thai georgetown herald wednesday june 19th 1929 pase 3 a trip through canadas inland ocean i view or eleaeieulla i deud ttom aboard able i a aaainiaota easels tknuiek bull hull leeka wale wum a dwk kim oa j ktgwarth eel lake xuiuher lalua uumi aadl in tbaoreetlakescanadaalnland ocean opened to navigation last month are jutt entering on their munur condition of offering ono of tha major attraetlona of tha dominion to tourltta vlitai of beautiful islands and frowning hoadlanda present aom ol th moat beautiful ecenery on tha north american eontlnaut whlla tha illusion of wt traval aspens of lake superior tna largest body of rata water in tha world you tta take it as a trip la itself or you tea take you can take it as a trip la itself or you tea take it as a break in your rail journey across the enailaent it carries you from pott menlroll to tha head of tha lakes at the twin cltlee tha treat wblueblp of f-j- z v i-iij- i be canadian pacific speed along wlthall tha awllt ta given to passenger whin for a full day at lout no- grace of guile that drcle and dip a tha meat heed e thing but water i visible from thaablp canadian parch and flutter above tha daik rails perfection 3 carina ships travertine their watera weekly aup- a vi ply every uptodata eomfort and facility to traval- lere ana remarkable engineering worba add to the ilit of alibta and beautlea which nature glvee in hrofuelon often you aay tome day 111 take aa ocean voyage but did you aver atop to think that next door to you la an inland ocean where for two glorloua day aboard a canadian fadfle ahlp you fan enjoy your longdreamed of voyage if you havent the ebaaee ilea open to you and you can take the delight- 1 fill erulae across hurons blue watera through tha lovely si marys river and away over tho broad aervlce adda a lut pleating touch to the meeia the eomfort of the taterooma and the eodal affair on deck and below since tha level of lake superior li 21 feet higher thai that of laks huron the bault ste uarletoek baa been conitructed and tha canadian ship canal tojolnupthetwolakee thlerernarkablaangfeearuig work la one of the ilghta of tha voyage three fine ahlpa make the trip weekly for the canadian pedflp the keewatlu aailnlhola and manitoba two from port mjniroll and one from owes sound with tha tame number of eaatwerd aalllnga from tha twin cities popular comedy success to open canadian chautauqua scene prom ovtstasmiehd oomkdv tub pamiijy vphtaihav tha uproarious eomadyaumasa the family upstairs which will be prasantad on tha first bltbt of tha coming chautauqua liars la a long and continuous strsteb ot laughtar hsra ta a play that warms tba heart with its vivid pictures or tha huie noartragsdlas hopes ideals ambluona and blauures crowded into tho average family llfo it rings with wbolesoroo laugh tor and tells a touching and beautiful love story that you wilt romombar with pleasure for many months afterwerde the tminuy upstairs will be presented horo by the uotad martin enrln players at georgetown park wednesday evening july 3rd millinery call and inspect our display of the seasons newest millinery come in and see our fine display of summer felts something to suit every lady and our prices are the lowest consistent with the best quality of materials it will pay you to get your millinery here misses claridge herald block georgetown velvety banana icc ceuum a junket tablet 3 tablespoons mid water a eupa milk 1 cup auger i cup maahed banana 3 tableapoona lemon juice i pint cream crush junket tablets and dbteolve in cold water uu auger and ullk and warm to lukewarm not hot etirrlng until augar la dissolved add dissolved junket tableta pour at once into free- ear can let etand in a warm place until firm add maahed banana lemon juice and cream whipped until stiff pack in tee and aalt and freeee raurr autmut i package vantua junket 1 pint milk while 1 egg 1 cup powdered augar i cup freah berrlee make junket according to directions i package mace the berrlee in a bowl and sprinkle with powdered au gar add the unbeaten egg white and beat with a wooden spoon or allver fork slowly until the berrlee are bro ken then rapidly until atlff about m mlnutea then place in lee box pile lightly on junket when etrvlng mown wee ror ovatas t cup boiled brown rloe ifr cup flour 1 pint tweet milk 3 egga 1 tablespoon butter 14 teaapoon aalt scald tweet milk and stir into it the rice flour butter and aalt beat thor oughly together and add egga well beaten bake in hot oven twenty mln utea eutovtn suc raumtau 1 cup brown riot 1 pint milk 3 egga i tableapoonf ul augar 3 tabieapooafula butter bou rloe in ullk until aoft and all the milk la abaorbed alien remove add yolk of egga augar and butter when cold eerve with butter and jam good things to eat whkm bays am hot by betty barclay lee cream la alwaya appreciated aa a dessert but when the weather la hot it u particularly desirable a light fruit nouirie a nun a bavarian cream ce- aome other light dessert la alao fitting in hot weather when heavy foods should be reduced and the lighter quickly digested foods featured here are two delicious junket dlahee econ omlcal too roallohd hah and potatoes into a wellbuttered pan put siloes of raw peeled potatoes and a little pepper then a layer of i siloed ham and pour on thin cream sauce i ubleapoon flour i ta butter to 1 cup muvi sprinkle bread crumbs on top and bake in a moderate a until brown and potatoes are well done serve hot just enough ham can be used to give tha desired flavour which has tha advantage of making a utile ham go a long way for picnics this can be baked at home in a heavy tin dlth with a cover and reheated over hot water on a eampllre new sou salad 4 slices pineapple 4 cup celery 4 cup nuta chopped 3 orangea cream mayonnaise lettuce arrange slices of pineapple on neat of lettuce leaves out celery in slender strips one and onehalf inches long and mix with nut meat pile in centre of pineapple and garnish with four section of orange free from mem brane laid symmetrically on pine apple pass dressing aepa oatmeal dbop cakes two third eupa butter 1 cup augar tana u eup milk a eupa rolled eate 3tt eupa flour i teaspoon baking powder 14 teee aalt 1 1 p cinnamon 1 loarnnnn nutmeg 1 cup chopped seeded retains cream butter add augar egg weu beaten milk and rolled oats mix and slit dry lngredlenta add flour mix ture to first mixture thoroughly mix drop by spoonfuls on a greased baking pan and bake in a rather hot thu makee at to m eoouea ftest teahsatlantic puobt the first nonstop ireneatlantic flight waa eiinieiaafnllt accomplished by two british aviator captain john aloock daq pilot and lieutenant arthur whluan brown navigator the machine used being a vukara vlmy bolls hoyoe twine engine it marvelloua flight and greater glory at- mad ub tachaa to it because it waa bad weather eondlllone m hog ao obscured vision at time that the ma chine waa dleoovereo to ba flying up side down and one only titty feet from the watar th project ot the atlantic flight aa ortbnatad by th lata vleoount ortbeuff in th london dally uall la april 1111 and susp during th war cja aloock brown left ot johns newfoundland at til pm saturday june tub urn and landed near oufdsn oaiway in land at tea th next mottling a tught of ims mllee taking only fif teen hour and flttyeeven minute a truly marvelloua flight which won for th victor a nrtaa ot n ib both captain aloock and uauunant brown wen knighted by hi uajeetr th king in ull attr john aleook crashed during a flight about a year ater and waa killed bimwi satmrday june 22nd acton georgctown in gmttown psik adhimioh tt cent uluaa h ere an jth ere uf euoalci lutli lurma to wotb th uvmc rmai tud jug bu now vamtvlmd ito wll known rteret on n biao tba dir t bnf uvsj bn llatcun to ut dune trains from tb orcbmtrn at th burr aprtbjjjji houl tbrm tatulo r wr mm lb obr ttlgbt 1u unlxkg with utonlfttmd urrj to tb yncopuot wltbln botb dr ud ik ur unumunlly taun thu tjoa nnl iumu nr volnjr hunting wltb caomru la uu of tlrtrntuim car load of live muskrats take long trip avutioa la coming lalo lie own la canada and canadian are be coming thoroughly alrmuvled three airport wre opened early ta june at ottawa kingston and hamilton at whlcb a great asaem- blage of plane took place and large crowds wltneaaed the pro- eeedlaga uany took advanuge of be opportunity to send mall and pereela by air express during these functions and tba canadian pacific express company used the plane in advantage bicbard barthelmete moving pie ture atar accompanied by hie bride made a threeday honeymoon stay at banff barings hotel early in lune ha aaya be will be back in the pall to get aoue big game stinting in tbacanadlan stockl dock due onpareels from cher bourg are now lifted under an or- eer from tk preach government and there will be eonseaueutly a great taereaae la despateb of tbeaa parcel from prance to fi tceoedlax u word recently received by the vti paeuio express mpaay prior ta this pareele rrou prance had ta be shipped trees southampton causing a loaa at a oeuple of days time in reach- jig c loans ta harbor board totalling aearly mjomm to be spent on eragranines ot exteaalen and de- felouaunu have keen approved by the house ot commons of tale imouac tea millions eaab goes to uoatreal and vancouver umtr 00 tor halifax and balance for rfsree elvers and chlcoutlml que bec the average eaak income pa farm house in the prairie provinces waa hm4 axduilye of the value of seed feed meet vegetables and other commodities produced and retained by tba farmer far hie own use according to tba nor west parmer canadian farm journal published atwimupeg th younger generation w are often told la apt to be left to find he own way around these days but not quite to the extent ot the woman who left her 7menthe old bgby asleep in the windsor street station montreal while aba weal ebopplag in ha city it waa taken to the ladles walling room and eared for several hours latsr the mother returned and wss told of lie whereabouts it wss still sleeping and aba decided to nave her supper before aha disturbed 1l whest from the prairie provinces of canada is the finest received la flormany from any country in the world according to jobana laaga one of the sovea oerman millers m iklna a tour of the north ameri- cuh wheat growing and mllllas eentros canadian muia ar seo and to none if mills vfalted is utunlp a may be accepted aa rep rvhimlntive of tanadlan plan enld mr lan in operatloa hi nllntfe a d the beauty of thi in t- turmd out we have aeet nutlilnf bfllir nlnce we arrived oa i av tfcasceehei tke je if wriaatia and llkeny a meeclmea ol muekral eaerlg a esrrec thar war a thousand of them all alive and fcnngry ahlpped by canadian pacific expreea com pany from oak lake manitoba to hamburg germany via canadian pada freighter beaverford eiuffy and friendly they went through the long trip away from their native marehee in good ahape and war never ao tired that they eeuldnt put away their earrot ration- it took fifty men several weeka to egptur tha requlalta number without damage and by th use of special traps two attendants in charge el th i kept moving twelve hours a day each feeding and watering them they travelled overland la epeeuuy constructed galvanised iron crate netted wfth wire and with an enclosed trough la each from wbleh fresh water waa available on board th bee variordj large cagee were built aa shown above in which tba rata had more apace to mov around this shipment which waa made recently eaaacu tutes a record for movement of mus brat or anyother fur i oaring animal out of canada overs count check books get your blank counter check books at the herald office we can supply you in any quantity from one to one hundred what no insulation tentest b nwtle in canada and used tluougnout tna em pire sold in gcoffv- towd and vednlty hys gecrgttown iiimlw co ltd georsfttown oot r vtes i insisted upon tentest j insulation throughout thats the most important thing of all no one is satisfied with a non- insulated house that is why all those who intend to buy build or remodel should consider the vast benefits of tentest insulating building board tentest costs no more when build- ins than ordinary lumber but it in sulates the home against cold heat dampness and draughts saves fuel adds strength to construction and makes for real yearround comfort get the facta about truly modern homes write for free copy of tentest jj tin mm wtmiafil aihum i lit iceru whuiemo mmetb international fldrb board lluited ull bsavsa hau hill ulwtbial