the georgetown heraid 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa sbttythinj year of publication george wedaenvday evening may 8th 1929 thegeorgelown heram j m mooige rufaw uaavageieter cautfm nattmul ekcemc railway nau maka railway habtbollnd westbound dally dauy tiata 1mb no 60 015 m no 1 801 am 3j 800 hi s 1001 am a ojo am 1101 pm mini am 1 101 pm 1jm pn 0 4b1 pm u 10- 3m pm 11 hoi pbi 11 im pro 41 tjbi phi 14 750 pm 11 ioi pm ib 9m p m 11 1001 dm ia tiju pm n 1101 am mo so will run dally except bun- day no 41 to acton only station phone 13 biff frames cna tun tabls ostag bast passenger 1 passenger j passenger loll uau l fa saunter amu uau 633 passenger em5 passenger sunday tsi geeaf waai uau 1m passenger a3 passenger 10js pa 113 uall m raamiitar s0s passenger tos paessnger sunday 1034 gelug nertb uau us uall j gelag tianifj uau has uau 710 pan pjn pja pm pm pjn jo pin cestral ortari bus lbms ltd arrow coaches leave daorcatown as follows- aaat bound watt bound t40 ul s4s aj ims ajn 345 run ms pl ft40 pjn lost pan beturdsyeioto pn saturday sundays bolldayi sundays holiday ah bailllbts at nsettagtsei store direcfory you just cant grow profitable hogs without sturdy frame any more than you could build a sky- scraper on a weak frame and you cant build sturdy frames with out the material thats why ao tnanyimccessfulhograisers around here are supplementingtheir grain with purina pig chow pig chow has the minerals in it that make strong frames and fast growing bogs phone us today for a supply of pig chow i mi shv msm lb boy dale barrister aaa gaueuar claorgstown ontario oaeaaklnf bide ulll st clabkncb h wioodis barrister aallahar notary oaeaaokaul block oaorfatown telephone lbg john a thompson bantalar sallauar natary paula osnott uui street phone 331 ass db j j padtvob paul p aaa narflial mf officer of health la nrgim township office hours 3 to 4 and 7 to s pas pkaaa st office and residence main street lauth opposite pnabytarlan church dbo v wnxtaiu physician and surface uadlcal officer of health oaorfatown ooee and residence quaan st south office bonn 13 and pjn also by appointment s b watson djmk mjjjj oaargatawb 3feee basni to i exeeft ttearsaey afttratia p l heath umv djml office m lana block on door aorth of cneuls oarriata factory hours ajn to pm db b uubmonth vatartnary surgeon phona 340 ualn su n omkontavotio vrnubir tee cfcl passur oraaaau u m uillhlaa barren xray service ooca ever nomlnlon star offlo hours wednesday sad saturday i to s and 7 to s run other days and hours by acpotnunant pkaaa ihw nllian ifsj at lfltt tll u3 tuatday and prlday 3 to djn i getting keeping get your account paid keep your customers our service does this kelly aiken diplomatic collectors onuuravllla gallon omn round hark every grave nothing is nun lasting or mora appropriate to eommwnnrsts tn mamory of loved ones who haw gone before than beautiful ann ua well caned with our present equlneient and faeillues no plant is better prepared to offer better values or a better stock to choose from than can be secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to see our stock and get quotations en uonumants usrkers or corn er stones before plaatat an or der anywhere asrb is aetm j niobox wwb also branshorts mids oil cake gluten meat meal bone meal tankage charcoal grit oyster shell salt cornmeal oat and barley chop flour porridge oats philip g early 175 cicmyn w maefayden manager mft in power ease of driving and flexibility the new mclaugklinbuick out performs any car i have ever driveti m v 3- ix smmliiiiiisilaim uiin ii l l iiiiii ill ill u lilltllhll il 111 11 sell your iream at home whet tm cu sej the highest grade and the best price fwa every silbrway waal georgetown creamery co m saxe manager agents far lfeeetta cwaas aesaralere call and see these i illlstlll the owner quoted above has been driving autououle tor is veari and has an intimate knowledce of motor car pertorniarue and value yet his eav thuelastie comment inertly typifies that of thousands who have turned to mclaughlin buick after nif their own rvsf ring tens not only have mocorut in all parts of the country accepted mclaughlin bulcks invitation to get behind the wheel and eet the facts about mclaughluvbulck performance but they have entered orders for more than twice as many mclaughllnbulcks as any other car at or above its price be lure to drive mciuehluvbulckt try it in traffic on die stralghtawav up the steepest hill the more tfaoroogh your tests the more careful your com parisonsthe more inevitably will they lead you to mrlanghunbuickl aeaiss mclaujihlin buisk s v king gtorgstown ontario t wui b t1 aw itiilti tiff milllnlliilifc wul bttju tm nobval crabagrjs oat hlkhway prompt service on repairing of all makes of cars we guarantee our work and our prices are reasonable british american gasoline and autolene oik norman norton norval ont phone 327r32 brampton set your alarm for jy evening rates on stationtogtation tele phone calls now begin at 700 pjn with about 25 off the day rate night rates on gtariontostation calls now apply from d30 pjn to 430 ajn with about 50 off the day rate the minimum reduced evening rate is ss cents and the minimum night rate 35 centsjt you can reverse charges now- as an added convenience you can now reverse charges on stationtoatation calls where the rate la 25 cents or more the bill tbxxfhomk comtaky or canada radio supplies cge batteryless radiolas we offer a fair allowance on your old set cgx hot point appliances house wiring prices quoted on request phone 199 murdoch st georgetown ataww m reaml era mu dom atmpaw itisw tka sbmi iui taal laa aamu iw 41mm by lal ll j sr iwii mifc u la wulbr ui altoas la lab et hiwulm ulr sab dal sdfc em u ilu i cuutu e i a re wii siis iiese ihs- blrkielln blearl rsg 78e 1 ik 9e v- sbs s st uq sil is lb i tia lis tiae sjtu u suaam17a t ojailiar jsle isuussag a 1mt rtt m mmytuu osjartsreala peaches sa tla uilm tltt s3 bpsslsl oetia soap a 49 soap msuuujja salmon 9kamb ibs ckejsttjm cul osssi fiaaassji domiiiiom stores luflted motherhood uothert the word that falli on ear of man with ynphony and love and all alia too strikes my itrlns upon the harp of mans treat heart and mans greet eomeletue too thy name it suartuv thee as a royal spread and cuts a halo round thy eaered head mother whose jay reflected in a tiny form cuddled aaalntt thy tare protecting breast thy heart beets fast the lovllhl in thy eye kjeerjesfcs for pode felr glftr a place of rest to thee let every heart acclaim and elng in unison thy name uother whose boy with burning eyes of glee tells of his dreams in faroff manhood land of greet things he will do but greetar suit wight for the right end hsvlng fought to ttsnd why do the teers oome mother dear because his dreams might fsll you fesrf uother of young man in the prima of ufa justly thy heart bursts forth with joy and pride vor all thoee boyhood dreams oome true those hopes matured and thou are seated at his prlnoely tide yes thou hast done thy duly nobly true and ood hath smiled upon thy efforts tool mother the name brings m eyee to ell the chair is vacant end the home is ttlll where srt thou uothert the answer eomes done on a journey at my pethere wlltr then far beyond x eee a beckoning hand come this way boy ths way to treesuretsnd uother where u this perfect netful place what mean theee myriad hosts we number not pree from the emxt end tolls which ones we knew why snr our trisls and teare of earth forgot uy boy this is our horns indeed this our ctarnsl fhaee and yonder cometh christ who paid the prioel stlbscbibcb public school report abil urobt br tv hon idlth buulvsnt mel lie uaynsrd david crlchton bemlce minonsld evelyn heertweu albert wullsms jeen kvsns roes dunesn wilfred brookes rase ruth uc- nslly nathan silver uexlne bell roes pou idsvld ssxe percy 8axs uons scrymgeour vemon uccum- ber aueen bell eileen cotufui wal ter nonington verdun wright ruth beaumont lawrence cole jr iv hotul uargeret long eddie lunan osrl hyde pete edna hur ley ifargeret simons bessie hilt also atkliu john cummins elsie carter rlcbsrd rlddsl prank ksnt- nsr osvell device hssel smith clsr- enee kennedy usrgaret kentner jim uscnlven bsrsbsra tost dorothy wright lloyd ssnderton harvey allen normsn herbert bessie wal ker mary deerlng sr hu pess martaret hugglns chester cols sr ntb hosl roy leoey isn mso- kensle duncan tost bruoe kennedy dorothy ulmms russell vsrey doris laoey prank bolger arthur cook pass hsrry dewhurst eric korrlng- ton kenneth merkenile una digfuu brock hsrley irene stsrret hsrry wullsms usrjorle edwsrds usry tost dorothy sstfent kathleen uul- housnd phyuu edwsrds hssel wal ker roele loruua jun velentlne jsck polls godfrey collier annie lor- usso usrtha edwards jsck ounnlng- hsm i junior m honors ruth davis josephine poue vema laoey usry uouiers day has found a place inpeuer albert stsnelton prance deans ths heart of every thoughtful men pnd armstrong olsnna leslie pass and woman for they an what they wilfred uurrajr buly bralsby are largely because of their mothers betty simons audrey uerrlt james tasrhtng snd influence thoee of us emerson betty keens clayton whose mothers have paseed to their reward have realised when too late how much we owe them for their lov ing care pstlent sympathy eamett prayers kindly advice not alwaya needed and keen interest in ail our youthful undertakings which did much to encourage and bring out the best thst was in us then is no love like a mothers it balks at no sserlflee it knows no limit it rises to heaven and links the child of lie love with ood in faith motherhood is the guardian angel of ehlld welfan and promising adolee- oenee while it keeps in touch with au moral snd social nforms snd nukes the governments of the country realise the power of the woeums vote snd in fluence in all that tends to ennoble life and build up character afofners day once a year the name of mother u particularly remembered with flowers it is weu that certain days are named for those who have occupied such a prominent plsoo in the world ss mothers for somshow or othsr there is a tendency to forget in the rush of a busy worlds sffsirs the one who loved and labored to make those who followed after them happy and eon- tented a looking hack into the past is help ful to the best of people to reeau the scenes of childhood and the inspira tion of thst period of life the uother strengthens the best of us snd nklndles ths spark of love into a bright flame of remembrance it was the mothere who kissed the hurts to mske them weu it was the mothers who watched over the sick snd nursed them back to health it was the mothera who impart ed the hop and the courage and strength of character to boy and girl ss a preparation for lifes struggle thst mothers day ihould then be remembered is tha most nstural thing in the world and tie better far to re member the uvlng mothers thsn to leave tha kind words and tha fragrant flower till they een neither hear nor understand the meessgee that love dic tates mothers day is a happy thought but the thoughtfulness need not be confined to one day hi the year when then an three hundred and sixtyfour other dsys on which to showsr similar klndnesiee which even then could ne ver npsy for the isbon of love thst mothers never expect pay for the kings message king oeoffge has addressed a mess age of thanks to the empire which is singularly moving in its sincerity the kings illness proved to all the world the universal love and respect in which he is held by his subjects in all psrts of the bmpira and it gave the pmplee outside the dominions the opportunity of expressing their solici tude for his leeu to this latter the royal means refers with special significance i cannot dwell on the generous tympeuiy shown me by un known friends in many other count- tries without a new and moving hope i long to believe it is possible thst ex periences such as mine may soon ap pear no longer exceptional when the national snxltles of all peoples of the world thsll be felt as a common source of human sympathy and a common claim on human friendship x am not yet able to bear tha strain of a public ceremony but i am looking forward to some sppolnted dsy for joining my people at home and overeeas in thank ing ood not only for my own recov ery but for the new evidences of growing kindliness significant of the true nature of men and nations in the meantime i hope this message may reach all those even in the most remote eomere of the world from whom i hsve received words of sym- pathy and good wui notes and comments the pergus newsrecord lias dis covered thst tha ontario legislature is violating a law of its own promul gation in thst it is employing twelve boys ss psgee in the house the old est of whom is said to be only twelve yesrs old pupils participating in the school fain this year will not be able to secun potato seed eggs to set or chicks to rslss from the dpartment of agriculture as in the past they can make their choice from stock on the home farm provided that they show irish cobbler dooley and green mountain potatoes and barred rock and white leghorn oockenls and pullets occasionally it happens thst someone gets mall from the post of fice belonging to someone else which has inadvertently been put into the wrong box in a bulletin issued by the poet office department passing along information and announoementa we note that a man gt holland land ing was sentenced to so daye im- prleonment for wilfully keeping a poet letter which was not his rtfoperty in futun if you should get a letter in your mau to which you an not enut- led see thst it is ntumed to the post ofllee st once beeton world raibtno the license fee of the transient trsdera bul by sn act of par liament at the ncent session wui mske the engaging in such business very unprofitable in most eases snd pro vide some sdded protection for regu lar merchsnts the set imposes a license fee of not leu than tloo in a city or town not mere than tsoo and in a township or village not more than 300 a transient trader la denned as one who hss not resided continuously in a municipality for at least three weeks provision is nude for credit ing this sum on taxes to be paid try the- trader afterwards any transient trader who earrlee on business with out a license wui be fined not lees thsn tlo or more thsn outside of increasing the license fee for tren- slsnt traders the set is not altered and the desln of come town eounclle to secun on hswkers and peddlera le not gratified bradley isabel iloare stewart uc laren harry allen elmer stoekfordt sanitarium association halton rifles by col ballantyne dao continued from last week hajob pantonb stobv op the mubeetby op eabxieb dav8 i enclose major pentoni record of the uuskeuy of other days and with out oomment except that then was no rifleman in tha ragtment more capable or more consistent nor any uvlng whose records and remlneeoen- oee would be more interesting or nun accurate pouowlng this we wul take up the prewar days and then mobulsatlon and the part taken by the reglmout in the oreat war uuloo april oth 1mb dear ool bsllantlne im afraid that by this time you have givsn up hops of reoelvlng the enclosed record of the performances of the shooting nun of the halloo rifles but it was not easy to get the particulars incomplete as they are i nave the oaa report for ls7g and lag to lasa inclusive also those of the dju for the latter eleven years which oovsr nearly au the shooting at the djta matches i was alone then for several yean and our corps had fsw representatives after i quit at the end of itsf col moore should be able to gin you some particulars though i dont think he did much shooting after being at blaley in itsm my son kenneth was alone at ottawa and i think at toronto in mob shooting in ths iiiral corps fsll off on sooount of tha dubculty in getting safe and suit able ranges for the leeenfield i shot more or leas at toronto baton ims but unfortunately did not keep tha ojta reports pamphlets which i suppose wen printed but perhaps they wen not that is baton larg if they wan should think i would have kept them or soma of them ool moon or major grant may have eome of them u they an in existence but i fancy au the reports up to last year should be found at tha military instltuts toronto of which i am not oontlnusd en paec j earl hornby edwin shortu earl wilcox bemlce speen arthur bum vent viola ooatlgsn oeorge ruddal sr n hon audrey grieve elms tost ernest hyde doris green robert poulls edna simpson stephen em- merson i doris keen buue latimer mildred davidson john graham violet ingram pass irene carter norman barker walter brentford plossle smith elmer ucoumber margaret evans grant ulmms usry collier dorothy uenlven ed ward arnold clifford hilts edward hugglns lorraine wright allan bry- den ervln huts arthur armstrong jessie mscdonald aueen dobble jane denlson evelyn woods prank king lorraine latimer jr n hon allot oostlgan arnold drill myer kat harold lunan jack hosre msrgant starret mae deans edna lsbss charlotte wilson ethel aleou passedith huts margaret king trevor wuiiams betty mc- gulgan willie cummin elgin simp son prances reeve piankun cleave marlon heidi helen holmee joan young queenle marchment jessie welters pearl carter i bulla mcnally ethel webster vera uarchment jimmie brunton buue oxley violet uaekls oordon speen pint book rons peggy oun mcdonald plorla peuer jean ruddel bemlce ilerrlngton msrjorie wullsms margaret oraham bobble goldham daisy bralsby annie bui- uvanu marjory keen jimmie louth ethel steenery ohsrlle iloare oeorge long percy king ethel riddel buue armstrong lusrgsmt jamas bruce mcniven passjack bolger bus ter hale eva harding theodore brown jimmie cummins bruoe hsr ley normsn reld douglas allat lao glavln wulla murphy percy king jessie hilts lois emmerson cleave wilson donald jourdaln leonard rayner primary lions james emmerson evelyn roney jean martin robert eariv asolyn hayes reggie broom- head norma thompson tommy oold- en pnd pitchett pranoet olven ralph whltmee pass wallsee star- ret arthur dobble ughtred dodg- son dorothy aloott herbert brown john ueclun arthur cameron doro thy oii douglas sargent jes sie aiungham uoruy vsrey prank carter edward olavln bernard dig gins the wellington county council decided unanunously to do away with payments for mileage and to be mora careful about allowsness paid for com mittee work a real live black fox was seen by some duridalk eltlxens recently a oouple of men took after the animal but it evaded capture nona of the tag black fox breeders la tha district tile roof of the bsuilahtottn- correspondence the editor the herald oeorgetown dsar sir the treasurer of the uuskoka hos pital for consumptives desires grate fully to acknowledge the following contributions received in oeorgetown by the field secretary of the national u e fleck tsoo j h bingham moo s osmpbeu moo dayfoot co 1350 oeorgetown lumber co 1mi leroy dale ib00 rev h dickie ds tsoo r ross da guo a a hume ii 00 u p ourtln gloo uiss e pear- in gl 00 uiss uurtha 1100 u sax 1100 j a thompson tloo j b uckensle ii 00 a dobaon 1j w l arant gl 00 a prlend 100 erwln ooldham gloo j h uuieo tl00 j oneul 100 l h wrsggelte gljoo a prlend tl00 a prlend gloo brills tioo c j buck tl00 w r smith 100 j mcdermld 31 00 sundry contributions 3339 making a total of 44 75 youra very truly oeorge a reld secntarytreasunr winneb8 in contest in the recent w c t u scientific temperance oontest through the nor- ciem meesenger4n the sunday schools of ihe dominion of oansda the fou- owlng wen the three highest boys and girls in the county of halton senior boys 1 norman gibson hon acton 3 sidney auker past hornby 3 david swaeknammer pass church- ul senior olrls 1 helen hurlburt honors muton 3 dorothy crawford honors muton 3 mae harris honors kilbride junior boys kenneth mar shall honors muton 3 arthur day- foot honors georgetown 3 olen campbell honors muton junior olrls joy oalbralth honors muton 3 bemlce mcdonald honors george town 3 prancls deans honors oeorgetown acton dr and mr t d j parmer who have been spending the winter in new orleans i ntumed home on tprl- day messrs harold wllee and earl h vincent spent seturday in toronto and spent a couple of houn in a tour of the new star building messrs j m mcdonsld o t beardmore c hansen dr ii a cole r j kerr and reeve mason as mem- ben of the rink advisory committee an on a tour of inspection to view rinks at beaverton and other plaoee today mre john locker who has been suf fering for some time from gangerene wa removed to guelph hospital last weak when a portion of her left leg was amputated friends wul be pleas ed to know thst her condition lire ported a satisfactory and wui wish her a speedy recovery the repaln to the storey glove co factory necessitated by the damage wrought by the ncent wind storm have bean rather extensive it wa found necessary to take down a sec tion of the brick wall and rebuild it when tha storm lud torn off tha 000- the work had to be done from i f ttalr buudlng of the w5snndopm n- jjj jsssi gauttllging of olxrss