Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1929, p. 6

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pae 6 r tr irr iaaa arr n the georgetown herald wednesday june 19th 1929 all the goodness of the wheat in a tasty digestible form shredded heat with all the bran of the whole wheat crisp it in die oven eat it crumbled up of in biscuit torm cover it with cooling cream or milk rich in all the food el meat you need vitamin and salt deucloui for any meal sam the put inserts in each padmg notice to creditors in the mattm or tlik estate op eupiiemia cowan tale e lb town lh la ub crtr el haltew milt aposs osw-bfvb- sw uww june aeyir aax aav m j t w the month of so many weddingsis here what would be more appreciated for n wedding gift than n beautiful ailver plated table piece cake plate salad bowls pie plate j bread trays vegetable dish i sandwich plate f or a beautiful vifeour strilce mantel clock made by seth thomaa maker of the finest cloeka on the market some might prefer a cabinet of knive fork and spoons call and inspect our good a b willson neat to hold mcgtbbott georgetown t bbeauujyfat vumiba u 3bbbbbl seed corn imp learning wii no 7 golden glow w c y dent virginia eureka mangel sugar beet and turnip seed seeds of all kinds georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey proprietor phone 195 georgetown livingstones bakery special 1 banana cakea per dozen 35c best quality bread brown bread 9c white bread 9c watch our window for choice baking d livingstone phone ss georgetown notice ib hereby oivem pur suant to bectlon bt ol the trusts act hbo 1017 chap 180 that all creditors and others having claims or demands sgaliul ths mists of ths said buhpemla cowan widow dscsaaed wlio died oil or about ths 30th day of may ims at the otly of toronto in the counly of york ars required on or berors the blh day of july ibm to send by post prepaid or deliver lo uie undersigned solicitor for christina mccann layeax lit admln- istralru of uu estate of the said de ceased uislr christian nanus and sur names addresses and descriptions lite full particulars 111 writing of tllelr claims and ths nature of uts security if any held by them and take not10h uiat alter such last mentioned day uts said ad ministratrix will proceed lo distribute uie osseui of uie said deceased among the parties entitled hereto having return only to the claims ol which she iliall uien have notice and uiat uie said administratrix will not be liable for the said ousts or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not hove been received by her at uie time of such distribution dated at ofortabtown ulu fifth day of june 1020 john a tlloupflon solicitor for the said administratrix memoarland oh whats th way to saamorylandr z fear ive quits forgot i peer through busts of vanished years but no familiar spot reminds we of the weuwom wsy that leads to yesteryear glimpse no old familiar turn no crossroads far or near oh whats the way to memoryland it cannot be that i but yesterday a lltue child lave lost uie bit of sky that bent above my lathers house the arching elms below u cannot be no sign or guide can tell me where to gal oh whsis uie way to uemoryuutdt i seek each path and lane rite orcliard near the vanished home ttie sunset wlndowpane i lum my gate within my breast and tliere uie world apart i find tlie way to uemoryland cloaehld within my tieartl the bootery i eaee eeeeee ntxt door to pott of fie high grade boots and shoes we stock narrow fittinss ladje a gent hiwlery work boot thai will stand the strain hygrade repairing will f smith main street win w mt mwid why what will yo dot modbbm woman he svsry right to ask tus dues via of the mm who wli to wksa a i ue aothmg tsw woasaa pos sibly gives up a nnfflf bom a good job sad a certain soonomle independence what u her compensation very riniiltiijr shs bscomse a bard wetuag wits sad mother with- out pay ir death comes rideag aod gathers up the husbsed she may be left with the cars sad anaacisl worry of a yaung fsnuly its well to give presents to a bnoc but many a bridegroom mkht better give his bruts a life tnsursbcs pokey far a few thnuesnd doners such a gift 1 the true messurs of be iateasloa to provide until death sad beyond writs for pamphlet tntuud protection st a low sate of premium it is outte intereet- lag addreati confederation life hjo0kt touotrro t kuuuct laeal ateat lieerfsfewn oat j sanford stewarttown plumbing atittsmllhlnfl eaflaulu cheeriimy uvm phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 if you are looking for on investment for your money tine uid-oontin- ent bond corp offers second standard royalties one of the safest 8eunue to be had safe as a bonk and pays good divi dends every month information gladly given for the asking without obligation to you h w dawson io bm u ewmftoh ont dlstrtflt rprenuuvm i hivt opaningf for ft few local acsnu live stock au kihdo 09 uvk btonc bodoht and bold i head or a oar load references- imperial bank of oanarla rogers road and buverthoro ave toronto ont a neilson osergatsn na i rhaaa mltua tltu herald advertising pays aevelllag atsaalese standard anthracite scranton coal in all slna arjtomgtloally boroenad and rjoadad coal wood 8alaet taomp tor domestic and tbreablnu pdrpaaag 8milbibg and oannal coal id foot loarry evarytblnc to be found in any upto data coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone h georgetown advantage or soob wtnh childstsn presidentemeritus elliot of harvard firmly believes that every normal boy like every man who is worth his salt likes productive labor and should have his chance early in contributing some thing to uie fsmlly in a lata har vest dr elliot sets down some of his opinions as follows the countrybred child who has ta ken active part in the defense of the family against the rigors of nature and in the support and care of the house hold hae learned lessons in coopera tion and loving service that have high moral value and promise much for the adult life the thoughtful son of a poor man is sure to learn early two lessons that will be useful all hu ufe the first is to avoid unnecessary spending the second is to save money or goods for future use he distinguishes be tween transitory and durable satis factions and avoids spending his earn ings for the unsatisfying gratifications in order to use his money later on the satisfying this is firstrate practice in discriminating and oslfcontrol the children of the welltodo are likely to keep up a steady small ex penditure on trivial luxuries the call dren ol poor wen have to deny them selves silly axaendltures to their great advantage both physical and moral they learn to go without cheerfully not to spend and not to waits the children of proleotlanal men of small income a well as the children of farmers mechanics or laborers can often get this training in productive labor cooperation and economy the boys can do all the heavy work of the household like taking care of the fur nace carrying coal and kindling to the kitchen blacking boots and shoes shoveling snow in whiter and keeping the f root yard and back yard neat all the year round one day i was looking at the lull length portrait of a professional man in company with on of his sons who within a lew yean after leaving coll ege had already become on eminent railway manager the portrait seem ed to me a strong llkensss both as to face sm s to figure but when i ask- mi the sop whst he thought of it be replied with anthuslasm its admlr- ali those ar lb very boots that ive cleaned hundreds of times that tenstbur father who knew well how to faring up his boys was always obliged to live frugally be cause be hod a large family and moderate salary but ha used a long serviceable and happy life that son who was so serviceable at home be came a distinguished business man and a wise phllsnthroplet frlendl am influent hh all sorts and con- any bmwho i promising rrteany and morally tatas keen sstu in contributing to the welfare of the household grid to the saie of mind of the father afm mother with regard to the family income and its best appll- alrls who help their mothers in earing for the bouse and the chil dren win a similar satisfaction and moral gain it would he dlmeult to exaggerate the advantag children thus brought up hav over children who ere always at tended by hired servants so that they never do any work either for them selves or for their parents there is a corulderabls moral difference between a person who u clean tidy and orderly through hi own habitual action and the person who 1 mad so only by the action of servants poor mens children receive a valu able training in going without super- flultlas and in avoiding serosa and this training some in a perfectly natural and inevitable way and not through artificial regulation or disci pline such experience heightens the enjoyment of rjaoeeserles and eonifotts not only lo childhood but alio all through later ufe it is a gran error to suppose that luxurious living la more enjoyable than plain living on the eontrory plain uvtng is much the more enjoyable in the long run be sides being more wholesome ewitmh both row canadian rasuca hlr artkwr vagsi tens the hiavy a rraetleal emlarauaa ksenlanat walk mr nulla- li si deals wuh the wlew laueaalieaal assert 1 the rrauea on behalf of the young miners and tons of millers in the distressed coal- lleld areas lite vmca recently su to an agreement with uie united church of canada enabling it to send out a hundred of these boys lo farm vork under carefullyselected farmers in uiat country wliere necessary dies boys were provided wlui complete tit and wlut a little money to have in iielr pockets on landing vjioa velfar ofneers accompanied uiem on joard uie sliliw and as for as the trolli ng tioalel of lite united ohurcli of janada ut norvul ontario writes rlr ruiur k vapp national hecreuiry m o a in tlie emplro review each boy receives a beginning wage if 10s in addition to his board and odglng and is encouraged to save so jul he may hi time buy his own farm ii by uie time he reaches uie age ol wentyone lie lias managed to save at eutfloo and has been able to eon- jlnce the auuiorillea ol his capability- for running a larm ne la eligible for a jovemmenl loan of too to enable ilm to acquire a farm this loan may i paid back in small amounts over period of twenty years every one of beet boys has uie opportunity ui opportunity which he can- tot always secure in uie old oountry if building up a happy and successful areer we hope to send out at least mother six hundred boys under the tame scheme wtuiim the next few months the spirit of adventure is by means dead in the young britisher of 1ki9 and i am convinced that many houssnds of our young fellows have great future hi on or other of the dominions there is far mare room it lb top of the ladder in canada or australia than there is in england cven round the bottom there is more yjom in bolh these countries there ire vsst unoccupied resources both xn lands of great hope for uie young ornish emigrant always provided if le is ol the right sort the world is not over populated the uahhuslan doctrine that the pop- ilatlon of the world is increasing more apldly than human capacity to feed and clothe the race i discredited by actual facts writs the hu hon p jnowden in the windsor uogaslna the word could never be overpop ulated urdesa the resources of nature ehen fully exploited by scientific know- ledge and human labour were inade- oust to provide all the people wlui reasonable standard of ufe sine the beginning at the indus- rial revolution the power to produce walth has advanced mora rapidly ihan in increase of uie world popu lation that is likely to continue and so long as it does there can be no problem of world overpopulauon in the aggregate theres a problem of geographical congestion of population in a rela tive sense some countries are o populated and others an sparsely pop ulated the underpopulauon of coun- rles which have great natural resour- jes which ore lying undeveloped for the lack ol population u a gnat loss to the wealth of the world and is at the same time on aggravation of the econnmlc dltncultles of the man den- ely populated countries then is no man important ques tion demanding international oo-op- jrauon and organisation than that of jpreading the population more evenly jver the foot of the earth the subject bristles with difficulties js th axohancelior of the ex- jhequer frankly admits but whue rec- fgnlng the standpoint of the three treat countries australia canada and th united aulas which liave treated notices forbidding th yellow man to nter their territories mr jnowden declare himself in this mat ter on internationalist lie adds th problem is really on of na tionalism versus internationalism- it will only be solved by recognising that the wbol earth is the common heri tage of the wbol population of th world and that its resources should at regarded as a common herttag available lor every race and nation then appear to be only on solu tion and in th present temper of th countries which might absorb im migrants this seems unlikely to be adopted just yet that pun would ue some intematlonal arrangement on the quota system by which the crowd ed countries might send regularly an agreed quota of immigrants to th underpopulated countries the worlds largest sound system h ere an rjth ere its uor tbsn tflooo scrsi of ladlaa lands which laclug son of lb beat agricultural areas la the paac river district ar likely lo be solg at suction id tbs nssr future this aetlaa will la all probability follow- a lurvsy lost is belog msde la th aortb eoubtry by w uorrlaoa laspsctor of indue agsaela far the tare westsrn arovtne aits baextauirters at realas a gw industry badgar fam ing rosy b started la ssskatca- wsn by joha rothsgbergsr fsrmar of vanguard lust sprlgg air rotbsnbsrgar caught a badger and four pupa he built a isrge pea about is feet long and i leu wide during summsr h fg lb badgra until tnsy are now quit tarn and an said lo be urgtr tbsn ay bsdgir running wild tbslr coats ar id sscsllsnt condition and of fers of in for sgcb skin bar bun roclvd a nw world record was sat by lbs caaadlaa pacific railway ra- csnlly wbn a train of grata awn than a mil la isnalb was oparatad betwssn slougbton and areola la basastehswan it was to loagwt and bvlett grain train lo history coaslsung of 135 loaded grain can each approximately 40 fast in langtb a water car eabooa and nglaa to gross wlght wo its2 tons and th total oonunt of th ears were 101000 bushel of grain the ealhualaam of th cltlieai of quebec is so infectious that it la an easy matter to inlarest visi tors in wlntar sports ststad j o btratbdoa wlatr sports nuoagar of th chateau kraataaac in giving a forecast of this wlntere pro- gramms skating aiding and to bogganing will be in full swing as usual th dog derby will mast ear- talaly tsks plies and th le csr- alvals and storming of th ttadl wui probsoly be featured again be ssld ifr suratodee aianlloesd tea splendid coonarstlon glva lb winter srlltlllaa si i us chatssu rroauasp by lb qusbse wlntsr anort assoctttloe general news on wednesday hut week osmeron pickering of snider comers was un fortunate enough to he lucked by hone and his arm was broken rockwood cemetery with ii perpet ual can system 1 beginning to pre sent a very attractive appearance h has assumed quit a raetropoutan air under th new and iranrovsd plan accident claimed sevsn lives in ontario over the weekend while th usual quota of motorist more or law seriously injured am lying in- hospitals throughout th province a the result of highway trafu urs duff widow ol th ut thomas duff celebrated bar und birthday on friday lost and an th recipient of many flower and congratulations urs duff who i on of miltons old- eat residents i enjoying good health weed inspector ol th oountle of peel and ttalton holding their second annual meeting at brampton but weak decided that these two oounues an outstanding in th absence of weeds especially along th provincial and county highway at th regular muting of milton town council a communication was read from th railway board stating uiat a wigwag signal would be placed aot uu canadian pacific railway crossing on martin fltrset with no ex pense to lb town muton ha several a rand old la dles who on naarlna th otntury mark in point of an a short urn ago mrs wm emlley celebrated bar bind birthday la th njoymnt of good health and th recipient of flowen and congnttulatlorii an appeal will be mad to th court of revision postvllle on june aoui by victor hall james t jsrvls and about iso residents from the northern section of trafalgar township against th low rat of assessment on residential property along the lajteahon highway delegata from th various all fain in york peel snd halton counties ga thered at th victoria hotel brampton and discussed th problem of attrac tions th opinion was general that horse race an galnmg in popularity and various changes in rule wen ad vocated o m heddle of oakvtu ha pur chased th major pox estate in tra falgar on of th beat known farms in that township and on nnsansilng many possibilities as to plctureeque- ness ol a natural and artificial nature it to possible that mr heddle may slock th creek with trout and make lib farm preaerv for gam ne bora york t caaadlaa pacta hotel la rndl a beneath th idthali tb 1 lb toronto ajoa jackilsbting aqulpped with ian leingl rii ttsive esntruixw ad public address system ever attempted in any part of tb world th equipment was designed and oanufaettirad eaboretoria ol th northern else- lunjred bad room will isafcrs sdlrerant aoureu fb vice atpule will b aqulppad with specially designed loudepeaken having th most pleasing tone quality and an artistic appearance in kaeplng with tb dscoratloa of the suite in the main dining room vail room banquet hall convention ball roof hideo and the privet dining roams will be located group of both microphone and bornef permitting tltbsr th pltklng up of program from ths loeauon and th broadeastlag of them to all parts of th house or th dlstrlbuuon ol a ptogtaut hi tay one of tbeae points from any cdbsr locsllty or via mdja from outsld two highly seniluve and ultra selective radio neemng act will be loetd in th control room oa tb fourth floor there also will be found imposing miner and control panels nd nv ateel framed ampllner of boosting up u i reoslvad mgaauaiaa iiowpmxm t fill aaouga p dajlvar good at all point la tb bulldlni yet may be tuned down t iae softsst ones desired torua moo restful etiurtalaausd iataa prtraa u pydos eurnat kupary late tao m ajfela pawr aoure num to oparot thee vaitatu aystaasa thaw function throng aaaie rratv hundred and tt auaa tansd7opier wtf upply- muslcsltertsimbenttovtw corauojudaasodarbhow re i lag tail per bale double house queen sl each aide oontainlng v rooms bathroom 3 oell- ar lumaoe lectrlellght om hard wood noon also i lots with bam hen house garage fruit tree par partic ulars apply mr o a anderson sm beresford ave toronto 3tp wood ralls emo alngt cord delivered mixed wood auo hardwood am sin gle cord j h bmlth phone ttrl3 oaorgatown tl wd far aai vary choice hardwood beech and itapl mm par alngl cord choice hardwood slabs sl19 par single cord mixed rail uo0 par single cord mixed wood elm par slngl cord this is oil good sound dry wood and at these price to good buying satisfac tion guaranteed j braadfard box too phone wjj georgetown oet year larbsg mesas now wiijifjf go bands chicken netting oeuogbu coops cod uvar oil dust ount egg bcsiea egg testers pesders pountalha olaas cloth leal uceklller ineubaton tbiirnasaful and btntalo es- sctrlcs sprayers spray pumns abu everyday hoppsn ai u you want tb baat lyon burglar pin alarms and tim swttchu for turning on and off your ugntaj a orelg phone 330 georgetown ont oetihe facts and save your money nauniui- lusmtoov ser your local tinsmith carpentrr good brakes prevent accidents it is the imperative duty of every motorist to keep his drakes in nrtclass mechanical condition at thirtyfive miles an hour fourwheel brakes should be able to stop a car in 72 feet but at a 50 mile speed 150 feet are required some day your life or the lives of others will depend upon your braking equipment keep the highways safe for yourself and others by always having good brakes 5rfltt c r r e acqmmdn a 5en5e highway safety committee hon geo s henry ouiirntan

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