Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 3, 1929, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtythird year of publication georgetown wednesday evening april 3rd 1929 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa thegeorgelowo heram j m moore hukw and prepruter mnasm cwhu vi kit mwspaw caaasuaa naluaal eledrlc railways venal ttabarbu hallway kabtbound westbound dally dally twa train no a 7 id am ha i i ji am 4 04w ojo 3 bj m 8 ilb7 ajn 01133 am 1jw pjn 7 13s pjn 10 3jvi p m 0 3j tun m 4jw pjn ll53spm 11 5j17 pjn ij 7j p4m 14 711 pm is r js pm 1 0i7 p m 171 08 bju ib i1j13 pm nos i ii 3 will run dally except sun day passenger passenger passenger mall passenger mill puhfllir passenger mu passenger passenger pihttutf mall puuktr passenger puhflcu cnjb time table get essl 713 933 10 ib 13011 400 833 815 sunday 731 geug west 740 813 1038 313 4m 03 1u sunday 10 14 gelag north 8mb going beatil 710 pjn pjn pjn pjn pjn sju num pjn pin pjn ajn pjn am pjn directory ut boy dale barrister and beuelter georgetown ontario offices king bidg ulll st clarence u wiaains barrister salleltor notary pamje offices oneill block georgetown telephone 16s offices john a thompson barrbtw selieltor n4arjr pakuo 11111 strut phone 3s3 it 30 dr j j raul db b t paul pfcyslelana and surgeaaa medical officer of uoalth in roqueting township office hours 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 dju pawn u office and residence ifoln street south opposite presbyterian church dr c v wiuiams phyilolon and surgeon uodlcal officer ol boallh georgetown 3fflee and residence queen st south psoas u office hours 13 and es pjn alio by appointment p b watson d4xs hdu georgetown 30ee luare to s esees thandoy afteraaeao p l beaut udb ddh dentist 3fflee in ana block ona door north of cneuts csrrlsge factory hours 0 am to b pjn db b ixabmontb veterinary surgeon phone 340 ualn st n os ohmopilaotio wdxsen the okembraeier polaur oraaeols ii yean praeum ne modlhaa sanair ostospothy xray service office over dominion store offloe houra monday wednesday and saturday 8 to b and 7 to 0 pjn other days and hours by appointment pkaaa utr bmiiare llsj at mitea pheae 1u tuesday and prtday a to s pjn hardware specials waverly floor wax per lb 39c d c m paint for outside or inside use pev qt 85c glnis wnsj boards 49c brooms 5 string 49e triangle floor mops 39c electric irons guaranteed 260 a new fixture for your bathroom lei u sibkail ytj prices plumbing electrical wiring and sheet metal work moffat and mcclary rxectric ranges r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown 1 like its realjgif car til i r3 y sv e erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats of all kinds also fish at most reasonable prices erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown forsters grocery full line oi fresh tiroeeries al ways in slock bananas and oranges al the right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters terms cash georgetown phone 29 thats what id been paylnf big prlom for in the neit big car perfor mance now i can save several hun dreddollars without sacrsnoingt any of the pleasuros and advantages of big car ownership its a real big si big ear aiza roomy and luxurious bid car comfort nd driving ease big car power and speed plashing pickup fow big ears can touch big car braking system everything based on big six require ments except the price i and thats so low that only general motors could do it c pontiac golden twitloht in th twilight lolden twilight whfn the sun ht bid soodnlght and iu rays in tuu trteetd aa the orb ha left our tight whn all ithadow hav dovpartad and lhtlwu falling fait when tlta iuh bagln to twlnkla and a lurid light u ct whan th birds hava caaaad to warfalft and have naaued for the night when the buufruita chug li fctrangthenad by th waning of th light tu the hour for eahn reflaetlon as all nature semns to tast fvw the days turmoil u andd altar hours of atrenudus test tu the hour of pe and quiet leading up to full tpw its a time for conuhtiuatlon when lifes work can be- reviewed and th errors that have marred it ban be studied and eschewed in the heyday of our manhood life is full of strength and power but lifes twilight oomea so gently we scare feel th gloaming hour twilight twilight golden twilight l waning days are drawing near comfort and contentment follow when lifes sky is bright and clear j b rittanhous bunting of bunch of fljecrmckers notes and comments for some on 1 sure to speak out of his awwjluwimiipi 13 amy who labor under th delusion that thieves greatly profit by their crimes may be enlightened by a recent computation by the warden of a large penitentiary he found that on an average only khmtt had been secured for each years sentence imposed upon 000 prisoners convlhd of various yorms of larceny big 5 v king jwi gtorgetown ontario moduct op general motobs op canada umttbo just received o shipment of clover seed alfalfa red clover alsac sweet clover and timothy also quantity ol seed oats this is extra good seed i i georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey proprietor phone 19s georgetown kotogk j sanf0rd stowarttown plmnblng tlnsmllhlng eittailes ustxriisly uvea phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 getting keeping get your account paid keep yout customers our service does this kelly aiken diplomatic collectors oranjraville guelph owen bound mark every grave nothing is more lutuui or more appropriate to commemorate the memory of loved ones who have one before than beautiful gran ite well carved with our present uulpment and facilities no plant is natter prepared to otter better values or abetter stock to choose from than can be secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to see our etock and get quotation on llonumenta uarksrs or corn er stones before placing on or der anywhere saaalal q ail oraara usee before abm ii adsa j ni0b0x works pbonb ut pemtwimojiu the nationally aovertut affaef jrvwxstogti at lwbmi pheut quick oa amuua quakeroats isagtpaafcaaa ailalxs couroar oa cots soap 10 49 cosutralths lla i i- sj iiu ir ctuls mlva ia itoaaei jat if wuwmm thlli v pilm qwm liowit 17s aiaituaysiipsuals sc h cs aslbaat j j ouula- uut cue cmi wuumm mbgasllbsto aajahe rjohm tu 47a imfu ixav matches rairsasjuuirait cocoa n j- ruxx t1 25 ct uktua ptlsubjew ru4a cupw he if pinsst puke jams 40oz class jam aaalissfir bag 33- sitawkaup is 37 kaclt nrano conbemeo mirk iksalrssjai srtciau aki coos rot om wuk ritou date of ihsiktloh avu4u aano soups atfl cllstb mi cutaw waahas ullll ii i- i iiilljfll i ml lit ii i 111 lllt lllllllllthiij sell your cream at home where tm cu cd ike highest grade and the best price ever sjiavtay rsfm georgetown creamery co m saxe manager agau far lleletle cnaas seaaratafa coll and see hubs iifyirn 111 111 111 nil 1 miiibiii mriiiiiiii nrrrill tor any wfeathcrrr every day cuts down bad veather colds- prevent constipation- sateiy good r3r all wonderful for children madt ty th canadian shwdded wheat company ltd radio supplies cge batteryless radiolas we offer a air allowance on your eld set cge hot point appliances house wiring prices quoted on request phone 109 murdock st gaosvetown halton rifles by ool- ballantyne obo loontlnuad from tost week the hvbkktsiv op tub beoimcntpto dc joik the atary of the ifiuketry or tar get practice of the halton regiment la a long one and it is alio a glorious one decanted with the names of sol diers from the regiment who have brought honour to the regiment at the annual rifle meeta at toronto ottawa la prairie oa well as other places hi canada on the buley teems that lourneyed annually to buley in eng land to compete with the teams from all over the empire the regiment had ita representatives in sergeant ralston and captain now colonel w- p uoore the storyshauld begin with the old munle loader called the brown beat which toon a minute to lead and fire and another minute far the flrer to re cover his potee and self poeaeaslon af ter pulling the trigger it had its compensations from all ac counts and i am told of a company not a halton company of course that went out to drill morning and after noon with the barrel tilled with good canadian whiskey at that time twen ty live cente per gallon and a cork in the munle to prevent the loos of the precious fluid the captain tordl whit a captain he must nave been would holt the periodically and give the command eyes right dreeel the tiflee being at the alope on the right shoulder and the men would turn their heads and eyes to the right raise the hammer of the gun and apply their llpe to the nipple and gravity would do the rest the needle gun a modification of the prussian weapon followed and its im proved form bore the name of the snider and with that weapon many or the men wrote their names into the records of the uutketry of the uuitla but it olio had its limitations and possessed a recoil compared with which a kick from the traditional army mule woe a gentle carets it was said that the snider would kick twice kick you off your feet and kick you after it got you down so that with a weapon of this temperament a day at the rifle ranges was a strenuoue exper ience and were it not for the fact that the rifles kicked all and sundry with the ssme venom and that everyone in th company had to get kicked the experience would have been insup portable vee the snider was a great weapon fore and aft ita report waa quite awe- insplrtng and the mantle of smoke with which it enveloped the marks man was a gas attack in miniature then came the martina henry not as an uiue to the uuitla but ae a target rifle which was used by most of the riflemen from the regiment till the lee uetf ord became standard equipment the oompanlee went to the rangee in turn carrying their dinners and making a day of it the worst men in the company wen detailed oa markers to remain in the butts under the targets and as the bullets whistled high and wide above their heads oc casionally perforating the eonvoss tar get these spirits of the under world would wave a flog block red black and white or while indicating the position of the shot and so th eon tempt of the marker for the marks man the shooting of the regiment as a whole was poor in those days and when one considers the rapid tire marksmanship of the men in the over seas battalions in the late war when every man was trained to place fifteen or more shots on a target in a minute the improvement is startling the rifle was largely the cause and the 1m provement in the ammunition in spite of the rifle however there were many who mode excellent seoree and the names of slaor ponton uajor grant private heaven captain john ston colonel murray colonel moore and sergeant ralston and msny others ore all names for the preeent day marksman to conjure with when the climatic conditions ore sll wrong when a mirage donees slang the barrel of the rule when the wind fishtails and when all the circumstances seem to conspire against the score that is necessary to place the name of the old regiment at the head of the column in the days of the old snider the elghti were sets with the use of a ver nier in many cases the slightest vsr- latlon in the sighting of the rule mak ing a tremendous differcne to the flight of the bullet owing to the rain bow course taken by the bullet in the modem rifle the sighting is still im portant but the adjustment simple the pressure of the atmosphere wss a potentn factor in those days so was the temperature and the slightest breese deflected the bullet from iu course a factor that was compensated for by the canting of the rifle to the right or left a movement of the great est delicacy with the modern rifle the bullet leaves the rifle with such a tremen dous velocity rising only a few feet above the line of light at the decisive ranges that for aervloe conditions these finer adjustmenu ore almost negligible in apiu of all these vital factors the rinemen of the earlier days mode fine seoree and the sport presented a very interesting diversion to those who were willing to devote the time to it the appended list wul recall to many matches that were won by one point by th men of other days using rifles that ore now os obsolete aa the nin lock musket much honour and glory to them ail the pen de jole is usually find as 0 port of the celebration of a royal holiday and on the command com mence the right hand man of the front rank fires his ruie and in rapid suess- ton the fire runs down the front rank and up the nor after the manner of the sound produced when one runs his finger over the keys of the piano the result is usually a aplutterlng ilka the turn it is sold and now recored that one of the early commanding officers was practising the battalion in view of a review the following day and had or dered tile batulion to go through the motions of coming to the present and down to the ready but that no one was to pull a trigger the colonel wss in from of the bstullon and close in when one of the men in hu excite ment pulled the trigger the discharge of black powder almost igniting the hair and whiskers of the colonel alarums and excursions what on ac cident the privet was sesred and the colonel mad all the way through and the mouth of the latter spouted fire almost so hot as that from the privates rlne you blithering ass roared the colonel dont you know thst when you pull the trigger the gun will go off t certainly the private knew after that far the accident was never repeated ontario rifle association matches omco snd men from joth nine atioclatlan col chuholm president ibm copt johnston pte lindsay corp pox pte pox bugler wilson 8g mltehel bgt tost pte j p taylor bat morrow bgt mckay carp coo per bgt campbell in the battalion team match the halton battalion team took fourth prise 03000 in the county match no 3 company 30th battalion took trd prise smoo 1b7i sergt- tost sergt bplera cop johnston corp stevenson pte bell bugler bryan pte hurley- lt camp bell pte dodd bgt morrow bgt mcterren lt cooper bgt mclaren this year they took brd in the atnjlated asiocutlon match no money was men tioned 4th place in the battalion match smm ontario rifle association matches oh00 and men from 30th rifle allocution col murray president cspt johnston cspt applebe qm b spiers sgt tost pte bell apt ponton copt show lt ooodwliile ltcol murray bgt moore bgt hunt they won itth place in the bat talion match 1bb0 capt applebe pte allan lt pox sat orant lieut ooodwliile pte w johnston pte w p moore pte mariott col murray lt new ton pte rtcherdion qmm spiers corp schouield pte stewart they won 4th prtw in battalion match tx and 4th prise in skirmishing match g20jk ism pte j buck cspt l orant sergt h kurtx 4th in the canadian county match 1500 ospt w p moon 34th in mulock aggregate sum pte o a madgett ibm pte j buck pte w brown pte t evans pte w evans copt l orant pte d johnston pte j johnston lieut langton jo copt w t moore sergt msdgetu aji pte m mcbsan sergt j roddy pte o ryan pte 6 thomas president for the year was cspuin orant and the secretary was major appelbe lewrte j u buck major u orant lieut j o langton major w p moore 10th in gordon match ibm major l orant lieut j o langton ibm lieut t bradley lieut p b ooodwillle major l orant lieut j o langton major w p moon president far year major w p moan secretory lieut p b ooodwuue u03 pte j m buck major w p moon lieut k o ponton lieut j a tracy major w p moon was 4th in cltyof toronto match gis00 10ojihe j m buck capt w p moon oth in osier match 1300 1b04 sergt w t brown pte j l hewson 1mb capt k d ponton 1b08 none 1067 major w p moon ibob sgt h b cooper lieut h e walker thie li the last year that any of the 3oth show up previous to the war during which then was no ojta matches continued next week widespread approval has greeted the action of the house or commons in turning down the bill to crest a divorce court in the province of on- urio pew canadians desire to es the establuitment of a divorce mill here that could be likened to those in many or the united butes where divorces may be secured with the same facility as a marriage license occasionally it happens that someone geu mall rrom the post office belonging to someone else which has inadvertently been put into the wrong box in o bulletin issued by the post office department passing along in formation and onnouneemenu we note that a man at holland landing out was sentenced to 80 days imprisonment for wilfully keeping a post letter which was not his property in future if you should get a letter in your mall to which you ore not entitled see that it u nturned to the post offlc at once g1xnw1ll1am3 olcnwiluamrl pumuc school easter rsaert names appear in order of merit be low many pupils have been absent from school on account of si and so have missed part of their examina tions st iv tom norton hon alan appleyard willi everson absent garry clark absent jr iv wlulam hancock uadelliw graham marion ttehenk norman marchment agnes uacdonald dro ver norton uarjorle haines absent robert ueuaster harvey dewhurst absent fir ill ida eason uudred norton margaret mcnally bulla davidson william preston ocn klrby jennie mcnally absent joe norton absent clara hu1 absent cyril clarke ab sent richard beaumont absent bes sie norton absent jr m bertha schenk hon preda appleyard ruth marchment hilda ixirrlman myrtle allen richard ever son morris miller absent jack press- wood absent nora barlow absent donald wilson absent mildred nor ton absent edna nell principal second class en garvin hon mary wagnaff hon alva masales fjordon graham alice addy jimmy wick mervyn klrby bertha allen gordon allen absent albert hill ab sent beverly moody absent una hill absent emmie ledwlg absent first class eileen pry billy schenk roy preston tommy hill patsy davidson ruth preston edna preston joyce appleyard ralph bludd absent lome garvin absent fcve clark absent elsie dewhurst absent gwenla had ley absent beatrice hancock absent catherine macdonald absent maud thornton absent primer sarah bllck hon omar marsden hon jackie pry hon doris reggie george eason irvine hill equal below pass clarence beaumont absent harvey cooke absent blllle norton absent ella hu1 myrtle warren ab sent rachel r mahon supply teacher stewarttown the fallowing is the report of 8 8 no 6 esqueslng for the winter term the names are arranged in order of merit br iv robert harris hon gerald graham hon dorothy maclean jr iv mary standlsh hon norma smith hon betty smethurat ed ward hlcken sam tenant helen mac- lean st ill charles maclean prances jenklnson lullan maclean walter 1 lodge 8r n jack jenklnson hon doro thy wilson hon lillian thompson david hodge 8r i harold wilson hon jack maclean jr i jean tenant douglas iaw- son pr roy smith muriel mclen clifford wilson eleanor graham teacberjsaie m mckay there are always a few people in every municipality who complain that a certain set of men want to run th town says th municipal world but those who kick most are usually those who do nothing to assist in th civic work of their communities many who never attend a public meettagror even take the trouble to vote will stand on street comets and criticise their active and patriotic neighbors who try to get necessary things done running th town is not such a delightful pastime as some imagine and the leaders in ev ery community are men who sacrifice their time and contribute their money to aitlst movements for the public wel fare those who are dissatisfied with th leadership should get busy ami give a hand instead of eriuclslng from th sideline the ability to nonskid i worth a lot to young people no matter what their clrcumstanees in life may be there are many times when they find ft very slippery under foot times when they find lt difficult in a moral way to keep themselves right side up temptations of many sorts are continually tugging at them it is hard for them to hold their balance when so many other people slip and slide under allurements of this sort there u nothing that slves them ao much confidence in a friend as to see him brush such affairs aside and keep going straight that is the basis on which a lot of judgmenu in life are formed the ability of a person to go straight and nonslud when the way is slippery a bill was pased in the ontario legislature which we believe will work hardship on the farming conimiinlty the legislature enacts that sleigh runners must in future be four feet nine inches in width because lt is claimed that the narrower widths ruin the winter roads for automobiles a minimum penalty of 30 is to be im posed on any person driving a sleigh with runners of any other width af ter dec 1 1030 owners of sleighs will be under the necessity of having them made over or discarded for new ones which will entail considerable ex pense the enforced change will un doubtedly work to the advantage of manufacturers the time of effecting change in vehicles should be extend ed for a period of at least three years the most ridiculous part of the legis lation is the penalty it will be pretty hard to persuade the public that the offence of going upon the roads with a narrow gause sleigh warrants the imposition ol a v fine now that the snow has disappeared every owner of property and tenant should instinctively feel lt is his duty ravages and to aid nd augment na ture in her work of rebeautineatlon every aprtng cleanup program should include disposal of wlnleri accumula tion of utter and decayed vegetation repairing and repainting of buildings and landscape gardening landscape t rdenlng is no longer associated with urge estates alone a community cleanup need involve no expense ex cept of a moderate amount of tabor on the part of the householders if there ever were excuses for unclean- 1 inmu tlley were rmovd long ago what is th compensation of a communi tywide cleanup campaign it im proves the general health of the com munity by removing deposits that are breeding paces of disease germs and desease carrying insects a clean town is a better place in which to live than one that is unsanitary and unsightly and the best community advertising la the appearance of being cleanedup paintedup and plantcdup there is considerable comment going the rounds of the state press aa to whether or not the auto and the good rood have not sounded the doom of the small town it seems to us that this u a matter for the town to decide if it u a live town with a bunch of dood merchants who hustle advertise and give the kind of service that pleases the auto and the good roads will help the town and cause lt to grow and prosper however if the town is a dead one no push no progress poor and incompetent merchants then the auto and the good road will most certainly hasten tu end easy and ra pid travel are the making of a good town people like to trade in such a town and the good road is used by them to visit such a town the good road la also used by them to get away from a poor town it is all a matter of the town itself if the trade is go ing through your town to the next town wake yourself up and then wake up the rest of your neighbor merchanta and business men dont knock the auto and the good road nuke use of them exchange l1mehouse report of easier exsms llmehouse public school s 8 no 0 esqueslng 8r iv- william newton 83- lorene mitchell 78t jr iv elsie davis 71 r olive tyres bti doris dowdy harold john son w br ill dennu hill 70 tom pack er wi robert lane 801 edith tyres r lloyd aiven 841 br ii eva tyraa 751 lily tars- well 73i harry smethurat 80 earl scott 3t jr ii msrgaret brown bit mar gery johnson at dorothy cleaves 73 t myrtle parnell 73 wilfred johnson est jr i peggy smethurat 4- aeorge- tsrswell 74 pr dorouiy johnson jean par nell n la selleur teacher

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