Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1929, p. 4

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pab4 the georaetown herald wednesday may 15th 1929 over two hundred trains daily t alnau ttseurgeetu canada and eom paring vary favorably wltb some of taalargestla tfia united state tha montreal terrains oi tha canadian paella railway hva 40 nllaa of double main track elx of elagle main track is switching and delivery yards over s00 privet individual idiot and three tntereuang tracks with other railways making a total of ovar 260 miles of track an average of 12 passenger and i0o freight train an handled dally tha number varying at different eauotta nearly 8000 freight and passenger ears ara raovad ovary day 1 transfer and yard aatlnaa ara in service 24 houra of tba day and frequently addi tional locomotives ara required between 8200 and 3500 man ara employed constantly then ara two large paaesnger yards qlea yard at weetmount and place vlger of whfeh tha former la tha larger and mora important elae it takaa care of alt incoming and outgoing tralna to and from tha windsor atraat station an average of vo tralaa antar and laava tha windsor atatioa and an avaraga of40 place vigor station dally whlck wean that s outgoing tralna at iseit have to ba awltchad daily than enn made raady inspected watarad lead and cleaned in preparation for thabrjournay freight traffic la mora dimeult to handl than pasaangar 01 tha isewitchlng and delivery yard sortln outramont and hoehelag are tba largest incoming trains ara taken in tha receiving yard outgoing in tba elaaslneetlon yard and care held for ordere or repairs in tha bold and repair yard an important feature of freight traffia la tha prompt placing of all loaded care onto tha varloua private aiding public taam traeha and freight abed track throughout the city ao that the various consignees can take delivery of their ahlpmenu aa boon aa possible after arrival in tba receiving yards prompt placing of empty care for loading la another important feature aa la alio prompt movement of eara loaded in the city for ahlpment eluwhere during the navigation aeaaon an average of 400 eara loaded with package freight for export la alwaya waiting to ba unloaded further during the grain movement aeaaon there la alwaya an average of 1000 eara of grain on hand heavy traffic meana eonitant attention to inaure maximum of eafety the main line track are laid with 100lb rail and rockballasted nearly 200000 new tlei and 2600 srross tone of ralli were laid in the main line and yard track during 1927 without earning a minute delay to traffic there are four engine houiea on tha terminal each with atalla for from 24 to 38 englnea and on the average 180 tralna are dis patched every 24 houra for passenger and freight tralna there are on the terminal 226 building 125 bridge and culvert and many hundred of draina along the rightofway a ma poo a man may loae hi houae and lot 111 rrlenda may peas him by lie may not have a thin dime left to rent alab of pie dut if he own the homeliest and saddest dog in town he has one pal whoae honeet love will never turn hbn down a man may kick hla mangy pup and nna lilm day and night 13111 will the faithful cur be true and greet him with delight lifelong he alts upon the porch ami wage hta happy tall to greet ma lord when lie ahall come prom parliament or from jail exchange otik touriht traffic it i very nldent front the ever inrreaslnit number of care from the u b seen on our highway during tlie summer montlii wet our tour- ht trnrtlc la steadily increailng with the proceed from our pulp nnd nuiier industry or from our min ing activities the following from tlie financial pane of a recent to- sue nf tlie toronto olobe u worth considering one or tlie greatest contributing i factors to the stimulation and up- gliding of canadian business in recent yeara has been tha country tourist truffle it was offlclally est imated by the department of the interior that the value front all classes of tourist travel reached 3u1miyx in lfw and that this waa far surpassed in teaa sc estimated ibm totals as even hav ing exceeded m0m0a certainly- tourist tratel bring lo canada an income compa with the value of either the coun try s pulp and paper or mineral production in ism tourist can en tering canada numbered sums 455 as compared with i15sjm in lah an increase of fiooaoo eara or more care than ara owned by canadian direct stimulus from this incursion comes to railway and steamship companies to companies acuta gasoline and oil to hotels and to all those catering to va in the playground areas of north ern ontario aa well aa in tha eeen- lo beauty spots of the seaside prov inces and the lake and forest reg ions of the island provinces the greater attention being paid to pro vincial and dominion park lands and to motor roads in every part of canada seems likely to increase this trend toward canada if bus iness continues at its present level in the united states through tha may even be an increase of the holi day migration from the united states to canada over the banner year of ism was honored for service to royalty walur itoglnald dakar c v o former secretary of tha can adian pad fie railway and the last surviving member of tha erifinal traffic organisation of tha line diad on april 1 at hia hotaa la montr mr dakar entered tha service of tha c pr two tuyi af tar tha ornntiatloa of tb eoto pany in 1881 udnuradatuaoam request on january 1 1917 ha waa in hla 77th yaar during hla thirtyova years aafviea with tha cpr ur baker waa assistant to tha general super intendent aatlaunt to tha pra- akunt aaatatant to tha vic-jn-e- aidant and eeeretary previous to hia association with tha railway ha waa prlvata secretary and eowp trolurtolord duffarln qoraiuor- 1 qanaral 187478 dora in york engund oa usy 25 1862 mr baiter came to the country alona at tha aga of 18 yaara tha boy bagan to aatabuah a caraar for himau aarly and aftar paaalbg through aavaral etagaa of profraaa toward auoeaaa found himaalr at tha age of 22 prlvata aeeretary of ul ilajattya repreaantativa in tha dominion later ha beeame attached to the treasury department and waa aielatant aeeretary of tha treasury beard at ottawa juat before tha c pr waa orgaaliad in tha hlatorleal organisation of tha railroad ur dakar waa one of tha principal actor before ba died tha former aeeretary put down on paper aa tha laat aur- vivinf number of tha original group juat what were the dr- a aurnhindlng tha begin in hi autobiographical account o i aald at once i will go wher ever you want me to go on tha way to winnipeg there t atop war abort afopa at chicago and st paul where ur baker bad an dnga of tha treat eorapanye or- rauauoa tha eompany formed on february 15 1881 waa m jsj and tha organlxatioo maatlng of tha board of director waa held two daya later charla drlakwatar waa named aeeretary of tha com pany the urat offldal to be ap- polatad according to the account cfthe hlatorleal erect a reuted by uw baker ur bakari story dttmean uelntyre later tint vleavprealdent of the company waa a member of the syndicate which had planned the organiia- tiobofthecpr h had raided pfofnl to ur baker some time before that if the canadian pad let w ate btlur cvjo fla railway venture eama to any thing ha would remember him in hla account of tha matter ur baker recount that the matter had paaaed out of my mind whan on the night of february 18 1881 ha received a maaaage from mr ualntyr i waabuavlataat night in my office in tha aatern block at ottawa preparing tb eaumatea for parliament when i boy walked in with a telegram ur baker related following the instruction con tained in the maaaage ur bakar went to the bank cottage the little house attached to the bank of montreal for tha use of members visiting ottawa and there met the little group of great builder of the great road thare seated at a table were donald smith later lord strath- cons george stephen later lord mount stephen i k b angu and duncan uclntyre the upshot of hi interview with these historic figures was that he went to winni peg with a b stlckney genersl aupeiinttmdent of the cpr west- am divuion as accountant on construction and auditor of opera tion the salary was 50 per cent but tor than i was trotting in the rlvil forvlce mr linker explains opportunity of looking into the american aystem of railway ac count a special train took tha party to winnipeg those with tlr baker were a b stlckney fanaral superintendent william harder assistant trafllo manager joel may auperintendant and f c butterfteld master mechanic this party waa tba original traffic organisation of tha canadian paci fic hallway ur baker recorded before wa arrived at winnipeg be continued ur stlekney de cided that ha wanted ma to act aa hla aaatatant and i waa accordingly appointed to the position of assis tant to tha ganaral euperlntend- anf- variau appoint man ta ia winnipeg lit baker bald several poefuoaa aurnmlvaly lo tha cpr ha waa purchasing agant aaatatant to general manager local treasurer aaatatant to general superintendent executive agent and nlled aeveral other positions he waa also connected with the manitoba and north wast rail way in 1901 ba left winnipeg for montreal oa that occasion he waa presented with a solid aliver service by tha bmlnaaa community of tha western city during hla connection with the railway mr bakar came into eon- tact with several royal personage he wa in charge of the royal train over the c pr lines during the several visit of tha prince and princess of wales now tha reigning monarch i prince arthur of con- naught and prince fushlmt in return for hi aervieaa to these royal visitors ha waa presented with aeveral testimonial and re ceived aeveral title among hla titles were commander of tha royal victorian ordar com mander of tha ordar of tha sacred treasure of japan esquire of the order of st john of jerusalem and freeman of the city of york he held audieneee with their majesties king george and queen mary at buckingham palace lo 1911 the knights of industry little harry and us chums were having a eat time eoaaung oa fletcher hill fleshing i ateep track hi little aled caught in tha and ha waa dashed agant tock below tba knee- things looked netraffleleeman on the nearby corner sensing an accident etopped a bu telaakoa h wu pamlng he knew from experience that the crew would be able to render first aid el llaji aasiaua aw ssailatle smaai all aalll bla i la i laetj staa i ktac i areetlaal i tire city or oasis oataraa sale will be operataa by the caaadlaa pacific hallway a golf eoure and pleasure nark wol ba alas eetabllaked the whole aaderlaktag bsvolriag an eipenanare of about loeeee the stnapliiotta or bourloa lounge car put lop ml vice by ike c p b aa rear end wbemet aboard ike traaacaluaa limited is being nicknamed ike mustard puster car ii wu facetiously auggeeted by railway ofneula that the company should provide pae- eengere wltb mustard plsslera aa h was recently claimed a bnglaad that tbeee were more effective than ultraviolet rare this eoalen- tlou was disproved bowever and the trouble taken by the railway u glaslug ibe end son room of lbs ear with special vltsglaaa whleb admits the ultraviolet and most beneficial rays of the aun was justified otlelara of east can now freree in tbe lion wltb the and extension graph carrier facilities were the r p ft la ibe spak to their con- weet aa in connee- recent improvement ol tbe rallwaye tele system telephone also thrown open the community of globe trotter who made a hreult n the globe during tbe wlaeer aboaid tba tan- adlan paelfle ihser empreas of australia contributed e series of remarkable heme to the social notes of tbe new york newapapsra when tbelr veasel terminated her voyage there an engagement a marriage ektd the birth of five children to a japaaew passenger were announced constituting la the opinion of taptala latta comman der of the cruise ship something hitherto unrecorded in seafaring annate the five japaaeaa babies were appropriately named the em press or australia empress of scotland empress of pvanje empress or cinada and bae- preee of russia after tha tiaata of tha canadian pacific fleet tha bahle were eanarfea- d c coleman vfeepreeldent of western lines of the canadian pa cific hallway ba been elected a director of tbe uetrenehtab life laauranee company of new tori the only other canad director la hon u a tajeuarean premier of the province of quebec a tunnel built at a cost of ttt m makes it now possible for trains from north vancouver to connect with the canadian pacific transcontinental irystam the first train making use of tba saw con necting link that also make oa of tbe aeooaj narrows bridge and tha harbour rail ayatasa carried the flovernoraeaaral aad many distinguished weetarsers funerals and wadding can od no terrors ror csptaln prank 1114- dlaton of tha caaadlaa paelflo ship alberto whs baa been pre- eented wllh no laaa than three top bate as captain in charge of the veasel asterlng the porta of banll rte usrle port hcniroll aad fort william for the first time this aea aon opening navigation at each point be waa trlven ike tradlfenal welcoming addreaa and presentl with a silk hat en earl occasion ills three shining toppers repose la a neat row in hla enhra and it a estimated that it will take three hundred yeara lo wear them all pub tha contract for a new fast steamship to ply between saint jbba and dtgby nova scotia will shortly be awarded by tha caaa dlaa pacific railway it has lieea announced by b w beatly ehalio man and president of the company tha chip will be of tba algbaat standard tl feet la length eaaw able of carrying km nasssntora and having 44 state rooms tor night aarvtoa there anil also ba accommodation for u molar care tha speed of the vaeael win ba s knots as unusually atgk apeed tor a short trip the aap ran freely this aprinc but it wilt have to go eom to ear pass the record for laat yaar wheel then waa aa increase of four ll- lloa pounds of miple sugar reaje- tered by government statisticians tba output waa rained at over two million dollar aad quebec beaded the list of province a producer followed by ontario tb dally sayrail of the ataa- dlan pacific b i14tm0 tb dally outlay for maurial and aoppllea is ilkusao aid tha dally tax bill ovar prssinl building prince george dog af oleoeee- tsr third ana of hi majesty will early in jnaa efhcully open the great royal york hotel of ta idfab pacific railway la tor- jt aaa baaa aaaauoad by b ttty kc chairman aad it of tha eompany the tiding la the talleat i tha british empire towering u storeys shore the pareens of the q city ia a recent calgary algkaeawl oratorical eontaat ta bagtlah esa- dldalaa la tha finale war bora respectively la canada england lithuania rauasanla aad russia of three edmonton candidate oa waa of preach on of oennaa aad one of hootch agtraetlon few souvenirhunting travel lore have bagged ta flaw a ansa aa vlacoual wlillacdda downer oeneral of canada who waa area- ntd with one of the biggest telem poles oa the pacific eoaat during his recent emu la the princess nana lata addition to the fleet of tb brttlab columbia roasts steamship eervleee of la canadlaa pacific railway ni bg- eelleaey waa given an insight lata lb activities and potentialities of vancouver island and waa much impressed by tb beauty of the coaatai eoeaery a parly or taacigraala who with in a short tla are ei peeled ta multiply in lerre numbers aad be come tborougui ceasdlsalsed ar rived in slontraa raeently via tha canadian pacific rapirsa tay were rabblte brown ratblt aeat from oertnaay ta polafa in ontario for breediua poipo they ap peared to ba bob tb wor for thlr loag journey aa1 constantly nlhhled al lmue offered them by admlrlns ospreasmea the only man who oey a general news pargua tax rate hsa been struck at si mllla oochrmne has decided on a 119 rate so we are not so badly off bra music publishers of new york re port that the life of popular sonca la now only four months whereas it used to be at least a year the merriton town hail in which waa housed the entire flrenghtlng equipment of the place waa destroy ed by lire with an estimated lose of sumo aa soon as the ground dries sutri- ciently three gangs of men will go to work laying the gas mains from llain- uton to supply the lake shore com munities aa far east as oekvllle police are investigating the theft of two in gold used in dental work mysteriously removed from the ofnoe of dr h c skinner auelpii dentist the loss was discovered when the otncea were opened the bylaw granting funds for an extension to the high school burling ton was carried by a majority of m after being defeated on two former occasions seventyseven thousand dollars is reftliesled port credit is launching on an am bitious high school- program and liaa started the erection of a tenrootn school with gymnasium dining room cafeteria and two science rooms the cost is estimated at 41t06m precipitated to the bottom of a well on her fathera farm when the cover gave way jan crowder 3yeerold daughter of mr and mrs wilfred crowder second concession pualincb township lost her life by drowning a special train of tractors valued at mmam recently reached begin saskatchewan there were m0 mac hines in all occupying 90 railway eara tn tractor were dlstrtbuted to far mer buyera in baakatchewari and al berta harry e moor prominent business man of oekvule died at his residence oolborn st yesterday in ma list year mr moore had not been well for eom weeks he wa a dseen dant of on of oakvulea pioneer a lady asks tha editor of a e- bbfljtf pag why mu pegejat til talking to you whan sou are tn th chair perhapa it i because you an in m ehalr and raejulr astattamnunt during treatment but it must b hard on tha lady not to he able ta talk talk a ah aantt ta tb two hundred and fifty acre pro perty on the fourth line of albion known a the meewen farm ha been sold to l st clair little while the rowley farm on hundred and fifty acre has been rjurchased by andrew henderson mr thomas edison is reported to have directed a process by which rub ber ean be manufactured from certain weeds imagine what would happen if th weeds selected by the wiaard inven tor should drove to be sow thistle and wild mustard after flv yeara ministry in btjetv- burg united church rev a p bans- ford ha tendered hla mslstaiion during hi pastoral a new cnurcrj with seeling capacity for mo persons has been erected ru resignation waa accepted with regret th oekvule council decided to hava th taxes paid in three instalments in stead of two a formerly the first in stalment will be due july 6th and will be 60 of th whole th second or will be payable sept- 8th and th remaining 29 on nov 5th victor dumhleton an employee at th dye works in woodbridg may have lo have hi right arm amputated a the result of having it drawn into a rouer machine on monday hbranrs waa crushed aa far aa th elbow he wa rushed to th western hospital mia mary o overs daughter of mr and mrs john byers oekvule will leave th middj of this month for labrador to serve with tb inter national orenfeu association havlnc volunteered as a travelling artist- she la an honor graduate of the ontario college of art some person apparently a lady write to the orangevlu banner suggesting a mall deuvery in that town because a lot of people tnak th evening mall an excuse to go down town at night surely no on would take the hut excuse away from the poor husband dangerous comers at the road to th mill and that tn th opju station at cheltenham mad th womens insti tute decide at their annual meeting to erect tram eigne in lb village they will also undertake work in connection with th improvement of th sidewalk damsged by recent storms o p r employ have been busy during th put week repairing a bad washout at the porks otoredlt bta the etauon had lo be moved back to th bank and new track laid portunately workmen discovered th washout in time to atop a freight train from tolng- over th sardxuutment ernest st john a vetem living near bolton lost bis right eye when tb bullet with which he was reload ing his rifle exploded tb fragment entering tba eye mr l verier a neighbor called dr a h reynar of pajgrav who gave tn injured man every a arista nos but wa unable to save th ey all oalcvule flnnghtlng equip ment was called into requisition at a brisk blase in marlatfa tannery but week th br artgmeted in on of lb atoreraonu fwaq irirumwuru material and wa dimeult to light it wa subdued oaf or it eouid reach th main building but not before oonild arable damage tea occasioned tn fin twohundradaen farm mown aa many brookwarm dundee highway near oakvill wltb the stock and implements has been sold to davit and brothers toronto this fin property wa purchased by col h o cox some year ago from w y pet- tit and waa later aold to w t marry it i on of lb moat valuable farms in this district tb county plowing match wa held then on year ago almost every day some arganhatlon la paying a tribute to newspaper ad vertising the other day at a con vention of restaurant keepers on of th delegatee aald wave triad all sort of stunts but lb only advertis ing u bring results wa thai placed in the newspapers it u vital to keep tb nam of your place in th newspap er what is good in tb restaurant business i good for all kinds of busl- mb jamen davidson for fiftyone years mathematical teacher at ouelph col lege institute aska today that th board of eflncatlnn relsaae him from hi teaching duties at th end of tb present term in june ii has reached the aa of tl yean but u still active and la regarded a on of th beat taaehcra of rnaijvtniauca ib th pro- vine he ba only mlsasrl esven daya of leeching in nftyon years those daya because of illness united church ofnclal at palermo an planning lo mark lb 101st an nlversary of the founding of method ism in this district with special ser- vlnaa on sunday may 11th and a ban quet on the following evening it i worthy of th pioneers who started tb work that baa been successfully carried on down through tb nam rev h a christie of brentford will he one of the speakers the maple leaf quartan ofoalt will assist with the ourant v tut seel csutmlj mtltr btumx feiirwhttl btaiti mu sum rimug ckj full jev jvew rrefiesr efieager cars fewer aad sixes fveer e7 i f j5 unlit otl sf ferfery ef xexrr ejo4 j features that scoounted for its ptienomcruf silet records of 1928 while cotitsinlng additional rctwrnenu it adheres absolutely to the f undimenta principles of value that rortutettrl all durim products to careful buyers complete detailed jnornutlon ami aa opportunity to drive and judge the duranc for yourself await you at your deakra auuvrav mfttanr motors el canada tbottb toaoerro durant b8 ruoby trucks in v ton to t ton capacities speights garage phone 279w georgetown a harrieton resident bout of hav ing shot a snake in harrlaton otmetery last week which measured h inches the snake was eharmlnf a bird when it wu shot n o downey of albion lost ninety valuable rock hen on prlday when bold chicken thieves drove tbelr auto close to his farm to the early hours of th nvrrntng entered th chlhren house and took nearly every bird a meeting of york county oreat war veterana wu held at king city on sunday afternoon whan primary arrangements wen made for a mon ster demonstration on july 1st on sir henry pellata farm king township to enoourage tb etudy of tnuelo ft th township schools streetvule pair board hu decided to offer a silver cup for competition tn music at th ims pair with second and third prises to be named by local teachers stxtnt night i crept upstairs my shoe in hand juat u th night took wing and i saw ray wife four feet above doing th elf seme thing hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall first class workmanship on all kinds of job work

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