Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 22, 1929, p. 2

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pate 2 the georgetown herald wednesday may 22nd 1924 1 it had to havesix aualtty to ract such v people as ese meovioor suddenly u uh meult of mi accident on ttim may mui ei llmehouee ont john mmovloor dearly beloved husband of chruun noble progressive nohmomh i lata are beinl attracted by the tfiiwsasld to am poatiae bl six behuh it del bitf tikoyurtdtr thilf with omr ujbeonhiramiom eyllaow h d bmum its lineofdrive u eeeurataly bel ancwd bomum fa hi bu beautiful bodiae by pseber because it has the comfort of lovejoy shock absorber serin eovere the maturity of hit ooimim gidhthl fourwheel brakes and u ewey el bifeer features never before on 1 anywhere near in price you should aee poatiae big six before yott decide ea eey ear mimu pontiac jhsix 5 v king g tor f town jtopuct of cenctal motobs op canada tlmttug free railroad fare to toronto to enable you to purchase a car in the greatest used car sale we ever held this is your chance to buy a guaranteed reconditioned used car at an amazing ly low price we intend clearing out our large stock of used cars at prices far below their market value in order that you can take advantage of this sweep ing sale we will arrange to refund to you your railroad fare to toronto immediately upon your purchase of any one of our cars masuuaokk mckktuno xoku at georgetown on may isul ims by rev dr dick ie mile elk daughter of mr and urn o ki icam lo harvey hubert son of mr and mrs robert thicket ing of terra cotu fords chevrolet whippets stars and many other popular makes at prices away below their used car list price amazing bargains easy terms every car rtvcondttionede guaranteed free road service vvulys4verland sales co umttelt used car market bay st at grosvenor kingsdale and open 4145 909 bay st toronto evenings obituary william j arinott live funeral took place last friday afternoon to ci lurch wile eemelery of the late william john arnott a tor- met wellknown and highly fisleemed resident of that district who passed away wednesday at hi home hamil ton mr aritott was in hu 86th year and was bom on uur fifth concession chlnbuacousy he resided continu ously in ghlntmacousy ami toronto township up to about twelva yean ago when lie removed to hamilton beside hi widow he 1 survived by one ion hunter arnott of toronto township and one daughter mr r j graham ashgrove tiomah ktxiott one of tlie molt elderly native rl denu of esquesing township puud away on wednesday morning in the person of mr tttomu elliott of the second line just a mile or 10 below acton mr elliott wu in his eighty- fifth year and has been in gradually declining health for tome time until the end came yesterday morning mr thomas elliott wu bom on the farm on which he new reside ha lived there all hi life he wu a ton of the late george elliott fifty eight years ago ha was joined in holy wedlock to frances mckeown who with the family of five mull survive him the family are mrs john mc dowell erin mr frank wriggles- worth erin mia alice of acton david of acton and oeorge on the ivomestead two brothers and two sla ters of mr elliott also survive him peter at hymer in new ontario james in montana and mrs mcdon ald and mrs prater in british colunv bis thomas elliott had always lived on the farm on which he passed away unlike many of the changing farm scenes so often noticed these days thl farm has all through the year been known as the elliott farm of sturdy pioneer stock and holiest rugged opin ion thomas elliott was a man with many sterling characteristics he was a member of the ancient order of foresters and in religion affiliation was a member of the united church the funeral was held friday afternoon with service at the home at 3j0 o clock interment was made in pair- view cemetery free fru mrs annie owens mrs annie owens a well known and highly respected cltlten of george town passed away shortly after ax operation at the loekwood clinic tor onto on may 19th iftso deceased was a staunch presbyterian she was first a member of union presbyterian church in ism she became the wife of james alfred owens residing on the tenth line of esquesing near olen williams twenty years ago they moved to georgetown it was here in january ibm that mr owens passed away during her residence in georgetown she was a member of knox presbyterian church where she will be missed by a large circle of friends she leave to mourn her loss a daughter mrs o a anderson toronto and a stepdaughter mrs t macdonald union the funeral took place from her late residence queen st to olen williams cemetery the service was conducted by the rttev k maclean assisted by the rev e mcdonald norval the pall bear ers were d roundtree weston a clorldge acton h clarke w j campbell c cooke and a macdon ald james clark the death occurred at the home of his soninlaw j c cook olen will iams on may 13th of james clark a native of esquesing township and re cently a resident of toronto mr i clark who was in his 70th year came from toronto last week to pay a visit i to his daughter and was seised with heart attack suocumblng after i few days illness he was the son of the late william clark and farmed for thirty years on lot 34 7th line es quesing later going to toronto where i with two sons he engaged in the con tracting business his widow form erly miss margaret crawford sur- vlves him as weu as rour sons robert pred and prank toronto edwin new ontario and one daughter mrs t cook two brothers wullam john of i toronto and thomas cooksvifle also i survive mr clark was a member of the presbyterian church and a liberal in politic he was well known for his connection with esquesing municipal i council in past years having been in charge of important road building the i funeral which was private took place on tuesday may 14th the service be ing conducted by rev mr mcdonald 1 of norval interment took place in aienwiuiams cemetery the pall bearers were j ft lindsay louis miller james miller and three sons 1 robert frederick and frank clark ill iih111 1 ihiiiiti 1111 ill i i i ii hihw ford announcement to the automobile public of tm dulrlct norton motor of acton haa been appointed ford repreaentativea for georgetown and acton dutrict and are equipped to look after oil your wanta both for model a and model t ford care have you impeded the new ford model with the ahatterproof wind ahield 8 leu fully enclosed 6brake ayatem hydraulic ahock nbeorbere 40 hp motor at 2200 rpm 60 to 65 milea per hour 20 to 30 mile per gallon of ga oil consumption very low 30000 mile i not unuiual on a aet of tirea come in and drive the car youraelf and make your own comparison norton motors ford dealer acton and district fireatoae tare ford service em battery rn- u- mm hh stewarttown the aypa held its closing meet ing here on friday night last there was a good attendance after devo tional exercise the business of the evening was transacted officers were elected for the coming year and with- the exception of a few changes in committees were the same as 1 year vis president o english 1st vicepres m jenklnson 2nd vice- pre p english bectreaa ed sanford pianist jean thompson social committee mrs bally e bona than norman dally refrashment committee mr jenklnson lena har ris 8am tennant jr educational committee will oorley flora murray nill dons than sports committee bui bonathan will corley e bonathan a few words of appreciation were addressed to mr boyd for his help during the season a letter from in dia was read by e bonathan and i reading given by m jenklnson after a half hour of games the meeting closed by singing god save the king the esquesing womens institute held its annual meeting on friday may 17th and the following officers were elected for the coming year president mrs j wilson 1st vleepres mrs w lawson br 2nd vice-pres- mr h lawson directors miss e appelbe mrs j tracey and mrs 11 currle lunch com mr w lawson br mrs ii lawson mrs j tracey flower com mrs j corner mrs w lawson br diit director uiij r appelbe deleiates to diet annual mis e appelbe mrs w lawson br mrs a bird aihutorti mrs w lawson jr miss f murray i bemtarytresuvmrs a bird cartssf thaaka the family of the late mrs a owens hereby wish to acknowledge with grateful appreciation the kind enwesslons of sympathy extended to them by friends and neighbors during their recent berea keceptsoti ttjndered masonic grand master hon john ft martin oufwt of honor at the wkixinoton district mksttna held at ororoetown over bee ma hon ft present the greatest gathering of ever held in georgetown look palce al the arena last evening when the member of wellington dutrict a p at am tendered a reception to moil worshipful liro hon john s martin grand master of tlut grand lodge of canada in live province of ontario over five hundred member of the craft coiuutltig of grand lodge otttc or and mpreitentatlves of ute lodgcu uf the district sal dawn to bountifully laden tables tastily urranged in the airgo arena which was beautifully decorated with evergreens and large union jocks it was the occasion of the ootli an niversary of tlie found inu of credit lodge ap at am no 310 in ororge town and local members of the craft appreciated tlie honor or tiavlng tlw reception to the arand master by well inu ton dutrict held in aeorge town for ute first time in tlie history af tho town it was an event long to jo numbered wlven brothers met to do honor to a dutlnguulied and wor thy brother hon john b martin tlw arand master after all luul partaken of tlie de licious menu provided by tlie ladles ol he different churcltes and splendidly served by young ladles of the town uro w t evans worshipful master jf credit lodge spoke words of wel come to the grand master members j of grand lodge and visiting brethren tlwt toast lut was then announced oy r w bra wellington keffer loast master of the evening as foll ows the king responded to by tinging the national anthem grand lodge of canada in the thwlnce of ontario proposed by w ato j p cormlchael and responded io by r w bra r b dargavel de puty grand master and r w vv m logan grand secretary our guest proposed by ft j 11 cowan pddgm and ded to by m w bro hon martin grand master the grand master received a rous ing reception when he arose to address he gathering he kpressed his hear ty appreciation at seeing so many of he brethren of the dutrict present and believed that the warmth of the eception tendered htm would more than counteract the atmospheric eon- jltlons it wu a pleasure to shake tuuvds with so many of the brethren ind while he appreciated the com plimentary remarks of previous speak ers he paid tribute to the pl udld es- iutanee tendered him during hu term of office by the member of grand lodge and subordinate lodge of the district he said in part arand lodge must give credit to older mem- oers like major grant for its stssldlng today they had many difficulties jvlth which we have not to contend oday and their noble lives and great nfluence should bebslterns f ov us in the upbuilding of atfsonry all hon- jr to those stalwarts of the past to whom we owe a great deal for the idvaneement of our order we have wt problems to face and it is well for as to proceed along the same line by lelng true to our obligation that we nay serve our day and generation oe careful be conservative and eon- ider all matters very carefully we iwe our life to and should be proud f our mother grand lodge of brig and which ha built up a great mon iment of masonry throughout the jrarld there are enthusiastic masons n the royal family for which all have treat love the prince of wales la a nember of a provincial grand lodge we must not forget that each one of u owes a duty to our lodge and must llways keep in mind our obligation ind look to the future we are past he stage of operative masons and our order today u a great school for the building of character and cltlsenshlp- canada must always remain british and our opportunities far the upbuild ing of thu dominion of ours are greater today than ever before we are all empire builders and while young men of rood breeding and our jwn blood are coming into our coun try by the thousands we should use our influence to make them good cltisen rhey have their homesick days and what a wonderful help we could be by encouraging these boys and making their uvea brighter glutens of other intlons are coming to our country and v must not displse any of them but extend the hand of fellowship to all rhe one big ideal in masonry u the brotherhood of man and if these atrangers within our gates find us friendly they will make good cana dians aa masons we must realise our duty and opportunity we must be rareful about our selections as one oad mason can do great harm may the great architect assut and guide you in your endeavors and maintain masonry pure and unsullied in hu remarks the grand master ef erred to bro a o m bruyn oil umehouse as one from another land who had come to canada made a good cltlten and successful farmer he called on mr bruyn to stand up that tue brothers might see him at thu juncture r w bra john baker road spoke of the high es teem in which the grand master was held by the masons of wellington district and on behalf of them called on r w bra e v barraclough and v w bra major grant who presented the grand master with a beautiful iixandfether clock the arand master was taken quite by surprise and very feelingly thanked the donors for their beautiful sift which he would ever prise as a token from hu brother masons of welling ton district visiting brethren was proposed by r w bra dr ward woolner pjxdom and responded to by vis iting brethren during the evening selections were rendered by bt oeorgea boys choir of guelph under the able leadership of mr it o oeen their selections were wonderful and they delighted the large gathering they were repeat edly encored and generously res ponded miss m croft and mr geo rsuthby vocalist of guelph and mr l f greenwood elocutionist of nor val also gave selections which were much appreciated and enjoyed the junior wardens toast and the singing or the national anthem brought to a close one of the most memorable events in the history of masonry in georgetown town councils held special meeting new uniform pok plrkmen chief op police alho uetm new suit two speeul meetings of council were held during the post week on may litli council met and imus- ed the following resolutions moved by davu awwonded by parr tlut tlie chief be autltorlxed to get a police uniform for hlmutf not to ceed tsofl hi cost moved by parr seconuvd by mc fntyrc tlut tlie trwuiurer be instruct ihi to lutue u cheque to tlut plremrn for w2s 40 being half the cmpmuu for plre alarm byurni and balance or tfaaa in bank moved by cltavi noroiulml by ftp uey hint ve do now adjourn to moot npxt ttuimlay ulflht at b40 council met accortllnu to adjourn- irunl on may kith and nokscd tlvsvl following rckolutlon moved by douvy twomlhl by parr tlut tho mnyur neove and councillors cleave and mackenxlo be a committee to interview prospective buyer of pauiulry and report back to council the late john mcvsear atvltunt victim hurld at aylmer fauewinjf hervlw at trouu attended by over a hundred people funeral service for john macvicar who was killed in an accident at llme- iwuse on tuesday may 14th was held at hu late residence 63 st clair ave east by rev dr henry of deer park united ohurch assuted by rev mr harris interment took place on sat may lbth at aylmer in the presence of relatives several hundred friends and representatives of the department jf highways mr macvleor having oeen inspecting engineer of provincial roads in the counties of peel helton dufferin and slmcoe dulrlct engine ers hu colleague acted as pall-bear- jrs accompanying the body from to ronto they were j m mclnnes j h hawe h j jardlne w keith j a p marshall and arthur sedgewick the chief mourners were the widow son john and daughter helen five brothers archie arnold eric duncan and malcolm and two suters mrs d weir and mus annie macvicar well as many friends business i quaintanees representatives of deer park church of which mr macvicar was a member masonic brethem and oddfellows with both of which de ceased was affiliated also attended the service at the residence where tlvere were hundreds of cards of condolence and a large number of floral offerings plowers heaped about the casket and in the room where it lay included those from the department of high ways county roads branch peel coun ty council slmcoe county council ontario road builders association godson contracting co bolton coun cil oakwood oollegute institute municipal road and spraying co mr and mrs jas a mcclure mr and mrs j a p marshall oeo w ray- ner hugh a lumsden mr and mrs n graham mr and mrs e r charles and family louise lander mrs heln- er miss sternberg moffat lodgejiar- ruville af it am dr and mrs davidson c m henderson mr and mrs j morrison misses nobel d a and daughter and numerous others annual meeting op the ontario humane society some of the members of the george town humane society attended the annual meeting of the o 8 p o a which was held in the new headquar ters building st albans st toronto on may 17th and 18th mr craven who represented headquarters at albany n y stressed the importance of ad vertising the campaign now proceed ing to banish the cruel steel trap now in use and to find a trap that would meet with the requirements of both the big pur companies and the humane society the american hu mane association la offering 10ooo for the perfect trap and lesser sums for good trap the money u being furnished by the big pur companies of north america prize money for the best trap so far was awarded to a canadian trapper living in the pro vince of quebec thu competition u open to all who care to enter war aviators reproduce battle of the clouds a picture of aviators made by avi ators thu u whigs paramounfs wartime epic of the air which will be shown at the gregory theatre on may 38th the story came from the pen of john monk saunders an instructor in i the united states air corps during the war it was directed by william wellman who served with the la fayette squadron richard arlen play- 1 ing one of the featured roles in wings was a member of the royal plying umehouse umehouse womens institute will hold their summer meeting on tues day may 3tih in the united church all ladle and giru of the community ore cordially invited to be present among those who attended the meeting of the institute for gtru at milton last saturday were mrs dr sutherland mrs smethurst mrs wil son misses irene scott violet scott lydla caldwell evelyn johnston bat ty smethurst lovlne mitchell eva sinclair alice given nellie lane doru oowdy and isabel oldikerk hornby w c robinson a prominent and highly esteemed farmer of helton oounty and wellknown in peel died suddenly on may lith at his home at hornby deceased who was in hu t9th year was a staunch conservative member of the ancient order of foresters for many years and an anglican a strong supporter of bt stephens church hornby he u survived by two daughters mrs humphrey browne milton and mrs t bauantyne of vancouver bo three sons john l at riome o carl ton of cleveland ohio t edward of base line and two brothers thomas and james of brampton the funeral took place from his late residence on thursday afternoon at 3 oclock ser- ivlce and interment at st stephens church i milton dr and mrs h a moooll returned on monday tost from a pleasant trip to santiago cat where they spent several weeks to show hu appreciation of the iplendld service rendered by miltoru fire brigade at the fire at hornby on sunday feb 34th iferry robertson has handed chief earl a cheque for 3500 although mr robertsons general store was destroyed hu fath ers house across the road as well other buildings were saved word waa received here last night that mus ella fraser who u a nurse at the cleveland clinic hospital scene of yesterdays terrific explosion which os persons were killed and 40 more injured was sate mus fraser u a daughter of mr and mrs wm pre fer of campbellvllle and a auter of mrs john mitchell of milton correspondence my dear mr editor the time has come whrn i must ask you a question the contemplation of which has caused me many a sjfop- less night bitter tears anguish and corntondlng days of anxiety thu u a subject of which i hesitate to speak to you or anyone about da you know tlte whole world u worried at ihu urne question which ngltatrs me many a home has uwm broken up by this same cause and i ton lliough young must share lite burden of utu wicked and uncouth world i dare not oven communicate my stale or mind to my folks you know how old fashioned llvey are about such i things in my dutrewi j timi to yoti for kympatliy it may mirprltte yoti that i uould commit you on such tin i imiutrtant subject wltlrh only my own heart sliould know but like the mom inn dawn tlio whole affair tniuit caim to your friend ly advise i am askltm a great favor and while you ar connlderlng thin i wltli you would stit nmcle all rares and social joys andprnprriy rmvudcr this question i 1 hate lo ask it but milit come to the point do you think it u too early to change my underwear after con- ulprlng the question closely let me lirar from you tltaiiklnn you for nn early reply 1 nm yours truly i f marguerletta i my dear mavaiirrlelui aftrr tlie inottt serious consideration 6f your pro found dlilrem regartllnii thu most important matter i would corutlder it perfectly safe lo take em off after the 34th ed i h s na is reusuesi committees in charge corduuy in vite anyone who ha ever attended school at a a na 10 trafalgar to be present at the reunion to be held at the schoolhouse on saturday june 8th at l pm the correspondence committee are issuing invitations to all whom they can locate outside of the section but the former puplu of no ten are so widely scattered as to make it almost impossible for the com mittee to remember everyone there fore the committee wish to announce that if anyone who should have an invitation be overlooked that it u through no intention of theirs and they hope that such persons will come just the same oeo a bonham chairman mrs cliff may sec du- gald moqregor asst see i orange juice tor vitamin c shredded wheatfor vitamin bf you need them both every morning shredded heat wllhmll t whol whl 11 fullarize biscuits make sure you get the original shredded wheat the fullsize biscuits that fill the cereal dish sum lit paper intern it rtwy shrtjiud whtat packama baseball georgetown opened the ball season last saturday when they played at bronte the lake shore boys defeated our boys by a score of 60 but it was a good game just the same and our team will give a good account of themselves before the season u over blackburn and grossman were the battery they play at acton next sat urday a good investment invest fourteen hundred ond fifty dollars 1450 in the town of georgetown debentures have cv yearly payment of ninetyone do intra 9100 assured for tlie next thirty years this small issue of debentures covers the waterworks extension made during 1928 get particulars from dr heath clerk j b mackenzie chairman finance committee corporation of georgetown ceaveeauen at agrlealtaral college convocation will be held thu year at the ontario agricultural college on may as and will be attended by sir robert falconer president of the uni versity of toronto and sir wullam mulock chancellor of the university of toronto the members of tlie fa- eulty and senate of the university with their wives will be tendered a luncheon at noon by the faculty of the ontario agricultural college and after the convocation a garden party will be held at the college ground opening dance edgewood i eden mill friday may 24lh 1929 old new dances come labe25e men 76c elliotts 7piece orchestra dancing every saturday night ryan auditorium guelph fur storage time is here we have almost finished our new fur storage plant one oflthe most modem in canada an invitation is extended to all to come in and aee this summer home for your furs our rate a only 21 par cant of your own valuation write or phone or if you wish send ua your furs by expreaa insured we will pay collect lafontaines fur store ksrfe guelph practical manufacturing furriers ii i i i i i i i smart dresses for the holiday our ladies and misses dress dept is now the herald of summer sunshine holidays picnics and numerous other good times to follow with a choice of dresses from this department you can face the avalanche of coming good times and feel you are well and suitably dressed summer dresses in a choice collection of chic stylea and new materials modestly priced at 195 275 335 595 and upwards materials comprise new summer prints fugia broad cloths novelty and other allsilk crepes are you prepared for the holiday and picnic affairs to follow this week we are featuring a very special selection of dresses in a wide range of charming styles and colore made to sell as high as 950 but which a fortunate purchase permits ua to offer at only 595 d brill co the house of charm main and mill sts georgetown

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