Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1929, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 19th 1929 t georges crjurrjf special preacher iutfcap cuening vmt 23rb at 7 pm the very reverend 1 wi j8 psrougbau iha bs dean of niagara diocese and the rector of the cathedral in hamilton come and hew thu outstanding man all vvelcome have your eyes examined o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at wataona drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month if you need eye service you need the best consult dr walker garden party under the auspices of limehouse womens association of the presbyterian church will be held at the home of mr and mrs robert doughty on friday june 28 the guild orchestra will supply the music a comedy in 3 acta it after you im next will be given by union dramatic club under the direc tion of mrs e mcdonnld l m montgomery admission adultm 38c children ise pure food store ww w w w tw w w w j tv ee 24 lb bag pastry flour 87c smiths orange marmalade 40 oz jar 29e smiths chili sauce regular 35c 29c winona maid strawberry jam 40 oz reg 60c s3c winoha maid raspberry jam 40 oz reg 50c 43c smiths pineapple marmalade 40 oz reg 50c 43c heinz salad cream without oil 6 oz bottle 25c certo for making jams and jellies 29c 3 tina clarka potted meata 26c shaker salt iodized or plain per pkg 9e 4 infanta delight soap 25e 3 baby a own soap 25c bananas oranges lemons etc also fresh vegetables at right prices tl i ml a e farnell prompt delivery phone 75 wsva f4s x a 4a a me a iav everything in hardware for home and garden here ia a hardware store that will give every man who knows and lovea good tools a chance to own the best at no more than the price of tools of inferior quality every tool is the product of a wellknown maker mechanics tools builders hardware roofing materials paints and varnishes garden tools lawn hose and mowers in fact if its sold in a hardware we have it and will be glad to show you anything at any time cordingleys hardware phone 25 and 189 georgetown vaccum sweeper and attachments for rent k aia iti rat iob local news chautauqua july 3rd 8th orange celebration july 13th out you luul to take em off no matter what lit matter ruh- illtfm goott for it homu without a mother u little more mum a vacant liou i ml ton hlfle go into camp at nlu- uaru fur live day oti juno 3711 dr c v william will be out of town hum june 33rd to july ftth our public scliool will clow for the hunmur i vol way on june sath clothoit dont make a man but hi wifes have btvn known to break lilm the orange celebration ut cjeor- kputwn on july lath will be the largest ever held in tho county all old members having band in- turuiuciitu are requested to return name ui once to cyril uraiidford the pupil of mlm may mcmaster will ulve u recital in tlie town hall ulonwllllanu on prlday june 2sth icier trie toastera iron and per colators make ideal wedding gifts 11 if uarlliuj itun a good alack on lumd the nwlng and children play firoujulh in central park are being im proved and put in rood condition for the kiddle borne georgetown young rncn got into trouble in acton lout week by hav ing too much liquor and some of it in nn unlawful place it wont be lane now tlie school children have the remainder of the ucliool term figured down to day hours and minutes georgetown orangemen and vis iting brethren will parade to the un ited church on sunday night the town band will head the parade norval presbyterian garden party will be lield on the church lawn on wednesday july 3rd at 8 pm pro gramme published next week it georgetown cemetery la in vers bad shape at the present time it is to be hoped this condition will be remedied in the very near future there was a large crowd at ut pleasant oarden party on monday night everybody had a good time and enjoyed the splendid program ren dered plants for sale celery tomato cauliflower and all varieties of cab- bone plants for sale at the garden of the late w ii qodfrey ouelph st georgetown 4t mr john ballon tine jr has almost completely recovered from his recent severe illness and is again conducting his shoe repairing business at his well equipped shop on queen st a deer was seen this morning on the farm of w a wilson just west of the town mr wilson and mr w m bennett both seen the animal which is still in the neighborhood the junior w a of st george church win hold an afternoon tea and sale of work on friday june 31it a lucky number quilt will be given to tlie winner that day prom 4 to 0 o clock it most ex comp edwin smith grand first principal of royal arch masonry will visit llalton chapter on friday evening june 31st all royal i arch masons aro cordially invited to- bo present georgetown business mens asso ciation will hold their annual com munity picnic on civic holiday mon day august 8th all merchants are requested to arrange as heretofore for prizes for the big event tlie report that the presbyterian church sheds at norval were destroyed by fire on tuesday of but week la er roneous what might have been i acrlous fire was extinguished before a great deal of damage was done our womens and childrens shoe department is now complete we now have a full line of the best childrens slices ever sold in georgetown the prices will surprise you womens shoes from 75c to 400 best values for tlie money come in and look them over j honey up about half post ten on monday night an auto turned over in tlie ditch ot the foot of the norval hill the accident was caused by trying to void hitting another cor coming in the opposite direction just at the turn in the road the three occupants of the port roadster escaped with a few scratches and a severe shaking up watch our window on saturday for bargains in womens boot 100 we have now a womans department which was badly needed and have en larged our itore as our business la im proving all the tune we thank our customers for having to make the change j roney the only factory shoe store in the county 3tp norval presbyterian garden par ty will be held on the church lawn wednesday july 3rd at 8 pm pro gramme published next week it personal items mm dr pred oollop of ottawa is visiting at dr oollop mr robert cork of paris wuivb- itor in town on sunday mr and mrs harold bell of st thorns are visiting in town mr john wapthott of toronto 1 visiting with friend in town ml sullivan of toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs w v grant mr and mrs benj krwlrt of brook lyn nv are visiting with georgetown relatives col w p moore of toronto was in town yesterday and made the herald a pleasant call mr and mr it mccleay and olen of port credit ipent tlie week end at w h willsons mrs armstrong and miss armstrong of paris spent sunday wlui mr and mr j l thompson colonel james ballantlne d 8 o and mrs ballantlne of hamilton nv are liolldaylng in town mr and mrs benj erwln and mr and mrs root erwln visited with mr and mrs john erwln of barilla this week mrs angus mcdonald and ken neth or llmeltouse motored to ham ilton and spent tlie week end with mr and mrs alex double messrs r b poults j l thompson j b mocltensie and if shorey motor ed to paris on saturday and enjoyed a game of golf over the links there mr and mrs cliarles n ryan of rio de janlero are spending four months with ontario friends and na tives mr ryan spent the week end with his sisters misses ryan george town dr and mrs j r brooke and sons john and bobbie mr and mrs t l roblnette and daughters mary and dorothy visited with mr and mrs v w brooke on sunday when mr tf w brooke celebrated his 64th birthday mr ed olbbeni motored down from allitton on sunday he waa aecompan led by mr and mrs c whltmore and little betty and ulss annie ward mrs whltmore was a former chesley girl and called on her friend ethel helnmiller mr and mrs mitchell cobban of winnipeg were week end visitors with mr and mrs j mcdermld they mot ored from winnipeg and were on their way to ottawa on their return from the capital they will visit georgetown and acton friends mr robert w shartll returned home but wednesday after spending three weeks with his sister mrs r v riek- etts in owen sound while in the scenic olty mr bhortill underwent an operation at the general and marine hospital and had his tonsils and ad enoids removed mr and mrs o t mckay miss margaret mckay mrs p b coffen mrs j l thompson rev and mrs k moclean mr and mrs j m moore mlis alleen moore miss nellie ken- nedy and miss etta claridge attended the nurses graduation exercises at wellesley hospital last friday mlu marlon mckay of georgetown was one of the graduating nurses ilaltea rifles to niagara halton rifles will go into camp at nlagaraonthe lake for 5 days june 37th to july 1st inclusive more men are required to fill allotment for d company any one wishing to go re port at the drill shed next monday ev enlng at 8 oclock recital the closing recital of the pupils of miss margaret dickie atom will be given in the united church sunday school hall on saturday evening june 22nd at 8 oclock un a black has kindly consented to assist the public is cordially invited no admission did us credll at tlie jersey breeders field day at brampton last saturday mr and mrs morley of the united church farm did tlie honours for georgetown in a neat brief speech mr morley told what the farm was doing with jerseys and mrs morley won the married ladles race in a flying finish from a long line of speedy sprinters craxed bleee leaps to death breaking through the fencing at the canadian national railways atock yards rlora just after being weighed a steer brought in by edward kennedy a farmer from lower pilklngton be came erased and dashing along jamas street to the irvine river leaned headlong to the rocks below a dis tance of 75 feet meeting instant death the animal which weighed too pounds hod shortly before been sold to alex kerr of elora for 8tt open far baslnessu the queen st boot and shoe has- cltal u now open for business after be- ig closed for the past ten weeka on account of not being able to secure a firstclass repairer to look after it during my sickness i repair all and any class of shoes providing they are worth repairing i wish to invito all my old customers and many others to visit this shop m it u one of the most complete repair shop in canada hoping to see you soon j a ballon- tine phone 300 we close every thurs day afternoon atn at the lllih bekaej as a result of examinations in stenography held recently at the high school the following certificates were awarded by the examination depart ment of sir isaac pitmans and sons limited toronto speed certificate for rate of sixty words per minute florence brandford and dorothy wagstaffe elementary certificates itsa bessey eleanor burton jessie hill beatrice lane josephine suther land marlon treanor church news nerval prmsrrterlan cfctvefa rev a t barr ph d of brant- ford will preach the anniversary ser vice of norval presbyterian church on june soth 1929 at 11 am and 7jo pm 3t rl alt ctb ounwuuaaw i will anniversary service at 3 pm1 next sunday june 23rd 1920 special preaclter the reverend h t archibald ma rector or st judes church toronto come and hear mr arch- bald who was present at tlie opening of tlie church 2d years ago haut ckmwtk a psalm of thanksgiving will be tlie sunday school lesson at 10 um the parable of tlie two sons and wlint chrutlanlty mean will be pastor a n frith sermon subjects at ii am and 7 phi the annual sunday scltool picnic will be lield on july int at blue spring til oeee cfaareb services next sunday b ivm holy communion 11 am matins and ser mon by the rector 7 pm evensong and sermon by tlie very reverend l w b broughall ma dd rector of cliruts church cathedral hamilton ind dean of the diocese of niagara corporate communion of the relation and friends of fallen soldiers and tlie girl aulde everyone cordially in vlted uju4 cfattrtl next sunday june 33rd rev dr dickie will preach in the morning on the glory of the cross after which the holy communion will be observed in the evening when the members of the orange lodge will be present in a body the subject of discourse will be the patriotic motive on friday evening the 31st inst at 8 oclock there will be a service pre paratory to the communion in the united church conducted by rev w j gallagher ma bd of chalmers church guelph ge new advertisements all omau odvertlmimtiu hmder thfa hearllng strleily cash with odr to let apartment at baptist parsonage ap ply at herald offloo- tf hip waaud housekeeper or companion help wanted apply borll georgetown if lomt waaud glfioo on first mortgage good secur ity apply to box 470 georgetown 3tp hale strawberries for sale apply to scott mclean georgetown ft h 3 lip optt tmt kngagetswnt practical nurse open for engage ment plione 0333 georgetown it t kent houne to rent with convenience apply to t w smith georgetown it pasture for xalue good keep for b or 0 young cattle good tliade and water apply herald office lip mssmmmmsmmsmammum fraser sharp on saturday june 15th miss mar lon angellne sharpe daughter of mr and mrs frank b sharpe of london ont was married to mr roderick al- exander praser son of mr and mrs w a prater of toronto rod is an old georgetown boy and great war veteran and the herald has much pleasure in extending hearty con gratulations a splendid picture of this happy young couple appeared in last saturdays dally star gregory theatre wednetday june ib the wolf song a romantic tale of pioneering days of the old south starring oary cooper no 1 the pinal reconlng comedy chasing husbands friday june 31t red hot speed comedy drama with reginald denny story a of fourth collegians pox news saturday june 33 the plying fleet ramon novarros spectacular romance of naval aviation comedy hot times technicolor reel tom dick and harry prices matinee 15c and 25c night 35c and 85c coming abies irish rose lems aaalf i oarden party the one hundred and ninth anni versary of boston church eaquealng will be held on sunday june 33rd services at 11 mm and 730 pm con ducted by rev j w macnamara dj of toronto special music by the choir assisted by miss edna grade soprano of toronto on wednesday evening june 38th a oarden party will be held on the manse ground lot 8 con 3 a splendid program will be provided by the following talent tom hamilton scotch comedian olive hudeon-see- ley soprano soloist accompanist and radio artist margaret thompson highland and national dancer franks fivepiece orchestra admission 35c and 30c rev k maclean chairman it raeeeasfal lawn saelal the beautiful home and grounds of mr and mrs l e fleck on olen road were thrown open on saturday afternoon when the royal circle of which mrs fleck is leader entertained the congregation of knox presbyterian church and their friends ideal wea ther and the grounds gorgeous with peonies iris violets and panalea in profuse bloom made a perfect setting for a lawn social tea was served on the lawn the tables being decorated with english violets and yellow violas in crystal holders a sale of aprons and cake was held but these quickly dluppeared mrs fleck and the olr- de wish to thank their many friends for helping to make the afternoon both happy and profitable han atauatea members of the hall clan early set tler of the churchvule district held their annual reunion on june 5th at the home of victor hau trafalgar at the homestead settled 0 years ago by george hall members of the family i were present from guelph toronto london oeorgetown churchvllle ac ton streetavllle milton and kitchener a pleasant day was spent in the open and supper was served on the broad verandah to seventy guests mr allan houghton toronto waa elected presi dent and miss myrtle wuson wul be secretarytreasurer george b hall 81 years ot age was the oldest male member of the family present and mrs byard meourdy 88 the oldest woman number while baby adele 9 months daughter of mr and mrs clarence hail hornby had the dis tinction of being tha latest arrival in tne family banner lower beheej exsjamaueita friday june 31 aj georgaphy p arithmetic monday june 34th am english arammar pm zoology tuesday june 35th am art pm britlth history wednesday june 35th am phys iography pm botany fallen presbytery the new presbytery of halton met for organisation in palermo united ohurch on friday afternoon the 14th inst when the following officers were elected chairman rev f o parrel bronte secretary rev o s cess- more treasurer rev j w crawford convenors were also chosen of the various committees in connection with the work of the presbytery the en larged presbytery of guelph came to gether for the first time in norfolk st ohurch guelph on tuesday june 18 at 10 am the following officers were chosen chairman rev r s e large bj7 fergus secretary rev w a bradley dj3- aberfoyle treasurer mr e l robinson oowanstown standing committees with their res pective convenors were struck and routine business of various kinds was dealt with the next meeting will be held in drayton between the middle and end of september the exact date being left to the decision or the chair man and secretary tewmseml laorew a wedding that united two very pop ular young people or cheltenham took place in the united church in that village on tueiday when mr george edward townsend son of mr townund and the late joslah towns- end of cheltenham and miss mary elizabeth mayme lagrow daugh ter of mr and mrs william p ls- arow were married by rev dr j h macvicar pastor of the church mem bers of the congregation had beautified the church with manes of tall ferns splrea and snowdrops creating a love ly effect the lovely young bride was brought in and given away by her fa ther and was wearing a handsome gown of white taffeta made in period fashion and draped with chanully lace she wore a silk net veil bord ered with chanully and caught at either side of the race with a cluster of orange blossoms and her bouquet was of pink roses and illy of tha vall ey in a shower mus dorothy carter was bridesmaid and made a charming attendant in blue taffeta overlaid with tulle white shoes and stockings large white picture hat and long white gloves her bouquet waa of pink sweet peas and carnations mr fred near nephew of tha groom was best man and the ushers were messrs joe din widdle and clarence lyons following the ceremony the guests numbering ninety motored to pemdale park where a reception and dejeuneur were held in the pavilion- to uettt house in aienwlltlonu good garage apply ti mr william sutciirfe aien- wililanu 2tp per kale solid brick house five room across from gregory tlieatre on mill bl apply to mr jan armstrong tf for kale new perfection oil stove nineteen hundred aravlty washing machine and good extension table plione 300 up i parnliheil how it wanted wanted by end of june for two montlis furnished house suitable for three adults apply house box m herald office 3lp tenders for coal the public school board are asking for tenders for 85 tons pocahontas lump coal no 3 vein tenders to be in by june 31st coal ui be delivered in july p b harrison secretary 3t to beul 6 roomed house on murdock st electric light water inside newly renovated possession may 29th ap ply to h t arnold tf bigger and better bargains groceries 10 lbs granulated sudor or 10 lbs brown sugar for tiger brand culsup 2 for post bran 2 for kellogga pep 2 for poliflor polish gold mednl peanut butter 2 for snap hand cleaner 2 for pearline 3 for p g sonp 4 for little chip marmalade ginger snaps 2 lb for aylmer green pea soup 3 for ayhner pumpkin 2 for prunes 30 40 per lb aylmer tomnto catsup kipper snaclcs 4 for pearl white soap 4 for comfort soap 4 for tillsons health bran aunt jemima pun colce flour tomatoes large size 2 for lyles golden syrup mcbean co papu wauled i am prepared to give lessons on tlie piano to any number of pupils tuition fee reasonable apply joceph young at wm emmerson phone 33d will iam st georgetown alp te kent two choice stares steam heated and with all modern conveniences in new oregory theatre apply to h l gregory oeorgetown tf cetterele work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimates given free of charge if you require anything in this line phone 331 a walker georgetown 3tptf j notice i tlie mossey- harris perm machine co have appointed alex o hume to act as their agent in georgetown a full line of repair and new machines tyui be kept on hand and a sliare of your busutess is retpectf ully solicited plione 383 oeorgetown 3tp tenders far shingling tlie public school board will receive lenders for shingling the east wing of the school shingling to be done early in july old shingles to be taken away tenders to be in by june 31st pur particulars apply to p o harrison secretary 3t notice to creditors in tbi mattsk tks mlau af bo bsbt james muxes ill d uu vulsis kami la tk cwuty at hsiua krtin rinuf ihnm notice is hereby oiven that all pmoiu having any claims or d- rnand szalmt tha lata robert jinx milter who dted on or about tha twen tythird day of may ibm at tha olty of oualph in tlu oounty of welling ton and provlnoe or ontario are re- sulred to lend by pott prepaid or to ellver to tha undenlgned solicitor for andrew moclure tha executor of the ist wul and testament of tha uld robert jsmea milter retliad farmer deceased their nanus and address and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements f their ac counts and tha nature of the secur ities if any held by them and take notice that liter the twelfth dsy of july 1m the said an drew mcolura wul proceed to dletrl- buta tha suets of tha asld deceased smong tha persons entitled thereto hsvlng regard only to the claims of which ha thau then have had notice and that the said andrew ucolurs wul not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose clslm ha ahsl not then hsve reoelved notice dated st obonaetown ontar io this twelfth dsy or june ax ibm ieaoy dale solicitor for ths ssld executor baseball saturday june 22nd i acton vs georgetown in georgetown peik admission u ceala gami called at lis gun tenders fee painting the public school board will re ceive tender for painting one class room walls and celling 3 coats also a separate tender for painting outside windows doors and woodwork ten ders to be in by june 31st painting to be done in july particulars may be obtained from p b harrison secre- tary at tendbrh wanted tenders will be received by the un dersigned for tlie purchase of a frame building 80k4s feet until thursday ev ening june 37tli at 700 pm pull par ticulars may be secured by applying u it j mcplierson acton ont tlie low est or any tender not neccwarlly ac cepted ii n parmer acton ontario acton june nth 1029 dust abatement all residents desiring dust abate ment must have their petitions in the clerks office not later than thursday june 37th 1b39 3t by order of council auction sale op household effects ef ike late kebtrt j miller norval en thursday june thn 19 at j0 pm the following 3 piece bedroom suite 3 single iron beds springs and mattress 3 wood en beds washstand 3 toilet seta chest of drawers quilts and blankets 3 trunks 12 feather pillows side board 4 small tables electric lamp cangoelum rug 0x10 ft 10 yards linoleum 3 rocking chairs 3 rag carpets 30 yds 13 clialrs cupboard with gloss doors large table cabinet table clock and pictures cook stove 3 burner oil stove with oven heater coal odd dishes full set dinner dishes do sliver knives and porks s lamps other cutlery 00 fruit jars 3 wringers other articles too num erous to mention terms cash ben fetch frank huhtlee auctioneer clerk notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of oordon albert barnes late el the township ef esaaealag in the county el llalton inrant de ceased notice ib hereby oiven pur suant to section si of tlie trustee act rso 1037 chap 10 that all credi tors and others having claims or de mands against the estate of the said oordon albert barnes infant de ceased who died on or about tlie loth day of august 1033 are required on or before the 10th day of july 1020 to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for john barncti the administrator of the estate ot hit said deceased their christian namrn and surnames addresses and descrip tions the full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of ttir se curity if any held by them and take notice that after such last mentioned day the said adminis trator will proceed to distribute tha as sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim no tice shall not have been received by him at the time of such dlitrlbutton dated al oeorgetown this lotli day of june 1030 john a thompson solicitor for the said administrator i for 1929 motoriii conditions royal cord here la tha 1020 tire for the 1020 car nevr in design and conitructlon extra thick tread has deepcot block to give greater nonsldd mileage rugged carcan is built with web eorct it has strength where 1020 motoring con ditions demand it sidewalls are strongly buttressed to re slit rut and curb wear for safety and long mileage for the job your 1030 cat hat to do tlie new royal cord is the one tire for you dominion tire depot geoiktovn thou j speight for your comfort this simmons bed outfit is low in price but high in quality no matter how well furnished your home may be downstairs if your bedrooms arc not equipped with simmons quality mer chandise there is room for improvement we have a wide range of simmons bedi springs and mattresses on display as units or outfits h c mcclure home furnimhinj store phone 54 cirjjjjui

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