Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 1, 1929, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtythird year of publication georgetown w evening may 1st 1929 150 per annum in advance 200 to us a thegeorgelown heram x m moobb rabuvhee aa hwwaf mt ciaelaw waeuy hnm tamauam najtoaal heetrtf railways tavealie haaarbaa bellamy daily train ho so sin 23 am em 34 050 ih s ii jo am s ijso pm lo ixo pm 11 sjm pm 14 j pm is gju pm is li jo pm dally train no 1101 bl j 1001 m s21101 pm t 301 pta 0 401 pu 11 ol p u 41 101 pm 13 101 pm 151001 pm 171301 m ha is will run dally except bun tuy no 41 to acton only station ptiona ij cum mat tabik gains am passenger sis era passenger rx em paaacnger 101s am mill 130b pm faahutar 4x0 pm ulil sj3 run pmiihtgir 13s run presenter sunday tj1 pm files weal 1411 7j4 em passenger s5j am paieeugar iojs ul paaeenger 313 pm kill 4js ma paaeenger ftbj pm wusattger 70 pm passenger sunday 1034 em cutof neath uill ta am mall til pm cmaf seatk mail m aja mall mb pm cerfriortiribmlkiud arbow coacbbs leave georgetown u follow cuthound west bound 144 em 04s am iluua j4s run 1m pm g40 pm 1ius pm baturdayslo40 pm saturday sundays holidays sundays holidays i step at k waa the store with the checkerboard sign siusp xjsalucaivtii3 directory ib box bus georgetown ontario orbeeekta bide ulll st clarence u wigdms fssueelsr netary pafcae offlcee oneill mock aeorgetewn telephone 15 john a thompson netary patau offices mill street phone si 3a db 1 j pablor m t paw payee leae lad hasinas uadlcal officer of health tngequeelng township office routs 3 to 4 and 7 to s pm pkaas if obos and residane main street south opposite presbyterian church j knki axulsnaeed bailosi aw feast- bottjki evtfabs u ifja mare wia as c branshorts mids oil cake gluten meat meal bone meal tankage charcoal grit yster shhjl salt cornmeal oat and barley chop flojr porridge oats philip g early nswlk umcmtvn w macfayden maimoer db a v wnxiaiu phyelclan and surgeon medical officer of health georgetown sons and residence quean st south ottos boors also by 11 and ana p b watson tuxs mas flmgiliwa mil biain to prenl laanaay p u asseta us das aoos ta lans block ous door north of tvhauus oirriscs paotory hours am to pm db b uajuaokth vaurlnary burtson phobs ms mam bt v ohtjlopltaotio nnlw iks cadrasraatar pakaar tlnhasu u xsa ne mlslian s art o xray service ooes omt nomlnlon stow obos hours wsdnssdsy and baturday j to and t to pa other days and hours by annmntinant ikwlhr b hi at matabikaas 111 tuaaday and prlday t to pa mds getting keeping get your account paid keep your customeis our service does thi kelly aiken diplomatic collector oraacevuls oualph osii sound mark every grave nothing is mors butlnc or mom anoronriau to commamorau ths msusry ol loved ones who hew tens before than beautiful gran- ustvau earwd with our preaent enulfssnt and fsduuss no plant la belter nrepared to offarbeuar rahiaa sabstter stock to ehooa from utan can be secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to aw our atackand set nuotsuons on uonumenta markers or oom- ar btonss bsfors plsemc an or der anywhere i ii adm wcrts ptsohblsl radio supplies cae batteryless rawolas we offer a air allowance on your old aet coe hot point appliances house wiring prices quoted on request phone 109 murdoek st gawrtwtown youve seen it drive it xtowthatvcvsseentfieotrtatarij ls log cnevrolct with tm besutiful bcidy by hlhtr irs smart mylleb foloriribi its recveraceful lutes we want you to drive it for not till you alt at the wheel and drive can you apececuos the uarvetaus sbo cylinder smoothness tha nsshlng ac the abunnant reserve of powerth arnadngeaseof control and the rwlgbijtil riding comfort that have been bulk into this attiea new autotaobua cotneln today we have a car waiting for you to drive urix mutstandinq chevrolet of chevroict hi5tory jn oneill son phon 14 6aorgwrown pcoouct op cenmtai moxosa op canapa limttet mraaaaa sell your cream at home mere vm cm gel the highest grade and the best price yea erer sited mmtt georgelown creamery co msaxmauufer igsals ter meletu creaaa saaeralan call sad thaam i fed 1440 chicks with sunbeam chick starter mr william park vlncland station ont succeaifully hatencs large broodrof baby chiclu each seajon how mr park sue oeeds so famously in raiting them is best related by himself rtod what mr wtiuam park says standard mffiliif co toronto oat dear fin i kav u ronplared uaiat half a toe of your buaheaaa chick 8urur and have found it to be an eututat feed with 1400 chlcke to data aay mortality kaa been netlifihle and no trace of howd trouhk tue auccaaa i attrlhuu larfaly to a good atari with a good feed youre very truly william park sunbeam chick starter saves the chicks and builds them strong sunbeam poultry rheds manupactumd by standard milling co of canada ltd toronto montreal quebec saint john halifax sold by w lawson stwwbvttom w c bfeuay gaotvatewn saaa tie aitta mir as- tin aw it ltaib tmwatjavmwm ss this is cannto tomato wuk taki advamtacul ot tutssahctau j jrtaslf tomatou s l was gs liatoau s l 17 tlfsw svaaf cavsuv lwlf awasmlls 1stw s3- rrathbaaalad wkasam 17 wurrg satin pattvy hear caiaimaai bavinm awwisstb isaatb29 ejcabaaas uw as l44sspaai oaaal far lf saa f 1 cab a cmalla h 14 ma panggpple 18s each phtempplw 24a saacaa pfasmpplwa 30 wjl 33c 2se lie bkoiiut voo rata mcumro to caraobs should you feel inclined to oanaura paulta you may lai othara via aak your own heart or you ventura if that has not railing fao jlat not friendly vows be broken rather strive s friend to gain many a word in anger anokan plnda ite do not then in idle plea aitra trine with a brotltcia fame ouard it as s valued treaaun baered as your own good name do not form oplnlona blindly haatlnaaa to troubles tenda those of whoa ws thought unkindly oft rcceaee our warmeat friends author unknown hal ton rifles by ool ballantyne dm oonunued from last week imp sanrratlonl medical saatvicau the carps si aaalatt tatueal itaw ths hilton detachment to ths ter centenary mlebretien left eld quebec taking wolfe and mcntrehn of del- lard and hla noble sseriflce at the long bault of manettcno verchsree and all the rest of the fsamta and alartyra and herees of the canadian dietary whose urns and sscrlrlces form- ad ths themes of ths glorious pagea it wss s great canadian celebration ths brat of lie kind in three hundred years and there war men in ths de tachment who felt that it would take hut about that long before they would be fully recov from the- first one for old quebec paeeiisad all the ele ments of hoenltaliiy and after all it waa to be celebration but years liter many of those of nans and men wars to return to que bec with sterner thoughts m mind to form hatishnns aleo eompcslts bat- talione dreeaed in khaki without bands with utile of the ceremonial but with much of emclency dlartnltn and ths hard work that is the as- oomnsnlment of bsttslwis hi train ins for actus berries major kelly of the hut wamwand rifles wss ens of ths oncers la ths 3rd oompoalu rifles under colonel user sad as he wss well known to many of ths oversees omoera of the 4th battalion ojtp i mention mm in ths history as one of those whs aeeemmsrt at quebec in 1014 and who gave hie ufa for the empire on ths ridge near bl julian major balschy ef ths mth duffer in rifles wss another of those of ficers who give his ufa while serving in the uth battalion ojlp and there were hundreds of the non uii ofneen and men who attended ths tercentenary eelebrsllon who also flocked to ths colours when the call earns later m 114 but to our tale during the ad- ministration of lt ool annslhs the dlrlalon has a corps of ouldes added to it a corps of offleere trained in topographical burveying and map making ofneera whose studies content- plated everything in connection with ths roads of ths district ths water supply ths hill formation ths aalsc- of defensive positions and ths atog of thai mformauon as to ths phyalesl character of ths country whlebls so vital bsfors a general formulates ms plans for defense or offence it wss a much needed dorps and tha helton regiment made a valu able contribution to its psrsonsl when it permitted captain r r barber to transfer to it as second to oommand captain barber m the course at urns took over the wimmsndi sad probably knew mors of the phyalesl gsogrsnhy of ths hvieional ares than any rjaesr in it when ths war awept the militia of ficers into ths aervlee captain bar- da- transferred to the tsth battalion ojtp as second m command with the rank of major and from this bat- alion be transferred to the isth bat talion ta prancs and from there to staff work for which he wss peculiar ly adapted and in which be rendered valuable asrvlcss earrloas that ware rewarded by promotion to ths rank of fjautonant colonel about ths asms urns camp sani tation motived a great impetus snd many names heretofore unheard of in military parlance took their pises in ths vocabulary ef camp ufa men talked glibly of lndnerstora where ths refuse of ths camp wss reduced to sihae thsnrstloally at any ratoof ablution tents where one could bsths though it took nerve to turn on ths odd wster of inoculations vsedna- periods of incubation boat of others ss ths medical depart ments laboured sway with a view to miliwutiie ths scou incidental to camp life ho soldier holds say brief for war but it la an intarestlng speculation as to how much ths safety and immunity from dlasass of clculan populations is due to ibs sspsrimsnu earned on in ths conomtrstion esmps throughout ths country and throughout the world ws know that ths great result ef ths boer wsr wss ths control gained over ths scourge enteric fever which is ths greatest enemy to man whan wearing a uniform and living in the crowded vf of active service ths beer wsr added a new chapter to medical science snd the knowledge gained during those ejrperieneer in africa wss the means of egvlng millions during ths oreal war intiuropa ws know thst ss a result of ths spanish american war to ths isle hmstles ths fevers peculiar to ths tropics were brought under control and ths panama canal followed lust ss soon as u was possible for white man to work in ths infested sons with im munity from the dlaesses that had formerly restricted life to ths nstlve population ths nursing service dales back to ths crimean war whan plorencs mlghtsngala carried bar lamp through ths toadaouats plaid hoephalc of ths british army in ths crimea and thst lamp of florence hlghtengsla has be come one of the oreet lights to ufa having multiplied and mu aa ths hurling btatars all ever ths world have lighted their lamps in ths bar- vice of humanity whether in peace or in war whan one ponders these things and ths conquest ever certain dlnaiii dur ing the oreat war hs is farced to ths hat there is some truth ta ths proverb that otvulsettoo gees for- powder osrt- ths medical officer of sometimes the operation covered two days wtth a night in bivouac interven ing strategically it waa a eontsat be tween tha brigadiers comma riding the two brigades namely lt col jamas maaon and u ool onukahiuika with ths honoura frequently going to the letter who wss a native of ths niagara fahlnaula and thoroughly conversant with ths topography thereof the niagara panlniula la mors adapted to ths rslalng of grapes than for ths rnanoeuvering of troops for tha roads am at right anglee with ths exception of the niagara atone road st ths bass of the essarpmant however the sxcerises wars profit able and some inkling of lh condi tions of active service were learned by all participating colonel orulkahsnks waa an enthus iastic supporter of sll such msneeu vres snd tried to make ths conditions approximate aa closely ss possible to those of service on one of these he snd his staff had bivouacked close to ths lines of one of ths infantry battalions snd not far from ths bivouac ef ths cooks of ths asms bat talion now there is a way of address ing cooks and there is a way ef ad dressing brlgsdlersclay snd elsy dif fers in dignity whoae dust is all auks end a brigadier wrapped in his blsnksts dose not luck any different from a company cook wrepped in hla snd hence the error ef the corpora of ths ousrd whose taatruetlou were to cell the cooks st two a if ao that lbs men might be fed in time for ths action which seemed lmlnsnt at about dawn ths hour usually selected for auch a the corporal apswosehed wnst hs thought was the cock hs wss long snd snored just like a cookend prod ded him with his foot oct up no move and another prod oct up no move oct up you blsnkety btsnk and get these fires going and then ths brigadier awoke and aensed ths situa tion while the corporal stole second baas before the recognition became mutual there was always a considerable training for the staff in those exercises snd for the supply and transport de- rstrtments imagine ths oily of ouslnh sds- austaly supplied snd protected houses with all the departments that make for eemrort snd well being then move that populstlon out onto a desert and ceganlse the various dspsrtmsnts ao that every person ta thst popula tion gate hla or her meals on urns and a place to sleep snd shelter in esse of umssa or wounds ate and you have ths situation from ths point ef view of the staff of the btviiion msks it twenty such dhdalons and you can arrive at some of ths dlm- euttiss connected with the staff work ta connection with ths movement of armies the problima thst confront a dmeione staff of transportation and supply of munitions are sll tre mendous and any svsrciaes that make for more efficiency along those lines are ah to the good i realise that there la not a greet deal of training for the rank snd file in those utsrelsss but for ths staff and regimental officers the experience wss very valuable in ism the command of the nag ment psssed to lt ool w p moors and lt ool w p appslbswss trans ferred to the reserve of omoera this transfer brings ths regiment down to within the memory of most people and also introduoee those prewar days when everything looked ao diff erent and was so different to what lt wss u be after to those days bsfors dunimimfta and disenchantment hsd entered ths line of ao many good people aa they were to do a few yesrs star as ths war stripped the v off so much of our vaunted elviuaa- uon ths list sppsndsd u of the ofnosrs of colonel moons urns and needs no ltool w p moor major u seattle captains a u noels w me donald a monriaon r m clements j slallaatma o o mcnsjr c s gamble w arnold lieutenants a a aahbury j m besttls s airly w askta w j pepputt j p held h b walker n if bauanuns j k a u smith o j wsuses j m mcklnlay a o bsstedo ad jutant j ballantlne querterraeater l orant msdlesl officer a w nixon paymaster r k anderson ohsplsta rev a j belt continued next week notes and comments this year ths welt dreeaed bowler should wear brown leather ahoea cream flannel trousers plain or wide atriped a blue coat and a white felt list bblrt sleeves and euanendera will be taboo such waa the decle- lon of the dominion lawn bowling association at its annual meeting in toronto oeorgitown ladles bowling club will pleaa take notice appalb urns wss espials alfred w nixon and ta theee problema pertain tag u camp sanitation and betta camping condltlona captain nixon thowsd an extraordinary interest and energy and there was do detail tee amsuss warrant ths a of our uadlosl officer if it had to do with the betterment ef medical or sani tary condltlona there wss usually a teetlsal brer- das during lh parted of ta ths vuvjale a fahasa 1 tub bvlb op up welt mason writes the following a mountain of books luu beet written to show ua the path sn should tread and we has been led an with precepts by sages both us ing and dead and moat of the wis dom is usalssa for sll thst man needs to do is just to be gsnus snd true ths name of the teachers is legion whod point out the road to auccaaa theyd have us believe that ths journey unguldsd is full of dis tress ths secret however is etamls snd easy to carry in mind its just to be honest and kind led just to be honest and kind i dont cars cent for ths theorise ana creeds that ths wise men expound for all ths words that are thundered am merely a wind and a sound ths logic of life la ao elmple it leaves all the don behind its justto be honest i kind lad just to be honest snd kind it may be noticed thst ths vsrass are given ss a nils of ufa sad in eplts of ths protest against precepts creeds and dogmas ihsmaalvaa con stitute a creed or dogma they are juat another way of eaytag loss ood uprsmsty and your neighbors yourselves thoes who despise creeds always havs creeds at least ten and peaelbly fifteen level croaainga will be eliminated by ths provincial department of public hlghsrays thia year mans have bean mads to build five aub- ways or bridges over dangerous tracks and to change the routing of provincial highways at certain points to eliminate another snt or seven crossings considered dsngarous it la generally conceded hat ths use of tobacco in any form is very harm ful to young peraons cigarettes are a little more harmful than other forma it is a pity that the uae of cig arettes la becoming more prevalent among women not only do they in jure their own health by this habit but they act a bad example for chil dren and youth and as mothers of ths rsoe they rob the unborn of vig or which should be their heritage par ents school teachers and all leaders in the community would do well to dieeoureg in every way the uae of cigarettes among the young one of ths best ways would be to themselves refrain from the uss of them-streets- vllle review without any thought of aentl- ment or auggsstion that we owe al legiance to anyone the cold hard truth la that the retell merchants of our town sre the best friends ws have ths retell merchant conducts a school of commerce for our education and ths tutlon is free he protects us against fraud and deceit hs stands for ths square deal hs uvea where he does business and his success de pends on making a maud of you and your neighbor lute he has to make good the retell merchant is ths cos great factor in our commercial ayatem and this is true solsly because he renders us better service than we can get elaewhsre take him away and our home town is gone the re tell merchant will continue to sbus in our affections ao long aa we value our homes because the average eltjsen is proud of bis town althouan a couple of years ago credit in canada this cannot be said to be ths situation today savings deposits of canadian banks have not grown as rapidly aa ths demands for loans both cellsters and current a rough snd reedy indlcstlon of the provided by an index that has been m for some years by oreen- shields and company of montreal this index shows the ratio of deposits to ths principal loans tavestment being included smong loans staos in canada some of the invetamente ef the banks asrve to release for busi ness and government purposes fund that would otherwue have to be bor rowed from the banks the index allowed a ratio of deposits to loans in pehruary of 1017 as against looj in january that ratio waa at the low est figure that it has touched ta any pehruary since 1s30- financial pest without exaggeration ws esn eay that fifty par cent of the people ahake hand beeauee ths other nfty dose some handshakes do not justify ths energy expended ta dotal the aet others give you lh feeling that tha action is good for the soul it aivee you a real fellow feeling of good conuuadlere another guy ahakss bands with you as if hs had hold of a wet sock thia bird makes you feel like anlttlng to windward aa sailors eay then another guy gives you a grip snd asanas and a sudden little tug thst warms you to him in a min ute along comas another gesssr who waggles your hand up and down with rumbling chuckle that uvea your wrist the toothache and you begin to wonder if you are ever going to get your mitt back again look out for thia fellow that dossnt try to sail you sornsthlngt then theree the hall fellow well met whoa looking to ahake hands at tha least possible excuse in foot handahsklng is about the eail- nt thing and perhaps most meaning less thing ws do and why the mis chief we do lt i dont know milton ths many friends ta muton of mr john p ford trafalgar who was ao esrioualy ul previous to and following a aerious operation aome mouths ago were pleased to meat him in town on saturday looking ths picture of health he has mads a remarkable recovery mr albert oalloway of stmstavuls has purchased ths usacre farm of robert newell trafalgar situated on the comer of ths baas una and snd line among tha people swindled by ths jsnls brothers who havs returned from the states to plead guilty to their swindling operations in toronto am the names of two residents of milton one for mas ta cash and 800 aharas premier odd mining oa snd ths other for gtoo and m0 anares premler dold mining oo s mrs odin h oairlphall of winnipeg who hut year was a delegate to ths worlds wctd convention held in lausanne bwltaerland has been mads a world ufs member according to word received thia u a distinction for man itoba as this la the first world ufs member ta that province mrs camp bell intimated that it waa tha dsairs of many of the convention delegates to hold the worlds w o t v convention of 111 in canada mm campbell was bora la palermo ont and u a dau ghter ol in let dr may a few words of encourage ment be permitted to all pupils and acholars now entering the but lap of their achool year eapaci- ally to those who are wrltini exam inations that will determine their progress at school thia is perhaps a greater opportunity than you dream of now it may mean advancement for a lifetime or it may mean ths be of a eerie of repeated fauuree no tiramlnatlon la easy but to some it may appear almost imnoaalble there la nothing impos- tlhis and now la the time for you to msks up your mind about that you maybe behind with your years work or you may feel you are not capable of passing and ao have made up your mud not to try if you do that now you will do it all your ufs but if you determine that no matter what the difficulty la you will give it rr very best sbort or positively die the atlampt than auccaaa u al most assured and you will have ac quired a- habit of facing every sort of bunculty you may mast with ta your ufa hsreaftsr a utile self ill of saamlngly legltlmste pleas ure snd sport a qui extra time in study early and late little keener concentration on ths work that la most difficult and you willi hs sur- prtaad how much lost ground may be covered and what progress can bo erin the death occurred on april uh at her home in roekwood of mrs james lambert in her th year airs lam- bert who bsfors her marriage waa maria pssvoy had lived with her hus band for ao yean on a farm in erin township and six years ago moved to roekwood where the famuy has sine resided she is eurvlved by her taii- band and one eon predertck of roek wood the funeral took place from the family residence wsdnssdsy afternoon at two oclock to averton cemetery ths death of mrs alex isariwn occurred suddenly at her 1st resi dence ta hlllaburg on tuaeday april 0th bhs leaves to mourn her lots three sisters mrs mary thompson mrs a mcmillan and mlaa s thomson and brother a j thomson three daughters mrs byran loney was imna alcklnnon and mr robert ooa and two aona arnold and res mcklnnon the funeral was held on thursday to oonlngsby cemetery the service being conducted by th rev w a ohaltotvanvosatg

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