Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1929, p. 2

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pass 2 the ceotoelown herald wedneadayj june 19th 1929 aim halton county 3 uberalconservative picnic fair grounds oakville saturday june 22nd iff mkmokiam bliahpe in loving memory of our dear clnuhhler arid sister florence may who wuuj away june 1bui 1mb we wauhi r sunvr day by day it caun1 un bitter artel to see tier slowly fade away but could blvo too teller long da lottk nlflbu sli bore the mll iv walt for cure but nil in vain till ond hlmjtfir knew what was bent lie look iter home and gave her rt radly hussed by loving moilwi fa ther hrollwr and huler hon r b bennett hon g h ferguson and other will nddreea the meeting at 330 daylight saving sporta and other attractions everybody welcome y at 2 pm daylight laving oakville and bronte will m ploy a league game at the victoria park twtathimnaii awavu erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats of all kinds at most reasonable prices fresh lake trout erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown college view garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing epalv 4 au if eke er cave oh oils omim ete gudle and car batteries bwekaveea an uptodate auto repair ihop prompt service vloikmanahip guaranteed a brunton college view phone 336 georgetown see these obvious advantages compare this famous sdbetungallrieadvwth any ordinary tire look at the broad bulky aideban tharaim nnndi of mutiof wear and act like coot to pull you out of tand and mud yet they cot no more than ordinary urea get our price on your tie f sinclair vulcanizer phone 26w georgetown mil norrin c saturday treat jelly ring n nice summer candy which cornea in al lotted flavors real nice and chewy saturday treat 19c weekend chocolates no matter how hot the weather these chocolate ore nl- waya acceptable they come in aaiorted flavora and hard centrea week end chocolate 35c special for saturday peach bloaaoma biscuit with lovely fluffy mnrshmau- ow and strawberry fruit something real nice try a lb thii week only 25c lb sou atmti tar these tins ohaeolates in georgetown arthur norrington mais st phone 89 seiberling alltreads norvax garage on highway prompt service on repairing of all makea of core we guarantee our work and our pricea are reasonable british american gatoune and antokne oila norman norton norval ont phone 327r32 brampton women miaaionary society met in knox fkkhbvtekian niurcii hkrk on viikhuav tlio fourteenth annual mlln of flntlnn two toronto prfsbytcrlal wo mens mimlonnry society wis held in knox prnaiylrrlan church oil tuesday juno 8lh aflr devotional eserclses nml irrcctliuis from urn k maelran lie iwirulim session was taken up wlm business relative lo work ot the wmfl ihmi reports from different auxulary activities mm a ii dawson ol un ion fluvp an interesting uillc on stew- nrdslilp at ihr afternoon session the presl lent mm j a mile toronto gsve n reiuirt of tlu- meeting of hie aeneral cnimcll lield in ottawa in which the koynole was advance mlu edlui blnclalr alrls work secretary stress ed the need of belter training in the homo for the youiw they are being disillusioned by false standards set up in live boms and by live lives of many professing christians there is not enouih of the good old fashioned gas- liel being tausht in the home boloe were suns by mrs pred tliompson miss nuth anderson union and sirs s d ueolure norval accompanied by mrs ii b henderson wlnnlpes inspector approve fergusons plan inipector denyes approves of the ferguson plan to do junior collegiate work in public schools of course it is not to be supposed that it should be done in all rural schools he sold that would be costly and impractical the average country school has but a very few entrance pupils but it would bo practicable if we had the township board plan to name a school far each three or four seliool sections where iheio senior pupils could be sent and thus centralised for this hllli school work without taking uiem loo far from their homes as thins are now it was remarked no one section want to send its chil dren to a school in another section and so ions as dure is the snail sec tion system of school government it will not be easy to transfer this coll- rotate work to the nubile schools look at it this way sold ur den yes there are seventeen school sec tions in this township three trustees to every section si in all to lovero the public schools of the township yet all the other affairs of trafalgar township are looked after by five men if we hod the tiunshlp board plan utere would not be more than ten men and wc would be able to set a wider vision in school administration it would not be so sectional we would be able to have school health work farm economics music household science manual training and so on reformer bund editob entertain rimubhebs op district a meeting of the wellngton duffer- in and perth districts press associa tion was held in arthur on saturday among those who took part were lome a eedy st marys ualcolm macbeth mllverton a e bradroln clifford d c bell stayner t p e clarldge shelbumo d medulre a d mckltrlck william watt and john foley oranbevllle w d samson and n e mills elors hush o templln ferbus h p moore and j w dllli acton rlxon rafter the bund and accomplished editor ot the arthur en tcrprlse entertained the visiting pub lishers at luncheon about forty were present henry jrvlne reeve extend ed a welcome to which vicepresident mckltrlck replied oncers were reelected j o tem lilln president a d mckltrlck vice president a w wright secretary treasurer obituary mrs oeorge noaa death came suddenly june 16th to mrs oeorge hogg s3 years of age at her residence on elliott st brampton she had lived in brampton for two years and had spent most of her life in chlnguacousy township she waa for merly annie wilson daughter of the late william wilson and was bam near bolton she was a member of the presbyterian church surviving are four sans oeorge of brampton and william earnest and herbert of chln guacousy two sisters mrs m ucker- roll of olen wlluams and mrs a house of saskatoon bosk and two brothers william of elgin and hall iard of acton the funeral was held on monday wlui interment in bram pton cemetery milton ueurt main ttc lunnant who for many yearn have carried on a flour and feed and coal business have sold out to messrs d h hutcheon and j r elliott who have taken pouestkui milton u about to love one of our oldest and moat hlahiy esteemed reml- dnl in the person of ur henry whmcup who with his daughter miss whlncup are shortly to take up their residence in drantford the funeral of the late thos e par sons who died at owen bound on wednesday of last week took place here on friday on arrival of the re mains from the above named town a public service was held in oraee church conducted by canon naful after which the interment took place in evergreen cemetery its a ions time since there were so many chance in the teaching ftta of the uulnn public school as wul take place after the summer holidays res ignations and other reasons account for the chanoea ulss h howes will be succeeded by utss velma smith of llurllnolon utss walker will be suc ceeded by ulss uarjory irving of ash ulss ocaislna storey of milton will succeed ulss stewart and ur e w dayley of lowvllle will succeed ura j p uccauum reformer esquesing council stewarttown june 10th lftao the first sitting of the court of re- vulon for the township of kaquealng commenced t 10 oclock the reeve deputy reeve and councillor apple- be and wuson present the members then having token the required oath took their seats moved by cleave seconded by ap- pelbe that t i leslie be chairman of the court of revision carried moved by appelbe seconded by cleave that the chairman of this court of revision be and is hereby au- oiorlatxl and required to initial all cor rection reductions alterations and additions made by this court in the luuiessfrtent rolls for the year 1w0 mul tiuit the assessment roll as final ly revised and corrected be now passed by this court and that the clerk be timhoruuhl to certify to said rolls carried j smith ward 6 assessed at t- 300 00 reduced fcwo w uraln assessed at tsfloo reduced st 00 in ward 3a u llrown at 101 w dismissed moved by wilson secotuled by ap pelbe that tin court of revision do now adjourn carried the council met at 3 pm with the reave in tlie clialr and members all pivscnt moved by cleave seconded by our- rle that collectors roll rar ward id ue reduced 4 00 uncollectable taxes on two dogs owned by tennants who liave moved away from tlie township also pay p o mcaibbon iso 00 for callec- lore salary carried moved by wilson seconded by ap pelbe that tlie treasurer pay n r rhompson equalising union school sections shfto balance due for assess- uttr wards 1 3 and 9 10o0 tola 0760 uanassah campbell wiualltlng union school sections gtso balance due for assessing wards 4 s and 6 1000 tout 110 carried moved by ourrle seconded by cleave that the treasurer pay board of hydro commissioners 17 street lights oicnwllllams jan 1st to march list 1 020 529 hydra electric power commission llghta for council cham ber to may 31st 703 carried moved by wilson seconded by our rle that the treasurer pay the moun tain sanatarlum re edythe pryde from may 1 to 31st 31 days at tlao t450 mrs elsie uuler from may 1st to sist 4850 total tosaocarrled moved by currte seconded by wu son that treasurer pay duelph gen eral hospital to board and attendance peter cunningham jan 34 to feb 11 3180 carried moved by wilson seconded by ap pelbe that the treasurer pay head aheeu as presented by road superin tendent amounting to 3s4au4 curried m m moved by currle seconded by ap pelbe that uie treasurer pay j h smith uie sum of one hundred and uventyone dollars 1v1j for w days at 300 per day for placarding and fumlgatlngcarrled moved by wilson seconded by our rle that the treasurer pay oeorge inall 1000 for two dogs killed in the act of killing sheep andrew dew- hurst charity ttw carried moved by appelbe aeconded by wu- sun that the treasurer pay the fol- lowing accounts w j ritchie uiree sheep killed by doge 7500 5 sheep injured 3000 total 0500 duncan d waldle valuator 300 john f sinc lair one sheep and one lamb killed by docs 3000 w b 8hortlll two tripe valuator 4003arrled moved by currle seconded by wil ton that the treasurer pay board of health accounts ur paul board of health 6700 dr paul re wilson dr paul re e uasales 4j 13300 attend annual spring rally about 30 members and friend of the young peoples union of the oeoraw- town baptist church motored down a brampton on monday evcmliitf und at tended the spring rally of tlie east ern division of die ouelph akmoclatlon bvpu roll cull was answered by each union with a song a requtml came from two churches to join in with the eastern division owing to the inability or mr llnklater to be present to address tlie gathering mr young student pastor of hiiik- burg gave a very stlrrlug ntulrewl a vocal duette by members of tlie lllllsburg union solo by mu mar tin of acton and an organ selection by brampton omaiibtt added ureatly to the evenings progrum ilrfrrrli- menu were served at the clow nf the mietlng ttie fall rully in lo be hold in georgetown on inluir day tlie of- fltora for 103030 nnt hon preiildent itev mr wnlwiti clinlteiihnm ihrrhl- diiit mr l laird leorhetown vice- ihtsldent mr pythr maihcruin ler- relarytreujiurer mm w t hmlth teoruetown the hying fleet gives atamunce of chmrm plus excitement aiant seaplanes thundering in the skies hawklike fighting planes whirl ing in gyroscopic maneuvers the wreck of a huge flying monster at aea and a sensational parachute jump from a bluing plane these are some of the thrills that ramon kovarro hives his audience in the flying fleet uetroaowwynmayers sensa tional drama of the airmen of the na vy at the oregory theatre george town nest saturday mstuiee and night dont miss seeing this won derful picture tlatcfl of haltonh rural ftrilool fairh following u the lint of rural nrlioal fairs to be held in hal ion county palermo urookvllle bannockbum homby mount nemo trafalgar burlington monday sept olh tuesday sept mth wednesday sept 11th thursday sept lath prlday sepu 13lh thursday sept lfitli prlday sept 30th sport news softball toronto dally star team will play hmlth stone ltd at tlie lllati school grounds here on friday even- intf at 7 oclock football there was ah interesting name of football at reservoir park here last saturday between tlie liome team and sluvlou or toronto the rlavtas opened tlie score in about 10 minutes or play from the ruthl wlntf and aealn scored another in the same time moody op ened tlie score for georgetown with a fine idiot from centre and scrym- nuuer snored lying tlie tame with ten mlnutch to ao the visitors scored a- ituln making it 33 at hair time the hlavlai added one more and then moody put hi a beaiitirul goal the raplalu scored another for tlie town from a throw in off the left wing ttrryrwieour worn anotlier from tlie rial it winn which beat tlie goalkeeper all tlie way the blavuu scared four more roalu two very easy one and the name ended 85 lrwavor or the visitors cleniwlown goal simpson moody beckett bulllngall beckett captain htneey scrymitcour stewart moody macphall oils next saturday georgetown players meet avnndale team in toronto the truck lenvei town nt 1340 pm baseball georgetown defeated acton in acton lost saturday 173 in a came in which our local boys showed tremendous bat ting strength tlie boys have been practicing whole lioartedly and feci they are now welt on tlie road to over take the leaders they liave a real hitting team and now boast one of the best pitching staffs in the league and fully expect to be in the playons they will meet acton in tlie park here on saturday so turn out and see for yourself the manager claims the butt team in the last 10 years card of tbanks we wish to convey our sincere thanks to friends and nelahbors and to all those who cave assistance for their help and sympathy also the norvul womens institute for their kind ex pression of sympathy and to tliohe who sent floral tributes in our recent sad bereavement e m flmcllle and helen smellle norval lacrosse there war a fair crowd at the park on saturday afternoon to witness the lacrosse game between hamilton tig- era and our local team a feature of tlie game was tlie hard checking by both teams end the apparent willing ness of the referee to overlook instanc es whtre penalties should have been handed out georgetown boys put up a aood name and there was much good individual play but the visitors itad better combination and that la how they won out in the first quarter georgetown looked like winners scor ing 3 boats lo the visitors 1 in the second quarters it was the reverse and when time was called hamilton had netted 3 to the locals 1 in the third quarter hamilton scored two snore and added another counter in the fourth making the final score 74 in favor of the vlsjtora the georgetown players were goal jocque point isley cover smith defense townend riddlcr costlgan centre sproule home stapleton norton and ingram outside hill in side hatpin sub harris stringer crimsliaw and spence referee bunoil of brampton constant dally testing and blgndliig of the world cboleaat tuw f itw sad rom tan ita inmtabu flavof end otmwyin goodnaaa every package guaranteed redr0se is good tea red rose orange pekoe iawrtrmgood aav av aav av aavaavwwh ig days at acton j june 2930 july 1 jsp gb7 3 3 monster athletic meet sanctioned by aau of canada grenadier guards band of toronto garden party street dance a carnival community church service cauthumpian parade fun galore old boys and girls reunion v auspice of acton amateur athletic club xmc aav aax mumm total wm bchenk aienwulloms re uasales goods supplied t u0 gamed uovwl by ourrle seconded by cleave mat this council do now adjourn to meet ajaln wednesday evening june 13lh at 7j0 p carried atewarttown june 13th 1099 the council met pursuant to ad journment the reeve in the chair ana the members all present moved by wilson aeconded by ap pelbe that the treasurer pay bell telephone account m33 uay 1st to june wol vm 0011 may 1st to june wth vm total wascarrled moved by wilson seconded by ap pelbe that thetreasurer pay the acton public utilities or hydro or 3 months service 11500 carried moved by appelbe seconded by wu- uu that leave be granted to intro duce a bylaw to appoint a school at tendance officer or the township ol esquetlns and that said bylaw be now read the llrst ume-ctrrled- uoved by clean aeconded by our rle that bylaw to appoint a school attendance officer or the township o esqueelm having been read a irst time be now read a second and third times and passed and that the blank be filled in with the nam ol isaac m dennett and the seal at ot the oor- liorallon be attached thereto carried uoved by wuson seconded by ap pelbe that this council do now ad journ to meet orsln july ath at 13b p m carried j glenwilliams ur and mrs hewitt and amlly ol hamilton beach spent sunday at the home of ulss tost ur and ura o v olura and fa mily ol toronto spent sunday with olen friends while swimminf in the credit on monday nltht last miss mary norton liod the misfortune to cut her cot severely ur edward bludd jr left on mon day lost to accept a position with ur earl vannatter at uuton mr harry smith who has been 111 for some time is improving nicely its time we were looking alter our cemetery wul we have to wait on the trustees to call a meeting messrs wullam and douglas hoare of detroit who spent the past wm- wlth their uncle mr jos hoare re turned home on sunday last the northern peninsula is attracting tlie attention ol one ol our cltlaens we suppose its the line trout streams there how about it mac high school board at the meeting held on may mui there wen present e y barraelough chairman ii l llutt w t evans w v oronl the allowing accounts were pissed l ii wraggette murdoch stationery boo isaac pitman bans sjs la prance pin engine co pramlte 1135 aubert sinclair lightning rods 31000 on motion ol il l llutt and w v grant it waa decided to construct a cinder path to the radial the secretary was laitruetad to ad vertise for a teacher ol commercial work to ful the place of ulos uurtha resigned also lo convey to miss uur tha the boards appreciation ol her lallhlul and efficient services and their regret at her resignation at a special meeting held an may go the secretary waa instructed to adver- use lor a teacher ol sitkn ml place ol mr hume resigned i hot point electric ranges with hispeed element 8s00up hot point electric wnter hentera or 30 gal tank 1500 up c g e radioing houae- wiring ediion mazda lamps toaitere irons vacuum cleaners percolator h h darling phone 199 murdock st georgetown the most for your money you will receive longer wear from your fun if you have them properly protected during the warm lummer weather we have a staff of competent craftsmen who since they are experienced fur riers know the kind of care your coat should re ceive handle your precious furs our vaults are as uptodate as any in the dominion of canada fontaines fur store 95 quebec street east guelph phone 122 send us your furs by express we will pay all charges 500000 pconle ritfstate w a matthews rtprtfnlaliv gaergafouin onl stewarltowt general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils ice cream and soft drinks on and alter may loth uus store will be closed every thursday altemoon during the summer i m bennett phone 82r21 georgetown stewarttown twwiai mf- ataifi i for sale frame cottage she rooms in the village of nor val good garden garage price 1800 term to good party 4 acres choice garden land close to atation on radial at norval price 400 on acre reasonable terms 5 acres choice garden near huttonville and radial a sweet little sixroomed bungalow on this pro perty price 2800 farms of every kind and description for sale we always have a choice selection of homes in georgetown for sale walter t evans lphonei office 183 res 208 georgetown i canadian chautauqua brings the world to your door at georgetown park july 3rd to 8th two great plays smiling through the family upstairs anatol frikin and his russians in scenes from the russian life spectacular musical production ernest toy and lowell patton noted concert artists jackson jubilee singers celebrated negro singer and entertainer notable lectures herb taylor die clown in children gala entertainment a season ticket for all the attraction of canadian chautauqua five big days 220 tax included canadian aa chautauquas ltd

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