Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1929, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday april i oth 1929 every tiny leaf is a storehouse of flavour tea frsii front the gardens births marriage and death are now charged for at the following rates birth b0 nurriaim soes deaths 60c immortal card 60c loc par una atra or poetry georgetown elevator agents for grain pool full supply of choice seed chick feed growing math and laying miuh at close prices dkathb spllowlat u horno of hr daugh ter mrs u u uullln lol con j kunming two on monday april s rachel itenney widow of the late alexander bprowl in her t3rd rear thoupsonat whitby on mm apr mil n elvira thompson un wiaainb at nerval on monday aw a tun uullltl hi loved wife of john wimiim cited 60 year thompson at iii ocneral hospital toronto on april loui olllford son o the late joseph if thompson and mm ttamuson formerly of krln and aeorgelowll beloved husband of tlertlu m curry puneral service thursday evenlno jl n o clock nt ilia nuitliera residence j ilghvlcw crescent toronto leaving by motor friday for interment at krln cemetery alex jl noble phone 148 georgetown westclox alarm clocks plain and colors conceded to be the finest and best alarm clock on the market big ben delux baby ben delux ben hur delux plain dial ben hur delux luminous america plain dial america luminous soo 800 2s 425 176 2b0 call and inspect same a b willson neat to hotel megibbon georgetown electric wiring repairing and installing of all electrical appliances prices reasonable jack forster phone 20 georgetown in mkmbwiam bleiairniouieln loving memory ol my dear hjtihand and fther ar thur bletiliuavme who passed away april olb ibs april brings tad memories of a dear one gone to reft who will always b remembered by the onea who loved him beat days of sadness atlll cornea oer in team in alienee ollen flow memory keeps him ever near us tiiouoh it u four year ago sadly mined by wife and daughter dam carried away causes heavy loss ocek baotcnaa taour nah- ino undezvoub cutatcd at aacat exramha was dk- htwovxd bv rum perhaps the heavleat blow suffered from the recent ralna and the overflow of riven in uil district was that of roger brothers near terra cotta they conduct a farm through which runs small stream emptying into the credit near cheltenham borne years ago with outside interests they constructed it concrete dam strengthening it every summer and the stream was converted into an exclusive trout flshlns reudes- vous the grounds surrounding were beautified and with the objective of making a sale to syndicate no ex pense liad been spared to make it ui ideal location for an exclusive club on bunday ute swollen stream carried the dam away after it luul been under mined by the floods of live previous ilaya the ions to tlie rogers brothers will run into lliouiianda of dollars it is understood the sale price used for ute liroperty was in ute neighborhood of 1100000 obituary msth hannah old age pensions since hon noward ferguson has brought down the old age pension bill in the ontario legislature and made it a aovemment measure it will like ly became law the bill which of ne cessity follows the requirements of the dominion act states that the muni cipalities wui be asked to pay 30 per cent of all pensions the province pays 30 per cent and the dominion the 60 per cent provided oy the act all administration costs will b borne by the province and the procedure which has been successfully used in carrying into effect the mothers allowance am will be followed some objection has been raised to the municipalities being obliged to pay at all but it is likely that unless they did abuses would arise in many people being put on the list of pensioner unnecessarily ap plications for pensions must be made locally with right of appeal the pension aa provided for under the do minion act will be extended to all needy persons over 70 years of at and will not be more than two a year thus for each pension the dominion will provide 1130 a year the province 71 and the municipality ma the government is working on the theory that the municipality authorities know best local oontfltlnni and are best qualified to pass on applications in many eases the local authorities will gave money on local charities representation has been made that ontario alone of en provinces was asking municipalities to contribute a portion as a matter of fact aa mr ferguson pointed out in manitoba the whole cost of the pension la levied against the municipalities including the cost of administration in alberta the municipalities nay 10 per cent it is estimated that there are some 18000 to 10000 people in the province entitled to the pension the total cost is not excessive of this amount the dominion will contribute aijsamo the province tlxomb and the munici palities 1400000 spread over the whole province this is not a large amount there la a growing feeling that the atate is responsible for providing for the poor and unfortunate it all coats money but the public will not be grudge it for such a aake r ev ot mu stj c wafer- abeau tmrvlml bmsh jlemr suml ttojtag casta hau peer feai brbijea peuaoatr can fern mi sttti imoi 7f f m ji uail os stmlml tttttr bgalasaraf tsbhatom all the attractive features the donor dealer la your locality he irlll wb tot rtmm iff a- lhail a- mldu aliint the new type steering gear boot the bendut four wheel brakes about all the mrffiinlfll ft- t colons sad quality unlit that dorant can poetess hewultikeyououtiaaor wanymodclroowlah and let you drive lt that yon cm compare in romano and exctucot riding comfort with any ether car at or neutoprloa youwmbeewstfjyfrwromalayrmirownrjioka el yourcoavenlcncc gnrsr ouukt uotobi canada wottd esquesing council btewarttiiwn april u 10 the council met on the abovn dau with all the trmberh tiresent and the reeve in the chair moved by ollrrie neoondvd by cleavn that the trrltmiirer pay ttios ander son s sheep killed by dogs eooo alrx inales 3 swi killed by rkws m0u0 wm bhorllll 3 trliw as valuator car ried moved by wilson aecondrd by ap- lielbe tliat ute treasurer pay uie fol lowing uccouiitn boll telepltone co account re earn eat hell tel co arct no mru 330 j m moore aeontctown account of april olh imilfl acton public utllllust com for hydro 3 moitllui service lit 00 carried moveil by cleave seconded by cur- rle that uie treasurer pay v c thompson court costs re eotlecllon of taxes total m os carried moved by currle seconded by cleave that this council procure the ser vices of an engineer re hill on 30th likleroed at lien williams carried moved by appetite seconded by wil sonthat uie hallway bonus state ments of receipts and payments 11010 to ims inclusive with recommenda tions in connection with same be re ceived and adopted carried moved by cleave seconded by wilson that the treasurer pay tlie follow- after a short illness at the residence ing accounts of her daughter mrs k j wilson auelph general hospital re james mrs catharine hannah widowof akrold from nov os a to mar as salomon ifannant died at milton on ouelph general hospital re friday last week in her wlh year she mrs philip forbes from feb lith 1010 was a resident of milton for so years to mar atth less isajs carried an adherent of orace anglican moved by wilson seconded by our- ohurch and a life member of the rle that the treasurer pay road sheets womans auxiliary mrs hannant is u presented by road bupl survived by two daughters and two sons butabeth of toronto catharine and 3 t hannant of milton and wm uf alberta mbs john sutctntumi a former wellknown and respected resident of oeorgetown in the person of mary raynor beloved wife of john carried moved by wilson seconded by appel- be that ilylaw no 144 to amend bylaw no 643 where as it is expedient to appoint a aheenvaluator for ward 5 in the room and ateed of oeorge a henderson deceased therefor be it enacted and it la hereby enacted that j c lindsay be appointed to till the vacancy and that bylaw no 083 be bateheior passed away quite suddenly amended to this extent only passed vjifjzfj r 1 kb day of apru i3ftcerried pru eth deceased waa in her oth year and besides her husband the leaves a grownup family of four dau ghters and one eon the remains were brought to oeorgetown and interred in greenwood cemetery on tuesday after noon the service being conducted by rev mr wose of bt georges church illcn tutu another of georgetowns esteemed and respected cltlami in the person of ellen teeter widow of the ute aaron teeter passed away at her home ben on wednesday april 3rd in her 07th year deceased ws born in xrin rownshlp but had been a resident of oeorgetown for the past 40 year bbe waa a member of the presbyterian church a good neighbor and a chris tian woman she is survived by one daughter miss nancy another daugh ter moved by currle seconded by ap- pelbe that this council go on record as being strongly opposed to the clos ing of umehouse station on account of the inconvenience and hardship that it will impose on the ratepayer in uiat vicinity especially the toronto lime co and the stone quarries the business of which are increasing dally and we believe it to be the only cn a station in township of esqueslng and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the board of railway commissioners carried moved by appelbe seconded by wil son that this council now adjourn to meet again may uth at 1j0 pm glenwilliams mr and mrs w a meouvray of u epentsuncuy with ohn no two alttcn lit juuh near of toronto mr overland of enuoouu and one brother imu of erin survive the funeral took plaee on friday afternoon to greenwood cem etery the eervlee being eondueted b rev kenneth uantjean the pall- bearere were u l near robert seott jamee delaney e uowhlrter win hall and arthur semple there were beautiful floral tribute from friend and nelahbort aleo from the employee of the provincial iper ulu and xul- le association of knox presbyterian church elvtka thompson mm after being in poor health for the past four years uvlra thomptun an passed away at the home of her sister sirs edward bowman whitby on fri day april 6th deceased was a dau- ehter of the late uary rftid and wm thompson and was bom in eemtsslng near oeorgetown bhe trained for a nurse at clifton springs fianltiirium new york state and after graduating served overseas in the great war with the westchester union new york state nursing staff deceased was m member of the united church and a young lady held in the highest esteem by uu who knew her she is survived by one bro ther sir j j thompson esqueslng and two sisters miss may thompson and mra edward bowman of whitby the funeral took place on sunday af ternoon from the home of her aunt mrs j a thompson georgetown to areenwood cemetery the service being conducted by rev dr dickie the pallbearer were joseph hunter norman thompson r j graham hume currle john standlsh p h araham there were numerous beau tiful floral tribute the great war veterans to the number of thirty at tended in a body under command- of mator omissus the last post and r- viule were sounded by skitmajor waters of milton after revulie each veteran dropped a poppy in the grave of deceased card 9i tkaales i hereby convey to friends and neigh bors my sincere thanks for their many kindnesses to me during my sad ber eavement by the loss of my beloved mother nancy teeter friends messrs albert north and winston wheeler spent sunday with friends in toronto miss m e ourrle formerly of the public school staff spent friday with aien friend a number of our young people atten ded the play in union church last thursday evening the heavy rains of last week caused the credit to overflow its banks and while considerable inconvenience was experienced for a few hours no serious damage was done union a crowded house greeted the union dramatic society when they presented their play after you im kent in union presbyterian church thursday night last the various artiste took their parte exceedingly well and the large audience were delighted with the splendid entertainment provided at the clou of the program refreshments were served to all present and an hour spent lneaclsl intercourse made a fit ting climax to a moat enjoyable even ing with the recent completion of near- ly five hundred grain elevators at oountry market point in western can ada the canadian wheat pool the worlds largest farmera cooperative marketing organization now owns and operates a total of 1417 such elevator with a combined capacity of attl0m bushels in addition the pool has twelve terminal elevator located at port william port arthur vancouver prince rupert buffalo and wlnnlneg with a total capacity of tsmmod bush els or an aggregate capacity for all pool elevator of aalmoo0 bushels the pool elevator could therefore at one time hold about one tlfth of the normal wheat production of western canada this impressive total of le vators has been built or acquired by the pool since ua first year of operation in ibm the memberatup of the pool la now about 115000 actual farmer in western canada and the annual gross turnover exceeds tra0o0po0 in point of turnover the wheat poole represent the largest bualneaa in canada except the canadian federal government d ura n t aeee mucsv tbucks in m ton to ik ton capacitiii bbabbbabbaaaaeabaeafeaab speights garage vuamlimw georgetown ontario thm meat or your dollar m wumraj thu ww f hiailse w cvmmmkmm 2 m 15 i5gaitl 1 vauje cmh ymi wat ajlifcml liilt wiaaf k tfo all th thoueond of used car buy throughout m canada who so greatly aailirrd the cswtolet dealer to reduce their used car stocks through the recent sale we offer sincere thanks we are confident you will be more than eacufied with your car anil with the veto you received and we look forward to a conftnurnn el your goodwill although th past month aaw a veritable cwattfcup of used can yet the spring demands for new clievrnlie slues have been so mat that our dealt are fast replenishing their used car stack and can ester many more nniieiiel value to all who have not yet decided ou their ear we urge an immediate iniperrioci of these fin used ctn at aatoeh bhutgly low price wjsti chevbolbt motor company o canada umtteo sublultry e cnlnl afalorl l ceoaae tirnluj winniraq vvw vamoouva j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown bush horses very tuesday during march and april we will sell 100 bush horse horses are in excellent condition owing to favourable weather conditions this whiter these horse are right out of hard work and anyone requiring seasoned horses ready to so right to work should not miss this op portunity to fill their require ments aa each and every hone will be add by auction without tim ufositoaur itts nassau si tarsal oat ceaher bros pr sta stewarftown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils you will find our price right call and let us supply your needs in the above lines i m bennett poena 82r21 georgetown stewarttown i i i i ii i i t i i i i i i i i i i i taaaaouauu yes its safe- though mortgaged i feel good about it even though i had to give a big mortgage to secure our home you aee i figured on paying off the mort gage in 10 yeara time then i began to think if it takes me 10 yeara to pay off the mortgage how long would it take my wife to pay it if i died her name wouldnt stay on the firms pay roll i what did i do talked the matter over with dad he said a mort gage ia fine to help you get a home but it can take away just aa readily adviaed me to take out a mortgage protection policy aa he did whan he was younger and cover the mortgage dollar for dollar i did it ive drawn the teeth of that mortgage i know now that elsie and bob will be sure of their home whether im here or not and the cost is not so great i ita like paying just a little higher inter est rate on the mortgage itself and i know that my deposits are not like money spent either they will come back to me nicely increased there is also a total disability clause in the policy that is mighty re assuring reajerls there mortgage on your hosna write today for the vary ifiteresting facta about the mortgage protection policy george c brown tel georgetown 9021 pff norval ontario i

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