pbv4l the ceo herald wednesday may let 1929 itspfcssx charm f t set my heart on this pontiae big a she even before i knew how thrilliritf it was to drive it just look ed o biisixcy you know it had that air of distinction that makes you long to call it your own and then x drove m its simply the tnoststimnirtfthingt you can forget all about the engine and thoae mechanical gadgets because you just imow theyre alright and it tops the steepest hills without even a murmur i never knew one could get a big six at such an absurdly low price rn4iic paiitiac s v king georgetown ontario m c overholt acton ontario mkseucr or obnbsal motors of canada umttbd red rose orange pekoe tea is truly economical a half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c as redrose red rose orange pekoe is extra eooj forsters grocery full line of fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas awl oranges al the right prices leecream in bulk eones or bricks forsters terms cash georgetown phone 20 college view garage an uptodate auto repair ihop prompt service workmanship guaranteed butvslveteanleakseafoaie ou01uonuweu mmmlm aavs cm nattselss nssaaeass j a brunton college view phone 330 georgetown tsu westclox alarm clocks plain and colors conceded to be die finest and best alarm clocks on the market bis ben delux 500 baby ben delux 800 ben hur delux plain dial 2s ben hur delux luminous 425 america plain dial 175 america luminous 2jj0 call and inspect same a b willson not to hotel mcgjbbon georgetown or nnrru raacar know ye the lirtnuvs iwur of peacef know ye hour mm fraught wlui joy than twf felt uw maid of oreeee when alued by venus entwtia boyt tie not when round the nuy rase ilia nimble llnarn eu the typo nor la u when willi iroathrned lace the sturdy devil ull lie gripes tie twtt wllelt news nf drradrul hot ilia rolumiu all with minion fill tls not wlirti brother printer quota the rltllaloiuj of lib stlimpwovn quill nut oh i iu when the weathers elear or elail in hall or rain or vapor lift itrar in uremia fcolt and clear ln come to bay you for uta paper man biivino vrcn ak scene uan aiul wire enter auto salesroom veteran sslrunsii a earhunger in their eye advances urukly rubbing hands uan asks a aw car salesman beams uan add adjective used is word ear salesman loam count of beams steers couple out to back room used can standing in rowa look inn rullly salesman appreaehee one subtitle now lima la beauty gross exaggeration ten the home factory couldnt say that uan opens door of ear gingerly peers inside feele cushions and closes door walk around ear and kicks lira subtitle is it in oood con dition salesman adnllu it la vary strange uan approaches another ear opens door peers uulda faala cus hion and cloaca door walka around it and kicks urea bumbles with radiator cap raises hood looks at engine severely wife opens door ellmba in and settlee dawn in seat register comfort car threefourths sold subtitle is it in good cob- dltlonr- salesman doesnt tlv car any tha worst of it uan cllmbe in and worka brake and clutch pedal tunuv steering wheal and peers through windshield honks hem wife honks horn both climb out and walk around car aeveral times salesman fouewa try to lose an auto salesman i wua pulls husband off awaya and hold inaudible conversation uan shakes head east and weet wlfa shakes bead north and south north and south eta last shake uan returns and walks around oar for last time kicks all una rather viciously subtitle ouaas well take it its in oood oondttlon lent it syndicated by associated editors heakb service of the cataadaan medscel assoc tubontcvtxxiia it la an accepted fact that bovine tubercukmla u transmitted to human balnea during the years of childhood thta uanamlmlon usually occ throuah the use of milk comlna from tubrreulosla cattle to what eatent this is a practical danaer depends up on the amount of ttibereuloals that rauta alnonat cattle baeauae in utat flaunt would depend the chaneaa of esilomutw of children to infection in a recent number of the canadian public health journal there appeared an article on the prevalence and hof lent of bovine tubareuloste in can- thla article presented a sum rnary of the data collected through certain meaaurea which revealed the presence or absence of tuberculosis in some tut million cattle during a number of years from various sources throughout the dominion tha con clusion reads it would therefore appear to be justifiable to estimate that bovine tuberculosis infection in canada al tha present time does not exceed five per cent the actual per centage baaed on the six million cat- tla waa aptsroxlmately four per oent it la evident that if approximately nearly four out of every hundred cattle have tuberculosis there is very real danger in the transmission of bovine tuberculosis to children in this country it is not a theoretical danger but a practical one that con tinues day by day there is no doubt but that children require milk but no one would sug gast taking the risk of using bulk that might eontaln the germs of tub culosls rortunataly we have a simple and practical method of meeting the dlmeulty pasteurisation of milk de stroys ail disease prodwlng gen including the tuberculosis germ we may use pasteurised milk and feed it to children with full confidence that the danger of bovine tuberculosis has been overcome through pasteurisation we have it in our power to prevent immedlslely the occurrence of even one more ease of bovine tuberculosis which attacks little children destroying some and crippling othere there is no ex cuse for failure to use such a power ful means for protection from dis- questions ooboanung health ad dressed to the canadian uedtaal as sociation im collate st toronto will be answered by latter qiiishnns aa to a treatment artll not be neabtno tbs wot there u justification for the fol lowing argument from the orlllla pac ket and times regarding m taxation in a late issue the objection in compelling the municipalities to contribute to such social betterment schemes as mothers allowances and old age pensions lies not in the principle itself for which there le much- to be said but hi the fact that with added burdens there is no widening of the basis of muni clpal tststlon at present real pro perty has to bear the whole burden and large sections of the population and those by no means the least able to pay taxes escape almost soot free when property was held to be bene fitting from municipal expenditures with making it pay all the taxes but secondary education health inspectors and nurses mothers allowances and old age pensions add not a whit to the value of the rateable assessment in fact when taxes get up to ave per cent they have a tendency to depres real estate values the lyovtnelal legislature ought either to provide new sources of revenue or assume a larger share of municipal burdens perhaps the point where they can most readily afford relief le hi under taking a larger proportion of the cost of education in tha town as has al ready been done in the country the trsuendous increase in the oast of mslwlelwlwe the hm s one of the chief causes for the increase in taxa tion and the present provincial grants to urban schools are insigni ficant another direction in which the same rjrlnclpla oould be applied la tha administration of justice for which the towns are being called up on for increasing outlays while the prpvlnoe provides police and magla- tha province has many sources from trataa for the rural municipalities which to draw revenue which are not readily available for municipal pur poses and the towns and villages like the rural municipalities have about reached the limit of what they can carry on the present narrow basis of taxation hakdjo higbwavs saptw a eertaln amount of danger aooom panlea all auto driving after dark if headlighta are strong they are apt to be ts ug and uitutiwg to motorists going in the opposite direction if they are too dun they do not reveal illumination to negotiate curves with safety then at certain seasons of the year there la the added menace of fog aa many motorists have ex perienced to their sorrow cvan the strongest lights cannot penetrate soma of the fog banks that enveloped the country it u very iiosirgbe however that driving in a fog is much easier wherever whltepuntad posts stand out in the glare of the ear lights and one could locale the sides of the roads by the white peats that helps a lot it would be an expensive proposition to as fence all the hlghwaya but the telephone and telegraph poles oould be painter while and that would afford unakjv arable protection for those whs drive at night we wwifi thla angles lion to tha department of highways baeauae one feels that it might be the means of saving uvea and in tag accidents it would alas aern aa a guide to strangers during the day aa wall aa at night unless one take a wrong turn and travel for mllee before nndlnf out hie vf were the poles aut along provtndaj mghways painted white aa they are in quebec province a stranger oould not very well mistake his course accidents on the hlghwaya at night are of frequent occurrence and they oould be tsduoad in number at smair oost if the above suggestions were adopted exchange jonas at two ajn i shay otnabar la this blank btreetf omeer yea- jones wish youd hie direct ma to en ooln- f tend lecture osjeer whora grrln a lecture at this hourl jonaeuy wife offlsherhlolny hlomy dear wife a few residents of proton township to the district between dundalk tano honevula have contracted iipe scholars who have not been vaccinated ere not allowed to go to school others who have come tat contact with those now afflicted should be vaccinated to prevent a spread of the dleaaae mahteen merchanle of the village of bolton have agreed to close their places of business every thursday afternoon beginning next month this continues a policy that waa put into effect several years ago a helton county cow haa made a name for herself bom at nerval and known as norval darling this sow u now owned by ii paris of qualieum bo la now close to 33 yeara of age and has raised 31 calves the orangevllle potato drawers as- sedation have agreed to grow only irish cobblers or dooley if both are grown the varieties must be kept separata an f bm notetoee must be marketed through the organisation the congregation of knox presby terian church burlington has decided extend an unanimous call to rev a uullln of richmond hul ur uullln will receive auxw per year a manse and a months holidays he formerly had charge of churches at west hamboro and kirkwall oivb vocbstxp a scenic tauut mah a saassaer tear la the vile weet do it this summerl take the fara ous scenic trip to the pacuv coast visit utaakl in the western high lands of ontario see jasper national park with its mighty mountains its inspiring eoenery its ultramodern lodge- travel in comfort through canyons along rushing hashing rivers over uountain passes to vancouver and tha pacinc sv mile a thriu oo on to alaska aboard a luxuri ous canadian national steamer a thousand miles of unf ergetable eights unfold hmii olaclera spl in the sun olant mountains meet the sea and then alaska still bask ing in a heritage df gold rush glamor visit the yukon and the k bee for yourself the land made famous by praaar aervioe and ourwood all these sights and experiences are yours on this tour enjoy them this ask any canadian national rail way agent for illustrated literature rates and reservatlone one of the oldest and moat highly respected residents of krin township passed away last weak in ouelpb gen eral hospital m tha person of david robertson the deoaassd who was in ma list year waa born in krhi toera- shlp on the farm adjoining the one he worked and owned for ao many yeara and had lived ail his life in that dis trict thosedsasimts latlaekwntbat on isttvj bfevjeoselrttobsaul up usees twajnjir efcttas tvjss isbavlsss aaal gilatets that tatttm bvesittjhy imi saoco baa smarw tlssss the trasat reea fata of cm axed b free jeeloss aeaevjls ap mslehaavj a lawa in oavs fs tkae aad pro- cssoseagi mlrtnwsamtyajmsjth sssb vjfeeas ajgflsmtat stseajf f0 faaf d ewe p bh thompson pflonb 4t otoaaitown m skswslhaahaaalaas stajmdard aniracrre scranton coal in aril 81m aotomailoeliy boraaaad and coal wood balae zrubb tor oeeuaua and threonine porpoaaa bmlahlns and cannel goal is fees ioarry everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard i john mcdonald pbonbii casmstfjsjtlotva sumsabt the fouowtng b summary for ontario haa been issued by the bank of montreal under date of april lard although poor highway conditions are adversely arteetlng retail liiislimss in aome districts both wholesale and retail sales are reported to be in eat of last year collections are slow to fair cheeee factories are reopenlng for the seasons operation furni ture factories report a normal con ditlon with sales to date in excess of last year ptollowlng the recent de cline hide prices appear temporarily and allied industries are operating to capacity packing plants are busy on eiport business but domestic trade u only fair there is a good demand for lumber and prices continue firm aaricultural implement manufacturers iron and steel plants and knitting muls are operating full lime the milling situation shows little change with- domestic trade good and export business fab reports from practical ly all sections or the province indicate that pall wheat and clover up to the present have come throuah the winter in excellent condition j sanford stowarttoevn plnnmag1flsmilng eatfasutts omtyfaaa uvea phone 84rl2 georgetown rjfc no 2 canned tomato week ajpgelel earso r ajrautatmr voaeeatams avlelwlvisl ihdj iii ii unlaw arw- au y i u s3b tmsttte tomatoes rklhaa iujseuie arbtss oatmip dollarwise ikrlfty jk wlbo lyma my ot of imiurwmom irom ulto iusjaij wll ttm wrkly wuja- aual v1 it p4rtliu ot u ltr llwm tlf fuluro imjam ut rt mufnrtuneu ihrustl llihy mi fry ify uhaptuug tjnlly throukb ht yruf fil imrrttlvn 4ukh mna 4jtrry 1 ijuv 16 caxaotxe ctnaubav butter 4l cpafataistr intttaw tutxcsm 9 all l aftmttlmtu eseaj caas its ataaa ii fcatswtiisis clulf rnnrta ts stmteasare as ajiai saan ajjasat 3 hsaaanfl aaabeaaaaaoatls msaaaavae fjat guwlli jlhsul iibni ir iswik ix in iw law lb lew u 1swm tat raisins x iwaamv 1 hmst quaurv mag quaaae maple syrup tam saw tm tgeataf t tanat asttait t avi spuclaiesljwscos or ancn 4ddj iu marmalade smyrna tall fig lb pig 3 for lit taproca fmuyaspuouialag ixulu rich m cd jspsa i he mr saco r iruljc atoicots swsmlag p ha lui9tiu phachb4 ceev luuieui utj flsvery rk ifcr speciai choice dcviujcd lobster r lo rfoiwrsuo kipper snacks kjutgoksripetuj salmon crail mdat fsary jeauuts uuu ua 1 al- 4 siihlmi pslm brshd fwy pif tu vi pilchabd5 alkiifou r is llh 4jc chicken habuid for cmsasiag lla jttailfe let lit lor is lie ik spbcialvhaitrv hounds custard vjj l jtusieeer chaps raiir no 1 hal 5c ptnbappuj ayus cnaasd faaey tts lis chbi1bjbs sevsl asm aybaer ha ht apricots aybck6l no lu lit suspbiuuxi3 avbaersad ne ilia lie peaches pmshjs sliced na 1 da ibc uurcr3- rlno 25 jifmiy stseseleasa saw iis bateylstuaatn w uaveuetj vhjiaievwe ausav mm v ifweus sssylte aah m iwsauaeia vsgsn auatsi utdtu tie auiminit uaual f r ttu tttmtw salisaelas j sui uegatl amlef f vehi aucat t3tttts io 4 4 i i main street georgetown uvtagstoiies bakery special banana calces per dozen 38c best quality bread brown bread 9c white bread 9c watch our window for choice baking d livingstone phone ss georgetown asasi stewarttown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils you will find our prices right call and let us supply your needs in the above lines i m bennett phone 82r21 georfetown stewarttown h what no insulation i why certainly madam this hbuse will be com pletely insulated andyou can be sure of the best because were using tentest today uptodate architects and bnilders are specifying tentest insulation wellinformed home builders are insisting upon tentest they know that every dollar spent for iruulltioo is an investment in y comfort and fuel saving and tentest is the aily solid insulating board that can be bought in any required thickness qh ait free book before you build buy or remodel learn how truly modern homes are built write fortenrest and the most zeejyzi wonderful adventure in the world srow aa eat itsscntrftrtoprospectivc homeowners sm ttt tipntaa town and vajftja- by geoifetown baaber gfat url geoibtown oat msjutena mn ihttfl atff wrlb mtcthatsohal frsas boaid uuitso mi aaavaa auu m tmi