cattle and peo ple notably in the esse of tuberculosis he said he would like to suggest that halton fall in line with others in se curing accredited herds mr leslie warden of halton county was the next one called upon to speak and in responding congratulated the mem bers of the association on their for tunate location adjacent to two urge cities which provided an easily acces sible market- added to this he point ed out their advantages in good pas ture and splendid roads he mention ed the fact that only five per cent of cattle were of the pure bred class so that there was no danger of there be ing an oversupply of uie best cattle mr leslie claimed that milk buyers should pay prices in sraordane to milk test and be also si ad he also appealed to the alon to heartily odopsrata lllk producers association with the 1111k the president of peel county associa tion t o dolson brought greetings from his county and extended an in vitation from uie eaton form york county to join with peel oounty in a monster picnic at the farm during the coming summer w b browne co norval ontario kingt choice canadian wonder for bread cash prices shorts middlings bran chopped wheat barley chicken feed at mill consult our nearest dealer acton urs hobu ucenery of georgetown visited uln dors worden over the wmk end urs leonard watson of george- town visited at the home of lir and bin thos marshall tbla week muter thomju nleol who mi op erated upon for removal of tba tonsils uit friday la home again and con valescing nicely mr louis laird norval ur noah otirander hattonvllle ur and mrs w collins north dakata cousins of urilll wantbrough visited him this week owing to 111 health rev w a ooodraw formerly ot acton has ter minated his pastorate at rlveradale rev ur ooodrow has been at rivera- dale for seven years free press the oounty of slmcoe leads all oth er countries in the number of mun iclpal forests established within us boundry without counting tha mm acres of reforested land owned by tha oounty there are now eight other municipal forests owned either by townships or towns dominion incoms tax act once again lion w d kider min ister of national revenue 1 using newspaper advertising to assist tax payers in complying with the require ments of the dominion income tax act in this issue an advertisement ap pears reminding th public of the law which stipulates that certain infor mation must be irt the offices of the income tax inspectors by uarch 91st lie xl this information u required from pmployem corporations and trustees or persons acting in a fiduc iary rapacity it applies to year end- ittfl december 31st ims for instance employers have to tile a return giving the amounts paid each person lu salaries bonuses commiss ions and fees wliere tlte amount was ham or more or wliere the salary or wages was at a rate 01 11160 or mow corporation have lo rile the names of utose wlio were paid dividends wheth er in cash or stock and the amount of each persons acting in a fiduciary capacity such as assignees executors administrators receivers trustees are required to file details of u trust they represent together with the names or and amounts paid to bene ficiaries those mentioned in the act us hav ing to produce this information are asked to secure the proper forms from the nearest income tax office fill in their forms according to instructions and mall them to uie income tax in- pectors at these offices before march 31st these forms are known as t3 for persons acting in a fiduciary cap acity t4 for employers and ta for corporations each form contains com plete instructions about what tha law requires tliese are information forms only and no cheques are sent with them officials of the department fully ap preciate the trouble required in mak ing out these forms but are doing ev erything in uieir power to facilitate matters by remlndlitg tha public in plenty of time respecting uie demands of the law the total collections under the in come tax act for last year are some millions of dollars ahead of tha year before in spite of a ten per cent re duction in the tax ur kuler attribu ted this increased collection to three things l uore efficient methods of coll ection x the increased prosperity of the country 3 advertising entirely herbal workswonderson peevish stomachs and lazy bowels fae old nuabu gmllaghn tpnie mud sythm suiloto ah the goodness and besvag tbtueeef kerbs natures own m or in this tonie no nuosrsl drags sate every organ worlds- 100 brie bsektbeomjoyoflivnic oaedfartb nerves dears op akin trou w tninnia builds you up sold a ether gsnsgbsr herbs household bstnedlseateby m w r watson gtmwcetawn 1 forsters grocery full line ol fresh liroeeries al ways in slock binanis and oranges al ihc right prices leecream lo balk cones or bricks tcnuat cash forsters georgetown phone 29 radio supplies gge batteryless radiolas we offer a fair allowance on your old aet ce hot point appliances house wiring price quoted on request phone ibs murdockst georgetown dont suffer from cruel piles inj israw h i ess b kea luumtmlirtlluwt eewtllnwortimjmlm inuium wtmmstt iie iuubdv lu mum taouaad or msblura csm for wwiwiljinmi is 4i is siuom tabasfroaywditesjotlodiv natunra mu remedy nsae oeaauu miasm osbm a w sfenoj w r watson georgetown islattve assembly nonoi in tmurav otvrn thst the corporation of the town of georgetown will spoly to the leglslst ive asserabljr of the province of on tario for an aet confirming bylaw no t2a of the corporation fixing the assessment for all purposes of bmrni a btonb uurttd lot a period of ten years at gisooo per annum and pro viding for the free supply to the com pony of 1000m gals of water per month and authorising the oomplenon of an agreement with the company in thst behalf lotjis if nuan tto t solicitor for th applicant a lf rv rw moving april 1st across the street to our new and most modern uptodate equipped oarage and repair shop we give you a twentyfourhour service on all your battery carbure tor ignition ilechanlc or any auto- motive repairs all work executed by batteries a mechanics coubti8v and suvicc- le oar meue a no battbrv service huell oasouna and oils tlftfsi phone 6ecrgclowtj repairs i aho 3ekmt i milton urtl rev j n ucpaul who un derwent an operation at ouelph oen- eral hospital on llonday last is doing nicely her many friends will hope for a speedy recovery a large number ot friends and neighbors gathered at the home of ur snd ur wm btsrk ksqueslng on eprlday evening last and gave uwelr n ueldrlm and mrs stark recently niarried a inlfttellaneous shower jos wilson actml as cliuirttuut and tlte avettlng wot iprrtt ih u sociable man- tver with luncli being sorved by uw ladlrw afr lunch un enjoyable time uvos fipenf in dsnclne iind playing cards tluf town comic ii litis sent copie4 of agreement to gtaqueslnff nossagaweya melson and trafalgar township coun cil orfering tlte wrvlwsi of the milton ire brlipulnh electric truck and ptimp tvhen fires occur for ute sum orgsoo iter war tlie council passed a re- lolution thst if this offer 1 not ac cepted by the first of april farmers and ouiers living in uie four town- dtlps need not evneui the ulllon fire brigade to reiipand to calls for help at a special meeting of ute board of rnanagement of the gordon home lie id here on tuesday prank thomp- on of atreeuvlliir a war veteran was ecommended for tha position of sup arlntendent of childrens aid socie ties of ute counties of halton end peel made vacant by the resignation of superintendent john v ucoallum of milton who found ic necessary to re sign owing to a nervous breakdown the result of having been shellshock ed in the war champion 13 sv ot toronto members of the local council of women are deploring the trend of lovemaking which or recent vears has been switched from the par- uy sofa to the back seat of a esren lonely country roods maaambtaanakkbaajaaal n baevaluaa msala v rant a 4q to o ualitv 5r i ji standard anthracite scranton coal in all sfates automstlcall screened and lasdsd coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing pnrpo smithing and cannel coal in fast loarry everythlnc to be foand in any npto date cooj and wood yard john mcdonald pbonb i g georgetovvn make your own comparisons yen a f te a aew dataat w rcuembtr mat k ooatslo tvtr feats that rmitfqk te th faaaeasenal tuooam of bet ej modek 41 vesyrewl smim mew slbu vlmuf cast full fern vtti btoksela rwukgwcsh fm as vm lxlwui0l ftmjjfj ksniery ftfariaf ttnu to ejun a aombes- inj au dtslgntd for mans ssbwatrsootoyou uattpowttuemtptittautmtttiatt tttdfttoatatauouoiigitutttuhiiaalotc bat votr akae ut to judg the dunot series fours saet atcet tlutatffeyuhtilamnwwtliiayam la efctstt aerie at yea dfaeoail iteaetiiwjrbiituvcxtcatarltaedttisidttf twattlmyovxattetycsaekila buumt motoas 1 canada ulffftd roaowro d u rant iis buobv tsucks in y ton to l ton capacities speights garage photu s79w georgereum dominion of canada income tax information reports are due march 31 1929 thb advertisement u directed tot trustees employers corporations do not incur the penaltu which trte law tmpoe for deter what is requited of persons acting as trustees all trustee executors administra tors assignees receivers or persons acting in a fiduciary capacity are re quired to make a detailed return of the income or the estate or trust which they represent this return should be made on form t3 what is required of employers bach employer in canada must make a return giving- particulars of salaries wages commissions fee bonuses and other remuneration of all dlrec- locations of income tax office ibspecten of dnm income tea ore located ta eeaveeieat tjueogbout siut blscee they will msk rstuma consult the laeeme tax office assrsst to you address ioapseter of dominion laeeea to the eavee ore ti tors nmd agent emplo pre- feetlonal men or other persona who received 11000 or more during the calend year 10js and who were paid at a rate of wage or aalary in cluding bonus equal to 1500 or more per annum during the same period employers should ask for form t4 what is rutuited of corporafiosss every corporation in canada is re- qulied to fie a return of its dividends or shareholders bonuses paid or credited during the calendar year ims this return should be made on form ts qet your forms at once i blank forms may be obtained by writing your nearest inspector oftjomlnlon income tea or postmaster or the income tea division department of national revenue ottawa the addressee of inspector are given herewith full instructions appear on each form do not delay because of theabaence of omdalawho generally sign such reports any responsible member of a firm or corporation or any person acting as agent for the trustee may sign these returns and so avoid the penalty uarch 31 is the last day for making information reports required under the income war tea aet tha income tax division respectfully asks for the fullest co operation of taxpayer required by law to make thaw tetums the department of national revenue income tax division honourable i w d euler c 8 walters osisuissr ol national rewnus cosoaslasloasr ef nit tea